“Streamline English” I II V)window.edu.ru/resource/894/18894/files/Mtdin6.pdf · II. Read the...

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Transcript of “Streamline English” I II V)window.edu.ru/resource/894/18894/files/Mtdin6.pdf · II. Read the...

Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Восточно-Сибирский государственный технологический университет

Учебные задания для развития умений аудирования на базе аудиотекстов

“Streamline English” для студентов I и II курса всех специальностей (часть V)

Составители: Абармитова Б.В. Ямпилова З.С.

Протасова Т.Д.

Улан-Удэ, 2002

Методические рекомендации

Целью учебных заданий является совершенствование умений, необходимых для восприятия устной речи на слух.

Разработанные задания построены на взаимодействии рецептивных и продуктивных умений устной речи и носят коммуникативный характер. Каждый урок представляет собой серию упражнений, направленных на антиципацию, проверку понимания услышанного, воспроизведение наиболее значимых в смысловом и языковом плане частей аудиотекста и высказывание по заданным ситуациям в форме диалога или монолога.

В конце пособия дается письменный вариант аудиотекстов. Аудиотексты представляют собой оригинальный учебный материал “Streamline English”, Bernard Hartley and Peter Viney Connections Co из серии Oxford University Press.

Unit 61. Readers’ Letters I. What situations might make you feel embarrassed. Think of 2-3

situations. Here are some examples. - After a meal in a restaurant, you realize you have no money with

you - You see someone you’ve met before, and you can’t remember

his/her name - You forget a close friend’s birthday. Compare your ideas with other students. Have any of these things actually happened to you? II. Read the vocabulary, see if you know these words. to wind up (a clock) – заводить [waind] a scream – крик to slap a face – дать пощечину to reverse into (a parking space) – дать машине обратный ход на … to be furious - негодовать III. You will hear three letters about the most embarrassing experiences people had in their lives. Listen to the first letter a choose the right answer a, b, c or d to the questions below. 1. Whom did this embarrassing experience happed to?

a) a university teacher c) a student of high school b) a school teacher d) a student of a university

2. Why was he late for the lesson?

a) his car broke down b) the traffic was heavy c) he overslept

d) his alarm-clock was slow 3. Why did the students begin laughing at him?

a) he had put on his shirt inside out b) something was wrong with his shoes c) his hair-do looked funny d) his socks were of different colours IV. Listen to the second letter and choose the right answers to the given questions.

1. Where did this experience happen to a husband and his wife? a) in the shop c) in the street b) on the transport d) at the market

2. What had they driven into a town for? a) to go sightseeing c) to repair a radio b) to visit friends d) to buy some things

3. Which of the statements is not true?

a) they were holding hands, as the streets were very busy b) they stopped near a shop window to look at the things in it c) a woman slapped his face, as he had put his arm on her waist d) a woman made a loud scream, as he had taken her hand

instead of his wife’s

V. Listen to the third letter and choose the right answers to the following questions. 1. What did a woman and her husband decide to do?

a) to sell their house c) to purchase a new house b) to rent a house d) to build a house

2. Whom did the woman make an appointment with? a) a bank manager c) an estate agent b) a lawyer d) the seller(s) of the house

3. What made her get angry?

a) Another driver shouted at her, as she had parked her car in his space

b) Another driver had taken her parking space c) She had to park her car in a bad place because there were no

other parking spaces d) She shouted at the other driver, as he had scratched her car

4. Which of the statements is true? a) The man who’d occupied her parking space was the manager. b) The driver who had shouted at her was the manager c) The driver whom she had shouted at was the manager d) The woman who had driven into her space was the manager

VI. Tell about the most embarrassing experience you (your parents, friends …) have had. Start with “Once, when…”

Unit 62. A ghost story (a ghost [goust] – приведение)

I. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost? Or have you heard any ghost stories from your friends? Do ghost stories make you feel scared? II. See if you know these words to borrow - брать взаймы to frighten smb – [frait n] напугать кого-л. to stare at smb – пристально смотреть на кого-либо

III. You will hear two young people talking about ghosts. Listen and choose the best answers to the given questions 1) Why did Edgar tell Katherine a ghost story?

a) He wanted to play a trick on her b) He wanted to frighten her c) He wanted her to know about the ghost and to be afraid of it d) He was frightened himself and didn’t want to sleep upstairs

2) What did Edgar tell her about?

a) He saw a ghost in the bedroom once b) His uncle saw a ghost upstairs once c) He saw a ghost upstairs when he was a child d) He saw a ghost outside the house once

3) Which of the statements is not true? (due to Edgar’s story) a) The ghost had a white sheet over its head b) It was wearing clothes of Victorian style. c) It was sitting on his bed d) It got into the room from nowhere e) It neither moved nor said a word

4) How does his story end? a) He panicked, shouted and ran away b) He talked to the ghost and it flew away c) The ghost disappeared when he turned, the light on d) He got frightened, shouted and the ghost disappeared

5) What did Katherine decide to do?

a) to leave the house immediately b) to sleep upstairs, in the bedroom c) not to sleep at all

d) to sleep on the ground floor IV. Invent a ghost story. Tell it to your groupmates. Choose the most frightening story you can think of.

Unit 63. Buying a Present I. What do you like better – giving or getting presents? Why? What do you think a good present is? (expensive, useful, extraordinary, funny … ) Why? II. Listen to 3 conversations and say where each conversation is probably taking place. Match the number of the conversation with the right answer. 1. ___________ a) a toyshop d) a perfumer’s 2. ____________ b) a bookshop e) a flowershop 3. ____________ c) a jeweler’s f) a shop of sound records III. Listen again and choose the best answers to the questions below.

1) What is the girl’s idea of a good present for her grandmother? a) She buys things that are expensive b) She buys things she is interested in herself c) She buys things she that her grandmother likes d) She buys something just to give a present

2) What present will the husband most probably buy for his wife?

a) a good ring b) a good ring with a diamond ring? c) earrings d) a bracelet

Why didn’t he buy a diamond ring?

a) He didn’t like it b) It’s very expensive c) His wife doesn’t like rings d) His wife likes bracelets

3) What present will the aunt most probably buy for her nephew?

a) a skateboard c) a computer kit b) a drum set d) a book

Why didn’t she buy a drum set?

a) She thinks her nephew is too intelligent for that. b) Her nephew doesn’t like drums. c) He will make much noise. d) It’s not popular.

IV. Fill in the blanks 1. - _____ you ____ Disco King, please.

- Who is it _____? - Soul _____. It’s the latest ____. It’s just _____ the chart.

It’s number _____ this _______. - _____ on! I’ll just _____. Here you are. - Oh, thanks and have you got the _____ LP by the _____? - What? _____ Revolution. Oh, yes. We’ve got _______. - It’s a _____ album. You’ll _____ it. - Oh, it’s not _____ ______. It’s _____ my _____. It’s a ____

present. 2. – I’m _______ to find a _____ present for my wife

- Yes, _____. What _____ are you _____ for? - I’m not _____, really. ____ you can _____ me. - Right. I’ll ____ you some _____. - No’ I ______ a _____ for our ____ anniversary. - May be a ____ then? These _____ are _____ of _____. - Yes, I like ____ one. What’s the _____?

- It’s a _____, sir. And it’s only ____ _____ pounds - Oh, well. Perhaps, you ____ show me some _____ then.

3. – Good _____. Perhaps, you can _____ me.

