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Basis of host plant recognition and acceptance by Busseola

fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae

Gerald Juma

A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment for the Degree of Doctor

of Philosophy in Biochemistry in the Jomo Kenyatta

University of Agriculture and Technology




This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other


Signed…………..……..................... Date....................................

Gerald Juma

This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as university


Signed…………..……..................... Date....................................

Prof. Gabriel Magoma

JKUAT, Kenya

Signed…………..……..................... Date....................................

Dr. Paul-André Calatayud

IRD / ICIPE- Kenya

Signed…………..……..................... Date....................................

Dr. Bruno Le Rü




This piece of work is dedicated to my lovely mum, Kalasina, my dear wife

Carolyn, my lovely children, Faith and Ken and my late brother Kenneth.

To mum and Kenneth: Thank you for your love, care, endurance and prayers

To Carolyn, Faith and Ken: You’re the source of my inspiration.



I would like to sincerely and warmly thank all the persons who participated in the

achievement of this work. Specifically, I acknowledge with gratitude my sponsors,

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and International Centre of

Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) for the financial support they provided for

this research. I sincerely thank Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and

Technology (JKUAT) for having granted me the opportunity to pursue my studies

and for providing me with the ever encouranging and ready to assist academic

mentors. I wish to specially thank Dr. Paul-André Calatayud for granting me the

chance to conduct my PhD research project, for his immense contribution to this

work, constructive advice and critically reviewing the manuscript as well as for his

encouragements and support during difficult moments.

I wish to sincerely thank my supervisors Prof Gabriel. Magoma and Dr Bruno LeRü

for the deep interest they took in this work and for the immense guidance and

critical discussion rendered during various stages of my study period. I also extend

my sincere and warm thanks to Dr. Baldwin Torto for allowing me to conduct my

work in his laboratory, members and all my fellow students in the Chemical

Ecology department for all the rich discussions that we had during my research

work. Special thanks go to Dr. Njagi for his guidance in carrying out

electrophysiological tip recording experiments, Mathayo Chimtawi for his guidance

in scanning electron microscopy and Anthony Wanjoya in my data analysis. A lot of

appreciation goes to Mr. Peter Ahuya, Edward Nyandat, John Angira, Onesmus

Wanyama, Peter Malusi and Edwin Rono for their technical support.


I am indeed grateful to Mr. George Ong’amo for his assistance in the molecular

characterisation and Margret Thiong'o and Laure Dutaur of ICRAF for their

immense and tireless efforts in assisting in HPLC analyses of my samples and Mr.

Wambua of Geology Department for his technical support rendered in the

determination of silica in my plant samples. Special thanks go to all colleagues and

staff of Chemical Ecology, Biodiversity, Bioprospecting, Molecular Biology and

Biochemistry units for their assistance, support, cooperation and encouragement

rendered during my research work. Special thanks go to the members of my jury

who kindly accepted to judge my work.

My deepest gratitude go to my family, first my wife Carolyn, our daughter, Faith

and son Ken, who endured periods of my prolonged absence from home and for

their patience, love and unfailing encouragement. I remain indebted to my mother,

my siblings and friends who have been there for me all this trying time. To all who

are not mentioned but in one way or another contributed towards the successful

completion of this work, I say a big thank you.

Finally, I am grateful to the almighty God for giving me the courage, wisdom,

strength and motivation and enabling me to complete this work successfully and

within stipulated time.

Thanks to all and God bless you.



DECLARATION ......................................................................................................II

DEDICATION .........................................................................................................III


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................VI

LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................... X

LIST OF FIGURES ...............................................................................................XIII

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................XV

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..............................................................................XVII

ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................XIX

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................1

1. 0: INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................1

1. 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................1

1. 2: RATIONALE ...........................................................................................................5

1. 3: GENERAL OBJECTIVE............................................................................................7

1.3.1: SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................7

1. 4: L ITERATURE REVIEW ..........................................................................................8


1. 4. 2: INFLUENCE OF PLANT CHEMISTRY IN HOST CHOICE.........................................11

1. 4. 3: PHYLOGENETIC CONSTRAINTS TO HOST USE....................................................14

1. 4. 4: PHYSIOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS TO HOST USE..................................................17

1. 4. 5: “L EARNING” AS A MECHANISM OF HOST SWITCH.............................................18

1. 4. 6: ECOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS TO HOST CHOICE..................................................20



1. 4. 8: NEURAL CONSTRAINTS TO FOOD CHOICE.........................................................22

CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................25


ANTENNAE AND MAXILLAE OF B. FUSCA LARVAE...........................25

2. 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................25

2. 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS..............................................................................26

2. 2. 1: INSECT REARING.............................................................................................26

2. 2. 2: SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY................................................................28

2. 2. 3: SILVER NITRATE STAINING ..............................................................................28

2. 2. 4: ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY.....................................................................................29

2. 2. 5: DATA ANALYSIS ..............................................................................................30

2. 3: RESULTS ............................................................................................................30

2. 3. 1: SENSILLA PRESENT ON THE LARVAL ANTENNAE..............................................30

2. 3. 2: SENSILLA PRESENT ON THE LARVAL MAXILLAE ..............................................34

2. 4: DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................38

CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................42


SURVIVAL AND GROWTH OF B. FUSCA LARVAE................................42

3. 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................42

3. 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS..............................................................................44

3. 2. 1: INSECTS..........................................................................................................44


3. 2. 2: PLANTS ...........................................................................................................45


3. 2. 4: PREPARATION AND EXTRACTION OF PLANT LEAF POWDERS............................46

3. 2. 5: FEEDING PREFERENCE TESTS...........................................................................47

3.2.6: ANALYSIS OF SIMPLE SUGARS IN PLANT LEAF EXTRACTS..................................51




3.2.11: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ..................................................................................56

3.4: RESULTS.............................................................................................................57



LARVAE ...........................................................................................................60


3. 5: DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................75

CHAPTER FOUR ...................................................................................................83


FUSCA LARVAE IN RELATION HOST PLANT USE...............................83

4. 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................83

4. 2: MATERIALS AND METHODS..............................................................................86

4. 2. 1: INSECTS...........................................................................................................86




4. 2. 4: DNA ISOLATION AND PURIFICATION...............................................................89

4. 2. 5: CYTOCHROME B GENE AMPLIFICATION AND DIGESTION..................................90

4. 2. 6: CYTOCHROME B GENE SEQUENCING AND ANALYSIS........................................91

4. 3: RESULTS ............................................................................................................92


4. 3. 2: POPULATION DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................96

4. 4: DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................99

CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................107


5. 1: GENERAL DISCUSSION.....................................................................................107

5. 2: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................113

6. 0: REFERENCES ..............................................................................................119

7. 0: APPENDICES................................................................................................159



Table 2.1: Amount of ingredients used to prepare a litre of artificial diet used to

rear Busseola fusca larvae (Onyango and Ochieng’-Odero, 1994)...27

Table 2.2: Meana lengths (µm, ± SE; n=4) of antennal sensilla of Busseola fusca

neonate and third instar larvae...........................................................31

Table 2.3: Meana lengths (µm, ± SE; n=4) of maxillae sensilla of neonate and

third instar larvae of Busseola fusca..................................................35

Table 3.1: Percentage of surviving (mean1 ± SE, n=12) and growth rates (mg d-

1, mean2 ± SE) of Busseola fusca larvae recovered after 7, 19 and 31

days of infestation by neonates on different Poaceae plant species..59

Table 3.2: Percentages of surviving third instar Busseola fusca larvae recovered

(mean ± SE, n=8, except for Z. mays and S. arundinaceum n=7) and

growth rates (mg d-1, mean ± SE) after 7 and 19 days of infestation

on different plant species...................................................................60

Table 3.3: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=30) for third instar

Busseola fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude leaf extracts

of different plant species topically applied on Styrofoam carrier

matrices under no-choice conditions.................................................62

Table 3.4: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=30) for third instar

Busseola fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude leaf extracts

of different plant species topically applied on Styrofoam carrier

matrices under dual choice conditions..............................................63

Table 3.5: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=30) of third instar

Busseola fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude leaf extracts


of different plant species topically applied on Styrofoam carrier

matrices under 4-choice conditions...................................................64

Table 3.6: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=87) of third instar

Busseola fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude methanol

extracts of different plant species topically applied on styrofoam

carrier matrices under 8-choice conditions........................................65

Table 3.7: Amount of different sugars (µg/mg of leaf dry weight, mean ± SE,

n=5) found in leaves of the plant species studied..............................67

Table 3.8: Relative proportion of sugars (%, mean ± SE, n=5) found in the dry

leaves of the plant species studied.....................................................68

Table 3.9: Content of total phenolic compounds (in µg gallic acid

equivalents/mg of dry leaf weight, mean ± SE, n=10) found in leaves

of the plant species studied................................................................69

Table 3.10: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=24) for third instar

Busseola fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on mixture of sucrose

and turanose of varying concentration topically applied on styrofoam

carrier matrices under no-choice (A) and 6-choice conditions (B)...71

Table 3.11: Amount of silica (mean ± SE, n=34) found in different Poacea plant

species used in the study....................................................................72

Table 4.1: Semi-quantitative analysis of enzyme activities in the homogenate of

entire neonate larvae (with decapitated heads) reared for 4 days on

different plants species. Enzyme activities (means ± SE, n=5)

correspond to the activities found in the crushed larval homogenate

(40 larvae per replicate). Activities correspond to the release of 5, 10


and 20 nmoles of substrate per 4 hours of incubation at 37°C (rate 0:

no change in activity)........................................................................94

Table 4.2: Correlations between enzyme activities and percentages of surviving

larva of Busseola fusca recovered or relative growth rates (RGR)

after 7, 19 or 31 days, following infestation by neonates. R-values

are given............................................................................................95

Table 4.3: Summary of the distribution of Busseola fusca clades with respect to

host plant species and locality...........................................................98

Table 4.4: Genetic diversity (mean ± SD) of the cytochrome b gene of Busseola

fusca sampled from Z. mays and A. donax from Kenya and Ethiopia

respectively............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



Figure 2.1: Antenna of third instar Busseola fusca larva.....................................32

Figure 2.3: Dose-response curves for sucrose obtained after contact with the

cone-shaped basiconic sensillum on the third antennal segment (A)

and with the maxillary palp (B) of third instar larva. ........................33

Figure 2.4: Maxilla of third instar Busseola fusca larva ......................................36

Figure 2.5: Contact electrophysiological recording of spike activity after contact

with a lateral sensillum styloconicum on the maxillary galea of a

third instar larva.................................................................................37

Figure 3.1: An illustration showing the preparation of Styrofoam cylinders (13

mm diameter, 35 mm long) used as feeding matrix for third instar

Busseola fusca larvae to which plant extracts were applied during

larval feeding bioassay. .....................................................................48

Figure 3.2: Illustrations for bioassay feeding setups for third instar Busseola

fusca larva: single choice (A) dual choice (B) 4-choice (C) and 8-

choice feeding tests (D)……. ............................................................50

Figure 3.3: Dose-response curves for relative feeding indices (mean ± SE, n=15)

obtained by increasing sucrose (A) or turanose (B) levels under no-

choice conditions. ..............................................................................70

Figure 3.4: Dose-response curves for percentage of surviving larvae recovered

(arcsin transformed values, mean ± SE, n=9) (A) and relative growth

rates (RGR) (mg.d-1, mean ± SE, n=9) (B) obtained after increasing

silica concentration. ...........................................................................74


Figure 4.1: A representative plate showing differential staining of the API ZYM

plate with ZYM A and ZYM B reagents after 4 hours of incubation

of homogenates of larvae fed on plant leaves with chromogenic

substrates ...........................................................................................93

Figure 4.2: A representative agarose gel electrophoresis plate of DNA products

of cytochrome b DNA fragment of several Busseola fusca larvae

randomly sampled from Z. mays and A. donax noted from 1 to 9

following PCR amplification and Xho restriction digestion. Distinct

bands were identified using 100bp ladder and results showed the

presence of two mitochondrial clades labelled KI and KII. ...............96



Appendix A: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 10mg/ml dried Zea mays methanol extracts

reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column in

Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine….…………………159

Appendix B: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 50mg/ml dried Sorghum arundinaceum

methanol extracts reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-

NH2 column in Sheds class-VP auto sampler machine……....160

Appendix C: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 50mg/ml dried Setaria megaphylla methanol

extracts reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column

in Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine………………….161

Appendix D: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 50mg/ml dried Panicum desteum methanol

extracts reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column

in Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine………………….162

Appendix E: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 50mg/ml dried Panicum maximum methanol

extracts reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column

in Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine………………….163


Appendix F: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 50mg/ml dried Arundo donax methanol

extracts reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column

in Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine………………….164

Appendix G: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 50mg/ml dried Peniseteum purpureum

methanol extracts reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-

NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine…...165

Appendix H: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection

of 2 µL solution of 12mg/ml mixture of sugar standard solutions

reconstituted in water into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column in

Shimdzu class-VP auto sampler machine………………….....166



AC/DC Alternate current/ Direct current

ANOVA Analysis of Variance

ARCU Animal Rearing and Containment Unit (ARCU)

CNRS National Centre of Scientific Research

Cyt b Cytochrome b

DIMBOA 4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1, 4-benzoxazin-3-one

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

ECB European corn borer

EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

FRI Feeding Response Index

GLM General Linear Model

HF Hydrofluoric acid

HCl Hydrochloric acid

HPLC High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

ICIPE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology

ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agro-Forestry

IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

KI Kenyan 1

KII Kenyan II

L/D Light/ Dark photoperiod proportion

LS Lateral Styloconicum

MFO Microsomal Function Oxidases

MS Medial Styloconicum


NCPA Nested Clade Phylogeographical Analysis

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)

PLSD Protected Least Significant Difference.

PVP Polyvinyl-pyrollidone

RGR Relative Growth Rate

Rh Relative humidity

SE Standard Error

SD Standard Deviation

SAS Statistical Analysis Software

SDS Sodium dodecyl sulphate

Taq Thermus aquaticus

UV Ultra-Violet



Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an important pest of maize and

sorghum in sub-Saharan Africa whose larvae exhibits oligophagic than polyphagic

feeding habits. The host plants for this species are primarily maize and sorghum

though some populations appear to be restricted on wild sorghum. The purpose of

this study was to determine the extent of oligophagy of larvae of this species based

on (i) the sensory abilities to discriminate among different host plants (ii) feeding

behaviour and growth on different Poaceae plant species present in its natural

habitat (iii) plant stimuli that influence larval growth and feeding and (iv) the

physiological adaptations to various host plant diets. The potential existence of

genetically determined host-plant associated populations was also investigated. The

results obtained from scanning microscopic preparations, selective silver nitrate

staining and dose response electrophysiological experiments indicate that larval

sensory structures present on the maxillae and the antennae are typical of other

lepidopteran species and consist mainly of multiporous olfactory and uniporous

gustatory sensilla. These sensorial equipments are thought to be involved in

discriminating amongst chemical cues important for larval host recognition and

selection. The gustatory role of both sensorial equipments was confirmed from the

significant and positive dose-response electrophysiological tip recording tests, for

the antennal sensillum (F1,56 = 41.637, P<0.0001) and for the maxillary palp (F1,58 =

32.124, P<0.0001) using increasing concentrations of sucrose. Moreover, this study

demonstrated for the first time the presence of antennal taste receptors on a

lepidopteran larva key to host choice, explaining the ability of larvae to quickly

evaluate the phago-suitability of the host plant following landing on its surface.


Among the selected Poacaeae plant species used and which form the natural feeding

repertoire of B. fusca, only Zea mays and Sorghum arundinaceum supported the

highest larval performance. Endogenous silica which is thought to negatively

influence feeding behaviour of many herbivorous insects, varied significantly

among the plant species studied. The amount of silica found among the plant

extracts studied ranged between 20µg/mg-55µg/mg of dry leaf weight following

spectrophotometric determination of each of the plant leaf samples digested with

dilute hydrofluoric acid. The silica levels in the plants’s digests correlated

negatively with both larval feeding and growth rates, hence confirming the

importance of silica as a significant barrier to dietary adaptation by B. fusca larvae.

All the polar and methanol-soluble plant extracts tested elicited feeding of third

instar larva as compared to the non-polar hexane extracts both in choice and in non-

choice bioassays. Methanol extracts of Z. mays, S. arundinaceum and Arundo donax

were however the most phagostimulatory. Plant sugar content as identified by HPLC

also varied among plants tested with sucrose contributing the highest (22µg/mg to

65µg/mg of dry leaf weight), which was an equivalent of between 25%-38% of the

total sugar content of each plant leaf extract analysed. Larval feeding positively

correlated with sucrose content but negatively with turanose, the most variable sugar

fraction (5-36µg/mg dry leaf weight) of the plant extracts analysed. However,

additional bioassays indicated that whereas turanose and sucrose play a

phagodeterrent and phagostimulant roles respectively, a balance between the two

(probably in the ratio of 3:1 respectively) appeared to be an important factor in host

acceptance for larval feeding. Therefore, the level of silica and the balance between


the two sugars in the plant leaves seem to be key determinants of host plant choice

and acceptance for feeding and growth by B. fusca larvae.

Larvae fed on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum; plants that supported the highest larval

survival and growth rates had pronounced levels of sugar than amino acid degrading

enzymes, indicating the general over reliance of larvae on carbohydrates over

proteins for survival. However, esterase enzymes were also highly induced in

homogenates of larvae that consumed leaves of their least preferred host plants that

included P. maximum P. desteum and S. megaphylla. These three plant species had

also the highest total phenolic content in their leaf tissues following

spectrophotometric determination of the same in their leave tissues. Therefore, the

induction of esterase in larvae fed on the three high phenolic containing plants could

possibly indicate the accompanying physiological responses of larvae to a specific

or a number of deterrent phenolic glycosides in the particular plant leaf tissue.

Finally, no conclusive evidence was deduced for host associated genetic

differentiation among individuals of B. fusca larva found on wild plants (A. donax)

or cultivated crops (Z. mays) as was inferred from genetic analysis of two fragments

of the gene coding for cytochrome b.




1. 1: General introduction

In sub-Saharan Africa, phytophagous lepidopteran stem borers are among the major

field insect pests that cause extensive damage to cereal crops, particularly maize and

sorghum (Ingram, 1958; Seshu Reddy, 1991). Yield losses caused by stemborer

pests are reported to vary widely among regions depending on the pest population

density and phenological stage of the crop at infestation. Estimates of crop losses

due to stemborer damage in sub-Saharan Africa varies from 20 to 40% of the

potential yield (Seshu Reddy and Walker, 1990; DeGroote, 2002), indicating the

importance of phytophagous stem borers as a major limiting factor of cereal crops

productivity in the region. Most cereal stem-borers of maize and sorghum are

generally polyphagous and have several other cultivated and non-cultivated

graminaceous host plants (Khan et al., 1991).

Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a phytophagous noctuid moth

indigenous and restricted to Africa, is among the most economically important and

widely spread stemborer pest of cereals in the sub-Saharan Africa (Harris and

Nwanze, 1992; Kfir et al., 2002). Third instars larvae of B. fusca always bore and

feed inside the stems of host plants (grasses and cereal crops) especially maize and

sorghum and therefore cause major yield losses in subsistence cereal production

throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The percentage loss of cultivated cereals accruing

from damage by B. fusca alone is estimated to range between 10 and 39% in


southern Africa (van den Berg and Ebenebe, 2001) and 4-73% in eastern Africa

(Seshu Reddy and Walker, 1990).

Larva which is the most destructive stage of this pest initially feeds on host plant

leaves but later, during its third instar stage, penetrates the stems and cause

extensive damage to the infested plants as a consequence of feeding and tunnelling

into the plant stem.

B. fusca is primarily a pest in the dry savannah zone of Africa with its distribution

status varying by region. It occurs throughout mainland Africa, south of the Sahara

and has been formally recorded in West, East and Southern Africa (Harris &

Nwanze, 1992). In West Africa, the species occurs from sea level to an altitude of in

excess of 2000 M including the wetter parts of the tree savannah of Ghana (Tams &

Bowden, 1953) and Burkina Faso (Nwanze, 1988). In Eastern and southern Africa,

B. fusca is generally a pest of higher altitudes, occurring at altitudes of between 600

and 2700 M (Sithole, 1989). In Southern Africa, B. fusca is the dominant stemborer

species at altitudes above 900 M but some populations have been found at a much

lower altitudes in the same region, indicating the ability of this species to adapt to

lowlands and warmer areas (Sithole, 1989). Similarly, some B. fusca populations

have been recently recovered from the coastal areas of Kenya and Tanzania

contradicting reports that previously indicated the absence of this species in coastal

regions (Harris and Nwanze, 1992), but similarly suggesting the ability of the B.

fusca to spread out in more areas than initially reported.

A Phylogenetic and Nested Clade Phylogeographical (NCPA) genetic analysis has

separated B. fusca into three geographically isolated population units: one from

Western Africa, and two from Eastern and Central Africa (Sezonlin et al., 2006).


These three population units display ecological preferences along altitudinal

gradients with the West African population primarily inhabiting the low altitudes of

dry savannah zones (Harris and Nwanze, 1992). The East and central Africa

populations predominantly inhabit the wet and cold zones of the highlands (Kfir et

al., 2002). The intra and inter-population distance observed among the populations

however suggest that these three population units were isolated at the same period

into three different refuges of sub-Saharan Africa prior to human-mediated

ecological changes as a result of the climatic and /or geological events and thus

suggest geographical isolation of the species (Sezonlin et al., 2006).

Like many other local phytophagous species, B. fusca is hypothesized to have

coevolved with indigenous wild graminaceous plants of Sub-saharan Africa, before

the domestication of sorghum and the introduction of maize into Africa (Ristanovic,

2001). However, from field data, it appears that the species has had a drastic

divergence in host colonization; shifting from ancestral grasses to important

cultivated staple cereal crops of the region over the last centuries (Sezonlin et al.,

2006). For example, recent field studies on the species host range indicate that B.

fusca is localized and specialized on a narrow range of host plant species especially

cultivated maize and sorghum (Le Rü et al., 2006a, 2006b; Ong’amo et al., 2006).

Moreover, marginal utilisation of wild poaceous plants has also been documented

for the species in some regions. In the wild, a significant number of young larvae

have been recovered from wild sorghum, Sorghum arundinaceum (Desv.) Stapf, and

Arundo donax L. in a number of localities in Eritrea, Ethiopia and South Africa. (Le

Rü et al., 2006). Anecdotal recoveries have also been made on Pennisetum

purpureum (Schumach.) and Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle, in eastern Africa,


particularly in Kenya and Tanzania as well as on Setaria megaphylla (Steud.) T.

Duran & Schinz, in Congo in central Africa (Le Rü et al. 2006b). These surveys

clearly points to the oligophagic feeding habits of B. fusca larvae. Moreover, patchy

utilisation of different wild grasses may also point to the possible existence of host

plant specific strains within B. fusca populations (Le Rü et al., 2006a, Sezonlin et al.

