Appendix A Datasets, R Packages, and Internet Resources978-3-319-19425...Appendix A Datasets, R...

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Appendix A

Datasets, R Packages, and InternetResources

Central Web Site and Datasets

The web site for information related to this book is, and a related web site for a full-semester course based on the book is The main site con-tains links to several other web sites and a link to the dataset repository thatholds most of the datasets mentioned in the text for downloading. Thesedatasets are in fully annotated R save (.sav suffixes) filesa; some of theseare also available in other formats. The datasets were selected because ofthe variety of types of response and predictor variables, sample size, andnumbers of missing values. In R they may be read using the load function,load(url()) to read directly from the Web, or by using the Hmisc package’sgetHdata function to do the same (as is done in code in the case studies).From the web site there are links to other useful dataset sources. Links topresentations and technical reports related to the text are also found on thissite, as is information for instructors for obtaining quizzes and answer sheets,extra problems, and solutions to these and to many of the problems in thetext. Details about short courses based on the text are also found there. Themain site also has Chapter 7 from the first edition, which is a case study inordinary least squares modeling.

R Packages

The rms package written by the author maintains detailed information abouta model’s design matrix so that many analyses using the model fit are au-tomated. rms is a large package of R functions. Most of the functions in rms

analyze model fits, validate them, or make presentation graphics from them,

a By convention these should have had .rda suffixes.

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015F.E. Harrell, Jr., Regression Modeling Strategies, Springer Seriesin Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19425-7


536 A Datasets, R Packages, and Internet Resources

but the packages also contain special model–fitting functions for binary andordinal logistic regression (optionally using penalized maximum likelihood),unpenalized ordinal regression with a variety of link functions, penalized andunpenalized least squares, and parametric and semiparametric survival mod-els. In addition, rms handles quantile regression and longitudinal analysisusing generalized least squares. The rms package pays special attention tocomputing predicted values in that design matrix attributes (e.g., knots forsplines, categories for categorical predictors) are “remembered” so that pre-dictors are properly transformed while predictions are being generated. Thefunctions makes extensive use of a wealth of survival analysis software writ-ten by Terry Therneau of the Mayo Foundation. This survival package is astandard part of R.

The author’s Hmisc package contains other miscellaneous functions usedin the text. These are functions that do not operate on model fits that usedthe enhanced design attributes stored by the rms package. Functions in Hmisc

include facilities for data reduction, imputation, power and sample size calcu-lation, advanced table making, recoding variables, translating SAS datasetsinto R data frames while preserving all data attributes (including variableand value labels and special missing values), drawing and annotating plots,and converting certain R objects to LATEX

371 typeset form. The latter capa-bility, provided by a family of latex functions, completes the conversion toLATEX of many of the objects created by rms. The packages contain severalLATEX methods that create LATEX code for typesetting model fits in algebraicnotation, for printing ANOVA and regression effect (e.g., odds ratio) tables,and other applications. The LATEX methods were used extensively in the text,especially for writing restricted cubic spline function fits in simplest notation.

The latest version of the rms package is available from CRAN (see below).It is necessary to install the Hmisc package in order to use rms package. TheWeb site also contains more in-depth overviews of the packages, which run onUNIX, Linux, Mac, and Microsoft Windows systems. The packages may beautomatically downloaded and installed using R’s install.packages functionor using menus under R graphical user interfaces.

R-help, CRAN, and Discussion Boards

To subscribe to the highly informative and helpful R-help e-mail group, see theWeb site. R-help is appropriate for asking general questions about R includingthose about finding or writing functions to do specific analyses (for questionsspecific to a package, contact the author of that package). Another resourceis the CRAN repository at Another excellent resourcefor askings questions about R is is a Google group regmod devoted to the book and courses.

A Datasets, R Packages, and Internet Resources 537

Multiple Imputation

The Impute E-mail list maintained by Juned Siddique of Northwestern Univer-sity is an invaluable source of information regarding missing data problems.To subscribe to this list, see the Web site. Other excellent sources of on-line information are Joseph Schafer’s “Multiple Imputation Frequently AskedQuestions” site and Stef van Buuren and Karin Oudshoorn’s “Multiple Im-putation Online” site, for which links exist on the main Web site.


