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Transcript of August 26, 2018 Page 1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH

August 26, 2018 Page 1

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 10800 HENDERSON RD., VENTURA, CA 93004 (805) 647-3235; FAX (805) 647-8087

Visit us on the WEB at: Email us at:

Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM Sunday 8:00AM - 2:00PM Closed Saturday

Rev. Al Ezeonyeka, Administrator -Rev. Altaire Fernandez, Associate Pastor- Rev. Daniel O’Sullivan, Pastor Emeritus Dcn. John Barry - Dcn. Phil Conforti - Dcn. Fernando Flores - Dcn. Humberto Guzman

SACRED HEART SCHOOL 10770 Henderson Rd., Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 647-6174


“Our mission is to offer every person in our community a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ”


"Nuestra misión es ofrecerle a cada persona en nuestra comunidad un encuentro que cambia la vida con Jesucristo "

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Letter from Archbishop José H. Gomez Letter from Archbishop José H. Gomez Letter from Archbishop José H. Gomez Page 2

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, It is a sad and confusing time for all of us, with the recent revelations about sin and abuse in the Church in this country. I am praying for you and your families and for our young people; and for our bishops, priests, deacons, seminarians and religious. I am praying most intensely for the victim-survivors of these crimes, and am trying to offer what small penance I can for everyone who has suffered abuse by pastors of the Church. In one sense, the Church’s pastors are no different than any Christian. We are all called to holiness and to grow in our relationship with Jesus and to glorify God by our lives. But the priest above all is consecrated to serve “in the person of Christ.” That is why the evil at the heart of these scandals is so terrible. A sacred trust has been broken by men whom Jesus entrusted to be his representatives on earth. These priests have betrayed Christ and done violence to his children. The cruelty they have done casts a shadow on the priesthood and the vast majority of priests who are good and faithful servants of the Gospel. I understand the anger and frustration that people have against the Church and her leaders right now. For me, I am feeling a deep sadness. I am horrified that such crimes could be committed against innocent children of God. We need to hold people accountable and we need to atone for these sins as a Church. I am a member of the executive committee of the U.S. Bishops and we have issued two statements that I think are a good start for responding to the present crisis. These proposals should go a long way towards increasing transparency and addressing the culture of clericalism that contributed to these abuses and failures in leadership. Here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, we have an effective system for reporting and investigating suspected abuse by priests and for removing offenders from ministry. Our oversight board includes both clergy and lay experts from several disciplines and also includes persons who have experienced abuse. We have also established an extensive program of education and background checks to make sure our children are safe and cared for in our parishes, schools and ministries. We remain committed to keeping our children safe and providing a compassionate environment in which victim-survivors can come forward to seek justice and find healing. If you or any one you know is a victim of clerical abuse here in Los Angeles, I urge you to call our hotline (800) 355-2545 or visit our website: Programs, protocols, and best practices are essential. But they are not enough. The deeper crisis today in the Church is spiritual and moral. I believe we need to respond to this crisis with a new call to penance and purification and a new dedication to leading holy lives. Renewal of the Church is first of all a duty for bishops and priests. We need humble penance for what has been done by our brothers. We need to live with simplicity and integrity and be models of conversion and holiness. Now more than ever, I pray that every bishop and every priest will rediscover his love for Jesus Christ and burn with new desire to bring holiness and salvation to our people. I am confident that the Holy Spirit will raise up saints from every walk of life to renew and rebuild his Church in this time of need. What has happened is the responsibility of bishops and priests. That is clear. But the way forward will mean lay people and clergy working together. To renew and rebuild the Church takes time. Conversion, which means changing our lives in the image of Jesus Christ, is an ongoing process and it lasts our whole lives. We need to begin again right now, starting with those of us who are bishops and priests. All of us in the Church need to commit ourselves again to the basic practices of our Christian life: personal prayer, the Eucharist and Confession, the works of mercy, growing in the virtues. My brothers and sisters, do not lose hope in the Church. Jesus told us that God permits evil to grow up alongside the good, both in the world and in the Church. This truth does not make us excuse or accept what has happened. Just the opposite. In this moment, our Lord is counting on us. So please do not give in to discouragement. Put your hope in God’s promise: where sin increases, his grace will increase even more. Please keep praying for me and know that I am praying for you. Let us pray in a special way in these days for every person who has been hurt by members of the Church and let us keep working to help them heal. And let us ask our Blessed Mother Mary to intercede for us and give us the courage and wisdom to purify the Church and renew our love for Jesus Christ and his Gospel. May God grant you peace,

Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Éste es un momento de tristeza y confusión para todos nosotros, debido a las recientes revelaciones sobre los pecados y abusos en la Iglesia de este país. Estoy orando por ustedes y por sus familias, así como también por nuestros jóvenes; por nuestros obispos, sacerdotes, diáconos, seminaristas y relig-iosos. Y estoy orando todavía más intensamente por las víctimas sobrevivientes de estos crímenes. Y sobre todo, estoy tratando también de ofrecer penitencia, hasta el menor sacrificio posible, por todos los que han sufrido abusos por parte de los pastores de la Iglesia. En cierto sentido, los pastores de la Iglesia no son diferentes a cualquier otro cristiano. Todos estamos llamados a la santidad, a crecer en nuestra relación con Jesús y a glorificar a Dios con nuestras vidas. Pero el sacerdote, está consagrado ante todo para servir “en la persona de Cristo”. Por eso el mal que está en la raíz de estos escándalos es tan terrible. La confianza en lo sagrado se ha visto quebrantada por hombres a quienes Jesús escogió para ser sus representantes en la tierra. Estos sacerdotes han traicionado a Cristo y han hecho violencia a sus niños. La crueldad que han cometido proyecta una sombra sobre el sacerdocio y sobre la gran mayoría de los sacerdotes que son buenos y fieles servidores del Evangelio. Entiendo la ira y la frustración que la gente manifiesta contra la Iglesia y contra sus líderes en este momento. Por mi parte estoy experimentando una profunda tristeza. Estoy horrorizado de que tales crímenes puedan ser cometidos contra inocentes hijos de Dios. Necesitamos responsabilizar a las personas y hemos de expiar estos pecados como Iglesia. Soy miembro del comité ejecutivo de los Obispos de E.U.A. Y hemos emitido dos declaraciones que creo que son un buen comienzo para responder a la crisis actual. Estas propuestas pueden contribuir en gran medida a aumentar la transparencia y a afrontar la cultura del clericalismo que con-tribuyó a estos abusos y a las fallas en el liderazgo. Aquí en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, tenemos un sistema eficaz para informar e investigar presuntos abusos por parte de sacerdotes y para re-tirar a los culpables del ministerio. Nuestro comité de supervisión incluye tanto a clérigos como a laicos expertos, pertenecientes a diversas profe-siones. Incluye asimismo a personas que han experimentado abusos. Hemos establecido también un extenso programa de educación y verificación de antecedentes para garantizar que nuestros niños estén seguros y protegidos en nuestras parroquias, escuelas y ministerios. Seguimos comprometidos con mantener seguros a nuestros niños y con proporcionar un ambiente compasivo en el que las víctimas sobrevivientes puedan hacerse presentes para buscar justicia y encontrar la sanación. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce es víctima de abuso clerical aquí en Los Ángeles, lo aliento a que llame a nuestra línea directa (800) 355-2545 o que visite nuestro sitio web: protector/. Los programas, protocolos y métodos más eficaces son esenciales, pero no son suficientes. La crisis más profunda de la Iglesia actual es espiritual y moral. Creo que tenemos que responder a esta crisis con un nuevo llamado a la penitencia y a la purificación y con un nuevo empeño en llevar una vida santa. La renovación de la Iglesia es, ante todo, un deber para los obispos y los sacerdotes. Necesitamos hacer penitencia con humildad por lo que han hecho nuestros hermanos. Necesitamos vivir con sencillez e integridad y ser modelos de conversión y de santidad. Ahora más que nunca, le pido a Dios que cada obispo y cada sacerdote redescubra su amor a Jesucristo y arda con un nuevo deseo de llevar la santidad y la salvación a nuestro pueblo. Estoy seguro de que el Espíritu Santo suscitará santos en todos los ámbitos de la vida para renovar y reconstruir su Iglesia en este momento de nece-sidad. Lo que sucedió es responsabilidad de los obispos y sacerdotes; eso está claro. Pero el camino a seguir implicará que los laicos y el clero traba-jen juntos. Renovar y reconstruir la Iglesia es algo que lleva tiempo. La conversión, que significa cambiar nuestras vidas asimilándolas a la imagen de Jesucristo, es un proceso continuo, que dura toda la vida. Debemos entonces, empezar de nuevo en este momento, comenzando con aquellos de nosotros que somos obispos y sacerdotes. Todos nosotros, los que formamos parte de la Iglesia, hemos de comprometernos nuevamente con las prácticas básicas de nuestra vida cristiana: la oración personal, la Eucaristía y la Confesión, las obras de misericordia, el crecimiento en las virtudes. Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, no pierdan la esperanza en la Iglesia. Jesús nos dijo que Dios permite que el mal crezca junto con el bien, tanto en el mundo como en la Iglesia. Esta verdad no nos hace excusar o aceptar lo que ha sucedido; todo lo contrario. En este momento, nuestro Señor cuenta con nosotros. Así que por favor no se dejen llevar por el desaliento. Pongan su esperanza en la promesa de Dios: donde abundó el pecado, sobreabundó la gracia. Por favor sigan orando por mí y tengan la seguridad de que yo estoy orando por ustedes. Oremos estos días de manera especial por cada persona que haya sido herida por miembros de la Iglesia y sigamos trabajando para ayudarlos a sanar. Y pidámosle a nuestra Santísima Madre María que interceda por nosotros y nos dé el valor y la sabiduría necesarios para purificar a la Iglesia y para renovar nuestro amor por Jesucristo y por su Evangelio. Que Dios les conceda la paz,

