BBL AXA Lille - Nearable and the Eddystone Quest

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Transcript of BBL AXA Lille - Nearable and the Eddystone Quest

Nearablesthe Eddystone Quest

Follow @thedamfr

With iBeacon, Apple is going to dump on NFC and embrace the internet of things

Hari Gottipati - GIGAOM

Unexpected behaviour

Going under the hood

Bluetooth LE1

Bluetooth is a Data transfer stack + Lightweight

+ Compact + Easy to embed

+ Connected (sim. to TCP-Sockets)

Bluetooth Low Energy is an additional layer allowing punctual

communication #Paquets


Let speak about GATT

GATT Generic Attribute Profile

GATT is a Client-Serveur arch.

GATT is a Client-Serveur arch.

Client begin request, get the value of an attribute, write an attribute

GATT is a Client-Serveur arch.

Client begin request, get the value of an attribute, write an attribute

Server complete request, send the value, edit the values

Smartphone Object

Smartphone Object

Client Server


Each attribute is identified with a UUID

There is 3 kind of attributes


A characteristic represent a value. For example, the value measured by a sensor

An accelerometer will expose a Characteristic for each axis

You can : + Read a Characteristic + write a Characteristic.

+ receive notification or indication from a Characteristic


A Characteristic can expose multiple Descriptors. Descriptors should give additional information about the

Characteristic For example, the measurement unit.

For a temperature : °C,°F, K.


You can : + Read a Descriptor + Write a Descriptor

+ read all Descriptors of a Characteristic


A Service is a collection of attributes It can contains : + Descriptors

+ Characteristics + other Services (called Secondary Services)

You can : + Discover all primary services

+ Discover all attributes of a service




Client Server


An adversting PDU specify an identifier, a pairing protocol and more


Advertising Mode is used when a device wants to let an other

know about its proximity

Bluetooth advertising is a method of mobile advertising that utilises bluetooth technology to deliver advertisements to mobile devices such as cellular phones.Wikipedia - 2008

Bluetooth advertising transmitters are set up to detect bluetooth devices within transmission range. When a device is detected, the advertising transmitter sends out a message asking the recipients if they would like to view a promotional text message, video clip, animation or even a business card. This way of advertising is very efficient and very cheap at the same time. One test of such a service at railway stations detected 87,000 phones over a period of two weeks and achieved a response of 15%.[1]This form of advertising has been used to deliver ads for a car in the London subway system[2] as well as for United States Navy Reserve recruitment.

Wikipedia - 2008

Bluetooth advertising transmitters are set up to detect bluetooth devices within transmission range. When a device is detected, the advertising transmitter sends out a message asking the recipients if they would like to view a promotional text message, video clip, animation or even a business card. This way of advertising is very efficient and very cheap at the same time. One test of such a service at railway stations detected 87,000 phones over a period of two weeks and achieved a response of 15%.[1]This form of advertising has been used to deliver ads for a car in the London subway system[2] as well as for United States Navy Reserve recruitment.

Wikipedia - 2008

Bluetooth advertising transmitters are set up to detect bluetooth devices within transmission range. When a device is detected, the advertising transmitter sends out a message asking the recipients if they would like to view a promotional text message, video clip, animation or even a business card. This way of advertising is very efficient and very cheap at the same time. One test of such a service at railway stations detected 87,000 phones over a period of two weeks and achieved a response of 15%.[1]This form of advertising has been used to deliver ads for a car in the London subway system[2] as well as for United States Navy Reserve recruitment.

Wikipedia - 2008


An iBeacon Device is using advertising mode

with a specific frame

iBeacon PacketExemple

fb0b57a2-8228-44 cd-913a-94a122ba1206 Major 1 Minor 2 twPower 90

UUID Unique Identifier for a group of beacon, a region

Major A value identifying a group of beacons

Minor A value identifying this specific Device

txPower Signal strength at 1m

Understanding Region

A Ble Device like your smartphoneAct as a scanning device for a very short period

At the end of the periodIf no advertising frame has been received

The scanning device is said out of the Region

Understanding Region

Comprendre la notion de Région

A la fin du Scan, si les paquets d'advertising d'une beacon n'ont pas été détectés, on peut

dire qu'on est Hors-Région

A la fin du Scan, si les paquets d'advertising d'une iBeacon ont été détecté, on est dans la région et l'on peut mesurer la puissance du

signal pour estimer la distance

At the end of the periodIf no advertising frame has been received

The scanning devis is said out of the Region

Understanding Region

At the end of the periodIf no advertising frame has been received

The scanning device is said out of the Region

If a frame is detected, the scanning device is said in the Region And we can measure the signal strength

to range it

Understanding Region

What sucks with iBeacon ?

Not an open-source specification

What sucks with iBeacon ?

Not an open-source specification

Interoperability require reverse engineering

What sucks with iBeacon ?

Solution ?

AltBeacon The Open and

Interoperable Proximity Beacon Specifica:on

Design Goals

• Provide a concise proximity adver3sing message for interchange of proximity informa3on between adver3sers and scanners

• Maintain compliance with Bluetooth Specifica3on Version 4.0 by u3lizing defined adver3sing PDU and adver3sing data structures

• Encourage adop3on by all interested par3es by avoiding any obvious implementa3on restric3ons

• Enable the implementa3on of vendor-specific features, if possible

Advertising PDU


AD LENGTH Length of the type and data por6on of the Manufacturer Specific adver6sing data structure.

AD TYPE Type represen6ng the Manufacturer Specific adver6sing data structure.

MFG ID The beacon device manufacturer's company iden6fier code

BEACON CODE The AltBeacon adver6sement code

BEACON ID A 20-byte value uniquely iden6fying the beacon

REFERENCE RSSI A 1-byte value represen6ng the average received signal strength at

1m from the adver6serMFG RESERVED Reserved for use by the

manufacturer to implement special features

Eddystonean open beacon format from Google

Design Goals

• Works well with Android and iOS Bluetooth developer APIs

• StraighOorward implementa3on on a wide range of exis3ng BLE devices

• Flexible architecture permiRng development of new frame types

• Fully compliant with the Bluetooth Core Specifica3on

Multiples Frame Types

• Eddystone-UID • Eddystone-URL • Eddystone-TLM



RANGING DATA Calibrated Tx power at 0 m





RANGING DATA Calibrated Tx power at 0 m



URL Scheme Prefix

0 hWp://www.

1 hWps://www.

2 hWp://

3 hWps://


Specify an Eddystone-URL Configura3on GATT Service



VERSION 1-byte





Proximity Beacon API

Proximity Beacon API

The Proximity Beacon API is a cloud service that allows you to manage data associated with your BLE beacons using a REST interface.

Proximity Beacon API

Support : • Eddystone format • iBeacon format • AltBeacon format

Proximity Beacon API

Place API : • Place ID • Loca3on (lat,lng) • Indoor floor • Stability

Proximity Beacon API

Message API • NamespacedType • Data (1024 bytes)

Proximity Beacon API

Monitoring Report Telemetry Api will determine: • Predicted ba]ery death. • Beacons that have moved away

from their registered loca3on. • Unusually low detec3on rates.

Getting RealGet some Hardware

Getting Real

In House

• Use a beacon to monitor how much 3me you spend in each rooms

• Use a beacon to indicate proximity with to the NEST API

• Use a beacon to send an automated text message when you get home

Getting RealReal life usecase :

• The city bus has a beacon on it • Your car as a beacon on it • Your bus stop has a beacon on it • The restaurant automatically book you a table

on the fly when you get in • You get notified of a flash promo when walking

in front of an IRL shop
