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61A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment



3.1 Introduction

Kids represent an important demographic to marketers because they

have their own purchasing power. They influence their parents buying

decisions and they are the adult consumers of the future. Industry spending on

advertising to children has exploded in the past decade, increasing from a

mere $100 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 2000. Parents today are

willing to buy more for their kids because of the smaller family size, dual

incomes and postponing children until later in life. As well, guilt can play a

role in spending decisions as time-stressed parents substitute material goods

for time spent with their kids. Here are some of the strategies marketers

employ to target children and teens.

3.2 Pester Power

Today's kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within

the family than in previous generations. So it follows that kids are vocal about

what they want their parents to buy. "Pester power" refers to children's ability

to nag their parents into purchasing items which may not be otherwise bought.

Marketing to children is all about creating pester power, because advertisers

know what a powerful force it can be. According to the 2001 marketing

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industry book Kidfluence, pestering or nagging can be divided into two

categories—"persistence" and "importance." Persistence nagging (a plea, that

is repeated over and over again) is not as effective as the more sophisticated

"importance nagging." This latter method appeals to parents' desire to provide

the best for their children, and plays on any guilt they may have about not

having enough time for their kids.

3.3 Building Brand Name Loyalty

Canadian author Naomi Klein tracks the birth of "brand" marketing in

her 2000 book No Logo. According to Klein, the mid-1980s saw the birth of a

new kind of corporation—Nike, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, to name a

few—which changed their primary corporate focus from producing products

to creating an image for their brand name. By moving their manufacturing

operations to countries with cheap labour, they freed up money to create their

powerful marketing messages. It has been a tremendously profitable formula,

and has led to the creation of some of the most wealth and powerful multi-

national corporations the world has seen. Marketers plant the seeds of brand

recognition in very young children, in the hopes that the seeds will grow into

lifetime relationships. According to the Center for a New American Dream,

babies as young as six months of age can form mental images of corporate

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logos and mascots. Brand loyalties can be established as early as age two, and

by the time children head off to school most can recognize hundreds of brand

logos. While fast food, toy and clothing companies have been cultivating

brand recognition in children for years, adult-oriented businesses such as

banks and automakers are now getting in on the act. Magazines such as Time,

Sports Illustrated and People have all launched kid and teen editions—which

boast ads for adult related products such as minivans, hotels and airlines.

3.4 Buzz or Street Marketing

The challenge for marketers is to cut through the intense advertising

clutter in young people's lives. Many companies are using "buzz marketing"—

a new twist on the tried-and-true "word of mouth" method. The idea is to find

the coolest kids in a community and have them use or wear your product in

order to create a buzz around it. Buzz, or "street marketing," as it's also called,

can help a company to successfully connect with the savvy and elusive teen

market by using trendsetters to give their products "cool" status. Buzz

marketing is particularly well-suited to the Internet, where young "Net

promoters" use newsgroups, chat rooms and blogs to spread the word about

music, clothes and other products among unsuspecting users.

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3.5 Commercialization in Education

School used to be a place where children were protected from the

advertising and consumer messages that permeated their world—but not

anymore. Budget shortfalls are forcing school boards to allow corporations

access to students in exchange for badly needed cash, computers and

educational materials. Corporations realize the power of the school

environment for promoting their name and products. A school setting delivers

a captive youth audience and implies the endorsement of teachers and the

educational system. Marketers are eagerly exploiting this medium in a number

of ways, including:

1. Sponsored educational materials: for example, a Kraft "healthy eating"

kit to teach about Canada's Food Guide (using Kraft products); or

forestry company Canfor's primary lesson plans that make its business

focus seem like environmental management rather than logging.

2. Supplying schools with technology in exchange for high company


3. Exclusive deals with fast food or soft drink companies to offer their

products in a school or district.

4. Advertising posted in classrooms, school buses, on computers, etc. in

exchange for funds.

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3.6 The Internet

The Internet is an extremely desirable medium for marketers wanting to

target children:

1. It's part of youth culture. This generation of young people is growing up

with the Internet as a daily and routine part of their lives.

2. Parents generally do not understand the extent to which kids are being

marketed to online.

3. Kids are often online alone, without parental supervision.

4. Unlike broadcasting media, which have codes regarding advertising to

kids, the Internet is unregulated.

5. By creating engaging, interactive environments based on products and

brand names, companies can build brand loyalties from an early age.

