Bastille album cover

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Bastille album cover

The name of the artist is boldly written on the cover of the album, in order to make the fans/consumer aware of the artist.

The bold black writing catches attention, and is made obvious to the fans.

The triangle in replacement of the ‘A’, connotes the idea of the artist being different and quirky. It suggests that their music may also be different and maybe attract a wider audience.

The background behind the title, contrasts with the title, due to the background being an image of a sky. The warm colours are soothing, and therefore may suggest their music is soothing. However, the typography subverts this idea, with the title being bold and obvious.

The typography for the title of the album, is the same as the name of the artist. This therefore helps grab the consumer’s attention.

The title of the album ‘Bad Blood’ is in bold black writing, which helps grab the consumer’s attention. The bold writing makes the title of the album stand out, and therefore the consumer can easily find the album. Also it grabs attention, so people may come across it accidentally, and subsequently buy it as a result of realising who the artist is.

The ‘A’ is replaced with a triangle again, as in the name of the artist. This suggests the artist has consistency, and therefore may connote the idea that all of their music follows the same genre and is consistent.

The words ‘all this’ are written in capitals, yet aren’t in the same font or colour as the title of the album. This tells the consumer that this isn’t necessarily part of the official title, however is put in their as either a pun, or it has deeper meaning; such as being lyrics in on of their songs.

In the centre of the album cover, there’s the image of this car. The car however looks worn and old, however this may be the effect on the photograph. This may suggest that this is the representation the artist want their fans to think of them, as old and worn. This may also be a symbol of the artist wanting the fans to trust their music, as they’ve been playing for a long time.

The photograph has been taken with snow on the ground, which tells the consumer it was cold when this photo was taken. It suggests that some of their songs may be cold, and maybe contain a darker meaning to the lyrics, which may be heartless in some songs. The photograph has been taken and edited so that the snow isn’t a pure white, and has a hint of grey to it, which suggests that their music isn’t pure, and perhaps has some inappropriate words in their songs, or some of their songs have deeper meanings, which aren’t pure.

The mountain ranges in the background suggest a sense of adventure, which connotes the idea of fun and enjoyment. This suggest that some of their songs may have a sense of enjoyment in them, or enjoyment within their meanings. It also suggests the artist likes adventures, which are portrayed and shown through their songs.

The background behind the name of the artist is the image of a cool sky, with warm pastel shades of white and subtle hints of purple. This suggests the music may be calming, and relaxing in some songs.

The colours in the background subvert the idea of dark songs and deep meanings, which the titles connote. This contrasts the colours and the titles completely, suggesting there may be a mixture of both calming and happy songs, and some deeper and darker songs within the album.