AÜ‘j H$m d−Vì‘ Water SSppeecciiaall - Paryavaran Mitra · 2018. 1. 24. · Dear Paryavaran...

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Transcript of AÜ‘j H$m d−Vì‘ Water SSppeecciiaall - Paryavaran Mitra · 2018. 1. 24. · Dear Paryavaran...

  • Dear Paryavaran Mitra,

    The year 2004 was declared as the ‘Water Year’ by UNESCO, thus bringing world-wide attention to the burning issue of water scarcity. India has declared 2007 as the water year. First our waters are polluted with a variety of pollutants and then a complete campaign is developed in the name of purification.

    15 to 60 meter drop in water level after 1960s has been observed. 16% population of the world lives in India and for whom only 2% earth and 4% water resources are available.

    But really, this water is quite sufficient if well managed, conse rved and d i s t r i bu ted effectively. Then why do we face a water problem? (Read article “Water Crisis” in this newsletter.)

    The report from scientists is that 2007 will be a difficult year ahead. The earth’s temperature will certainly rise and there will be a subsequent decrease in agricultural production. 40 crore people will be affected by food scarcity, whereas 12 to 30 lacs people will face the wrath of drought.

    The Indian government has realised the enormity of water problem for our country and has already provided a large subsidy on rain water harvesting this year.

    I request you to promote and publicise such projects in your area and motivate people to conserve water.

    With best wishes,

    O c t o b e r 2 0 0 6 t o M a r c h 2 0 0 7I s s u e # 4

    ỳZoÒH$mo Zo df© 2004 H$mo "Ob df©' Kmo{fV H$a gmao gßgma H$m ‹̀mZ Bg ¡dbßV g_Ò̀m H$s Amoa AmH${f©V {H$̀m Wmü & df© 2007 H$mo m̂aV gaH$ma Zo "Ob df©' Kmo{fV {H$̀m h°ü & H$maU ÒnÓQ> h° {H$ Ob gßH$Q> H$s pÒW{V {XZm|{XZ ^̀mdh hmoVr Om ahr h°ü & nhbo Vmo nmZr _| Oha {_bm̀m Om ahm h°ü & {\$a Cgr H$s n[aew{’ Ho$ Zm_ na EH$ nyam ~mOma {dH${gV {H$̀m Om ahm h°ü & AO~ XwÓMH́$ h°ü &

    ŷOb ÒVa _| gmR> Ho$ XeH$ Ho$ ~mX 15 go 60 _rQ>a VH$ H$s {JamdQ> XO© H$s JB© h°ü & Xw{Z̀m Ho$ 16 \$rgXr bmoJ m̂aV _| ahVo h¢ Am°a CZHo$ {bE {dÌd H$s Ho$db Xmo \$sgXr ŷ{_ VWm Mma \$sgXr Ob Cnb„Y h°ü &

    {̀X Bg Ob H$m gßM̀Z, ‡̀moJ Am°a ‡~ßYZ R>rH$ go {H$̀m Om̀o Vmo h̀mß H$s OZgߪ̀m Ho$ {bE h̀ Ob ǹm©flV h° bo{H$Z AmÌM̀© h° {H$ Bg n•œdr na ǹm©flV _mÃm _| Ob hmoZo Ho$ ~mdOyX bmoJ nò Ob Ho$ {bE gßH$Q>J́ÒV h¢ü & (XoI| n{ÃH$m _| CpÎb{IV ""ObgßH$Q>'')d°km{ZH$ Bg na gh_V h¢ {H$ n•œdr H$m Vmn_mZ ~ãT>oJmü & {Oggo IoVr _| {JamdQ> hmoJrü & 40 H$amoãS> bmoJ ŵI_ar H$m {eH$ma hmo gH$Vo h¢ü & gmW hr 12 go 30 bmI bmoJ nmZr Ho$ AH$mb Ho$ {eH$ma hm|Joü &gaH$ma Zo Bg ~OQ> _| BgHo$ {bE {deof ‡mdYmZ {H$̀o h¢ü & aoZdmQ>a hmadopÒQ>®J Ho$ {bE gp„gS>r r̂ Xr JB© h°ü & _¢ Amn g~go {ZdoXZ H$aVr ȟß {H$ AnZo-AnZo joà _| BZ m̀oOZmAm| Ho$ ‡Mma-‡gma _| gh̀moJ H$a ¡̀mXm go ¡̀mXm bmoJm| H$mo Ob Ho$ g_w{MV ‡~ßYZ Ho$ {bE ‡moÀgm{hV H$a|ü & {ZOr Am°a AnZo gßÒWmZ _| H$_ go H$_ nmZr BÒVo_mb H$a| Am°a nmZr H$m ‡X̌fU Z hmoZo X|ü & BVZm Vmo h_ H$a hr gH$Vo h¢ü &BgHo$ {bE OÍ$ar h° Òd̀ß OmJÍ$H$ ~Z| Am°a Am_ OZVm H$mo r̂ n[a{MV H$am̀|&

    eŵ H$m_ZmAm| g{hV,

    A‹̀j H$m dä VÏ̀

    rqeus dksBs egy cuk;s]

    ukrh iksrksa dh [kkfrjA

    m|ksxksa ds dey f[kyk;s]

    ukrh iksrksa dh [kkfrjA

    bl vkik/kkih esa I;kjs]

    rqe brus ykpkj gq,A

    ikuh ugha cpk;k]

    ukrh iksrksa dh [kkfrjA

    You raised castles and

    mansions for posterity

    You built empires of

    industry for scions to


    This yearning for earning

    and life's own din.

    Didn't let you save any

    water for your next kith

    and kin.

    Water Special

    Water Special

    & Mk0 cqf)ukFk feJ

    - Dr. Buddhinath Mishra

    ikuh ugha cpk;k

    Ob {deofmßH$

    Ob {deofmßH$

  • Important Activities

    Diseases are increasing with the increase in medicines:Paryavaran Mitra organized an Environmental Talk with Indian Medical Association and a large number of Doctors of City and District were present. Doctors expressed their worry on increasing pollution in our environment. In this direction, all doctors were called upon for necessary cooperation.On this occasion, Dr. Chauhan, President, Indian Medical Association, U.P., stated that “We cannot cure the people only with the medicines; environment, habits and mental status put a great impact on human life. Medicines help in recovering from the disease but if above m e n t i o n e d a r e n o t favourable; one cannot be healthy.Kiran Bajaj expressed her v i e w s r e g a r d i n g t h e m e d i c i n e s a s w e l l a s increasing diseases and stated “Doctors can play a significant role in curing of physical, mental and social pollution”. On this occasion, Dr. K. M. Agrawal, Chief Medical Officer, Firozabad and Dr. A.K. Ahuja, President, Indian Medical Association, Shikohabad also expressed their views.

    {OVZr XdmB̀m±, CVZr ~r_m[àm± :

    ǹm©daU {_Ã ¤mam Bp S>̀Z _o{SH$b Eogmo{gEeZ Ho$ gmW EH$ ǹm©daUr̀

    {dMma dmVm© H$m Am̀moOZ {H$̀mü J̀m,

    {Og_| ZJa d OZnX Ho$ S>mä Q>am| Zo ~ãS>r

    gߪ̀m _| m̂J {b̀mü &

    {M{H$ÀgH$m| Zo ǹm©daU _| ~ãT> aho ‡X̌fU

    na qMVm Ï̀ä V H$sü & Bg gÂ~›Y _|

    gh̀moJ Ho$ {bE {M{H$ÀgH$m| go AmÙdmZ

    {H$̀m J̀mü & Bg Adga na Bp S>̀Z

    _oo{SH$b Egmo{gEeZ, C.‡. Ho$ A‹̀j

    S>m. Mm°hmZ Zo {dMma Ï̀ä V H$aVo h̨E

    H$hm-""{g\©$ XdmB© go h_, bmoJm| H$m

    ÒdmÒœ̀ Zht gwYma gH$Voü & ǹm©daU,

    AmXV| Edß _Z:pÒW{V H$m _ZwÓ̀ Ho$

    OrdZ _| ~ãS>m Aga hmoVm h°ü & amoJ R>rH$

    H$aZo _| Xdm _XX H$aVr h° {H$›Vw

    Cnamoä V gh̀moJ Z hmoZo go ¡̀mXm {XZ

    ÒdÒW Zht ahm Om gH$Vmü &''

    lr_Vr {H$aU ~OmO Zo XdmB̀m| Ho$ gmW

    ~ãT>Vr h̨B© ~r_m[àm| H$m CÎboI H$aVo h̨E

    H$hm {H$ ""{M{H$ÀgH$ emar[aH$,

    _mZ{gH$ Am°a gm_m{OH$ ‡X̌fU Xya

    H$aZo _| ‡̂mdembr m̀oJXmZ H$a gH$Vo h¢ü &'' Bg Adga na {\$amoOm~mX

    Ho$ _wª̀ [M{H$Àgm{YH$mar S>m. Ho$.E_. AJ́dmb, Bp S>̀Z _oS>rH$b

    Egmo{gEeZ, {eH$mohm~mX Ho$ A‹̀j S>m. E. Ho$. AmȟOm Zo r̂ AnZo {dMma

    Ï̀ä V {H$̀oü &

    Date : 22nd November, 2006. Place : Staff Club, Hind Parisar

    Co-organised by : Indian Medical Association (U.P.) and

    _hÀdnyU© J{V{d{Ỳm±

    {XZmßH$ : 22 ZdÂ~a 2006ÒWmZ : ÒQ>m\$ ä b~, {h›X n[aga

    gß̀ moOZ : Bp S>̀Z _o[SH$b Egmo{gEeZ (C.‡.) Edß ǹm©daU {_Ã

    Dr. S.P.S. Chauhan expressing his views

    AnZo {dMma Ï̀ä V H$aVo S>m. Eg. nr. Eg Mm°hmZ

    Present Physicians CnpÒWV {M{H$ÀgH$JU

    zh_| h̀ YaVr AnZo nd©Om| go {damgV _| Zht {_br h°ü &~pÎH$ h_Zo h̀ m̂dr nrãT>r go CYma _| br h°ü &