3.7 Marketing Adult Entertainment to Kids

Children are often aware of and want to see entertainment meant for

older audiences because it is actively marketed to them. In a report released in

2000, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) revealed how the movie,

music and video games industries routinely market violent entertainment to

young children.

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The FTC studied 44 films rated "Restricted," and discovered that 80 per

cent were targeted to children under17. Marketing plans included TV

commercials run during hours when young viewers were most likely to be

watching. One studio's plan for a violent R-rated film stated, "Our goal was to

find the elusive teen target audience, and make sure that everyone between the

ages of 12 and 18 was exposed to the film."Music containing explicit-content"

labels were targeted at young people through extensive advertising in the most

popular teen venues on television, and radio, in print, and online. Of the video

game companies investigated for the report, 70 per cent regularly marketed

Mature rated games (for 17 years and older) to children. Marketing plans

included placing advertising in media that would reach a substantial

percentage of children under 17. The FTC report also highlighted the fact that

toys based on characters from mature entertainment are often marketed to

young children. Mature and Teen rated video games are advertised in youth

magazines; and toys based on restricted movies and M-rated video games are

marketed to children as young as four.

3.8 Kids Entertainment International Limited

Kids Entertainment International Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary

of Kids Entertainment, Inc, which is headquartered in New York City, with

regional offices for its trading card business in San Diego, California. 4Kids

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Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: KDE) is a global organisation devoted to the

creation, development, production, broadcasting, distribution, licensing and

manufacturing of children’s entertainment products. The 4Kids Group of

companies produce animated television series and films, distribute 4Kids’

produced or licensed animated television series for international markets,

license merchandising rights worldwide to 4Kids’ owned or represented

properties, operate websites to support 4Kids’ owned or represented

properties, and produce and market collectible trading card games.

Chaotic Trading Card Game, the brand that brought technology to

trading cards and created a new play pattern for 21st Century kids ChaoticTM,

the brand that brought technology to trading cards, is becoming one of the

most successful new kids’ brands. This next generation trading card game can

be played in person or online at

3.9 The Commercialization of Childhood, Creative Play and Children’s


The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is a common

and evocative means of arguing for the necessity of community involvement

in child rearing. Care for children has to extend beyond the immediate family.

It also reminds us that children experiences beyond the family, in the

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neighbour hood or community-can have a powerful impact on their growth

and development. These days, the village raising our children has been

transformed by the unprecedented convergence of sophisticated, increasingly

miniaturized screen technology and unfettered commercialism. As a result,

children are bombarded from morning to night by messages designed—not to

make their lives better—but for the sole purpose of selling something. Health

care providers have long known to look beyond the child to the influence and

values of family, neighbour hood, and peer group. But now we have to

consider the influence and values of the commercial world as well. The result

of the convergence of leaps forward in technology and steps backwards in

corporate regulation is unprecedented in the lives of children. And while we

don’t know yet what kind of adults this generation of screen-saturated,

commercialized children will become, there is mounting evidence that the

impact of this convergence may be harmful. Commercialism is a factor in

many of the public health and social problems facing children today.

Childhood obesity, discontent about body image and eating disorders,

sexualization, youth violence, family stress, underage drinking and underage

tobacco use are all linked to advertising and marketing. So is the erosion of

creative play - the foundation of learning, creativity, and the capacity to make

meaning of life. And the underlying message of commercial marketing - that

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the things we buy will make us happy - is a major factor in the acquisition of

materialistic values, which have been found to be linked to depression and

low self esteem in children.

3.10 Beyond Commercials: Marketing to Children in the 21st Century

The marketing environment in which kids are growing up today is

significantly different from that experienced by their parents as children. In

1983, corporations spent $100 million annually in direct advertising to

children in the United States alone. Now it is estimated that they spend about

$17 billion. Today, huge corporate conglomerates own television and radio

stations, web businesses and film studios and successfully insert screen time

into the lives of an increasingly younger audience. The American Academy

of Pediatrics recommends discouraging screen time for children under the age

of 2, yet 90% of parents say that their infants and toddlers regularly consume

some sort of electronic media, 40% of 3-month-old babies in the United States

regularly “watch” television and DVDs for an average of 45 minutes a day,

and 19% of babies under the age of 1 have a TV set in their bedroom. There

is a very little research available on the impact of screen time on babies, but

the research that does exist suggests that there is little evidence that children

under two learn anything useful from screens. One study suggests that content

viewed may have an impact on language learning, but others show that

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screens are simply not an effective means of promoting language development