Excelentísimo Monseñor José H. Gomez, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles

August 26, 2018 Carta del Carta del ArzobispoArzobispo José H. GomezJosé H. Gomez Page 3

1. Registration for September’s classes will continue

until classes fill up. Still open are kindergarten and first year communion. We encourage all families with 7 and 8th graders who have not yet been baptized or made their first communion to register their children.

2. Office hours on Sunday, August 26th are 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Please register as soon as possible.

3. Sunday, August 26th, second year parent orientations are being conducted. We have about 70 second year students this year. Parent orientations are as follows:

a. 10:00AM – ACEVEDO through FERMIN b. 11:30AM – GAETA through LOPEZ c. 1:00PM – MARINO through ROCHA d. 2:30PM – RODRIGUEZ through ZUBER

Important information will be given regarding the program. All orientations are held in the religious education office. One parent must attend; no children allowed.

4. Sunday, September 2nd, first year parent orientations are being conducted. Letters have been sent out to families that have registered so far.

Sr. Margaret Mary

It’s weird when I hear people talking about summer coming to an end and programs starting up again. Even though we haven’t had confirmation all summer we have had a number of youth groups and events that has led to a very active summer in our ministry. Just when I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel I realize that I need to start planning for our core team retreat that is happening early September. I am greatly surprised every year when I ask my leader ,what are some things they need to work on that they are so willing and honest to offer suggestions. Our core team is constantly growing and constantly working on being a better team than the amazing team that they are already. As we discussing these things the other night I couldn’t help but think to myself in which of these things do I need improvement? Are there other things not listed that I know I need to work on? I am not perfect. I have many years of youth ministry experience but that doesn’t make me the perfect youth minister. I am constantly trying to grow and be better at what I do. One of the biggest ways I do this is by doing as much as I can with the core team and our teens when it comes to living the faith. Another way I do this is by walking down this journey every year and adapting it to tailor our teens. What I am getting at is this; I am not above our teens when it comes to walking this faith journey. We are all one body in Christ and are in this together no matter what! Just because I am the leader of a ministry or group doesn’t mean I can’t grow and doesn’t mean I am not walking this journey with those I lead. A shepherd walks with his flocks, plain and simple.

Upcoming Events: Youth Group-August 29

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time | Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page 4

Join The Adventure!

Everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view. ALPHA provides a dynamic video/ talk series that explores the Christian faith. Each session looks at a

different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. It is run all around the world, and everyone is welcome. ALPHA sessions are in Biedermann Hall on Tuesdays starting Aug 28th to Oct 30th 6:30 pm to 8:00pm.

Session 1: August 28 –Is There More to Life Than This? Session 2: Sept. 4 - Who is Jesus? Session 3: Sept 11- Why Did Jesus Die? Session 4: Sept. 18- How Can I Have Faith? Session 5: Sept. 25 – Why and How Should I Pray? Come to 1 or come to all! No charge to attend, plus food is provided! Registration Requested in the Parish Office or at Info: or Monica Garcia 805-794-9902 and Gloria Garcia 805-358-6299


Sunday, September 2nd, is the next Sunday set for the Food Pantry. Please bring your non-perishable food items and place them in the red bins located outside the church doors. Through your generosity Sacred Heart parishioners have been a great help to the many hungry families in our

area. Thank you for your continued support.

DESPENSA DE ALIMENTOS El Domingo, 2 de septiembre, es la próxima fecha para la despensa de alimentos. Por favor traiga sus alimentos no-perecederos y colóquelos en los contenedores rojos ubicados en la entrada de la iglesia. Gracias a su generosidad, los feligreses del Sagrado Corazón han sido una gran ayuda para las muchas familias hambrientas de nuestra región. Gracias por su continuo apoyo.

