AMS112 1939 - The Australian Museum · Ara(h-rws \\":15 appoiuted to represent the Tru .. tecs at...

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Transcript of AMS112 1939 - The Australian Museum · Ara(h-rws \\":15 appoiuted to represent the Tru .. tecs at...

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r. ·- ~ , t~ !.- I • I J

1038-:39-40. j_l ·:t. .;r v .


- ----, ...... .......... ....

n~ 0 ,.__;_ u .L'---(.~S'~U.H, ttEL'OR~ OF TTIF. Tl-.U.STF.ES FOR 'l'UE Y:E;.n. E~J)l::D 30ru JU~"E, 1939.}

presented to_Parliamon t in accol·danco with tho provi>sions of Section 10 oi tho .1\.ustralian. ~usour.nAct , 1~02 .

Ordctcd to be ptinled, 13 Mcwcft , 1!>40.

Tt~ urs F.xrr:T.t.l,XCY Tlll~ G<,YI·:ttN"\m.

'l'hc Trustees of 1hc Aush·:~li:m :.rllSC'\nn l1:1vc il1c honour to submit t•> your Exc<-llenc~· their eighty-fifth ~'l.mmal RcllOrt, being th:~t for the ycnr ended 30th June, lU~ . .

1. TnrsTm;s. At the Dcccn,ber meeting of th;.; Rom·d, :.rr. F . S . :Mnnce was 1·c-cleeted to the

omc~ of President ."vr the ycnr l!l:J!J. At the l nt<'rn:niona l Co11gre;;s of ilmln·opolog-y :lncl T•:t !mv10A"Y· h('ltl :1t

C'vp~nb~en in Aug\lSt, l!JZ$, the Trustees wc1·e 1"Cpreseulcd b~· Prote~sor A. ~- l3urkitt, who resumed attendance- at Bom·d meeting,; on lOth F<tbruary, 1039. ·

:\fr. E . C . . Ara(h-rws \\":15 appoiuted to represent the Tru .. tecs at the- Sixth J>ll(;ific Scien('c Congress, to he held at San Fr:meLs<'t• duri11g Jul~·-A.ugust, 193!l, and lMve of absence was gr~mtc-d io him for <' period of four months.

}[r. G . 3-L :Biair, J~lectivo Trustee, died on 26th Fcbru:.u·~·, 19:~9. Jie bd been 11 Trustee since :3rd Jul.r, 1925, aud his exper t 1mowledgc as ;m J:..·chitcct wns of the ;:rre:uest u~c to .the institution. The Trustees placed on record their npp1·ccintion or the services of ~r. Blair to the )h•scum, and their grc:lt sorrow ::tt his dcat:a. Da·. :\. ll. \Valkom WUS elected tO fill the Y!\C:mcy.

Another gn,llt loss wns suffered by t.he t ragic detlth of the lion . IT. )L li:lwkms, 1i.L.O., who W:lS killed by n f:11l on lOth Juue, 1939. He hnd been an Elreth·e TnMN since Februa1·.v, 1920, :md his wisdum ami capaci.t~· for busi1wss wc-.·c of the grcntcs!. ocrricc to his co1le<1gues on the Bom·d.

The Truste('s l"C<:Ci\·ed from tllC E xecutive }£ember of the l:>Oth .illmiversm·y Cdebrntions Oom1eil a commuuicatiou thnnking the Trustees for thei r cr. ,1er<1tiolt ;,j making the E xl1ibition a saccess, with pa1·tieulm· refexcnce tO the aboriginal, cornl,

::11J shell displays pro,•ided by the ::lluseum. A lbt of. the Tt·u~otces <l5 at 30.h J unc, 1939, appears in _\ppeJ.db: .il.

~ - ST.\n'. • :Jr. W. Boardn.,.n, RSc., Sccnnd Class Scicmiric As,ist:lnt, resigned on 21st .J •• ~l\11\ty, l!J;~!J, nnd joil."<L tl.c st:J•t of tnc _\ustrnli.m Tnstituw oi AIJ:ttom~·. Oanbenn, llo %oolo~-:ist. The nppoi.Hn:cm of a suceesso1· tO J\h. Bo:wdmnn is now in the hands

(,f the Pt.hlic Serdce Bourd. On 1st Sep.l!mber, 19:39, aftur n long- period of ilinc,s, )fr. T . A . !Icnson, Chic[

ll:cchanic, l"Ctircd in term£ or section GO (;)) of tlle Public :-lcrvice "\et; he had bl.)('ll n member of the st:nr iot· over thiny-fo~u years. :Hr. H . .J aekson,_ .r\.;si;;t:mt :llc<:h:m~c, 11"as Jll"@loted to fill the vacancy, and :Mr. S. E . Roe was appointed Assistant -:M:cchnmc,

entering upon duty on Hltl1 .Tune, 1~3V. 1fr. L. L. Hannan was :.m11ointed n tcmpomry Attendant and took llil duty on

