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Transcript of APC’S 12TH MEMBER MEETING Member Meeting- Council... · APC’S 12TH MEMBER MEETING SHARE AND...


Report of Council Business Meeting and Elections8 June 2014, Barcelona, Spain

Chat Garcia Ramilo, chat@apc.org

Table of Contents1. Welcome and overview of agenda....................................................................................................22. Previous member meeting: Report of the online member meeting held in November 2013...........23. Report from the outgoing Board of Directors (BoD) followed by questions and discussion..........24. Report from the Executive Director and APC staff on implementation of APC's strategic plan for 2013-16.................................................................................................................................................25. Financial report for 2013..................................................................................................................36. Update on global internet governance processes..............................................................................47. APC 25th anniversary in 2015: How do we celebrate? ...................................................................68. The APC community network: achievements, challenges and actions for a strong and vibrant network.................................................................................................................................................79. Executive Board Election.................................................................................................................810. Vote of Thanks ...............................................................................................................................9

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1. Welcome and overview of agenda

Valentina Pellizzer and Andrew Garton, Board of Directors Chair and Secretary opened the meeting and welcomed members.

2. Previous member meeting: Report of the online member meeting held in November 2013

The report of the previous online meeting in November 2013 was presented by Anriette Esterhuysen. Al Alegre moved to approve the meeting minutes, seconded by Liz Probert.

3. Report from the outgoing Board of Directors (BoD) followed by questions and discussion

The Board of Directors report was presented by Andrew Garton and Valentina Pellizzer.

Andrew noted the importance of regional meetings and collaboration and that there have been improvements in this regard. Kemly Camacho (Sulá Batsú) thanked the board for it's report, and asked why they felt regional networks were stronger. Andrew noted, for example,participation of regions in development of the strategic plan and implementation of the plan. Regional meetings have taken place alongsideother meetings in Africa, and Asia.

Anriette noted that regional network strengthening has primarily happened in Asia - due to many being involved in internet rights, participation in projects (FLOW, involvement in development of the Asia IR project). In Africa, members did meet around the African IGF, but not much strengthening of collaboration. There has also not been much collaboration amongst European members. The APC staff has facilitated participation of members in LAC in the regional IGF (and meetings like Netmundial), but collaboration strengthening remains a challenge. Where regional networking and collaboration has worked well is in relation to cross regional collaboration, and particularly throughprojects like MDG3 and FLOW. It is very important - and requires two things - resources (money and people) and a common theme/area of work.

Al Alegre asked for clarification about changes in management staffing. Anriette commented on the role of the Deputy Executive Director (DED) and how this role works with the Executive Director (ED), with particular emphasis on organisational work – implementation oversight, monitoring and evaluation and strategic planning process. Anriette also updated Council on the operational management team consisting of the ED, DED and Finance Manager) and the strategic management team consisting of the ED, DED, Finance Manager, CIPP and WRP managers and Communications team manager).

4. Report from the Executive Director and APC staff on implementation of APC's strategic plan for 2013-16

Anriette opened the session with a presentation about APC, followed by a presentation of the Draft Annual Report by Mallory Knodel, and a report of the findings of APC Member survey (2013) on implementation of APC's 2013-2016 strategic plan by Chat Ramilo.

In relation to the survey, Sylvia Siyam (Protege) noted that the most important thing is to ask the question 'Why?' in response to the ratings. What are the reasons/why we have the results that we have from the survey to members.

Anriette noted that the results of the survey are indicators to us that where members see themselves as contributing more to a KRA than APC, we need to look at how we can integrate the members work into projects and programmes. Our goal at a very general level, is to have members perceive themselves and

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APC, as comparatively equal in involvement in KRAs. For example, we would like to see member contribution to KRA 5 to be equal to or greater than the APC staff contribution.

Kemly asked how the outcomes of the evaluation will be used to change/improve the strategies/programmes, especially taking into accountthe fields where the members have more 'experience' than APC. Partha Sarker (Bytes4All) asked how the goals correspond with KRAs.