    A_arH$s H$hmdV

    We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

    ~Native American Proverb


  • ‘Increasing Mental Pollution, an issue of concern’ - SubbaraoParyavaran Mitra organized a meeting in the presence of eminent Sarvodayi and Gandhian Leader Dr. S.N. Subbarao. He expressed his concern over the threat of mental pollution among the youth in the presence of a large gathering of the students from different schools. He regretted that nowadays Television is the study center not school. We are forgetting our culture. He further expressed his concern at the diminishing forest cover., saying that there was about 38 percent forest cover in our country when w e a c h i e v e d independence and now the f i g u r e h a s reduced to a dismal 8 percent. Further, water l e v e l s a r e decreasing day b y d a y. T h e i n c r e a s i n g population of country is also a f fect ing the e n v i r o n m e n t adversely.

    He said that the environment is one for the whole world, so now we have to say “Jai Jagat”. We have to escape the shackles of racism, religion and language conflicts. He encouraged and motivated all the youth present for the national integrity/unity and lingual unity. On this occasion, he conducted melodious patriotic group songs as well.

    Date : 3rd December, 2006

    Place : Staff Club, Hind Parisar

    Organised by: Paryavaran Mitra

    ǹm©daU {_Ã Ho$ VÀdmdYmZ _| ‡{g’ gdm}X̀r Edß JmßYrdmXr {dMmaH$ S>m. Eg.

    EZ. gw„~mamd H$s {dMma dmVm© Am̀mo{OV H$s J̀rü & {d{̂›Z {d⁄mb̀m| Ho$ N>mÃ-

    N>mÃmAm| H$s ~ãS>r gߪ̀m Ho$ ~rM, C›hm|Zo ẁdmAm| H$mo ~ãT>Vo _mZ{gH$ ‡XyfU go

    gmdYmZ {H$̀mü & C›hm|Zo IoX ‡H$Q> {H$̀m {H$ A~ nãT>mB© H$m ÒWmZ {d⁄mb̀

    Zht Q>r.dr. h°ü & h_ AnZr gßÒH•${V H$mo {~gam aho h¢ü & Xoe O~ AmOmX h̨Am Wm

    Vmo 36 ‡{VeV OßJb

    Wo; A~ Ho$db 8

    ‡{VeV ah J̀o h¢ü & nmZr

    H$m ÒVa {Za›Va H$_

    hmoVm Om ahm h°ü & Xoe H r

    ~ãT> ahr OZgߪ̀m

    {Za›Va ǹm©daU H$mo

    ‡̂m{dV H$aVr Om ahr

    h°ü & C›hm|Zo CnpÒWV

    ẁdmAm| H$mo amÓQ¥>r̀

    EH$Vm, m̂fr̀ EH$Vm Ho$

    {bE {Za›Va gj_ ahZo

    Ho$ {bE ‡o[aV {H$̀mü & Bg Adga na C›hmoZo ‡oaH$ Xoêpä V JrVm| H$m gm_y{hH$

    Jm̀Z r̂ H$adm̀mü &

    nyao {dÌd H$m ǹm©daU EH$ h°, h_| A~ "Ò OJV' H$m Zmam bJmZm hmoJmü &

    Om{V-Y_©-̂mfm Ho$ _Z_wQ>mdm| go AmJo ~ãT>Zm hmoJmü &

    {XZmßH$ : 3 {XgÂ~a 2006ÒWmZ : ÒQ>m\$ ä b~, {h›X n[aga

    gß̀ moOZ : ǹm©daU {_Ã

    "~ãT>Vm _mZ{gH$ ‡XyfU,{M›Vm H$m {df̀' - gw„~mamd

    Dr. S.N. Subbarao with Children. ~¿Mm| Ho$ gmW S>m. Eg. EZ. gw„~mamd

    fgUn ySEIl Hkh ISO:14001 izek.k i= ikdj ̂i;kZoj.k izcU/ku i)fr* dk lnL; cu x;kA STQC }kjk ;g izek.k i= fnukad 5 ebZ 2007 }kjk fn;k x;kA&bl izek.k i= }kjk fgUn vius mu xzkgdksa dks larq"V dj ldsxk] ftUgsa i;kZoj.k izcU/ku i)fr ls izekf.kr mRikn gh pkfg,A&bl i)fr dks ykxw djus ls laLFkku vius ikuh&fo|qr&xSl vkfn lalk/kuksa dks mfpr ,oa vko';d gh iz;ksx dj iznw"k.k jfgr laLFkku cu ldsxkA

    Hind Lamps Ltd. Shikohabad has been awarded ISO:14001 (EMS) certificate on 5th May, 2007. With this, Hind Lamps will be able to satisfy its those customers who need only ISO:14001 certified products. Also, by observing these norms, Hind Lamps will be able to regulate the use of its resources like water, electricity, gases etc and thus become a pollution- free organisation.

    ISO:14001 to Hind Lamps fgUn ySEIl dks ISO:14001


  • Bio Fertilizer Training Given to Villagers :A 4-day Biocompost Training Camp was organized with the joint efforts of Khadi Gramodyog commission, Meerut and Paryavaran Mitra.

    The training camp was inaugurated by Dr. P.K. Gupta, Dy Director, Firozabad. On this occasion, he emphasized to the farmers that chemical compost could be dangerous for soil. Now in this present status the farmers should use b i o c o m p o s t a n d biopesticide.

    Dr. Rajeev, Soil Scientist, K V K , H a z r a t p u r enlightened the audience on t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f b i o c o m p o s t a n d i t s significance. Mr. Satish K u m a r S h a r m a , D e v e l o p m e n t O f f i c e r (Biotechnology), Khadi Gramodyog commission, Meerut explained that in this training camp training w i l l b e g i v e n t o a l l participants for increasing the fertility of soil, making of biocompost and its uses. Bank loan facility will also be provided for the smooth functioning of the project.” He also explained the various methods of making Bio Fertilizers.

    Mr. B. N. Kardam, District Coordinator, Bank of India, motivated the villagers regarding self-help group formation so that they could e a r n m o r e i n a large-scale production. He also discussed loan schemes, its limit and interest of loan.

    Dr. Anokhelal explained in detail the benefits of bio fertilizers in improving the barren land.

    At the valedictory session of this training camp Mr. M. Y. Siddiqui, Sub Developmental Officer, Khadi Gramodyog was the chief guest. In this program about 35 villagers from Baah, Ubati, Kalyanpur, Lachhpur, Bateshwar, Nagla Bhoop, Sujawalpur, Nagla Guljari, Nagla Chanda, Bramhabad, Bakalpur, Dahini, Madepura, Khohri, Mewali, Dabrai, Variyarmau etc participated and received training. Dr. Subodh Dubey and Mr. M.Y. Siddiqui jointly distributed the certificates.