Love is Our Mission

Amar es Nuestra Misión

August 26, 2018 Page 5


TRUST I may trust Jesus too little, but I can never trust him too much. —Anonymous

CONFIANZA Yo puedo confiar demasiado poco en Jesús, pero nunca podré confiar demasiado en él. —Anónimo

INTERCESSION / Intercesiones PRAY FOR…./ Oremos por….

The Sick / Enfermos: Therese Boisvert

Died in Christ —Murio en Cristo: Juanita Vallejo, Esther Saiz

Intenciones de la Semana

(†)Deceased (-)Intentions

Sunday, Aug 26, 2018 5:30 pm (Sat) - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 7:30 am † Jeanne Tamsing 9:00 am † Leo Vanoni - Nick & Lorena Towle 10:30 am † Bill Spriggs † Angelo & Jacqueline Tramontano 12:00 pm - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 5:30 pm † Manuel Lopez † Fabian Santa Cruz

Monday, Aug 27, 2018 7:00 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 8:30 am † Bonnie Graham

Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018 7:00 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 8:30 am † Mary & Tony Toth Wednesday, Aug 29, 2018 7:00 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 8:30 am † Diego Baza † Julie & Matt Schaberg 7:00 pm - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart

Thursday, Aug 30, 2018 7:00 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 8:30 am † Lisa Pritchard † Amando Lagunas

Friday, Aug 31, 2018 7:00 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 8:30 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 7:00 pm Holy Hour/Confessions

Saturday, Sept 1, 2018 8:30 am - Parishioner’s of Sacred Heart 4:00 pm Confessions

Read the bulletin online at the Sacred Heart Church website:



EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday 9 a.m. — Saturday 8:30 a.m.

How long has Jesus been Knocking at the door of your heart, waiting to enter? - St. John Baptist de la Salle

Come and spend one hour of adoration with our Savior on Friday at 9, 10, and 11am or 12pm. Call Rachel 805-659-3785.

Friday Holy Hour is at 7 p.m. Español is recited on the 1st & last Friday of each month. All other Friday’s are in English.


Lea el boletín en el sitio web de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón:



21st Sunday in Ordinary Time | Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Page 6 VIRTUS: PROTECTING





Protecting God's Children for Adults WHERE: Santa Clara Catholic Church(Oxnard)

Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018 at 6:30pm (3 hrs) English Must call to reserve: 805-483-6935 or 805-796-1216

Protecting God's Children for Adults

Where: St. Sebastian Catholic Chuch (Santa Paula) Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018 at 9:00am (3 hrs) English

Must call to reserve: 805-320-9049


Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios DÓNDE: Iglesia Católica de San Antonio (Oxnard) Lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018 a las 5 p.m. (3h)

llamar para reservar: 805-486-7301

Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios Donde: Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Salon Biedermann Sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018 a las 9:00 a.m. (3h)

llamar para reservar: 805-647-3235 Ext: 311

Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios Dónde: Iglesia de San Sebastian (Santa Paula)

Sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2018 a las 9:00 a.m. (3h) llamar para reservar: 805-320-9049

Fingerprinting / Huella digital

Where: ST. SEBASTIAN SCHOOL (Rothe Hall) 325 E. Santa Barbara Street ,SANTA PAULA

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 for appt 805-525-1575 to schedule an appointment

Where: Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Senior Center of Hall Saturday, September 15, 2018

Please call the office at 805-647-3235 to schedule an appointment


CENTERING PRAYER AND LECTIO DIVINA will continue on TUESDAY August 28, 2018 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Place: Notre Dame Center 1776 Hendrix Ave., Thousand Oaks,

91360. Please RSVP to Sister Marie Paul Grech, SND at if you plan to attend.

Attention Catholic Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members! Earn your Religious Knot. The Ad Altare Dei Program uses the seven sacraments as a way to explore the Scouts spiritual growth as they

take their place as mature members of the church community. To earn the Ad Altare Dei Emblem, you must be Roman Catholic, a registered member of a Boy Scout Troop or Crew, active in your unit for 6 months, and have completed 6th grade before beginning this program. This program is open to both male and female Ventures and Boy Scouts. The Ad Altare Dei Religious Emblem Program will be offered in Ventura beginning in September. We will be meeting twice a month on Friday’s from 7-9 p.m. from September - March. Our organizing meeting will be Friday, September 7 at 7 p.m. in the Scout Room at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura. The Scout Room is in the garage behind the school at the very back of the property. A copy of the Ad Altare Dei Manual may be purchased at the Scout Store. A parent must also attend this meeting! For more information, please call Kathy Ellison at 805-603-6325 or email at