for children under 2. There is also some evidence that screen time may be

harmful for babies. Studies suggest that early screen use can be habit-forming

and is negatively associated with cognitive development, regular sleep

patterns, and language acquisition. The more babies and toddlers engage with

screens, the less time they spend in creative play and interacting with

parents—two activities known to be educational. Television is still the

primary venue for advertising to children, but Internet marketing through

computers and hand-held devices like MP3 players is escalating, as is text-

message marketing on cell phones., the website belonging to the

internationally popular children’s cable station, Nickelodeon, took in $9.6

million between July, 2004 and July, 2005—more advertising revenue than

any other site. In fact, as digital technology becomes more sophisticated, TV

and the Internet are merging to become a whole new interactive media and

marketing experience for children. Although children see thousands of

commercials each year on television alone, modern marketing methods extend

well beyond the traditional 30 second ads. The marketing industry is still

creating TV commercials aimed at children, but companies are expanding

their reach through a variety of other techniques. Probably the most popular

and effective method for marketing to young children is brand licensing, when

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a media image is sold to other companies in order to market toys, food,

clothing and accessories. Most children’s media characters have become tools

for marketing other products. About 97% of children under 6 in the United

States own something—such as a doll, stuffed animal, action figure, bedding,

or clothing—that features the image of a character from the media. It is

increasingly difficult to find any products for children, from food to toys, that

are unadorned by media characters and logos. Today, even children’s books

are often media linked. As a result, children’s play, reading, art and music are

primarily shaped by pre-created characters, plots, and themes. What were

once tools for self-expression are now designed to remind children constantly

of media programs and their products, teaching them to value that which can

be bought over their own creations.

3.11 Commercialism and Erosion of Creative Play

Among the most troubling ramifications of allowing marketers

unfettered access to children is the erosion of creative play, which is central to

healthy development. Play is both culturally universal and fundamental to

children’s wellbeing—and is listed as a guaranteed right in Article 31 of the

United Nation’s 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. Play is critical

to healthy development, and ensuring children’s right to play is an essential

building block toward a sustainable world. The ability to play creatively is

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central to our capacity to experiment, to act rather than react, and to

differentiate ourselves from our environment. It is how children wrestle with

life and make it meaningful. Spirituality, and advances in science and art, are

all rooted in play. Play promotes attributes essential to a democratic populace,

such as curiosity, reasoning, empathy, sharing, cooperation, and a sense of

competence—a belief that we can make a difference in the world.

Constructive problem-solving, divergent thinking, and the capacity for self-

regulation are all developed through creative play. Children at play may

enthusiastically conjure cookies out of thin air or talk with creatures no one

else can see, yet they still remain grounded in the “real” world. Once children

develop the capacity for simultaneously recognizing an object for what it is

and what it could be, they are able to alter the world around them to further

their dreams and hopes, and to conquer their fears. When children are given

the time and opportunity, they turn spontaneously to “pretend play” to make

sense of their experience, to cope with adversity, and to try out and rehearse

new roles. They also develop the capacity to use pretend play as a tool for

healing, self-knowledge, and growth. We have traditionally assumed that

when children have leisure time, they are engaged in some kind of self-

directed, or “free,” play, the motivation for which generates from within,

rather than from external forces. But for the first time in history, the most

common activity for children around the world is watching television. In

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Vietnam, 91 percent of mothers report that their children watch television

often, as do more than 80 percent of mothers in Argentina, Brazil, India, and

Indonesia. In the United States, children spend more time in front of screens

than in any other activity besides sleeping. Preschool children spend about 32

hours a week in front of screens. Including multitasking, children ages 8 - 18

spend average of 4 ½ hours per day watching television, 1½ hours using

computers, and more than an hour playing video games—more than 7 hours a

day. Research tells us that the more young children engage with screens, the

less time they spend in creative play. There is some evidence that some screen

media can encourage children to play creatively. But when screens dominate

children’s lives—regardless of content—they are a threat, not an

enhancement, to creativity, play, and make-believe. The more time children

have to nurture and develop their own interpretations of media content, the

more likely they are to move beyond the electronic script they have viewed.