    Date : 27th January to 30th January 2007

    Place : Staff Club, Hind Parisar

    Co-organised by : KVIC & Paryavaran Mitra

    4 {Xdgr̀ O°{dH$ ImX ‡{ejU {e{da H$m Am̀moOZ ImXr J́m_mo⁄moJ Am̀moJ,

    _oaR> Edß ǹm©daU {_Ã Ho$ gß̀ wä V VÀdmdYmZ _| {H$̀m J̀mü &

    {e{da H$m CX≤KmQ>Z Cn H•${f {ZXoeH$, {\$amoOm~mX S>m. nr. Ho$. JwflVm Zo {H$̀mü &

    Bg Adga na C›hm|Zo {H$gmZm| H$m AmÙdmZ {H$̀m {H$ amgm̀{ZH$ ImX go IoVr

    H$mo hmo ahr hm{Z H$mo g_PVo h̨E A~ dä V Am J̀m h° {H$ {H$gmZ m̂B© A{YH$ go

    A{YH$ IoVr _| O°{dH$ ImX g{hV O°{dH$ H$sQ>ZmeH$ H$m ‡̀moJ H$a|ü &

    H•${f {dkmZ Ho$›– hOaVnwa Ho$ H•${f

    {dkmZr S>m. amOrd Zo {H$gmZm| H$mo O°{dH$

    ImX H$s Cǹmo{JVm VWm CgHo$ _hÀd

    na ‡H$me S>mbmü &

    ImXr J́m_mo⁄moJ Am̀moJ _oaR> Ho$ {dH$mg

    A{YH$mar (O°d ‡m°⁄mo{JH$s) gVre

    Hw$_ma e_m© Zo H$hm {H$ Bg {e{da Ho$

    A›VJ©V ŷ{_ H$s Cd©aVm ~ãT>mZo VWm

    O°{dH$ ImX ~ZmZo Edß BgHo$ ‡̀moJ H$m

    ‡{ejU {X̀m Om̀oJmü & Bg n[àmoOZm

    H$mo MbmZo Ho$ {bE ~¢H$ F$U H$s r̂

    gw{dYm hmoVr h°ü & C›hm|Zo J́m_rUm| H mo$

    O°{dH$ ImX ~ZmZo Ho$ {d{̂›Z VarHo$

    ~Vm̀oü &

    ~¢H$ Am∞\$ Bp S>̀m Ho$ {Obm g_›d̀H$

    ~r. EZ. H$X©_ Zo J́m_rUm| H$mo Òd̀ß

    ghm̀Vm g_yh ~ZmH$a AnZo Òd̀ß Ho$

    bKw C⁄moJ {Og_| ~ãS>o ÒVa na O°{dH$

    ImX H$m CÀnmXZ r̂ hmo gH$Vm h°, Cg

    _X _| ~¢H$ go F$U boH$a Bg {Xem _|

    AmJo ~ãT>Zo H r gbmh Xr, Bgr ‡H$ma

    C›hm|Zo ~Vm̀m {H$ Zm~mS>© go {d{̂›Z

    ‡H$ma Ho$ J́m_mo⁄moJ MbmZo Ho$ {bE

    Ï̀pä VJV Edß g_yh H$mo 3 bmI

    VH$ AZwXmZ {_b gH$Vm h° Am°a ImXr J́m_mo⁄moJ Ho$ gh̀moJ go AZwXmZ

    boZo na „̀mO _| 4 ‡{VeV H$s Ny>Q> H$m bm̂ r̂ {_bVm h°ü &

    H•${f {dkmZ Ho$›– hOaVnwa Ho$ S>m. AZmoIobmb Zo ~ßOa ŷ{_ gwYma Ho$ {bE

    O°{dH$ ‡̀moJ Ho$ _m‹̀_ go gwYma Ho$ ~mao _| {dÒVma go H•$fH$m| H$mo ~Vm̀mü &

    H$m̀©H́$_ Ho$ g_mnZ _| ImXr J́m_mo⁄moJ Ho$ Cn{dH$mg A{YH$mar E_. dmB©.

    {gX≤XrH$s {deof Í$n go CnpÒWV h̨Eü & H$m̀©H́$_ _| ~mh, D$~Q>r, H$Î̀mUnwa,

    bmN>nwa, ~Q>oÌda, ZJbm ŷn, gwOmdbnwa, ZJbm JwbOmar, ZJbm MßXm,

    ~́̃m~mX, ~mH$bnwa, S>m{hZr, _ãT>onwam, Imohar, _odbr, X~aB©, d[àma_D$

    Am{X J́m_m| Ho$ bĴJ 35 {H$gmZm| Zo m̂J boH$a AnZm nßOrH$aU H$am̀mü & E_.

    dmB©. {gX≤XrH$s Edß S>m. gw~moY Xw~o Zo gß̀ wä V Í$n go ‡_mU nà {dV[aV {H$̀oü &

    {XZmßH$ : 27 OZdar go 30 OZdar 2007ÒWmZ : ÒQ>m\$ ä b~, {h›X n[aga

    gß̀ moOZ : ImXr J́m_mo⁄moJ Am̀moJ, _oaR> Edß ǹm©daU {_Ã

    J́m_rUm| H$mo {X̀m J̀m O°{dH$ ImX H$m ‡{ejU

    View of Bio-Manure O°{dH$ ImX H$m —Ì̀

    Importance of Bio Fertilizer is being taught by Agricluture Scientist Dr. Rajeev

    O°{dH$ ImX Ho$ bm̂ ~VmVo H•${f d°km{ZH$ S>m. amOrd


  • World Pollution Eradication Day:

    Date : 2nd December, 2006

    Place : Jasrana, Western U.P.

    Co-organised by : Lok Rashtriya P.G. College

    and Paryavaran Mitra

    Girls of Jasrana P.G. Colleges participating in Pollution Eradication

    Rally on World Pollution Day

    {XZmßH$ : 2 {XgÂ~a 2006ÒWmZ : OgamZm, npÌM_r CÀVa ‡Xoegß̀ moOZ : bmoH$ amÔ¥>r̀ {S>J́r H$m∞boO Edß

    ǹm©daU {_Ã

    {dÌd ‡XyfU {ZdmaU {Xdg:

    ‡XyfU {ZdmaU a°br {ZH$mbVt OgamZm Ho$_hm{d⁄mb̀m| H$s N>mÃmEß

    Painting competition in Bright Scholar’sAcademy, Sirsaganj

    ~́mBQ> ÒH$m∞bg© EHo$S>_r, {gagmJßO _|nop›Q>®J ‡{V̀mo{JVm

    Street Play byN.C.C. Cadets, Lucknow

    Zwä H$ãS> ZmQ>H$ H$s ‡ÒVw{V XoVt EZ. gr. gr. bIZD$ H$s N>mÃmEß

    Date : 2nd November, 2006

    Place : Staff Club, Hind Parisar

    Co-organised by : N.C.C. (Lucknow & Shikohabad) and

    Paryavaran Mitra

    {XZmßH$ : 22 ZdÂ~a 2006ÒWmZ : ÒQ>m\$ ä b~, {h›X n[aga

    gß̀ moOZ : EZ. gr. gr. (bIZD$ Edß {eH$mohm~mX)VWm ǹm©daU {_Ã

    A dripping tap can waste up to 6 litres of

    water in a day.

    More than of the earth's water is in its oceans. About 2% o f the ava i l ab le drinking water is frozen leaving only for drinking.


    1% 1%


  • Tree Plantation :

    PMP Nagpur organized a tree plantation programme jointly with Patwardhan High School & Forest Department. This was carried out by Mr. Bhangu’s method of root watering.

    ǹm©daU {_Ã n[adma ZmJnwa Zo nQ>dY©Z hmB©ÒHy$b Am°a dZ{d̂mJ Ho$ gß̀ wä V gh̀moJ go d•jmamonU H$m̀©H́$_ Am̀mo{OV {H$̀m Omo {H$ lr m̂›Jy H$s OãS> qgM̀Z {d{Y na AmYm[aV Wmü &

    d•jmamonU :

    PMP Hind Lamps organized a Tree Plantation program in Kamalnayan

    Kanan on 23rd January, 2007 in which ten trees were planted by

    Students of Shiksha Prakashalaya.

    ǹm©daU {_Ã n[adma {h›X b°Âflg ¤mam 23 OZdar 2007 H$mo H$_bZ̀Z H$mZZ _| d•jmamonU H$m̀©H́$_ Am̀mo{OV {H$̀m J̀mü & {ejm ‡H$memb̀

    Ho$ N>mÃ-N>mÃmAm| ¤mam Xg noãS> bJmE Jeü &

    Other Adopted Methods Paryavaran Mitra Pariwar Patna, Kolkata,

    Bhubaneswar and Guwahati distributed Leaflets.

    Awareness programmes organised by Paryavaran Mitra Pariwar Guwahati at Expo-2006, by Kochi on 24th November, 2006, by Lucknow and Patna in Red hills School and Christ Mission School, by Bhubneswar Pariwar in Shree Ram Mandir, by Kolkata in 20th Industrial India Trade Fair at Salt Lake.

    i;kZoj.k fe= ifjokj iVuk] dksydkrk] Hkqous’oj rFkk xqokgkVh }kjk iEisyV forj.k fd;k x;kA

    i;kZoj.k fe= ifjokj xqokgkVh }kjk ,Dliks&2006 ij] dksphu

    }kjk 24 uoEcj 2006 dks] y[kuÅ ,oa iVuk }kjk jsMfgYl Ldwy

    ,oa ØkbLV fe'ku Ldwy esa] Hkqous'oj }kjk Jhjke efUnj esa]

    dksydkrk }kjk 20osa Hkkjrh; vkS|ksfxd O;kikj esyk] lkWYVysd esa

    tkx:drk dk;ZØe fd;s x;sA Am̀mo{OV

    A›̀ J[V{d{Ỳm± :

    If you wash your own car, park on the grass so that you will be watering it at the same time.

    To cook 1 cup of rice you need 2 cups of water but to wash the pan in which it has been cooked you need 4-5 litres of water.


  • Competitions on World Forest DayA Painting Competition was organised on the topic of “Save Tree & Forest” in Lord Krishna Public School, Shikohabad on World Forest Day. In the Competition a total of 90 students of Class Nursery to 5 participated.