- Yes, ____ - I’m _____ ____ for a ____ for my nephew. - Oh, yes. _____ ______ is he? - He’ll be ______ years _____ on ______. - ______ is still very ____ - Hmmm. I don’t _____ him to _____ himself. - What ____ a _____ ___? - I don’t ___ so. His ____ will be ____ if I buy him _____ of

____. Have you got anything _____ ? You see, he is a very _____ boy.

- I’ve got a _____ thing. “ ____ __ ______” computer kit. V. Act out a conversation playing the role of A or B. Use the phrases given below. You’re a customer. You want to buy a present for you friend … Have you got …? I’m trying to find … I’m looking for … I’d like to buy I want to find … Can you help me to …? Could you show me …? Perhaps, you can advise me.

B: You’re a shop – assistant. You help a customer choose a present for his friend … What exactly are you looking for? I’ll show you … May be … then? What about …? What do you think of …? How do you find …? I can advise you to …?

Unit 64. Made in England

I. You will hear two people talking about a radio-test. Listen to their conversation and choose the right answers to the questions given.

1. Who do you think is talking?

a) a customer and a shop – assistant. b) the English c) a wife and a husband d) two friends

2. What was not mentioned about the purchase?

a) it’s big b) it’s new c) it’s a sonic (sonic – акустический) d) it’s expensive e) it’s the latest model f) it was made abroad

II. Act out a conversation the roles. A: Find out as much information as possible about the purchase your friend has recently made. You want to buy the same thing. B: Give your friend full information about the purchase you’ve made.

Unit 65. A Real Bargain

I. See if you know these words a bargain [‘ba:gin] – сделка an estate agent – агент по продаже домов, земельных участков. a semi - detached house – один из двух домов, имеющих общую стену a wiring – проводка

a tiled roof - крыша из черепицы. a real estate agent – агент по продаже недвижимости II. You will hear a conversation between a man and a real estate agent.

Listen to the information given before the conversation and say why Mr. Palmer wants to buy a new house in the village.

a) He can’t find a house in the city b) He doesn’t like living in big cities c) He wants to live in his birth-place d) He wants to have a house with a big garden.

III. Think of the questions Mr. Palmer might ask an estate agent

about the house. Make up a list of questions, compare your questions with another student’s.

IV. Listen to the whole conversation and compare your questions to

those you’ve heard in it. V. Listen again and choose the best answers to the following

questions. 1. What advantages of the house are not mentioned by the agent?

a) a new tiled roof has been put on b) the house has been rewired c) central heating has been put in d) a hot-house has been built e) a store-house has been redecorated

2. Which of the statements is true?

a) the dust bins are emptied twice a week b) the post is delivered early in the morning c) the milk is delivered in the evening d) the house is built of wood

3. What are the plans for the area mentioned by the agent?

a) a new big shop b) a new motor way c) a new hospital d) a new bridge e) a new school f) a new hotel

4. Why is this house cheap?

a) it will be too close to the traffic b) it will be difficult to get to the city c) a motor way will be built far from the village d) it’s far from the village

VI. Mr. Palmer tries to memorize all the details about the house he’s going to buy. Help him make up sentences according to the pattern.

a new roof - put on /recently/ last year A new roof has recently been put on A new roof was put put on last year 1. central heating – put in /recently/ last year 2. the house – build /recently/ last year 3. the house – redecorate /recently/ 2 years ago 4. the trees – plant /recently/ half a year ago 5. a new fire – place – build /recently/ a month ago 6. the house – rewire /recently/ 5 years ago 7. the house – whiten /recently/ last week 8. the rooms – paper /recently/ a fortnight ago VII. Do you think Mr. Palmer is going to buy the house? Why? What

kind of a house and where would you buy and why?

Unit 66. The 8 o’clock News

I. Do you like to listen to the news? What news do you prefer

listening to? (news on politics, economics, culture, crimes or sports) why?

II. You will hear 6 pieces of news. Listen and match the number of

each piece of news with the appropriate news line.

1. _____ a) WANTED FOR A REWARD 2. ______ b) WELCOME HOME! 3. ______ c) DEATH IN MAYFAIR 4. ______ d) BACK BEHIND THE BARS 5. ______ e) WHO GIVES MORE? 6. ______ f) TRADE UNIONS WON AGAIN

III. See if you know these words. a robber – грабитель police headquarters (pl) – главное управление полиции inquires – допрос to be sentenced to … – приговариваться к … to escape from … - сбежать из …

IV. Now listen to the first piece of news and choose the best

answers to the questions given 1. Why was Robert Gibbs followed by the police?

a) He had robbed planes in 10 different countries b) He had robbed a night club in Monteena c) He had robbed two British policemen at Heathrow d) He had run away from a prison

2. What place has he been caught in?

a) Britain c) Greece b) The USA d) Monteena

3. What will most probably happen to him?

a) He will be returned to Britain and put into prison again b) He will be sentenced to 19 years imprisonment c) He will be put into prison of Monteena d) He will spend less than 40 years in prison all in all

V. See if you know these words

management – дирекция, администрация to sack smb – увольнять кого-л. a supervisor – начальник цеха

IV. Now listen to the second piece of news and choose the best answer a, b, c, d to the following questions. 1. Why did the strike begin?

a) Five thousand men had been sacked b) One of the workers had been fired c) The salaries had been heavily cut down d) One of the workers had been fined for 5 thousand pounds

2. What have management representatives agreed to do?

a) to employ the worker again b) to hire a new supervisor c) to take the worker back and pay him more money d) to give the worker a position of a supervisor

VI. Listen to the 3-d piece of news. These pictures show elements

of it. a) Number the pictures in the order these element follow in the piece. b) Make up sentences according to the pictures to outline the story.

VII. Listen to the fourth piece of news and choose the best answers

a, b, c or d to the questions given below. 1. How much does the painting cost?

a) ₤.5 mln c)$0.5mln b) ₤1.5 mln d) ₤ 10 000

2. What searching measure was not mentioned?

a) a reward has been offered for information b) trucks and cars are being watched c) all airports and ports are being watched d) alibis of people suspected are being checked

IX. Listen to the fifth piece of news. These pictures show elements of

it. a) Number the picture in the order they follow in the piece. b) Make up sentences according to outline the pictures to the story?

Note: a veterinary surgeon - X. Listen to the last piece of news 1. What club will Julian Mactavish play for?

a) a Scottish non – lead club b) an American club c) a club of Eastfield United and Scotland d) a club of the United Kingdom

2. How much did the club pay for him?

a) ₤ 2 thousand b) $23 thousand c) ₤ 3 mln d) $ 3 mln XI. Listen to the news on TV or over the radio and share the most interesting news for you with your groupmates. You may start with “Have you heard that … ?”

Unit 68. Elvis Presley – Story of a Superstar

I. What do you know about Elvis Presley? What are you not sure of? What would you like to know about him? With your groupmates, fill in the table below.

