Are the basic building blocks to create a work of art.

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Are the basic building blocks to create a work of art.

Are the basic building blocks

to create a work of art.

Elements of Art

Is a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point.

It often creates an outline, defines a shape or space, or implies an edge of a shape or form.

Types of Line=Vertical, Horizontal, diagonal, straight, curved, looped etc.


Is an enclosed two-dimensional space that is defined by other art elements such as line, color, value and texture.

Shapes have length and width.Can be geometric=uniform/perfect measurements & do not occur in nature: circle, square, triangle

Can be organic=flowing & curving appearance/occur in nature like leaves, rocks, shells


Is a three-dimensional space that has length, width, and depth and encloses volume.

Real form only exists in three-dimensional.

Artists can create the illusion of form on a 2-D surface by using other elements like value and texture.


Is the area between, around, above, below and/or within objects.

Types of space: 2-D, 3-D, open, closed, shallow, deep, actual or illusory.

Can be shown by overlapping objects.


= overlapping/size relationship

= illusion of depth

Value refers to lightness or darkness.

Value is often described by a scale consisting of shades of gray; usually ranging from white to middle grays to black.

It can also refer to the lightness or darkness of a color.


Texture refers to surface quality or feel of an object.

Actual texture can be touched and felt.

Simulated/Visual texture is the ILLUSION or appearance of actual texture.

Types of texture=smooth, rough, soft, furry, shiny etc.


A visual sensation caused by the way an object reflects or emits light. Color is defined by three properties: hue, value, and intensity.

HUE-another name for colorVALUE-lightness or darkness of a color

INTENSITY-brightness or dullness of a color; purity or strength of a color


Are the concepts used to organize and arrange the elements of art.

Principles of Design

Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight in a work of art.

It can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.


Symmetrical Balance

Radial Balance

Asymmetrical Balance

The arrangement of art elements to create a sense of motion by using lines, shapes, values or colors.

This causes the viewers eye to move over the work of art.


Is a regular repetition of the elements of art to produce a visual tempo or beat.


Constant Rhythm

Irregular Rhythm

The relationship of one part of a work of art compared to another part or to the whole work.

It can refer to size, quantity, or degree.

The proportion of one part of an artwork to another part may suggest emphasis.


Any force that gives importance or dominance to a part or parts of artwork.

Emphasis is usually the focal point or a part of an artwork that the artists wants the viewer to focus on.


A quality achieved through the use of diversity and change by artists who wish to increase visual interest in their work.

An artwork that makes use of many different colors, values, lines, textures, and/or shapes that show variety.


A way of combining elements of art to accent their similarities and bind the parts of a work of art into a whole.

Achieved through repetition and simplicity.


The elements AND principles of art help you, as a young artist, interpret and really look at artworks!

They allow you to really look at the details in a piece of artwork.

They help you understand what the artist is trying to communicate to the viewer!

WHY did I learn all of this?