2006), although little information is available regarding the performance traits of

the wild populations on the associated wild grasses to corroborate this hypothesis.

The mechanisms of host plant selection and recognition for oviposition sites have

been studied for the adults of B. fusca (Juma, 2005), but similar information on

larval feeding behaviour has largely been unexplored. For B. fusca larvae, the

recognition and subsequent choice of host plant for feeding can be hypothesised to

partially depend on host plant chemical composition and / or physical

characteristics. Nevertheless, morphological differentiation among insect’s

populations may also be a consequence of different diet breadths. Host correlated

morphological differentiation in relation to host choice and use has been described

among several insects’ species (Langor and Spence, 1991; Bernays, 1991; Bernays

2001). For example, in sap-sucking insects, variations in the lengths of mouthparts,

leg segments and the number of sensilla have been associated with different host

plant use (Carroll and Boyd, 1992; Bernays et al., 2000; Margaritopoulos et al.,

2000). These findings support the theory of adaptability of insect morphology to

differential plant use, suggesting that wider diet breadth should be correlated with

higher morphological variation in structures involved in host selection and feeding.

However, given the importance of host plant selection process prior to larval

adoption and the variable behavioural feeding responses during development, it is


likely that B. fusca larvae have special structures of high morphological variation

among its developmental stages that ensure efficient detection of wide range of plant

stimuli that mediate host recognition and subsequent selection of feeding sites.

Elucidating how recognition, selection and constraints that affect the emergence of

host choice is therefore important to bring into focus the mechanism by which B.

fusca switched from its ancestral wild grass to cultivated hosts to become an

economically important pest of several cultivated cereal crops. The purpose of this

study was therefore to understand the basis of host plant selection and acceptance

for feeding by B. fusca larvae. This data is important for the development of future

control and management strategies of this most destructive pest of cereal crops in

the Sub-saharan Africa.

1. 2: Rationale

Wild grasses (for example wild sorghum, Sorghum arundinaceum [Desv.] Stapf

[Poaceae]) were probably the native host plants of B. fusca prior to the

domestication of sorghum and the introduction of maize into Africa. B. fusca which

is currently the most economically important pest of maize is speculated to have

shifted from the native wild grasses to closely related exotic plants, including Zea

mays L. [Poaceae]) ultimately expanding its host range. However, the mechanism(s)

underlying this host switch is still unknown. Ecological availability of new crops in

the field, insect physiological adjustments (adaptive plasticity), efficient sensory

system and/or genetic selection pressures are speculated to have heavily contributed

to the switch. The existence of different geographic and possibly host plant specific

strains have been postulated by Sezonlin et al. (2006). Such candidate host plant


associated strains have been reported to inhabit Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) found in

Ethiopia, Eritrea and more recently, South Africa (Le Rü, 2006b). These conspecific

strains seem to show conservatism in feeding on wild grasses suggesting host plant


Understanding the evolution of host or habitat specialisation in B. fusca has

important implications not only for evolutionary ecology, but also for the

development of sound control strategies. For example, a novel stimulo-deterrent

diversionary or the ‘push-pull’ strategy (Miller and Cowles, 1990) has been

developed in East Africa as an integrated pest management approach against B.

fusca and other stemborer pests (Khan et al., 2000; Khan and Picket, 2004; Cook et

al., 2007). The approach exploits the underlying chemical defense mechanisms of

trap crops planted as border rows (pull), and repellent and unsuitable plant species

(push) intercropped with the cereal crops. At present it is impossible to determine

whether in future B. fusca might evolve rapidly in host range and adapt to non target

plants currently used as repellent intercrops in the push-pull strategy and therefore

adversely affect the sustainability of this promising management strategy. Although

some of the plants used in this approach are not closely related to the species normal

plant diets, it is speculative that as a result of repeated exposure of the pest to these

plants, this pest may undergo evolutionary or elicit adaptive changes that may

involve expansion of its diet breadth and include non target plants important in this

strategy, thereby negatively affecting its management and control.

The current study therefore, sought to infer the recognition, selection, feeding,

development and performance patterns of B. fusca larvae on various hosts and

candidate host plants. Since the likelihood of rapid evolution of shift to a non-target


plant may be judged to some extent by screening populations of the insect for

genetic variations and behavioural responses, the genetic structure of the candidate

host associated B. fusca populations was also studied to infer the correlation

between genetic structure and host use, and to provide a framework for the

understanding of the mechanisms involved in novel host-plant adoption by larvae of

this species. The following questions were thus addressed.

1. Is B. fusca larvae able to recognise suitable host plant for colonisation?

2. Which plant factors influence larval development and performance?

3. Do larvae physiologically adapt to chemotaxonomically variable plant diets

encountered during its oligophagic foraging habits.

4. Does host use influence genetic sub-structuring of B. fusca populations?

1. 3: General objective

This study was undertaken with a broad objective to asses the effects of host plant’s

chemical and physical attributes on feeding behaviour and performance and to

determine the physiological and genetic basis of host plant preference by B. fusca


1.3.1: Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this study were:

1. To determine larval sensory structures important in host plant recognition and


2. To verify the extent of feeding and growth of B. fusca larvae on some selected

Poaceae plant species present in the insect’s natural habitat.;


3. To determine plant stimuli that influence feeding and growth of B. fusca larva:

4. To study the physiological responses / adaptations in larval digestive enzymes

and genetic structure of B. fusca population in relation to host plant use.

1. 4: Literature review

1. 4. 1: Host range and shift in phytophagous lepidoptran insects

Lepidoptera host plant affiliation is diverse with majority of larvae living at the

expense of seed plants and virtually all orders of gymnosperms, angiosperms,

ferns, liverworts and mosses. However, most clades in Lepidoptera insect family

are primarily restricted to specific higher taxa of angiosperm (Powell et al., 1998).

The diversification of Lepidoptera lineages is postulated to have paralleled or

perhaps even coevolved with their host plants (Ehrlich and Raven, 1964; Becerra

and Venable, 1999).

Most insect species use limited and specific subset of plant taxa as hosts (Strong et

al., 1984; Mitter and Farrel, 1991). Generally, within phytophagous Lepidoptera,

there is a trend that most generalists are external feeders while specialists feed

internally (Gaston et al., 1992; Frenzel and Brandl, 1998) indicating that

endophagy reduces the likelihood of oligophagy, a necessary intermediate stage

during a host shift (Drès and Mallet, 2002). Moreover, comparison between insect

specialists and generalists clearly indicate that generalists are usually fewer than

specialists suggesting that a narrow host range is favourable over evolutionary time

and space (Schoonhoven et al., 1998). A number of constraints are reported to

promote food specialisation in insects. These include, genetically based trade-offs

in performance between different habitats (for instance, habitat-specific


adaptations) (Via, 1991; Scheck and Gould, 1993), competition for resources

(Mac-Arthur and Levins, 1964), resistance to predators (Dyer, 1995), high cost of

information processing (Bernays and Wcislo, 1994; del Campo and Miles, 2003),

mate finding (Colwell, 1986), low costs to searching for suitable habitats

(Southwood, 1972) and habitat associated deleterious mutations (Kawecki, 1994).

In contrast, generalization is favoured by rare or unpredictable habitats (Strong et

al., 1984), difficulties with meeting nutritional requirements on a single host and

greater resource availability in terms of food supply (Singer et al, 1992; Ballenbeni

and Rahier, 2000),

Phytophagous insect species can also switch hosts and therefore expand their host

range. However, many factors including among others ecological, genetic, neuro-

physiological and/or phylogenetic conservatism potentially constraint the evolution

or maintenance of host ranges for most insect species (Jaenike, 1990; Bernays and

Wcislo, 1994; del Campo and Miles, 2003). Generally, shifts to alternative plants

are rare in monophagous insects that often feed on closely related and chemically

distinct plants. In contrast, plants in some taxonomic or ecological assemblage may

be closely related but less chemically distinct, limiting the barriers to host transfers.

This encourage insect host switch among plant species and consequently elevates

the incidence of polyphagy (Schoonhoven et al., 1998). For instance, many

herbivorous insects in temperate deciduous forests, which are dominated mainly by

tanniferous angiosperms, are highly polyphagous due to the toughness and low

nutritional content of plant mature foliage (Powell et al., 1998). Similarly insect host

diversification rates are also influenced by both resource abundance- which leads to


decreased competition (Fox and Lalonde, 1993; Larsson and Ekbom, 1995) and

diversity (larger number of potential niches) (Janz et al., 2006).

Several species of phytophagous insects have switched from their ancestral hosts

and rapidly adapted new plants (Singer et al., 1993; Radtkey and Singer, 1995;

Camara, 1997). However, prior to host shift insects must be able to recognize

suitable host plants based on the specific plant cues. The apple maggot fly,

Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), for example, exclusively used

hawthorn fruits until the introduction of apple in USA. However, introduction of

apple orchards and the subsequent colonisation by the fly occurred rapidly and

resulted in the formation of host races that currently differ in host choice, diapause

and alloenzyme frequency (Feder et al., 1990).

For lepidopteran species, host plant recognition is a complex process and like many

other phytophagous insects, location and subsequent selection of suitable hosts for

oviposition by the adults or feeding by larvae appears to be strongly influenced by

specific host plant search images which are based on representative chemical,

physical and visual characteristics of their host plants (Renwick and Chew, 1994;

Städler, 2002). Many examples show that typical volatile compounds emitted by

host plants guide insect herbivores while searching for hosts and therefore play an

important role in host plant recognition and selection (Honda, 1995; Bruce et al.,

2005). Similar studies on B. fusca for instance, have indicated that volatile cues

from Maize, Sorghum and Napier grass mediate host location and oviposition in

females (Khan et al., 2000; Juma, 2005; Birkett et al., 2006).

Host selection by most lepidopteran insect species is primarily a function of adult

females, since larvae in their early life stages usually have limited dispersal abilities


(Renwick and Chew, 1994). Therefore during host location, females maximize

larval fitness by selecting and ovipositing on plants most suitable for future larval

survival and development (Pilson and Rausher, 1988). However, as reported by

Larsson and Ekbom (1995), there is widespread ability of lepidopteran larvae to also

select and feed on hosts not selected for by gravid females. Therefore although not

highly mobile, lepidopteran larvae are not always restricted to the host plants

initially selected by their mothers. For example, for the gypsy moth, Lymantria

dispar (L.), extensive host switching can occur during larval development mainly to

improve their growth rates (Stoyenhof et al., 1994). For these larvae, switching

occurs in both high- and low-density populations indicating that other factors (for

instance host quality or phenology) dictate the dynamics of host switching. This

indicates that other than the adults, host recognition and selection behaviour by

larvae is also an important determinant of host shift (Nylin et al., 2000) and

therefore, evolutionary change in host selection may have important consequences

on host range.

1. 4. 2: Influence of plant chemistry in host choice

Phytophagous insects are able to discriminate between plants which are acceptable

for feeding and oviposition and those which are not. During host plant selection,

various types of stimuli play a role; however, chemical factors appear to be decisive

in most insect species examined (Bernays and Chapman, 1994). Host colonisations

and shifts in many species of insects have been in most cases reported to be strongly

influenced by specific phytochemicals including primary and secondary metabolites

since most of the insects studied respond behaviourally and physiologically to them.


For example, herbivorous insects within a defined set of hosts distribute themselves

among plants according to the specific plant secondary chemicals (Erhlich and

Raven, 1964) and may also induce physiological traits that enable them to exploit

host plants but with chemicals which in their natural form are potentially toxic to

their cellular processes (Duffey and Stout, 1996). Plant metabolites including

primary and secondary chemicals have been reported to mediate many aspects of

insect behaviour including host finding, host acceptance, danger avoidance and/or

mate location (Bernays and Chapman, 1994; Schoonhoven et al., 2005). Some of

these phytochemicals stimulate feeding and therefore act as a host plant recognition

cues. For example, larvae of Manduca sexta (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), a

facultative specialist when feed on solanaceous foliage usually develop preference

for indioside D, a steroidal glycoside typical of Solanaceae and hence become

habituated to such glycoside containing plants. Additionally, this host-restricted

larva is able to feed on non-host diets to which the glycoside has been added (del

Campo and Renwick, 2000; del Campo et al., 2001; del Campo and Miles, 2003),

indicating that indioside D is arecognition cue used to mediate larval host restriction.

Apart from mediating host finding and recognition, secondary plant metabolites can

also regulate larval feeding in specialist herbivorous insects and are therefore

important determinant of the suitability of a particular host plant for survival and

development (Mohamed et al., 1992). For example, the isoprenoid ketone 6, 10, 14-

trimethylpentadecan-2-one (phytone), isolated and characterised from Bermuda

grass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) (Poaceae) is phagostimulatory to larvae of the fall

armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

(Mohamed et al., 1992). Similarly, larvae of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe)


(Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are stimulated to feed by soluble sorghum phenolic

compounds (4-hydroxybenzoic acid, coumaric and ferulic hydroxycinnamics)

present in sorghum ethyl acetate extracts (Torto et al., 1991). However, for majority

of oligophagous lepidopteran species, primary metabolites including sugars

especially sucrose and fructose are the most effective phagostimulants (Sharma,

1994; Bowdan, 1995; Yazawa, 1997).

Moreover, the presence of high concentration of specific phagostimulant in the host

plant tissues may in contrary elicit adverse effects to larval feeding when used over a

prolonged period of time. For instance, while soluble hydroxamic phenolic

conjugates of maize extracts for instance, 2, 4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1, 4-

benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA) usually stimulate feeding of European corn borer

(ECB) Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), long-term feeding of

DIMBOA throughout larval development, usually results in reduced fecundity and

relative growth rates (prolonged development) of ECB (Bergvinson, 1993) or

Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) (Ortego et al., 1998).

However, the phagostimulatory and inhibitory effects of plant chemicals, including

primary and secondary compounds, often counteract each other and determine the

outcome of insect’s decision making process, to accept or reject the plant as a host.

In such cases, if all the sensory information gathered during larval test bite is

positively judged, along with any physical cues offered by the plant, acceptance of

the host is confirmed and feeding is initiated (Schoonhoven et al., 1998). The effect

of phytochemicals on insect ability to choose a host therefore clearly indicates that,

chemical diversity among plants is an important factor underlying host specificity in

phytopagous insects.


1. 4. 3: Phylogenetic constraints to host use

Generally, phytophagous insects utilize diverse food resources over their entire

geographical range though localized populations may experience different selection

pressures. Populations from a distinct region can adapt and utilize a specific host

such that a putatively generalist species may actually consist of specialist local

populations. This implies that oligophagy may not necessarily mean oligophagy at

the individual level (Thompson, 1994). Many clades of herbivorous insects are

remarkably conservative in the plants they attack and in many groups; related

insects tend to feed on related plants (Erhlich and Raven, 1964; Janz and Nylin,

1998). Hence, species in a higher insect taxon such as the genus or subfamily, will

commonly feed on taxonomically related plants, often of the same family. This

conservative feeding habit strongly reflects the existence of constraints that lower

the ability of insects to adapt to plants that are distantly related to their normal hosts

(Schoonhoven et al., 1998).

Insects colonize plants that produce specific chemicals and thus plant chemistry

plays an important role in determining the variety of plants that can be exploited by

phytophagous insects (Bernays and Chapman, 1994). Therefore, shifts to and the

subsequent colonization of alternative plants by related groups of phytophagous

insects often arise as a result of tracking of specific and suitable plant phytochemical

cues in the novel host (Beccera, 1997; Nylin and Janz, 1999). In most cases, such

insects become physiologically pre-adapted to a new host plant’s secondary

compounds that are often not similar to those of the ancestral host. For example, the

association between various insects and plants containing furanocoumarins have

been interpreted according to this scenario (Camara, 1997). Similarly, related


species of butterflies and beetles often use plants that are chemically similar, even

though these plants may be taxonomically distant (Ehrlich and Raven, 1964; Janz

and Nylin, 1998). Similarly, although cladograms of papilionid butterflies and

chrysomelid leaf beetles (genus Ophraella) and their host plants are not congruent

(Jaenike, 1990), their cladistic analyses reveal that host shifts in these group of

insects are most likely to occur among chemically similar plants.

A residual capacity by insects to use ancestral hosts not in the present range, long

after the colonisation of the novel host plant has been described for some insect

species and can be evident in a clade many million years following the colonization

of a novel host (Janz, et al., 2001; Ikonen et al., 2003). The fact that these ancestral

hosts are often kept in a potential repertoire long after colonisations of novel hosts,

and frequently re-colonised at a later date, suggests that the observed insect

diversification is not due to release from competition but may be due to greater

niche diversity as a consequence of greater plasticity in taxa with wider potential

host range (Nylin and Wahlberg, 2008).

On the other hand, phylogenetic constraint to host shift is not universal among

insects since similar host plant shifts by insects have been documented among plants

that are distantly related but chemically or structurally different from their ancestral

host species (Dobbler et al., 1996; Crespi and Sandoval, 2000). Species of the leaf

beetle of the genus Tricholochmaea specialise on willow (Salicaceae), blueberry

(Ericaceae), or Meadowsweet (Rosaceae), which tend to grow in similar habitats but

do not otherwise have common physical and chemical traits (Futuyma, 1999). Shifts

to taxonomically unrelated plants is however, dependent on the geographical

distribution of hosts and thus availability of plants (i.e., ecological opportunity),


insect learning or adaptive plasticity among many other constraints (Gomez-Zurita

et al., 2000).

Variations in food choice and utilisation among insect populations may also be

caused by insect genetic differentiation as a result of differences in preference

induction. Induced preference can initially occur as a result of oviposition mistakes

by the adult females (Larsson and Ekbom, 1995; Nylin et al., 2000). If such and

similar mistakes occur often enough and persist over several generations and keep

inducing the modified phenotype, then genetic changes that improve fitness to this

specific host are likely to be selected as a result of genetic accommodation (Janz and

Nylin, 2008). Similarly, induced preference can also minimise host fidelity and

decrease movement to alternative hosts consequently leading to genetic sub-

structuring within species (Via, 1991). If gene flow between such populations is

limited, this sometimes results in the formation of host-associated sub-populations

or host races (Kim and McPheron, 1993; Berlocher and Feder, 2002). Host races are

populations of a species partially and reproductively isolated from the other

conspecific populations as a direct consequence of adaptations to a specific host.

Similarly, speciation can also occur when a specialist’s host is patchily distributed

increasing the likelihood of differentiation among populations by restricting gene

flow. In many cases therefore, diversification to alternative host plants by many

insects species are often phylogenetically constrained to taxonomically, chemically,

or structurally similar host species (Futuyma and Moreno, 1988; Janz and Nylin,

1998; Janz et al., 2001).


1. 4. 4: Physiological constraints to host use

The physiological basis of selective feeding in phytophagous insects has been

examined in many studies, and in most cases, host plant discrimination depends

largely on the chemical content of the food plant. Physiologically, phytophagous

insects usually possess traits that enable them to exploit chemically diverse host

plants, since most of them must deal with toxic or non-nutritive plant secondary

chemicals potentially damaging to their cellular processes (Duffey and Stout, 1996).

Berenbaum (1990) postulated that specialist insects possess specific enzyme systems

capable enough of degrading potential toxins predictably encountered. The

production of these enzymes in many insect species, results from mutation of a gene

that codes for enzymes that allow the detoxification of the ingested compounds prior

to their sequestration in some target organs. If such mutations are advantageous,

high gene-flow occurs rapidly to spread the new allele to the whole population and

allow adaptations to a new host plant.

Detoxification of plant allelochemicals by specialised insect enzyme systems is

widely believed to be the most important factor contributing to the adaptations of

insects to different plant diets, host shift and subsequent diversity in host range. For

example, the gut microsomal mixed function oxidases (MFO) have been widely

implicated in the detoxification of toxic plant allelochemicals through oxidative

reactions in many insect species (Brattsten, 1988; Feyereisen, 1999) and hence play

an important role in host range determination.

However, although cases of trade-offs in physiological adaptations to different host

plants have been described for some insect species and proposed to underlie

speciation or the evolution of speciation in phytophagous insects, other factors


including neural constraints to host recognition (Bernays, 2001) or possibly,

physiological trade-offs in adaptation to abiotic conditions are often likely to have a

greater effect on host plant choice in most insects.

1. 4. 5: “Learning” as a mechanism of host switch

Host switches in insects can also occur without constraint from lineage or chemistry

and in most cases may be mediated by learning or induced preference (Tallamy,

2000). Jermy et al. (1968) defined induction as the modification of feeding

behaviour by a change in host plant preference due to the previous feeding

experience. A shift to taxonomically or chemically unrelated novel hosts is primarily

mediated by induced preference or adaptive plasticity by insects due to experience

(Huang and Renwick, 1995; Agrawal et al., 2002). For instance, previous

experience has been shown to have a substantial effects on the rate at which some

butterflies locate particular host plants (Papaj, 1986).

In phytophagous larvae, induced feeding preference is an outcome potentially

caused by a number of behavioural and physiological mechanisms including

habituation to deterrents, associative learning and sensitisation, ‘oviposition

mistakes’ or host deprivation (Huang and Renwick, 1995). The mechanisms by

which sensitivity is induced or suppressed in young larvae are not yet known but

possibly after hatching, the peripheral gustatory receptor of neonate larvae may

become quite malleable and permanently moulded in ways that affect the

acceptability of leaf tissue as food source. Conversely, the presence of one or more

deterrents in a novel host can permanently suppress the development of sensitivity

to these and other compounds thus enabling neonate larvae to feed without ill


effects. This implies that neonate larvae are far more plastic in their food acceptance

criteria than the old larvae. However, this is only possible if there is no prior

exposure of the larvae to the food that lacks a particular deterrent (Tallamy, 2000).

Induction of host preferences for both larval and adult insects has been examined in

different insect orders such as Lepidoptera (Anderson et al., 1995; Huang and

Renwick 1997; Akhtar and Isman, 2003), Diptera (Jaenike, 1988) and Coleoptera

(Rietdorf and Steidle, 2002). In most of these cases, previous exposure to deterrent

compounds significantly reduced aversion at subsequent encounters. Dietary

experience can influence the ability of insects to taste plant chemicals that signal the

feeding suitability of the host. Therefore, repeated exposure of herbivorous insects

to a specific non stimulus plant or diet can lead to an increased preference of the

host species (Hopkins, 1917) and possibly lead to host switch.

Although, induction of food preference within the larval stages has been reported for

many insect groups, only few investigations indicate that larval experience alters

adult preference or acceptance to hosts (Anderson et al., 1995; Akhtar and Isman,

2003). Moreover, prior adult females encounter or oviposition on a given host is also

necessary for an increased likelihood of future insect preference or acceptance of the

specific host plant (Papaj, 1986; Cunningham et al., 1998; Egas and Sabelis, 2001).

For most lepidopteran species, it has been demonstrated that early larval experience

is normally transmitted through metamorphosis and this may explain conservatism

of plant preference observed in majority of Lepidoptera species (Barron, 2001;

Blackiston et al., 2008). Modification of preference by experience either during

adulthood or larval stage is however, not universal (Parmesan et al., 1995).


