Apol Final1 z

Post on 31-May-2018

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Transcript of Apol Final1 z

  • 8/14/2019 Apol Final1 z


    An intelligent faith

    Are faith and

    reason in


    Can Christianity

    stand up to



    Is there an


    basis for faith inJesus Christ as

    the Son of God?

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    Oxford University

    Oriel College, 07

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    In a relativistic world,

    how do we attempt to

    clarify truth?

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    An Intelligent Faith - LHCi

    Responding to cultural assumptions:

    April 2: Christian faith is a blind act of the will

    April 9: There is no such thing as absolute truthApril 16: All religions are basically equal

    April 23: The Bible as we know it has been altered

    April 30: Was the Resurrection literal or symbolic?

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    Christian Worldview

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    A reasoned defense [apologia] ofChristianity

    Peter 3:15 (Amplified Bible)

    But in your hearts set Christ apart asholy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord.Always be ready to give a logical

    defense to anyone who asks you toaccount for the hope that is in you, butdo it courteously and respectfully.

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    Know what you believe in

    Know why you believe it

    Love others

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    Tasks of Apologetics

    Begin to neutralize objections to faith

    Strengthen the believers confidence to


    Understand and appropriate the grace and

    love of God.

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    Why it Matters

    A gospel that does not deal with the issues

    of the day is not the Gospel at all.--

    Martin Luther

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    All worldviews must answer:


    Meaning: Morality:


    Elements of World Views

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    All world views must answer:

    Origin: Where did I come from?

    Meaning: Why am I here? Morality: How should I live?

    Destiny: Where am I going?

    Elements of World Views

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    Postmodern World View

    Not that there are new answers to lifes bigquestions, but there are no answers tolifes big questions.

    General disillusionment

    with our materialisticculture

    Deconstructionist mentality Seen most clearly in

    student revolt in Paris in60s

    Backlash againstConsumerism of the Westand communism of theEast which both failed todeliver

    Rejection of Biblical


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    True or False?

    Christian faith involves a blind act of the will

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    What do these 3 people

    have in common? 1# Set of parents who take

    their son who is dying ofcancer to a shaman faith


    #2 An atheist who believes inonly what he can empirically


    #3 Christian tries to makehimself believe in the gospel

    despite a lack of evidence

    They all take a

    giant leap of


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    Is this faith?

    Faith means blind trust, in the absence ofevidence, even in the teeth of evidence

    (Dawkins, the Selfish Gene)

    Faith is about evading thinking, running awayfrom evidence(Hitchens)

    "Faith is believing what you know ain't so.(Mark Twain)

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    Michael Ramsden

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    Richard Dawkins

    Zoologist and former Director of the HumanGenome Project Voted to be Britain's #1 public intellectual One of most widely read popularizing

    scientists (most take negative view ofreligion)

    One of the Brights


    The God Delusion (2007)

    The Selfish Gene (1976)

    The Extended Phenotype (1981)The Blind Watchmaker(1986)

    River out of Eden (1995)

    Climbing Mount Improbable (1996)

    Unweaving the Rainbow(1998)

    A Devils Chaplain (2003)

    The Ancestors Tale (2004)

    What he is stating is:

    Truth = explicit proof; empiricalstudy

    Faith = mysticism, a belief despite

    the evidence

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    Despite the Evidence?

    Early Scientists were committed Christians

    Historic Galileo Galilei

    John Newton Blaise Pascal

    Current Francis Collins

    John Polkinghorne John Lennox

    Alistair McGrath

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    The real relationship between Faith

    and Evidence

    Atheism is a faith

    We cannot prove with 100% absolute certainty that

    there is a God

    Our atheist friends cannot prove with 100% absolutecertainty that there is not a God

    Both are positions that go beyond the available

    evidence I am an atheist who has lost his faith.

    Boris Pastenack, Dr. Chivago, after Russian revolution

    S i d t t ll l d t

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    Science doesnt naturally lead to


    Science simply cannot (by its

    legitimate methods) adjudicate the

    issue of Gods possible

    superintendence of nature. We

    neither affirm nor deny it; we simplycant comment on it as scientists.

    Either half my colleagues are

    enormously stupid, or else the

    science of Darwinism is fully

    compatible with conventional

    religious beliefs and equally

    compatible with atheism.

    The most science can do is lead

    you to agnosticismThe scientific method cannot

    determine whether there is a God,

    or whether there is not a God

    Stephen Jay Gould:

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    Stephen Jay Gould

    Science doesnt prove or disprove God Reviews all the big names he can think of, list, its

    about half and half Christian

    Nothing about science compels you to anyconclusion, but it is consistent to either a Christian

    view, or Atheism

    Significant writer and worth quoting when someone

    claims that Sciences lead to atheism

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    Are science & religion in conflict?