But if children are constantly in front of screens, when do they have time to

explore and develop any thoughts, feelings, and ideas that media content

might engender? When it comes to being a springboard for creativity, screen

media is less effective than radio and books primarily because it requires less

from us. Reading requires us to imagine both aural and visual images. Radio

provides sound, but still necessitates that we imagine what the story looks

like. Screen media does all that work for us and, in addition, seems to be an

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aid in remembering content, which means they can simultaneously be helpful

to certain kinds of learning and inhibit rather than promote imagination. The

fact that it is now possible to view programs on DVDs, MP3 players, and cell

phones, as well as on TiVo and other home recording devices that provide

programming “on demand,” makes multiple viewings of the same program a

new fact of children’s lives. Across platforms, electronic screens are the

primary means for marketers to target children. Loveable media characters,

cutting-edge technology, brightly colored packaging, and well-funded

marketing strategies combine in coordinated campaigns to capture the hearts,

minds, and imaginations of children—teaching them to value that which can

be bought over their own make-believe creations. Today, more than ever,

children need the time, space, tools, and silence essential for developing their

capacities for curiosity, creativity, self-reflection, and meaningful engagement

in the world. But when consumerism and materialistic values dominate

society, creative play is no longer valued. The toys that nurture imagination—

blocks, art supplies, dolls, and stuffed animals free of computer chips and

links to media—can be used repeatedly and in a variety of ways, diminishing

the need to spend money on new toys. In other words, creative play enriches

the lives of children, but not corporate profits. The electronic wizardry

characterizing today’s best-selling toys makes for great advertising

campaigns. They look like fun. But they are created with a kind of planned

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obsolescence. They are not typically designed with the goal of engaging

children for years, or even months. They are designed to sell. If interest

wanes, so much the better—another version will soon be on the market. Toys

that talk and chirp and do back flips all on their own take much of the

creativity, and therefore the value, from play activities. Brand-licensed toys

are an especially large business, bringing in an estimated $6.2 billion in 2007

just in the United States.i Toys that represent familiar media characters whose

voices, actions, and personalities are already in place rob children of

opportunities to exercise their own creativity—especially if kids are familiar

with the program on which the character is based. Unless we find ways to

prevent marketers from targeting children, we can expect children’s play

activities to foster imitation, reactivity, and dependence on screens rather than

creativity, self-initiation, and active exploration.

3.12 Children’s Activities at Mashatu Main Camp

With this program we intend to entertain children, but at the same time

to educate them about the bush and the wildlife we share our lives

with. Children will always be under the supervision of a responsible manager

and/ or ranger while on the program, whether within the confines of the camp,

or out in the bush. Leading the programme is Mpho Manthe, together with the

team of Mashatu rangers. After a year of experience at Disney World (USA),

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Mpho has a rich knowledge of children’s entertainment – many of the games

designed for this programme found their origin at Disney. The program is

geared towards children aged 12 years and under. Activities will depend on

the time of the year, and the number of days the children are with us in camp.

Research volunteers will also lend assistance to the children’s program,

subject to availability. A Mashatu backpack including an interactive check-

list, bird colouring book, coloured pencils & sharpener, compass &

thermometer and water are given to each child between the ages of 4 and 12.

76A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Mpho has a rich knowledge of children’s entertainment – many of the games

designed for this programme found their origin at Disney. The program is

geared towards children aged 12 years and under. Activities will depend on

the time of the year, and the number of days the children are with us in camp.

Research volunteers will also lend assistance to the children’s program,

subject to availability. A Mashatu backpack including an interactive check-

list, bird colouring book, coloured pencils & sharpener, compass &

thermometer and water are given to each child between the ages of 4 and 12.

76A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Mpho has a rich knowledge of children’s entertainment – many of the games

designed for this programme found their origin at Disney. The program is

geared towards children aged 12 years and under. Activities will depend on

the time of the year, and the number of days the children are with us in camp.

Research volunteers will also lend assistance to the children’s program,

subject to availability. A Mashatu backpack including an interactive check-

list, bird colouring book, coloured pencils & sharpener, compass &

thermometer and water are given to each child between the ages of 4 and 12.

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77A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Animal Trivia

Children each get a poster of a particular animal. After reading the facts

pertaining to that animal while viewing corresponding pictures – children then

explain the specifics of their subject to the rest of the group. A great means of

interaction facilitating relationship building, great fun and general knowledge.

Who Am I? Each child get’s a turn. A poster with one of the animals in the

group poster is placed on the child’s back. He/She then asks “yes/no”

questions to find out what animal it is …. “Do I have horns? Do I have scales?


Game Walk

A short walk is conducted around the bustling Main Camp area. This is

ideal for kids to learn more about the different rocks, trees, birds and nests in

the wild. Children will also be taught how to track animals and identify the

different spoor and droppings in the bush. Children will be escorted by an

armed ranger.