An extensive annotated bibliography containing all the references in this textas well as other references concerning predictive methods, survival analysis,logistic regression, prognosis, diagnosis, modeling strategies, model valida-tion, practical Bayesian methods, clinical trials, graphical methods, papersfor teaching statistical methods, the bootstrap, and many other areas maybe found at


SAS macros for fitting restricted cubic splines and for other basic operationsare freely available from the main Web site. The Web site also has notes onSAS usage for some of the methods presented in the text.


Numbers following � are page numbers of citations.

1. O. O. Aalen. Nonparametric inference in connection with multiple decrementmodels. Scan J Stat, 3:15–27, 1976. �413

2. O. O. Aalen. Further results on the non-parametric linear regression model insurvival analysis. Stat Med, 12:1569–1588, 1993. �518

3. O. O. Aalen, E. Bjertness, and T. Sønju. Analysis of dependent survival dataapplied to lifetimes of amalgam fillings. Stat Med, 14:1819–1829, 1995. �421

4. M. Abrahamowicz, T. MacKenzie, and J. M. Esdaile. Time-dependent haz-ard ratio: Modeling and hypothesis testing with applications in lupus nephritis.JAMA, 91:1432–1439, 1996. �501

5. A. Agresti. A survey of models for repeated ordered categorical response data.Stat Med, 8:1209–1224, 1989. �324

6. A. Agresti. Categorical data analysis. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, second edition, 2002.�271

7. H. Ahn and W. Loh. Tree-structured proportional hazards regression modeling.Biometrics, 50:471–485, 1994. �41, 178

8. J. Aitchison and S. D. Silvey. The generalization of probit analysis to the caseof multiple responses. Biometrika, 44:131–140, 1957. �324

9. K. Akazawa, T. Nakamura, and Y. Palesch. Power of logrank test and Coxregression model in clinical trials with heterogeneous samples. Stat Med, 16:583–597, 1997. �4

10. O. O. Al-Radi, F. E. Harrell, C. A. Caldarone, B. W. McCrindle, J. P. Jacobs,M. G. Williams, G. S. Van Arsdell, and W. G. Williams. Case complexityscores in congenital heart surgery: A comparative study of the Aristotal BasicComplexity score and the Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surg (RACHS-1) system. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 133:865–874, 2007. �215

11. J. M. Alho. On the computation of likelihood ratio and score test based con-fidence intervals in generalized linear models. Stat Med, 11:923–930, 1992. �214

12. P. D. Allison. Missing Data. Sage University Papers Series on QuantitativeApplications in the Social Sciences, 07-136. Sage, Thousand Oaks CA, 2001. �49, 58

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015F.E. Harrell, Jr., Regression Modeling Strategies, Springer Seriesin Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19425-7


540 References

13. D. G. Altman. Categorising continuous covariates (letter to the editor). Brit JCancer, 64:975, 1991. �11, 19

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15. D. G. Altman and P. K. Andersen. A note on the uncertainty of a survivalprobability estimated from Cox’s regression model. Biometrika, 73:722–724,1986. �11, 517

16. D. G. Altman and P. K. Andersen. Bootstrap investigation of the stability of aCox regression model. Stat Med, 8:771–783, 1989. �68, 70, 341

17. D. G. Altman, B. Lausen, W. Sauerbrei, and M. Schumacher. Dangers of using‘optimal’ cutpoints in the evaluation of prognostic factors. J Nat Cancer Inst,86:829–835, 1994. �11, 19, 20

18. D. G. Altman and P. Royston. What do we mean by validating a prognosticmodel? Stat Med, 19:453–473, 2000. �6, 122, 519

19. B. Altschuler. Theory for the measurement of competing risks in animal exper-iments. Math Biosci, 6:1–11, 1970. �413

20. C. F. Alzola and F. E. Harrell. An Introduction to S and the Hmisc and DesignLibraries, 2006. Electronic book, 310 pages. �129

21. G. Ambler, A. R. Brady, and P. Royston. Simplifying a prognostic model: asimulation study based on clinical data. Stat Med, 21(24):3803–3822, Dec. 2002.�121

22. F. Ambrogi, E. Biganzoli, and P. Boracchi. Estimates of clinically useful mea-sures in competing risks survival analysis. Stat Med, 27:6407–6425, 2008. �421

23. P. K. Andersen and R. D. Gill. Cox’s regression model for counting processes:A large sample study. Ann Stat, 10:1100–1120, 1982. �418, 513

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25. J. A. Anderson. Regression and ordered categorical variables. J Roy Stat SocB, 46:1–30, 1984. �324