Things I know Things I’m not sure of Things I’d like to know

II. You will hear a man talking about Elvis Presley. Listen and say

whether you have learned anything new from this story


IV. Listen to the story again and match the columns a) Birth b) first recorded songs c) first film d) the Army e) marriage f) divorce g) death

a) the 6th of August 1976 b) the summer of 1953 c) July 1954 d) the 1st of May 1967 e) October 1973 f) the 16th of August 1977 g) March 1958 h) 1956 i) the 8th of January 1935 j) the 8th of June 1945

V. Listen again and choose the right answers a, b, c or d to the

questions given below 1) What was not mentioned about the day of his funeral?

a) Thousands of people came to his funeral b) People could hear his songs on the radio all day c) Traffic was heavy with jams d) All his life was featured in the newspapers

2) How did he learn to sing?

a) He had private music lessons as a child

b) He sang in a school choir c) He sang religious songs at church services d) He finished a music school in Memphis

3) How did he begin recording songs?

a) The director of a song record studio heard him singing b) He won a music contest and got a prize of a song record

studio. c) One popular singer liked his singing and decided to

support him d) He sent songs recorded for his mother to a song record

studio. 4) What did he buy for his mother?

a) a new house c) expensive clothes b) an expensive car d) jewelry

5) When did he meet his future wife?

a) When he was making a film in Hollywood b) When he was on a tour in Germany c) When he was serving in the Army d) When he was recording songs in Germany

6) What made him popular again?

a) one of his films c) TV shows made by him b) live performances d) a new big hit

7. What is not considered to be the reason of his death?

a) He worked too much c) He was a drug abuser b) He ate much d) He was an alcoholic

8. Which of the Elvis’s songs was not mentioned?

a) “From Elvis in Memphis” b) “That’s all right”

c) “Heart Break Hotel” d) _______________ .

VI. Who are your favorite singers? Tell your groupmates about one

of them. Follow the pattern: I’d like to tell about …. …. is one of the …. ….. was born in … As for …. parents, they … As for … family, it … As far as I know, his hobbies are … (were) My favourite songs are … because … also … more over … besides that … That’s what I wanted to tell you about

Unit 69. If I had Enough Money

I. What would you do if you had much money? Make up a list of the wishes. Start with the most desirable and go down to less desirable things. Compare them with other students’. Find out the preferences of the whole group.

II. You will hear five pairs of people expressing their wishes. Complete the following sentences.

1. In pair I. The second woman won’t buy the car because

a) she can’t afford it. b) she doesn’t like it c) it’s not new d) she prefers to spend money on something else.

2. In pair II. The second speaker won’t apply for the job because

a) the job is boring and difficult b) only qualified engineers are wanted c) it’s a low-paid job d) he can easily find a more qualified job

3. In pair III the second speaker won’t go anywhere because.

a) he can’t drive a car b) he hasn’t got enough money c) he wants to become a mechanic d) he is not good at repairing cars

4.In pair IV the second speaker won’t apply for the job because

a) she doesn’t speak German well b) she has never been to Switzerland c) she doesn’t want to move to Switzerland d) she doesn’t know German

5. In pair V the man won’t apply for the job because

a) he is not old enough for it. b) the job is not well-paid c) only young people are wanted d) he doesn’t find the job interesting

III. Fill in the blanks. 1. I’ve got ₤ ____. I’m going to _____ at the _________. If I ____ it, I

______ it. That’s a ______ car, but I ______ got __ money. If I _____ enough ______, I _______ buy it.

2. - I’ve ____ for an ____ Company for ____ years. I’m a Bachelor of _____ in ______. I’ve got the _____. If they ____ me the ______, I’ll _____ take it. - I _____ that ____, but I can’t ____ for it. I haven’t got the ______. If I ____ the _____, I ______ apply ___ it.

3. – I'm a _____ and I know ____ about _____. I've got a _____

driving ______ and enough. – If they ____ me, I'll ____ with them.

– I've got a ____- pounds and a ______ ______, but I know very

____ about ____. If I _____ something about _____, I ____ go with them.

4. – I can speak ____ and ____. I'll ___ for the ____. If I ____ it, I'll

____ to move to _____. – I can speak ____. But I can't speak ____. If I ____ speak ____, I

_____apply for the ___. 5. – I'm _____ and I'm ____ in the ____. I'll ____ more _____, if I

____ them. If the _____ is good, I ____ apply.

– I'm ____ in the job. But I'm too ____. If I _____ ____, I _____ apply.

IV. a) Make up «if-chains». Having the chains go round the class: write the first sentence and pass the paper on to another student. Start with «If I won a million dollars» Examples: If I won a million dollars, I'd buy a fast car If I bought a fast car, I’d probably drive it too fast. If I drove it too fast, I’d have an accident, etc

b) Play the game “Cross questions and Crooked answers.” Divide into 2 teams of equal number. Everyone gets a slip of paper. Each person on the team 1 writes a question beginning with “What would you do if …” Everyone on team 2 writes an imaginative answer beginning “I would …” Collect all questions in one box and all answers in another. Everyone draws and reads first a question then an answer in turn..

Unit 70. In a Restaurant

I. See if you know these words prawns [‘pr : nz] – креветки trout – форель cauliflower – цветная капуста veal – телятина

II. You will hear two people ordering dishes in a restaurant

Listen and say who they are a) two close friends c) colleagues b) a married couple d) two acquaintances

III. Here is the restaurant’s menu. What dishes would you order?

Compare you choices with other students’. Now listen to the conversation and mark the dishes visitors order with a check .


- Starters a) caviar c) crabs e) prawns b) trout d) the prawns cocktail f) trout in jelly

- The main course

a) veal a) mashed potatoes b) chicken b) boiled potatoes c) beefsteak c) mushroom salads

d) turkey d) mixed salads e) lamb e) spaghetti

- Vegetables / fruits / a) tomato c) oranges b) cauliflower d) apples

- Dessert

a) ice-cream c) nuts e) pancakes b) cookies d) jam (of different kinds) f) biscuits

- Soft drinks

a) tea c) fruit juice (orange, apple, grapefruit) b) coffee (white, black) d) mineral water

IV. Study the wine list given below. Listen to the last part of the

conversation again and say what wine the visitors will most probably order.

The wine list

a) English wine (produced in the east of England) b) French white wine (produced in the south of France) c) English wine (produced in the south of England) d) Spanish red wine (produced in the south of Spain) V. Fill in the blanks. a) – Good evening, Sir, Madam. ____ I take your _____ ?

– Thank you. ____ shall we _____, Barbara? – ___ you ___ to sit ___ here, sir. Near the ____. – Ah, yes. ____ we see the _____? – ____. Here it is.

b) – Do you ___ a starter?

– H-m-m. I think I’ll ____ the ____ ____. I’m very ___ of ____. What about you?

– I’m not ____. I can’t ____. – Oh, I’d the ____ if I ___ you. Owie _____ you like _____ and

you haven’t _____ it for a long time. – Are you ____ to __ yet, sir? – Yes. A ____ cocktail for my ___ and a ___ for ___. – And the main ____, sir? – ___ for my wife. I can’t decide ___ veal and the ____. What do

you ___? – Oh, if I ___ you, I’d ____ the ___. It’s the ____ of the house. – What ___ you like with the _____? – Two ___ salads, please. – Any ___, sir. – Yes, some ____ , some ______ potatoes, please. – Anything to ____ ? – Can we _____ that ___ ? – Oh, ___ , sir.

c) – Would you like to ____ the ____ list?

– Yes. We’d like a ____ of dry _____ _____. – May I _____ something? – Of course. – Why ___ do ___ a bottle of ____ wine. – _____ wine? – Yes, it isn’t very well ____. But it is being ____ in the ____ of

_____, sir. You’ll be _____. It’s very good. IV. Work in the pairs and act out a conversation.

A: you can’t decide what to order in a restaurant. Ask a waiter for advice.