    {dÌd dm{ZH$s {Xdg na ‡{V̀mo{JVmEß

    {dÌd dm{ZH$r {Xdg Ho$ Adga na {eH$mohm~mX ZJa Ho$ bmS>© H•$ÓUm np„bH$ ÒHy$b

    _| "d•j ajm Edß dm{ZH$s gßdY©Z' {df̀ na nop›Q>®J ‡{V̀mo{JVm H$m Am̀moOZ {H$̀m

    J̀mü & {Og_ |Zga© r g onmMß dr VH$ H$o H$w b 90 ~¿Mm |Z o m̂J {b̀mü &

    Oxygen is the Nutrient of Soul : Kiran Bajaj

    “World Forest Day” was celebrated by a Tree Plantation programme in ‘Kamalnayan Kanan’. Kiran Bajaj interacted with the children on the topic of ‘Benefits of Trees’.She said ancient saints gained knowledge under trees because trees are the source of pranvayu ”Oxygen”. Oxygen saves human life. She said one who gives is “Devta”. Trees give us Oxygen. Hence they are “Dev” (Deities). She motivated all the children to take an oath for saving trees and forest to save not only our own Country but the whole Universe. She said trees are most important for human life. So we should save trees under all circumstances.The Officers, Staff and Teachers of Shiksha Prakashalaya and Little Lamps were present at the function. Tree songs were sung by students of Shiksha Prakashalaya.

    {h›X n[aga _| "{dÌd dm{ZH$s {Xdg' H$_bZ̀Z H$mZZ _| d•jmamonU H$a

    _Zm̀m J̀mü &

    {H$aU ~OmO Zo AnZo dä VÏ̀ _| noãS>m| go hmoZo dmbo bm̂m| H$mo ~VmVo h̨E H$hm {H$

    ""noãS>m| go D$Om© ‡mflV hmoVr h°ü & Am{XH$mb _| h_mao F${f-_w{Z Am{X r̂ kmZ

    ‡mpflV Ho$ {bE noãS>m| Ho$ ZrMo hr g_m{Y bJmVo Woü & ä m̀|{H$ noãS>m| go {ZH$bZo dmbs

    ‡mUdm̀w AmÀ_m H$m nmofU H$aVr h°ü & dm̀w _| BVZr epä V hmoVr h° Omo {H$ OrdZ

    H$mo ~Mm gH$Vr h°ü &'' C›hm|Zo ~¿Mm| go gßdmX e°br _| ~mVMrV H$sü & C›hm|Zo H$hm

    "" Omo XoVm h° dh XodVm h°ü & d•j h_| ‡mUdm̀w XoVm h° Bg{bE dh XodVm h°ü &''

    C›hm|Zo ~¿Mm| go ~́̃mßS> Am°a Xoe ~MmZo Ho$ {bE d•jm| H$mo ~MmZo H$s gm°J›Y

    {XbmB© Am°a H$hm d•j _ZwÓ̀ OrdZ Ho$ {bE _hÀdnyU© h¢ AV: h_| ha hmb _| d•j

    ~MmZo Mm{hEü &

    H$m̀©H́$_ _| {h›X b°Âflg A{YH$marJU, {ejm ‡H$meb̀ Edß {b{Q>b b°Âflg

    ÒHy$b Ho$ {ejH$JU Edß {d⁄mWu H$m\$s gߪ̀m _| CnpÒWV Woü & N>mÃ-N>mÃmAm|

    Zo d•j Xod H$s _{h_m H$m Jm̀Z {H$̀mü &

    Date : 21st March 2007

    Place : Kamalnayan Kanan, Hind Parisar.

    Organised by : Paryavaran Mitra

    {XZmßH$ : 21 _mM© 2007ÒWmZ : H$_bZ̀Z H$mZZ, {h›X n[aga

    gß̀ moOZ : ǹm©daU {_Ã

    ""d•j h_| ‡mUdm̀w XoVo h¢'': {H$aU ~OmO

    qhX b°Âflg n[aga _| AnZo hr noãS> ->nm°Ym| Am°a n{j̀m| H$s AZoH$ Om{V̀mß-‡Om{V̀mß h¢ü & B›hr _| go EH$ h°-H$MZmaü & dZÒn{VemÛ Ho$ AZwgma ;g dfVcU/kh; tyok;q esa mxus okyk e/;e vkdkj dk 'kksHkkdkjh o`{k gSA oSls rks ;g lEiw.kZ Hkkjr esa gksrk gS ysfdu eq[;r% ;g gfj;k.kk esa ik;k tkrk gSA bls djy] duYyk] dUMyk vkfn ukeksa ls Hkh tkuk tkrk gSA ;g ,d ltkoVh o`{k gS ftlds 'kk[kk,a nwj rd [kqyrh gqbZ fxjrh gSaA Qjojh&ekpZ ekg esa bldh 'kk[kk,a lQsn o gYds cSaxuh jaxksa ds Qwyksa ls Hkj tkrh gSaA bl iztkfr dk mi;ksx fjDr LFkkuksa] [ksrksa dh esM+ksa dks ckaVus rFkk [kqys ,oa csdkj iM+s LFkkuksa dks Hkjus esa fd;k tkrk gSA

    ckSfgfu;kbZ ifjokj dk]

    Hind Parisar is very rich in its own vegetation and birds. There are more than 100 types of trees-plants and varied species of birds all over the place. One such tree is that of Kachnaar.

    Kachnaar is the local Indian name for a variety of medium size deciduous trees of the Bauhinieae plant family found abundantly in Haryana.. The Kachnaar tree is also known by local names like Karal, Kanalla, Kandla, etc. It is an ornamental tree with drooping branches. It produces a rich harvest of light purple and white blossoms in February-March. The Kachnaar is a good species for planting in open wastes as well as vacant dividing butts and bunds of agricultural holdings.

    Kachnaar trees in Hind Lamps Parisar

    qhX n[aga _| H$MZma


    For Amaltas, see page 15

  • Rally & Roadshows – Hyderabad and Lucknow Pariwars of Paryavaran Mitra organised Rallies & Roadshows to create awareness regarding environment. Banners were displayed and leaflets were distributed.

    a°br Edß _mJ© ‡Xe©Z : ǹm©daU {_Ã h°Xam~mX Edß bIZD$ n[admam| Zo a°br Edß _mJ© ‡Xe©Z H$a ǹm©daU OmJ•{V \°$bmB©ü & ~°Za ‡Xe©Z VWm nÃH$ {dV[aV {H$̀o J̀oü &

    Chandigarh PMP in Jan 2007 took out Paryavaran Awareness Rally in village Pabahat, Zirakpur to spread awareness on cleanliness and sanitation for protection of environment.

    ǹm©daU {_Ã n[adma M S>rJãT> ¤mam OZdar 2007 _| J́m_ nm~hQ>, {OamH$nwa _| ǹm©daU H$s Òd¿N>Vm Edß gwajm Ho$ {bE ǹm©daU MoVZm a°br {ZH$mbrü JB©ü &

    Choose appliances that are more energy and water efficient.

    PMP Noida carried out wall paintingof Paryavaran messages in Rishikesh.

    ǹm©daU {_Ã n[adma Zmò S>m Zo F${fHo$e _| JßJmHo$ VQ> na ǹm©daU gßXoe Xrdma boIZ H$am̀mü &

    Avoid over watering your lawn. Most of the year, lawns only need one inch of water per week.

    Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.

    Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -

    Awareness Programmes OmJÍ$H$Vm H$m̀©H́$_


  • Date : 23rd March 2007

    Place : Hind Awasiya Colony

    Organised by : Paryavaran Mitra

    {XZmßH$ : 23 2007H$m∞bmoZr

    _mM©ÒWmZ : {h›X Amdmgr̀

    gß̀ moOZ : ǹm©daU {_Ã

    Awareness was created in N.C.C. Cadets and Rally was Organised:An N.C.C. camp was organized at Mandai village in which about 600 cadets came from Mainpuri, Agra, Mathura, Etawah, Firozabad. Paryavaran Mitra conducted daily visits at this village to discuss with cadets the issue o f c o n s e r v a t i o n o f e n v i r o n m e n t . T h e i r q u e s t i o n s r e g a r d i n g environmental degradation and conservation were answered and all cadets were motivated for environmental conservation.

    A rally “Save Environment” was organized at Mandai v i l l age . Loca l people , students and villagers were motivated towards preservation of environment and it was emphasised that the use of tobacco, Gutkha, polythene is dangerous for our existence and environment so their use should be prohibited.

    Date : 22nd December 2006

    Place : Village Madai

    Co-organised by: Paryavaran Mitra and N.C.C.