26. J. A. Anderson and P. R. Philips. Regression, discrimination and measurementmodels for ordered categorical variables. Appl Stat, 30:22–31, 1981. �324

27. J. A. Anderson and A. Senthilselvan. A two-step regression model for hazardfunctions. Appl Stat, 31:44–51, 1982. �495, 499, 501

28. D. F. Andrews and A. M. Herzberg. Data. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985. �161

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30. H. R. Arkes, N. V. Dawson, T. Speroff, F. E. Harrell, C. Alzola, R. Phillips,N. Desbiens, R. K. Oye, W. Knaus, A. F. Connors, and T. Investigators. Thecovariance decomposition of the probability score and its use in evaluating prog-nostic estimates. Med Decis Mak, 15:120–131, 1995. �257

31. B. G. Armstrong and M. Sloan. Ordinal regression models for epidemiologicdata. Am J Epi, 129:191–204, 1989. See letter to editor by Peterson. �319, 320,321, 324

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33. A. C. Atkinson. A note on the generalized information criterion for choice of amodel. Biometrika, 67:413–418, 1980. �69, 204

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35. P. C. Austin. Bootstrap model selection had similar performance for select-ing authentic and noise variables compared to backward variable elimination: asimulation study. J Clin Epi, 61:1009–1017, 2008. �70

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43. F. Barzi and M. Woodward. Imputations of missing values in practice: Resultsfrom imputations of serum cholesterol in 28 cohort studies. Am J Epi, 160:34–45,2004. �50, 58

44. R. A. Becker, J. M. Chambers, and A. R. Wilks. The New S Language.Wadsworth and Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 1988. �127

45. H. Belcher. The concept of residual confounding in regression models and someapplications. Stat Med, 11:1747–1758, 1992. �11, 19

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116. A. F. Connors, T. Speroff, N. V. Dawson, C. Thomas, F. E. Harrell, D. Wagner,N. Desbiens, L. Goldman, A. W. Wu, R. M. Califf, W. J. Fulkerson, H. Vidaillet,S. Broste, P. Bellamy, J. Lynn, W. A. Knaus, and T. S. Investigators. The effec-tiveness of right heart catheterization in the initial care of critically ill patients.JAMA, 276:889–897, 1996. �3

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118. N. R. Cook. Use and misues of the receiver operating characteristic curve inrisk prediction. Circulation, 115:928–935, 2007. �93, 101, 273

119. R. D. Cook. Fisher Lecture:Dimension reduction in regression. Statistical Sci,22:1–26, 2007. �101

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Entries in this font are names of software components. Page numbers inbold denote the most comprehensive treatment of the topic.

SymbolsDxy, 105, 142, 257, 257–259, 269,

284, 318, 461, 505, 529censored data, 505, 517

R2, 110, 111, 206, 272, 390, 391adjusted, 74, 77, 105generalized, 207significant difference in, 215

c index, 93, 100, 105, 142,257,257, 259, 318, 505, 517

censored data, 505generalized, 318, 505

HbA1c, 36515:1 rule, 72, 100

AAalen survival function estimator,

see survival functionabs.error.pred, 102accelerated failure time, see

modelaccuracy, 104, 111, 113, 114, 210,

354, 446g-index, 105absolute, 93, 102

apparent, 114, 269, 529approximation, 119, 275,

287, 348, 469bias-corrected, 100, 109,

114, 115, 141, 391, 529calibration, 72–78,

88, 92, 93, 105, 111, 115, 141,236, 237, 259, 260,264, 269, 271, 284, 301, 322,446, 467, 506

discrimination, 72, 92, 93,105,111, 111, 257, 259,269, 284, 287, 318, 331, 346,467, 505, 506, 508

future, 211index, 122, 123, 141

ACE, 82, 176, 179, 390, 391, 392ace, 176, 392acepack package, 176, 392actuarial survival, 410adequacy index, 207AIC, 28, 69, 78, 88, 172, 204, 204,

210, 211, 214, 215,240, 241, 269, 275, 277, 332,374, 375

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015F.E. Harrell, Jr., Regression Modeling Strategies, Springer Seriesin Statistics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-19425-7