B: you’re a waiter. Help to choose the dishes.

I can’t decide between …. and I’m not sure. What do you recommend for …? What can you offer for …? What can you suggest for ….?

If I were you, I’d have … May I suggest ….? Why don’t you try …? Would you like ….? Would you try ….? What would you say to …?

Unit 71. North Sea Oil

I. Are you interested in political, economic or social development? If you were a Prime – Minister of Russia, what sphere would you carry out reforms in firstly, secondly, thirdly …? Why?

- education – health – tax system, etc. - Industry – trade - agriculture – welfare II. See if you know these words off the coast – недалеко от берега oil revenues – доход от добычи нефти inflation to benefit (from) – получать выгоду от чего-либо violence – насилие a standard of living - жизненный уровень

III. You will hear London Radio Program, in which people in the street are asked to give their opinions. Listen and say which of the four questions below the interviewer asks people.

1. What should be done with the North Sea Oil? 2. What is the best way of spending the oil – revenues? 3. What should the taxpayers’ money be spent on?

4. What urgent measures should the Prime-Minister take to improve the economic and social situation in the country?

IV. Look at the slogans, which can often be seen at demonstrations and

strikes. What slogan would each of the interviewees choose? Match an interviewee with a slogan.







Interviewees 1 __________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ V. Listen to the first interviewee and say what was not mentioned by her. a) New hospitals and schools should be built b) The salaries of nurses should be increased c) More qualified teachers, nurses should be trained d) The number of students in a class should be reduced 2) Listen to the second interviewee and complete his prosperity plan.

Reduce taxes → _______→ _________ → ______→ ______ → become richer 3) Listen to the third speaker and say what he would do.

a) He would stimulate food production b) He would buy military equipment c) He would discourage the farmers to produce more food d) He would build more motorways

4) Listen to the last speaker and say what worries him most

a) Even policemen don’t feel safe on the streets b) There is too much violence on TV c) More and more old people are being attacked on the streets d) The old age pensions are too low

Unit 73. Mad Killer Strikes Again. I. See if you know these words: a bomb [bom] explosion – взрыв бомбы to be in charge of smth – быть за старшего, командовать, руководить an investigation – расследование clues – улики, нити расследования a murder – убийство an operating theatre – операционная revenge – месть to commit suicide – покончить жизнь самоубийством victim – жертва II. You will hear a radio report telling how the police of Los Angelos put an end to murders in their city. Listen to the beginning of the report up to the conversation and choose the true newspaper headlines from the list below: a) “DOCTORS ARE THREATENED TO DEATH!”

b) “THE FIFTH CAR EXPLODED THIS YEAR!” c) “JOURNALISTS HAVE RECEIVED A WARNING LETTER!” d) “ANOTHER DOCTOR FOUND SHOT!” e) “A THREAT OF BOMB EXPLOSION IN THE CENTRAL HOSPITAL! f) “DETECTIVE LEO LASKIE KNOWS THE KILLER!” III. Listen to the phone call and say why the second speaker phoned the detective: a) to say that the killer had threatened to kill one doctor each day. b) to say that one more doctor had been killed. c) to say that the police should take urgent measures to catch the killer. d) to say that the whole city was frightened by bomb explosions. IV. What searching measures do you think the detective will take? Make up a list of measures and compare it with another student’s. Listen to dialogues between the detective and his subordinate; the detective and a doctor. Check your answers. V. Why do you think the man killed doctors? Share your suppositions with other students. Listen to the last part of the report and check your answers. VI. Listen to the last part of the report and choose the right answers to the questions given below: 1. How was the killer found? a) The police went to his house he had lived in and found out his new

address. b) Somebody saw him not far from the hospital and phoned the police. c) Somebody phoned the police and said where the killer lived. d) Policemen saw the man putting explosives into the car. 2. How did the story end?

a) The killer committed suicide b) The police had to shoot the killer c) The killer was caught and sentenced to death d) The criminal killed himself and his victim with a bomb VII. a) The investigation is over. Leo Laskie is to write a police report on the case. But he is not good at it. Help him do it. Write down an accurate and brief report on the case.

b) Work in pairs. The investigation is over. Los Angelos may no

longer fear of bomb explosions thanks to detective Leo Laskie. He is a hero of the day. He’s invited to a TV program. You’re a reporter. Interview the detective – find out all details of the investigation.

You’re detective Leo Laskie. Give detailed answers to the reporter’s questions concerning the case.

Unit 74. Four Reports.

I. See if you know these words: a trainee [trei’ ni:] reporter – репортер-стажер to knock smb out – нокаутировать, победить к-л II. You will hear two interviews of famous people and two reports based on these interviews. Listen and choose the right answers to the questions given below: 1) Whom did Laura Bruce interview? a) a writer c) a sportsman e) an actor b) a scientist d) a doctor f) a politician 2) Where did she interview them? a) in the office c) at the airport

b) at the press-conference d) in the gym III. 1) Listen to the interview given by Doctor Swensor and mark the true statement with a check: a) He’s going to stay in London for a long time b) He visited London that January for the first time c) He’s going to meet the Prime Minister only d) He has a lot of things to do in London 2) Listen to the report written by Laura about D.Swensor and fill in the blanks: Dr. Swensor said he ______ very ______ and that he ______ a lot of ______ . He said he ______ say very ______ . But he said he ______ England. He said that he ______ ______ here many______ and that he ______ ______ his visit in ______ . He said he ______ be in England for ______ ______ hours and that he ______ ______ to meet the Prime-Minister. He said he ______ no other ______ . IV. 1) Listen to the second interviewee Brutie Gray and choose the right answers to the given questions: What kind of a person is he? a) bad-tempered c) nervous b) dynamic d) self-confident What is he going to San-Paolo for? a) to win a championship c) to have a rest b) to take part in a championship d) to train for the next

championship 2) Listen to the report about Brutie Gray and fill in the blanks: Brutic Ciray said he ______ newspaper ______ but he ______ got ______ to say ______ . He said he ______ the ______, he ______ always ______ the ______ and he always ______ be the ______ . He said he ______ beat ______ in the ______ . He also said he ______

______ Leo Fink ______ . He said he’d ______ Fink out in ______ and that he ______ ______ to ______him out in ______ ______ . He also said he ______ be the ______ ______ . V. Act out the following situation: Your sister’s (brother’s) friend looked in while passing through your town. But your sister (brother) was out at that moment and they didn’t meet. Tell your sister (brother) about her (his) friend’s life (changes, achievements, plans …). Start like this “He said he … “

Unit 75. Examination Day. I. Write down 5 words which come into your mind when you hear “an examination day”. What is “an examination” for you? Compare your associations with another student’s. How do you feel about passing an exam on English? Why? II. You’ll hear two students talking about an exam on English. Listen to the beginning of their conversation and say how Maria did at the exam. a) she did well at the exam c) she doesn’t know the mark yet b) she did poorly at the exam d) she failed the exam and was

said to pass it again III. What questions do you think Maria was asked at the exam? Make up a list of questions. Listen to the rest of the conversation and check your answers. IV. Listen again and choose the right answers to the questions below: 1) What skills were examined? a) speaking c) listening b) writing d) reading

2) What will Victor most probably do? a) He’ll go home to prepare for the exam b) He’ll go in and pass the exam c) He’ll continue asking Maria about the exam d) He’ll ask Maria to help him prepare for the exam V. Listen again and fill in the blanks: “First she asked me what ____________ . Then she asked me where ____________ and how long ____________. She asked when ____________ and she asked how ____________ . Then she asked me if _________ and if _________ . Oh, yes. She asked me to _________ . Then she asked me to _________ a picture. Oh, and then I was asked to ____________ . Ah, she asked me to ____________ immediately”.

