Andre kossivi lab 2 powerpoint

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Transcript of Andre kossivi lab 2 powerpoint

Plant Nutrients and Mutualisms

By: Kossivi Woluko, Andrew Gross

Macro Nutrients

Calcium- essential to the cell wall structure

Magnesium- essential for the process of photosynthesis

Sulfur- Improves root growth and seed production also helps resist the cold.

Nitrogen- Helps to make protein essential for chlorophyll and for rapid growth

Phosphorus- Helps Transform solar energy into chemical energy for plant such as chlorophyll.

Potassium- absorbed in large amount by plant to help build proteins

Micro Nutrients

Copper- aids in the chemical process of root metabolism

Iron- essential for formation of chlorophyll

Chloride- aids in entire plant metabolism

Boron- Essential to the development of plant seeds and fruits.

Molybdenum- essential for the process of the plant using nitrogen

Zinc- Regulates consumption of sugar molecules

Manganese- needed for enzymes for breakdown of carbohydrates


Most plants grow and develop by absorbing nutrients from the soil that their roots are imbedded in.

The nutrients are absorbed through the

roots of the plant and distributed

among the cells, vascular tissues

make the process of distributing


Structure It allows for depth and

width of roots to absorb nutrients.

Should be around a neutral pH level

Strategies for Obtaining Nutrients

Carnivory Obtain nutrients by trapping and digesting

invertebrates. Parasitism

Obtains nutrients from surrounding plants Root Mutualism

Sharing of nutrients through roots


The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula) Tiny hair on leaves Digest for Nutrients


Mistletoe (Viscum album) Grows on tree

branches Takes nutrients from

the tree

Root Mutualism

Share Nutrients Mycorrhizal

relationship Fungus and Tree

Interesting Story

Nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are found in waste water. These Nutrients are lost in conventional waste water plants leading to a scarcity of fertilizer for plants. Many plants need these nutrients in the soil for growth and development. To overcome this problem The researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology are devising alternative methods for recovering the nutrients from the wastewater to use them for agriculture.

Resources Webber , Charles . "Indian Pipe." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan 2011.

ncagr, . "Plant Nutrition." Kids World. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan 2011.

Campbell, 8th, Chapter 36 : Phylogeny and the Tree of Life

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. "Plant nutrients from wastewater." ScienceDaily 7 September 2010. 27 January 2011 < /releases/2010/09/100907113141.htm>