572 Index

AIC, 134, 135, 277Akaike information criterion, see

AICanalysis of covariance, see

ANOCOVAANOCOVA, 16, 223, 230, 447ANOVA, 13, 32, 75, 230, 235, 317,

447, 480, 531anova, 65, 127, 133, 134, 136,

149, 155, 278, 302, 306, 336,342, 346, 464, 466

anova.gls, 149areg.boot, 392–394aregImpute, 51, 53–56, 59,

304, 305Arjas plot, 495asis, 132, 133assumptionsaccelerated failure time,

436, 437, 458additivity, 37, 248continuation ratio, 320,

321, 338correlation pattern, 148, 153distributional, 39, 97,

148, 317, 446, 525linearity, 21–26ordinality, 312, 319, 333, 340proportional hazards, 429,

494–503proportional odds, 313,

315, 317, 336, 362AVAS, 390–392case study, 393–398

avas, 392, 394, 395

BB-spline, see spline functionbattery reduction, 87Bayesian modeling, 71, 209, 215BIC, 211, 214, 269binary response, see responsebj, 131, 135, 447, 449bootcov, 134–136, 198–202, 319bootkm, 419

bootstrap, 106–109, 114–116.632, 115, 123adjusting for imputation, 53approximate Bayesian, 50basic, 202, 203BCa, 202, 203cluster, 135, 197, 199, 213conditional, 115, 122, 197confidence intervals, see

confidence intervals, 199covariance matrix, 135, 198density, 107, 136distribution, 201estimating shrinkage, 77, 115model uncertainty, 11, 113, 304overfitting correction, 112,

114, 115, 257, 391ranks, 117variable selection, 70, 97,

113, 177, 260, 275, 282, 286bplot, 134Breslow survival function

estimator, see survivalfunction

Brier score, 142, 237,257–259, 271, 318

CCABG, 484calibrate, 135, 141, 269,

271, 284, 300, 319, 323, 355,450, 467, 517

calibration, see accuracycaliper matching, 372cancor, 141canonical correlation, 141canonical variate, 82, 83, 129,

141, 167, 169, 393CART, see recursive partitioningcasewise deletion, see missing

datacategorical predictor, see

predictorcategorization of continuous

variable, 8, 18–21

Index 573

catg, 132, 133causal inference, 103cause removal, 414censoring, 401–402, 406, 424

informative, 402, 414, 415, 420interval, 401, 418, 420left, 401right, 402, 418type I, 401type II, 402

ciapower, 513classification, 4, 6classifier, 4, 6clustered data, 197, 417clusteringhierarchical, 129, 166, 330variable, 81, 101, 175, 355

ClustOfVar, 101coef, 134coefficient of discrimination, see

accuracycollinearity, 78–79competing risks, 414, 420concordance probability, see c

indexconditional logistic model, see

logistic modelconditional probability, 320, 404,

476, 484confidence intervals, 10, 30,

35, 64, 66, 96, 136, 185,198, 273, 282, 391

bootstrap, 107, 109,119, 122, 135, 149, 199,201–203, 214, 217

coverage, 35, 198, 199, 389simultaneous, 136, 199,

202, 214, 420, 517confounding, 31, 103, 231confplot, 214contingency table, 195, 228,

230, 235contrast, see hypothesis testcontrast, 134, 136,

192, 193, 198, 199

convergence, 193, 264coronary artery disease, 48, 207,

240, 245, 252, 492, 497correlation structures, 147, 148correspondence analysis, 81, 129cost-effectiveness, 4Cox model, 362, 375, 392,

475–517case study, 521–531data reduction example, 172multiple imputation, 54

cox.zph, 499, 516, 517, 526coxph, 131, 422, 513cph, 131, 133, 135, 172, 422,

448,513, 513, 514, 516, 517cpower, 513cr.setup, 323, 340, 354cross-validation, see validation of

modelcubic spline, see spline functioncumcategory, 357cumulative hazard function, see

hazard functioncumulative probability model,

359, 361–363, 370, 371cut2, 129, 133, 334, 419cutpoint, 21

Ddata reduction, 79–88, 275case study 1, 161–177case study 2, 277case study 3, 329–333

data-splitting, see validation ofmodel

data.frame, 309datadist, 130, 130, 138, 292, 463datasets, 535cdystonia, 149cervical dystonia, 149diabetes, 317meningitis, 266, 267NHANES, 365prostate, 161, 275, 521SUPPORT, 59, 453

574 Index

Titanic, 291degrees of freedom, 193effective, 30, 41, 77, 96, 136,

210, 269generalized, 10phantom, 35, 111

delayed entry, 401delta method, 439describe, 129, 291, 453deviance, 236, 449, 487, 516DFBETA, 91DFBETAS, 91DFFIT, 91DFFITS, 91diabetes, see datasets, 365difference in predictions, 192, 201dimensionality, 88discriminant analysis, 220, 230,