1. 4. 6: Ecological constraints to host choice

Phytophagous insect diversification rates can conceivably be influenced by

geographic variations in the relative abundance of resource leading to decreased

competition among insects utilising the same food source or due to diversity in

plants (larger numbers of potential niches) (Singer et al., 1992; Denno et al., 1995).

For instance, in areas where top-ranked hosts are abundant and oviposition frequent,

thresholds for host acceptance would remain high, precluding use of low ranking

hosts. However, where favoured plants are rare or their presence is masked by

associated members of the plant community, thresholds for host acceptance

decrease, making the use of other plants more likely subsequently leading to host

range diversification (Singer et al., 1989). Resource diversity therefore creates

opportunities for insects to shift to novel host plants (Nylin and Wallberg, 2008).

Depending on the spatial arrangement of plants, the scale of intercrops and the

movement of insects, intercropping may lead to repeated encounter of non-host

plants, greatly contributing to oviposition on non-host plants partly due to

oviposition mistakes and subsequent host switch.

1. 4. 7: Influence of plant physical attributes to host choice

Plant selection and acceptance by phytophagous insects is also determined by plant

physical characteristics (Calatayud et al., 2006). Prior to feeding on the plant

tissues, insect larvae generally palpate the plant surface as a direct response to plant

contact cues. Upon contact, larvae obtain information on plant quality for which

mechano-chemosensory stimuli are involved. Plant physical factors including the

presence of trichomes and wax crystal structures, leaf thickness and toughness,


sclerotization and high silica content on the plant surface may strongly influence

the avoidance feeding behaviour of larvae (Shoonhoven et al. 1998).

Among the possible plant physical attributes, silica (Si) is among the common

elemental chemicals that can accumulate in plant tissues (Jarvis and Jones, 1987;

Sangster et al., 2001) and determine host choice in phytophagous insects. The

protective effect of silica to plants against insect herbivores, pathogens or abiotic

factors is related to the level of its accumulation and polymerization in the plant

tissues with highest levels positively correlating with highest resistance to insect

feeding (Meyer and Keeping, 2005; Laing et al., 2006). For lepidopteran species,

mitigating effects of silica against borer attack has been observed in barley, rice

wheat, sugarcane, maize and sorghum (Schoonhoven et al., 2005; Kvedaras et al.,


Although mechanisms of silica mediated resistance to insect herbivore is still scanty,

(Ma, 2004; Hammerschmidt, 2005), silica in plant epidermal cells is thought to

provide a physical barrier against borer probing and feeding or pathogen penetration

into plant tissues (Djamin and Pathak, 1967; Peterson et al., 1988; Kvedaras and

Keeping, 2007). Silica may also increase leaf abrasion which subsequently increases

wearing of insects’ mandibles and therefore physically deter larval feeding (Raupp,

1985; Massey et al., 2006). Biochemically, silica has been reported to modulate the

accumulation of herbivore defensive allelochemicals including phytoalexins, lignin

and phenolics in plant tissues (Cherif et al., 1994; Rodrigues et al., 2004; Remus-

Borel et al., 2005) or induce the production of plant defensive enzymes such as

peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase in response to

herbivorous insect attack (Keeping and Meyer, 2002; Gomes et al., 2005). These


defensive plant enzymes take part in a number of plant defense processes such as

lignifications and/or production of antiherbivore plant metabolites (Goodman et al.,

1986; Felton et al., 1994). Nevertheless, the effects of plant tissue silification as a

defense mechanism against insect herbivores seem not universal. For example, high

silica levels in turfgrass had no influence on feeding and development of

Herpetogramma phaeopteralis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), nor on growth,

survival, feeding preference or mandibular wear of Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel)

(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Redmond and Potter, 2007).

1. 4. 8: Neural constraints to food choice

Constraints on information processing might help to explain the general tendency

of herbivorous insects to specialise on relatively few host plants (Fox and Lalonde,

1993; Bernays and Wcislo 1994; Larsson and Ekbom, 1995). Dusenbery, (1992)

predicted that identifying, discriminating and choosing among potential host plants

usually present a challenge to most phytophagous insects because insect nervous

systems have limited capacity to process multiple sensory inputs. The capabilities

of insects to discriminate among plant species and the ways in which they use the

available information to make such decisions often have profound effect in diet

breadth beyond host quality (Bernays and Chapman, 1994; Bernays 2001) and

depend on the sensory information gathered during taste bite. When such

information is judged positively by the central nervous system, acceptance, the

final decision taken in the host-plant selection process, is confirmed and food

intake occurs. From an evolutionary perspective, acceptance can then be


considered as the crucial decision taken during host-plant selection, as it has direct

consequences for the acquisition of nutrients (Schoonhoven et al., 1998).

Lepidopterous larvae have four sets of external chemosensory organs: the

antennae, the maxillary palps, the medial and lateral maxillary sensilla styloconica

and the epipharyngeal sensilla (Schoonhoven, 1987) that are used in food plant

choice. Stimulation of the antennal olfactory receptors by plant odours usually

evoke short range orientation towards a plant, whereas activation of the olfactory

cells associated with the maxillary palpi may have a phagostimulatory effect

(Ishikawa et al., 1969). Gustatory receptors present in the palpi, the maxillary

sensilla styloconica and the preoral and buccal cavity (Ma, 1976), further

determine acceptability of the plant. Therefore, host-restricted larvae often choose

their food based on input from taste receptor cells located within chemosensory

sensilla on their mouthparts. Antennal, maxillary palp and epipharyngeal sensilla

for example, have been implicated to respond to chemical cues of host plants in

non host restricted Manduca sexta larvae but seem to have less significant role in

the feeding behaviour of host restricted Solanaceae feeding larvae (Glendinning et

al., 1998). The responses of the sensilla styloconica to a variety of chemicals

compounds have also been examined in a number of insect species. For M. sexta,

feeding is mediated entirely by the sensilla styloconica on the galea, as removal of

these sensilla completely eliminates food preferences of the host-restricted larvae

(Flowers and Yamamoto, 1992; del Campo and Miles, 2003). This means that the

sensory input from sensilla is both necessary and sufficient for host recognition by

host restricted larvae.


As a result of neural confusion, ovipositing insects may ignore the more suitable

food for their larvae possibly because host plants lack required recognition cues,

present deterrent but harmless chemicals or conversely, may accept unsuitable host

plants because of presence of oviposition stimulants (Fox and Lalonde, 1993). On

such occasions insect will ultimately select a host plant not within the host range.

Another approach in the search for the chemosensory mechanisms involved in food

choices involves studying the neural responses of larval chemosensory organs to

deterrent compounds. When such compounds are added to artificial diets they

modify taste sensilla responses by habituation, resulting in decreased sensitivity to

the available stimulus (van Loon, 1990; Glendinning and Gonzalez, 1995).

Knowledge of preference behaviour requires a study of the functions of the

chemoreceptors involved and the electrophysiology offers a relatively rapid and

precise method to elucidate the chemical factors by which plant is recognized.

Comparisons of the electrical responses of the chemoreceptors on stimulation with

different substances may reveal which chemicals the insect selects through its sense

organs from the complex chemical environment.

For B. fusca larvae, the chemosensory basis of food plant selection is still at infancy

and a more comprehensive study investigating the role of all the known

chemoreceptors and important in the discrimination of host from the non-host plants

is needed.





2. 1: Introduction

Phytophagous insects lay their eggs on plants based on the preferential selection of

their host plants. Host finding and acceptance foraging behaviour for such insects

are often constrained to particular host species that are thought to represent the

suitability of hosts for future larval survival. Host recognition and acceptance in

many phytophagous insect species are usually governed by the adults although host

recognition and acceptance by larvae is widespread and equally important

(Roessingh et al., 2007).

Like many other Lepidoptera, the success of B. fusca to recognize and colonize a

limited variety of plants is based on the interactive effects of its sensory system and

the physico-chemical characteristics of the immediate environment (Calatayud et al.,

2006). After hatching under the leaf sheath, B. fusca neonates initially ascend to the

leaf whorl, where they either feed on the leaves or disperse to other plants via

‘ballooning-off’ effect (Kaufmann, 1983). However, upon feeding on the leaf whorls

and gaining appropriate size, third instar larvae generally descend and bore into the

plant stem or migrate in search for more suitable feeding part of the host plant

(Kaufmann, 1983). This indicates striking food selective responses by B. fusca larva,

which appears to be mediated by neural tuning and influenced by larval age and

specific plant tissue.


Selective feeding preferences displayed by lepidopteran larvae are based on small

set of chemoreceptors present on the larval antennae and maxilla and are thus

important in host plant recognition and selection (Roessingh et al., 2007). It is

however, not clear whether the sensory structures and their inherent sensitivity to

various plant stimuli change with larval age so as to enable the detection of cues

emanating from different parts of the host plants used as food source.

Therefore, as a first step to elucidate the basis of host plant recognition and

selection, the external morphology and distribution pattern of sensilla present on the

maxillae and antennae of neonates and third instar of B. fusca larvae were studied.

The olfactory and / or contact chemosensory functions of these sensilla were

identified based on direct observation made using selective silver staining and dose-

response electrophysiological tests.

2. 2: Materials and Methods

2. 2. 1: Insect rearing

Neonates and third instar B. fusca larvae were obtained from the Animal Rearing

and Containment Unit (ARCU) of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and

Ecology (ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya). Neonates were directly used for experiments one

day after hatching. To obtain third instar larva, some neonates were reared on a

meridic diet as described by Onyango and Ochieng’-Odero, (1994). Briefly, boiled

and cooled (60°C) distilled water was mixed with preweighed quantity of

ingredients as listed (in Table 2.1) to make fraction A of the diet. The mixture was

then blended in warring blender for three minutes. Fraction B of the diet was made

by mixing cold distilled water with a preweighed agar powder and boiling before


cooling to 60°C. Ingredients of fractions A and B were then mixed and blended

together for further 3 minutes. 40% of formaldehyde (fraction C of the diet) was

measured and mixed with ingredients of fraction A and B and the mixture once

again blended for further 3 minutes. Approximately 20 ml of the resulting diet was

dispensed into each heat-sterilised glass vial (7.5 cm long x 2.5 cm diameter) using a

ketchup dispenser. The diet containing vials were then covered with a clean white

cloth and left overnight on the bench in the laboratory to cool and gel.

Four, one day old neonate larvae were inoculated in each vial containing cooled

artificial diet. The vials were then stoppered using a cotton wool and larvae allowed

to feed and grow in a temperature controlled room until third stadium (after 21-24

days) before they were used for bioassay experiments.

Table 2.1: Amount of ingredients used to prepare a litre of artificial diet used to rear

Busseola fusca larvae (Onyango and Ochieng’-Odero, 1994)

Ingredients Quantity (g) per litre diet Fraction A : Distilled water

404 ml

Bean powder 88.4 g Maize leaf powder 25.4 g Brewers yeast 22.7 g Ascorbic acid 2.5 g Vitamin E 2.1 g Sorbic acid 1.4 g Methyl p-hydroxy benzoate 2.0 g Sucrose 35.4 g Fraction B : Agar Techno. N°3

12.6 g

Distilled water 404 ml Fraction C: Formaldehyde 40%v/v

2 ml


2. 2. 2: Scanning electron microscopy

Ten live neonates and ten decapitated heads of third instar larvae were used for the

preparations of specimens for scanning electron microscopy. For fixation, the

specimen were allowed to stay overnight in a 2.5 % glutaraldehyde prepared in 0.1

M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) solution. The specimen were then dehydrated in a

graded series of ethanol (70%, 90% and 100%) and finally air-dried. The heads of

neonates were then separated from the rest of the bodies. Larval heads for both

insect developmental stages were then mounted on stubs with conductive double-

side adhesive tape, sputter-coated with gold, and finally examined with a JEOL

JSM-T330A scanning electron microscope at 10 kV.

2. 2. 3: Silver nitrate staining

Silver nitrate staining was done to determine the presence of pores in the maxillary

and antennal sensilla on the heads of neonates and third instars. Intact neonate larvae

were stained according to the method of Nayak and Singh (1983) modified as

follows: Larvae were first immersed in 70% ethanol containing 1 M silver nitrate for

1 hour and then dehydrated in two concentrations (90% and 100%) of ethanol.

Afterwards, heads of neonates were separated from the rest of insect’s body. Heads

of both instars were separately cleaned in xylene overnight. The specimens were

then mounted in Mountex (Histolab) for light microscope observations. A total of 10

head specimens from each of larval developmental stages were examined for pores

and distribution of the sensilla.


2. 2. 4: Electrophysiology

Electrophysiological tip recordings from sensilla on the maxillae and antennae of

third instar larvae were carried out to determine the contact chemosensory function

of the sensilla using tip recording technique (Hodgson et al., 1955). Recordings

were carried out only for third instar larvae because the sensilla present on neonates

were too small to make electrical contact possible. Larvae were first severed at the

thorax and a glass micropipette (recording electrode-thin walled borosilicate glass

capillaries, Harvard apparatus) filled with 10 mM NaCl inserted into the body part

that contained the head. The glass micropipette was then slipped over a silver wire

that served as the reference electrode. The sensilla were then probed for electrical

contact with another micropipette filled with 100 mM KCl that sheathed another

silver wire and grounded to act as the indifferent electrode. To avoid crystallization

and concentration changes at the tip, the electrode was filled with the test substance

just a few seconds before the start of the recording. 10 individual larval parts were

probed for electrical contact. The recording electrode containing the test solution

was placed over single sensilla hairs for 5s with an interstimulus interval of

approximately 10 minutes to avoid adaptation. The action potential generated were

amplified using a universal AC/DC UN-06 amplifier (Syntech, The Netherlands),

recorded on a computer and analyzed using Autospike software (Syntech version

2.1a). The analyses were based on the waveform and amplitude properties of the

action potentials generated. A dose-response experiment using sucrose, a feeding

stimulus for B. fusca larvae when reared on artificial diets (Onyango and Ochieng’-

Odero, 1994), was done for sensilla that showed action potentials to provide

evidence for a contact chemosensory function. Sucrose concentrations of 0.01, 0.1,


1, 10, 100 and 500 mM prepared in 10 mM KCl were used. The nervous impulses

generated by different neurones in the sensilla were discriminated using Autospike

software (Syntech version 2.1a).

2. 2. 5: Data analysis

Statistical tests were performed with Statview software (Abacus Concept, version

5.0, USA). For data on the sensilla lengths, means were separated by Mann-Whitney

U-test. The spike counts during the first 150 ms of each recordings were log(x+1)

transformed in case of electrophysiological data. A linear-regression of log (number

of spikes +1) on log (concentration) was done and tested using ANOVA.

2. 3: Results

2. 3. 1: Sensilla present on the larval antennae

Scanning electron microscopy data indicated that the antennae of both neonates and

third instars larva of B. fusca comprise of three segments (Figure 2.1 a). Located on

these segments are three typical insect sensilla: sensilla chaetica, sensilla styloconica

and the basiconic sensilla. On the second antennal segment are a pair and dorsally

positioned aporous sensilla chaetica (Figure 2.1b, marked C1& C2) and two cone-

shaped basiconic sensilla (Figure 2.1b, marked 1 & 3). A similar cone-shaped

basiconic sensillum is located on the third antennal segment (marked as 2 in Figure

2.1b). The three cone-shaped basiconic sensilla on the second and third segments are

of equal lengths and were shown to possess argyrophilic properties (Figure 2.1c)

since they allowed silver nitrate dye to penetrate through their pores and precipitate

in their lumen. Three additional but small basiconic sensilla are also present on the


antennae; one located on the second segment while the other two on the third

antennal segment (Figure 2.1b, marked as 1’, 2’, 3’). The presence of pores on the

small basiconic sensilla was not discernable and hence their function could not be

clearly determined in this study. One aporous styloconic sensillum is present on the

third antennal segment adjacent to the cone- shaped basiconic sensillum. Similar

type and number of sensilla but with variable sizes were found on the antennae of

both neonates and third instar larvae. The size of these sensilla positively correlated

with larval developmental stage. For each instar, sensilla chaetica was the longest,

then the large basiconic sensilla and finally sensilla styloconicum (Table 2.2).

The action potential obtained for the cone-shaped basiconic sensillum located on the

third antennal segment (marked 2 on Figures 2.1b and c) following

electrophysiological tip recordings indicated a gustatory function (Figure 2.2).

However, similar sensilla on the second segment and the other small basiconic

sensilla present on both second and third antennal segments (1 and 3 on Figures 2.1b

and c) did not show any action potential activity during the tip recording tests.

Table 2.2: Meana lengths (µm, ± SE; n=4) of antennal sensilla of Busseola fusca

neonate and third instar larvae

Sensilla type Larval stage

Long sensillum

chaeticum (C1)

Short sensillum

chaotic (C2)

Large anionic

sensilla (1, 2, 3)


sensillum (S)

Neonates 47.4 ± 3.7 a 5.7 ± 0.4 a 8.6 ± 0.9 a 7.6 ± 0.5 a

Third instar 200.7 ± 31.3 b 35.2 ± 2.7 b 25.4 ± 2.9 b 14.8 ± 1.1 b aMeans followed by different letters are significantly different at 5% level

(Mann-Whitney U test).


Figure 2.1: Antenna of third instar Busseola fusca larva. (A) Tip of right antenna

showing the dorsal view of segments I to III. (B) Details of figure A showing two

aporous sensilla chaetica (C1, C2), dorsally positioned on the second segment; three

cone-shaped basiconic sensilla of similar lengths, two located on the second

segment and one on the third segment (1, 2, 3); three small basiconic sensilla (1’, 2’,

3’) and one aporous styloconicum sensillum (S) on the third antennal segment. (C)

Dorsal view of the left antenna tip showing 3 large silver stained basiconica sensilla

on the 2nd and 3rd segments following staining with silver nitrate.




Figure 2.2: Electrophysiological spike activity recordings of the basiconic sensillum

on the third antennal segment of a third instar larva in response to 100 mM KCl.

Vertical bar: 10 mV, horizontal bar: 200 ms.

Figure 2.3: Dose-response curves for sucrose obtained after contact with the cone-

shaped basiconic sensillum on the third antennal segment (A) and with the maxillary

palp (B) of third instar larva. The numbers of replicates are given in parenthesis.

Error bars indicate standard error.

200 ms



2. 3. 2: Sensilla present on the larval maxillae

The sensilla on the maxillary galeae of B. fusca larvae were found to comprise of

two styloconic sensilla (MS, LS), three basiconic sensilla (B1, B2, B3), and two

sensilla chaetica (C1, C2) (Figure 2.4a). The lateral and medial styloconic sensilla

stained with silver nitrate and hence were shown to contain a single terminal pore

(uniporous) (Figure2.4b). Electrophysiological tip recordings of the neuronal

activity obtained from lateral and medial styloconic sensilla (Figures 2.5a and b)

indicated their gustatory function. Three aporous basiconic sensilla are located

dorsally to the styloconic sensilla (Figure2.4a) while two aporous sensilla chaetica

are situated dorsally on the distal part of each galea (Figure 2.4a).

The maxillary palp is two-segmented and contains 8 small basiconic sensilla at the

tip (Figure 2.4a) for both neonates and third instar larvae. The number of pores on

each small basiconic sensilla on the maxillary palp was not visible but readily

stained with silver nitrate indicating their porous property (Figure 2.4c). Similarly,

electrophysiological tip recording on each individual basiconic sensilla at the tip of

the maxillary palp was impossible because of sensilla’s minute size. However,

electrical contact and spike strains recorded from this tip (Figure 2.5c) indicated a

gustatory function of the palp. As for the antennal sensilla, both larval

developmental stages consisted of same types and equal number of sensilla though

significantly variable in size. Sensillae chaetica were the longest while styloconic

sensilla were the shortest for both larval developmental stages (Table 2.3).

A dose-response electrophysiological tip-recording experiment using sucrose was

done on the sensilla present at the tip of the larval maxillary palp and on the cone-

shaped basiconic sensillum present on the third antennal segment in order to confirm


their contact chemosensory function. The tip of the maxillary palp was chosen for

two reasons: i) it harbours both multiporous and/or uniporous sensilla that have

spike trains generated by contact electrophysiological recording (Figure 2.5c) and ii)

it is known to respond positively to sucrose in lepidopteran larvae (e.g., Albert,

2003). In this study, significant positive dose-response curves were obtained for

both the antennal sensillum (F1, 56 = 41.637, P<0.0001; Figure 2.3a) and the

maxillary palp (F1, 58 = 32.124, P<0.0001; Figure2.3b) when the concentration of

sucrose was increased.

Table 2.3: Meana lengths (µm, ± SE; n=4) of maxillae sensilla of neonate and third

instar larvae of Busseola fusca

Sensilla type

Larval stage Long sensillum

chaeticum (C1)

Short sensillum

chaeticum (C2)


sensilla (LS, MS)


palp (P)

Neonates 24.5 ± 0.6 a 12.9 ± 1.3 a 3.7 ± 0.05 a 12.1 ± 0.9 a

Third instar 113.4 ± 0.5 b 43.6 ± 4.4 b 6.1 ± 0.6 b 28.0 ± 3.5 b aMeans followed by different letters are significantly different at 5%

level (Mann-Whitney U test).


Figure 2.4: Maxilla of third instar Busseola fusca larva. (A) Left maxillary galea

showing uniporous lateral and medial sensilla styloconica (LS, MS), 3 sensilla

basiconica (B1, B2, B3), 2 sensilla chaetica (C1, C2) and the left maxillary palp (P)

with 8 sensilla basiconica on the tip and showing laterally a sensillum digit form

(see arrow). (B) Close-up of the uniporous lateral and medial sensilla styloconica

(LS, MS) with a terminal pore on each. (C) Tip of the right maxillary palp (P), seen

dorsally and stained following silver nitrate staining procedure.








50 µm




Figure 2.5: Contact electrophysiological recording of spike activity after contact

with a lateral sensillum styloconicum on the maxillary galea of a third instar larva

(A), with a medial sensillum styloconicum on the maxillary galea of a third instar

larva (B) and with a maxillary palp of a third instar larva (C) in response to 100 mM

KCl. Vertical bar: 20 mV, horizontal bar: 200 ms.




200 ms


2. 4: Discussion

The antennae of B. fusca larvae are short and simple and comprise of only three

segments. The distribution, number and types of sensilla on neonates and third instar

larvae are similar and their structure parallels results for other larvae of lepidopteran

families, including the Noctuidae, Sphingidae, Arctiidea and Lasiocampidae

(Dethier, 1937; Faucheux, 1999). However, this contrasts results obtained for the

sensilla present on the heads of the adults of B. fusca moths which are long and

complex (Calatayud et al., 2006). On the second antennal segment, two sensilla

chaetica are dorsally positioned. Unlike for adult moths whose sensilla chaetica

were porous, similar larval sensilla chaetica were aporous as was indicated by the

non-penetration of silver dye in their lumen. As suggested by Dethier (1941) and

Faucheux (1999), these aporous sensilla may be adapted for detection of tactile

stimuli, thus, informing the insect of obstacles in its immediate environment and of

the contours on the feeding substrate.

