Attraction & Altruism

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Attraction & Altruism. By: Kat Keefe Taylor Matheson Kat Francke. Proximity & Mere Exposure Effect. Mere Exposure Effect Proximity Effect Seeing others more often and letting others see us more often will increase our own likability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Attraction & Altruism

Attraction & Altruism By: Kat Keefe Taylor Matheson Kat


Proximity & Mere Exposure Effect• Mere Exposure Effect• Proximity Effect• Seeing others more often and

letting others see us more often will increase our own likability

• Proximity & mere exposure both have great influence on the other

("Proximity and mere exposure effect")

Physical Attractiveness

• Physical Attractivenesso Person's physical traitso Features("Proximity and mere exposure effect")


• Similarity• We are more attracted to people

who are similar to us ("Proximity and mere exposure effect")

Types of Love • Eros: love of beauty, romantic love, intense intimacy • Agape: kind, caring, and sensitive, requires little in return• Ludas: playful love, no commitment• Storge: friendly love, slow development, little to no intimacy,

strong companionship• Pragma: practical love based on similarities• Mania: obsessive, emotional; dependence and jealousy

("A Short Handbook on Love")

Types of Love• Physical: any physical touch (hugging, kissing)

or something pleasing to the eye

• Emotional: verbal and nonverbal communication: gaining experiences together impacts intimacy level

• Spiritual: love without attachment: love without fear that one day you'll lose that person, love for a person we don't need anything from

("Chapter 10: Love and Intimacy")

Equity & Self-disclosure

Equity:-input & output-What you put into it is what you get out of it ("Psychology Dictionary")

Self-disclosure:-trust-revealing qualities about ourselves to attempt togain trust from others ("Psychology Dictionary")

"Psychology Dictionary." Psychology Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2013.

What is Altruism?

Altruism: Selflessness • Putting others before yourself

("Greater Good")

Darley and Latane's Study

• Kitty Genovese- 38 Bystanders- Researched and did tests on the bystanders -People have a fascination with drama ("Apathy")• Result-61% pulled back the curtain to check on the

experimenter. 14% entered via another door, and 24% simply called out. Nobody went to report the accident ("Apathy")

Bystander Effect

• Phenomenon in which individuals do not offer to help a victim ("Apathy")

• Involves:• Ambiguity• Responsibility• Emergencies

When do we help?

• Latane and Darley determined that bystanders are more likely to help if there are less witnesses ("Apathy")

Bibliography "A Short Handbook on Love - Eros, Philia and Agape." A Short Handbook on Love - Eros, Philia and Agape. N.p., n.d. Web. 26

May 2013.

"Chapter 10: Love and Intimacy." Chapter 10: Love and Intimacy. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2013.

Psychology Dictionary." Psychology Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2013.

"Proximity and the Mere Exposure Effect." - Section 02 & 03 F11 Psy 1001. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2013.

"Latane and Darley: Bystander Apathy." Latane and Darley: Bystander Apathy. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2013.