    EZ. gr. gr. H°$S>oQ≤>g H$mo {H$̀m OmJÍ$H$, a°br {ZH$mbr J̀r:

    {XZmßH$ 12. 12. 06 go {XZmßH$ 25. 12. 06 VH$ J́m_ _m±ãS>B© _| _°Znwar,

    AmJam, _Wwam, BQ>mdm, {\$amoOm~mX Ho$ EZ. gr. gr. H°$S>oQ≤>g H$m {e{da

    Am̀mo{OV {H$̀m J̀mü & Bg_| bĴJ

    600 Nm>Ã-N>mÃm̀| Woü & "ǹm©daU {_Ã'

    Zo ‡{V{XZ OmH$a H°$S>oQ≤>g go ǹm©daU

    aIaImd H$s MMm© H$sü & CZH$s

    {OkmgmAm| H$m g_mYmZ {H$̀m VWm

    CZH$m AmÙdmZ {H$̀m {H$ do O~ dm{ng

    AnZo-AnZo H$m∞boOm|, {d⁄mb̀m|,

    eham|, _whÎbm|, H$m∞bmoZr _| Om̀| Vmo

    AnZo-AnZo ÒVa go Omo r̂ gÂ̂d hmo,

    ǹm©daU Ho$ {bE H$a|ü &

    {XZmßH$ 22 {XgÂ~a H$mo EH$ ""ǹm©daU

    ~MmAmo'' a°br J́m_ _mßãS>B© _| {ZH$mbr

    J̀rü & ÒWmZr̀ J́m_dm{g̀m| H$mo VÂ~mHy$, JwQ>Im, nm∞br[WZ H m ‡̀moJ Z H$aZo

    VWm O°{dH$ IoVr H$aZo Ho$ {bE C›h| OmJÍ$H$ {H$̀m J̀mü & ǹm©daU H$s Amoa go

    O{° dH$ ImX, dj• mamno U Am{X ĝr gÂ̂d ghm̀Vm XZo oH$m AmÌdmgZ r̂ {X̀m J̀mü&

    {XZmßH$ : 22 {XgÂ~a 2006ÒWmZ : J́m_ _mßãS>B©

    gß̀ moOZ : ǹm©daU {_Ã Edß EZ. gr. gr.

    Kiran Bajaj talking with rural women. J́m_rU _{hbmAm| Ho$ g_j AnZo {dMma ‡H$Q> H$aVt {H$aU ~OmO&


  • Corporate Social Responsibility undertaken by Bajaj Paryavaran Mitra Pariwars :Bajaj Paryavaran Mitra Pariwars organized the following activities :

    Tree Plantation Awareness Programmes-

    Wall Painting and Rally & Road Shows

    ● ●

    ~OmO ǹm©daU {_Ã n[admam| ¤mam {ZÂZ J{V{d{Ỳm± Am̀mo{OV H$s JB™ :

    d•jmamonU OmJÍ$H$Vm H$m̀©H́$_ Ho$ AßVJ©V

    Xrdma boIZ d a°br Edß _mJ© ‡Xe©Z

    ● ●

    ~OmO ǹm©daU {_Ã n[admam| ¤mam Ï̀dgm̀ H$mgm_m{OH$ CÀVXm{̀Àd:

    Every Member of Bajaj Electricals Paryavaran Mitra Pariwar should spread Environmental Awareness:Dr. Subodh Dubey, Secretary, Paryavaran Mitra gave a presentation on the on-going activities and future plans of Paryavaran Mitra to an audience of Bajaj Electricals Pa r y a v a r a n M i t r a Family who came from its different centers throughout India.

    He to ld to Ba ja j Paryavaran Mitras “ T o d a y o u r environment is more polluted than ever before. We will be leaving behind a highly polluted environment for our next generation if we do not bring awareness. He also emphasized the need for water conservation. Due to increasing water pollution, the scarcity of drinking water is increasing day by day. He also discussed the scenario when drinking water would be so scarce as to be hardly available.

    In this program Mr. C.G.S. Mani, Mr. Rohit Kumar from Mumbai, Mr. G.K. Aithal and Mr. Dayanand Kulkarni from Pune, Mr Shantanu Banerjee from Kolkata, Mr. Jagmohan Madhurai, Mr. Rajkumar from Hyderabad, Mr. Santosh Darad from Patna, Mr. Peter Ramchandran Annadurai and K. Anand from Chennai, Mr. Gaurav Khanna, Mr. Shekhar Shyamal from Chandigargh, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Mohanti from Bhubaneswar. Mr. Shriniwas, Mr. Murli V.R. from Bangalore, Mr. Anil Yadav from Indore, Mr. Ankur Jain from Noida, Mr. Aswal Sobet Singh, Mr. Mahendra Kumar Sharma from Delhi, Mr. M. S. Ibrahim from Cochin, Mr. Ashutosh Patel from Raipur and Mr. Abhimannu Pandey, Mr. Ashish Kumar Singh from Lucknow participated.

    Date : 12th February 2007

    Place : Meeting Room, Hind Lamps Ltd.

    Organised by : Paryavaran Mitra

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    ǹm©daU {_Ã Ho$ g{Md S>m. gw~moY Xw~o Zo m̂aV Ho$ H$moZo-H$moZo go Am̀o ~OmO

    Bbopä Q¥>H$Îg ǹm©daU {_Ã n[adma Ho$ gXÒ̀m| Ho$ g_j ǹm©daU {_Ã ¤mam

    Âr VH$ H$s JB™ VWm H$s Om

    aht J{V{d{Ỳm| Edß {̂dÓ̀ H$s

    m̀oOZmAm| H$mo Bß{JV H$aVr

    nmda fldmBßQ> ‡Oo›Q>oeZ H$m

    ‡ÒVw{VH$aU H$a ǹm©daU Ho$

    ‡{V OmJÍ$H$ {H$̀mü &

    C›hm|Zo ~OmO ǹm©daU {_Ã

    n[adma Ho$ gXÒ̀m| H$mo ~Vm̀m

    {H$ ""nyd© g_̀ Ho$ AnojmH•$V

    AmO h_mam ǹm©daU

    AÀ̀{YH$ Xy{fV hmoVm Om ahm h°

    Am°a AJa h_ AmO OmJ•V Zht h̨E Vmo h_mar AJbr

    nrãT>r Ho$ {bE h_ ‡Xy{fV ǹm©daU Ho$ Abmdm Hw$N> N>moãS>H$a Zht Om̀|Joü &'' nmZr

    Ho$ ~mao _| ~VmVo h̨E C›hm|Zo H$hm {H$ ""‡À̀oH$ Ï̀pä V H$mo ‡{Vdf© OrZo Ho$ {bE

    {OVZm nmZr AmdÌ̀H$ hmoVm h°ü , nrZo m̀oῺ CVZm nmZr dV©_mZ g_̀ _| r̂ Zht

    ah J̀m h° Am°a AJa Bgr Vah ‡XyfU ~ãT>Vm ahm Vmo AmJo H$m {̂dÓ̀ {~Zm nò

    nmZr Ho$ H°$gm hmoJm, BgH$m AZw_mZ bJm̀m Om gH$Vm h°ü &'' C›hm|Zo ĝr

    CnpÒWV gXÒ̀m| go AmÙdmZ {H$̀m {H$ dh OZ-OZ H$mo ǹm©daU Ho$ ‡{V

    OmJÍ$H$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE AmJo Am̀|ü &

    H$m̀©H́$_ _| _wÂ~B© _wª̀mb̀ Ho$ bmBqQ>J Cnm‹̀j gr. Or. Eg. _{U, amo{hV

    Hw$_ma, nwUo Ho$ Or. Ho$. EoWb, X̀mZ›X Hw$bH$Uu, H$mobH$mVm Ho$ em›VZw ~ZOu,

    h°Xam~mX Ho$ OJZ_mohZ _XwaB©, amOHw$_ma, nQ>Zm Ho$ gßVmoe XaX, Mo›ZB© Ho$

    nrQ>a am_M›–Z A›ZmXwamB©, Ho$. AmZ›X, M S>rJãT> Ho$ Jm°ad I›Zm, eoIa

    Ì̀m_b, ŵdZoÌda go gßOrd Hw$_ma _mohßVr, ~ßJbmoa Ho$ lr{Zdmg H•$ÓUOr,

    _wabr drAma., BßXm°a Ho$ A{Zb m̀Xd, Zmò S>m Ho$ AßHw$a O°Z, {XÎbr Ho$ AÒdb

    gmo~V qgh, _ho›– Hw$_ma e_m©, H$moMrZ Ho$ E_. Eg. _mohÂ_X B~́mhr_, am̀nwa

    Ho$ AmewVmof nQ>ob VWm bIZD$ Ho$ A{̂_›̀w nm S>ò , Amerf Hw$_ma qgh Zo

    m̂J {b̀mü &

    {XZmßH$ : 12 \$adar 2007ÒWmZ : _rqQ>J Í$_, {h›X b°Ân≤g {b.

    gß̀ moOZ : ǹm©daU {_Ã

    ~OmO Bbopä Q¥>H$Îg ǹm©daU {_Ã n[adma OZ-OZ _| \°$bmEß ǹm©daU Ho$ ‡{V OmJÍ$H$Vm:

    C⁄moJ-Ï̀dgm̀H$m gm_m{OH$ CÀVaXm{̀Àd

    {dMma Ï̀ä V H$aVo S>m. gw~moY Xw~oDr. Subodh Dubey making a Presentation to Bajaj Electricals PMP’s


  • Now, our society, government and nature don’t have the

    ownership on water. Its ownership is shrinking in the hands

    of some people and companies. Government water policies

    are encouraging water traders. So, because of these reasons

    our water is sold to us at the rate of milk and these companies

    like Coke, Pepsi etc are increasing their profit graphs.