Chat noted that the survey results is not expected to change strategic priorities, but rather to calibrate our approach to activities. For example, we have considered the 2013 survey in the development of the 2014 activity plan. We also make adjustments based on the quarterly monitoring reports of the implementation of each KRA through programme and project activities, which is our primary reporting to donors and to the APC Board of Directors.

The survey allow APC to identify the aspects we have to record in relation to member’s contribution to the APC's strategic plan. They are areas in which members could have been having more impact or an impact that we are not aware about. So it helps us to analyse how to use that to strengthen the network. We have to find opportunities to do more country level work. There might be areas in which we have to put some more effort on. The KRAs have national, regional and global dimension. The results are a parameter to see how we are doing on all levels.

From this discussion, the following recommendations were raised:

Valentina suggested we might integrate the Membership Working Group participation report (narrative and financial) into the survey outcomes. It would be interesting to cross-reference the involvement of members with APC’s programmes as part of how we visualise the results of the survey to members.

Al pointed out that the member survey is important as it shows the member-programmes dynamic and recommended that the new board works with staff to look further into the survey results and identify actions and recommendations for APC.

Kemly asked about reports of the work of APC programmes during the council meeting and pointed out that it is important for the Council to hear this report.

5. Financial report for 2013

Finance Manager Karen Banks presented APC Financial Report in 2013.

Summary of key points:

Income, expenditure and balance for the year: APC’s income in 2013 was USD 2.25 million and expenditure was USD 2.2 million, leaving a surplus balance for the year of USD 42,999. This balance is made up of small deficits and surpluses in each of management systems, (MGMT) the communications and network development unit (CND), the communication and information policy programme (CIPP) and the women's rights programme (WRP). This figure will only be finalised after the audit (end June 2014).

Sustainability fund: APC's policy is to place earned income such as income from project implementation (internal consulting) and commissioned projects, into a reserve/sustainability fund in order to build future sustainability of the organisation. At 31 December 2013, the combined total of the reserve and sustainability fund is US$ 779,867.

Looking forward – budget for 2014 and 2015: The board approved the 2014 budget during the October 2013 board meeting, showing a balance surplus of approximately USD 85,000. A deficit of US$ 260,000 was projected for 2015, but this has already been reduced by approximately US$ 100,000 through commissioned projects secured since the budget figures were drafted. We are confident of covering the remaining deficit through ongoing resources mobilisation.

APC Treasurer Julian Casasbuenas noted that throughout the process of reviewing the financial report, he received information promptly and in a proper way. He has also met APC's auditors face-to-face and has

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contributed by recommending that a cashflow be included in report. Julian thanked APC's finance team for their work in preparing the report.

Anriette informed the meeting that APC's finance team has developed a very comprehensive wiki on policies on finance, and that this can be a resource for council members.

Al Alegre asked about the status of APC's core funding. Anriette responded that for the first time in many years, APC has comprehensive core funding from SIDA until the end 2015. APC will apply for renewal for another 3 years and barring dramatic change in Swedish politics, we should be able to anticipate continuation of core funding.

Chim Manavy (Open Society Institute) asked what APC's budget projection is for 2014 and 2015. Karen informed the meeting that in 2014, APC has a balanced budget with small surplus. In 2015, APC has a small deficit of $150,000 but in 2016 and beyond, we have a big deficit which needs to be addressed.

Sylvie Siyam offered Protege QV as a host for the 2017 APC member meeting in Cameroon.

6. Update on global internet governance processes

Members requested an update about internet governance focusing on NetMundial and how this relates to the IGF process.