9th September, 193:.-i. · To assist the Lil r· J•ian, the services of )Ir. J . D . :Fcrnon, :~ juni or a:;,;i:st~mt on

llw st:\IT of th.: Public l.wrar.v, w<:re maJc av:lilaiJlc. It wa;, Hpprovcd that :1fr. T . Jrudale, Condwlogi,t, he permitted to. dc~~riL_e the

:'lfollusea obtained in putting dow.1 tWO IJorcs at IIer•:>ll Isl!u,d, <?n:••t .Bm·rHn'. J,~ef; the ro, will Le nuh!hhed bv the Ur.::\t Barrier Hcef ('omanttec. Perml:mon w~\:l gr,J:kJ to :.rr. \\'hitll"Y a11d :Mr. hedale tv contribute a l"·pt:r 011 ·')brine F:nmnl l:egio,Js of A\istr:~b:>ia" to 1 he pr<lcrc·t.iu;;,; uf the Sixth l'aciric ::)eicnee Congress, :S:m

Frandsco .

. , :b:3il-A [10c£.]


)[ r . . E. L 'rouc;-l,tun, }l .. m·r.:tltl~.!:ist, wa.; grant eLl »ix months' extended leave, d\ll'ill~ whw., he l·roposcs. IO ':is it.~~ •· -·~.m, · 11 .\. u:1·ic:t :md ]~ritnin and c:mminc their collcctl011i<, :m<l nlso ro mmnrc mto qucsdn:ts o'i f:mnnl ~Jrcscn·atiolt and biological S\11'\'C:''S.

3. llo:-;ouMtY S·r.Wl' .I ~n IT o:son.\RY ConnESI'O.Nom·•~·s. The 1ol1owin~; were l:C·appo1ntcd lo ~hc'lionor:\l'y Stnff ior a J:lCriod of five year<>

1st J ;mn,u·y, 193tl :-

Dr. G. A. Watc1·house.

:.\Ir. :\. F. Ibs:;ct Ilull. :llr. E . :F. Ilallmnnn, B.Sc. Profcss01·. 1'. Harvcy J ollhston.

)h. II. J . Ca:rtcr, B.A.

Dr. E. A. Briggs. :\h. :.\I. Ward.

J)r. II. L. 1\:estevcn.

:llfr. G. A. Thomas. )h. K. .1... IIi.n...Iwood.

Tln·ce additi.on:ll IIonorary Corrc>spoltdcnts were elected durhtg; the year, n:nnely, :.\(r. J~mcst Wlmdcrlich, in recognition of his sC'i·vices and donations; Dr. l!!tl :.\l::cp;illinoy, who pl'CSI'nted to ihc )[uscmn lhc Y:tln:tblc egg collection made by l1is f11thet·, Dl'. V;'- G. K. l!I.tcginivray ; :t.h. Thomns Iluntcr Smith, \Vnnganui, )few Zealand, from wuoui the Museum hns l'Cccived specimens :mcl interesting scientific


·1. l!'mw \\\mK A!:(l> CoLr.EC'l'IXC.

13nt Htde field wot·k was :1ccomp1i~hcd during the ycnr. At the end o£ ,July, in~8, )kssr,;. 'J'. Hodgc-Smith .tnd JL 0 . Flctehc1· paid :1 short visit to Outlwart, in lltc HOiilb:\1:\ disti'ic·~. to C'xamine n phosphatit dC'JlOsit, and in .J:UHU\J'Y nnd Feb1·uary, J!l:ln, }lr. Flct...:hcr :;pelt~ svnie d:1ys m:udng str:ltigraphicnl obsc1·vntions in the Hunter

Hivcr v,:J1C'y. During tlic Easter 'i•ncati.on abo!·i•~inal deposits and c1wcs in the \\'o1lornLi and

)JncdonalJ Rivet· dislriet wcl·e c:-aunbcd by Professor J . L. Shcllsbc:u and :llr. }!'. D .

hluCI\rthy. · ~hol't trips were made to Gunn:\mHtta l3tiY ! othc~· pbces in the neighbour­

hood ol 8ydM:; for tho purpos:l of co1Jecfing ln:uine mntc,inl. A request by Dr. C. T . :.\Iad;gan, 'C'nh·ersity of Adelaide, that M.r. Fletcbe~:

he allowed to join an expedition into tl,c Sitnpsou De:.ert in June nnd' July, 1030, w:1s :f11vot1r:1hly considered by tHe Ti·tistocs, 1md flte neccssnry len,·c was granteJ bJ· the

J't'ibEc ScrYicc i~oarJ .