    At present in our country business of water is increasing day

    by day. Now it is a Rs. 28000 crores business and it is

    expected that this business will increase upto twenty times

    till 2020. So it is more important to stop these activities that

    are enhancing the privatization of water resources. Beyond

    the thoughts of trading water and commercialization of

    water resources, we should think about the preservation and

    conservation of water resources.

    Preservation and conservation of water resources builds the

    status of water table but it also mitigates water trading.

    Water conservation and restoration is the task of public-

    empowerment so the organizations working in this direction

    like Mahila Mandal, Yuvak Mandal and Paryavaran Mitra

    should take initiatives involving youth, women and rural

    mass for the preservaton and conservation of water


    So, every member of the society can help with his creative

    thinking in cooperation with such organizations.

    -Rajendra Singh

    Recipient of Ramon Magsaysay Award

    A~ nmZr na g_mO, gaH$ma Am°a g•pÓQ> H$m _m{bH$mZm hH$ Zht ahm, ~pÎH$

    h̀ Hw$N> Ï̀pä V̀m| Am°a Hß$n{Z̀mß Ho$ hmWm| _| {g_Q>Vm Om ahm h°ü & gaH$ma H$s

    Ob Zr{V nmZr H$m Ï̀mnma H$aZo dmbr Hß$n{Z̀m| H$mo ~ãT>mdm Xo ahr h°ü &

    BgH$m \$m̀Xm CR>mVo h̨E H$moH$, noflgr, ÒdoO, {~dßS>r O°gr ~ãS>r Hß$n{Z̀mß h_mam

    nmZr h_| hr XyY Ho$ m̂d ~oMH$a h_go _wZm\$m H$_m ahr h¢ü & Bg g_̀ Xoe _|

    26000 H$amoãS>> Èǹo Ho$ nmZr H$m Ï̀mnma h° Am°a df© 2020 VH$ BgHo$ ~rg

    JwZm hmoZo H$s gß̂ mdZm OVmB© Om ahr h°ü &

    Bg{bE V_m_ {dnarV n[apÒW{V̀m| Ho$ ~mdOyX Xoe Am°a g_mO _| Bg ‡H$ma Ho$

    _mZg H$m {Z_m©U H$aZm hr hmoJm {H$ bmoJm| H$mo bJo {H$ Ob Ho$ {ZOrH$aU Ho$

    {Ibm\$ IãS>m hmoZm, XaAgb CZHo$ IwX Ho$ {hV _| h¢ü & h̀ H$m_ {ZOrH$aU Ho$

    {Ibm\$ {g\©$ CnXoe XoZo go Zht hmoJm, ~pÎH$ Ob gßJ́hU, CgHo$ ‡~ßYZ H$s

    Ï̀mdhm[aH$Vm go bmoJm| H$mo AdJV H$amZo go hmoJmü & Om{ha h°, aMZmÀ_H$ D$Om©

    H$s gamhZm dmbr H$m̀©e°br Ob gÀ̀mJ́h H$m _mhm°b ~Zm gH$Vr h°ü &

    Ob gÀ̀mJ́h nmZr Ho$ {ZOrH$aU Ho$ {damoY _| Vmo h° hr, dh ÒdXofr Òdmdbß~Z

    Ho$ nj _| _O~yVr go IãS>m h°ü & Myß{H$ Ob gßajU m̀ nwẐ©aU H$m H$m_ bmoH$

    g~brH$aU H$m H$m̀© h°, Bg{bE Bggo OwãS>r gßÒWmAm| Ho$ {hV _| h̀ h° {H$ do

    _{hbm _ßS>b, ẁdH$ _ßS>b, ǹm©daU {_Ã O°go g_yhm| Ho$ JR>Z _| m̀oJXmZ X|ü &

    Bggo g_mO H$m ‡À̀oH$ gXÒ̀ {H$gr Z {H$gr g_yh go OwãS>H$a AnZr

    aMZmÀ_H$ gmoM Ho$ O[ào Ob Ho$ {ZOrH$aU Ho$ {dÍ$’ AnZm m̀oJXmZ H$a

    gH$Vm h° &

    - amOo›– qgh

    ao_Z _°Jgogo nwaÒH$ma go gÂ_m{ZV

    Who will bethe owner of water?

    ä m̀ h_mao nmZr na r̂CZH$m H$„Om hmoJm?

    World Water DayWorld Water Day {dÌd Ob {Xdg {dÌd Ob {Xdg

    Rajendra Singh’s work in building up ‘Johads’ in the arid villages of Rajasthan has been a singular contribution in water management.

    lr amO|– qghZo amOÒWmZ Ho$ gyIo Jmßdm| _| OmohãS>m| ¤mam Ob ‡~ßYZ _| A{¤Vr̀ m̀oJXmZ {X̀m h° {Ogo AßVam©Ô¥>r̀ _m›̀Œmm {_br h°ü &


  • A Rally on the occasion of World Water Day:A Pollution Eradication Rally was organised by Paryavaran Mitra in Hind Parisar on the occasion of “World Water Day”.

    Paryavaran Mitra President Kiran Bajaj and Anish Godha flagged off the Rally. Students and Teachers of Little Lamps School and Shiksha Prakashalaya and Staff of Paryavaran Mitra, JBF etc. participated in the rally.

    The Students and Volunteers raised Slogans like “Pradushan Hatao, Bimari Mitao”, “Jahan Hogi Safai, Wahan na hogi Dawai” etc.

    Smt. Namita Godha and Smt. Niti Gupta were also present in the Rally.

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg na a°br:

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg Ho$ Cnḃ̀ _| {h›X n[aga _| "‡XyfU {ZdmaU a°br' {ZH$mbr

    JB©ü &

    lr_Vr {H$aU ~OmO VWm AZrg JmoYm Zo har PßS>r {XImH$a a°br H$m eŵ maÂ̂

    {H$̀mü & N>mÃm| Edß Òd̀ß godH$m| Zo "‡XyfU hQ>mAmo-~r_mar {_Q>mAmo', "Ohm± hmoJr

    g\$mB©-dhm± Z hmoJr XdmB©', "Ob h° Vmo H$b h°, OrdZ H$m ha nb h°' Am{X Zmam|

    Ho$ gmW a°br CÀgmh nyd©H$ {ZH$mbrü &

    a°br _| lr_Vr Z{_Vm JmoYm Edß lr_Vr Zr{V JwflVm r̂ CnpÒWV Wtü &

    Anish Godha, Smt. Kiran Bajaj, Smt. Namita Godha and Km. Geetika Bajaj

    with Children in Rally

    Date : 23rd March 2007

    Place : Hind Awasiya Colony

    Organised by: Paryavaran Mitra

    {XZmßH$ : 23 _mM© 2007ÒWmZ : {h›X Amdmgr̀ H$m∞bmoZr

    gß̀ moOZ : ǹm©daU {_Ã

    Competitions on World Water DayA Painting Competition was organised on the topic of “Avoid Water Pollution” in Lord Krishna Public School, Shikohabad on World Water Day. In the competition a total of 90 Students of Class Nursery to 5 participated.

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg na ‡{V̀mo{JVmEß

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg Ho$ Adga na {eH$mohm~mX ZJa Ho$ bmS>© H•$ÓUm np„bH$ ÒHy$b

    _| "Ob ‡XyfU go ~Mmd' {df̀ na na nop›Q>®J ‡{V̀mo{JVm H$m Am̀moOZ {H$̀m

    J̀mü & {Og_| H$jm Zg©ar go nmßM VH$ Ho$ Hw$b 90 ~¿Mm| Zo m̂J {b̀mü &

    a°br _| ~¿Mm| Ho$ gmW AZrg JmoYm, lr_Vr {H$aU ~OmO, lr_Vr Z{_Vm JmoYm Edß Hw$. Jr{VH$m ~OmO

    A view of Pollution Eradication Rally

    ‡XyfU {ZdmaU a°br H$m —Ì̀

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg {dÌd Ob {Xdg World Water DayWorld Water Day

    Most of the world's people must walk at least 3 hours to fetch water.


  • Ganga Action Plan:It’s not only unfortunate but really embarrassing that the most sacred river is losing its sacredness because of continuous pollution. The rivers engulfed in pollutants show our negligence towards the p r i c e l e s s n a t u r a l h e r i t a g e . Unfortunately, in many other rivers the mechanism to clear pollutants hasn’t been successful as is also in case of the Ganges. Undoubtedly, even after spending one thousand crores the pollution in the Ganges is still at a dangerous level. According to the census report, pollution in Ganges in Uttar Pradesh is so dangerous that it is responsible for 10 percent of diseases in the area. This means that nothing concrete has been done towards the cleaning of Ganga. It would be better if Ganga action plan is implemented in such a way that it will be an example for other action plans to follow. No doubt, this can only be successful if proper supervision, accountability & transparency are honestly followed.

