Asia part 2 review

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Transcript of Asia part 2 review

Asia Part 2 Review

Record your answers on a separate sheet of paper or type. You will turn this paper in with your notes.


• Number your paper, put name on paper

• Try not to use your notes, you will not be penalized for wrong answers

• Turn in the paper for your 50 review points

1. ________________

Who was the Islamic eunuch admiral who led 7 exploratory voyages during the Ming Dynasty.


What were oceangoing ships built in China during the Song, they used magnetic compasses and a stern-mounted rudder?


Located in modern-day Beijing, it was the capital of the Ming and Qing empires


Portuguese arrived in Japan during this time period.


What were some of the causes of the Opium War?


What rebellion led by Chinese peasants and threatened the Qing Dynasty?


What was the purpose of the self-strengthening movement in China during the Qing Dynasty?


What two countries fought for control of Korea in the Sino-Japanese War?


Who fought in the Chinese Civil War?


How did World War 2 affect the Chinese Civil War?


During the Chinese Civil War, who were the 2 leaders fighting for control?


List 3 movements of Mao when he ruled China.


Which Chinese leader was a Western-educated reformer, and led a revolutionary movement based on the 3 Principles of the People. In 1912, this leader declared China a republic.


When one country has an economic influence or control over another it is called a ________________.


What was the internal rebellion led by a group of Chinese who unsuccessfully sought to rid China of foreign influence?


Which treaty gave Hong Kong to Britain?


What group was mostly made up of young students trained in Marxist thought who sought out opposition to Mao and his policies


What event occurred following Japan invaded mainland China, was fueled by racial superiority, extreme nationalism, and the heat of war, unleashed a major attack.


Which leader was asked to direct the US forces in the US occupation of Japan?


What were Deng Xiaoping Four Modernizations?


What 4 countries/cities were known as Asian Tigers?


Who issued the 21 Demands?


Which dynasty fall occurred because of a series of unequal treaties, internal rebellion, and a revolution in China?


What policy was issue because the US felt that they were one of the few imperial powers that did not have a sphere of influence in China?


Which treaty opened trade between the US and Japan, ending Japanese isolation


Which Chinese dynasty was founded by the Manchus people?


Which construction project begun under Shi Huangdi and was completed by the Ming Dynasty


This invention was used for building canals, irrigation systems, weapons, canons and played a key role in European exploration and conquest of the New World


Invented during the Tang and Song Dynasty, this invented made printing cheaper, and thus knowledge more accessible


What policy was put forth by the Ming in the 1570s requiring a single national tax and that all tax was to be paid in the form of silver.


1. Correct your answers and see how you did.

2. Please give yourself a score (this score is to help you and won’t be counted against you)

REMINDER- Review your flash cards, especially those you missed. These flash cards are no good to you if you make them and don’t use them!

Answers:1. Zheng He

2. Junks

3. Forbidden City

4. Tokugawa Period

5. Causes: Importation of opium by the British

6. Taiping Rebellion

7. Self Strengthening= introduce Western technology


8. Sino-Japanese War= China & Japan

9. Communists vs. Nationalists

10. Civil War was put on pause, Communists & Nationalists became allies to defeat the Japanese

11. Mao Zedong & Jiang Jieshi

12. Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, First 5 Years


13. Sun Yat-Sen

14. Sphere of Influence

15. Boxer Rebellion

16. Treaty of Nanjing

17. Red Guards

18. Rape of Nanking

19. General Douglas MacArthur


20. 1. Agriculture 2. Industry 3. Defense 4. Science & Technology

21. Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

22. Japan issued the 21 Demands

23. Qing Dynasty

24. Open Door Policy


25. Treaty of Kanagawa

26. Qing Dynasty

27. Great Wall of China

28. Gunpowder

29. Woodblock printing & moveable type

30. Single Whip Tax System