AVR Studio 6 Complete Tutorials

Post on 12-Jul-2016

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Full Description of how to use AVR studio 6 for programming AVR devices

Transcript of AVR Studio 6 Complete Tutorials

Microcontroller and Embedded systems

Tutorials on:

Using the AVR Studio 6 Simulator and Debugger

Input/output Ports

First we have to discuss about I/O ports. Generally AVR microcontrollers have four I/O ports named as

PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD up to PORTG (ATMEGA128). Take example as ATMEGA8 or

ATMEGA 16 or ATMEGA32 microcontrollers, these are any having four I/O ports and each port having 8 I/O lines. These lines are bi-directional means we can use these I/O lines either input or output. In

addition to each this pin has some of other functions like ADC, timers, interrupts, serial communication

pins and other pins. To perform any operation with general purpose I/O (GPIO) pins there is a need to configure three registers. Those registers named as DDRx, PORTx, PINx (here ‘x’ indicates the name of

the register A or B or C or D).

Each registers of these three registers are 8-bit registers means generally each port has 8 pins as like each

register has 8-bits and each pin refers on bit of register. If we want to configure any pin of the port we can configure the corresponding bits of all three registers. In this article I am taking example as ATMEGA128

microcontroller. Now consider pins 35-42 of the microcontroller, if we want to configure these 8-pins,

there is a need of configure corresponding three registers of 8-bits. Here explaining clearly, in

ATMEGA128 pin 35-42 refers PORTC. So if we want to configure PORTC, we need to configure DDRC,

PORTC and PINC registers

These 8-bits are divided into two 4-bit groups and named as lower nibbles upper nibbles. 0-3 bits are

called as lower nibbles and 4-7 bits are called as upper nibbles.

Configuring the PORT:

If we want to configure one port; there is a need to configure corresponding three registers of the port. So

now we are configuring the PORTC, so we need to configure DDRC, PORTC and PINC registers as described below:

DDRx register: The name of the register is Data Direction Register. The name only indicates complete use of the

register that is data direction. There are only two directions. Those are controller to module and module to

controller. If data direction is from module to controller that is input, if data is passing from controller to

module that is output. So the two directions are input direction and output direction

This register is used to assign the pin of the port as either input direction or output direction. In

this register the port and pin indicated as “DDRxn”, here ‘x’ indicates the port name and ‘n’

indicates the pin number. For example pin 38 refers to 4th pin of PORTC is defined as DDRC4.

Generally these GPIO pins are digital I/O pins that mean these are having only two logics as

logic0 and logic1. Same like these DDR also. If DDRxn is written as logic one, the pin is

configured as output pin. If DDRxn is written as logic zero, the pin is configured as input pin.

Up to here we are discussing as logic 0 and logic 1, but how to know what is logic 0 and what is

logic 1, how both are differs. Generally most of the microcontrollers drives the 5V, and before

setting the pin either input or output there is 5V of potential at each GPIO pin of controller.

Microcontrollers have some threshold voltage levels. The threshold level is indicated as half of

the driving voltage. If the driving voltage of controller is 5V, the threshold voltage of the

controller is 2.5V. So the controller knows that if voltage level is below the threshold level, it

sense as logic zero and above the threshold level it sense as logic one.

So in this sense logic zero means DDRxn configured as input pin and logic one means DDRxn

configured as output pin. If pin is configured as input, the internal pull-up resistors will be on. If

we want to turn-off the pull-up resistors, the pin has to be configured as output.

DDRx register


To configure some bits of PORTC as inputs and some bits as outputs where configure 0,2,4,6

pins as inputs and 1,3,5,7 pins as outputs.


Generally the register initial value is zero means register bits are configured to input. So change

require bits to logic one to change as output.

Generally we are using shift operation to assign value to bit of register. Take bit0 of DDRC, the

initial value of the bit is zero. If we want to change the bit to one, just we can use simple shift

operation as 1<<DDRC0. If we want to change remaining bits, that is also same but OR

operation is performed between the bits. Now in our example the code is as follows:

DDRC = (1<<DDRC1) | (1<<DDRC3) | (1<<DDRC5) | (1<<DDRC7);

The above line indicates that setting 1,3,5,7 pins of PORTC as outputs and setting 0,2,4,6 pins of

PORTC as inputs.

There are so many ways to perform this operation mentioned below.

DDRC = (1<<1) | (1<<3) | (1<<5) | (1<<7);

Or DDRC = 0xAA;

Or DDRC = 0b10101010;

These are the several ways to setting directions of the PORTC.

PORTx register:

PORTx register is used to control the voltage on the hardware pin. As same like DDRx register,

this PORTx register is also having 8-bits. If bits of the PORTx are written as logic one, the port

is driven to high means 5V voltage having at the pin. If bits of the PORTx are written as logic

zero, the port is driven to low means 0V voltage having at the pin.

This register is very useful for setting output pins either low or high. DDRx register set some bits

as input bits and some as output bits. The PORTx register is very useful to set the output bits as

either high or low.

This register declaration is similar to the DDRx register, the only change is name of the register.

From the above example, let us set some of output pins as low and some of output pins as high.