::>. DoX.\TIO~s.

).[:m~< gifts of sr>ccime11S were rcceiYed eluting t lic ye:W :ts det::liled bter, bl'lt spcchtl mention mny be made of :l few. Dr. G. A. IYRte1·house, Tl·ustee, tJrcsentcd four li1(,dals !>;sued by the Sydney .Branch oi' the Hoyill ~~Ii11t to commemorate the ;\<:cessions ot: Queen Yi;;tvria, Edw:nd VII nnd George V . }.h. F . \\". )I:wks, C.n .'E., Trustee, presented a litnnismatic collcctfon, including n complete set of Queen Victo1·ia 1~:>Si' Jubilee coins. )Jr. Orwcll Phillip:;, Houor:wy Conespondent, made a donation of £1.1 row:n·ds the purchn:;e ()f ethno1,>gic:\l material.

:.\fcss•·s. Pcrcy },[;ttks Ltd. i>rC:'lClttcd n comprc-hcnsi,•e co1!ection cf Anstl·alitm opals, greatly enhm1cing the viiluc ot' r!IC }fuseum collectionof this gem.

G. 0,\J,J..};l~\' ht PI:on:.\: E::\Ts .\XD G non• ExmuiTS.

The display of meteorites wns nansfcri·cd from the ground :floo;· to the miiYcral A"ni1cr:-, :;nd by pt·ovision oi a ~uitable li:lckgronnd nnd new titme1its with g~>l$S shelving

the exhibit is grciltly improved. · Enlm·ged mQdc1s to illustr:t te the life histories of the .\.iit Lion t1nd the

Caddi:;; l:'ly h:\ve been <"ompletcd by ::\Ir. J. 1\:iugsley, nml arc now on view. Two group~ entitlc·d .. The Life History of the Dr.\gon-.Fly" nnd ".\nts' Guc::.ts" >H'C in course of

Jn·cpar:ttio<l. The proposed c\.bo1·igint\l Cr()ll ,> E~:hibit, fig-nl'ing: n rock shel ter, w.1s further

ccmEidC'rcd, l.n!L th,, c:;tint:ltcd cost !.>Cing- in c:•r·css oi funds in hnnd con:;tructiun rlc1C1'rNL Au exhibit entitled '''l'!tc ::>wry oi :hl:m" wns n<lv:n.ccd, tl:c stJ~cinl Htrin:;s

a!ld sra:1ds beiug iuswllcd. 1f e ta! guard mils havc been l)la~cd in i1·out of the Habitat !J rO\l{lS in the Hest

lhll, and th:! Uovcrum<:nt ::>torcs J)cpnrtmcnt snpp1ied 100 UlJ!.tolstcrcu foldiug sc:tt,;

fol: use tlu·oughout the gallcl'ie:;;.


7. Lllltt 1nY.

D\.,.: 11 ,. tl1c w:w (JliO vohw11:~ Wl'rc :ld,:o.:d to the ~:braH. .\ gr<•at lWOJmrt ion , ... e- • .. • '(lll~;~ts \ll f,,o,.,~; p;;r .. ~ whieh, by proYi:;itn: r.f n.-3i:>t:nwc not al';tll. ltl<~ \1\lrin:;

t ~t>< ~ 'I l . I l ' •· ,·,",1' year,., h .. n· t."c:l <'v .. 1:-c 111to ~·omp l'tc Yo un1cs. ~,<,tcw,n·llt~· among- da~

.~· .:.:1111 ~ w:1-. t!.,• fi .10.: a:·ch .. cu1o~icnl lihrar.v 1 ",·,;cntcd h,v )h. Ern<':.~ \\'uu<h·rlic'!J, "1:··

1 1' . l "' I 1' 1 f 1' 'TI . l'l ,p \ S" tl f\ 1rnh ... l' :~~~\ c:1t lll t 1C ,~f•:ll't .. "l l·ustl\L'-3. 11!) t )tnry rc..:.prc ... ent::; the '·,'" 1:in~• oi ,, lil\·:inw, nnd many of the work, it contni1 . ., vou!d b, qt;it~: b(;yond •1n

1c_ 11;rcc" 0 ~ t!1is )!t:sC'bm to aeqnirc hy ptm:h:IS\'.