Three cone-shaped basiconic sensilla of approximately similar lengths are also

present on B. fusca larval antennae. The walls of basiconic sensilla are generally

perforated by numerous pores (Faucheux, 1995; 1999) indicating that the sensilla

may present an olfactory function. Olfactory sensilla have receptor neurons that play

an important role in discriminating odours that emanate from different plants

(Dethier and Schoonhoven, 1969; Dethier, 1980; Faucheux, 1999) and hence are

important in the location and selection of suitable hosts. Preliminary results have

indicated that both neonates and third instar larvae of B. fusca orient significantly

towards maize plant volatiles in Y-tube olfactometric tests. Moreover, the

electrophysiological tip recordings on one basiconic sensillum located on the third


antennal segment indicated that it has a gustatory function as well. Preliminary

observations of the behaviour of second instars showed that prior to feeding; larvae

generally tap the plant leaf surface with the tip of the maxillary palp, suggesting

evaluation of the plant surface (Calatayud et al., 2006). Furthermore, the cone-

shaped basiconic sensilla located on the third antennal segment seem to frequently

touch the plant surface during this tapping behaviour, indicating a probable

involvement of both sensilla in plant surface evaluation. However, this plant tapping

behaviour with antennal sensilla has not been clearly observed and additional studies

are necessary for confirmation in order to elucidate the actual role of these sensilla

in plant surface evaluation. Although, the presence of pores on the small basiconic

sensilla present on the third antennal segment could not be clearly determined in this

study, these sensilla are generally multiporous and are probably thought to have

olfactory receptor neurons (Faucheux, 1999). In addition, the third antennal segment

has one aporous styloconic sensillum. This sensillum may be innervated by cold

sensitive receptors (Schoonhoven, 1967; Faucheux, 1999).

Similar to several other Lepidoptera families (Faucheux, 1999), the sensilla on the

maxillary galeae of both neonates and third instar B. fusca larvae comprise of two

uniporous styloconic sensilla (lateral and medial), three aporous basiconic sensilla

and two aporous sensilla chaetica. These sensilla showed a marked variation in size

between the two larval developmental stages. Electrophysiological tip recordings of

the neuronal activity obtained from the uniporous styloconic sensilla on the

maxillary galeae confirmed their gustatory function, as has been reported for several

other larvae of lepidopteran species (Ishikawa, 1963; Schoonhoven and Dethier,

1966; Dethier and Kuch, 1971; Faucheux, 1999). For all lepidopteran larvae that


have been studied, the styloconic sensilla respond to many different plant

compounds and therefore play a major role in discriminating among plant

constituents during insect’s initial biting process and sustained feeding (Faucheux,

1999). It is therefore proposed that host plant discriminatory ability of B. fusca

larvae may accrue from the differential responses of the chemosensory neurones in

the sensilla stylonica and forms the basis of selective food choices by this

oligophagous B. fusca larva.

The aporous basiconic sensilla, located dorsally of the styloconic sensilla, may play

a role in thermo-hygroreception and in proprioreceptive function by monitoring the

position of the styloconic sensilla (Shields, 1994; Faucheux, 1995; 1999). Moreover,

the two aporous sensilla chaetica, situated dorsally on the distal part of each galea,

probably have proprioreceptors that respond to mandibular movements during

feeding as reported in similar studies (Grimes and Neunzig, 1986; Faucheux, 1999).

Three possibilities are reported for other larvae of lepidopteran species on the

function of the small basiconic sensilla present at the tip of the maxillary palp. First,

all the 8 may be uniporous basiconic sensilla (the most frequent case). Secondly,

they may occur as a combination of 7 uniporous basiconic sensilla and one

uniporous styloconic sensillum [e.g., in Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)]. Thirdly, they may consist of 5 uniporous and 3

multiporous basiconic sensilla [e.g., in Pieris brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)

and Manduca sexta L. (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)] (Faucheux, 1999). Although it

was not possible to carry out electrophysiological tip recording tests on each

individual sensilla, the electrical contact and spike strains recorded from the overall

tip of the maxillary palp confirmed the gustatory function of the sensilla on the tip of


the maxillary palp as has been reported for other lepidopteran larvae (Devitt and

Smith, 1982; Faucheux, 1999; Albert, 2003).

In conclusion, B. fusca larvae have sensory structures that are able to detect volatiles

and surface chemical stimuli on their host plants. The olfactory receptors are mainly

located on the antennae but they are also present on the maxillary palps. Gustatory

chemoreceptors occur mainly on the maxillae and their presence on the antennae of

B. fusca larvae was demonstrated for the first time and the presence of similar

sensilla has never been reported before for any other lepidopteran larvae. This is

particularly interesting in view of the antennae and the maxillary palps having

receptors that are important in mediating food selection for example, as has been

reported in M. sexta (De Boer, 1993). The results presented in this study show that

the antennae indeed has a chemosensory function, and might be involved in the

assessment of host plant suitability. The presence of gustatory sensilla on the

antennae offers the larvae with an enhanced ability to quickly and efficiently

evaluate appropriate phagostimulatory non-volatile chemical cues present on the

plant surface following landing on the plant surface prior to the adoption of plant as

a host. This may partly explain the ability of B. fusca larvae to easily include a

number of host plants with phagostimulatory chemicals on their surface and

therefore explain the current diversification and host range scenario of this pest.





3. 1: Introduction

The evolutionary success of phytophagous insects is dependent on their ability to

utilize either many different food plants (generalists) or specialise towards specific

plant species (specialists) (Bernays and Chapman, 1994). Majority of phytophagous

insects are however specialists (Strong et al., 1984; Thompson, 1994) with a narrow

host range but with strong taxonomic conservatism in host plant use (Erhlich and

Raven, 1964). Narrow host ranges of herbivorous insects commonly depend on plant

chemistry including nutrient composition, primary and secondary metabolites as

well as plant physical characteristics (e.g., silica content, spines, and trichomes).

These biophysical plant attributes usually inform the foraging larvae about the

suitability of a plant for feeding (Bernays and Chapman, 1994; Schoonhoven et al.,

1998) and hence are important in the acceptance or rejection of host plants.

Plant chemistry significantly influences insects’ food choice and subsequent

performance (Bernays and Chapman, 1994). Each plant has a unique phytochemical

profile that is detected by the insect and forms the basis of food plant selection and

discrimination (De Boer and Hanson, 1984). However, most of the allelochemicals

present in some plant species are usually active against insects, and renders the plant

repellent, toxic or chemically unsuitable for use as food plant (Rosenthal and

Berenbaum, 1991). However, larvae of many adapted herbivores will tolerate or use

these specific chemical and physical cues to govern the choice of food plant and


determine the suitable feeding host plant (Van Loon, 1996). Recent field studies on

the host range indicate that B. fusca larva is highly selective and discriminatory in its

food choice and utilisation (Le Rü et al., 2006a, b; Ong’amo et al., 2006). As is for

the other lepidopteran species, the effects of food on the biology of B. fusca is of

particular importance in understanding host suitability of infested plant species. It is

also important in elucidating the magnitude of injury to the crops attacked which

may accordingly help in designing better economic control strategies for this pest.

Moreover, during host selection, young B. fusca larvae are capable of selecting their

hosts among assemblages of chemotaxonomically dissimilar plants. It has been

suggested that during this selection process, B. fusca is attracted to its specific host

plant within the plant assemblage by blends of volatile and leaf surface metabolites

(Juma, 2005). However, the final decision to accept and feed on the particular

chosen plant, may involve evaluation of the composition of testants present in or on

the plant tissues using larval taste receptors following the first bite. Like for most

other lepidopteran species, development of effective strategies for managing B.

fusca therefore requires a thorough knowledge of the biological interactions of the

larvae and its hosts. A very important component of such interactions is that of

phytochemical basis of host preference for larval feeding and subsequent host

affiliation which is currently lacking for B. fusca larvae. In this Chapter, the

oligophagic feeding behaviour of B. fusca larvae was investigated using some

selected Poacea plants found in pest natural habitats. Similarly the larval feeding to

crude leaf extracts of the plant species used were evaluated to determine the

phytochemical basis of selective feeding and also determine the larval

phagostimulatory allelochemicals present in the plant leaf extracts.


Conversely, Poaceous plants often accumulate silica in varying degrees in their leaf

tissues. Level of plant leaf silification often varies directly with larval host plant

discrimination for a number of lepidopteran species studied (Epstein, 1999). The

level of silica in leaf tissues of plants considered were therefore determined to

correlate the level of leaf silification with larval growth and survival. Effect of silica

on both larval development parameters was confirmed using artificial diet amended

with silica. The study focused on both neonates and third instar larvae since neonate

stage is critical for the successful host establishment for feeding while the third

instar is the critical stage at which boring into the stem and extensive damage to

plants occur (Kaufmann, 1983).

3. 2: Materials and Methods

3. 2. 1: Insects

Laboratory-reared B. fusca adults have diminished host location and recognition

responses compared to their wild conspecifics (Calatayud et al., 2008). However, in

a previous experiment, no such relationship was evident between laboratory-reared

and larval progeny from adults collected from the wild but to which wild feral

individuals had been previously added to rejuvenate the colony. Larvae used in this

study were hence sourced from Animal Rearing and Containment Unit (ARCU) of

the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya).

Both first and third instars were used for the experiments. Third instars, were

obtained from neonates reared on artificial diet of Onyango and Ochieng’-Odero

(1994). For feeding on intact plants, one day old neonates and freshly moulted third

instar larvae, initially starved for 24 hours prior to the test were used.


3. 2. 2: Plants

Maize, Zea mays, wild sorghum, Sorghum arundinaceum, Napier grass, Pennisetum.

purpureum (Schumach.) Arundo donax and Setaria megaphylla were used in this

study. Panicum maximum Jacq. and Panicum deustum Thunb the two other Poaceae

plant species which are frequently found in the natural habitat of B. fusca were also

included in the experiments. Maize was grown in 4-litre pots (one plant per pot)

from seeds provided by Simlaw, Kenya Seeds Company, Nairobi. All the other plant

species were obtained from their natural vegetation in Kenya and propagated from

tillers or stem cuttings in 4-litre pots (one plant per pot) in a greenhouse at ICIPE.

The environmental conditions for growth were approximately 31/17°C (day/night)

with 12:12 hr (L: D) photoperiod. Plants were watered three times weekly and once

with a complete nutrient solution. Three weeks old plants were infested with

neonates while five weeks old plants were infested with third instar larvae. Because

of slow growth compared to other plant species, S. arundinaceum plants were

infested after the 5th and 7th weeks of growth with neonates or third instars larvae,


3. 2. 3: Survival and growth of B. fusca larvae on different plant species

Potted plants were carefully and randomly assigned in a greenhouse avoiding

contact among the neighbouring plants. A thin layer of petroleum jelly was applied

on the borderline of each pot to prevent escape, predation or exchange of larvae

among the plants tested. Each potted plant was infested with either thirty neonates

using a fine camel hair brush or five third instar larvae. Preliminary experiments

indicated that any of the seven plant species used could well support an average


number of similar larval population of either the two larval stages used. Both larval

instars were weighed prior to plant infestation.

Evaluation of larval performance (growth and survival) was done after, 7, 19 and 31

days following infestation by neonates and 7 and 19 days for third instar larvae. The

weight gain and the number of surviving larvae recovered per plant were recorded.

The percent larval recoveries per plant (corresponding to the percentage of survival)

were also calculated. The relative growth rates (RGR) were calculated by

subtracting the initial larval weight from the final weight and dividing the difference

by the number of days of infestation (Ojeda-Avila et al., 2003). Infestations of

plants with larvae were replicated eight and twelve times for third instars and

neonates respectively.

3. 2. 4: Preparation and extraction of plant leaf powders

For determination of plant sugars or total polyphenol levels, young leaves of

between 4-7 weeks old potted plants were randomly sampled around 10 a.m. for

homogeneity. Leaves were cut into small discs and immediately freeze-dried. The

weight of leaves prior and after freeze-drying was recorded and the moisture content

of each sample evaluated as the difference between the fresh and the freeze-dried

weights. Dried leaf discs were then ground into a homogeneous powder in a blender

and then stored at -20°C in sealed plastic bags in the dark prior to being used for

chemical analyses or bioassays.

Plant leaf powders were extracted first in hexane and then in methanol to remove

compounds of different polarities. Two grams portion of leaf powder of each plant

species was first extracted for 24 hours in 100 ml pure hexane solvent (Aldrich, 99.8


%). The extract solution was then filtered and the residual material re-extracted

using the same solvent and procedure. Both extracts (i.e. filtrate) were pooled and

termed as hexane extract. Excess hexane in the residual material was then air-dried

off. Thereafter, the same residual material was re-extracted for another 24 hours in

100 ml solution of methanol and water (3:1v/v). After filtration, the residual

material was again re-extracted using the same solvent and similar procedure. Both

extracts (i.e. filtrate) were again pooled and termed as methanolic extract. The post

extraction residual material was finally discarded.

Thereafter, for each plant species, the filtered extracts were each concentrated under

reduced pressure in a rotary evaporator (Büchl, Switzerland) at 40°C to obtain a

solid crude extract. Based on the freeze-dried weights and the percentage of

moisture content of the foliage collected, solid crude extracts were re-dissolved in a

similar volume of their respective solvent system to give a final solution of

concentration equal to the one found in each plant leaves at the time of collection in

the field. Prior to the bioassays, the methanolic extract was divided into 2 equal

portions A and B: portion A was used for feeding tests while portion B was used for

the analysis of sugars and polyphenol content. All extracts were stored at -20°C until

required for bioassays.

3. 2. 5: Feeding preference tests

Each plant extract was applied on cylindrical pieces of Styrofoam carrier matrices

(surrogate stems) and tested for feeding activities by means of a laboratory bioassay

based on the modified method of Ma and Kubo (1977). Styrofoam carrier matrices


(13 mm diameter, 35 mm length) used, were obtained from a 35 mm thick

Styrofoam board by corking with a 10mm diameter cork-borer (Figure3. 1).

Figure 3.1: An illustration showing the preparation of Styrofoam cylinders (13 mm

diameter, 35 mm long) used as feeding matrix for third instar Busseola fusca larvae

to which plant extracts were applied during larval feeding bioassay.

The bioassay arena consisted of a Petri dish (90 mm diameter) lined with filter paper

moistened with distilled water to maintain internal humidity. For all bioassays, an

aliquot of 400 µl of each of the plant extracts or solvent (as controls where

applicable) were topically applied on the inert Styrofoam carrier matrix. Treated and

control bioassay matrices were placed on aluminium foil, air-dried at room

temperature prior to randomly arranging them in the afore-prepared bioassay arena

(Petri dish). Then, one third instar larva was introduced into each bioassay arena and

a Petri dish cover replaced to prevent evaporation of the extract or escape of the



The phagostimulatory activities of third instar larvae to plant‘s extracts were

examined both in non-choice and multiple-choice situations. However, similar tests

were unsuccessful for neonates because they were unable to bite the Styrofoam

matrices onto which the extracts were applied. Choice tests included binary, four

and 8-choice experiments. Both hexane (non-polar) and methanol (polar) extracts

(i.e. portions A of methanolic extracts) were used for all the bioassay tests except in

8-choice tests in which only methanol extracts were used.

For single choice bioassays (Figure 3.2a), Styrofoam carrier substrates were first

impregnated with either hexane or methanolic extracts and tested singly in the

bioassay arena. Control treatments run simultaneously, consisted of Styrofoam

substrate impregnated with the solvent alone (hexane or methanol) and tested singly

in the bioassay arena. In binary choice bioassays (Figure 3.2b), larval preferences

for carrier substrates treated with either methanol or hexane extracts were tested

together in the same bioassay arena. In 4-choice bioassays (Figure 3.2c), both

hexane and methanolic extracts were tested in presence of their corresponding

solvent controls in the same bioassay arena. In 8-choice tests (Figure 3.2d), carrier

substrates containing each of the seven plant methanolic extracts and a control

treated with methanol solvent were simultaneously presented to a single larva in a

similar bioassay arena. In all choice tests Styrofoam carrier matrix were

differentiated by labelling them with different colour codes prior to submission for

bioassay. Each extract impregnated Styrofoam carrier matrix was weighed prior to

submission for all bioassay experiments.

Each bioassay experiment lasted for 36 hours in the dark at 25°C and approximately

80% r.h. and a L12:D12 photoperiod. After feeding, the weight of each Styrofoam


carrier matrix was recorded and the feeding response index (FRI) (Cai et al., 2002)

calculated as follow:

FRI (%) = [(X-Y) /X] x 100

Where, X and Y are the weight of the Styrofoam matrix before and after assay,

respectively. Each bioassay was replicated 30 times except for 8-choice condition,

which was replicated 87 times.

Figure 3.2: Illustrations for bioassay feeding setups for third instar Busseola fusca

larva: single choice (A) dual choice (B) 4-choice (C) and 8-choice feeding tests (D).





3.2.6: Analysis of simple sugars in plant leaf extracts

Since the hexane plant extracts did not stimulate feeding in either non-choice or

choice bioassay tests, only the phagostimulatory methanol extracts of each plant

species were subjected to HPLC analysis to determine the stimulatory components

present in the extracts. Therefore, twelve (12) millilitres of portion B of the

methanolic extracts of each plant species was further concentrated in a rotar vapour

at 40°C to remove excess methanol. The resulting aqueous solution was freeze-dried

and the solid re-dissolved in distilled water to give a solution of approximately 5

mg/ml. A modified method of Gomez et al. (2002) was used to purify crude sugar

extracts prior to analysis. Briefly, 0.2 g of polyvinylpyrollidone (PVP) was added to

12 ml of crude extract and thoroughly vortexed. The mixture was then centrifuged at

15000 g at 4°C for 30 minutes. The supernatant was recovered using 4 ml syringe

and sequentially filtered, first through a C18 cartridge and then through Whatman

PTFE membrane filter (0.45 µm). The resulting solution was again freeze-dried and

stored at -20°C prior to sugar analyses.

Fifty milligrams of each of the purified and dried plant sugar material was re-

dissolved in 1 ml of distilled water and the resulting solution filtered on 0.45 µm

PTFE membrane filters prior to loading an aliquot of 2 µl into the HPLC column.

All analyses were performed on a Shimadzu auto-sampler chromatograph

(Shimadzu Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a quaternary pump and an UV/visible

photodiode array detector. Separations were achieved on a supelcosil-NH2 analytical

column (Supelco) (5 µm x 250 mm x 4.6 mm). Isocratic solution with a mobile

phase of acetonitrile and water (3:1v/v) was performed at a flow rate of 1.2 ml/min

(6.2 mPa) and the eluent monitored at 240 nm at 35°C over 25 minutes. The


identification of the sugars was achieved by comparing their retention time and UV

spectrum to those of authentic standards (Sigma–Aldrich Chemie Gmbh, Steinheim,

Germany) and confirmed by co-injection. About 90% of the compounds detected by

chromatographic analysis were identified. The quantification of the sugars was

based on peak areas. All solvents used in the analysis were of HPLC grade (Fisher

Scientific, UK).

3.2.7: Analysis of total phenolic compounds in plant leaf extracts

Ten millilitres aliquot of the portion B of the methanolic crude extract of each plant

species was centrifuged at 5500 g for 20 min at 4°C and the supernatant recovered.

A modification of the Folin-Ciocalteau method (Torres et al., 1987) was used to

determine the total content of phenolic compounds in the methanolic fractions.

Briefly, 100 µl supernatant of each plant extract was mixed with 5.9 ml distilled

water and 1 ml of 1 N Folin reagent added. Within five minutes following the

addition of Folin reagent, 2 ml of 20% sodium bicarbonate solution was added,

mixed and the solution incubated for one hour. Optical densities were measured in a

2 ml cell on a Beckman DU 640 spectrophotometer set at 730 nm. The amount of

total phenols in the samples were calculated from a calibration curve generated

using anhydrous gallic acid standards, and were expressed as the amounts of gallic

acid equivalent.


3.2.8: Dose response feeding experiments with sucrose and turanose

The effect of sugars (sucrose and turanose) on the feeding response of third instar

larvae were examined using varying concentrations of pure sugar standards (Sigma-

Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany). In no-choice feeding conditions, sugar (sucrose or

turanose) concentrations used ranged between 0 to 0.1 M, corresponding to the

minimum and maximum concentration range obtained among the plant species

analysed. Sugar solutions for dose response experiments were prepared in a mixture

of methanol and water (3:1 v/v) as the solvent. Moreover, similar concentration (0.1

M) of sucrose is used to prepare the artificial diet used to rear B. fusca larvae

(Onyango and Ochieng’-Odero, 1994). To determine the synergistic effects of

sucrose and turanose on larval feeding, a mixture of solutions of both sugars each in

the following proportions were tested: 0 M sucrose/0.1 M turanose, 0.025 M

sucrose/0.075 M turanose, 0.05 M sucrose/0.05 M sucrose, 0.075 M sucrose/0.025

M turanose and 0.1 M sucrose/ 0 M turanose. As already described, 400 µl of either

sugar solution were topically applied on styrofoam carrier matrix and submitted for

feeding bioassay in both single (15 replicates for dose-curve responses and 24 for

the synergistic effect tests) and 6-choice situations (24 replicates).

3.2.9: Extraction and analysis of silica in leaves of different plant species

For each plant species used, young fully expanded leaves were thoroughly cleaned

with ultra pure water and subsequently harvested. Leaves were sliced into small

pieces, put into plastic containers and freeze dried in stoppering tray drier

(Labconco-Germany). Dried leaves were milled into a fine powder befoe digestion.


The dilute hydrofluoric acid (HF) extraction and spectrometric molybdenum-yellow

method of Saito et al. (2005) was used for the analysis of the level of silica in the

leave tissues. Briefly, 100 mg of dry weight of each plant powder was digested in 2

ml of HF solution of concentration 1.5 M HF - 0.6 M HCl in 10 ml plastic bottle.

Digestion was carried out at room temperature for one hour with occasional stirring

(after each 10 min). After digestion, 8 ml of distilled water was added to each

sample tube and the resulting mixture homogenised by vortexing before settling

down for further 20 minutes. Silica powder was obtained by heating 50 ml of pure

sodium silicate (Sigma-Aldrich, 338443) at 950°C for 2 h in a furnace before

cooling and grinding the solid into a fine powder. Thereafter, 1mg/ml silica stock

solution was prepared by digesting 0.1 g of silica powder in 20 ml of a 0.3 M HF -

0.12 M HCl solution and then topping to 100 ml with distilled water. This stock

solution was diluted to prepare standard solutions of concentration ranging between

0 to 1 mg/l.

