Aula 08: Dualidade - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto · 2019-10-10 · / 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo...

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Transcript of Aula 08: Dualidade - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto · 2019-10-10 · / 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo...

BCC464/PCC174 — 2019/2Departamento de Computação — UFOP

Túlio A. M. Toffolo

Otimização Linear e InteiraAula 08: Dualidade


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

DualidadeThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Seja o PL a seguir o PL primal:























/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

DualidadeThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Associado a este PL, existe um outro PL, chamado PL dual:

























/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

DualidadeThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

O dual de um problema de maximização é um problema de minimização.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

As m restrições primais estão em correspondência com as m variáveis duais.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

As n restrições duais estão em correspondência com as n variáveis primais.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

O coeficiente de cada variável na FO, primal ou dual, aparece no outro problema como lado direito da restrição correspondente.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

A matriz de coeficientes do primal é transposta no dual.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade












PL Primal PL Dual


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Transformação Primal x Dual


Restrição≤ ≤



= qq.≥ ≥

Variável≤ ≥

Restriçãoqq. =≥ ≤


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Exemplo:Exemplo: O Problema da Dieta

Minimizar: 3x1+2, 5x2 (1)

Sujeito a: 8x1+ 4x2 � 32 (2)6x1+ 6x2 � 36 (3)x1 � 0 (4)

x2 � 0 (5)

21 / 30 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 01: Introdução

Exemplo: O Problema da Dieta

Minimizar: 3x1+2, 5x2 (1)

Sujeito a: 8x1+ 4x2 � 32 (2)6x1+ 6x2 � 36 (3)x1 � 0 (4)

x2 � 0 (5)

21 / 30 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 01: Introdução







Sujeito a:


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade


Sujeito a:

Exemplo:The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Encontre o PL Dual do modelo abaixo:

Exemplo: O Problema da Dieta

Minimizar: 32u1+36u2 (6)

Sujeito a: 8u1+ 6u2 3 (7)4u1+ 6u2 2, 5 (8)u1 � 0 (9)

u2 � 0 (10)

22 / 31 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 01: Introdução


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade


The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Encontre o PL Dual do modelo abaixo:


Exercício1 Encontre o PL Dual do modelo a seguir:

min. 300x1+ 280x2

s.a. 70x1+ 50x2 � 35050x1+ 80x2 � 400

x1 � 2x1, x2 � 0

21 / 34 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 03: Simplex e Modelagem�10

/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

DualidadeThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

É igualmente válido definir o primal como sendo um problema de minimização ou maximização





S. a 1, 2,...,

0 1,2,...,


j jj


ij j ij


w c x

a x b i m

x j n




£ =

³ =






S. a 1, 2,...,

y 0 1,2,...,


i ii


ij i ji


z b y

a y c j n

i m




³ =

³ =




/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Teorema

O dual do dual é o primal.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Teorema

Teorema da dualidade fraca

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Se o primal for um PL de maximização que tem uma solução viável x com valor z e o seu dual tem solução viável y com valor w, então z ≤ w.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Se o primal for um PL de minimização que tem uma solução viável x com valor z e o dual tem solução viável y com valor w, então z ≥ w.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Teorema

Teorema da dualidade forte

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Se o primal tem solução ótima x* com valor z*, então o dual tem solução ótima y* com valor w* e z*=w*.


The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Sempre é possível usar uma solução do dual para provar que uma solução ótima do primal realmente é ótima.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: VantagensThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

É possível “cercar” a solução ótima e/ou conferir se uma solução é de fato ótima (exemplo: um PL de minimização)

x* = u*



(valor do primal)

(valor do dual)


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: VantagensThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Situações na qual a matriz de coeficientes do primal tem mais linhas do que de colunas:


A base no dual é menor neste caso!


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Teorema

Pelo Teorema da dualidade fraca:

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Se o primal for ilimitado, o dual é inviável.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Se o dual for ilimitado, o primal é inviável.The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Observação: é possível que tanto o primal quanto o dual sejam inviáveis.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

DualidadeThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Relações entre o primal e o dual:


Ótimo Ilimitado Inviável

Ótimo Possível Nunca Nunca

Ilimitado Nunca Nunca Possível

Inviável Nunca Possível Possível

DualidadeAnálise de Sensibilidade

/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Interpretação EconômicaThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Sejam os dois PLs a seguir:





































PL Primal PL Dual


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Interpretação EconômicaThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Sejam x* e u* soluções ótimas dos PLs primal e dual, e seja B* a base relativa a essas soluções.



iiiD ubbuufxf


**** )()(




The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Supondo b variável e derivando em relação a b:

u* é a taxa de variação de f(x*) com b. Como u* ≥ 0, então f(x*) cresce à medida que bi cresce


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Interpretação EconômicaThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Considere o primal um problema de alocação de recursos, com m recursos disponíveis nas quantidades b1, b2, ..., bm com os quais desejamos fabricar n produtos nas quantidades x1, x2, ..., xn a serem determinadas.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Cada unidade do produto j consome aij unidades do recurso i trazendo um retorno de cj unidades monetárias.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Queremos determinar a quantidade a ser fabricada de cada produto de modo a maximizar o retorno.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Interpretação EconômicaThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Suponha, agora, aumentada em uma unidade a quantidade disponível do recurso k, isto é, temos (bk + 1) unidades.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Suponha que a base associada permaneça a mesma.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Neste caso, a nova solução ótima u** do dual permanece a mesma.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

A nova solução ótima x** será:


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Dualidade: Interpretação Econômica

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

f(x**) – f(x*) = uk*, ou seja, uk* é o incremento no lucro trazido pelo aumento de uma unidade da matéria disponível k.