Valeria Betancourt gave a brief report of the background to NetMundial and the outcome of the event:

After the the Snowden revelations about mass surveillance, Brazil President Dilma Roussef made a strong and clear point about need to counter-act mass surveillance in a statement at a UN General Assembly and convened a global meeting on internet governance to discuss a set of principles that responds to this issue and develop a road map for the future of internet governance. The event was a partnership between the Brazil government and OneNet, a coalition on various stakeholders working on internet governance, with some governments also joining in. A collaborative process and tools were put in place to develop the agenda with all stakeholders invited to give substantive input on principles and the road map. Based on these input, various committees were set up to organise the meeting and to draft a consolidated agenda and outcome document. The meeting was well attended meeting, especially by government delegations. The meeting was held in Sao Paolo in late April 2014. Other official organising countries: Argentina, Brazil, France, Ghana, Germany, India, Indonesia, South Africa, South Korea, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United States.

An Outcome Document was produced that set out the principles and recommendations on how the internet governance ecosystem should evolve. Highlights of this document are:

• For the first time, there is a recognition of the internet as public resource that must be managed in public interest.

• Human rights underpin internet governance principles. The document does not only reiterate that human rights applies online as well as offline, but that it is critical to develop internet governance policy.

• No consensus or general view on what government's role should be in internet governance, but consensus that internet governance should be democratic and multi-stakeholder and that roles of various stakeholders are flexible. This provides some room for building understanding on roles, especially of government.

• No explicit mention on net neutrality but the document has some language which can be useful to build towards this.

• One of the most problematic aspect of the document is on internet intermediary liability. Emphasises the need to address and deter illegal activity, without mentioning rights e.g. FoE, FoA and privacy. Signals how the preponderance of the IP regime.

• Not strong enough recognition about how problematic mass surveillance is. Reflects the distribution of power and politics in the NetMundial space.

• Not enough language gender equality to build on.

A discussion about what happens after NetMundial, followed with APC staff and members who participated in

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the April meeting sharing their insights:

On the multistakeholder process:

• Avri said that one of the most important thing that came out of the meeting was that people saw for the first time that a multistakeholder event could come out with an outcome, even if the outcome is not satisfactory for all. IGF MAG is being also pushed to also come up with some kind of outcome, even if it just about best practices. Now Eurodig needs to figure out how to come out with an outcome. There will probably be a second NetMundial, which has changed notion of a multi-stakeholder forum to be just a talk shop that doesn't do anything to something that makes a decision.

• Deborah pointed out that the principle of 'Democratic multistakeholder' is notable given that some governments critique multistakeholder as giving private sector more power which is not democratic. Anriette added that APC put the language of democratic multi-stakeholder in the Outcome Document.

• Valeria said that differences among civil society groups on their position about the scope and nature of the multistakeholder approach, especially on the role of government, intensified during the NetMundial process. This has resulted in the creation of new civil society coalitions, who have wanted to push for a more intergovernmental approach.

• Anriette explained that some civil society organisations believe that the only way to contain business interest is through a traditional model of governments being primary decision makers, and intergovernmental processes being primary processes for internet governance. Civil society who subscribe to this view has been strengthened through this model (JustNet coalition, IT4change etc). Other civil society organisations are more libertarian and concerned about governments having too much of a role in internet governance. APC is more concerned about problematic oversight that prevents corporatisation of the internet by big companies but at the same time will not result in more control by governments. She added that NetMundial can result in more sophisticated debate (including how to deal with private sector and make sure civil society participation is more inclusive) on the multistakeholder framework if it continues.

On civil society participation in and positions of various stakeholders:

• Deborah said that NetMundial raised expectations and brought on all kinds of people to the table who usually are not present. The preparatory processes brought different civil society groups together to participate and collaborate . At the same time, there are divisions in civil society. Civil society was not as organised as private sector, some language agreed on couldn't get into the outcome document.

• Anriette related that governments had different positions. South Korea is thinking seriously about the multistakeholder approach for first time. South Africa thinks it is a bad outcome because they think ITU should have oversight. Northern governments support the approach. Brazil and other developing countries who see themselves as champions of democracy, support it while other developing countries prefer an intergovernmental approach.

