Application for Consumer Complaints - EPDCL - User manual ...

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Transcript of Application for Consumer Complaints - EPDCL - User manual ...








Procedure for applying the Request at Kiosk :

Table 1: Service information at Glance

Table 2: Services under Consumer Complaint Service

Table 3: SLA Period ................................

Figure 1: EPDCL Department

Figure 2: Application for Consumer Complaints Service Selection Screen

Figure 3: Application Request Screen

Figure 4: Service Selection Screen

Figure 5: Application Home Screen

Figure 6: Complaint Details ................................

Figure 7: Address for Communication Details Screen

Figure 8: Complainant / Information Details Screen

Figure 9: Upload Documents List

Figure 10: Show Payment Section

Figure 11: Payment Confirmation Section

Figure 12: Receipt ................................

Contents Request at Kiosk : - ................................................................................................

List of Tables

Table 1: Service information at Glance ................................................................

Table 2: Services under Consumer Complaint Service ................................................................


List of Figures

Figure 1: EPDCL Department ................................................................................................

Figure 2: Application for Consumer Complaints Service Selection Screen ................................

Figure 3: Application Request Screen ................................................................

Figure 4: Service Selection Screen ................................................................................................

Figure 5: Application Home Screen ..............................................................................................


Figure 7: Address for Communication Details Screen ................................................................

Figure 8: Complainant / Information Details Screen ................................................................

Figure 9: Upload Documents List ................................................................................................

Figure 10: Show Payment Section ................................................................................................

Figure 11: Payment Confirmation Section ................................................................



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The erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board which came into existence in 1959 was responsible for Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity. Under Electricity Sector Reforms agenda, GovernAndhra Pradesh Electricity Reforms Act,into one Generating Company (APGENCO),and Four Distribution Companies (APDISCOMs) as part of the reform are CPDCL, EPDCL, NPDCL and SPDCL.

Note: -At present CPDCL, EPDCL and NPDCL

Category Type B User Charges INR 45/- Service Charges

Based on Complaint

Documents Required

1. CSC Application Form

2. ID Proof

3. Bill Copy

4. Request Letter

5. LT Application Form and Shifting of Service Different Premises)

6. Proof of Owner Ship Premises)

7. Wiring Certificate

8. Test Report

SLA Mentioned Below


List of Services under Application for Consumer

Billing Related Complaints

����Wrong Data On Bill

����Wrong Entry During Bill Payment

����ACD / SC / BB / Arrears Disputes

Table 2

Note: The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.


The erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board which came into existence in 1959 was responsible for Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity. Under Electricity Sector Reforms agenda, Government of Andhra Pradesh promulgated Andhra Pradesh Electricity Reforms Act, 1998. The erstwhile APSEB was unbundled into one Generating Company (APGENCO), One Transmission Company (and Four Distribution Companies (APDISCOMs) as part of the reform


EPDCL and NPDCL Discoms Services are provided through Meeseva.

Based on Complaint

CSC Application Form* (Except New Metering and Shifting of Service Different Premises

ID Proof*

Bill Copy*

Request Letter *

LT Application Form (Only for New Metering, Temporary Supply below 10 days and Shifting of Service Different Premises)

Proof of Owner Ship (Only for Address Correction and Shifting of Service Different Premises)

Wiring Certificate (Only for Shifting of Service Different Premises)

Test Report (Only for Shifting of Service Different Premises)

Mentioned Below (Table 3)

Table 1: Service information at Glance

of Services under Application for Consumer Complaints Service: -

Meter Related Complaints Other Customer Services

����Meter Burnt ����Shifting of Service Within the Premises

����Meter Running Fast/Creeping ����Temporary Supply Below 10 Days

����Meter Struck up ����Pole Shifting

����Net Metering ����Line Shift

����Meter - Running Slow/ Sluggish ����Termination / Permanent Dismantle

����Meter Damage ����Address Correction

����No Seal/Seal Cut ����Requirement of Additional Poles

����Meter Seal Cut ����DTR Shift

����Meter Lost ����Shifting of Service Different Premises

����24Hrs Supply

����Clubbing Of Service

2: Services under Consumer Complaint Service

The asterisk (*) denotes mandatory requirement of documents.


The erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board which came into existence in 1959 was responsible for Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity.

ment of Andhra Pradesh promulgated The erstwhile APSEB was unbundled

Company (CPDCL) and Four Distribution Companies (APDISCOMs) as part of the reform process . Those

Services are provided through Meeseva.

Except New Metering and Shifting of Service Different Premises)

(Only for New Metering, Temporary Supply below 10 days

(Only for Address Correction and Shifting of Service Different

(Only for Shifting of Service Different Premises)

(Only for Shifting of Service Different Premises)