•lt' r,::.l · Considcrr.~le pr.>::;·c~s hns nlso Lccn in t:tt::~.lo~u:ng-, :lp, • .-u .• imatc)y 2.000

, lt··dn•' be\::1 :1,1d~·d; the CX!l:ml-li<>n ni sccti011s whic·:, J.!lci :1c.:ome c•m;;c,tc.l; nnd ~~ ~ ~ ~

i~ the r~·Jrr:1:1"'.:mrnt <1I tho pcrioc!ic!d ston•. •[;1, • • ibr;;::·.r cc.nt im:r:, 1•1 hr :1 :;om·rc ('t p;rc.,, intc:c:;t mhl li>'C to it: ti<e:ti,m,;

, d tl:Nt:;,.hot.t the' Commonwc:~lth, ~ncl suc.:n dcm.1ihls t:Jlon it arc incr,'asbg. ~T-~ pr.;s,, •• ublishers, stud,•nt" nnd nni::.t» ,,l:,;o l'C'ali~c the j1clp tl.:1t ,)nl.v such n

" ,. 1 \\'. ' . . 'f r \\1 1~ . . . 1"dati.rtllibr;:ry cnn ;\trmc . Jth we n~sl::.t:m,:c ot ., r . . -.. . >lll'I'OW, vl d:c ~her

~ - · . ' 1 I ' . J'l 1 · 'br .. :'·· umv<'l'slly ot ;:s_,., l .C.''• !l tnrg-e nu m 1cr 01 I•Hc:ro·c .. mcrn 1 ms mvc o.J<'C'n :·: ...... ~d IOl' l'Ct-C:\l'dl workers in otho.::· s.atrs m:,] :~cw Z,·nlnnc!. Rnch lllms hnvc tl1u :rlr •• mngc of qein~ vhe.<p to mn~'e autl C'O!'<l little to post; mon·OYcr, thc,v ::.aYe !~rwnrding C<·~tly 1111Cl bear.r nl},,me., !lnd the wurkcr k:ts hb references f .. r 11cr:nnne.J.

11 j1:g. .\pJltl:('i.1ti<lll oi ~m·h ::.C'niC'c !.n:. h<:en cxpr.;;ssed by the rL'Cipieuts, and tl1c ~.u;cum is;~. o.:.'-:.d to .:1r. Du:'l'OW and the Ulti\'cr:.ity ivr ,ucl. cn·Op~.::·-.:.:,Jll .

L\s in J•l'C\'iot•s y\' .. l's :1 co1.;idl'r:.blc .1mount of time htas been dc,· to cliitvriol worl; -.nd u.c v,·__.rsccing ol the ::Uuseum\; lntblic.ttion:> t!<rough prc:,~.

S. J..'t:Ul.ll.\TIU:"\S.

D1 ,·in~ the ~·cur y, 1umc XC\, 1 .. rt il (ln<l~x) ... Yulum.: XX' Pai'ls :} :llld ·1-c: ;he "Rccul'tb" were 1 t.l,. j",lCJ, .. :~u ):cmnir Yli, ".'..u,tl·::lia•l )lctcoritc,;' by 1'. IIoclgc-. mith. Oi tt.c .\::, .. · .. li~n :;\lt:!'e~!lll )t, . .,<'z::.c, Yolumc Vl, P:n·t:; 10-l:?, and \'o.ume YH, Pal't 1, fil•!H',.:·c,: .

.. ln illu~tratcd ... u,+~ to t •. c .\u"\"'a\ian :Ut::>C;t.r..'' wn:; i:o::ot:cd during the ;vcur.

:J. :...:C'!T !l'S A:"\D J3110.\DC.\S\'::l •

• b ia ye;,l'-, ·>, .... h:· ::i,·:~ltC"' L~ · l•l'Ch :md School LcNurc,s .,,.,,l'C re~t:larly llt:lirc\·cd, r.~ wc!J ns :1 l:tL .. ... .- , ~· \ !t:au:ry addrcssc::, uy J.1~:11Pl.l'.s or t; t. . t :· to vhr!ous ,v~;i~tic~ .. :1rl cducadon:1l bodies. .\. numhcl' oi: hroallca::;ts were a:,o dc.:vc:c<l.

The .ntc:nc:.;. n~ d.~ v .. :::m:;, ,c::ics of lcctu:e::; wcl'O "'" iollows :­Attc:t~!.,;.

