AUSA Sport Intramural Competitions 2009-10

Post on 16-Mar-2016

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leaflet containing info on all intramural sports competitions available this academic year and entry form

Transcript of AUSA Sport Intramural Competitions 2009-10


1st Oct 2009 Captains meet the Principal

8th Oct 2009AUSA Sport Safety Talk

28th Feb 2010Aberdeen Universities’ Boat Race

21st March 2010Superteams

25th April 2010Rugby 7’s

2nd May 2010Football 6’s

20th April 2010Blues Awards

5th May AGM

11th Feb Sports Ball

17th March Granite City Challenge

Sun 8th Nov Iron Man

16th Dec, 24th March, 5th May Sports Union Nights Out

Dates are correct at time of print - any changes will be available at under ‘What’s On’

Play informally or competitively or just for fun - with friends, halls buddies or classmates!

Make a difference. Get involved.

Intra Mural Competitions 2009-10

Is held on a Sunday and a Wednesday as a league. Teams to be of 15 players. There has to be at least 5 players willing to referee. Entry Fee of £200 and deposit of £15. A max of 10 team entry, 1st come 1st served. Games are 40 min each half.

Is held on a Tuesday. Teams must consist of 10 players. There has to be at least 3 player willing to referee. Entry Fee of £150 and deposit of £15. A max of 10 team

entry, 1st come 1st service. Games are 20min each half.

Is held on a Thursday at Hillhead. This is a chance for those competitive halls of residents to battle it against the opposing houses, past residents can form their teams to show off their skills. Entry fee of £100 and a deposit of £15.

Is held on Wednesday afternoons at Codonas Sunset Boulevard, commencing week beginning 12th Oct. Each match will consist of three games against the appointed team and the winner is the team with the highest pin drop total. Entry fee is £90, deposit of £15, 10 teams max containing 3 players. Consisting of a total of 5 sessions.

Is held on Wednesday evening 6-8 or 8-10pm, on routation, at Codonas Sunset Boulevard. 8 teams Max and 1st come 1st served. Teams consisting of 2 members, playing a total of 5 games an evening, 2 single games

each anda double game.Entry fee £60 Deposit of £15.

Max number of teams 24, 1st come 1st served, in each team 3 members plus 2 subs. Held on Sunday 5-7, with 10 min each quarter, rotating times. Entry fee £70 Deposit of £15.

There are 6 players a team and the tournament runs with anything between 6 and 8 teams. It runs during the first

semester mostly. The matches last an hour and are played on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the day. Entry fees £100 and a deposit of £15.

Is a Sunday 10 a-side league, with 3 subs. Entry fee £100 and a deposit £15. 10 min each side. Each team will need to have at least 3 members will to referee. The spaces will be allocated on a 1st come 1st served. Uncontested scrums.

Teams of 4, 2 female & 2 male, the games will be split in to one male & female single, then a mixed with the other team members, finishing the match with a game of single sex doubles. The games will be one game to 21. 6 teams max - 1st come 1st served. Entry fee £ 40 deposit £15. This league will be played on a Thursday.

A one day event that is full of fun, ending with a BBQ. 7 a side, each team has 9 members, three 12min games. This will be held on a Wed after the Easter break, more info to come later. Entry fee £90


Captain’s Name

Captain’s Email Address

Captain’s Matric. Number

Contact Phone No.

Vice-Captain’s Name

Vice-Captain’s Email Address

Vice-Captain’s Matric. Number

Vice-Captain’s Contact Phone No.

Deposit Entry Fee


Deposit Entry Fee Received by

Team Name

Team Members Referree?

Cheque made payable to AUSA Sports Union. All payments are to be handed in at AUSA Reception at The Hub on the 2nd floor. All forms have to be in by the 5th Oct 2009. All will be commencing the week of the

12th Oct unless stated otherwise.


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