Unit 76. But you said.

I. See if you know these words: a packaged holiday – отпуск, поездка с заранее составленным маршрутом a booking form – заявка a refinery – очистительный завод a refund – возмещение расходов a discount – скидка II. You will hear a man advertising a woman the holiday at the Carrebean ( the first part of the story). Listen and choose the right answers to the questions given below. 1) What was not mentioned by the travel agent? a) The flight is time tabled b) Airport taxes are included in the price c) Their clients don’t have to pay for taxi to hotel

d) Their clients pay less for air-tickets 2) Here are some hotel ads. Which is the ad of St. Kofbot’s hotel: a) Welcome to our hotel! It’s for those who like old design and

convenience, quiet life and luxury! b) Save your money and enjoy yourself! A free morning paper in the

afternoon, free local phone calls! Keep healthy and enjoy yourself! Swimming – pools, gyms, tennis courts, yachting clubs!

c) Seeking for entertainment?! Superb restaurants, night clubs, disco

clubs, coffee shops, bars, a casino- all you dream about in our hotel! d) Fond of swimming?! Make your choice!

Fond of dancing?! Make your choice! Fond of lying on the beach?! Make your choice! Fond of exotic dishes and drinks?! Make your choice!

III. You will hear the woman expressing disappointment about her holiday at the Carrebean to the travel agent. Listen and choose the right answers to the following questions: 1. What was not mentioned by the woman? a) They had to spend 4 hours at the airport because of the delayed

flight. b) Nobody met them at the airport c) They paid 12 pounds to get to the hotel d) They had to pay airport taxes 2. What would the woman most probably write in the complaints book

in hotel? a) There is no water in the swimming-pool b) People suffer from a stomachache caused by fish served in the

restaurant. c) There are no rooms with balconies d) People can’t sleep because of the oil-refinary

3. What did the travel agent offer her? a) to give all money paid for the holiday back b) to refund her the taxi cost and expenses on airport taxes c) to go to St. Kofbot free of charge next year. d) To lower the price of next year’s holiday by 10% for her. IV. Act out the following situation. A: You’ve decided to quit your job, as it doesn’t satisfy you. You talk to your employer and explain your decision. Speak like this: “You said I would have a salary of $800 a month, I don’t. You said I would …” B: You’re an employer. You don’t want to loose your employee. Convince him (her) not to quit. Speak like this. “I said you would be given a room in the hostel and you were. You said you would work here for a long time, but …

Unit 77. Having Things Done I. See if you know these words to alter = to change to service = to maintain and repair II. You’ll hear several people talking about things they need to do.

Listen and say what places they can have them done at. ______________a) a hairdresser’s e) a hospital ______________b) laundry service f) a shoe marker’s ______________c) a tailor’s g) a watch maker’s ______________d) a dry cleaner’s h) a motor repair shop III. Look at these pictures. They will help you to give the main idea

of each dialogue

IV. You’ve been invited to a party. It’s an unexpected invitation for you. Make up a list of things you must do to look best. You’re short of time to do these things yourself.

For example: I must have my hair dyed I must have my nails polished…… - Your friend is going to have his wedding party in his house. Give

him advice what things he should do to make the house look beautiful and convenient. He can pay for the work to be done.

For example: You should have the lawn cut. You should have the curtains changed

Unit 79. The Appointment I. You will hear a story about the Califf’s servant Abdul. Listen and answer the questions below. What’s wrong with these pictures? II. Choose the best answer a , b, c or d to the following questions 1. What did Abdul decide to do? a) To wait for Death to come in Samarah, in his father’s house b) To leave Baghdad and go abroad c) To run away to his home town and hide there d) To hide in his father’s house in Baghdad

2. What did the Califf decide to do? a) To capture the stranger and punish him b) To make the stranger leave Baghdad c) To follow Abdul and protect him d) To question the stranger 3. What most probably happened to Abdul? a) He died that night in Samarah b) He died on the way to Samarah c) He died two weeks later in Samarah d) He was badly hurt but managed to survive III. Complete the sentences to make a story. Once upon a time there was One morning the Califf…… Suddenly Abdul……. He turned around and saw……. He asked nervously……. The stranger replied that he…. Abdul rushed into….. He told that …… The Califf permitted him to….. He decided to…… When he found the stranger, he ….. The stranger said that……

Unit 61. Readers Letters Have you ever had an embarrassing experience? Last week we asked readers to tell us about embarrassing experiences. We’ve received hundreds of letters. Here’s a selection.

-1- My most embarrassing experience happened when I had just left University. I had just started teaching in a Liverpool secondary school. One morning my alarm clock didn’t ring. I had forgotten to wind it up. I woke up at half past eight and school began at nine. I quickly washed, shaved, dressed, jumped into my car and drove to school. When I arrived the students had already gone into the class. I didn’t go to the staff room but went straight into class. After two or three minutes, the students began laughing and couldn’t understand why. Suddenly I looked down and understood I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe.

Stanly Hooper. B.A., Preston, Lancashire

-2- The most embarrassing experience I’ve ever had happened two years ago. My wife and I had driven into a town to do some shopping. The streets were very busy and we were holding hands. Suddenly my wife saw a dress that she liked in a shop window and stopped. I started looking at the radios in the next window. After a minute or two I reached for my wife’s hand. There was a loud scream and a woman slapped my face. I hadn’t taken my wife’s hand I’d taken the hand of a complete stranger.

Lan Bayley, Sheffield, Vorks

-3- My husband and I had decided to buy a new house, and I’d made an appointment to see our bank manager. I’d never met him before and I was a bit nervous. I drove into the town and I was lucky enough to find

a parking space outside the bank. I’d just started reversing into the space when another car drove into it. I was furious. I opened my window and shouted at the other driver. He ignored my and walked away. It took me twenty minutes to find another space. As soon as I parked the car I rushed back to the bank. I was 10 minutes late for my interview. I went to the manager’s office, knocked and walked in. The manager was sitting behind his desk. He was the man who’d taken my parking space.

Kate Kurbie, Portmouth, Hants. Why don’t you write and tell us about your most embarrassing experience?

Unit 62. A Ghost Story. Edgar and Katherine are staying in the cottage in the “New Forest”. It belongs to Edgar’s uncle and they’ve borrowed it for the weekend. It’s Friday night. They arrived an hour or two ago and they’re sitting in front of the log fire. - Oh, Edgar! This house is fantastic. I love old houses. - There’s a ghost here, you know. - Edgar, don’t be silly. You’re trying to frighten me. - Not at all. I’ve been coming here for years. We used to stay here

when I was a child. I saw the ghost myself once. - Edgar! This isn’t funny. It’s late at night. Anyway I don’t believe in

ghosts. - Don’t you? I do. - Where did you see the ghost? - Upstairs. In the bedroom. - Ha-ha! Did it have a white sheet over its head? - Oh, no. It was quite an ordinary ghost, really. He was wearing

Victorian clothes. - He? Who?

