Analysing magazine adverts

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Analysing magazine adverts

Amazon Rose

Analysing Magazine Adverts

The artists name is featured in a much larger font size than the rest of the text, showing its importance and drawing the ye towards the name.


Award winning, shows outside recommendation and success of the artist/album.

Blurb highlights the young age of the artist, suggesting a fresh or new sound. Also stating the producers and origin of the track for background information and depth.

HMV logo offers another place to buy the album.

Purple colour scheme used throughout, in background and font upon the actual digipak, to keep a sense of consistency and create a style/brand.

Website stated to reference another publishing format for the audience to use. The website could also provide an opportunity or link for purchasing the album. Also a particular single is highlighted which has prior success and could be a selling point.

The album cover highlights the nose ring that the viewer is instantly drawn to within the image due to the bright silver. This could also be a ‘signature’ part of the artists look and could help distinguish them.

The CD itself is pictured, to familiarise the viewer with the product and create an image that will be recognised within a store or purchasing situation.

Photograph shows the artists face very close up, so that some of her face is hidden. This could suggest a sense of mystery and secrecy, leading the viewer to want to investigate.

The photograph takes up the entire frame of this side of the advertisement, to create impact and display the image of the artist increasing awareness.

Font style is uses serifs, showing authentic and sophisticated styling that could suggest age and embellishing. This more detailed font can also draw the eye more to the words as oppose to a clean font. The capitalisation also shows the importance of the title and clearly establishes the artist to the audience.


The placement of the artists name immediately grabs the viewers attention by the natural tendency to read from top to bottom.

The photograph shows the album cover itself and is almost true to size of the CD. This aids the viewer in being able to establish the album in the shop and familiarises the audience with this new product the artist has created. The photograph shows a shop front which pays reference to Mumford & Sons strong clothing styling that helps differentiate them.

“Prize winning” “ Mercury album of the year” shows outside recommendation and a persuasive angle for purchasing the album.

The calligraphic cartouches add a gilded and embellished touch and further evokes this style.

The font is carried on throughout the advertisement, creating a uniform consistency. This consistency allows the poster to develop a style or brand that will be followed through within other aspects e.g. Digipak and enable the audience to recognise the artist via the style.

“Gentlemen of the road” reference to the 2013 festival stopovers that Mumford and Sons featured in. Second advertisement for the artist and also the festival. Encouraging fans to see the band live.

The font is kept consistent throughout the poster, along with the colour scheme of white, grey and a vibrant green. The order of the colours within the text is also kept the same, to avoid two colours following each other (white, then green). This uniformed approach allows the poster to develop a style or brand that will be followed through within other aspects e.g. Digipak and enable the audience to recognise the artist via the style. The use of two colours highlights and differentiates separate pieces of information as well as create a more dynamic and ‘3D’ design.

The photograph depicts the artist, immediately identifying the audience with who this magazine is advertising. The photograph is black and white which fits with the theme of the advert and also helps the coloured words to stand out. A this artist is a soul singer which is a genre often focusing on emotions within lyrics. This photograph shows this through the emotional stance of the artist, eyes cast down and head resting upon hand she seems to be in a state of thought and or upset.

Aged or old film look could suggest authentic, original, traditional or vintage style/sound. Large photograph takes up most of the advert, showing the importance of the artist and the nature of the single songwriter as oppose to a collective (band).

Capitalisation and clean font create a simplistic style without clutter or mess upon the page. Enabling the advertisement to stand out amongst a busy magazine.


Simplistic and yet striking graphic/photograph covers the whole of the advertisement. The photograph depicts a sunshine filled scene that silhouettes a palm or fern draping across the frame. This shows connotations of nature, being outside, summer and is a generally very positive and summery image.

The colour scheme of purple, reds, oranges and whites evokes a very warm and inviting image that could suggest an upbeat or warm-sounding album with positive lyrics.

Bold yet detailed font is very eye-catching and contrasting in clean white capitals that contrast with the somewhat murky and dark background. The shadowing helps the letters stand out and the alternative curving font matches the sunny image.

Font is kept consistent at the base of the advertisement where the title of the album is placed. Below the release time is again in the same font but in slightly fainter colouring, to help the album title stand out and contrast against the darker background.

Website at the base of the advertisement, to reference another publishing format for the audience to use. The website could also provide an opportunity or link for purchasing the album.


“PLAY.COM” advertisement as to where to buy the album, encouraging the viewer to purchase the product and increasing ease of access.

Album cover is not in bold, but still retains the capitalisation and clean font. This helps the artist name to stand out and be the most important piece of text.


Title in a clean cut white font at the top of the advertisement. This teamed with the simplistic background image helps to create a simplistic style without clutter or mess upon the page. Enabling the advertisement to stand out amongst a busy magazine.

“Featuring” mentions single tracks that have been popular and successful already, as a persuasive selling point to purchase the album.

Sunday Times culture review, links with the photograph and is an established and trusted source of recommendation

Makes a reference to the artists young age, showing there is potential for even more success as well as fresh and new sound/take on the music genre.

The image using nature is very typical of this genre (acoustic pop) and could be something I could relate to in my own music video as it shares this genre.

The release date is shown to make the viewer aware of when this album is available, this increases awareness and publicity.

The background image shows a figure we assume is the artist diving amongst a sunlit blue watery abyss. This is a very peaceful image and although it does suggest an element of danger, the expanse of water is not threatening due to the light colours and streaks of sunlight protruding from the surface.