For spectrophotometric determinations of the amount of silica in the powdered leaf

samples, 100 µl aliquot of each plant digest was transferred to a 10 ml plastic tube

and 2ml of 0.1M boric acid solution added. Two millilitres of the molybdenum

solution (0.025 M Mo - 0.4 M H2SO4 - 0.25 M BH3O3) was then added, mixed and

allowed to stand for five minutes to allow the complete formation of molybdenum

yellow complex. Four millilitres of 0.1 M citric acid was then added and thereafter

the mixture vortexed. Similar procedure was used to prepare the aforementioned

silica standards. Optical densities of both samples and standard solutions were

measured in a 5 ml cell on a Beckman DU 640 spectrophotometer at 400 nm

between 4-10 minutes following the addition of 0.1m citric acid. The amount of


silica in the samples was calculated from a calibration curve generated using

standard solutions. All reagents and solutions for this experiment were prepared in

silica free polypropylene plastic ware previously soaked in 0.1% HF solution.

3.2.10: Survival and growth of larvae on silica amended diets

To evaluate B. fusca survival and larval growth rates to increasing dietary silica

levels, the artificial diet prepared by Onyango and Ochieng–Odero (1994) was

amended with varying levels of silica (from the aforementioned silica powder

obtained from sodium silicate). The levels of silica in the artificial diet ranged

between 0 to 80 mg/ml and paralleled the concentration range found among the

plant species analysed in this study. Once prepared, 20mls of each diet fraction (with

different silica levels) was dispensed in each heat-sterilised glass vials (7.5 cm long

x 2.5 cm diameter), 9 vials per each silica level. Preweighed B. fusca neonates were

then inoculated into each vial containing the diet fraction (4 neonates per vial)

twenty four hours following hatching. For all experiments, vials were tightly fitted

with a cotton wool following each inoculation and kept in 80% relative humidity on

a 12:12 hr (L/D) photoperiod. Larvae were allowed to feed ad libitum during the

experimental period and the respective diet fractions replaced as necessary.

Thereafter, surviving larvae were counted and weighed after 19 days of development

(the minimum period at which significant effect of silica on B. fusca performance

was discernable).The percent larval recoveries per vial (corresponding to the

percentage of survival) were calculated. The relative growth rates (RGR) were

calculated by subtracting the initial larval weight from the final weight and dividing

the difference by the number of days of development (Ojeda-Avila et al., 2003).


3.2.11: Statistical analysis

Data on percent larval recovery per plant were arcsin transformed. Untransformed

results are presented in Tables. All means were separated by Fisher’s PLSD or

Student-Newman-Keuls test following one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For

data on feeding preference bioassays in single-choice conditions, ranks were

generated following the Kruskal-Wallis test, using Proc RANK of SAS 9.1 (SAS

Institute, 2003), and means separated using Tukey’s Studentized range test (Proc

GLM) (SAS Institute, 2003). For multiple choices feeding tests data, means were

separated using Wilcoxon signed ranks test (Stat View software, Abacus Concept,

USA). Data on plant sugar content and their relative proportions in the extracts were

log and arcsin transformed respectively while data on total phenolic content per

plant species were also log transformed. Untransformed data are presented in the

Tables. All means were separated by Fisher’s PLSD test following ANOVA. A

linear-regression of feeding response index in relation to the concentration of each

sugar (sucrose or turanose) per extract was done and tested using ANOVA.

Data on plant silica content and percent larval recovery per plant were log and arcsin

transformed, respectively. Untransformed results are presented in tables. All means

were also separated by Fisher’s PLSD test following ANOVA. Linear-regressions of

silica contents on percentages of larvae recovered and RGR (Relative Growth Rate)

were done to evaluate the respective R2 values and thus the relationships between

the silica content and the percentages of survival and RGR. In addition, a linear-

regression of percentage of survival (arcsin transformed) and RGR in relation to the

concentration of silica in the artificial diet was done and tested using ANOVA. All

statistical tests were done using Stat View software (Abacus Concept, USA).


3.4: Results

3.4.1: Effect of host plants on the survival and growth of B. fusca larvae

The survival and growth of B. fusca neonates on intact plants varied significantly

among the plant species tested (Table3.1 ANOVA: F6,77 = 119.1, P < 0.0001; F6,77 =

87.7, P < 0.0001 and F6,77 = 122.9, P < 0.0001 after 7, 19 and 31 days, respectively).

Following infestations, maize and wild sorghum supported the greatest larval

survival and growth: 33 and 44% larvae survived on maize and wild sorghum after 7

and 19 days respectively. However, after 31 days of infestation, whereas 41% of

larvae survived on maize, only 10% survived on wild sorghum. In contrast, the other

five plants; P. purpureum, A. donax, P. maximum, P. deustum and S. megaphylla

were poor larval hosts, and a rapid decline in the larval survival on these plants was

obtained over the infestation period tested. In addition, no larva survived on P.

desteum and S. megaphylla beyond seven days following infestation.

Similarly, growth of neonates was significantly higher on maize and wild sorghum

(Table 3.1, ANOVA: F6,59 = 29.8, P < 0.0001; F4,49 = 34.8, P < 0.0001 and F4,34 =

276.2, P < 0.0001 after 7, 19 and 31 days, respectively). Nevertheless, while larval

growth remained significantly higher on maize throughout the infestation period, a

significant decrease in growth was observed on wild sorghum after 19 and 31 days.

Larval growth was significantly lower on the other five plant species, regardless of

the infestation period. A similar trend in both survival and growth was observed

when all the plants were similarly infested with third instar larvae (Table 3.2). As

expected, highest survival was recorded on maize and wild sorghum (ANOVA: F6,47

= 26.8, P < 0.0001 and F6,47 = 18.9, P < 0.0001 after 7 and 19 days respectively).

Except for A. donax on which the growth rate of third instar larvae was significantly


lower after 7 days of infestation, growth rates on other plant species did not vary

significantly over the infestation period (ANOVA: F4,24 = 4.0, P = 0.0119). No

variation in growth rate was obtained after 19 days of infestation on Z. mays, S.

arundinaceum or P. maximum, the only three plant species on which third instar

larvae were recovered (ANOVA: F4,12 = 0.6, P = 0.5743), after the experiment


Table 3.1: Percentage of surviving (mean1 ± SE, n=12) and growth rates (mg d-1, mean2 ± SE) of Busseola fusca larvae recovered after

7, 19 and 31 days of infestation by neonates on different Poaceae plant species

Plant species After 7 days After 19 days After 31 days

% larvae


Growth rate % larvae


Growth rate % larvae


Growth rate

Z. mays 38.9 ± 1.2 e 0.15 ± 0.012 c 44.5 ± 3.0 c 1.8 ± 0.22 c 41.1 ± 2.9 c 4.51 ± 0.15 c

S. arundinaceum 33.3 ± 1.0 d 0.13 c 42.8 ± 3.7 c 0.4 ± 0.04 b 10.0 ± 1.4 b 1.45 ± 0.12 b

P. purpureum 10.6 ± 1.6 c 0.09 ± 0.013 b 12.2 ± 1.6 b 0.6 ± 0.12 b 2.8 ± 0.9 a 0.07 ± 0.01 a

A. donax 7.8 ± 2.2 bc 0.05 ± 0.013 a 6.1 ± 0.9 a 0.1 ± 0.06 a 2.2 ± 0.7 a 0.21 ± 0.01 a

P. maximum 1.7 ± 0.5 a 0.06 ± 0.002 a 5.0 ± 1.3 a 0.1 ± 0.02 a 0.6 ± 0.4 a 0.04 a

P. deustum 6.7 ± 1.3 bc 0.03 ± 0.004 a 0 a - 0 a -

S. megaphylla 3.9 ± 1.2 ab 0.03 ± 0.005 a 0 a - 0 a


Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5% level (1Fisher’s PLSD test or 2Student-Newman-

Keuls test following ANOVA).


Table 3.2: Percentages of surviving third instar Busseola fusca larvae recovered

(mean ± SE, n=8, except for Z. mays and S. arundinaceum n=7) and growth rates

(mg d-1, mean ± SE) after 7 and 19 days of infestation on different plant species

Plant species After 7 days After 19 days

% larvae


Growth rate % larvae


Growth rate

Z. mays 85.7 ± 5.7 c 16.4 ± 1.9 b 65.7 ± 9.5 c 12.8 ± 0.4

S. arundinaceum 57.1 ± 9.2 b 10.4 ± 1.5 b 25.7 ± 5.7 b 11.6 ± 1.2

P. purpureum 20.0 ± 7.6 a 10.5 ± 2.3 b 0 a -

A. donax 12.5 ± 5.3 a 3.5 ± 1.2 a 0 a -

P. maximum 20.0 ± 6.5 a 10.4 ± 2.9 ab 5.0 ± 3.3 a 11.9 ± 1.8

P. deustum 0 a - 0 a -

S. megaphylla 0 a - 0 a -

Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5%

level. (Student-Newman-Keuls test following ANOVA).

3.4.2: Influence of plant metabolites on the performance of B. fusca larvae

Hexanic and methanolic extracts of the seven Poaceae plant species used in this

study were tested for their phagostimulatory activities on third instar B. fusca larvae.

The results of the feeding tests expressed in terms of feeding response index (FRI)

are shown in the Tables 3.3 to 3.6. In all feeding bioassay tests, all plant methanolic

used generally induced significant phagostimulatory activities as compared to the

hexane extracts. Under no-choice conditions, significant higher RFI values were

obtained for larvae fed on methanolic extracts as compared to hexane extracts


regardless of the plant species used (Table 3.3). This result was confirmed when

extracts were further tested under 2- or 4-choice conditions (Tables 3.4 and 3.5).

However, not all the RFI values obtained for methanolic extracts under no-choice

conditions were significantly different when compared. In contrast, under 8-choice

conditions, Z. mays extract was clearly the most bioactive among the methanolic

extracts used as demonstrated by the significantly higher FRI obtained compared to

the other plant extracts tested. Extracts of S. arundinaceum, A. donax and P.

maximum, exhibited intermediate but statistically similar feeding response indices.

Moreover, extracts of P. deustum and S. megaphylla were the least bioactive and

exhibited significantly less phagostimulatory activity among all the methanolic

extracts tested.


Table 3.3: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=30) for third instar Busseola

fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude leaf extracts of different plant species

topically applied on Styrofoam carrier matrices under no-choice conditions

Plant species Type of extracts Feeding response index

Control Methanol alone 0.7 ± 0.2a

Hexane alone 1.0 ± 0.4a

Z. mays Methanol extracts 8.2 ± 1.2d

Hexane extracts 2.2 ± 0.8a

S. arundinaceum Methanol extracts 4.6 ± 0.8bcd

Hexane extracts 2.3 ± 0.9abc

P. purpureum Methanol extracts 3.8 ± 1.2abc

Hexane extracts 1.9 ± 0.8a

A. donax Methanol extracts 4.4 ± 0.4cd

Hexane extracts 1.9 ± 0.4ab

P. maximum Methanol extracts 6.2 ± 1.4bcd

Hexane extracts 1.1 ± 0.3a

P. deustum Methanol extracts 6.6 ± 1.3cd

Hexane extracts 1.0 ± 0.2a

S. megaphylla Methanol extracts 5.7 ± 1.2bcd

Hexane extracts 1.9 ± 0.7a

Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5%

level (Tukey’s Studentized Range test).


Table 3.4: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=30) for third instar Busseola

fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude leaf extracts of different plant species

topically applied on Styrofoam carrier matrices under dual choice conditions

Plant species Type of extracts Feeding response index

Z. mays Methanol extracts 6.4 ± 1.0b

Hexane extracts 1.5 ± 0.5a

S. arundinaceum Methanol extracts 7.5 ± 1.0b

Hexane extracts 2.8 ± 0.8a

P. purpureum Methanol extracts 4.3 ± 0.9a

Hexane extracts 2.7 ± 0.9a

A. donax Methanol extracts 9.3 ± 1.1b

Hexane extracts 1.8 ± 0.6a

P. maximum Methanol extracts 7.1 ± 1.3b

Hexane extracts 0.5 ± 0.1a

P. deustum Methanol extracts 8.6 ± 1.1b

Hexane extracts 0.9 ± 0.3a

S. megaphylla Methanol extracts 7.2 ± 1.3b

Hexane extracts 1.2 ± 0.4a

Means within a column and plant species followed by different letters are

significantly different at 5% level (Wilcoxon signed ranks test).


Table 3.5: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=30) of third instar Busseola

fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude leaf extracts of different plant species

topically applied on Styrofoam carrier matrices under 4-choice conditions

Plant species Type of extracts Feeding response index Z. mays Methanol alone 0.6 ± 0.2a Hexane alone 0.6 ± 0.1a Methanol extracts 5.9 ± 1.1b Hexane extracts 0.9 ± 0.2a S. arundinaceum Methanol alone 0.6 ± 0.1a Hexane alone 0.9 ± 0.2ab Methanol extracts 8.3 ± 1.3c Hexane extracts 1.6 ± 0.5b P. purpureum Methanol alone 0.6 ± 0.2a Hexane alone 0.8 ± 0.4a Methanol extracts 3.6 ± 0.8b Hexane extracts 0.6 ± 0.4a A. donax Methanol alone 0.3 ± 0.1a Hexane alone 0.8 ± 0.2b Methanol extracts 4.7 ± 0.8c Hexane extracts 0.7 ± 0.2ab P. maximum Methanol alone 1.2 ± 0.3a Hexane alone 1.4 ± 0.4a Methanol extracts 8.6 ± 1.5b Hexane extracts 1.4 ± 0.4a P. deustum Methanol alone 0.4 ± 0.1b Hexane alone 0.5 ± 0.2b Methanol extracts 5.2 ± 0.7c Hexane extracts 0.1 ± 0.05a S. megaphylla Methanol alone 1.4 ± 0.6ab Hexane alone 0.4 ± 0.1a Methanol extracts 2.1 ± 0.8b Hexane extracts 1.2 ± 0.6a Means within a column and plant species followed by different letters are

significantly different at 5% level (Wilcoxon signed ranks test).


Table 3.6: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=87) of third instar Busseola

fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on crude methanol extracts of different plant

species topically applied on styrofoam carrier matrices under 8-choice conditions

Type of extracts Feeding response index

Methanol alone 0.7 ± 0.1a

Z. mays 4.5 ± 0.6d

S. arundinaceum 2.5 ± 0.4c

P. purpureum 1.8 ± 0.3c

A. donax 2.5 ± 0.4c

P. maximum 2.0 ± 0.3c

P. deustum 1.2 ± 0.2b

S. megaphylla 1.2 ± 0.2b

Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5%

level (Wilcoxon signed ranks test).

Nine naturally occurring sugars were identified in the phagostimulatory fractions of

the methanolic plant extracts following HPLC analysis. These included

monosaccharide (xylose, fructose, glucose and galactose) and the disaccharides

(sucrose, turanose, maltose, lactose and melibiose). Sucrose was the most abundant

sugar in each of the plant extracts analysed and varied from 22 to 65µg/mg

(corresponding to 0.06 to 0.2 M), of dry leaf weight (Table 3.7). This represented a

relative proportion of between 25 to 38% of all the sugar content in all the plant

extracts analysed (Table 3.8). The level of sucrose in the extracts however, did not

vary significantly among the plant species studied. Glucose and fructose (possibly as


hydrolysis products of sucrose hydrolysis) were also abundant in the extracts. Their

relative proportions were similarly constant among most of the plant species tested,

except, in S. arundinaceum extracts where their levels were both significantly higher

(Table 3.7). Turanose, a disaccharide of glucose and fructose, was the most and

significantly variable sugar component of the extracts tested with its levels varying

from 5 to 36µg/mg (corresponding to 0.01 to 0.1 M) of dry leaf weight. The relative

proportion of this sugar was however lower in Z. mays, S. arundinaceum and P.

purpureum but relatively higher in A. donax, P. maximum, P. deustum and S.



Table 3.7: Amount of different sugars (µg/mg of leaf dry weight, mean ± SE, n=5) found in leaves of the plant species studied

Plant species Xylose Fructose Glucose Galactose Sucrose Turanose Maltose Lactose Melibiose

Z. mays 2.1 ± 0.4 8.9 ± 2.6a 15.5 ± 4.9a 1.9 ± 0.9 25.7 ± 11.2 4.6 ± 1.6a 5.3 ± 2.1 3.7 ± 0.9 1.7 ± 0.4

S. arundinaceum 1.7 ± 0.6 27.0 ± 7.3b 41.5 ± 11.3b 15.8 ± 10.3 65.1 ± 17.6 10.3 ± 2.7a 5.6 ± 1.6 1.8 ± 0.8 3.9 ± 1.5

P. purpureum 3.3 ± 1.6 15.3 ± 6.6a 16.6 ± 4.4a 2.0 ± 1.7 32.6 ± 16.5 9.1 ± 1.8a 5.1 ± 0.4 3.0 ± 1.0 2.7 ± 0.6

A. donax 2.6 ± 0.7 13.1 ± 3.1a 15.5 ± 3.2a 2.7 ± 0.6 42.0 ± 8.8 33.9 ± 8.1b 16.6 ± 2.9 3.0 ± 0.7 4.4 ± 1.1

P. maximum 1.1 ± 0.4 9.9 ± 3.2a 17.8 ± 5.5a 3.7 ± 1.8 22.4 ± 6.8 18.0 ± 5.5ab 2.8 ± 0.9 2.3 ± 0.6 3.4 ± 1.5

P. deustum 2.1 ± 0.6 7.3 ± 2.4a 17.1 ± 6.0a 4.9 ± 1.2 32.7 ± 12.5 36.0 ± 12.7b 9.4 ± 7.1 7.5 ± 4.8 3.3 ± 1.1

S. megaphylla 1.1 ± 0.4 7.4 ± 0.5a 14.2 ± 5.1a 4.4 ± 1.3 27.9 ± 7.5 28.2 ± 8.8b 2.6 ± 1.1 2.1 ± 0.9 3.8 ± 1.6

Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5% level (Fisher’s PLSD test). No letter was assigned

when P>0.05 for ANOVA.


Table 3.8: Relative proportion of sugars (%, mean ± SE, n=5) found in the dry leaves of the plant species studied

Plant species Xylose Fructose Glucose Galactose Sucrose Turanose Maltose Lactose Melibiose

Z. mays 4.3 ± 1.5 13.7 ± 1.6b 23.2 ± 2.4c 2.6 ± 0.7 31.3 ± 4.9 7.0 ± 1.3a 7.7 ± 1.4b 6.2 ± 1.1 3.8 ± 1.3

S. arundinaceum 1.2 ± 0.3 15.8 ± 0.7b 24.0 ± 1.4c 6.5 ± 3.0 38.4 ± 2.2 6.8 ± 1.1a 3.4 ± 0.5a 1.5 ± 0.6 2.4 ± 0.7

P. purpureum 5.3 ± 2.9 16.0 ± 2.1b 18.9 ± 2.1bc 1.6 ± 1.1 32.3 ± 6.6 11.5 ± 3.2a 6.5 ± 1.5b 4.4 ± 2.2 3.4 ± 1.1

A. donax 2.1 ± 0.8 9.7 ± 2.1a 11.4 ± 2.0a 2.1 ± 0.5 31.6 ± 6.0 25.0 ± 4.6b 12.5 ± 1.7b 2.4 ± 0.7 3.2 ± 0.6

P. maximum 3.0 ± 1.5 12.5 ± 1.9ab 19.7 ± 2.8bc 5.0 ± 1.5 26.8 ± 3.6 20.3 ± 2.4b 3.9 ± 1.2a 3.8 ± 1.5 4.9 ± 1.9

P. deustum 3.5 ± 1.6 7.6 ± 1.5a 14.3 ± 2.0a 5.1 ± 1.2 25.7 ± 5.3 26.5 ± 3.8b 7.2 ± 3.0b 6.1 ± 1.9 3.8 ± 1.0

S. megaphylla 1.5 ± 0.9 10.6 ± 2.6a 15.3 ± 2.2ab 4.7 ± 0.7 30.1 ± 2.6 29.0 ± 3.0b 2.7 ± 1.2a 2.5 ± 1.3 3.6 ± 1.1

Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5% level (Fisher’s PLSD test). No letter was assigned

when P>0.05 for ANOVA.

The concentrations of total phenolic compounds estimated in plant leaf extracts

ranged between 1.6 to 5.1 µg/mg of dry leaf weight (Table 3.9) and were

significantly varied among the seven plant species used. Zea mays and P.

purpureum had similar although significantly lowest levels, while P. desteum, P.

maximum and S. arundinaceum had the highest levels. However, the concentration

of total phenolic compounds in the methanol extracts did not correlate with the

feeding response indices of B. fusca larva

Table 3.9: Content of total phenolic compounds (in µg gallic acid equivalents/mg of

dry leaf weight, mean ± SE, n=10) found in leaves of the plant species studied

Plant species Total phenolic content

Z. mays 1.8 ± 0.1 a

S. arundinaceum 4.4 ± 0.1 d

P. purpureum 1.6 ± 0.05 a

A. donax 3.6 ± 0.3 c

P. maximum 4.1 ± 0.2 d

P. deustum 5.1 ± 0.2 e

S. megaphylla 2.7 ± 0.1 b

Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at 5%

level (Fisher’s PLSD test).

By increasing sucrose concentration, a significant and positive dose-response curve

was obtained for feeding response index (FRI) under no-choice conditions (F1, 73 =

45.128, P<0.0001; Figure 3.3a). In contrast, when the concentration of turanose was

increased, a significant negative dose-response curve was obtained under no-choice

conditions (F1,73 = 6.115, P = 0.0157; Figure 3.3b). Similarly, when a homogeneous


mixture of sucrose and turanose were tested for feeding, significantly higher RFI

values were obtained as the level of sucrose in the mixture was increased

proportionally as compared to turanose levels (Table 3.10). In contrast, FRI

decreased significantly with a concomitant increase in the proportion of turanose in

the mixture. Similar trends were obtained under 6-choice conditions (Table 3.11).

Figure 3.3: Dose-response curves for relative feeding indices (mean ± SE, n=15)

obtained by increasing sucrose (A) or turanose (B) levels under no-choice





Table 3.10: Feeding response indices (%, mean ± SE, n=24) for third instar

Busseola fusca larvae after 36 hours of feeding on mixture of sucrose and turanose

of varying concentration topically applied on styrofoam carrier matrices under no-

choice (A) and 6-choice conditions (B).

Feeding response index (FRI)

Sugar mixtures tested A B

Methanol alone 2.2 ± 0.5a 1.0 ± 0.4a

0.1 M sucrose / 0 M turanose 15.4 ± 1.5c 5.5 ± 0.9b

0.075 M sucrose / 0.025 M turanose 10.3 ± 2.4b 4.7 ± 1.0b

0.05 M sucrose / 0.05 M turanose 3.6 ± 1.2a 5.6 ± 1.1b

0.025 M sucrose / 0.075 M turanose 5.2 ± 1.2ab 1.4 ± 0.4a

0 M sucrose / 0.1 M turanose 1.3 ± 0.2a 0.4 ± 0.1a

(A) aMeans within a column followed by different letters are significantly different

at 5% level (Tukey’s Studentized Range test). (B): Means within a column followed

by different letters are significantly different at 5% level (Wilcoxon signed ranks


3. 4. 3: Influence of plant silica on survival and growth of B. fusca larvae

Silica content present in the potted plant leaves varied significantly among the seven

plant species analysed (Table 3.11, F7, 248 = 82.8, P < 0.0001). Zea mays and S.

arundinaceum had the lowest silica levels and varied between 20 to 24 µg/mg of dry

leaf weight (corresponding to a concentration of 20 to 24 mg/ml of silica as

determined in the artificial diet). P. maximum and P. deustum harboured the highest

levels of silica in their leave tissues that varied between 45-55 µg/mg


(corresponding 45 to 55 mg/ml in the artificial diet). S. megaphylla, P. purpureum

and A. donax showed similar but intermediate levels of silica (Table 3.11).

