Appetite for Deconstruction, Lessons in Virality from Axl Rose. OMCap 2014

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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What makes a piece of content 'shareable'? Hannah shares the highs and lows of creating content that’s designed to be shared and provides tips and insights from the team at Distilled.

Transcript of Appetite for Deconstruction, Lessons in Virality from Axl Rose. OMCap 2014

appetite for deconstruction...lessons in virality from axl rose

Hannah Smith, Content Strategist, Distilled @hannah_bo_banna


appetite for deconstruction….lessons in virality from axl rose



this is distilled


we made this



1.8m page views; 100k+ ‘likes’; 4.5k+ tweets; 874 LRDs


insert sexy title slide here...

& this guy commented...


& they lived happily ever after...


a happy ending is nice, but rarely interesting


it’s about how you get there


it wasn’t always like this


a few years ago we made this; it got just 31 ‘likes’


we *still* don’t always get it right


but our strike rate has significantly improved




how did we come to create this?


let’s start at the beginning


the client



the brief


objectives of the contentcore messaging

personality/brand valuestarget audiencetarget publishers

audience & publisher insightscontent competitors





increase brand awareness (via press coverage, social shares & exposure on sites our target audience read)


earn links(to build domain authority and increase search visibility across the board)


core messaging



personality & brand values





“Remember way back when the internet was accessible only via the dog whistle screech of your dial up modem?

The internet was a brave new world;albeit a decidedly slow and slightly crappy one…”


“This charming little ditty boasts many a sophisticated lyric - "Hard like Geometry, and Trigonometry" (deep, huh?),

multiple references to excrement and a heart-felt line about morning glory.”


target audience


who are we trying to reach?


target publishers


what sites do our audience read?


audience / publisher insights


what do our audience share?(& therefore)

what do our target publishers want to cover?



content competitors


who else is doing interesting stuff in the space?


ever wondered why all pop songs sound the same?


it’s pretty simple,they all use the same four chords...


Axis of Awesome - 4 Chords


eeeek!that’s what we’re up against...


a quick note on ideas


an idea is a novel combination of

previously unconnected elements in a way that adds value


the axis of awesome’s 4 chords is a great example....


you’ve probably thought this:

“hmmmm a lot of pop songs sound kinda the same… why is that?”


the answer:

“they use the same four chords…”


you could just write a list of all the songs that use the same chords...




it’s not until you show me that I really get it


an idea is a novel combination of

previously unconnected elements in a way that adds value


why do pop songs sound the same?

they use the same 4 chords

bring it to life with a mash up

combining previously

unconnected elements

execute in a way that adds value


how did we come up with this idea?


kick off with some questions:

could we look at why or how the different genres changed?

what if we could take one tune and make it change through the genres, e.g. make it funk, heavy metal…?

what if you could make your own super group?


explore ideas...


intended to search for vocal solo...

but was curious about this auto suggest...


found the range place(




who’s the greatest singer is something that’s debated endlessly…

could we add to the conversation?


the idea


illustrate the vocal range of some of the most popular singers




use vocal range data from the Range Place


use Rolling Stone’s Greatest Singers of all Timeas a seedlist


but the list from Rolling Stone is a little old - shouldn’t we also include current artists?


solution: add in The Billboard Music Award 2014 nominees

for top male and female artist


so we *think* this is a good idea,but how do you know for sure?


you can’t ever be 100% certain


but you can improve your strike rate


we’re interested in what makes an idea memorable & shareable


by deconstructing the success of othersyou can improve your own chances



authors Chip & Dan Heath identified 6 factors make an idea ‘stick’:



& we’ve added one of our own:



we evaluate our ideas based on these criteria


you don’t need to hit all 7, but it helps you evaluate multiple ideas & see

which looks to be the strongest

it’s also a great set of criteria to refer back to as you’re developing a piece




this is much harder than it sounds


if you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it yourself

~ Albert Einstein


our idea sounds simple enough,but we had to accept that we were talking about

a concept which is difficult for some people to grasp



we acknowledged that it wouldn’t be as simple as axis of awesome’s 4 chords


we felt that enough people would understand the concept & we’d made it as simple as we could to understand




we struck gold


wait, what?



if mariah carey came out on top, the piece wouldn’t have been so successful




we’re going to

win the space race

~ not said by JFK


‘win the space race’is an abstraction

it’s intangible, no one knows what you mean


we’re going to put

a man on the moon



you can help make ideas concrete with the language you use to describe them


what exactly were we trying to say here?