- The ghost, of course. I’ll tell you about it: I’ve been working in the forest all day and I was really tired so I went to bed early.

- Have you had anything to drink? - No, no. - Well. Go on, what happened? - I’ve been in bed for two or three hours. - How do you know that it was a few hours? - There is an old grandfather’s clock in the bedroom. You’ll see it

when we go upstairs. Anyway, the man was standing beside it. - What man? - The ghost, of course. - What did you do? - Nothing - What did you say? - Nothing. He just stared at me. - How did it get into the room? Had you looked the door? - Yes, I had and the window. It was a cold foggy night. - Was there a fire-place? - Yes, but it was too small for a man to get there. - Anything there’d been a fire. - What did you do? - I sat up and stared back at him. I was too shocked to move. - What happened? What happened? - Well. I don’t know how long we’d been staring at each other when

suddenly I panicked and shouted and he disappeared. - I don’t believe it. - I didn’t believe it myself at the time. But when I told some people

in the village they believed me. Some of them had seen the ghost themselves. They could even describe him. If you ask them they will tell you.

- Edgar! Put some more wood in the fire. I’m going to sleep downstairs tonight.

Unit 63. Buying a Present.

(1) - Have you got Disco King, please? - Who is it by? - “Soul Sensation”. It’s the latest single. It’s just entered the chart.

It’s number nine this week. - Hold on! I’ll just look. Here you are. - Oh, thanks and have you got the new LP by the Rattles? - What? Teenage revolution. Oh, yes. We’ve got that. It’s a fantastic album. You’ll love it. - Oh, it’s not for me, it’s for my grandmother. It’s a birthday present.

(2) - I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my wife. - Yes. Sir. What exactly are you looking for? - I’m not sure, really. Perhaps, you can help me. - Right, I’ll show you some bracelets. - No, I bought a bracelet for our wedding anniversary. - May be a ring then? These rings are made of gold. - Yes, I like that one. What’s the stone? - It’s a diamond, sir. And it’s only two thousand pounds. - Ah, well… Perhaps you could show me some earrings then.

(3) - Good morning! Perhaps you can advise me. - Yes, madam. - I’m here looking for a toy for my nephew. - Oh, yes. How old is he? - He’ll be nine years old on Saturday. - Skateboard is still very popular. - Hm-m-m. I don’t want him to hurt himself. - What about a drum set?

- I don’t think so. His father will be angry if I buy him one of those. Have you got anything educational? You see, he is a very intelligent boy.

- I’ve got a perfect thing; Do-it-yourself computer kit

Unit 64. Made in England.

- I like your radio. Is it new? - Yes. I bought it last week. It’s a bisonic. - Bisonic? I’ve never heard of it. Where was it made? - I’m not sure. I think it was made in Japan. Have a look. No, I am

wrong, it was made in England.

Unit 65. A Real Bargain.

Mr. Palmer is looking for a new house. He is tired of living in a city and he wants to live in a quiet village. He is with the estate agent now. - Well, Mr. Palmer. This is the semi-detached house that I told you

about. Number 26, Richmond Road. The owners are away but I’ve got a key.

- Hm-m-m. When was it built? - It was built in 1928. - Who built it? - I’m not really sure. Is it really important? - No, not really. Is that a new roof? It looks new. - It is nearly new. It was put on last year. (After some time) - You can see that it’s in a very good condition. The previous owner

was a builder. - It’s quite an old house. I’m worried about the electrical wiring.

Has it been rewired? - Yes, it has. - Oh, when was it done?

- … Five years ago. Also it’s been redecorated. Central heating has been put in. And a new garage has been built.

- Oh! When was that done? - Last year. I think… (After some time) - It’s a very solid house! It is built of brick with a tiled roof. - It’s a long way from a big town. What are the services like? - Oh, hold on. I’ve got the details here. Ah, yes. Let me see. The dust

bins are emptied every Thursday. - It’s important for me to see the post before I go to work. When is it

delivered. - Ah, it’s usually delivered at about seven thirty. The milk is

delivered about six o’clock. So you’ll have fresh milk for breakfast. (After some time)

- It’s certainly very cheap. I’ve seen a lot of similar houses and they are more expensive.

- Ah, yes. It’s a real bargain. - Are there any plans for the area. - Pardon…. Plans? Well, a new school is going to be built in the

village next year. - Anything else? - And a new road, by the way, actually will be built next year too.

You’ll be able to get to London easily. - Where exactly will the motor way be built? - Well, actually, it will be built behind the house. A bridge will be

constructed over the house. It’ll be interesting and you’ll be able to watch the traffic.

Unit 66. The 8 o’clock News.


Good evening and here is the 8 o’clock News. Robert Gibbs, the great plane robber has been caught in Monteena. He was arrested in a Vanadello night club. He is being questioned at police

headquarters and he will probably be sent back to Britain. Two British detectives left Heathrow earlier this evening and they will help the police in Vandello with their inquiries. In 1978 Gibbs was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment for his part in the Great plane robbery. He escaped from Parkwood Maximum Security prison in April. Since then he has been seen in ten different countries.


The strike at Fernside Engineering in Birmingham has ended after talks between trade union leaders and management representatives. The strike began last weekend after a worker had been sacked. He had had an argument with a supervisor. Five thousand men went on strike. The worker has now been reemployed.

-3- Vic Bobstick the lead guitarist of the “Rafs” popgroup is dead. He was found unconscious in his mayfair flat earlier this morning. Bobstick was rushed to St. Stephan’s hospital but doctors were unable to save his live. A number of bottles which had been found in his flat were taken away by the police.

-4- There is no more news about the famous land sape painting “Norfolk Sunset” which was stolen last night from the National Gallery. The painting which is worth half a million pounds was given to the Gallery in 1975. It hasn’t been found yet and all airports and ports are being watched. Cars and trucks are being searched. A reward of 10,000 pounds has been offered for information.

-5- Jumbo, the Indian elephant which escaped from London Zoo this afternoon has been caught. Jumbo was chased across Regents Park and was finally captured at a Hot Dog Store in Regents Park Road. A tranquilizer gun was used and Jumbo was loaded on to a truck and was

taken back to Zoo. At the Zoo he was examined by the Zoo veterinary surgeon. Fortunately no damage had been done and Jumbo will be returned to the elephant house later tonight.

-5- Julian Mactavish, the Eastfield United and Scotland striker had been transferred. The contract was signed at lunch time. He was transferred to the American Club “Miami Galaxy” for $3 000 000. Dollars. Mactavish, aged 23 was bought two years ago for a fee of 2,000 pounds from a Scottish non-lead club.