    ‡Xy{fV JßJm H$m̀© m̀oOZm:h̀ Xŵ m©ῺnyU© hr Zht ~pÎH$ e_©ZmH$ r̂ h° {H$ gdm©{YH$ n{dà ZXr H$m XOm©

    aIZo dmbr JßJm ‡XyfU Ho$ H$maU An{dà gr hmoVr Om ahr h°ü & Bg ZXr H$m

    ‡XyfU go J́ÒV ~Zo ahZm h̀r ~VmVm h° {H$ h_ m̂aVr̀

    AnZr AZ_mob ‡mH•${VH$ {damgV go {H$g Vah

    {IbdmãS> H$a aho h¢? Xŵ m©Ὼ go A›̀ AZoH$ Z{X̀m| H$mo

    ‡XyfU go _wä V H$aZo H$s m̀oOZmAm| H$s Hw$N> d°gr hr

    pÒW{V h° O°gr JßJm H$m̀© m̀oOZm H$s h°ü &

    Bg ~mV H$m H$moB© Am°{MÀ̀ Zht {H$ H$ar~ EH$ hOma

    H$amoãS> Í$ǹo IM© H$a XoZo Ho$ ~mdOyX JßJm _| ‡XyfU H$m

    ÒVa IVaZmH$ ~Zm h̨Am h°ü & bmoH$ boIm g{_{V Ho$

    _wVm{~H$ CÀVa ‡Xoe _| JßJm H$m ‡XyfU BVZm IVaZmH$

    h° {H$ H$ar~ Xg ‡{VeV ~r_m[àm| H$m _yb H$maU h̀r h°ü & BgH$m _Vb~ h° {H$

    JßJm H$s g\$mB© Ho$ Zm_ na Hw$N> R>mog H$m̀© h̨Am hr Zhtü &

    ~ohVa hmoJm {H$ JßJm H$m̀©̀ moOZm H$mo Bg Í$n _| {H́$̀mp›dV {H$̀m OmE {H$ dh

    A›̀ Eogr hr m̀oOZmAm| Ho$ {bE EH$ AmXe© gm{~V hmoü & {ZÖ gßXoh h̀ V~ hmoJm

    O~ H$m̀© m̀oOZm _| {ZJamZr, Odm~Xohr Am°a nmaX{e©Vm Ho$ VÀdm| H$mo B©_mZXmar

    go em{_b {H$̀m OmEJmü &

    If Gangotri continues to Melt, Ganga will soon dry up :30 km. long and 65794 hectares broad lay the Gangotri glacier. Ganges has come out from the assimilation of Bhagirathi, which has come out from Gangotri glacier & Alaknanda River which has come out from the Meru Bamak glacier. Meru Bamak glacier which was once a part of Gangotri has started receding. From 1997-2000, it has receded upto 17.17 mtr per year. Due to ecological imbalance, if these two glaciers Meru Bamk & gangotri start receding, then it will not take a long time for the Ganges to dry up.

    Today, the volume of water in Ganga has reduced to half. And if this situation continues, then the Ganges will completely dry down by 2025.The main reasons behind this are the continuous felling of trees in the low land areas and construction of road in the mountainous region. Because of this felling, Loo (Warm Winds) enters through the Bhagirathi mountains which increases the temperature of that area & results in the non-deposition of snow. As snow is not getting deposited, the existence of Himalaya rivers is in danger and its size is shrinking day by day.

    Due to lack of water, there is no flood in the Ganga basin which leads to the groundwater depletion & fertility of the land also gets reduced.

    - Sunderlal Bahuguna

    JßJmoÃr {nKbVm ahm Vmo gyI Om̀oJr JßJm :Vrg {H$_r. bÂ~o Am°a 657.94 dJ© {H$_r. (65794 hoä Q>ò a) joÃ\$b _|

    \°$bo JßJmoÃr Ωbo{èa go {ZH$bVr m̂JraWr Am°a _oÍ$ ~m_H$ Ωbo{èa go {ZH$br

    AbH$ZßXm Z{X̀m| H$m {_bZ JßJm H$mo

    O›_ XoVm h°ü & _OÍ$ ~m_H$ Ωbo{èa Omo

    H$̂r JßJmoÃr H$m {hÒgm Wm, H$m AmH$ma

    r̂ bJmVma KQ> ahm h°ü & df© 1977 go

    2000 VH$ BgHo$ KQ>Zo H$s a‚Vma

    17.17 _rQ>a ‡{Vdf© ahr h°ü &

    ǹm©daUr̀ AgßVwbZ Ho$ H$maU {̀X

    JßJmoÃr Am°a _oÍ$ ~m_H$ Ωbo{èa ỳß hr

    VoOr go {nKbVo aho Vmo EH$ {XZ JßJm H$m

    gyIZm V̀ h°ü &

    dV©_mZ _| JßJm _| nmZr nhbo H$s Anojm

    AmYm ah J̀m h°ü & h̀r {ÒW{V ahr Vmo

    gZ≤ 2025 VH$ h̀ gyI Om̀oJrü &

    BgH$m ‡_wI H$maU h° VamB© joÃm| _| m̂ar n°_mZo na dZm| H$m H$Q>Zm Am°a nd©Vr̀

    AßMb _| gãS>H$m| H$m {Z_m©Uü & OßJb H$Q> OmZo go _°XmZr BbmHo$ H$s by m̂JraWr

    H$r KmQ>r _| AmgmZr go ‡doe H$a OmVr h°ü & Bggo dhmß H$m Vmn_mZ ~ãT> ahm h°

    {OgH$s dOh go A~ nhbo H$s Vah ~\©$ Zht O_Vrü & ~\©$ Z O_Zo Ho$ H$maU

    {h_ZXr H$m ApÒVÀd IVao _| nãS> J̀m h° Am°a CZH$m AmH$ma bJmVma gßHw${MV

    hmo ahm h°ü &

    nmZr Ho$ Âmd _| A~ JßJm _| nhbo H$s Vah ~mãT> Zht AmVr {Oggo JßJm Ho$ _°XmZ

    _| ŷOb nyd© H$s m̂ß{V A~ arMmO© Zht hmoVmü & Bggo JßJm Ho$ _°XmZr BbmH$m| H$s

    Cd©aVm r̂ H$_ hmo ahr h°ü &

    -gwßXabmb ~h̨JwUm

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg {dÌd Ob {Xdg World Water DayWorld Water Day


  • Water Crisis:Water crisis is the result of our desire to be modern, casualness and indulgence of the artificial life. Two-third of earth’s surface is covered by water and the land accounts for only one-third of the same. Earth’s hydrosphere consists of a total of 1.46 billion cubic kilometers of water. 97.5 % of this is in oceans, which because of being saline is of no use for the mankind. 1.5% is in frozen form in glaciers and ice capped mountains. Only 1% of water is left for our daily use. This utilizable water is in form of rivers, lakes, ponds and groundwater. Most of the terrestrial creatures are dependent on these sources of water. It should be noticed that even the saline water from all the seas plays a very important role in the occurrence of rain and gives the gift of life to the mankind on earth. This cycle of sea and surface water protects the life on earth by keeping the land and the forests green. The current water crisis has been created by mismanagement of this very water.

    Studies related to water show that on an average a man needs more than 1700 cubic meters annually. If the water availability for per person goes below 1000 cubic meters, then its considered that scarcity of water exists in that area. And if this figure for water utilization goes below 500 cubic meters then drought l ike situation starts to build up in that area. In parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa where water crisis exists, the water utilization per person has gone below 400 cubic meters. In areas with water crisis situation the continuous exploitation of water has resulted in the decline of water table from 500 ft. to more than 1500 ft. And this is definitely the result of our reckless utilization of ground water for the last 5 decades. Ground water has been over exploited because of the no restriction on installing tubewells after the 70s, construction of five star hotels and big colonies and expansion of cities. The ability to hold the surplus rain water has reduced because of the deforestation. The river channels are also getting narrower. And whatever water is left in the river has been made poisonous by the industrial waste. The simple solution for stopping the water crisis is to maintain the water level of the groundwater. Annually out of the total 8760 hours, it only rains for 100 hrs. Presently, all our problems are because of the lack of proper storage, appropriate utilization and management of this 100 hrs of water.