• Avri said that organised business are cautious and trying to downplay NetMundial because they don't want anyone to develop any policy about the internet. Therefore at IGF, business tend to block people from coming out with policy outcomes. E.g. ICC BASIS, big companies. They see multistakeholder as a process to avoid policy. She added that the technical community is concerned about a policy document that does not understand how the internet works. However, they also accept that the multistakeholder process is a trend they have to ride with. ICANN and ISOC wants to be in the lead on what is happening. In the technical list, most people have an issue with the language of "governance” and prefer "management". They accept governance with a small "g" - some things that need regulation, but must avoid overarching governance of the internet.

On IGF and other follow-up:

• Anriette and Valeria pointed our three areas of follow up as:

1. mandate of NetMundial to IGF- NetMundial was intended to be one-off event and identified IGF as a process to be strengthened and used for future discussion. However she noted that some governments are already thinking that it would be to their benefit to organise the next Netmundial event, because it is perceived as a success.2. a statement that outlines the importance of FoE and what conditions are needed for it (e.g. anonymity, private sector to be free from liability, conditions in various countries and rule of law). 3. the emergence of Marco Civil Framework, which was adopted Brazil President Roussef at

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NetMundial, in various countries

• APC members shared their plans:

1. Byoung Il shared that he expected NetMundial to come up with a more concrete roadmap of internet governance rather than just a set of principles. Nevertheless, Jinbonet is trying to organise a multistakeholder event at national level using the NetMundial approach as well as organise a national IGF to promote multistakeholder governance in Korea.2. Paz of Derechos Digitales shared that they want to work on the NetMundial document at local level and put pressure in governments to advance digital rights agenda.

7. APC 25th anniversary in 2015: How do we celebrate?

The session was done with everyone writing ideas on metacards which were put up on a big piece of paper. The ideas included:

a. APC party ideas

• an interactive party – online and offline• invite reps of founding members, gather all previous board members, former APC staff, donors

b. 25th anniversary story in multimedia

• infographic, digital story and interactive map of the APC history• documentary: who, why and where: An APC participatory documentary ; 25 years of internet rights

featuring work around the world• collect snapshots of stories as told by different members; treasures – a repository of people and

relationships recorded ; APC faces – album of contributors to APC• music video – from gathering video clips of APC and members • APC oral history project – interview pioneers, collect videos and upload online• multi-media milestones – achievements of the APC network to be featured in all APC member

websites• 25 inspiring local digital/video stories of change (3-7 minutes each) • webpage with memories of the last 25 years, recognise members and staff who have been with APC,

testimonials from pioneering people and organisations • an anniversary publication of APC network achievements in 25 years

c. Anniversary activities• APC concert (and fundraising) with Peter Gabriel; APC gig world tour with 25 stars /25 songs – with

Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters, Billy brag Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and local stars• Global Connections of all regions for 5 hours • APC and the internet: the next 25 years: online and offline discussion series on various emerging

issues: big data and social media analytics, internet of everything, wearable tech• 25 stories of how internet access will advance social justice in 25 years• an internet rights session in the next World Social Forum• a worldwide event with an activity in each location (workshop, conference, debate, documentary

showing, party, flash mobs) within APC's anniversary month about an APC related issue with the APC network producing and promoting a 25th anniversary events calendar; events to be connected remotely

• APC backpackers tours• APC travels to the remotest village with no internet and organise “net rights festival”; a real APC digital

village, APC daily comic stripAPC cross-multistakeholder marathon – each member running and passing on the torch to another member

• a goal-based campaign for new affiliates members •

d. Anniversary projects• 25th anniversary APC global change challenges for tech and democracy fund for grassroots initiatives;

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crowd funding for a small grants programme • launching of APC certification• a mobile app for APC achievements to expand the network's impact• launching of APC TV and APC radio• launching of APC alumni association

e. New visual identity for APC• new APC logo• APC open license font for corporate identity for everyone to use, multi-lingual, web and e-book


8. The APC community network: achievements, challenges and actions for a strong and vibrant network

Karel Novotny presented the Membership Working Group (MWG) report. This was followed by group discussions on specific questions about membership and recommendations for the APC membership working group. The main points from the plenary and small group discussions were:

a. On termination of members

Karel reported that the FUNREDES' membership have been terminated and Web Networks, Ungana-Africa and Wamani are being considered for termination by the MWG and the EB. Karel will communicate this decision with each organisation soon. The decision to terminate membership are due to long-term non communication, several years of non-activity and non-payment of dues for several years.