Wildlife Movies

For those children not eating with their parents in the boma, a delicious

children’s meal is prepared. After dinner a video will be screened in the

recreation centre.

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Crocodile Feeding

After brunch kids have the opportunity to watch the crocodiles being

fed by one of the Mashatu managers/rangers (parents are also welcome to

join!).. A short (and entertaining) discussion on crocodile ecology and

behaviour accompanies feeding time.

Interactive “animal-building” exercise

Kids will visit the Discovery Room where the skulls of different

animals are displayed. By studying the different skulls, they will learn the

differences between carnivores and herbivores. By looking at the different

bones in the body of an animal, participants are encouraged to try to build

their own animal. In the process participants we will learn how an animal fits

together, and what the function of all the bones in an animal’s body are.

Cultural Experience

Botswana has a very rich cultural history. In this activity, we aim to

teach children more about the current local inhabitants of the country and

area, as well as the ancient cultures that existed thousands of years back.

Children will learn to make stone tools, ostrich and giant land snail beads and

clay figurines from termite mound clay. This is a great play session …. be

prepared to get dirty!

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Pool Games

There is no better way of getting clean than in a pool. Children will be

entertained in the pool with a variety of pool games (including Hippo Polo)

under the diligent supervision of one of the camp managers.

Electronic Animal Tracking

Research is a vital part of any reserve and Mashatu currently has three

major active research programs. Radio tracking forms part of these research

projects. In this session we will expose children to the general field of

research, and teach them how to track animals with the telemetry equipment.

To begin, a short introductory explanation on why and how animals are

tracked is delivered in the Discovery Room. Following this, participants set

out to find a radio-collared toy hidden somewhere in the camp (hint … it

might even be just outside of the camp). The children will be able to listen to

the beeping sounds of the transmitter, and to follow their own instincts on

where to go.

PuppetsDarien have won countless awards as well as adding to the rich cultural

history of puppetry

The Wiggly Wiggles

Australia's Best-Loved

Children's Entertainers

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The Wiggles love children and their love shows. They will have your

kids singing, dancing, clapping, wiggling, learning, communing, and having

fun! The costumed Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus, Officer Beaples,

Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword and others costar with four

Australian guys (Greg, Murray, Anthony, and Jeff) who sing, play the guitar,

the accordion, and the keyboard while teaching, dancing, and wiggling right

on into your kid's heart. A little history: Three of these four guys met while

studying early childhood education. Their first album was published in 1991

and it has been an uphill success story for them ever since. As a touring band,

the Wiggles have kept in contact with their public and that has fueled their

growth. However, the real secret to their success is that they love children and

they have obvious and uninhibited fun entertaining those children. In return,

young kids, almost without fail, adore the Wiggles. Parents are pleased with

the Wiggles, too. Parents recognize and appreciate the educational value as

well as the societal values these guys and their entourage impart.

3.13 Entertainment in Ancient Rome

Even for the poor, life in the city was lively. The ancient Romans

enjoyed many different kinds of entertainment. Plays were performed in large

open air theaters. There were lots of theatres, and even the small ones could

seat 7,000 people. If ancient Romans wished to go out, there was always

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The Sanctuary is a birders’ paradise. Over 300 species of birds have

been sighted. Apart from the Great Pied Hornbil-the flagship species, rare

birds like the Frogmouth, Red-winged crested cuckoo are found here. Birds of

prey like Crested Serpent Eagle, Spot-billied Eagle , Black Eagle, Crested

Gohawk, Rufous bellied Eagle, Jerdon’s Baza, Mountain Hawk Eagle,

Peregrine Falcon, Owl. Grey Jungle fowl, Painted Bush quail, Red Spurfowl,

Malabar Pied Hornbill, Malabar Grey Hornbill, White-bellied Woodpecker,

Alpine Swift, Brown-backed Needletail, Mountain Imperial Pigeon, Nilgiri

Wood Pigeon, Dollar bird, Malabar Trogon, Asian Fairy Bluebird, Blue-

bearded Bee eater, White bellied Treepie, White-bellied Shortwing, Wynad

Laughingthrush, Hill Myna, Nilgiri Flycatcher. Many species of flycatchers,

Drongos, Treepies, Birds of prey, Thrushes, Warblers, Babblers,

woodpeckers, Parakeets, Pigeons, Shrikes, Cuckoos, Swifts and Owls are also

found here.

Shortwing, Wynad Laughingthrush, Hill Myna, Nilgir Flycatcher.