272discrimination, see accuracy, see

accuracydistribution, 317t, 186binomial, 73, 181, 194, 235Cauchy, 362exponential, 142, 407, 408,

425, 427, 451extreme value, 362, 363, 427,

437Gumbel, 362, 363log-logistic, 9, 423,

427, 440, 442, 503log-normal, 9, 106,

391, 423, 427, 442, 463, 464normal, 187Weibull, 39,408, 408, 420, 426,

432–437, 444, 448dose-response, 523doubly nonlinear, 131drop-in, 513dropouts, 143dummy variable, 1, see indicator

variable, 75, 129, 130,209, 210

Eeconomists, 71effective.df, 134, 136, 345, 346Emax, 353epidemiology, 38estimation, 2, 98, 104estimatorBuckley–James, 447, 449maximum likelihood, 181mean, 362penalized, see maximum

likelihood, 175quantile, 362self-consistent, 525smearing, 392, 393

explained variation, 273exponential distribution, see

distributionExProb, 135external validation, see validation

of model

Ffailure time, 399fastbw, 133, 134, 137, 280, 286,

351, 469feature selection, 94financial data, 3fit.mult.impute, 54, 306Fleming–Harrington survival

function estimator, seesurvival function

formula, 134fractional polynomial, 40Function, 134, 135, 138, 149, 310,

395functions, generating R code, 395

GGAM, see generalized additive

model, see generalizedadditive model

gam package, 390GDF, see degrees of freedomGEE, 147

Index 575

Gehan–Wilcoxon test, seehypothesis test

gendata, 134, 136generalized additive model,

29, 41, 138, 142, 390case study, 393–398

getHdata, 59, 178, 535ggplot, 134ggplot2 package, xi, 134, 294gIndex, 105glht, 199Glm, 131, 135, 271glm, 131, 141, 271Gls, 131, 135, 149gls, 131, 149goodness of fit, 236, 269,

427, 440, 458Greenwood’s formula, see survival

functiongroupkm, 419

Hhare, 450hat matrix, 91Hazard, 135, 448hazard function, 135, 362,

375, 400, 402, 405, 409, 427,475, 476

bathtub, 408cause-specific, 414, 415cumulative, 402–409

hazard ratio, 429–431,433, 478, 479, 481

interval-specific, 495–497, 502hazard.ratio.plot, 517hclust, 129heft, 419heterogeneity, unexplained, 4, 231,

400histSpikeg, 294Hmisc package, xi, 129, 133, 137,

167, 176, 273, 277, 294, 304,319, 357, 392, 418, 458, 463,513, 536

hoeffd, 129

Hoeffding D, 129, 166, 458Hosmer–Lemeshow test, 236, 237Hotelling test, see hypothesis testHuber–White estimator, 196hypothesis test, 1, 18, 32, 99additivity, 37, 248association, 2, 18, 32, 43, 66,

129, 235, 338, 486contrast, 157, 192, 193, 198equal slopes, 315, 321, 322,

338, 339, 458, 460, 495exponentiality, 408, 426Gehan-Wilcoxon, 505global, 69, 97, 189, 205,

230, 232, 342, 526Hotelling, 230independence, 129, 166Kruskal–Wallis, 2, 66, 129linearity, 18, 32, 35, 36, 39, 42,

66, 91, 238log-rank, 41, 363, 422, 475, 486,

513, 518Mantel–Haenszel, 486normal scores, 364partial, 190Pearson χ2, 195, 235robust, 9, 81, 311Van der Waerden, 364Wilcoxon, 1, 73, 129,

230, 257, 311, 313, 325,363, 364

Iignorable nonresponse, see

missing dataimbalances, baseline, 400improveProb, 142imputation, 47–57, 83

chained equations, 55, 304model for, 49, 50, 50–52,

59, 84, 129multiple, 47, 53, 54, 54–56,

95, 129, 304, 382, 537censored data, 54

576 Index

predictive mean matching, 51,52, 55

single, 52, 56, 57, 138,171, 275, 276, 334

impute, 129, 135, 138, 171,276, 277, 334, 461

incidencecrude, 416cumulative, 415

incomplete principal componentregression, 170, 275

indicator variable, 16, 17, 38, 39infinite regression coefficient, 234influential observations, 90–92,