Other Customer Services

Shifting of Service Within the Premises

Below 10 Days

Termination / Permanent Dismantle

Additional Poles

Shifting of Service Different Premises

SLA Period: -

S.No. Service Type

1 Billing related complaints

2 Billing related complaints

3 Billing related complaints

4 Meter related complaints

5 Meter related complaints

6 Meter related complaints

7 Meter related complaints

8 Meter related complaints

9 Meter related complaints

10 Meter related complaints

11 Meter related complaints

12 Meter related complaints

13 Other Customer Services

14 Other Customer Services

15 Other Customer Services

16 Other Customer Services

17 Other Customer Services

18 Other Customer Services

19 Other Customer Services

20 Other Customer Services

21 Other Customer Services

22 Other Customer Services

23 Other Customer Services

Complaint Type SLA

Wrong Data On Bill

Wrong entry during bill payment

ACD / SC / BB / Arrears disputes

Meter Burnt

Meter Running Fast/Creeping

Meter Struck up

Net Metering

Meter - Running Slow/ Sluggish

Meter Damage

No seal/Seal Cut

Meter Seal Cut

Meter lost

Shifting of service Within the Premises

Temporary supp below 10 Days

Pole Shifting

Line Shift

Termination / Permanent Dismantle

Address Correction

Requirement of Additional Poles

DTR Shift

Shifting of service Different Premises

24Hrs Supply

Clubbing Of Service

Table 3: SLA Period










Procedure for applying the Request at Kiosk: This section contains instructions for the operators of the MeesevEPDCL- New connection Service

1) In MeeSeva home screen, under as depicted in Figure 1.

2) Select Application for Consumer ComplaintsServices as depicted in Figure 2

Figure 2: Application for Consumer Complaints

Procedure for applying the Request at Kiosk: -

This section contains instructions for the operators of the Meeseva web application to apply for Service.

eva home screen, under List of Services, Select EPDCL Department as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: EPDCL Department

Application for Consumer Complaints Service under EPDCL as depicted in Figure 2.

Application for Consumer Complaints Service Selection Screen

a web application to apply for

Department services

EPDCL Department

Service Selection Screen

3) Now Application for Consumer Complaintsdepicted in Figure 3

4) Select Circle Name and enter Service No or Customer ID

Application for Consumer Complaints Service request Screen will be

Figure 3: Application Request Screen

Circle Name and enter Service No or Customer ID as depicted in Figure 4

Figure 4: Service Selection Screen

request Screen will be displayed. As

s depicted in Figure 4.

5) Application for Consumer Complaints 5.

Application for Consumer Complaints Service details page displayed. As depicted in Figure

Figure 5: Application Home Screen

As depicted in Figure

6) Enter Complaint Details such as Request Type, Complaint Type and Complaint Details adepicted in Figure 6.

7) Enter Address for communication details such as (Door No, Locality/Land Mark, State, District, Mandal, Village/Ward,

Note: - If Communication address is same as Location of Premises select


8) Enter Complainant/Informant Details (

District, Mandal, Village/Ward, Pinin Figure 8.


Enter Complaint Details such as Request Type, Complaint Type and Complaint Details a

Figure 6: Complaint Details

Address for communication details such as (Door No, Locality/Land Mark, State, District, Mandal, Village/Ward, and Pin-Code). It has been depicted in figure 7

If Communication address is same as Location of Premises select

Figure 7: Address for Communication Details Screen

Informant Details (Complainant Name, Locality/Land Mark, State, Village/Ward, Pin-Code, Mobile No, ID Proof, and ID Proof No)

Figure 8: Complainant / Information Details Screen

Enter Complaint Details such as Request Type, Complaint Type and Complaint Details as

Address for communication details such as (Door No, Locality/Land Mark, State, It has been depicted in figure 7.

If Communication address is same as Location of Premises select Check Box.

Locality/Land Mark, State, Proof No) as depicted

9) Collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the New Connection request page scan the documents and upload into the

Note: All the mandatory fields have to be filled system. Note: Ensure that the Location of Premises Details of the Consumer is accurate as the concerned officials visit Premises Location during the verification of his/her New Connection particulars. 10) Click Show Payment.

depicted in figure 10.

Note: - Here Charges are varies based on

Collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the New Connection request page scan the documents and upload into the system, as depicted in Figure

Figure 9: Upload Documents List

All the mandatory fields have to be filled in; otherwise request will not be accepted by the

Ensure that the Location of Premises Details of the Consumer is accurate as the concerned officials visit Premises Location during the verification of his/her New Connection

Show Payment. Another window appears requesting to Confirm Payment

Figure 10: Show Payment Section

Here Charges are varies based on Complaint Type.

Collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the New Connection request system, as depicted in Figure 9.

otherwise request will not be accepted by the

Ensure that the Location of Premises Details of the Consumer is accurate as the concerned officials visit Premises Location during the verification of his/her New Connection

Confirm Payment as


11) Collect the amount from the Citizen and click depicted in figure 11.


Note: Ensure that you have sufficient balance with your service provider (SCA)system will not accept the request.

12) On confirmation, a receipt will be generated as

will contain the Certificate delivery date.

Note: - On submission of the request,

Application for Consumer Complaints

Transaction Id and sent to Dept.

13) On submission, the request will be sent to the work flow of the respective

further processing.

Collect the amount from the Citizen and click Confirm Payment to submit the request

Figure 11: Payment Confirmation Section

Ensure that you have sufficient balance with your service provider (SCA)system will not accept the request.

On confirmation, a receipt will be generated as depicted in the following figure. The receipt will contain the Certificate delivery date.

Figure 12: Receipt

On submission of the request, Consumer Receives Message. Like your Request for

Complaints Service has been entered vide Application Number,

Transaction Id and sent to Dept.

On submission, the request will be sent to the work flow of the respective

to submit the request as

Ensure that you have sufficient balance with your service provider (SCA); else the

depicted in the following figure. The receipt

Message. Like your Request for

has been entered vide Application Number,

On submission, the request will be sent to the work flow of the respective Department for