Many species of flycatchers, Drongos, Treepies, Birds of prey, Thrushes,

Warblers, Babblers, woodpeckers, Parakeets, Pigeons, Shrikes, Cuckoos,

Swifts and Owls are also found here.

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Nilgiri Langur Spiny Lizard SphaerothecaRufescen

Common PitViper

The Sanctuary is a treasure house of several rare, endangered and

endemic species of reptiles and amphibians. Rare reptiles like Travancore

Cane turtle and Travancore tortoise, Marsh Crocodile, Common Indian

monitor, Kerala Forest Terapin,. Travancore Cane turtle, Forest calotes snake,

Sand snake, Olive keel back, Water snake, Bronze bark tree snake, Perrotes

shield tail snake, Common wolf snake and Green keel back are present here.

Southern Green calotes, Common skink, Snake skink, Draco or Flying lizard.

Apart from this, several species of snakes including the poisonous King

Cobra, Cobra, Common Krait, Saw-scaled viper, Russels viper, Bamboo Pit

Viper, and non Poisonous Indian rock python, Green keelback, Vine snake,

Common warm snake, Sand snake, Olive keel back, Water snake, Bronze bark

tree snake, Perrotes shield tail snake , Common wolf snake and Green keel

back are present here.

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The amphibians include narrow mouthed frogs like the Microhyla, tree

frogs like the Malabar gliding frog, Green tree frog and toads like the Bufo

beddomi, Bufo melanostictus. The insect diversity is amply demonstrated by a

wide variety of butterflies and moths found here. It is very rich in

grasshoppers, mantises, beetles, flies, ants, termites and spiders (arachinids),

which play an important role in eco system sustenance.


Chinnar is situated at about 25 kms from Amaravathi. Elephants are

very common here. Deers and Bisons are also seen in large numbers. It has

abundant population of Elephants, Grizzled Squirrels, wide variety of small

mammals, birds and reptiles. Tigers are a common sight for visitors on this


Elephant herd

Elephant camp at Chinnar is 25 kms from Topslip. Grassy swamps and

teak plantations and the Seychalli valley are other interesting spots.

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Topslip is the place of first choice to most of the tourists. Ample

accommodation, vehicle ride, elephant ride and regulated nature walk are

provided. Adjacent Karianshola a tropical rain forest with tall rising trees and

well-developed canopy forest is for serious visitors. Medicinal Plants

Conservation area (MPCA) and interpretation centre here cannot be missed.

In the west, it connects with Kerala’s Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary and a

joint visit would give a taste of varied landscape and lot of surprises.


Valparai is one of the highest mid elevation hill resort in the country.

The tea plantations are surrounded by evergreen moist deciduous forest a rich

elephant tract and a panther prowl.

Grasshills can be reached conventionally through pollachi over the

Attakatti ghat or from topslip via vargaliar and manompally. The shoals and

grass lands which are continuous with the grass lands till Konalar hut and a

briddle path connects the grass hills of the Eravikulam National Park in

Munnar district. Rhododenron, Kurinji are popular in this tract. Tiger,

panther, Elephant Nilgiri Tahr and many other wildlife are found to be

peacefully existing in this area. The grass hills road ends at Konalar, a small

mountain stream across which the Konalar hut is located.

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92A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment


The Crocodile farm at Amaravathi dam is one of the four major

crocodile farms in the country and is a popular destination. The crocodile farm

is also the home of grizzled squirrels with many nests located on trees within

the farm. The forests around are ideal elephant tracts.

Monkey falls

Monkey falls located at the 29th km junction on the Pollachi - Valparai

road, is the place for a refreshing bath from the natural falls.


Attakatti is about 36 kms on the Pollachi - Valparai state highway. A

well maintained trekking shed is available near Attakatti. The area is an ideal

92A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment


The Crocodile farm at Amaravathi dam is one of the four major

crocodile farms in the country and is a popular destination. The crocodile farm

is also the home of grizzled squirrels with many nests located on trees within

the farm. The forests around are ideal elephant tracts.

Monkey falls

Monkey falls located at the 29th km junction on the Pollachi - Valparai

road, is the place for a refreshing bath from the natural falls.


Attakatti is about 36 kms on the Pollachi - Valparai state highway. A

well maintained trekking shed is available near Attakatti. The area is an ideal

92A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment


The Crocodile farm at Amaravathi dam is one of the four major

crocodile farms in the country and is a popular destination. The crocodile farm

is also the home of grizzled squirrels with many nests located on trees within

the farm. The forests around are ideal elephant tracts.