116, 255, 256, 269, 504information function, 182, 183information matrix, 79, 188, 189,

191, 196, 208, 211, 232, 346informative missing, see missing

datainteraction, 16, 36, 375interquartile-range effect, 104, 136intracluster correlation, 135, 141,

197, 417isotropic correlation structure, see

correlation structures

Jjackknife, 113, 504

KKalbfleisch–Prentice estimator,

see survival functionKaplan–Meier estimator, see

survival functionknots, 22Kullback–Leibler information, 215

Llandmark survival time analysis,

447lasso, 71, 100, 121, 175, 356LATEX, 129, 536

latex, 129, 134, 135, 137, 138, 149,246, 282, 292, 336, 342, 346,453, 466, 470, 536

lattice package, 134least squarescensored, 447

leave-out-one, see validation ofmodel

left truncation, 401, 420life expectancy, 4, 408, 472lift curve, 5likelihood function, 182,

187, 188, 190,194, 195, 424, 425, 476

partial, 477likelihood ratio test, 185–186,

189–191, 193–195,198, 204, 205, 207, 228, 240

linear model, 73, 74, 143, 311, 359,361, 362, 364, 368, 370, 372

case study, 143linear spline, see spline functionlink function, 15Cauchy, 362complementary log-log, 362log-log, 362probit, 362

lm, 131lme, 149local regression, see

nonparametricloess, see nonparametricloess, 29, 142, 493log-rank, see hypothesis testLOGISTIC, 315logistic modelbinary, 219–231case study 1, 275–288case study 2, 291–310

conditional, 483continuation ratio, 319–323case study, 338–340

extended continuation ratio,321–322

case study, 340–355

Index 577

ordinal, 311proportional odds, 73, 311, 312,

313–319, 333, 362, 364case study, 333–338

logLik, 134, 135longitudinal data, 143lowess, see nonparametriclowess, 141, 294lrm, 65, 131, 134, 135, 201,

269, 269, 273, 277, 278,296, 297, 302, 306, 319, 323,335, 337, 339, 341, 342, 448,513

lrtest, 134, 135lsp, 133

MMallows’ Cp, 69Mantel–Haenszel test, see

hypothesis testmarginal distribution, 26, 417,

478marginal estimates, see

unconditioningmartingale residual, 487, 493, 494,

515, 516matrix, 133matrx, 133maximal correlation, 390maximum generalized variance,

82, 83maximum likelihood, 147estimation, 181, 231, 424, 425,

477penalized, 11, 77, 78, 115, 136,

209–212, 269, 327, 328, 353case study, 342–355

weighted, 208maximum total variance, 81Mean, 135, 319, 448, 472, 513, 514meningitis, see datasetsmgcv package, 390MGV, see maximum generalized

varianceMICE, 54, 55, 59

missing data, 143, 302casewise deletion, 47, 48, 81,

296, 307, 384describing patterns, see

naclus, naplot

imputation, see imputationinformative, 46, 424random, 46

MLE, see maximum likelihoodmodelaccelerated failure time,

436–446, 453case study, 453–473

Andersen–Gill, 513approximate, 119–123,

275, 287, 349, 352–354, 356Buckley–James, 447, 449comparing more than one, 92Cox, see Cox modelcumulative link, see cumulative

probability modelcumulative probability, see

cumulative probabilitymodel

extended linear, 146generalized additive, see

generalized additive model,359

generalized linear, 146, 359growth curve, 146linear, see linear model,

117, 199, 287, 317, 389log-logistic, 437log-normal, 437, 453logistic, see logistic modellongitudinal, 143ols, 146ordinal, see ordinal modelparametric proportional

hazards, 427quantile regression, see quantile

regressionsemiparametric, see

semiparametric model

578 Index

validation, see validation ofmodel

model approximation, see modelmodel uncertainty, 170, 304model validation, see validation

of modelmodeling strategy, see strategymonotone, 393monotonicity, 66, 83, 84,

95, 129, 166, 389, 390, 393,458

MTV, see maximum totalvariance

multcomp package, 199, 202multi-state model, 420multiple events, 417

Nna.action, 131na.delete, 131, 132na.detail.response,,, 131na.omit, 132naclus, 47, 142, 302, 458, 461naplot, 47, 302, 461naprint, 135naresid, 132, 135natural spline, see restricted

cubic splinenearest neighbor, 51Nelson estimator, see survival

function, 422Newlabels, 473Newton–Raphson algorithm, 193,

195, 196, 209, 231, 426NHANES, 365nlme package, 131, 148, 149noise, 34, 68, 69, 72, 209, 488, 523nomogram, 104, 268,