Unit 68. Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley died on the 16th of August 1977, radio and television programmes all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President Carter was asked to declare a day of national mourning. Carter said, “Elvis Presley changed the face of American popular culture. He was unique and irreplaceable”. 80,000 people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with cars and Elvis Presley’s films were shown on television. His records were played on the radio all day. In a year after his death 100 million Presley LP-s were sold. Elvis Presley was born on January the 8th 1935 in Tupolo, Mississippi. His twin brother Jessy Garren died at birth. His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music lessons. But he was surrounded by music from an early age. His parents were very religious and Elvis regularly sang at church services. In 1948 when he was 13 his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. He left school in 1953 and got a job as a truck driver. In the summer of 1953 Elvis paid 4 dollars and recorded 2 songs for his mother’s birthday at Sam Philips’s song record studio. Sam Philips’s heard Elvis and asked him to record “That’s all right” in July 1954. Twenty thousand copies were sold mainly in and around Memphis. Ha made five more records for Sam and in July 1955 he met Colonel Tom Parker who became his manager in November. Parker

sold Elvis’s contract to RSA record’s. Song records got thirty five thousand dollars and Elvis got five thousand. With the money he bought pink “Cadillac” for his mother. On January the 10th 1956 Elvis recorded “Heart Break Hotel” and a million copies were sold. In the next fourteen months he made another 14 records and they were all big hits. In 1956 he also made his first film in Hollywood. In March 1958 Elvis had to join the Army. He wanted to be an ordinary soldier. When his hair was cut thousands of women cried. He spent the next two years in Germany where he met Priscilla Buley who became his wife eight years later on May the first 1967. In 1960 he left the army and went to Hollywood where he made several films during the next few years. By 1968 many people had become tired of Elvis. He had not performed live since 1960. But he recorded a new LP “From Elvis in Memphis” and appeared in a special TV program. He became popular again and went to Las Vegas where he was paid seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for 4 weeks. In 1972 his wife left him and they were divorced in October 1973. He died from a heart attack. He’d been working too hard and eating and drinking too much for several years. He left all his money to his only daughter Lisa Maria Presley. She became one of the richest people in the world when she was only nine years old.

Unit 69. If I had enough money

-1- - I’ve got £3500, I’m going to look at the car. If I like it, I’ll buy it. - That’s a nice care but I haven’t got enough money. If I had enough

money I’d buy it. -2-

- I’ve worked for an Oil Company for ten years. I am a Bachelor of Science in engineering. I’ve got the qualifications. I’m going to apply for the job. If they offer me the job I’ll certainly take it.

- I like that job but I can’t apply for it. I haven’t got the qualifications. If I had the qualifications I’d apply for it.

-3- - I’m a mechanic and I know a lot about cars. I’ve got a clean driving

license and enough money. If they ask me I’ll go with them. - I’ve got a thousand pounds and a driving license but I know very

little about cars if I knew something about cars I’d go with them.

-4- - I can speak French and German. I’ll apply for the job. If I get it I’ll

have to move to Switzerland. - I can speak French. But I can’t speak German. If I could speak

German I would apply for the job.

-5- - I’m nineteen and I’m interested in the job. I’ll get more information

if I phone them and if the salary is good I’ll apply. - I’m interested in the job. But I’m too old. If I were younger I’d


Unit 70. In a Restaurant. - Good evening Sir, Madam. Shall I take your coats? - Thank you. Where shall we sit Barbara? - Would you like to sit over here, sir? Near the window - Ah, yes. Could we see the menu? - Certainly. Here it is.

(a man and a woman) - Do you fancy a starter? - Hmm.. I think I’ll have the prawn cocktail. I’m very fond of

prawns. What about you? - I’m not sure. I can’t decide. - Oh, I’d have the trout if I were you. Owie said you liked trout and

you hadn’t had it for a long time. - Are you ready to order yet, sir?

- Yes. A prawn cocktail for my wife and a trout for me. - And the main course, sir? - Veal for my wife and I can’t decide between the veal and the

chicken. What do you recommend? - Oh, if I were you I’d have the veal. It’s the specialty of the house. - What would you like with the veal? - Two mixed salads, please. - Any vegetables, sir? - Yes some cauliflower, some boiled potatoes, please. - Anything to follow? - Can we order that later? - Oh, of course, sir.

-1- - Would you like to see the wine list? - Yes. We’d like a bottle of dry white wine. - May I suggest something? - Of course. - Why don’t you try a bottle of English wine? - English wine? - Yes, it isn’t very well known, but it is being produced in the south

of England, sir. You’ll be surprised. It’s very good.

Unit 71. North Sea Oil

Good evening! This is London radio. Welcome to “Man in the Street”. Our program tonight is about North Sea Oil. Oil was first discovered beneath the North sea in the late 1960-s. Since then more and more oil has been found off the coast of Britain and has been brought ashore We aren’t going to become very rich but we must decide how to spend the oil revenues. Our interviewers went into the streets to ask people their opinion. He asked, “If you were a Prime-Minister what would you do with the money?”

- Well, of course I am not the Prime-Minister but if were I’d spend the money on more hospitals and schools. We need more doctors, nurses and teachers. Classes are too big. If classes were smaller children would learn more. And there aren’t enough nurses either, because salaries are too low. If the salaries were higher more people would become nurses. Money which is spent now on education and health is an investment for the future.

- I think the answer is quite simple. Taxes are much too high in this country, aren’t they? I would reduce them. If we reduced taxes people would have more money. If they had more money they’d spend more. Industry would have to produce more so it would need more workers. There would be more jobs and we would all be richer.

- I am very worried about inflation. I’d try to control prices. If I were the Prime-Minister I’d reduce the price of gas, coal and electricity. If we did that everybody would benefit, wouldn’t they? Food is much too expensive. I’d encourage the farmers to produce more food more cheaply. However there is something that I certainly wouldn’t do. I certainly wouldn’t build more roads. And I wouldn’t spend money on guns and tanks and war planes.

- There is too much crime and violence nowadays. There aren’t enough policemen on the streets. I’d increase the size of the police force and I’d increase their salaries. If we had more police then we’d all feel safer. I’d also increase old age pensions. I worked hard all my life and I should have more reasonable standard of living.

Unit 73. Mad Killer Strikes Again


Los-Angeles “Daily Echo”, Tuesday, April, 12th Mad killer strikes

again. Central Los Angeles was rocked by another car bomb explosion

last night. Doctor Martin was killed when he started his car outside the Central Hospital. Five doctors have been killed this year by car bombs.

Nobody knows why they were killed and who killed them. A warning letter was sent to the “Daily Echo” two days ago. Detective Leo Laskie has been put in charge of the investigation. - Thanks for phoning me. - Well, that’s very important. We’ve received another warning this

morning. Another doctor will be killed on Saturday. - Uh-m-m. This killer must be found. If he isn’t got quickly more

people can be killed. - Yeah. Well. He must be found by tomorrow. - There are five million people in this city. We haven’t got any clues,

it can’t be done. - Leo! It must be done, Leo. It must be done. - Places that have explosives must be checked and quickly. - It’s being done Leo. I gave instructions this morning. (at the hospital) - I want you to help me doctor. - Help you. Of course, I’ll help you. I may be killed next. - Well, Laskie. You’ve had a warning. You should catch the mad

man this time. - We had a warning last time, Doc. But he couldn’t be found in time. - This killer hates doctors. Why? - Well, may be a relative or a friend died at the hospital. Can I see

your records from four month ago? The murders started them. Laskie worked for hours. At last he found something. Four months

earlier there’d been a car crash. A man and his wife were taken at the hospital. The wife died on the operating theatre. The husband threatened revenge. He blamed the doctors. Detectives went to the man’s house but he’d moved away. His photographs were shown on television. At 2 o’clock on Saturday afternoon Laskie received the phone call. The man had been seen in the parking lot two blocks away from the hospital. Police cars raced to the scene. When the police arrived they saw the man. He was lying underneath the car. He jumped up and started to run, but there was police everywhere. He jumped into

the car and there was a terrible explosion. He had killed himself with his own bomb.

Unit 74. Four Reports

Laura Bruce is a trainee reporter for the London Evening Echo. Last week several famous people arrived at London airport. Laura was sent to interview them. Nobody told her very much.