August 26, 2018 Page 7


OFFICE STAFF: 805-647-3235 Karen Oishi, Office Manager Ext. 301 Vivian Nichols, Business Manager Ext. 305 Aurora Gonzales, Secretary Ext. 300 Gema Servin de la Mora, Bulletin Editor Ext. 304 Kathy Rosten, Promotion & Communication 805-551-4238

SACRED HEART SCHOOL: 805- 647-6174 Christine Benner, Principal SHS PARENT TEACHER COUNCIL 805-647-6174 Anna Jordon, President RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 805-647-3235 Sister Margaret Mary Scott, S.N.D., Director Ext. 306 FINANCE COUNCIL 805-647-3235 Sandra Repede

HISPANIC MINISTRY (Ministerio Hispano): 805-647-3235 Deacon Fernando Flores, Director Ext. 311

YOUTH MINISTRY: 805-647-3235 Justin Wilburn Ext. 313 MAINTENANCE MANAGER 805-647-3235 Gabriel Garcia Ext. 312 SCRIP OFFICE: 805-647-0713 Shaune Ramirez

Annulments: 213-637-7680 Dcn. John Barry 805-794-3623


LECTORES: Jose Cancino 805-525-4327 MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Maria Lopez 805-433-1944 Roberto Sanchez -Asistente 805-448-9965 UJIERES: José Arambula 805-647-1351 SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Alicia Mendez 805-701-9406 MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: 805-647-3235 Dcn. Fernando Flores Ext. 311 CORO: Hector Reyes 805-701-2253 BAUTIZOS: 805-647-3235 Dcn. Fernando Flores Ext. 311 RICA (Iniciación Cristiana): Rosa Flores 805-701-7753


ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY: 805-525-0010 Sandie Dominguez BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: 805-659-2416 Michele Kipp INFANT BAPTISMS: 805-620-0454 Dcn. Phil Conforti LECTOR COORDINATOR: 805-644-4586 Joann Abing LITURGY COORDINATOR: 805-647-3235 EUCHARISTIC COORDINATOR: 805-647-3235 Gema Servin de la Mora Ext. 304 MARRIAGE COORDINATOR: 805-647-4843 Carmen Gomez Lee MINISTRY TO THE SICK: 805-525-0010 Sandie Dominguez, Facilitator USHERS MINISTRY: 805-647-4843 Joe Lee MUSIC DIRECTOR & CHILDREN’S CHOIR: 805-647-3235 Steve Hinojosa Ext. 314


ALPHA MINISTRY: 805-794-9902 Monica Garcia BIBLE STUDY 805-647-3235 BLUE ARMY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Barbara Rodriguez 805-647-1842 Mary Guerrero (Español) 805-755-3281 CUB SCOUTS 805-647-5641 Therese Palmisano DETENTION MINISTRY 805- 340-3983 Rick Goulette EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY 805-647-3086 Bob & Zaida Worthley Vicky Spicer (Divina Misericordia) 805-202-9555 FAMILY TO FAMILY 805-650-8557 Nita Perkins FOOD PANTRY 805-323-5946 Dennis Braney GUADALUPANAS 805-647-1609 Amelia Mijares ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION 805-659-2255 Carol Eller JOVENES ADULTOS PARA CRISTO 805-641-2194 (Young Adults for Christ) Esteban Arambula, Coordinator KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 805-889-3026 John Contreras , Grand Knight PASTORAL COUNCIL 805-647-3235 Fr. Al Ezeonyeka R.C.I.A. ADULT ED: 805-647-3235 RESPECT LIFE 805-647-7306 Wilhelmina Stoll SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN 805-647-3235 Liz Hoffman SENIOR ASSISTANCE 805-647-1842 Barbara Rodriguez ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 805-216-2787 Person on call WELCOMING MINISTRY 805-647-6818 George Cady



Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Healing Mass 2nd Saturday of each Month) Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon (Español), and 5:30 p.m.


Monday-Friday: 7:00, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:00pm.(Español), (Healing Mass 2nd Wednesday of each Month) Saturday: 8:30 a.m.


Friday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 6:40 am, 8:15 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 6:25 am 9:00 am Saturday 6:00 am * Sunday 7:00am Holy Hour: Friday 7-8 p.m. in English except for the first & last Friday of the Month. Hora Santa: Primero y Ultimo Viernes del mes en Español Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary: Friday 3 p.m.


Wedding & Anniversary ReceptionsReunions/Banquets/Parties

Full Kitchen/K.C. Private BarMeeting Rooms 20 - 280 Persons

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