310, 318, 353, 514, 531nomogram, 135, 138, 149, 282, 319,

353, 473, 514non-proportional hazards, 73, 450,


noncompliance, 402, 513nonignorable nonresponse, see

missing datanonparametriccorrelation, 66censored data, 517

generalized Spearmancorrelation, 66, 376

independence test, 129, 166regression, 29, 41, 105, 142, 245,

285test, 2, 66, 129

nonproportional hazards, 495npsurv, 418, 419ns, 132, 133nuisance parameter, 190, 191

Oobject-oriented program, x, 127,

133observational study, 3, 58,

230, 400odds ratio, 222, 224, 318OLS, see linear modelols, 131, 135, 137, 350, 351,

448, 469, 470optimism, 109, 111, 114, 391ordered, 133ordinal model, 311, 359, 361–363,

370, 371case study, 327–356, 359–387probit, 364

ordinal response, see responseordinality, see assumptionsorm, 131, 135, 319, 362, 363outlier, 116, 294overadjustment, 2overfitting, 72, 109–110

Pparsimony, 87, 97, 119partial effect plot, 104, 318partial residual, see residualpartial test, see hypothesis testPC, see principal component,

170, 172, 175, 275

Index 579

pcaPP package, 175pec package, 519penalized maximum likelihood,

see maximum likelihoodpentrace, 134, 136, 269, 323, 342,

344person-years, 408, 425plclust, 129plot.lrm.partial, 339plot.xmean.ordinaly, 319, 323, 333plsmo, 358Poisson model, 271pol, 133poly, 132, 133polynomial, 21popower, 319posamsize, 319power calculation, see cpower,

spower, ciapower, popower

pphsm, 448prcomp, 141preconditioning, 118, 123predab.resample, 141, 269, 323Predict, 130, 134, 136, 149,

198, 199, 202, 278, 299, 307,319, 448, 466

predict, 127, 132, 136, 140, 309,319, 469, 517, 526

predictorcontinuous, 21, 40nominal, 16, 210ordinal, 38

principal component, 81, 87,101, 275

sparse, 101, 175princomp, 141, 171PRINQUAL, 82, 83product-limit estimator, see

survival functionpropensity score, 3, 58, 231proportional hazards model, see

Cox modelproportional odds model, see

logistic model

prostate, see datasetspsm, 131, 135, 448, 448,

460, 464, 513

QQ–R decomposition, 23Q-Q plot, 148qr, 192Quantile, 135, 448, 472, 513, 514quantile regression, 359, 360, 364,

370, 379, 392composite, 361

quantreg, 131, 360

Rrandom forests, 100rank correlation, see

nonparametricRao score test, 186–187,

191, 193–195, 198rcorr, 166rcorr.cens, 142, 461, 517rcorrcens, 461rcorrp.cens, 142rcs, 133, 296, 297rcspline.eval, 129rcspline.plot, 273rcspline.restate, 129receiver operating characteristic

curve, 6, 11area, 92, 93, 111, 257, 346area, generalized, 318, 505

recursive partitioning, 10, 30, 31,41, 46, 47, 51, 52, 83, 87,100, 120, 142, 302, 349

redun, 80, 463redundancy analysis, 80, 175regression to the mean, 75, 530resampling, 105, 112resid, 134, 336, 337, 460, 516residuallogistic score, 314, 336martingale, 487, 493, 494,

515, 516partial, 34, 272, 315, 321, 337

580 Index

Schoenfeld score, 314, 487,498, 499, 516, 517, 525, 526

residuals, 132, 134, 269, 336, 337,460, 516

residuals.coxph, 516responsebinary, 219–221censored or truncated, 401continuous, 389–398ordinal, 311, 327, 359

restricted cubic spline, see splinefunction

ridge regression, 77, 115, 209, 210risk difference, 224, 430risk ratio, 224, 430rms package, xi, 129, 130–141,

149, 192, 193, 198, 199, 211,214, 319, 362, 363, 418,422, 535

robcov, 134, 135, 198, 202robust covariance estimator, see

variance–covariance matrixrobustgam package, 390ROC, see receiver operating

characteristic curve, 105rpart, 142, 302, 303Rq, 131, 135, 360rq, 131runif, 460

Ssample size, 73, 74, 148,

233, 363, 486sample survey, 135, 197, 208, 417sas.get, 129sascode, 138scientific quantity, 20score function, 182, 183, 186score test, see Rao score test,