- I am very busy. I’ve got a lot of appointments. I can’t say very

much. I love England. I’ve been here many times before. I enjoyed my visit in January. I’ll only be in England for 12 hours. I’m going to meet the Prime Minister. I have no other comments.

Doctor Swensor visited England yesterday. He arrived at London airport at 10 a.m. and we asked to comment on the international situation. He just made a brief statement. He said he was very busy and that he got a lot of appointments. He said he couldn’t say very much, but he said he loved England. He said that he’d been here many times and that he had enjoyed his visit in January. He said he would be in England for only 12 hours and that he was going to meet the Prime-Minister. He said he had no other comments.

-2- - I like newspaper reporters but I haven’t got time to say much. Just

that I’m the greatest. I’ve always been the greatest and I always will be the greatest! I can beat anybody in the world. I’ve beaten Leo Fink before, I’ve knocked him out in Miami and I’m going to knock him out in San Paolo. I’ll be the champion forever. Excuse me.

Brutice Gray stopped at London airport on his way from Frankfurt to San Paolo. I managed to see him in the VIP lunch. Brutice was in a hurry. He said he liked newspaper reporters but he hadn’t got time to say much. He said he was the greatest, he had always been the greatest and he always would be the greatest. He said he could beat anybody in the world. He also said he’d beaten Leo Fink before. He said he’d

knocked Fink out in Miami and that he was going to knock him out in San Paolo. He also said he would be the champion forever.

Unit 75. Examination Day

- Hey Maria! Have you finished your exam? - Yes, I have. - Was it difficult? - Well, it was quite hard. - Did you pass? - I don’t know. She didn’t tell me. - What questions did she ask? - First she asked me what my name was. - That was easy, wasn’t it? - Then she asked me where I came from and how long I’d been

studying at the school. - What else did she ask? - She asked when I had begun studying English and she asked how I

would use English in the future. - Go on, go on. - Then she asked me if I liked the school and if I lived with my

parents. - Anything else? - Oh, Victor. I’m trying to remember. Oh, yes she asked if I spoke

any other languages. - Is that all? - Oh, there were a lot of other questions. - She asked me what my hobbies were and she asked me to tell her

about them. Then she gave me a picture and asked me to describe it. Oh, and then. I was asked to read a passage.

- What did she say at the end? - Ah. She asked me to tell you to go in immediately.

Unit76 But You Said.

- Good afternoon. - Good afternoon, madam. - I’m interested in the holiday at St. Kofbot. - Ah, yes It’s in the Carrebean. I can recommend it highly. - Can you tell me a little bit more about it. - Of course, madam. It’s an excellent packaged holiday. You’ll

travel on a scheduled flight , you’ll be met at the airport and taken to your hotel. You won’t have to pay airport taxes. They are included in the price. The hotel is very near the beach and it has got a swimming pool and the discotheque. It’s a very modern hotel,. it was built last year. The restaurant’s superb and drinks are very cheap at St. Kofbot. Oh, and you can walk to the sea in two minutes.

- Hmm, sounds good. I’d like to make a reservation. - One moment, madam. I’ll get you a booking form. Marian paid a deposit and booked the holiday. Two months later she was in St. Kofbot, but she was disappointed. When she returned to England, she went to see the travel agent. - Ah. It’s Mrs. Word. Did you have a good holiday? - No, I certainly did not have a good holiday. - Oh I’m very sorry to hear that. What was wrong? - Well, when I arrived in St. Kofbot I had to spend four hours at the

airport. You said that we would be met and we weren’t. You also said that we would be taken to the hotel. We weren’t. And the taxi cost us about twelve pounds. You told me that airport taxes would be included in fact I had to pay ten pounds.

- Oh, dear. You had a very bad start. But the hotel was nice, wasn’t it?

- No, it was not. You said it was very modern. You were quite right. They haven’t finished building yet. We couldn’t sleep. The workmen were working all night….. on our balcony! You said it had got a swimming pool…. It had…. But it was empty and the restaurant …. The restaurant served fish every night.

- Oh, dear ! - You said that the hotel was near the beach and that we could walk

to the sea in two minutes. - Couldn’t you? - Oh, yes we could. But there was an oil refinery between the hotel

and the beach and it took half an hour to walk around it. - Oh, I’m really terribly sorry. We really didn’t know. I’m afraid we

are unable to give you a refund but we can give you a ten per cent discount on the next year’s holiday.

- Next year…. Next year I’m staying in England.

Unit 77 Having Things Done.


- Sorry, I’m late. I couldn’t start the car this morning. - Well, winter is coming. It’s probably cold. - It needs the service really. But the garage is so expensive

nowadays. - Can’t you service yourself? - Who? Me? I don’t know anything about cars. - If I were you I’d have it serviced. The garage that I use is very

reasonable and have the radiator filled with anti-freeze. They say it’s going to be a cold winter.


- You know where there is a good dry cleaner’s? - Yes, there is a good one in Victoria Road. I’d go there if I were you. - Oh, thanks. I want to have my suit cleaned. I’m going to a wedding

on Saturday. - Well, I had my suit cleaned there last week. They did a good job.


- Excuse me, do you do alterations? - Yes, we do. What kind of alteration do you want? - I’d like to have this skirt lengthened. It’s too short for me. - That’s fine. It’ll take about a fortnight. - And at the same time I want to have this dress shortened. It’s a bit

too long. - Good. Would you mind just putting the skirt on first. There is a

change room over there.


- Hello. Can I make an appointment to see the optician. - Yes, would next Friday be convenient? At 3 o’clock? - Oh, yes. I want to have my eyes tested. I think I need some new

glasses. Good bye. - Good bye. Oh, be careful. That isn’t a door it’s a window. - Oh, yes. Sorry.

Unit 79. The Appointment.

Once upon a time there was a rich caliph, in Baghdad. He was very famous because he was wise and kind. One morning he sent his servant Abdul to the market to buy some fruit. As Abdul was walking through the market, he suddenly felt very cold. He knew that somebody was behind him. He turned around and saw a tall man dressed in black He

couldn’t see the man’s face, only his eyes. The man was staring at him. Abdul began to shiver. “Who are you? What do you want?”, Abdul asked. The man in black didn’t reply. “What’s your name?”, Abdul asked nervously. “ I am Death”, the stranger replied coldly and turned away. Abdul dropped his basket and ran all over back to the caliph’s house. He rushed into the caliph’s room “Excuse me, master. I have to leave Baghdad immediately”, Abdul said. “But why? What’s happened?, the caliph asked. “I’ve just met Death in the market”, Abdul replied. “Are you certain?” said the caliph. “Yes, I’m certain. He was dressed in black and he stared at me. I’m going to my father’s house in Samarah. If I go at once I’ll be there before sunset”. The caliph could see that Abdul was terrified and gave him permission to go to Samarah. The caliph was puzzled. He was fond of Abdul and he was angry because Abdul had been badly frightened by the stranger in the market. He decided to go to the market and investigate. When he found the man in black, he spoke to him angrily. “Why did you frighten my servant?” “Who is your servant?”, the stranger replied. “ “His name is Abdul”, answered the caliph. “I didn’t want to frighten him. I was just surprised to see him in Baghdad.” “Why were you surprised?” the caliph asked. “ I was surprised because I’ve got an appointment with him tonight. In Samarah”.