Table 3.11: Amount of silica (mean ± SE, n=34) found in different Poacea plant

species used in the study

Plant species Silica content (µg/mg of dry weight)

Z. mays 19.8 ± 1.0a

S. arundinaceum 24.2 ± 0.3b

P. purpureum 29.3 ± 1.1c

A. donax 29.6 ± 1.2c

P. maximum 45.4 ± 1.1d

P. deustum 55.0 ± 2.3e

S. megaphylla 28.1 ± 0.6c

Means followed by different letters are significantly different at 5% level (Fisher’s

PLSD test following ANOVA).

Plant silica content negatively correlated with percentages of survival or relative

growth rates (RGR) of B. fusca larvae when intact plants were infested by neonates

(Table 3.1). The highest silica containing plant leaves supported the lowest

percentage of larval survival or growth rates. Linear-regressions using the same data

(Table 3.1) showed significant negative correlations (with % survival after 7 days of

feeding: R=-0.766, F1,82 = 43.3, P < 0.0001; with % survival after 19 days of

feeding: R= -0.602, F1,82 = 46.5, P < 0.0001; with % survival after 31 days of

feeding: R= -0.455, F1,82 = 21.4, P < 0.0001; with RGR after 7 days of feeding: R= -

0.596, F1,62 = 34.1, P < 0.0001; with RGR after 19 days of feeding: R= -0.335, F1,54 =

6.8, P = 0.0119 and with RGR after 31 days of feeding: R=-0.477, F1,37 = 10.9, P =


0.0021). For example, P. deustum with the highest silica content was the least

preferred plant for larval survival and growth while Z. mays with the least silica

content was mostly preferred plant for larval survival and growth. Similarly, plant

silica content negatively correlated with percentages of survival when all the plants

were infested by third instar larvae (Table 3.2), with highest silica containing leaves

supporting the lowest percentage of larval survival. Linear regression results using

the same data (Table 3.2) showed significant negative correlations with percentage

of survival (with % survival after 7 days of feeding: R= -0.432, F1,52 = 12.0, P =

0.0011; with % survival after 19 days of feeding: R= -0.337, F1,52 = 6.7, P = 0.0126).

Nevertheless, no correlation was evident between RGR and the levels of leaf

silification when the plants were infested by third instar larvae (Table 3.2).

A significant variation in % survival and growth rates were obtained when larvae

were allowed to feed on artificial diets amended with increasing levels of silica

(results of ANOVA: F4, 40 = 5.1, P = 0.0020 for % survival; F4, 40 = 31.9, P < 0.0001

for RGR). A strong interdependence was also obtained between silica content and B.

fusca larval survival and growth rates after 19 days of development (Figure 3.4). A

significant negative correlation existed between the level of silica and the

percentages survival and the relative growth rates over the feeding periods tested (R

= -0.482, F1, 43 = 13.0, P = 0.0008 with % survival; R = -0.855, F1, 43 = 117.6, P <

0.0001 with RGR). Highest % survival and growth rates were recorded among

larvae fed on low-silica containing diets (0 to 20 mg/ml), while lowest % survival

and growth rates were observed among larvae fed on high-silica containing diets (60

to 80 mg/ml).


Figure 3.4: Dose-response curves for percentage of surviving larvae recovered (arcsin

transformed values, mean ± SE, n=9) (A) and relative growth rates (RGR) (mg.d-1, mean ±

SE, n=9) (B) obtained after increasing silica concentration.




3. 5: Discussion

For phytophagous insects, plants can be grouped into three distinct classes: (i) hosts

fed upon in nature; (ii) acceptable non-hosts, not fed upon in nature but which can

act as food plants in the laboratory; and (iii) unacceptable hosts, neither fed upon in

nature nor in the laboratory (Gupta and Thorsteinson, 1960; De Boer and Hanson,

1984). All the seven plant species used in this study influenced significantly the

survival and growth rates of both first and third instar B. fusca larvae in laboratory

conditions. Both larval developmental stages performed better on Z. mays and S.

arundinaceum throughout the infestation period as compared to the rest of other

plant species used. The suitability of Sorghum sp. and Z. mays on the performance

of B. fusca has been well reported previously (van Rensburg et al., 1989; Haile and

Hofsvang, 2002; Le Rü et al., 2006a). However, although neonate survival and

growth on the other plant species tested especially P. purpureum, A. donax and P.

maximum was inferior to that of Z.mays and S.arundinaceum, marginal survival

recorded on the three plant species suggest the ability of larvae to include not only S.

arundinaceum but also other related wild plants as food source, probably when the

preferred hosts are not available. Marginal utilisations of wild plants by B. fusca

larvae have also been observed in the field particularly in seasons when maize or

cultivated sorghum are absent (Ong’amo et al., 2006). Growth rates of Lepidoptera

on their host plants are influenced by many factors, but primarily nutritional

composition and secondary plant compounds (Herms and Mattson, 1992; Slansky,

1992). Therefore, minimal larval performance on wild plants used in this study may

suggest the presence of antibiotic properties possibly due to the presence of plant


secondary metabolites, or similarly these plants lacked nutrients necessary for

optimal growth or were physically less suitable for feeding by the larvae.

The acceptance of a particular host plant for feeding by phytophagous insect’s larvae

is dependent on the phytochemical blends of the plants, which may induce

phagostimulant or deterrent bioactivities. Compounds present in both methanol and

hexane extracts variably affected feeding responses of third instar larvae. B. fusca

larvae were stimulated to feed more on methanolic extracts than on hexane extracts

indicating that most chemical feeding stimulants were more polar and soluble in

methanol. This result is consistent with similar studies in which polar compounds

extractable in methanol have been shown to elicit positive feeding responses in

Helicoverpa species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Cai et al., 2002). In the contrary,

hexane extracts elicited aversive or non-remarkable larval feeding responses

suggesting that non-polar compounds (e.g. lipids) present in hexane extracts were

non-phagostimulatory (as exhibited in no-choice experiments) and less attractive (as

exhibited in multiple-choice experiments) to the foraging larvae. Aversive feeding

responses therefore suggest either the hexane extracts contained chemicals that

deterred feeding or were toxic to the larvae. However, the fact that no larval

mortality was observed after feeding on hexane extracts indicated the presence of

deterrent rather than toxic allelochemicals in the hexane plant extracts.

The relative contribution of each of the plant’s methanolic extract on larval feeding

response and preference was however evident in the data obtained for 8-choice

bioassay tests. Larvae responsiveness to compounds in the crude extracts varied

among the plant species used. Significant feeding response was observed for Z.

mays extract than for any other plant species used. The hierarchical ranking order of


larval feeding preference on methanolic plant extracts from the most preferred to the

least preferred was: Z. mays > S. arundinaceum = P. purpureum = A. donax = P.

maximum > P. deustum = S. megaphylla. This rank ordering paralleled survival and

growth rates on intact plants, where larvae fed on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum,

exhibited the best performance as compared to the residual survival and growth rates

on P. purpureum, A. donax and P. maximum. Similar hierarchical ordering of plants

according to preference has been observed in the field for B. fusca and the species

has been reported to use a host lower in the hierarchy especially when the preferred

species is not available (LeRü et al., 2006b). The flexibility in host choice

presumably enhances the ability of individuals of B. fusca to cope up with variation

in the environment as has been suggested by Thompson and Pellmyr (1991).

The discriminatory behaviour of B. fusca larvae towards some plants used in this

study appeared to be influenced by the quantitative and qualitative chemical

characteristics of each particular plant species used. The general feeding preferences

on methanolic extracts as compared to hexane extracts suggested the presence of

soluble phagostimulatory compounds in the methanol extracts. Subsequent isolation

and identification of the chemical constituents in the methanolic extracts of each of

the plant species used revealed the presence of nine main soluble sugars including

xylose, fructose, glucose, galactose, sucrose, turanose, maltose, lactose and

melibiose. Most of these sugars identified have been implicated to stimulate feeding

in many lepidopteran larvae (Lopez and Lingren, 1994; Bartlet et al., 1994). Sucrose

represented the major sugar component in all plant methanolic extracts analysed

regardless of the plant species. A significant positive dose-response curve for

feeding response index as a function of increasing concentration of sucrose,


confirmed the phagostimulatory effect of sucrose towards B. fusca larvae. Similar

phagostimulatory activity of sucrose to larval feeding has been reported for a

number of other lepidopteran species (Albert et al., 1982; Bartlet et al., 1994;

Bowdan, 1995).

Apart from sucrose, turanose was the most variable sugar component in most of the

plant extracts analysed. High levels of this sugar were present in plant methanol

extracts of P. deustem, A. donax and S. megaphylla. Extracts from the three plant

species mediated minimal larval survival and growth rates and therefore levels of

this sugar correlated negatively with B. fusca larval feeding responses. A similar and

significant negative dose-response curve of RFI expressed as a function of

increasing levels of pure turanose standards, corroborated the phagodeterrent effect

of turanose towards feeding by larvae. This was contrary to a similar dose response

curve of RFI as a function of increasing sucrose concentration that exhibited

positive correlations with larval feeding. Turanose which is structurally analogous to

sucrose is a reducing disaccharide with α-(1, 3) glycoside bond between glucose and

fructose. It is therefore possible that the opposing effect of turanose and sucrose to

larval feeding lies in the small but subtle structural differences inherent in the two

sugars that are likely to give rise to variation in molecular fit in the larval taste

receptors inducing the opposing behavioural responses. Though the role of turanose

in feeding of lepidopteran larvae is limited in the literature, the same sugar has been

demonstrated to possess a weak phagostimulatory potential for corn earworms,

Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Lopez and Lingren, 1994).

Turanose has similarly been demonstrated to act as a strong phagostimulant for the

red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Vander


Meer et al., 1995). Moreover, both sugars appeared to have a synergistic effect on B.

fusca larval feeding responses when presented together in a solution mixture applied

on Styrofoam carrier matrices especially when turanose was weakly concentrated.

This implies that the host discriminatory ability and the selective feeding behaviour

of B. fusca larvae may partly depend on the relative concentration of each of the two

sugars in the plant tissue and this could sufficiently explain the oligophagous

feeding habits of B. fusca larvae.

Plant total phenolic compounds have been reported to correlate negatively with

performance of most important phytophagous species (Haukioja et al., 1985;

Bergvinson et al., 1994; Santiago et al., 2005). Despite, their possible defensive

roles against herbivores, some soluble phenolic compounds have been reported to

possess strong phagostimulatory properties to lepidopteran larvae (Torto et al.,

1991). The amount of total phenolic compounds in leaf extracts studied varied

significantly among the plant species tested. P. deustum, P. maximum and S.

arundinaceum extracts had the highest concentrations of total phenolic compounds

as compared to the other four Poaceae plant species analysed. However, in contrast

to sucrose or turanose, the levels of total phenolic compounds in the methanolic

extracts did no correlate with the feeding response indices or the growth and

survival of B. fusca larvae. For example, while both S. arundinaceum and P.

maximum had similar and high levels of total phenolic compounds, larvae fed more

on the methanolic extracts of the former than of the later. It is therefore possible that

the determination of total phenolic compounds (i.e. pooled compounds) does not

allow correlation of the importance of a particular phenolic compound present in the

entire plants with the insect survival and performance parameters.


Silica in plants can constitute between 0.1 to 10% weight of the dry matter of most

plant species (Ma and Takahashi, 2002). Results obtained from this study, indicate

that the levels of amorphous silica varied considerably among the plant species

analyzed. The silica content was about three times greater between the highest (P.

deustum, 55.0 ± 2.3 µg/mg) and the least (Z. mays, 19.8 ± 1.0 µg/mg of dry leaf

weight) following the analysis of silica from samples digested in dilute HF

Nevertheless, levels of silica present in all plant leaf tissues sampled appeared to be

within the concentration ranges as has been previously reported in similar studies

(Ma and Takahashi, 2002).

Differences in silica content among plants are frequently associated with plant

resistance to insect attacks (Keeping and Meyer, 2002; Kvedaras et al., 2005;

Keeping and Meyer, 2006). Therefore, during host selection process herbivorous

insects may discriminate between high- and low-silica plants, and feed preferentially

on the later. Growth rate of B. fusca larvae on the tested plant species correlated

negatively with the degree of plant leaf silification. Larvae preferentially fed on Z.

mays and S. arundinaceum foliage as exhibited by increased in growth rates and

high larval survival percentages on both plants over the whole infestation period.

Similar performance indices were however poor on other wild grasses especially P.

deustum and P. maximum, that had the highest level of endogenous silica in their

leaf tissues. This clearly indicated that plants analyzed in this study had different

capacities to accumulate amorphous silica in their leaf tissues and high levels of

silica in the leaves correlated negatively with the feeding and developmental

performance of B. fusca larvae. This was further confirmed by using artificial diets

amended with increasing levels of silica. It was evident that the detrimental effect of


silica on B. fusca larval performance is dose dependant and as little as 20 mg/ml of

silica in the artificial diet was sufficient enough to disturb feeding and development

of B. fusca larvae. For example, larval RGR decreased significantly from 1.06 ±

0.05 to 0.86 ± 0.06 mg d-1 following incorporation of 4grammes of silica into

200mls of artificial diet. This further corroborated the negative role of silica on the

feeding and development of B. fusca larvae and parallels results of similar studies

that previously sought to correlate the effect of silica on the feeding behaviour of

several lepidopteran stemborer species (Peterson et al., 1988; Kvedaras et al., 2005;

Keeping and Meyer, 2006). For B. fusca, such correlation can form the basis of host

plant/artificial diet discrimination and may indicate that silica content in plants is a

reliable predictor of food choice by B. fusca larvae.

The deterrent effect of silica that resulted in the reduction in the numbers and

growth rates of larva on high silica containing plants may partly be attributed to the

effect of silica at both nutritional and physical levels. As reported by Panda and

Kush (1995) elevated levels of silica in plant cell wall might increase the bulk

density of the diet and discourage larvae from ingesting sufficient quantities of

nutrients and water leading to their poor performance. While compensatory feeding

behaviour on nutritionally poor diets have been reported for some insects, feeding of

B. fusca larvae on similar artificial diets amended with silica did not alter the rate of

diet consumption as was reflected by the concentration dependent diminutive larval

mass gain over the entire feeding period. Similar results have been reported by

Keeping and Meyer (2006), Kvedaras and Keeping (2007) and Kvedaras et al.

(2007b). Moreover, other studies have indicated that most specialist herbivores have

limited ability to increase their diet consumption to compensate for feeding on poor


quality plants (Lee et al., 2003). B. fusca larvae can therefore be considered more

specialist than generalist (Le Rü et al., 2006a, b; Ong’amo et al., 2006) and this

could have given rise to the greater impact of silica on larval performance.

Despite of the deduced evidence on the importance of silica in deterring host plant

choice by B. fusca larvae, the underlying mechanism of silica mediated resistance is

still speculative and may only support the hypothesis that silica impedes larval

penetration of host plants. It was observed that most larvae fed on the relatively

high silica amended diets could not easily bore into the diet material but only fed

superficially, nor bore into the stems of highly siliconized plants. This provides

initial insight into the possible mechanisms of silica mediated resistance against B.

fusca larvae and provides a correlative support for a physical role of plant silica in

impeding feeding of larvae. However, this observation does not preclude the

probable induction of biochemical defence pathways facilitated by the presence of

soluble silica following wounding of tissues by B. fusca larvae.

From an applied point of view the fact that silica augments the resistance of various

plants to pest insects (Keeping and Kvedaras, 2008) and that plants have a capacity

to accumulate silica (Ma and Yamuji, 2006), is particularly relevant for silica

deficient soils of cereal growing regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Silica amendments

in plant tissues may provide improved resistance to B. fusca in these regions. This

has been demonstrated for Sesamia calamistis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

following Z. mays tissue silification (Sétamou et al., 1993) as a result of silica

addition to the soils. However, for B. fusca, field trials are required to confirm this

hypothesis and also confirm the quality of the modified crops for human

consumption following silification of their tissues.






4. 1: Introduction

The diversity of phytophagous insects is thought to be the result of the evolutionary

process of host specialisation (Jaenike, 1990; Bernays and Chapman, 1994). Studies

on host range and utilisation by B. fusca appears to be restricted and specific (Le Rü

et al., 2006a). The principal host plants for this species are cultivated cereal crops

especially sorghum and maize (Le Rü et al., 2006a, 2006b; Ong’amo et al., 2006).

Although, the species is well adapted to the two important staple crops, it is also

reported to marginally attack other Poaceous non-crop plant species, including

Sorghum arundinaceum, Pennisetum purpureum, Arundo donax and Cymbopogon

nardus. Sorghum arundinaceum, A. donax and Cymbopogon nardus appear the most

preferred non-crop host plants for B. fusca among the currently known candidate

wild plant species. For example, of the 346 B. fusca larvae recovered on wild plants

in Ethiopia, 328 (95%) were found on A. donax (Le Rü et al., 2006a), suggesting a

strong association of B. fusca with the particular plant species.

To exploit a number of food plants but with diverse allelochemicals predictably

encountered for growth and which are not in normal repertoire of larva’s diet, young

lepidopterous larva often depend on their digestive performance especially in

enzyme assortment in the gut system (Brattsten, 1991; Peric-Mataruga et al., 1997).

For example, food composition has been reported to modify and alter the activity of


insect digestive enzymes (Hinks and Erlandson, 1994; Lazarevic and Peric-

Mataruga, 2003). Therefore, the complement of digestive enzymes induced after

larval foraging on chemotaxonomically diverse plants should reflect the

allelochemical composition of the particular plant species. Such plastic responses to

nutritive stresses are important for predicting insect’s outbreaks and understanding

mechanisms of host plant specialisation.

It was hypothesized by Sezonlin et al. (2006) that B. fusca abandoned its ancestral

Poaceous wild hosts, switched and colonised the current and possibly nutritionally

superior cultivated hosts, following their domestication (S. bicolor) or introduction

(Z. mays) into Africa. Like many other phytophagous insects, adaptation of B. fusca

to these new cultivated host plants following switch from their native wild hosts

may have been accompanied by larva’s physiological and/or behavioural

adjustments due to the process of natural selection (Futuyma and Moreno 1988).

Since host choice and oviposition behaviour among phytophagous insects are

genetically determined (Jaenike, 1990), natural selection is likely to have favoured

oviposition by B. fusca to hosts that currently support better growth and survival of

the offspring as suggested by Gassmann et al. (2006).

Phenological, phytochemical and morphological differences among host plants may

also promote utilization of specific hosts following host shifts and may also explain

the current trend of host choice and affiliation by B. fusca. Sustained and prolonged

colonization of adapted plants may induce the selection of adaptive traits and

genetic differentiation within insect populations utilising specific hosts (Rice, 1987;

Diehl and Bush, 1989; Jaenike, 1990) and may subsequently evolve into host races

(Bush, 1994; Prowell et al., 2004). In phytophagous insects, species with narrow


host range are more prone to genetic differentiation than insect species with a wide

host range (Futuyma and Moreno, 1988, Peterson and Denno, 1998). Host

associated genetic differentiation has been documented in a number of moth families

including Noctuidae (Pashley, 1986; Leniaud et al., 2006; Ong’amo et al., 2008),

Tortricidae (Emelianov et al., 1995), Prodoxidae (Groman and Pellmyr, 2000) and

Crambidae (Martel et al., 2003; Leniaud et al., 2006).

Although geographical differentiation of B. fusca populations have been reported

(Sezonlin et al., 2006), little is known about the possible genetic isolation of the

species by host plant. As Fox (1993) and Forister (2005) pointed out, differences

between populations or species of insects in preference for and performance on a

plant are usually genetically controlled, there could be a possible existence of

genetic differentiation between B. fusca larva feeding on cultivated crops and those

found to feed on wild plants such as A. donax.

The aim of this study was therefore to determine the larval physiological response in

terms of digestive enzyme assortment induced in larvae fed on leaves of different

plants and also to determine the possible existence of genetic differentiation between

two B. fusca populations collected from cultivated crops (Z. mays) and A. donax in

Kenya and Ethiopia respectively using cytochrome b gene markers. The

mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was studied because it is informative at the

intrageneric level in Lepidoptera (Simmons and Weller, 2001). It was envisaged that

the two candidate plant-associated strains represent populations which differ

genetically as a result of host specialisation.


4. 2: Materials and Methods

4. 2. 1: Insects

Larvae used in the study were sourced from laboratory reared individuals from

Animal Rearing and Containment Unit (ARCU) of the International Centre of Insect

Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya). Neonates for experiments were

directly used after one day following hatching. For molecular studies, B. fusca

larvae were collected directly from Z. mays and A. donax plants in Kenya and

Ethiopia respectively. Sampling was simultaneously done in both countries because

neither country could provide both host plants infested with B. fusca larvae at the

time of sampling. The Kenyan population were sampled from maize plants in

Machakos and Mt. Kenya regions while the Ethiopian larvae were sampled from A.

donax plants in Abay Mado and Baimraar regions. Five sampling points (localities)

were considered for each region sampled. Plants with symptoms of stem borer

infestation were dissected in situ for larval recovery. Plants from which larvae were

recovered were first identified and the recovered larvae kept separately with respect

to host plant species and site of collection. Larvae were then reared on artificial diet

of Onyango and Ochieng’- Odero (1994) to adult moths. However most larvae

sampled from A. donax did not develop to adulthood (only two fully developed to

adulthood) and were therefore only used after attaining the fifth larval stage and

prior to slipping into diapauses. Larvae and adult moths obtained after rearing were

thereafter placed individually into 30 ml plastic vials and preserved in absolute

ethanol (> 99%) at -20°C prior to DNA extraction.


4. 2. 2: Plants

Potted Maize, Zea mays, wild sorghum, Sorghum arundinaceum, Napier grass,

Pennisetum purpureum (Schumach.) Arundo donax, Setaria megaphylla, Panicum

maximum and Panicum deustum were used in this study. These plants were infested

with neonate larva at the age of between 3-7 weeks of growth.

4. 2. 3: Determination of activities of digestive enzymes in larval homogenates

of larvae fed on leaves of different plant species.

Dietary exposure to plant allelochemicals can induce physiological responses in

neonate larvae that may consequently determine the feeding behaviour of late

instars. A fast semi-quantitative analysis of enzymatic activities present in the larvae

previously fed on leaves of different plant species was performed using the API-

ZYM system (BioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, FRA) as described by Rahbé et al.