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

uk* é chamado shadow price, valor incremental, efficiency price, valor implícito, etc.



*** )1()( kk



ii ububxf ++=∑≠=



* )( kk


iii uxfuub +=+=∑



/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Exemplos para aula prática:



Exemplo: O Problema da Dieta

Minimizar: 32u1+36u2 (6)

Sujeito a: 8u1+ 6u2 3 (7)4u1+ 6u2 2, 5 (8)u1 � 0 (9)

u2 � 0 (10)

22 / 31 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 01: Introdução

Exemplo: O Problema da Dieta

Minimizar: 3x1+2, 5x2 (1)

Sujeito a: 8x1+ 4x2 � 32 (2)6x1+ 6x2 � 36 (3)x1 � 0 (4)

x2 � 0 (5)

21 / 30 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 01: Introdução



PL Primal PL Dual


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 1: Carteira de Investimentos

Uma empresa gerencia recursos de terceiros através da escolha de carteiras de investimentos para diversos clientes, baseados em bonds de diversas empresas. Um de seus clientes exige que:

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Não mais de 25% do total aplicado deve ser investido em um único investimento;

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Um valor superior ou igual a 50% do total aplicado deve ser investido em títulos de maturidade maiores que 10 anos;

The football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

O total aplicado em títulos de alto risco deve ser, no máximo, de 45% do total investido.

Considerando a tabela de retorno, risco e maturidade (próximo slide), determine a estratégia ótima para o investidor de forma que a rentabilidade de sua aplicação seja máxima.


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 1: Carteira de Investimentos

Título Retorno anual (%)

Maturidade (anos)


0 8,7 15 1 – Muito baixo

1 9,5 12 3 – Regular

2 12,0 8 4 – Alto3 9,0 7 2 – Baixo4 13,0 11 4 – Alto5 20,0 5 5 – Muito alto


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 1: Carteira de Investimentos


Forma Padrão

max .X




s.a. xj 25 8j 2 TitulosX


xj � 50



xj 45



xj = 100

3 / 34 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 03: Simplex e Modelagem

/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 1: Carteira de Investimentos

1. Qual o melhor retorno que se pode obter? Quanto se deve aplicar em cada título para que se tenha o retorno ótimo?

2. Em qual percentual aumentaria o retorno se fosse permitido aplicar 1% a mais no Título 1?

3. Quanto é a influência da limitação de aplicação em título de alto risco? Qual seria o retorno se esta limitação fosse de 49%?

4. Se fosse imposto limitar a aplicação em cada título em 24% para um dentre os títulos 1, 3 e 5, em qual título deveria ser feita a diminuição de aplicação? Justifique.

5. A partir de qual retorno a aplicação no Título 2 é vantajosa?


Para a próxima aula…

/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 2: Produção de automóveisThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Uma empresa deve produzir 1000 automóveis. Ela tem quatro fábricas, as quais, devido a diferenças na mão-de-obra e avanços tecnológicos, diferem no custo de produção de cada carro. Elas também utilizam diferentes quantidades de matéria-prima e mão-de-obra. A tabela abaixo resume essas informações:

Fábrica Custo (R$ mil) Mão-de-Obra Mat. Prima

1 15 2 32 10 3 43 9 4 54 7 5 6


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 2: Produção de automóveisThe football leagues grouping problem

Problem constraints:

Leagues must comprise between m� and m+ teams.At most 2 teams from the same club can be in a league.There is a limit on the level difference between teams inthe same league.There is a limit on the travel time/distance between teamsin the same league.

It’s a generalization of the clique partitioning problem withminimum clique size requirement.

7 / 25 Toffolo et al. – IP heuristics for nesting problems

Um acordo trabalhista requer que pelo menos 400 carros sejam produzidos na Fábrica 3. Existem 3300 horas de mão-de-obra e 4000 unidades de material que podem ser alocas às 4 fábricas:


jj xcmin



jj TotMObraxMObra



jj x aTotMatPrimMatPrima



jx Producao

0| ¹Î"³ jjj AcordoFabricasjAcordox


/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade

Ex. 2: Produção de automóveis

1. Quais são as quantias ótimas de produção? Qual o custo da produção?

2. Quanto custa produzir mais um veículo? Quanto economizamos produzindo um veículo a menos?

3. Como mudaria a solução se custasse somente R$8.000,00 para produzir na fábrica 2? Como ficaria o custo?

4. Quanto o acordo está custando? Qual seria a variação no custo se o acordo fosse de 250 carros?

5. Até que custo ainda é vantajoso produzir na Fábrica 2?



/ 12/ 34 Túlio Toffolo — Otimização Linear e Inteira — Aula 08: Dualidade


Exercício1 Resolva o PL abaixo e seu dual utilizando o método


min. x1+ x2

s.a. 2x1+ 5x2 � 105x1+ 3x2 � 4x1, x2 � 0

21 / 34 Túlio Toffolo – Otimização Linear e Inteira – Aula 03: Simplex e Modelagem�35

/ 12