235, 363score.binary, 86scored, 132, 133scoring, hierarchical, 86scree plot, 172

semiparametric model, 311, 359,361–363, 370, 371, 475

sensuc, 134shrinkage, 75–78, 87, 88,

209–212, 342–348similarity measure, 81, 330, 458smearing estimator, see estimatorsmoother, 390Somers’ rank correlation, see Dxy

somers2, 346spca package, 175sPCAgrid, 175, 179Spearman rank correlation, see

nonparametricspearman2, 129, 460specs, 134, 135spline function, 22, 30,

167, 192, 393B-spline, 23, 41, 132, 500cubic, 23linear, 22, 133normalization, 26restricted cubic, 24–28tensor, 37, 247, 374, 375

spower, 513standardized regression

coefficient, 103state transition, 416, 420step, 134step halving, 196strat, 133strata, 133strategy, 63comparing models, 92data reduction, 79describing model, 103, 318developing imputations, 49developing model for effect

estimation, 98developing models for

hypothesis testing, 99developing predictive model, 95global, 94in a nutshell, ix, 95influential observations, 90

Index 581

maximum number ofparameters, 72

model approximation, 118, 275,287

multiple imputation, 53prespecification of complexity,

64shrinkage, 77validation, 109, 110variable selection, 63, 67

stratification, 225, 237, 238, 254,418, 419, 481–483, 488

subgroup estimates, 34, 241, 400summary, 127, 130, 134, 136, 149,

167, 198, 199, 201, 278, 292,466

summary.formula, 302, 319, 357summary.gls, 149super smoother, 29SUPPORT study, see datasetssuppression, 101supsmu, 141, 273, 390Surv, 172, 418, 422, 458, 516survConcordance, 517survdiff, 517survest, 135, 448survfit, 135, 418, 419Survival, 135, 448, 513, 514survival functionAalen estimator, 412, 413Breslow estimator, 485crude, 416Fleming–Harrington estimator,

412, 413, 485Kalbfleisch–Prentice estimator,

484, 485Kaplan–Meier estimator,

409–413, 414–416, 420multiple state estimator, 416,

420Nelson estimator, 412, 413, 418,

485standard error, 412

survival package, 131,418, 422, 499, 513, 517, 536

survplot, 135, 419, 448, 458, 460survreg, 131, 448survreg.auxinfo, 449survreg.distributions, 449

Ttest of linearity, see hypothesis

testtest statistic, see hypothesis testtime to event, 399and severity of event, 417

time-dependent covariable,322, 418, 447, 499–503,513, 518, 526

Titanic, see datasetstraining sample, 111–113, 122transace, 176, 177transcan, 51, 55, 80,83,

83–85, 129, 135, 138, 167,170–172, 175–177,276, 277, 330, 334, 335, 521,525

transform both sides regression,176, 389, 392

transformation, 389, 393, 395post, 133pre, 179

tree model, see recursivepartitioning

truncation, 401

Uunconditioning, 119uniqueness analysis, 94univariable screening, 72univarLR, 134, 135unsupervised learning, 79

Vval.prob, 109, 135, 271val.surv, 109, 449, 517validate, 135, 141, 142,

260, 269, 271, 282, 286,300, 301, 319, 323, 354, 466,517

582 Index

validation of model, 109–116,259, 299, 318, 322, 353, 446,466, 506, 529

bootstrap, 114–116cross, 113, 115, 116, 210data-splitting, 111, 112, 271external, 109, 110, 237,

271, 449, 517leave-out-one, 113, 122,

215, 255quantities to validate, 110randomization, 113

varclus, 79, 129, 167, 330, 458,463

variable selection, 67–72, 171step-down, 70, 137,

275, 280, 282, 286, 377variance inflation factors, 79, 135,

138, 255variance stabilization, 390

variance–covariance matrix,51, 54, 120, 129, 189,191, 193, 196–198, 208,211, 215

cluster sandwich, 197, 202Huber–White estimator, 147sandwich, 147, 211, 217

variogram, 148, 153vcov, 134, 135vif, 135, 138

Wwaiting time, 401Wald statistic, 186, 189, 191, 192,

194, 196, 198, 206,244, 278weighted analysis, see maximum

likelihoodwhich.influence, 134, 137, 269working independence model, 197