AS Photography Exam Final Covert and Obscure

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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AS photography exam following the theme of Covert and Obscure

Transcript of AS Photography Exam Final Covert and Obscure

Covert  and  Obscure  

Emily  Hyde  I  decided  to  use  pintrest  to  find  my  10  ar=sts  to  relate  back  to  my  covert  and  obscure  project.    

Idea  1  

For idea one I wanted to take a set of photographs in a place that was strange and that no one knows about, I wanted it to see as if this place was out of the ordinary. A place that no one knew that really existed. With this set of photographs I wanted to obscure them by overlaying them with acetate and paint so it was harder to make out what the photograph was to create a more surreal feeling of covert and obscure. For this set of photographs I visited a place that was full of old antiques and had lots of old fashioned décor.

Keith  ArnaC  Keith  ArnaC  is  a  photographer  and  ar=st.    I  decided  to  focus  on  ArnaC  as  he  explores  recent  abandoned  objects  and  food.    This  set  of  photographs  is  called  the  ‘A  rubbish  =p’.  These  photographs  show  recently  abandoned  items  such  as  food  and  toys.    I  like  these  photographs  as  they  have  strong  depths  of  field  and  they  show  really  strong  colours,  I  like  the  use  of  dark  brown  midtone  colours  and  then  the  small  sense  of  strong  colours  such  as  greens  and  reds.      These  photos  in  a  way  have  a  strange  childhood  feel  to  them  but  in  a  sinister  type  of  way.    I  feel  as  if  ArnaC  tried  to  show  this  emo=on  towards  the  viewer.    I  feel  as  if  some  photos  are  stronger  than  others.      

Idea  2  Blurred  Movement  For my second set I wanted to create a set of blurred movement photos using the bulb setting on my camera. I wanted to take these photos in a dark room/studio to create a ghostly effect. With these photos I wanted to develop them by projecting them onto material and covering them in copydex to take away the quality of the photos and lastly collage the photos by hand and on Photoshop, I may also use a photoshop special effect called QuickSilver to give the photographs an aged look.

Lauren  SimonuQ  When  researching  about  blurred  movement  photography  I  came  across  an  interes=ng  photographer  named  Lauren  SimonuQ.    She  creates  interes=ng  but  sinister  photographs.    They  intrigued  me  to  research  Lauren  more,  I  came  across  a  lot  more  photography  and  I  found  a  new  set  of  photographs  that  were  fairly  recent  they  were  very  strange  and  looked  distressed.    In  2006  SimonuQ  was  diagnosed  with  a  rapid  cycle  of  bipolar  and  a  schizoaffec=ve  disorder.  She  felt  she  was  going  mad  and  spent  her  last  years  almost  in  isola=on.  She  turned  the  camera  on  herself  and  the  space  she  was  living  in.  She  has  leV  us  with  an  impressive,  honest  and  strong  body  of  work.  With  her  photographs  she  gave  a  voice  to  those  that  suffer  in  isola=on.    I  like  Lauren’s  photography  because  I  know  the  story  behind  her  photography  and  the  issues  she  went  through,  which  makes  me  appreciate  SimonuQ  work  a  lot  more.    SimounQ’s  photography,  is  different  to  other  photographers  with  similar  photographs  as  her  photography  is  personal  and  she  shows  just  a  taster  of  what  she  feels  in  her  head  so  that  viewers  can  grasp  an  idea  of  what  went  on  inside  her  head,  which  I  find  makes  her  a  beCer  photographer.                            

Exam  For my exam I looked at projection. I liked the idea of taking photos of places and objects and projecting them on to a persons body through a projector and through using Photoshop. I wanted to take pictures of people in a dark room wearing white and project these images on to their clothes and skin. I want the photos that are projected to look difficult, to work out out what they actually are. I looked at an artist called David Ayer who projects this photography in the same I wish to complete my exam work. I feel that this type of photography is very strong as it takes a lot of time and dedication to make these photographs and to take them in dark room grasping the right focus, exposure, aperture and lighting.

Davis  Ayer  Davis Ayer is a famous photographer who I came across who made a project called “<Time Travel>”. In this set of photographs he projects landscapes onto women’s bodies that are naked. I liked this idea for my exam project because It obscures the body. Davis created these photographs by using a projector and focusing it only on the model in a dark studio or in a pitch black room. This made the model only stand out away from the dark room. I like the effect this created, as the eye isn’t drawn away from anything else and you only focus on the body.

<Time  Travel>  

<Time  Travel>  

Exam  Final  Outcomes  

Covert  and  Obscure    Projec=ons  

Exam  Final  Outcomes  Evalua=on  My  exam  brief  was  to  create  a  set  of  photographs  under  the  theme  of  “Covert  and  Obscure”.    My  plan  was  to  create  a  set  of  photographs  in  the  style  of  photographer  Davis  Ayer.  When  in  the  exam  at  first  I  felt  it  was  hard  to  edit  the  photographs  but  aVer  edi=ng  a  few  photos,  I  got  into  a  rou=ne  of  knowing  how  to  edit  them.    Days  before  the  exam  I  took  photographs  to  project  onto  the  body  and  I  also  looked  at  some  of  my  old  photographs  of  mine  such  as  from  past  holidays  and  decided  to  the  project  them  onto  my  body  and  dress.  When  taking  the  photographs  for  the  Photoshop  edits  I  decided  to  use  some  from  my  previous  exam  prep  work,  I  decided  to  use  them  as  I  felt  the  exam  prep  and  exam  would  fit  beCer  together,  I  also  used  some  of  my  first  set  exam  prep  pictures  of  the  abandoned  objects  as  well  as  I  thought  they  would  work  well  on  the  body  when  projected.    During  the  exam  I  was  the  model  for  the  projec=on  due  to  difficul=es  with  the  model  and  I  used  someone  else  to  help  take  the  photographs  when  trying  to  take  the  photographs  I  realised  that  it  was  hard  to  set  the  focus  right  as  you  cannot  see  the  model  clearly  in  a  black  studio  with  no  light.  So  taking  the  photographs  involved  using  a  light  to  get  the  right  camera  focus  and  switching  off  the  light  quickly  before  the  model  moved  to  capture  the  picture  perfectly.    My  first  set  for  my  exam  prep  involved  going  to  London  and  taking  photos  of  objects  in  an  old  curious  shop  with  many  of  the  same  objects  and  my  second  set  involved  blurred  movement  photography  all  3  sets  of  photographs  juxtaposed  each  other  as  they  did  not  have  much  in  common  with  all  of  them.  In  the  exam  I  want  to  give  both  a  view  on  both  how  I  wanted  to  portray  Ayer’s  photographs  in  the  concept  of  edi=ng  them  in  his  views,  and  edit  and  create  them  in  the  same  way.    Then  I  wanted  to  show  the  photographs  in  my  own  way  but  inspired  by  Ayer  and  show  the  skills  that  I  knew  I  could  do  well  and  give  a  good  effect  to  the  pictures  and  that  they  could  give  in  a  way  a  projec=on  look  towards  them.  Overall  in  the  exam  I  managed  to  edit  8  photographs  this  is  due  to  a  lose  of  some  photographs  but  I  also  edi=ng  my  photographs  that  needed  to  be  projected  onto  the  body  so  overall  I  edited  13  photographs.