::J .>opul..~· :::C'it:Jlc.: I.»ctl.m.::; l1) S('! u. Ice m·es .)3 \' u •. mt..r_,. LN'H:rc~

'\"'iti1 L.c ~·id l t ~ .. : .... ,_~·,.!,! t~.<· 'J':t .... lPl'~ l1~vc ac .. uirl·li -.!. ., .. .-a.:::. t.H. 1t, ~!.:.!::.1C" ... :c

1' IC':J:,,l.;t .. :.:n.-. u:. lut..:::.t! .::~ll _., .. ~11Ljcet:-:. fot· l! .. (' bt b, ... uvl~l~, .. l1Hl .... \\.:'o~••.V ~:.(.V l1: \'(.~

ol \.tLi:-.:c . fut• t!~:~ )tl~ :-ot.:. ~·Ll! l:hilS in ~tOt.·.~ int:.hh.k· : ~i. (' ,.,L'l'.l;.. rl ~r : .. · ... :n~ L• (•

:i'e of d.<: G:,· .. t 13.1:·::;('1.' I: .,.f. .. 1al otht•rs ,] ·'' :·.p,:n:- c,f t .. , ... 1. r: .. c :-:ov.' • y of tl,e ' '.ev Ji.,triC'L Sta·h s.u!j .. ,·r· ,,,.. lite li,'c ni:. .. wy , · ''·'' ,1L ,, .• '• tl P J,::·ds of Lm·,l l•we T,Jnnal, tlw Lvr<.> Ril·.], \V .. itl' .\n,,, Jj,.,., t; .,,.,li.l•, tl.,·· .. I. J,(,n.a. Spidt>l', tl.<

1 >liin~ m lhoJg ,,,· 1. c .\u~tl',,li .. a "'"'~·i im, .. .-, .. ],.o i:.,·:u 1 <l. 1 l otltt 1· fil111s tll'o in co .. r.;~ ni prep;H·.ttion hv ),[~. (, , ·. (.'. t.ton, l•;l(lto,.:-:·.11•>~•'.', i1. l'll·op<.;r,ttiou \1 \~ .• Me;rnb.:r~ oi t.•c :.cicntinc' ,,f,·.

. Occa~<iun::ll.v li·.-c bl .. cit.t< n., (Jl p. rtic:.l..r it.t<.~· ... t '-''mu h h tt. l, ; ,,,1 ttHl o] por­tunay is td:en to make ~lwl't ri .. r1:. ,,; ,u,·!-1 ~l:hj<·et~. T:.u.,., , y coua·t<::<y uf 'the Trtt:-t<.;.:s l•t t le 'r:n·on.,;a Park %oulu;...ic•.tl (;:l;·dr·::,., !l (':non::to;.::·apla rr~.:orcl, p.wtly ia <'\)lom·. 11·"~ ~>l~tdncd 11i th\' PC":~r:y S:naih.,, nn th:ot i::; Yo·ry :>Q,(iom :;N'n i:1 t:ll; liv.: eo ·<ltt1o~ .

11 .• \n,Tt:.\J,J\X ,I).J, Xa.\1 z .. \T.,\:\ ,) .\. ... ~\ ....... \.10'\ :.t: :· 1!: .\ \'1'\C'F..\tt:\', OF' 1-)c•n,.'\, .:.

. . Tlt~ .\"s<~t· i: ti••ll tm t .lt C.nallP•·r:l, ll!J.-1-..t1a .J.,, ...... ·. 1!l ,:1, tl.i- l,·ill~ L c• ;, rth . \nnn\ l'~JJ'.V .,[ it:-~ f,,ll!H ~~fio11. '· 111Ct ·tin~ \.!!~ .,t c:.dt:u '.v J ...... ft, •'n~ in~ 111\,;.,I.)C!:;-,

• t ;c ::>!•if'Jttin,• ~t.1ff :--!Ja·. ( .• '\1 c:c:·,.o:. , .\ft'~ ~·· . .T. T\. !\in c.;, ol '11, 1~. l .. 'l'l'OII,::O: .. >:,, '· • !u.-:,:-;,,,., 'l'. J rc.r. , .. ;-;t. tt , F . • \ . ~.c:\i"ill, {r. 1'. \\ llll. ~·, JT, 0, Fl.t•'lf'l\


1 ·( .1r h·v i\!1" \ •. • ,: ,, '(:e J\~ , ·l<if' .l1r• 111•

·-12 . • \.1',:,1'1:.\1.1.\'\ .1'\U XJI\\' Znf..\'\11 .\.J~T a \l.I.J:I:m::; .\:\0 )fJ':';J;l')f:, .\~- \'I \1'10~.

T ·:> .\. ~~od:ninn lwld it:; ~ocvnd C'cmgrc~s at. Canhcrr.\ in J n.Juary, 10:)!), ('OJ:cun\.ul..V wid1 thl' mcdin o" .( ' ~. '.\,;,:.. . · • ·.1l:•ncl .\~-od .. ticm fr,r tl.c: .\,}v<111CClliCI\I of ~cio•J,l'<·. il:c(·, :. 1\L•·~ .... · • \'.,:ious mc:n.~~:.·:; oi the $cie:ni i~ ~t\tt'F <tll\1 <.li~'-·u~!)i~':1~ ''·l ·· • .. ,. ,,,,:, ........ \'.'.er~· nn ~j u ~uat \\'Vtk

tuO•'- 1Jlncc.