Here we are setting 1, 5 pins are high and 3, 7 pins are low.

PORTD = (1<<PORTD1) | (1<<PORTD5);

Or PORTD = (1<<1) | (1<<5);

Or PORTD = 0b00100010;

Or PORTD = 0x22;

Review Process for Developing Embedded Software

• To develop software for an embedded system

– Create source file (on Host)

– Type in C code (on Host)

– Compile/Assemble: translate into machine code (on Host)

– Link: combine all object files and libraries, resolve all symbols (on Host)

– Locate: assign memory addresses to code and data (on Host)

– Download: copy executable image into Target processor memory (only if you have target


– Execute: reset Target processor

The following tutorial covers the steps needed to program AVRs in Windows using Atmel

Studio and a USB AVR Programmer. Atmel Studio is a free integrated development

environment (IDE) provided by Atmel. In this tutorial, we will write a simple program to blink

an LED connected to pin PORTD1 of an AVR. If you want to program an AVR that does not

have an LED connected to pin PORTD1, the code in this tutorial can be modified.

You will need to:

Download and install Atmel Studio by following the instructions on Atmel’s website. If

you use Windows Vista, you should download Atmel Studio 6.2, because that is latest

version that supports Windows Vista. This tutorial was written for Atmel Studio 7.0 and

Atmel Studio 6.2.

Install the USB AVR Programmer’s drivers on your computer.

If you are using Atmel Studio 6 or older, you might need to add an XML file to Atmel

Studio to make it support the AVR you wish to program.

After you have completed these prerequisites, you can create a new Atmel Studio project:

1. Open Atmel Studio and click New Project. In the New Project dialog, select GCC C

Executable Project for the template. Enter the project name and location. In this tutorial,

we will name our project “BlinkLED” and put it in the “C:\” directory, but you can

choose a different name and location if you would like. Uncheck the Create directory

for solution box to simplify the directory structure of your project. Click OK.

The New Project dialog of Atmel Studio 6.

2. In the Device Selection window, select the device name of your specific AVR. Click OK

to create the project.

The Device Selection dialog of Atmel Studio 6.

3. Remove the template code that was automatically placed in BlinkLED.c and replace it

with the code below:

4. Click the Build Solution button on the toolbar (or press F7) to compile the code.

Expected Output from build execution(if there is no error in your code)

Building a project with Atmel Studio 6.

(This following part concerns you only in case you have hardware/Target


Downloading and Executing Your Program

Once a program has been successfully compiled, linked, and located, it must be moved to the

target platform

Download the binary image to the embedded system

-Executable binary image is transferred and loaded into a memory device on target board

-Can be loaded into ROM via a device programmer, which “burns” a chip that is then re-inserted

into the embedded system.

-Your program will then execute when you reset the

processor, or apply power to the embedded system

Debugging Embedded Software

Now that the software has been downloaded to the target processor, how do we know if it is


Run-time errors are not as obvious

-Most embedded systems do not have a “screen”

-When a program fails, usually causes the processor to crash or lock-up

Logic errors

If program runs, is it performing the correct steps?

Debugging Tools

Debugging with Simulators

A debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and debug other

programs. The code to be examined might alternatively be running on an instruction set


When the program crashes, the debugger shows the actual position in the original code if it is a

source-level debugger. If it is a low-level debugger or a machine-language debugger it shows

that line in the program.

Simulator is host-based program that simulates functionality and instruction set of target


- Front-end has text or GUI-based windows for source code, register contents, etc

- Valuable during early stages of development

- Disadvantage: only simulates processor, not peripherals

Debugging with Remote Debuggers(Only in case you have hardware/Target

device ))

- Remote Debuggers used to monitor/control embedded SW

-Used to download, execute and debug embedded software over communications link (e.g., serial


- Front-end has text or GUI-based windows for source code, register contents, etc

- Backend provides low-level control of target processor, runs on target processor and

communicates to front-end over comm-link

- Debugger and software being debugged are executing on two different computer systems

- Supports higher level of interaction between host and target

Allows start/restart/kill, and stepping through program

Software breakpoints (stop execution if instruction X is fetched)

Read/write registers or data at specified address

- Disadvantage: Requires target processor to run more than final software package

Debugging with In-Circuit Emulators((This part concerns you only in case you have

hardware/Target) In-Circuit Emulators (ICE)

-Take the place of (i.e., emulates) target processor

- Contains copy of target processor, plus RAM, ROM, and its own embedded software

- Allows you to examine state of processor while program is running

- Uses Remote debugger for human interface

-Has more capability than target processor

Supports software and hardware breakpoints (stop execution on memory and I/O read/write,


Real-time tracing

Stores information about each processor cycle that is executed

Allows you to see what order things happened

Disadvantage: Expensive!

(This part concerns you only in case you have hardware)

5. Make sure your USB AVR programmer is connected to your computer via its USB A to

mini-B cable and then select Add target… from the Tools menu. Select STK500 as the

tool. Select the COM port that has been assigned to the programmer’s programming port,

and click Apply. If you are not sure which COM port to select, look in the Device

Manager under the “Ports (COM & LPT)” list. This step can be skipped if you have done

it before.