    Ob gßH$Q>:Ob gßH$Q> h_mao AmYw{ZH$ hmoZo H$s bbH$, bmnadm{h̀m| Am°a H•${Ã_ OrdZ go

    {bnQ> OmZo H$m ZVrOm h°ü &

    n•œdr H$s Xmo {VhmB© gVh nmZr go T>H$s h̨B© h° VWm BgH$m _mà EH$ {VhmB© m̂J

    ŷ{_ Ho$ Í$n _| h°ü & n•œdr Ho$ Bg Ob_ßS>b _| Hw$b 1.46 Aa~ KZ {H$bmo_rQ>a

    Ob h°ü & Bg_| 97.5 \$sgXr Ob _hmgmJamßo _| h°ü Omo bdUr̀ hmoZo Ho$ H$maU

    h_mao {bE AZwǹmoJr h°ü & eof 1.5 \$sgXr {h_ZXm| VWm nd©V {eIamo H$m|o

    Am¿N>m{XV H$aZo dmbr ~\©$ Ho$ Í$n _|o O_m h°ü & bĴJ EH$ \$sgXr Ob hr h_mao

    X°{ZH$ CǹmoJ Ho$ {bE ~MVm h°ü &

    h̀ Ob Z{X̀m|, Prbm|, Vmbm~m| VWm ŷOb Ho$ Í$n _| h°ü & A{YH$mße ÒWbr̀

    Ord Ob Ho$ B›ht ÚmoVm| na {Ẑ©a h¢ü & Jm°aVb~ h° {H$ g_w– Ho$ Ob H$m gßnyU©

    m̂J Imam hmoZo Ho$ ~mdOyX ~agmV Ho$ Í$n _| h̀ ‡H•${V H$m AZwn_ Cnhma

    ~ZH$a _mZd H$mo YaVr na OrdZ XoZo _| _hÀdnyU© ŷ{_H$m AXm H$aVm h°ü & g_w–

    Ob Am°a ŷ{_JV Ob H$m h̀r gwMH́$ O_rZ Am°a OßJb H$mo ham-̂am H$aHo$

    bmoJm| Ho$ OrdZ H$s ajm H$aVm h° Bg Ob Ho$ _mZdr̀ Hw$‡~ßYZ Zo hr h̀ Ob

    gßH$Q> CÀn›Z {H$̀m h°ü &

    nmZr go OwãS>o A‹̀̀Z ~VmVo h¢ {H$

    EH$ AmX_r H$mo df© _| Am°gVZ

    1700 KZ _rQ>a go r̂ A{YH$ Ob

    H$s AmdÌ̀H$Vm hmoVr h°ü & {̀X

    Ï̀pä V Ho$ {bE Ob H$s Cnb„YVm

    1000 KZ _rQ>a go ZrMo Mbr

    OmVr h° Vmo h̀ _mZ {b̀m OmVm h°

    {H$ dhmß nmZr H$m Âmd hmo Mbm h°ü &

    nmZr Ho$ Cn̂moJ H$m h̀r J[UV O~

    500 KZ _rQ>a go r̂ ZrMo Mbm

    OmVm h° Vmo Cg joà _| Ob-AH$mb

    O°go bjU n°Xm hmoZo bJVo h¢ü &

    amOÒWmZ, JwOamV, AmßÝ ‡Xoe

    Am°a CãS>rgm _| Ob gßH$Q> O°gr pÒW{V dmbo ewÓH$ {hÒgm| _| ‡{V Ï̀pä V Ob

    H$s Cnb„YVm 400 KZ_rQ>a go r̂ ZrMo Mbr JB© h°ü &

    Ob gßH$Q> dmbo ‡Xoem| _| nmZr Ho$ {ZaßVa XmohZ go AmO Ob ÒVa 500 \w$Q> go

    boH$a 1500 \w$Q> ZrMo Mbm J̀mü & {ZpÌMV hr h̀ h_mao {nN>bo nmßM XeH$ _|

    ŷ-Ob Ho$ _Z_mZo XmohZ H$m hr ZVrOm ahm h°ü & gÀVa Ho$ XeH$ Ho$ ~mX

    Q≤>̀y~dob bJmZo H$s Iwbr Ny>Q>, nßM{gVmam hmoQ>bm| Edß {dembH$m̀ H$mbmo{Z̀m|

    H$m {Z_m©U VWm ZJam| Ho$ \°$bmd BÀ̀m{X go ŷ-Ob H$m ~h̨V A{YH$ XmohZ

    h̨Amü & BgHo$ A{V[aä V JhamVo Ob gßH$Q> Ho$ {bE dZm| H$s {dZmebrbm r̂ H$_

    _hÀdnyU© Zht h°ü & dZm| Ho$ H$Q>md go dfm© Ho$ A{YH$Va Ob H$mo gßOmò o aIZo H$s

    j_Vm H$_ h̨B© h°ü & h̀r H$maU ahm h° {H$ ŷ{_ Ob gßJ́hU Zht H$a nm ahr Am°a

    PaZo gyI aho h¢ü & Z{X̀m| H$s Ymam r̂ nVbr hmo Mbr h°ü & Omo Hw$N> Z{X̀m| H$m

    nmZr ~Mm r̂ h° Cgo Am°⁄mo{JH$ H$Mao Zo Oharbm ~Zm {X̀mü &

    Ob gßH$Q> H$mo amoH$Zo H$m grYm gm J{UV ŷ{_JV Ob ÒVa H$mo ~ZmE aIZo H$m

    h°ü & df© _| Hw$b 9760 KßQ>m| _| go _mà 100 KßQ>o hr ~m[ae hmoVr h°ü & AmO H$s

    h_mar gmar _wgr~V BZ gm° KßQ>m| Ho$ nmZr Ho$ {d{YdV gßJ́hU, Hw$eb ‡̀moJ Am°a

    gw‡~ßYZ Z H$aZo H$mo boH$a hr h°ü &

    {dÌd Ob {Xdg {dÌd Ob {Xdg World Water DayWorld Water Day


  • {dÌd Ob {Xdg {dÌd Ob {Xdg World Water DayWorld Water Day


    Sea levels will rise 40 cm. higher by 2100 and 50 million people in coastal India would be displaced by flooding.



    The glacial meltdown will first result in rivers being flooded and then drying up. The Ganga delta would turn infertile.

    Increasingland infertility

    Source: India Today

    38% drop in per capita water availability by 2050for Indians as great drys become frequent.

    Decreasingwater availability

    2035 is the year when the Himalayan glaciers maytotally disappear, causing catastrophic disruptions.

    disappearing Himalayas


  • Bio-Manurefollowing nos. of Bio Manure Pits have been made as on 31st March 2007:

    Vermi Compost : In Nagla Sunder 2, In Nagla Bhoop 1, In Nagla Chanda 2, In Bateshwar 1, In Hind Parisar 2, In Roopaspur 1, and in Chhatanpura 1. Total 11 Nos.

    Bhu-Nadep : In Nagla Bhoop 5, In Bateshwar 2, Bakalpur 23, in Lachhpur 1, In Nagla Lokman 6, in Brahmabad 1, In Chhatanpura 4, Roopaspur 2, Nagla Girdhari 1 and Hind Parisar 2. Total 47 Nos.

    Membership DriveMembership of Paryavaran Mitra is increasing. The total number of members till the publication of this newsletter is 3418 with 4 Honorary Life Members, 30 Life members, 165 Patron members and 3197 Ordinary Members, 22 Ordinary Student Members.

    O°{dH$ ImX_mM© _mh 2007 VH$ {ZÂZ O°{dH$ ImX ‡H$Înm| H$m {Z_m©U hmo MwH$m h° :

    d_uH$ÂnmoÒQ> ‡H$În : ZJbm gw›Xa _| 2, ZJbm ŷn _| 1, ZJbm MßXm _|

    2, ~Q>oÌda _| 2, {h›X n[aga _| 2, Í$ngnwa _| 1 VWm N>Q>Znwam _| 1

    g[hV Hw$b 11

    ŷ-ZmS>on ‡H$În : ZJbm ŷn _| 5, ~Q>oÌda _| 2, ~mH$bnwa _| 23,

    bmN>nwa _| 1, ZJbm bmoH$_Z _| 6, ~́̃m~mX _| 1, N>Q>Znwam _| 4,

    Í$ngnwa _| 2, ZJbm {JaYmar 1, VWm {h›X n[aga _| 2 g{hV Hw$b 47

    ŷ-ZmS>on H$ÂnmoÒQ> ‡H$Înm| H$m {Z_m©U {H$̀m Om MwH$m h°ü &

    gXÒ̀Vm A{̂̀mZ

    ǹm©daU {_Ã H$s gXÒ̀Vm ~ãT> ahr h°, Bg ›̀yµOb°Q>a Ho$ ‡H$m{eV hmoZo

    VH$ Hw$b gXÒ̀m| H$s gߪ̀m 3418 VH$ nh̨±M MwH$s h°ü & BZ_| 4 _mZX

    AmOrdZ gXÒ̀, 30 AmOrdZ,165 gßajH$ VWm 3197 gm_m›̀

    gXÒ̀, 22 gm_m›̀ N>mà gXÒ̀ em{_b h¢ü &

    “As a 17 year old student of the Cathedral and John Connon School, I came to Shikohabad, Uttar Pradesh to work with the elite NGO Paryavaran Mitra (Friends of Environment) and the Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation.I realized awareness assumes the utmost importance when environment comes into the picture. Paryavaran Mitra promotes this vital aspect by writing environmental messages on walls in villages in their local languages, organizing tree plantation drives that simultaneously promote the benefit of trees, endorsing cleanliness in schools, homes and factories and encouraging a pollution free environment. This two year old organization also believes in networking. It works with NGO’s like the Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation, a 30 year old organization that endorses the economic welfare of the people by supporting low cost toilets, non-polluting Gobar Gas Plants, weaving and tailoring. It strives to educate by setting up schools including ones that give vocational training.Through my experience, I realized that though the work of a single man is a drop in the ocean, it is imperative to realize that every drop counts. Individuals must realize that it is not possible to keep exploiting the environment without any repercussions. The environment must, in fact, be protected and cured of the many wounds that we have been inflicting on it since time immemorial.”

    Anish Godha26th March, 2007

    A youthspeak