    Science seeks to answer the questions of

    How and What

    Faith seeks to answer the questions ofWhy

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    The Reasonableness of Faith

    Faith is a response to a God who is real Grounded in converging lines of evidence

    (historical, eye witness, testimony, etc.)

    [Faith] affects the whole of mans nature. Itcommences with the conviction of the mind basedon adequate evidence; it continues in theconfidence of the heart or emotions based on

    conviction, and it is crowned in the consent of thewill, by means of which the conviction andconfidence are expressed in conduct.

    W. H. Griffith-Thomas on Faith

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    God has put enough into the world to

    make faith in him a most reasonable thing,

    and he has left enough out to make it

    impossible to live by sheer reason orobservation alone. Ravi Z.

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    True or False?

    Christianity is an ideology, not a Gospel

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    Finality of Christ

    I am the way, and the truth

    And the life,

    No one comes to

    the Father unless

    Through me.

    - Jesus of NazarethJohn 14

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    Scriptures are remarkably clear

    1. 'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no othername under heaven given to men, by which we mustbe saved' ( Acts 4:12).

    2. 'For there is one God and one mediator between Godand men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as aransom for all men' (I Timothy 2:5).

    3. 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -

    and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - notby works so that no one can boast' (Eph.2:8-9).

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    Postmodern Agenda

    Just different paths up

    the same mountain Religious pluralism &

    relativism is not new:Jews, Greeks, Romans all

    inhabited Jerusaleum

    Implication: Christians are arrogant,

    intolerant, exclusive

    What is the Christian response?

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    Maybe we need a new


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    Reframe the way we think

    Ask questions first

    Jesus sets the example Opens up the questioner within their own assumptions

    Clarifies truth claims

    Exposes faulty logic, contradictions

    Understand their worldview How do they define truth? Faith?

    Intentbefore content

    Giving the right answer to the wrong question is always wrong Christianity raises the level of every individual

    Every human being is of essential worth & dignity

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    Lead with love:Conviction that is not ungirded by love makes the

    possessor of that conviction obnoxious and the dogma ofthat conviction repulsive.

    Ravi Zacharias

    Do the work: Study to show thyself approved

    If we dont know Gods truth claims, then well take on thetruth claims of the world

    Dont pretend to know things we dont

    Only 2 rules in Apologetics

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    Religious Pluralism

    too Confusing?

    Reframe our


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    Epistomologically in thinking

    Existentially in feeling

    Pragmatically in doing

    Most religious and philosophical

    systems are rooted or grounded in

    1 of 3 distinct ways


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    Christianity: Rooted and

    grounded in.?

    Christs very being

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    Words are tools of thought

    John 1: The Word has become flesh,

    and has dwelt among us A revelation of God and everything

    He knows and who He is

    1. Thinking (system of thought)

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    Seeking experiences that transform

    But experiences in life are temporary

    John 3:36 Jesus defines life in terms ofknowing Him

    Coming to know him is not so much a momentin life, but is the moment of life itself.

    2. Feeling (set of experiences)

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    John 6: What must we do to do the works

    God requires?

    Answer: The work (singular) of God is this:

    to believe in the One He has sent

    I AM

    You cannot take Christ out of Christianity

    3. Doing (Way of Life)

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    Rooted in being

    Incarnation: Jesus didnt come simply to give us amessage about God, but he came as God himself

    John 14:9 If you have seen me, youve seen the Father. Jesus claimed to be in very nature, God

    John 1: In the beginning was the Word Anyone can claim to be God, but how can you meaningfully

    sustain it? Salvation: Christ himself came into this world to save us

    II Cor. 5: God made him who had no sin, to be sin for us, sothat in him we may have the righteousness of God.

    He bore our sins and conquered the grave

    Transformation John 3: Jesus said that if anyone wants to enter the kingdom ofheaven they must be born again

    II Cor 5:17 Paul says that if anyone is in Christ they are a newcreation, the old is gone and the new has come

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    Uniqueness of Jesus

    But Dont All Religions Lead To God?(2002). Dr. Michael Green argues:

    No other teacher than Jesus ever claimed

    to bring God to us No other teacher dealt radically with the

    problem of human wickedness

    No other teacher broke the barrier ofdeath

    No other teacher offered to actually live"within" his followers

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    The end points in apologetics is

    not to ask someone to accept a

    system of thought, to have somekind of strange new experience,

    or to do something differently,

    but its to accept who Christ is.

    Why is this important?

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    Intelligent Faith

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    The problem with Christianity

    is not that it has been tried

    and found wanting, but that it

    has been found

    difficult, and left

    untriedG.K. Chesterton