The “Add target” dialog box in Atmel Studio 6.

6. Click the Device Programming button on the toolbar. You can also select Device

Programming from the Tools menu.

7. This will bring up the Device Programming dialog. For the Tool, select the STK500 that

you added earlier. Select the same device you selected earlier. If your device is not in the

list, you might need to add it to the list by following the instructions. For the Interface,

select ISP. Click Apply.

Selecting a programmer, device, and interface in the Device Programming dialog of Atmel

Studio 6.

If you got an error that says “Unable to connect to tool STK500” and you see an error message in

the Output pane in the main window that says “The signature of the attached tool is AVRISP_2,

which is unexpected.” then you need to upgrade your programmer’s firmware to version 1.07 or


If you have not done so already, connect the programmer to the target device using the 6-pin ISP

cable. Make sure the cable is oriented so that pin 1 on the connector lines up with pin 1 on your

target device, and that the target device is powered on. You can test the connection by clicking

the Read button next to the Device Signature box. This sends a command to the target AVR

asking for its signature. If everything works correctly, you should see a number in hex notation

appear in the Device Signature box. If you get an error about the signature being wrong, you

might have selected the wrong device. If you get a warning that says “Read voltage … is outside

selected device’s operating range” then double check to make sure that your device is powered

and that you have upgraded the programmer to firmware version 1.07 or later.

Reading the device signature of an AVR in Atmel Studio 6.

9. Now it is time to program your target device. Select the Memories section on the left.

The Flash box should contain the path to the ELF file that was generated when you built

your program. If it does not, you can browse for this using the “…” button to the right of

the text box. If you navigate to your project’s folder, you should find it as

“Debug\<project name>.elf”. Click the Program button in the Flash box.

The Memories section of the Device Programming dialog in Atmel Studio 6.

As your USB AVR Programmer programs the AVR, you should see all three LEDs flicker and

you should see the following text appear at the bottom of the window:

Erasing device... OK

Programming Flash...OK

Verifying Flash...OK

If there were no problems, the LED connected to PORTD1 of your AVR should now be


Debugging the code using Simulator

Since you are now aware of creating and building your project using AVR Studio 6, the

following step is to know how to debug and simulate your code using the AVR Simulator.

The AVR Studio 6 Simulator has the following features:

It supports software emulation of any real AVR device without actually connecting it.

It gives access to all the peripherals of the real MCU but no external devices.

So if you want to give external signals, you need to do it yourself, either by manually

updating the registers.

Let us consider the following code as an example to explain the functionality of the AVR














#include <avr/io.h>

int main(void) { uint8_t counter; DDRB = 0xFF; while(1) { counter++; // insert breakpoint here <----- PORTB = counter; } }

Now, click on the Debug menu and then click on Start Debugging and Break. If

initially no debugger is chosen, AVR Studio 6 will ask you to choose a Debug Tool.

AVR Simulator is always an option there. Choose it and click OK.

Debug Tool

fter this, debugging starts and halts in the beginning of main(). You can see a yellow

arrow mark determining the current executing line.

Let us place a breakpoint in the main and start execution. Highlight the variable counter

in counter++, right click it, go to Breakpoint and then click on Insert Breakpoint.

Insert Breakpoint

Now press the play button (F5) or click on Continue from the Debug menu to run to the


Now look at the affected registers in the I/O view. If you don’t have the I/O View open,

you can select it from the Debug toolbar or from the Debug windows menu.

I/O View

All the peripheral features are mentioned over here. We can monitor any changes from

the software and also manipulate the values to provide input.

Now, since the counter changes the value of PORTB, scroll down in the I/O View and

click on PORTB.

Choose PORTB in I/O View

Upon clicking PORTB, you can see the three registers assigned for PORTB operations,

PINB, DDRB and PORTB. You can also view their current values.

A solid block represents ‘1’ whereas a blank block represents ‘0’.

Since it the beginning of main(), we defined DDRB = 0xFF, all the blocks are filled. You

can also look at its value there.

Now, press the play button. The loop iterates once and stops at the breakpoint. You can

see that values of PINB and PORTB have changed to 0x01. This is because after one

iteration, counter = 1.

(You can use Reset and Restart to move to the starting point of debugging)

Debug in Progress (1)

The red block indicates that there has been a change in the value of the bit. If it’s a solid

red block, a change has been there from 0 to 1. If it’s just a red outline, it’s the other way

round.(from 1 to 0)

Once again click on play. You will be able to see the following sequences.

Debug in Progress (2)

Debug in Progress (3)

Debug in Progress (4)

Now, if you want to change some other registers (apart from the ones changed by the

code), simply click on the corresponding register and change its value.

Say for example you want to change the value of DDRD. Click on PORTD and then give

any value you want. You can also click on the corresponding bits to toggle the values.

Making External Changes

So now we are done with the basics of AVR Studio 6. There are more advanced features of

debugging in AVR Studio 6 which includes In-System Debugging which is a kind of runtime

debugging unlike the software emulation that we learnt here. However, we are not interested in

discussing these concepts here as it is possible only with AVR Programmers (special tools for

downloading code into target device).