Two other members, Computer Aid and WomensNet, who were also being considered for termination have since indicated their intention of staying as members and have paid their dues/

b. Other points discussed on membership

Karel clarified that members can only participate in board elections if they are in good standing and have paid their annual membership fees. Members who have not paid dues in a long time have to be informed that unless they pay, their membership can be termination

Any member can propose new members for APC and should write to Karel to recommend/nominate prospective and put them in touch with the applicants.

Anriette pointed out that while APC has been concerned about shrinking or low growth in membership, the few new members (Mayfirst, SPACE, RadioViva and Thai Netizen Network) that joined APC recently have been strong. She emphasised that one new member can make a huge difference in engagement by bringing in new skills.

c. On engaging with individual affiliates

Valentina presented the main points discussed by this group:

Clear definition of an APC affiliate member:

• Affiliate relationship is a sustainable relation and not just ad-hoc to join in some of the activities. APC should see this as a long term relationship which from the member's point of view is a statement of support for APC principles.Value of relationship with affiliates: getting additional insight and learnings from people who work on internet policy and governance first hand, and on tech skills.

• A question asked was: will affiliates have same role and responsibility as organisational members at some point in the future?

Recommended Activities: • Conduct an Affiliate survey to understand their expectations. To set definitions clearer, so that people

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who are not as close to APC can understand this as well.Open a channel to share information and discussion so that members are not divided into two categories

• Figure out how members can collaborate collectively at global level.

d. On recruitment and how APC grows organisational membership

Liz reported the main points discussed by this group:

• Concerns were expressed about termination and resignation in LAC and the following questions were asked: were there general issues affecting the region? Some members though that funding a possible issue not only in Lac but also in Europe resulting in some members having organisational crises. Suggestion: peer to peer support, membership support group, a group looking at funding for members with APC. E.g. environmental work have not been funded recently resulting in work stalled. Support within the network could focus on how to get the funding moving again.

• How to identify new members: APC should look proactively especially in regions or areas not well represented, or politically & strategically. For examples, Alternatives know potential members in MENA region.

• APC to provide more projects with opportunities for broader participation. For example participation through GISWatch especially for members who have been struggling financially have made it possible for members to participate through small amounts of support. This has al been helpful in identifying new members.

• African members proposed that proposals be developed with membership involvement at the early stages of developing proposals, rather than APC put proposal forward then look for members. Internship programme: Should APC have one or work through Alternatives. Internships are useful ways to share knowledge, build capacity and network.

• Create a map of what members are doing, not just on ICT, but beyond that, to get a comprehensive map on all issues being worked on. Thisalso shows what issues members are not working in which can give an indication what kind of new members to recruit.

• Appoint a staff contact person for each region, so members know who to get in touch with.METF: Use METF for regional meetings. LAC member are planning a member meeting in November.

• Language and translation: APC is not in a position to respond to expectations to provide translation of APC documents in the various languages of its members because the requirements to do this is very intensive. Translation is a shared responsibility within the network. Translation of particular documents can be a small project idea.

• Affiliates: The growth and role of affiliates was discussed in relation organisational members. It is important to keep a balance of the number of affiliates and organisational members so that the APC network continues to be a supportive and safe space.

• Growth should be organic, not mechanical. Good that membership spreads through something like GISWatch, and through who members know, rather than artificially set up.

9. Executive Board Election

The election was facilitated by an Election Committee made up of Andrew Garton, Karen Banks and Karel Novotny.

