Andre Vigil Discover Presentation

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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Wheel of Wellbeing Brief

Transcript of Andre Vigil Discover Presentation

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing

Phase 1 - Discover



Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing

Discover Methods


• Concurrent Activities

- Existing projects

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Literature Review

- Books / Articles / Research

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Self-Ethnography

I consider myself a happy person

- Why? - Positive and optimistic person;

- I love to be with my family and friends;

- I put a lot of effort to have a healthy life;

- I understand the importance of helping others;

- I usually think myself ‘in the others people shoes’;

Similarities with existing studies and conclusions about happiness

My own conclusion:

What really makes people unhappy is when things doesn’t work as it should.

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Discover Questions ??? – Workshop group

- What spaces exist to engage our target audience?

- Who needs to have greater awareness?

- How to reach those not interested?

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing



• Target audience:

- Public transport employees and/or users

- Public agglomeration spaces

- Anti-social berravior

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Concurrent Activities for target audience

- Existing projects

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Primary Research - Interviews

- Directed to Bus Drivers

1) How are you instructed to act during overcrowd situations?

2) In your oppinion what must be done to make overcrowd situations better

for you and for the passengers?

- Directed to Commuters

3) In overcrowded buses, do you know what you can do to help the situation?

4) In your oppinion what must be done to make the overcrowd situations better?

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Interviews - Results

Date: 24/11/11 - Wandsworth Town - between 8:00 to 10:00 am

- Bus Drivers 5 drivers

All males

From 4 to 10 years of working experience

- Commuters 10 people total

5 males

5 females

Age 16 to 45

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Interviews – Results – Commom Answers

- Bus Drivers

1) How are you instructed to act during overcrowd situations?

a) They are instructed to avoid overcrowd, that’s why some times they

doesn’t open the front door for new passengers.

b) They have specifical recorded messages to make passengers to move

inside the bus and to use upper deck empty seats.

2) In your oppinion what must be done to make overcrowd situations better

for you and for the passengers?

a) Nothing, people don’t care. ‘we’ve already tryed everything’

b) Extra buses

c) Educate people

d) Make more space inside the bus

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Interviews – Results – Commom Answers

- Commuters

3) In overcrowded buses, do you know what you can do to help the situation?

a) No

b) Occupy all the space inside the bus (1 men and 2 women)

4) In your oppinion what must be done to make the overcrowd situations better?

a) Extra buses

b) Don’t know

c) Inform people

d) More patient drivers

Discover Methods

Happiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / WellbeingHappiness / Wellbeing


• Interviews

My conclusions:

The more affected people are not the ones inside the overcrowded buses but the

ones left out side not able to get on the buses

Passengers still need to be better informed in how to act in overcrowded buses

Extra buses will not avoid people to be left out side, but they need to know that another bus is coming soon.

Discover Methods