1;,; , '!lt.!,ri,:'\(,~ .t.~,) }:l,·u•) . .. :-.; • .

SC'\'<'\',11 iii1Pl'OYomt>1lts to the bnihlin,.,~ l1:Wc l"•cn mnde durit,g tilC year, nnd Y .. l'i>J\1::0 i,.;>, IS (> • .:, aiJ~<~::. :\ !1\:C \\'t;>fC .. tH'lldl·ll 111 h~· tl.c 1)\'pll :'tlilel~t ){ \\\n•k:; aJ.,} ].<•<'tll CoY..!rnml·ll t. These includ(·d pro\'i~iun \)f :m improwd lighting :.chemc :for the ;..nllcri,·s i.1 t!1L X orth Wing-. n·vnir w the ccil:.1g in th~ ~:ntrancc Ita!! and to the 11voring in thP )lincr:ll Gall('l':'J'. stor:J:rc t·'ts :md Slh·hiJ,g far ::.tor;\c;c oi filnl::. and phutogr.lphic O!l!l;ll';lt ns W\·rc prowi,l<•1l.

1 . . .!:'IX.\:\(.£'.

TJ.,. ;.JIIvUJot vf (:!00 in ·1- tWr crnr. Consolidatt·d In~c·rihc-d Sto..:];: fell dt.c 01• ::!Otl: 1),·..:-:'l:'hl<.:l·, llJ:,~. «H. \\':1::. re-im·,,t~d it. tnc Cor..n:onwcuah C.l;,h .:nd Co:l\'c.;t:.ion Loan nl 3~ IlCr t·cnt ., l!l.'i:?-.)4-.

~\. S!•tt·i.,: it<'I.. ui .~:·( 1 w::, i:.c:l.ldnl :. t:.c: l'a.-... nnent:.ry Appror·•·i«tion fm· tl.o pnrdl:loc oi ,Ji,pl.,~· :lllll :,Hll':lgc cases nml for :;pl:cial cxhibi Ls and fumisloinr;:; :for the L •• 1..1.c-ri<..:~.

The 1otnl net l'Xpcnditlll'C from Oonsolitlatcd novcnnn Fund for the ~'(\ar \CX<:lt.t;in.£ ~taturory E:tduwnll·Ht 01: .l:l,(iuv) ""'·" ;::J '-,:JG7 ls. 2d .. compared with .tl0,27G 14s. for la::.t year. Ket expenditure i'rom Tnt:st~o:e<>' Acccmnt Funds (inclu<lin,. :-l<;ltu·m·.v 1-:nJvwmen,) w .. ~ ~l,l!l2 Gs. l'ld., cmnpnrcd with £1,2.)1 :!.,. :..-1. ior 10:17-M. The: expcn<.itmo for the ~·car from tho Trnstce:s' .\ccount (C:nncgiu Oorp~>ratiun Gr,mt) was J;:.;l)l 2:;. 7d.

Th~ ea:::h bal:wC'c in the Tru::otct·s' Xo. 1 Ac.cuunt nt ;~Oth June, 1!);;!), wa:; J(,.,. 7d., w.lil,t that in d:c 1\·ustcc,' C:ll'llc~ic Curpon<tion G1·ant Ac:comn 1\':ls 1 :-;;:;. l'ltl.

1::1. Pt'DLJG ~\T'r£~1)\SCES.

:::ltuti>.tics of :1ttcJH.lnnccs for tl.c year~ 1J3:1-v::: to

lfi:J2·3;3 }!);;:j-:::-! JH.H-3.1 1~)3;)-3(i

l!);,,j-37 l~J:l7-38

] :J:J::J"-3:>

WccJ,-days. lGG,7·lD l!JU,OliG UO,•bl H;3,DlG H5,1lf'i0 157,1G1 15.i,'.'il1

10. Gz~r:RAL.

l:):j~-;~Q nre apJlemk.! :-

Sund:ly:;. '.1'otn 1. .J:l,001 :.!:IU,v:O<• 4ti,4 'i'S 1 S-1,.141 .3:-l,i:).J: :;uO,:H:> .30,501 ~0:?,<:1.1 j

.i2,:;~3 108,1-1:; 5•1,b00 :.!11,970 52,1.J4 207,:JO.J

The carEer opening· hour of 10 n.m . in lieu of 12 noon wns rc:mmcd on \Yeduc~J.1y, !>tJ1 X OYcmber, 193S.