The candidates for the Board were:

• Bardhyl Jushari, Metamorphosis Foundation, Macedonia• Chim Manavy, Open Institute, Cambodia• John Dada, Fantsuam, Nigeria• Julian Casasbuenas, Colnodo, Colombia• Lillian Nalwoga, CIPESA, Uganda• Liz Probert, GreenNet, United Kingdom• Osama Manzar, DEF, India• Valentina Pellizzer, OWPSEE, Bosnia & Herzegovina

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• Rozalia Bako, StrawberryNet, Romania

Thirty two designated voting representatives voted in the elections, with three of them voting through email by written ballot. All voters could vote for up-to 7 candidates from the list of nominees. Designated voting representatives (DRVs) of members in good standing who were not present at council meeting were each sent a copy of the written ballot by email. The ballot contained detailed instructions about how and by when it must be returned to BoD secretary Andrew Garton. The members were asked to sign, scan and send the ballot as an image or a pdf file. Ballots received via remote vote were added to the count of all DVR's votes during the elections on June 8.

The following were elected as Board of Directors:

APC Chair: Julian Casasbuenas from Colnodo in Colombia [29 votes]Board Members:

• John Dada, Fantsuam Foundation, Nigeria [22 votes]• Lillian Nalwoga, CIPESA, Uganda [24 votes]• Liz Probert, GreenNet, United Kingdom [22 votes]• Osama Manzar, Digital Empowerment Foundation, India [25 votes]• Valentina Pelizzer, OWPSEE, Bosnia-Herzegovina [24 votes]

Two candidates were tied for the 7th position, Manavy Chim from Open Institute, Cambodia, and Bardhyl Jashari from Metamorphosis Foundation in Macedonia. After two rounds of voting, the tie was not broken1, prompting the Election Committee to ask Council members who could not attend the Council meeting in Barcelona to cast an additional vote by written ballot.2

10. Vote of Thanks

Anriette warmly thanked the outgoing Executive Board for their excellent work. She especially mentioned three outgoing board members, Andrew Garton, Shahzad Ahmad and Graciela Selaimen and said that APC will miss Andrew and Graci very much as they have both left Council to take on new challenges.

Valentina, on behalf of the Council and the APC staff, thanked Leandro Navarro and everyone at Pangea for their excellent and generous hosting of the APC Member Meeting.

1 Both candidates received 20 votes in the first round of voting and 13 votes in the second round of voting.2 Chim Manavy was elected as the 7th Board Director on June 25th, 2014 through additional written ballot. The same

procedure (as described above) was used to resolve the tie. DRVs who were not present at the council meeting and didn't vote in June 8th during the two rounds of voting were asked to choose between the two tied candidates, and to send their ballots by email to new BoD chair Julian Casasbuenas. Once these ballots were counted Chim Manavy who received more votes became 7th director.

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Appendix 1: Council Meeting Agenda

Time Agenda Documentation Person/s responsible


1. Welcome and overview of agenda Printed agenda Valentina Pellizzer and Andrew Garton, BoD Chair and Secretary


2. Previous member meeting: Report of the online member meeting held in November 2013

Report of the Online Member Meeting of November 2013

Andrew Garton, BoD Secretary


3. Report from the outgoing Board of Directors (BoD) followed by questions and discussion

Report from the APC board reflecting on their work for the period 2011-2013

Valentina Pellizzer, BoD Chair




4. Report from the Executive Director and APC staff on implementation of APC's strategic plan for 2013-16

Draft annual report for 2013Member survey (2013) on implementation of APC's 2013-2016 strategic plan

Anriette Esterhuysen, EDChat Garcia Ramilo DED


5. Financial report for 2013 Audited financial report for 2013 Juian Casasbuenas, BoD TreasurerKaren Banks, FM




6. Discussion of ED and Financial report


7. APC 25th anniversary in 2015: How do we celebrate?

Brainstorming Liz Probert, BOD, Vice-Chair


8. The APC community network: achievements, challenges and actions for a strong and vibrant networkReports, and proposals followed by group discussions on specific questions about membership and recommendations for the APC membership working group.