Monkey falls

Monkey falls located at the 29th km junction on the Pollachi - Valparai

road, is the place for a refreshing bath from the natural falls.


Attakatti is about 36 kms on the Pollachi - Valparai state highway. A

well maintained trekking shed is available near Attakatti. The area is an ideal

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93A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

dry deciduous and moist deciduous forest tract and home of wildlife like

Elephant, Tiger, Nilgiri Tahr, Sambar etc.


Monompally is about 85 kms from Pollachi and about 20 kms from

Valparai has a beautiful trekking shed close to Manompally river. The place is

known for its thick shola forests, fast flowing rivers and scenic beauty.

Manjapatty Valley

Manjapatty valley is a unique elephant country. The Dhallinji and

Manjampatti tribal settlements are within this area.

Thirumurthy Hills

Thirumurthy hills , about 25 kms from Udumalpet, is famous for the

Panchalingam water falls. The place has many tribal settlements around and

has rich moist and dry deciduous forests.

Thirumurthy Dam

The dam is situated at the foothills of the Thirumurthy Hills and is

about 20 kms from Udumalpet. There is a perennial stream which flows by the

side of the Amalingeswarar temple which gives an additional beauty to the

place. It is situated near Pollachi and is around 90 kms away.

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94A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment


The project consists of a series of dams interconnected by tunnels

and canals for harnessing the Parambikulam, Aliyar, Nirar, Sholiyar,

Thunakadavu, Thekkadi and Palar rivers, lying at various elevations, for

irrigation and power generation. The scheme is an outstanding example of

engineering skill. It is located in Anamalai range and is ideal for picnics.

Overnight stay is possible in forest rest houses. A tree-top house provides

accomodation for the adventurous.

94A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment


The project consists of a series of dams interconnected by tunnels

and canals for harnessing the Parambikulam, Aliyar, Nirar, Sholiyar,

Thunakadavu, Thekkadi and Palar rivers, lying at various elevations, for

irrigation and power generation. The scheme is an outstanding example of

engineering skill. It is located in Anamalai range and is ideal for picnics.

Overnight stay is possible in forest rest houses. A tree-top house provides

accomodation for the adventurous.

94A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment


The project consists of a series of dams interconnected by tunnels

and canals for harnessing the Parambikulam, Aliyar, Nirar, Sholiyar,

Thunakadavu, Thekkadi and Palar rivers, lying at various elevations, for

irrigation and power generation. The scheme is an outstanding example of

engineering skill. It is located in Anamalai range and is ideal for picnics.

Overnight stay is possible in forest rest houses. A tree-top house provides

accomodation for the adventurous.

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95A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Anamalai Wildlife Sanctuary

This sanctuary is situated at an altitude of 1,400 metres in the western

ghats near Pollachi. The area of the sanctuary is 958 Sq. Kms. It has various

kinds of exotic fauna like elephant, gaur, tiger, panther, sloth bear, pangolin,

black headed oriole, green pigeon and civet cat. The Amaravathy reservoir in

the Anamalais has a large number of crocodiles. There are also many places of

scenic beauty such as Karain Shola, Anaikunthi shola, Grass hills, waterfalls,

groves, teak forests, estates, dams and reservoirs. Arrangements are available

at Topslip to take tourists around the Sanctuary on elephant back or by van.

95A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Anamalai Wildlife Sanctuary

This sanctuary is situated at an altitude of 1,400 metres in the western

ghats near Pollachi. The area of the sanctuary is 958 Sq. Kms. It has various

kinds of exotic fauna like elephant, gaur, tiger, panther, sloth bear, pangolin,

black headed oriole, green pigeon and civet cat. The Amaravathy reservoir in

the Anamalais has a large number of crocodiles. There are also many places of

scenic beauty such as Karain Shola, Anaikunthi shola, Grass hills, waterfalls,

groves, teak forests, estates, dams and reservoirs. Arrangements are available

at Topslip to take tourists around the Sanctuary on elephant back or by van.

95A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Anamalai Wildlife Sanctuary

This sanctuary is situated at an altitude of 1,400 metres in the western

ghats near Pollachi. The area of the sanctuary is 958 Sq. Kms. It has various

kinds of exotic fauna like elephant, gaur, tiger, panther, sloth bear, pangolin,

black headed oriole, green pigeon and civet cat. The Amaravathy reservoir in

the Anamalais has a large number of crocodiles. There are also many places of

scenic beauty such as Karain Shola, Anaikunthi shola, Grass hills, waterfalls,

groves, teak forests, estates, dams and reservoirs. Arrangements are available

at Topslip to take tourists around the Sanctuary on elephant back or by van.