(1995). Approximately 100 neonates were used to infest each of the seven plant

species used. Surviving larvae were recovered from each of the infested plants 4

days following infestation. Preliminary experiments indicated that four days of

growth was the optimum period in which a good number of surviving larvae could

be recovered from all the seven plants species tested. Due to the small size of the

larvae, it was not possible to isolate the midgut from the rest of the body tissues for

gut enzyme analysis. Therefore, a total of forty larvae with decapitated heads (to

avoid contamination with the salivary enzymes) collected from each plant species

were separately homogenized in 1,300 µl distilled water and centrifuged (18,000 g,

10 min., + 4°C). A volume of 65 µl of the resultant supernatant was pipetted to each

of the twenty porous plastic micro-cup of the API system (i.e., 19 micro-cups


dispersed with the substrate and one without the substrate (as the control) and the

plate incubated (37°C for 4 h). A similar procedure was used for neonates samples

previously fed only on water over the 4 days growth period which were used as the

control. Enzyme activities were detected by cleavage of a chromogenic substrate

(naphtyl derivatives) dispersed dry on a porous plastic micro-cup (∼100 µl).

Enzymatic reactions were enhanced by an SDS-based acid Tris buffer (Zym A)

applied as a drop in each well after incubation of the plate. The reactions were

visualized after addition of Fast Blue BB solution (Zym B) to each well. The level

of activity was determined by visually assigning a rank value (0-5) corresponding to

the intensity of colour produced by each well after comparison with the colour scale

provided with the kit (0-5, from ≤ 5 to ≥ 40 nmoles of substrate released) (Figure

3.1). Rank values reflecting enzyme activity from naïve water-fed neonate larvae

served as baseline; such that the rank values of this group were subtracted from the

rank values obtained for the experimental groups to yield the feeding score value.

Score values greater than zero indicated induction of appreciable enzyme activities

in the larval homogenate.

The following nineteen enzyme activities commonly found in the guts of

lepidopteran larvae were analysed for their presence using the API-ZYM kit system

as described above : alkaline phosphatase (pH 8.5), esterase (C4), esterase lipase

(C8), lipase (C14), leucine aminopeptidase, valine aminopeptidase, cystine

aminopeptidase, trypsin (N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-2-naphtylamidase), α-

chymotrypsin (N-glutaryl-phenylalanine-2-naphtylamidase), acid phosphatase (pH

5.4), naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase, α-galactosidase, β-galactosidase, β-


glucuronidase, α-glucosidase, α-glucosidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, α-

mannosidase and α-fucosidase.

Ranks for enzyme activities were generated following the Kruskal-Wallis test, using

Proc RANK of SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute, 2003), and their means separated using

Tukey-Kramer test (Proc GLM) (SAS Institute, 2003). Linear regression analysis

was performed to determine the relationships between enzyme activities and neonate

performance (percent survival or larval growth rates) on the plant species studied

over the infestation period.

4. 2. 4: DNA isolation and purification

For DNA extraction, a total of 23 individual larvae (14 from Z. mays and 9 from A.

donax) were randomly selected from 41 B. fusca specimens sampled. Total genomic

DNA was extracted from each of the individual thoracic muscles using commercial

kit (DNeasyTM Tissue Kit, Qiagen Cat # 69506 GmbH, Germany) protocol with

Proteinase K digestion as recommended for animal tissues. Briefly, each moth was

taken out of the ethanol dried well and the segment containing the thorax removed,

cut into smaller pieces and put into 1.5 ml microfuge tubes. Samples were then

crushed under ice using electric mortar and pestle. To the crushed samples, 180 µl of

lysis buffer (ATL) and 20 µL of proteinase K were added and mixed thoroughly by

vortexing. The DNA samples were then incubated for three hours at 55°C in a

shaking water bath, after which, they were removed and vortexed for another 15s.

To this sample, 200 µL of AL buffer was added and the solution thoroughly, mixed

by vortexing prior to incubating for another 10 min at 70°C. A similar amount of

absolute ethanol (98 %) was added following incubation and the samples were again


thoroughly mixed prior to pipetting into a DNeasy Mini Spin column placed in a 2

ml collection tube before spinning for a minute at 6000 x g. The precipitate was

replaced into another DNeasy spin column, washed with 500 µl wash buffer1

(AW1) by spinning for a minute at 6000x g. The DNA precipitate was then eluted

by pipetting 100 µl of elution buffer directly onto the DNeasy membrane in the spin

column, previously washed with 500 µl wash buffer 2 (AW2) for 3 minutes at 20000

x g. The DNA samples were collected in clean 1.5 ml microfuge tube and then

incubated at room temperature for 1 minute and then span for another 1 minute at

6000 x g. The purified DNA was stored at -20°C until required for amplification.

4. 2. 5: Cytochrome b gene amplification and digestion

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify the 1000 bp Cyt b

mitochondrial fragment using two primers: CP1 (5′-GATGATGAAATTTTGGATC-3′)

(modified from Harry et al., 1998) and Tser (5′-TATTTCTTTATTATGTTTTCAAAAC-3 ′)

(Simon et al., 1994). The PCR was performed on a Biometra GeneAmp PCR

System in a 25 µl reaction mixture containing 1 µl of the genomic DNA, 5X Green

GoTaq® Flexi Buffer, 0.24 mM dNTPs, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.4 µM of each primer and 1

unit of Taq polymerase (GoTaq, Promega). After initial denaturation at 94oC for 5

min, PCR condition was 40 cycles at 94oC for 1 min of denaturation, 46oC for 1 min

30 s of annealing, 72oC for 1 min 30 s of extension and a final extension period of

10 min at 72oC. Amplified products were then digested by an enzyme restriction as

described by Calatayud et al. (2008) as follows. The 25µl reaction mixture

containing 100µg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA), 0.5U Promega XhoII restriction

enzyme and the amplified DNA incubated for 4 h at 37oC. The digested fragments


were visualised by means of electrophoresis on 1.5% agarose gel previously stained

with ethidium bromide. Amplified DNA products were further purified with the

Promega Wizard SV Gel purification kit following the manufacturer’s protocol prior

to sequencing reaction.

4. 2. 6: Cytochrome b gene sequencing and analysis

DNA sequencing reactions and the analysis for the determination of the extent of

genetic differentiation between the two populations were performed at the

laboratoire Evolution, Génomes et Spéciation- CNRS (France). Reactions were

performed using the ABI PRISM® BigDye™ Terminator v3.0 Ready Reaction

Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems), cleaned using ethanol/EDTA

precipitation. Sequences were visualized on an ABI 3130 automated sequencer

using Big-Dye fluorescent terminators. The consensus sequences obtained were

aligned manually using Mac Clade 4.05 (Maddison and Maddison, 2001).

Basic sequence statistics and number of haplotypes were determined using DnaSP

(Rozas et al., 2003). The following parameters were used to estimate genetic

variability among populations between the two host plants (Z. mays and A. donax):

number of haplotypes (h), number of polymorphic sites (S), haplotype diversity (d)

(Nei, 1987), nucleotide diversity (π) (Lynch and Crease, 1990) using the Jukes and

Cantor correction (Jukes and Cantor, 1969). The extent of genetic differentiation

between the populations (FST) (Hudson et al., 1992) was performed with the

Arlequin 2.000 software (Schneider et al., 2000).


4. 3: Results

4. 3. 1: Activities of digestive enzymes in larval homogenates

Results of the semi-quantitative assay of activities of larval digestive enzymes

induced following neonates consumption of plant foliage over 4 days period of

infestation are given in Table 4.1. Most of the aminopeptidase activities relative to

the activities in the control homogenates (homogenates of naive unfed larvae) did

not increase significantly regardless of the plant leaves ingested by the larvae.

However, activities of most of the sugar degrading enzymes, including β-

galactosidase, β-glucuronidase, α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase increased

appreciably. Highest activities of sugar degrading enzymes were exhibited by larvae

exposed on leaves of Z. mays, S. arundinaceum and P. purpureum. However, the

activity of β-glucosidase was significantly higher in homogenates of larvae fed only

on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum. Conversely, C4 esterase was significantly higher

in neonate larva that consumed leaves of P. maximum, P. deustum and S.

megaphylla. Highest positive correlations between enzyme activities and percentage

survival or relative growth rates of neonates were obtained with α-glucosidases, β-

glucosidases and β-galactosidase over the infestation period. In contrast, negative

correlations between same larval performance parameters and enzyme activities

were obtained for esterase (C4) and esterase lipase (C8) (Figure 4.1).


Figure 4.1: A representative plate showing differential staining of the API ZYM

plate with ZYM A and ZYM B reagents after 4 hours of incubation of homogenates

of larvae fed on plant leaves with chromogenic substrates dispersed on the porous

plate. Each coloured well was assigned a rank score (0-5) based on the intensity of

colour formed. Differences in rank scores (colour intensities) between the plant leaf-

fed and naïve water-fed neonate larva were used to determine the feeding score

values for each enzyme activity analysed and used for statistical analysis. Negative

control (1), alkaline phosphatase (2), C4 esterase (3), C8 esterase (4), C14-lipase (5),

aminopepetidases (6-11) and glycosidases (12-20).


Table 4.1: Semi-quantitative analysis of enzyme activities in the homogenate of entire neonate larvae (with decapitated heads) reared for 4 days on

different plants species. Enzyme activities (means ± SE, n=5) correspond to the activities found in the crushed larval homogenate (40 larvae per

replicate). Activities correspond to the release of 5, 10 and 20 nmoles of substrate per 4 hours of incubation at 37°C (rate 0: no change in activity)

Enzymes Z. mays S. arundinaceum

P. purpureum A. donax P. maximum P. deustum S. megaphylla

Alkaline phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Esterase (C4) 0 0 0 0 0.2 ± 0.2a 1.0a 0.2 ± 0.2a Esterase lipase (C8) 0 0 0 0 0.2 ± 0.2 0 0 Lipase (C14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leucine aminopeptidase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Valine aminopeptidase 0.7 ± 0.2a 0.6 ± 0.2a 1.0a 0.4 ± 0.2a 0 0 0.6 ± 0.2a Cystine aminopeptidase 0 0.2 ± 0.2a 0 0 0.2 ± 0.2a 0.2 ± 0.2a 0 Trypsin 0 0 0 0 0.5 ± 0.3 0 0 α-chymotrypsin 0 0 0.7 ± 0.2a 0 0.5 ± 0.3a 0 0 Acid phosphatase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase

1.0b 0.6 ± 0.2ab 1.0b 1.0b 0.2 ± 0.2a 1.0b 0.8 ± 0.2ab

α -galactosidase 0 1.2 ± 0.5a 0 0 0 0.5 ± 0.3a 0 β-galactosidase 1.2 ± 0.3b 1.2 ± 0.2b 1.7 ± 0.2b 0.8 ± 0.2a 0.5 ± 0.3a 0 0.2 ± 0.2a β -glucuronidase 1.2 ± 0.2a 2.0 ± 0.5b 2.0b 1.0a 1.0a 0 0.8 ± 0.2a α -glucosidase 1.8 ± 0.2b 1.6 ± 0.2b 2.0b 1.2 ± 0.2a 0 0.5 ± 0.3a 1.0 ± 0.3a β -glucosidase 1.8 ± 0.5c 1.4 ± 0.2c 1.0b 0.4 ± 0.2a 0.7 ± 0.2ab 0 0 N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

α -mannosidase 0 1.0 ± 0.3a 1.5 ± 0.3a 0 0.7 ± 0.2a 0 0 α -fucosidase 0 0.4 ± 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Means within a line followed by different letters are significantly different at 5% level (Tukey-Kramer test).


Table 4.2: Correlations between enzyme activities and percentages of surviving larva of Busseola fusca recovered or relative growth rates

(RGR) after 7, 19 or 31 days, following infestation by neonates. R-values are given

Dependent variables . Independent variables % survival

after 7 days % survival

after 19 days % survival after

31 days RGR after 7

days RGR after 19

days RGR after 31

days Alkaline phosphatase - - - - - - Esterase (C4) -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 - Esterase lipase (C8) -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 - Lipase (C14) - - - - - - Leucine aminopeptidase - - - - - - Valine aminopeptidase +0.2 +0.3 +0.2 +0.3 +0.03 +0.09 Cystine aminopeptidase -0.05 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 +0.05 Trypsin -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 α-chymotrypsin -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 +0.2 - -0.4 Acid phosphatase - - - - - - Naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase

+0.06 - +0.2 - +0.3 +0.2

α-galactosidase +0.2 +0.1 -0.06 +0.2 -0.08 - β-galactosidase +0.4 +0.5 +0.3 +0.6 +0.2 - β-glucuronidase +0.3 +0.3 +0.1 +0.5 +0.03 -0.09 α-glucoidase +0.5 +0.6 +0.4 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3 β-glucosidase +0.7 +0.6 +0.6 +0.6 +0.3 +0.5 N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase

- - - - - -

α-mannosidase - +0.1 -0.2 +0.3 -0.1 -0.3 α-fucosidase +0.2 +0.2 +0.03 +0.3 - +0.07


4. 3. 2: Population distribution

For the purpose of the analysis of the genetic structure of B. fusca, Z. mays and A.

donax were considered as host plants without quantifying their relative contribution

to population dynamics of the pest in the field. Cytochrome b gene analysis assigned

individuals found on both plant species in two distinguishable clades, that is, clades

KI and KII (FST = 0.45, P < 0.001). Clade KI was characterised by three DNA

fragments (approximately 600, 300 and 100bp) while KII was characterised by two

DNA fragments (880 and 100bp) (Figure 4.2). Individuals from KII clade were more

abundant as compared to the KI clade (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2: A representative agarose gel electrophoresis plate of DNA products of

cytochrome b DNA fragment of several Busseola fusca larvae randomly sampled

from Z. mays and A. donax noted from 1 to 9 following PCR amplification and Xho

restriction digestion. Distinct bands were identified using 100bp ladder and results

showed the presence of two mitochondrial clades labelled KI and KII.

900 bp

600 bp

300 bp

200 bp

100 bp

100 bpDNA ladder


The spatial distribution of the two clades varied among regions sampled. The

Kenyan populations collected from the two localities, Mt. Kenya and Machakos,

belonged exclusively to clade KII (Figure. 4.2), while individuals from the Ethiopian

population belonged exclusively to clade KI (Figure 4.2). Similarly, individuals in

the KII clade were collected from maize while those in clade KI were collected from

A. donax. Results of these clades are summarized in Table 4.3 below. Though, both

clades occurred on different hosts they also occurred in different geographical



Table 4.3: Summary of the distribution of Busseola fusca clades with respect to host

plant species and locality

Extraction code Country Locality Host plant Sex Clade

2965 Kenya Mt Kenya Zea mays Female KII

2966 Kenya Mt Kenya Zea mays Female KII

2967 Kenya Mt Kenya Zea mays Female KII

2968 Kenya Mt Kenya Zea mays Male KII

2969 Kenya Mt Kenya Zea mays Male KII

2970 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Male KII

2971 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Male KII

2972 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Male KII

2973 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Female KII

2974 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Female KII

2975 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Female KII

2976 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Male KII

2977 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Male KII

2978 Kenya Machakos Zea mays Male KII

2979 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Female KI

2981 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Male KI

2982 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Larva KI

2983 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Larva KI

2984 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Larva KI

2985 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Larva KI

2986 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Larva KI

2987 Ethiopia Baimraar Arundo donax Larva KI

2988 Ethiopia Abay Mado Arundo donax Larva KI


Table 4.4: Genetic diversity (mean ± SD) of the cytochrome b gene of Busseola

fusca sampled from Z. mays and A. donax from Kenya and Ethiopia

Genetic diversity parameters Kenya (Z. mays) Ethiopia (A. donax)

No. sequences (n) 14 9

No. segregating sites (S) 18 16

Number of haplotypes (h) 4 6

Haplotype diversity (d) 0.5118 ± 0.0370 0.6302 ± 0.0426

Nucleotide diversity (%) 0.3783 ± 0.1956 0.2221 ± 0.1343

4. 4: Discussion

According to Lindroth (1989), food plant chemicals strongly affect the activity of

insect digestive enzymes. The assessment of enzyme activities in the larval

homogenates of larva fed on plant leaf tissue indicated that plant foliage consumed

by the larvae significantly influences the activity of some of the larval digestive

enzymes. Esterase (C4) was significantly induced in larvae fed on P. maximum, P.

deustum and S. megaphylla. In addition, larvae fed on the three plant species had the

poorest growth rates and minimal survival. Induction of esterase has been positively

correlated with increased resistance to allelochemical toxicity in plants in several

Lepidoptera species (Ahmad et al., 1986; Lindroth et al., 1993; Hwang and

Lindroth, 1997). For example, increased esterase activities have been implicated in

the metabolism of toxic phenolic glycosides in several lepidopteran species

(Lindroth and Hemming, 1990; Lindroth and Bloomer, 1991; Lindroth and

Weisbrod, 1991). For instance, the consumption of phenolic glycosides by neonates

of gypsy moth, induced esterase activity and similarly their survival rates were


negatively correlated with increased enzyme activity (Lindroth and Weisbrod,

1991). Although the high activity of esterase induced in B. fusca larvae fed on P.

maximum, P. deustum and S. megaphylla in this study cannot be directly correlated

with the level of total phenolic compounds in plant’s leaf tissue; it could still be a

possible indicator of the presence of high levels of a specific phenolic glycoside in

the respective plant leaves. It is therefore possible that pronounced activity of

esterase particularly, C4 esterase in neonate larva fed on the three plant species was

a direct physiological response to toxic allelochemicals present in leaves of the three

plant species. In fact, Panicum sp. and Setaria sp. are known to harbour toxic beta-

phenylethylamine alkaloids (such as N-methyltyramine) and a phenolic acid, setarin

(4-allyloxycoumarin), respectively (Steglich et al., 2000). It is therefore likely that

toxic allelochemicals were present in the less preferred plants and could have been

the possible elicitors of the physiological responses in digestive enzymes following

their consumption by neonate larva. Similarly, although Z. mays and S.

arundinaceum were the preferred host plants for larvae in this and other related

studies (Hofsvang et al., 2001), and were therefore likely to contain

phagostimulatory components in their tissues, both plants are reported to also

contain toxic compounds such as DIMBOA or gramine (Niemeyer, 1988) and a

cyanogenic glycoside (dhurrin) (Conn, 1980), respectively. These compounds have

been documented to inhibit the activity of esterase in a number of insect species.

DIMBOA has also been documented to inhibit the activity of serine proteases and

exopeptidases (tryspin, chymotrypsin and leucine aminopeptidases in S.

nanogrioides (Ortego et al., 1996). In the current study, the level of esterase and the

three protease activities were not elevated in the homogenates of larvae that


consumed leaves of both plant species. This clearly indicated the possible presence

of these noxious compounds in the two plant species. However, since B. fusca larvae

has for a prolonged time fed on both plant species (coevolved with) it is probable

that larvae of this species developed other efficient enzymatic detoxification

mechanisms or genetically based adaptations to cope up with the noxious

allelochemicals encountered in the two plant species. Similar adaptations to toxic

plant allelochemicals has been reported for example, in the European corn borer,

Ostrinia nubulalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (Campos et al., 1989) and for

specialised Heliconius caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) which convert

harmful cyanogenic glycosides into soluble and harmless thiols (Engler et al., 2000).

This biochemical transformation process prevents the later to release cyanide and

allows the caterpillars to use the toxic compounds as a nitrogen source. Therefore, it

is possible that B. fusca larvae have evolved similar mechanisms to cope up with the

noxious chemicals present in both plant species as a result of long and close

association with the two plants.

For a number of lepidopteran species, the presence of sugars in insect’s diets usually

induce the production of sugar-cleaving enzymes such as α�-glucosidases and β-

glucosidases in their guts. The activities of most of the sugar metabolising enzymes

(glucosidases) were much more pronounced in larvae fed on plant leaves that

supported highest larval growth rates and survival. Glucosidases are digestive

enzymes that have a critical role in the final stages of carbohydrate digestion; they

hydrolyse the -o-glycosyl bonds of sugars. In addition, these enzymes have an

important role in plant-herbivore coevolution as they are involved in the catabolism

of plant secondary metabolites (Hemming and Lindroth, 1999; Hemming and


Lindroth, 2000). In the present study, levels of glucosidases studied were variably

elevated in larval homogenates of larvae fed on leaves of different plant species

considered. This indicated the induction of the particular enzyme activities as a

response to and in the proportion at which the respective sugar substrates were

present in the plant leaf tissues consumed. Indeed identical sugars were found at

various concentrations in the leaf extracts of the same plants analysed in this study.

Among the glucosidases, β-glucosidase was particularly more pronounced among

larvae fed on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum. The activity of β-glucosidase enzyme

has been reported in many organisms (Yu, 1989) and specifically functions to

catalyze biochemical pathways that involve the cleavage of β-linked o-glycosyl

linkages of many glycosides (Clausen et al., 1990). In insects, β-glucosidases play

an important role in the digestion of β-(1, 4) linked sugars (Mendiola-Olaye et. al.,

2000; Zibaee et al., 2008; 2009). Therefore elevated activities of this enzyme in

homogenates of larvae fed especially on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum leaves could

be related to larva’s physiological response to the presence of high levels of β-(1,4)

linked sugars (methyl-β- glycosides and cellobiose) in the plant leaf diets. Since β-

glucosidase is also active on several other glycosides (Zibaee, et al., 2009), its

presence could be important in the biotransformation of DIMBOA in Z. mays among

other harmful glycosides (including cynogenic glycosides, phenols) in sorghum or

other plant species to their harmless aglycones via detoxification reactions. This may

explain the excellent performance exhibited by larvae on both plant species despite

their highest probability of possessing the two harmful allelochemicals.

Moreover, larva fed on Z. mays, S. arundinaceum and P. purpureum had also

appreciable activities of α-glucosidase and β-galactosidase. Alpha-glucosidase,


catalyses the hydrolysis of maltose, sucrose and trehalose, β-galactosidase hydrolyse

lactose while β-fructofuranosides hydrolyse sucrose and raffinose (Zibaee et al.,

2008; 2009). But unlike larvae fed on S. arundinaceum and P. purpureum, Z. mays

fed larvae did not exhibit any increased level of β-glucuronidase activity. Alpha-

glucosidases are found in the alimentary canal of almost all insect species and

hydrolyze the di- and oligosaccharides. Therefore, elevated activity of this enzyme

may be correlated to the presence of phagostimulatory constituents such as sucrose

or maltose in the plant leaf tissue. Sucrose has been demonstrated to be a key

phagostimulant for many insect species even for B. fusca (Onyango and Ochieng’-

Odero, 1994). Therefore, the positive correlations between α-glucosidase activities

and percentages of surviving larvae recovered or relative growth rates observed

throughout the infestation period confirmed that phagostimulation is a key process

for B. fusca larval survival on a number of plant species.