Reports from the APC Member Working Group and proposals discussed during the Share and Remix Day on June 6

Reference material:Strategic Plan KRA 5: Strengthening APC Community networks

Karel Novotny, Membership CoordinatorChat Garcia Ramilo, DED




9. Executive Board Election List of candidates and statements of intentGuide to BoD election process APC Governance Manual

Andrew Garton, BoD, SecretaryKarel Novotny, Membership Coordinator


10. Closing and evaluation

Notes:• Documents for the meeting are available on the APC Meeting Wiki

http://meeting.apc.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=APC+Council+Business+Meeting+and+Elections• * The following will be done on the evening of June 3: 1) Welcome / New member orientation and 2)

Election orientation

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Appendix 2: Council Meeting Meeting Attendance List

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Name Organisation Country DRV1 Alan Alegre FMA Philippines Yes2 Andrew Garton Independent Consultant Australia3 Andrew Lowenthal Engage Media Australia Yes4 Arhit Suriyawongkul Thai Netizen Network Thailand Yes5 Arnold Pietersen CECS South Africa Yes6 Arturo E. Bregaglio Radio Viva Paraguay Yes7 Arun Madhavan Pillai SPACE Kerala India Yes8 Bardhyl Jashari Metamorphosis Macedonia Yes9 Byoungil Oh Jinbonet South Korea Yes10 Catherine Pappas Alternatives Canada Yes11 Hilary Goldstein MayFirst/PeopleLink United States Yes12 James Nguo ALIN Kenya Yes13 Jan Malík Econnect Czech Republic14 Julian Casasbuenas Colnodo Colombia Yes15 Kemly Camacho Sulá Batsú Cooperativa Costa Rica Yes16 Leandro Navarro Pangea Spain Yes17 Lillian Nalwoga CIPESA Uganda Yes18 Liz Probert GreenNet United Kingdom Yes19 Lorena Merino Pangea Spain20 Manavy Chim Open Institute Cambodia Yes21 Maria Florencia Roveri Nodo Tau Argentina Yes22 Moses Owiny WOUGNET Uganda Yes23 Osama Manzar Digital Empowerment Foundation India Yes24 Partha Sarker Bytes for all Bangladesh Bangladesh Yes25 Pavel Antonov Blue Link.net Bulgaria Yes26 Paz Pena Derechos Digitales Chile Yes27 Reza Salim BFES Bangladesh Yes28 Ritu Srivastava Digital Empworment Foundation India Yes29 Rolf Kleef Independent Consultant/Open for Change Netherlands

30 Rozalia Klara Bako StrawberryNet Foundation Romania Romania Yes31 Steve Seltzer Labornet United States Yes32 Sylvie Siyam PROTÉGÉ QV Cameroon Yes33 Tadahisa Hamada JCANET Japan Yes34 Valentina Pellizzer OWPSEE Bosnia Herzegovina Yes

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Name of Staff Member Position Country1 Adolfo Dunayevich Technical and systems administrator Mexico2 Alex Groome Executive assistant Canada3 Anriette Esterhuysen Executive director South Africa4 Avri Doria Volunteer United States5 Chat Ramilo Deputy executive director Philippines6 Deborah Brown Senior project coordinator United States7 Emilar Ethel Vushe African policy project coordinator Zimbabwe8 Erika Smith Project associate Mexico9 Fatima Bhyat Senior finance officer South Africa10 Flavia Fascendini Communications associate Argentina11 Jac SM Kee Women's Rights Programme Manager Malaysia12 Janine Moolman Senior project coordinator South Africa13 Jennifer Radloff Project coordinator South Africa14 Karel Novotny Network Development Coordinator Czech Republic15 Karen Banks Finance manager United Kingdom16 Katerina Fiavola GenderIT.org and research coordinator Czech Republic17 Mallory Knodel Communications manager United States18 Mike Jensen Internet access specialist South Africa19 Rosario Liquicia APC IMPACT project coordinator Philippines20 Roxana Bassi GISWatch coordinator Argentina21 Sarah Tomas Technical and systems administrator Philippines22 Shawna Finnegan Human rights and the internet programme worker Canada23 Valeria Betancourt Communications and Information Policy manager Ecuador