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96A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

The Siruvani Waterfalls and Dam

This Waterfalls and Dam are about an hour's drive from Coimbatore.

The water of Siruvani is known for its taste. The panoramic views of the dam

and the falls are enchanting.

Kids Entertainment – Theme Parks in Coimbatore District

Kovai Kondattam

Kovai Kondattam in Coimbatore is an amazing theme park for family

and children in particular. It is located on the Perur – Siruvani main road and

lies about 3 kms from the Perur temple. It has plenty of water games for

children in addition to a fine play park with lots of play things. Kids are sure

to enjoy their visit to this park which provides them ample facility to make

96A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

The Siruvani Waterfalls and Dam

This Waterfalls and Dam are about an hour's drive from Coimbatore.

The water of Siruvani is known for its taste. The panoramic views of the dam

and the falls are enchanting.

Kids Entertainment – Theme Parks in Coimbatore District

Kovai Kondattam

Kovai Kondattam in Coimbatore is an amazing theme park for family

and children in particular. It is located on the Perur – Siruvani main road and

lies about 3 kms from the Perur temple. It has plenty of water games for

children in addition to a fine play park with lots of play things. Kids are sure

to enjoy their visit to this park which provides them ample facility to make

96A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

The Siruvani Waterfalls and Dam

This Waterfalls and Dam are about an hour's drive from Coimbatore.

The water of Siruvani is known for its taste. The panoramic views of the dam

and the falls are enchanting.

Kids Entertainment – Theme Parks in Coimbatore District

Kovai Kondattam

Kovai Kondattam in Coimbatore is an amazing theme park for family

and children in particular. It is located on the Perur – Siruvani main road and

lies about 3 kms from the Perur temple. It has plenty of water games for

children in addition to a fine play park with lots of play things. Kids are sure

to enjoy their visit to this park which provides them ample facility to make

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97A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

merry and to have endless fun. The things available are dashing cars for small

kids, wave pool for all, water dance, rock climbing, etc.

Black Thunder

Black Thunder is a water theme park located in Tamil Nadu, India. It is

situated at the foot of Nilgiris near Mettupalayam, in Coimbatore 40 kms

north of the city and occupies an area of about 75 acres (300,000 m2). The

park offers about 49 rides, Surf Hill and the Wild River Ride notable among

them. The park has a hotel situated within its premises.

97A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

merry and to have endless fun. The things available are dashing cars for small

kids, wave pool for all, water dance, rock climbing, etc.

Black Thunder

Black Thunder is a water theme park located in Tamil Nadu, India. It is

situated at the foot of Nilgiris near Mettupalayam, in Coimbatore 40 kms

north of the city and occupies an area of about 75 acres (300,000 m2). The

park offers about 49 rides, Surf Hill and the Wild River Ride notable among

them. The park has a hotel situated within its premises.

97A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

merry and to have endless fun. The things available are dashing cars for small

kids, wave pool for all, water dance, rock climbing, etc.

Black Thunder

Black Thunder is a water theme park located in Tamil Nadu, India. It is

situated at the foot of Nilgiris near Mettupalayam, in Coimbatore 40 kms

north of the city and occupies an area of about 75 acres (300,000 m2). The

park offers about 49 rides, Surf Hill and the Wild River Ride notable among

them. The park has a hotel situated within its premises.

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98A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment 98A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment 98A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

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99A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Maharaja Theme Park

Maharaja theme park is located close to the Neelambur bye - pass on

the Coimbatore – Salem National Highway, is the nearest entertainment

gateway for the people of Coimbatore.

99A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Maharaja Theme Park

Maharaja theme park is located close to the Neelambur bye - pass on

the Coimbatore – Salem National Highway, is the nearest entertainment

gateway for the people of Coimbatore.

99A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

Maharaja Theme Park

Maharaja theme park is located close to the Neelambur bye - pass on

the Coimbatore – Salem National Highway, is the nearest entertainment

gateway for the people of Coimbatore.

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100A study on Marketing of Kids Entertainment

The Maharaja Theme Park has come up on a 15 – acre site and in line

with international trends the project promoters have tried to make it a compact

one. The park apart from having the common entertainment facilities, also

have a multiplex two theatres. It also houses a mini golf courses and an


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