Audience feedback on drafts

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Audience feedback on drafts

Audience feedback on drafts

Kate: Your drafts are really good. I love the layout and the way that the magazine advert especially is structured. You’ve made it so that each piece of information fits in one section of the advert making it appealing and eye-catching. The one improvement that I would give you would be to try to use more colours in the drafts to give us a sense of what the colour scheme is.

Hannah: Great drafts. You clearly know what type of font to use for the punk pop genre and that shows to the target audience that you know what is conventional or not. I particularly like the font you’ve used for the album name. This is perfect because ‘The Skins’ font is big and bold and eye catching and the album name font is slightly toned down. This is a typical feature of albums in general not just the punk pop genre.

Ash: I would love to see more colours in these drafts to really bring it to life. However saying that you are doing the punk pop genre so your colour scheme is going to be mainly black and white. If somebody didn’t know that then it might be hard for somebody to appreciate that that’s what you meant to do. Maybe make a note or two at the bottom of the draft just saying that you’re doing punk pop and the colour scheme is black and white.

Charles: I think these drafts are great! The fonts are really conventional and show you know what’s typical of the genre. I love the band’s name font because it’s exactly what you would expect to see as a punk pops band. Also the album font doesn’t contrast with the band font which is important. I overall think these are very conventional.

Emma: I would like to see much more colour on these drafts. Colour is really important to me and I think it determines a good draft or not. However I know your genre is punk pop so maybe put on the draft somewhere that the colour scheme is black and white, just to show people you’ve thought about it. I think that they are very good drafts though.

Kieran: The best thing about these drafts is the fonts. They are really typical of the genre and show great understanding of the genre. I love the ‘Presents´ font and think that’s a clever and typical way to present your album and band. The spine parts to your digipack are also clever because they use that same font and wording. This is helping to create a brand identity and promote your products further.

Dan: These drafts could do with more song names on the back cover of the digipak. I know it’s just a draft but you could add little things extra to it like the song list and the colour key at the bottom would improve the overall look and make it much more professional.

Jordan: Some great drafts here. I like the way that you’ve created a brand identity with the ‘presents’ This will stand out to the target audience and appeal to them. They will straight away be able to identify that it’s the skins album. You clearly know your conventions and have the layout that is very typical of the punk pop genre, the colour scheme and the font.


To conclude I think my target audience like the drafts that I have produced. They include typical conventional features such as an appropriate colour scheme, an appropriate font and a typical layout. When I do my real product I will make sure to use these features accurately. To improve my drafts I could write on the full list of songs to show that the song names are conventional of the genre. Also I could add in a colour scheme key at the bottom just to show that I have used the typical black and white colours.