The activities of larval proteases (aminopeptidases and trypsin) were however lower

than the activities of sugar metabolising enzymes in homogenates of larva fed on

most of the plant species tested. This indicated that B. fusca larva generally and

prefferentially relies on simple sugars other than proteins as their food source. This

may be possible since the evolutionary advantage for host plant specialisation by

herbivorous insects has been hypothesised to involve an increase in energetic

efficiency (Zibaee et al., 2008). Therefore, maize and wild sorghum should have a

more suitable composition, level or ratio of different carbohydrates required by B.

fusca larvae for their optimum performance unlike the other plant species considered

in this study. Similarly, it is likely that S. arundinaceum and other poaceous plants


may serve as alternative hosts for B. fusca larvae in the absence of Z. mays

depending on the relative proportion of sugars present in the plants’ leaf tissues.

Large fluctuations in host- plant resources can influence insect populations to the

extent that genetic differentiation develops among local populations. However, this

often requires substantial genetic drift and strong (long-term) isolation among

populations (Berenbaum, 1996; Kawecki, 1997). This has been demonstrated in

herbivorous insects that feed on a wide range of host plants: colonization of a new

host may induce the selection of adaptive characters and population genetic

differentiation (Rice, 1987; Diehl and Bush, 1989). Data on genetic diversity of the

DNA samples analysed used in this study indicated a split of B. fusca populations

into two genetically differentiated groups i.e. clade KI and clade KII . Clade KI

populations were found exclusively on wild A. donax while clade KII populations

were found on Z. mays. Individuals found on A. donax (Ethiopian population) were

more variable as compared to the Z. mays (Kenyan) associated population. This was

evidenced by the high number of haplotypes (6) that originated from 9 sequences in

A. donax associated population in contrast to the lower number (4) haplotypes that

originated from 14 sequences of the Z. mays associated population (Table 4.4).

These data was further corroborated by values of genetic diversity parameters (h, d,

π,) obtained following sequence analysis (Table 4.4). The three genetic parameters

indicated that Z. mays sampled population was indeed more stable but genetically

less variable than A. donax sampled individuals.

However, according to this data, it is not conclusive whether the observed

population differentiation can be attributed to correspond to specific host plant use

by larvae since similar genetic demarcation but based on geographical isolation has


already been reported (Senzolin et. al., 2006). According to these authors, genetic

sub-structuring of B. fusca populations sampled from maize and sorghum across

three major biogeographic zones in Africa can be demarcated into three

mitochondrial clades; one from Western Africa, and two designated Kenya I and II

(KI and KII), from Eastern and Central Africa. These population units display

ecological preferences along altitudinal gradients. While the West African

population unit preferentially occupy the low altitudes of dry savannah zones (Harris

and Nwanze, 1992), the East and central Africa populations predominantly inhabit

the highlands characterised by wet and cold seasons (Kfir et al., 2002).

A recent and similar extensive sampling of B. fusca larvae on both cultivated

maize/sorghum fields and wild plants from the same Ethiopian regions considered in

this study revealed the coexistence of both population units. Both units do not

display the expected biases in plant host distribution. Additionally, both clades have

been reported to coexist on maize or cultivated sorghum plants in some regions in

the Kenyan Rift Valley. Furthermore, the Kenyan clade (KII) predominantly found

on maize has also been sampled on wild A. donax plants in South Africa. Therefore,

it is possible that genetic differentiation exhibited by B. fusca larvae from larval

samples obtained in both countries corresponds to geographical differentiation other

than host use. It is hence possible that wild hosts and other crops which are

marginally infested by B. fusca could only and possibly serve as part of a larger

refuge to this species especially in seasons when the preferred hosts (maize and

cultivated sorghum) are absent as suggested by Gould, (1998). In the present case,

A. donax a perennial plant could probably function as sink habitat for B. fusca

larvae. The plant could only be marginally infested simply for oviposition by


females mainly attracted to from the nearby but dwindling preferred hosts especially

during off-seasons, than act as ‘true’ host on which autonomous and large

population can develop over several generations. This is well corroborated by the

inability of A. donax to support survival and growth following its infeststion by

larvae in the laboratory as was evidenced in this study. However, this does not rule

out firsthand the possibility of the existence of host differentiated species among B.

fusca populations.





5. 1: General discussion

Phytophagous insects that damage crops are often polyphagous, feeding on several

types of crops and weeds. Recent field studies indicate that B. fusca exhibit more

oligophagic (Le Rü et al., 2006a, 2006b; Ong’amo et al., 2006) than polyphagic

feeding habits contrary to as previously reported (Polaszek and Khan, 1998; Haile

and Hofsvang, 2001). The host plants for the pest are primarily maize and sorghum

(Haile and Hofsvang, 2001), although a significant number of populations have also

been found on wild Poaceae plants (mostly S. arundinaceum and A. donax) (Le Rü

et al., 2006a, 2006b; Ong’amo et al., 2006). The purpose of this study was therefore

to determine the extent of oligophagy of B. fusca by first examining the sensory

abilities of the larvae to recognise different plants as hosts and its subsequent

performance in terms of survival and growth when fed on the same host plants.

Since larval performance on a particular plant of most lepidopteran species is

depended on the plant’s chemical and physical cues, the study was designed to

determine plant stimuli that influence larval host choice and subsequent

colonisation. The potential existence of host plant associated populations of the

species as was postulated by Senzolin, (2006) was also examined.

The distribution of chemo- and mechanoreceptors on the antennae and maxillae as

sensory equipments modulating host choice and acceptance of B. fusca larvae were

ascertained based on observations made using scanning electron microscopy,


selective staining with silver nitrate, and gustatory electrophysiological recordings.

The sensilla present on the larval maxillary galeae are typical of other Lepidoptera

family and consist of two uniporous styloconic sensilla that are contact

chemoreceptors, three basiconic sensilla, and two aporous sensilla chaetica

(Faucheux, 1999). The larval maxillary palp is two-segmented and posses eight

small basiconic sensilla at the tip that were found to be gustatory as have been

described for other lepidopteran species (Albert, 2003). The antennae of B. fusca

larvae are short and simple. Similar to other lepidopteran species, the antennal

sensilla comprise of two aporous sensilla chaetica, three multiporous cone-shaped

basiconic sensilla, three small basiconic sensilla and one aporous styloconic

sensillum (Dithier, 1937; Faucheux, 1999). The basiconic sensillum present on the

third antennal segment displayed a contact chemoreception response. However,

similar sensilla on the first and second antennal segments did not show any action

potential activity during tip recording tests and are therefore unlikely to be

associated with chemoreception. Nevertheless, the significant and positive dose-

response electrophysiological curve obtained with an increasing sucrose

concentration for the antennal basiconic sensillum that displayed a contact

chemoreception response confirmed for the first time the presence of gustatory

chemoreceptors on the antennae of a Lepidoptera larva.

The oligophagic feeding behaviour of B. fusca larvae as evaluated based on the

performance of larva on the seven plant species used, indicated that their growth

rates and survival was better on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum. Marginal

performance was also recorded on P. purpureum, A. donax and P. maximum

confirming the oligophagy of the species. Preferential feeding habits of B. fusca


larvae on different Poacea plants as exhibited in this study have also been observed

in the field (Le Rü et al., 2006a, 2006b; Ong’amo et al., 2006), further confirming

the oligophagous feeding habits of B. fusca larva.

Therefore, it appears likely that non-crop plants especially wild sorghum, S.

arundinaceum, may also serve as alternative hosts for B. fusca larvae (Polaszek and

Khan, et al. 1998; Haile and Hofsvang, 2001), possibly in the seasons when Z. mays

is unavailable in the field. Marginal survival and growth rates of larvae that was

recorded on P. purpureum, A. donax and P. maximum, some of the hypothesised

ancestral hosts also suggests that B. fusca larva has a residual ability to utilise not

only S. arundinaceum but also other wild plants present in their microhabitat as food

sources in the absence of preferred hosts. Utilisation of several plant species albeit at

different degrees, is suggestive that several plant cues from the tested species

influence the growth and survival of B. fusca larvae.

Plant physical features (trichomes, levels of tissue silification) can easily influence

the choice of host plant use by B. fusca larvae. Levels of endogenous silica among

plants are frequently associated with plant resistance to insect attacks, whereby in

most cases resistance is positively correlated with plant silica content (Meyer and

Keeping, 2005; Laing et al., 2006). Phytophagous insects will therefore discriminate

between high- and low-silica containing plants and preferentially feed on the later

during host selection process. In this study, feeding and survival of B. fusca larvae

on the plant species considered correlated negatively with their silica content.

Larvae preferentially fed on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum foliage with low silica

content as compared to the five other plants used and shown to contain high levels

of silica. Similar results have been reported for a number of lepidopteran larvae


(Schoonhoven et al., 2005; Kvedaras et al., 2007a). The resistance effect of silica on

B. fusca larval growth rate and survival was dose dependent as was confirmed by

gradual increase of the amount of silica in silica-amended diets. For B. fusca, such

correlation may form the basis of host plant/artificial diet discrimination and

indicates that silica content in plants is a reliable predictor and contributory factor of

food choice and discrimination for this species.

Host plant discriminations and preferences by B. fusca larvae appear to be partially

determined by plant nutritional factors and/or plant primary/secondary metabolites.

Polar methanol extractable host plant chemical stimulated feeding of third instar B.

fusca larvae, compared to deterrent hexane soluble plant compounds. The relative

suitability of host plant utilisation by B. fusca larva was reflected in the order of

preference of host plants which included Z. mays > S. arundinaceum = P.

purpureum = A. donax = P. maximum > P. deustum = S. megaphylla. This ranking

order reflected the effects of allelochemicals present in particular plant leaves and

their overall contribution larval choice of the host plant. Similarly, feeding responses

of larvae to the host plants’ extracts and fractions thereof also paralleled feeding

responses on intact plants from which the extracts were obtained implying that that

chemical composition are important in controlling food choice behaviour of B. fusca

larvae. More importantly, the abundance and relative proportion of sucrose and

turanose in the host plant leaves appear to determine the basis of plant acceptance or

rejection by larvae. Typical to other Lepidoptera larvae (Sharma, 1994; Bowdan,

1995; Yazawa, 1997), sucrose was the most stimulatory sugar to B. fusca larval

feeding among the sugars identified in the plant extracts. However, turanose, which

was highly variable in its content among the plant leaf extracts, appeared


phagodeterrent to larval feeding especially at high concentrations as was confirmed

by the negative dose response curves. The overall effects of the two sugars on

feeding by larvae was reflected in the relative proportion of the specific sugar in the

host plants: plants with high sucrose content stimulated feeding while those with

high turanose content deterred larval feeding. Both sugars however, appeared

synergistic on the feeding responses by B. fusca larvae when presented together in

specific concentrations of each sugar, particularly in the ratio of 3:1 sucrose-

turanose concentration. Therefore the host discriminatory ability and the selective

feeding behaviour of larvae seem to be dependent on the relative concentration of

each of the two sugars in the plant tissue and this may sufficiently explain the

oligophagous feeding habits of B. fusca larvae.

Although the amount of total phenolic compounds in the leaf extracts studied varied

significantly among the plant species tested, their concentrations did not correlate

with the feeding and survival of B. fusca larvae on entire plants. This is contrary to

most studies that positively correlated the level of phenolic compounds with insect

resistance (Haukioja et al., 1985; Bergvinson et al., 1994; Santiago et al., 2005). The

absence of a relationship between the two does not however, rule out first hand the

importance of phenolic compounds in host choice and selection by B. fusca larvae.

This is because the determination of total phenolic compounds (i.e. pooled

compounds) as was carried out in this study, does not allow correlating the

importance of a specific phenolic compound present in the entire plants with insect

performance parameters.

The assessment of the activities of larval enzymes following feeding on different

plants considered in this study using the API-ZYM system (a fast semi-quantitative


analysis of enzymatic activities) indicated that the type of plant foliage consumed by

larvae significantly influenced the activity of some of B. fusca digestive enzymes.

C4 esterase was significantly induced in the guts of larvae fed on P. maximum, P.

deustum and S. megaphylla. Moreover, larvae fed on leaves of the three plant

species had equally the poorest growth rates and hardly supported larval survival

beyond 7days of following plant infestations. Therefore, induction of esterase can be

positively correlated with a direct larval physiological response to the toxic

allelochemicals present in the specific plant leaves.

Sugar degrading enzyme activities particularly of β-glucosidases were however

more pronounced in homogenates of larvae fed on Z. mays and S. arundinaceum

plants that supported highest larval growth rates and survival. Moreover, larva fed

on Z. mays, S. arundinaceum and P. purpureum had also a significant increase in the

activities of α-glucosidase and β-galactosidase activities. Elevated activities of these

enzymes may be attributed to the direct physiological response to the presence of

phagostimulatory enzyme substrates present in the respective plant species by the

feeding larvae. The positive correlations among α-glucosidase activities and

percentages of surviving larvae recovered or relative growth rates registered

following 7, 19 or 31 days of infestation by neonates confirmed the importance of

phagostimulation for survival and growth of B. fusca larvae on host plants. The

differential and pronounced levels of glucosidases found in larval homogenates

following larval feeding on a variety of plant leaves may be attributed to the balance

between sucrose and turanose among the other sugars present in the plant leaf

tissues. The activities of proteases (aminopeptidases) were however, lower than the

activities of sugar metabolising enzymes in larval homogenates of larvae fed on all


of the plant species studied, indicating that B. fusca larvae generally relies on

carbohydrates than proteins as food source.

Low dispersal ability, geographical barriers, habitat fragmentation as well as host

plant use and availability in the field are considered as key factors responsible for

the genetic differentiation in phytophagous insects (Emelianov, et al. 1995; Mopper,

1996). Data on genetic diversity obtained using cytochrome b genetic marker

indicated the split B. fusca populations into two genetically differentiated groups.

However, genetic substructuring in this species could be attributed to geographical

isolation as reported by Senzolin, (2006) rather than influenced by host use.

5. 2: Conclusion and recommendations

The contributions of the olfactory and gustatory organs in food plant discrimination

were examined in larvae of B. fusca. Larvae of this species have extensive olfactory

and gustatory sensilla that allow for the detection of host plant physical and

chemical stimuli important in host plant recognition and selection. Both sensilla

types are unevenly and unequally distributed on the antennae and the maxillary palp

but appear to be important in host plant choice and selection. The gustatory

receptors which are mainly located on maxillary palp but sparsely on the antennae

are involved in the detection of plant surface chemicals by the help of apical

agryrophilic pores. Nevertheless, mapping of B. fusca larval sensory structures

establishes a basis for the additional electrophysiological and behavioural

investigations that may be important for the fully understanding of the relative roles

of each of the sensory organ (the antennae, maxillary palpi and the epipharyngeal

sensilla) in food plant choice and discrimination for feeding by neonate larvae. Like


has been demonstrated for adult moths (Birkett et al., 2006), further studies are

required to determine the ability of young larvae to perceive host plant volatile cues

as well as the type and distribution of sensilla involved in such perceptions.

Additionally, the nature and function of minute sensilla present on the tip of the

maxillary palp of B. fusca larvae remains to be fully elucidated and understood.

The patterns of host plant use and the oligophagic feeding behaviour of B. fusca

larvae as has been reported in a number of field studies (Le Rü et al., 2006a, 2006b;

Ong’amo et al., 2006; Haile and Hofsvang, 2001) and was corroborated in the

current study. Larva of this species are selective in their feeding habits and exhibit a

strong feeding preference for Z.-mays and S.arundinaceum plants, indicating a

restricted host plant range. These larva are also able to use other hosts present in

their ecological niche albeit minimally, possibly in seasons when the preferred hosts

are unavailable. Selective feeding habits of B. fusca larvae appear to be partly

influenced by host plant physical and chemical cues especially plant silica content

and the presence and relative proportion of specific plant sugars.

Similar to other lepidopteran stemborers (Setamou et al. 1993; Schoonhoven et al.,

2005; Kvedaras et al., 2007a), endogenous plant silica influences B. fusca larval

performance. High plant silica content negatively correlated with B. fusca larval

survival and growth. While the identification of the specific mechanisms of silica

resistance to B. fusca larval discriminatory feeding behaviour may not be crucial for

the development of resistant cultivars; such information can facilitate plant breeding

or selection programs. Therefore, future studies focused on the mechanism of silica

resistance could be useful in understanding host plant resistance to B. fusca larvae.

Additionally, comparative studies are needed to establish the extent at which various


poaceous plants are able to accumulate silica and subsequently contribute to

resistance to feeding by B. fusca larvae. Such experiments can be carried out by

studying insect performance parameters on plants grown in silica amended soils at

various doses. However, from an applied point of view the fact that silica augments

the resistance of various plants to pest insects (Keeping and Kvedaras, 2008) and

that plants have a capacity to accumulate silica (Ma and Yamuji, 2006), this is

particularly relevant for the silica deficient soils in the cereal growing regions of

sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, silica amendments for susceptible cultivars in these

regions may provide improved resistance to the insect although field trials are

required to confirm the effects and physiological responses of the plants as regard to

this amendment. Additionally, the effects of plant tissue silifications on human

consumption should be clearly tried and ascertained.

Plant selection and subsequent colonisation by B. fusca larvae is similarly influenced

by the type and levels of some primary and secondary plant metabolites in the plant

leaf tissues. The levels and type of specific metabolites in plant tissues as were

established in this study can vary according to plant species and have been shown to

mediate food choices in a number of insect species (Mohammed et al., 1992; del

Campo and Renwick, 2000; del Campo and Miles, 2003). In the present study

sucrose and turanose were the key sugars isolated and appeared to determine B.

fusca larval food choice. At high concentrations, whereas sucrose was

phagostimulatory, turanose was phagodetterent to larval feeding. Moreover the two

sugars seem synergistic and can positively modulate larval feeding at specific ratio.

The dose response feeding experiments further revealed that B. fusca larvae can

distinguish by taste the presence of both sugars in their diets and hence both or


either of the sugars may play specific roles in larval food choice especially from

plant sources. However, future investigations of the relative proportion of each of

the two sugars present in different hosts may reveal a rationale for the selective

management of B. fusca in agricultural fields. Moreover further laboratory based

studies are required to determine the inhibitory mechanisms of turanose to larval

feeding. Including turanose in electrophysiological tip recording tests to establish

turanose sensitive cells and performing a dose response experiments with turanose

amended artificial diets would provide a useful way of determining the role of

turanose in host plant recognition and performance by B. fusca larva. Although both

sugars undoubtedly and greatly contribute to the overall food choice by B. fusca

larva, the importance of some but yet to be identified metabolites that mediate

phagostimulatory/deterrent larval responses from the plants considered can hardly

be underestimated and needs to be explored further.

The total phenolic content in the leaf tissues studied varied according to the plant

species studied. Although no direct correlation was observed between larval

performance and the total polyphenols content in the leaf extracts, this does not

explicitly rule out the non-involvement of these compounds in larval host choice and

performance. Determination of plant total chemical substance does not allow

conclusive information on the importance of single component on a particular insect

behavioural trait. And in case of total polyphenols, past phytochemical and

experimental studies leave no doubt that individual phenolic compound varies

substantially with respect to biological activity (Bergvinson et al., 1994; Santiago et

al., 2005). Therefore, the effect of plant foliage phenolics on B. fusca larva may

depend on the specific chemical structure of the compound. Ascertaining the exact


role of each and specific phenolic compound on larval feeding responses will require

analysis of each phenolic compound and not of pooled contents in the plant leaves.

Study of digestive enzymes in herbivorous insects is not only important for the

understanding of digestion biochemistry but also for developing of safe and useful

control pest management strategies. Similar to other oligophagous insects, B. fusca

larvae appear to be dependent on digestive glycosidases (glucosidases and

galactosidases) than on protein/amino acid degrading enzymes (proteases) for

survival and performance. Therefore by considering the importance of carbohydrate

digestion as a target for B. fusca control, a study on their digestive enzymes could

definitely be crucial in adopting new control procedures. Additionally these

enzymes may be important in the degradation of secondary plant metabolites present

in B. fusca host plants and therefore important in the understanding of insect

herbivore coevolution. For example, high levels of C4 esterases induced after larvae

fed on high phenolic containing plants (S. megaphylla, P. deustum and P. maximum)

used in this study could be directly correlated with high levels of phenolic

compounds in the specific plant tissue. Clearly further biochemical and molecular

biological analysis are needed to fully understand the effect of such compounds on

the digestive physiology of B. fusca larva. Similarly, the mechanisms by which B.

fusca larvae is able to detoxify harmful allelochemicals or physiologically adapt to

host plants containing such toxic chemicals as the larvae and exploits diversifies to

variety of host plants needs to be further elucidated.

The refuges constituted by non-crop host plants may be useful in the integrated pest

management strategy as has been applied in the Push-pull system (Khan et al.,

2000). However the benefits of such refuges may be limited because in some cases


host plant diversity may drive genetic divergence and possibly even host-mediated

sympatric speciation (Mopper et al., 1996). However, in this study no host-plant

related genetic diversity was visible between populations sampled from Z. mays and

those sampled from A. donax as has been hypothesised (Senzolin, 2006). Moreover

the diversity in the genetic structure exhibited between the two populations may be

congruent with patterns of geographical differentiation supporting the findings of

Senzolin, (2006). However because of the limited samples and the not so efficient

methods of sampling used, it is premature to rule out the existence of host associated

populations of this species. Better and targeted methods thus need to be developed,

such as sampling in the same locality, time frame and on different plant species to

conclusively determine the existence of any genetic differentiation in respect to host

use among B. fusca populations.

In summary, the current study illustrates that an understanding of the specific

allelochemicals and plant physical characteristics perceived by insect sensory

system in a plant–insect system can give cues as to the type of physiological,

biochemical and genetic adaptations that can be exhibited by the insect. Therefore,

for sustainable management of B. fusca an integrated approach based on the

knowledge of important plant cues as well as physiological and genetic adaptations

involved in host selection and establishment needs to be adopted to radically

influence management initiatives of B. fusca.



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A: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL

solution of 10mg/ml dried Zea mays methanol extracts reconstituted in water

into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


B: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL solution

of 50mg/ml dried Sorghum arundinaceum methanol extracts reconstituted in water

into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


C: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL solution

of 50mg/ml dried Setaria megaphylla methanol extracts reconstituted in water into a

supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


D: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL solution

of 50mg/ml dried Panicum desteum methanol extracts reconstituted in water into a

supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


E: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL solution

of 50mg/ml dried Panicum maximum methanol extracts reconstituted in water into a

supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


F: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL solution

of 50mg/ml dried Arundo donax methanol extracts reconstituted in water into a

supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


G: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL solution

of 50mg/ml dried Peniseteum purpureum methanol extracts reconstituted in water

into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.


H: Representative HPLC Chromagram obtained following injection of 2 µL

solution of 12mg/ml mixture of sugar standard solutions reconstituted in water

into a supelcosil LC-NH2 column in Shimdzu class-VP autosampler machine.