who is the best singer?



vocal range ≠ quality


axl has the biggest vocal range,we’re not saying he’s the best singer


the visuals you use are important too

good data visualisation helps make abstract concepts more concrete


abstract concept

made more concrete with the visual




comes in two flavours:


is the data credible?


credible enough for our purposes


is this credible coming from


only if we’re clear that we talking about thevocal ranges of the world’s greatest singers


we can’t credibly claim to saywho the greatest singer is


we’ll leave that to these guys...




this provokes an emotional reaction



would our piece?


again here, we struck gold


we knew this was something people were likely to get emotional about - but we didn’t realise

just how emotional they’d get



“this list is emblematic of the decline of western civilisation…” ~ commentor on the Daily Mail’s coverage


“this ‘list’ seems very incomplete”

“I can’t believe they didn’t contact you to round the selections out.”~ conversation on HuffPo’s coverage


“whoever made this list is mentally ill”~ commentor on Rolling Stone




have you uncovered a story?


again here, we struck gold


wait, what?


plus we also had the Billboard Music Awards nominees in there


that turned out to be less important


this guy was the story




would someone look good sharing this?


we felt that the unexpected result+

the emotion (both positive & negative) sparked by the piece

would cause people to share the piece


again here, we struck gold


& the piece went far further than we thought possible


hindsight is 20/20

it’s different when you’re in the moment


we *always* get nervous before launching a piece



you can never be 100% confident


here are some of the things we debated pre-launch


do we need more functionalityto help people understand the piece?



should we include clips of the artists singingthose notes?


a nice feature, but are we just adding complexity?


can we even do that - what about music rights?


should the keyboard work?



we included the visual of the keyboard to help people ‘see’ the vocal range but would hearing it help?


again, a nice feature, but would it actually aid understanding?


what are the implications of doing that?

what will it cost?will we have to delay launch?


we have a responsibility to our clientsto get the best results for the least investment


our job isn’t to build the most excellent thinger on the internet


our job is to get results for our clients


we debated delaying the launch to increase functionality


but if we did that we’d miss our window with the Billboard Music Awards

& we thought that was a great hook


we decided that the added functionality wasn’t necessary to the success of the piece


in this instance we were right


however, less functionality

shouldn’t be your default position


there will be instances where functionality is necessary


152k ‘likes’; 12.6k tweets; 739 LRDs


152k ‘likes’; 12.6k tweets; 739 LRDs


152k ‘likes’; 12.6k tweets; 739 LRDs


152k ‘likes’; 12.6k tweets; 739 LRDs


if this piece had been static as opposed to animated, it wouldn’t have told the story

& we wouldn’t have got the results


so what happened when we launched the vocal ranges piece?


there were 4 waves of coverage


wave 1: coverage focused on a claim that wasn’t made in the piece:

Axl Rose was being named as the greatest singer of all time



wave 2: journalists slate others for drawing

inaccurate conclusions from the piece



wave 3: counter-claim: Mike Patton (Faith No More) is found to have

the greatest vocal range



wave 4: Axl Rose comments



controversy attracts coveragebut not always in the way you might expect...


it can be hard to get a brand mention for a piece of content - particularly when you’re not using proprietary data


but when journalists are attempting to deflect the trollsthey’ll mention the brand early & prominently



please note:


1.8m page views; 100k+ ‘likes’; 4.5k+ tweets; 874 LRDs


results like this don’t just *happen*


we spent over 60 hours promoting this piece


& our efforts paid off


the bigger picture


getting good at this stuff is hard


no, really hard


there’s a few things we do which we think have helped us get better


focus on ideas, not formats


an idea is a novel combination of

previously unconnected elements in a way that adds value


a music infographic is not an idea;it’s a format


know your sh*t


has this already been done?is it possible to do this?

will our audience share it?will our target publishers cover it?

have we got proof something like this as worked before?


know you’re sh*t


or more accurately,when your ideas are sh*t



evaluate all your ideas

simple / unexpected / concrete / credible /emotional / story / shareable

to give yourself the best chance of success


good luck out there x


thank you ☺


Hannah SmithContent Strategist, Distilled caffeine addict; book worm; would really like a unicorn...

send cat pictures or questions to:


Images:axl - ever after - - - - - stone cover - - - - -

Big love to to the wonderful Distilled folks who helped me put this together:Adria Saracino, Mark Johnstone, Paddy Moogan, Phil Nottingham, Tim Allen, & Will Critchlow