A number of i:i!Jle <:a!I,'S withdrawn f1·om the )lincrnl Gallcric.~ were tram,ferred to t:.c Tocn.wlo;:;-ical )luscum, :n . .1 other .,urplu:; l!latcriu1 is being d :,po:;cd oi u.rough the Government i->torC's DC'pnrtmcnt.

1 i . Till·: Cur.r.r.CTros:; .\~D t::>ciE~Trrt.:: \\'mm.

JfuMuwls (E. Y.c G. Trour;lnon in charge) .

The more imponant duuation:;<:d·<·imcns <•T l{onla an<! \Yall.trou from 1 ,(• T.ll'Oil ... ;l r>.u·k T :·t;,t; 1\vala, X:1.iYe Cat;; and \\'allabic::. from 1\ Park : the !>t!cond known sprcinw11 of tl.c Fals<> "':Hcr-Ra. lXtrOtii!J.<) and ::: suic:; oi rat~ of "ever .. ! geJ.c·r:l, nom the Q11cen::.hmd Bul'C~:m of Sugn1· Experiment t::>tation:: ; a T1·ec 1\an;:;-aroo, ])urvup;,id \\'all.lh;v and ph.l:hi . ..{Cr, collected in ,:w \r:w l.!.s,:·i.:~, Xe,,· GHilJ(•.t, b,v .~fes;;rs. X . IT. J~islwr :md L. )l'onkr~ ; n small series of marsupinl::. fro111 the Tamlll·llup oli::.trit·t, \\\'::.tern _\ust.".li .. , 1 rc~t-.t,ed b,1· :Mr. F. H. 13raclshaw : :\ ::.cri<::> of bats from Boug-ninYill., Jslnnd, 8olurnons Group, colk·ded by tlw Hcv . .T. B. Pon<"dct. htt·r(';:tin_ ~o~.::ib of m .. r;;npi.1b a11d itH .. :..;~:.lo;;s l'.liS. ir01u the South J>o;·tl:md district, Victoria, were l'f'ccivud frotn ::Ur. licrhcrt 1\ unz<:. :\fr. Cons<•tt Davis and )! r. Ch:nk:. Ki:1g- 1•re"e' rcu r, ts •. nd .nar:;unia1 t.Jiec ,·1·om tLe l'ort D:wcy district. Soudt-wrst Ta:;mnniu, .1 local i t,v hit lwrto 1ll\l'()Jll'l':.Pr. tccl in the \'olh:t'l ion. 1-:xl·ita:I .. ;c:. i ,..,, .de"

1ccics of hr,:c: and ,.n.nll bats l'.:<.:e:iYcJ from the )Iu:!cnm of Compur:ltiY<' Zoulog,\·, Ilan·nrd l'nivcr,it.v. :.ul\1 tht· mo:.t import:J!.t ptn·.:n~sc:::. wcrl' !l'·o :opcc:imcus o · pl. t~·ptt:. from the :'lfnuilln distrier, .2\..,w South \\'all's, and :1 smnll ,-cri,•,; of the 'l' :l:,m:mi:m ]'latypu,.,, ohl::inc<l by Jlllrllli~:;ion of th•· T::~s:n:JJ,ian 1\ .• n .. 11uard .

• \.ttci,tion w:.::. tl,'YOtNlto the <·owpldion ot' the Platypus Habit:-tt GrvllJ1, and to the rc-arrang-cn.cnt and Ji~:d•ling· ui the .Fruit Bat and Lord Howc I .. (•.-ot:.p,..

.h.-bllllll'C l<l otlwr <lt•p:wltn~·nt · :111_11 :mtl.ut·iti•·~ in ·h~clt' the i'dentit'cation of

fi•ld 111~mmnl;;, \'.SJWI'J,tlJ~· l'fll:,·nt,., tor tHe Qn .. l'n .• llllt(, ,;,•pnr!l .wnt t•f :'lfi1.1 . .,.

rtnc· 1 • ~ 1~ · ~ · .1 , • 1 • ·. , . 1 .. dll) f>ttl'c:tll c:t .,u::u· . . xper.llllC~.l ·''.:lllull:>, :mu _t:w '-'' , 1. ,a1 ~l1~.1 r Ht·H:,in~ : "' v in ('<)llliC't'!Wll \l"ltlt lll\'l'~llg\,tllHts wto c•c·otwmlr m:.ttet':. nntl tL inl'i•lcrw:

t.unpon.' . I · I ·•O" . :\ 1 . ' : l~tltu~l1 jt·,"i", pnclc>t:ttl' 1,1·.p Hb .1:a ~ 1~·vc:. : ' \'1<'<: \\',,, :,:'ll'cn t«> h<• Chic·f Ht·t'rC'. '" ,· . Dt•pnrtnwnt t'!',:!::ll'!hll.;· 1ltt• Jl'••lt•d "'ll 01 1 .• :.1 t ,!tc 1,., IJ,,. ! 1,, .1c .~ :r'~ n · · 'lt Tl ·· · • •• h 11 ,,. lit" ~~~ 1 ,~~~Ill!! Ill ch;:.'ro;•lllri nl:~t ,. tl<'. < .·llttllt'.l! .11\IS \I'Cl'l! made 1'vr Lion ~-" l • 1) I L'. • l . i' . ' C'c·uit'ltl v,•!('l'lll!1l',V ,(·.S~:tl'C' l ·~•:Hlllll, ::ut. Ill nrnt.'lllll! 1\',h $.:1\'Cl\ to ·h..: Chid

\: • ').!!'\'\' 0< .. 1'>'1', l),•p,l.'(llh llt Ol .\ l'icllltlll'l', l'C';:'art1i,)g dit.go "('tl)ps :t!l~g"(Jd !11 l'CIIl'('· ~[tl .~ . . . .

.•.lt t'l'<>»l' · .1•\:IWN'II .\J~:t~l:\llS llllll ,.tJt"l' cJ,,~,., \\'t!h tltC' ll :l~U •.• ~~"i::>l<,lllCC W:!S ~!VCH r J)r. \\'. 1-.. (,r,•;.:,or.'· ntlll uthc\' nwmnrrs ot the Ler•1cr hxpL•<htwn ot the Amc•rll.::m ",,.•\:.n ,,f S•lll\1' .. 1 ni ... t<W,\', aut! )lr. 'l'o·ll\11-:htnn :ll'('vlll .• ni,·,l )lr. il. (. Tiavcn, 11

;1;rmbN of tlt" ExJlcUiliun, on :1 hril'f dnit. t,l the .Tcnolt\l, C':ti'C~ .

,\L·. T:. u..:-lnt•ll .wtc<l .1;; a :1fth<'lllll ddrg-ntc· on a ' '"llllllll 1<'11 <·onvf'ncd l.y the l'"IJ,iicr':, Dcp;11'tn1c'11t t' \!~Hl:o\i,t\"'~· propn~al~ {, · <),>Y' !'11 ~ ·• t ~t ... l :>l ,,; ,\ J • • ,, P,trk, ·;i \\',IS .t h<l :1 ;,t.-1111 er 1ll ... ••ut.otlli,t<•c formul h,v the Cllic•. Sct·rt·t.l:y's D..,p.n·tmc •. t !•1

' '1

-:1 ,•r tlw c,.,r,\hli~l.n;l.'nt nt' i:m:1. Ir,·scn·c.- . .\.,. l.,a.vr:.r.l :-...:~;l'Ct .• rv u1 .. c .,.iulo·•ic·ni ,.,u;~,: .. :v ( cnnmi: tcc vi .\tti3\l',tli:m :tiH1 ~l'W %t•alnncl .\,;,oc i:aion' t<•l' th1: .;l,lv;t"ct·· 'c: 1,, S··i,·:lt'<'. )h. 'J'r,,u.,-h,ua :.,jl.t<'CL ... ·,r;d •i:.tot·.v c.f "" vc.' ,.:·"110~al., at!cum·cl ;:c-.b~o•·intivu ·, llh'l!<in;.. .1L (.J,1nbcn.t in J:mui\J'~·, 11)3~), :.h<l cunt,·iln•te.l to :"u.ta~ J .,~~;;,.iou~.

Owh1;: tll othl·r duti~.s 1'\!SC'~H"t':l \\·a~ .1~1· ~1~· (•on :n<:d tu the cx.l!llln\ltiun of !'>Crlc:..

1,j ,kin:;·r:1lli:t <>f l';11s wid1 tlw new to the c"mt•ilation <>t' a c1ing·11ustic revert (Jn rit~ ot' • :•,1::1 li.C' point ,; \" :"w <>~ 1.C .. 1 • :n.,, ccunc,mic JlroLi,•ms : ,\

,;r~1 im inm',Y p:q1c1· on snt·lt SJI<..!Cit•:>, indt.ding two new s.tu·st:Jec·Jes, was l•Ublh;hcd in tile ; .. !~or<i~. ~~

~·felons (E. T.,. G. Trougl.ton 1:. c·:.::rgc) . Thr princ·ip:1l donn tit HI cun:<i.~,ccl of a sC'ri,•s .. t' , w.:uty·ni..,· cr;tnia vf ,_>,wine

;.,;nul ;Jath·e:o. rc<·civN irolo~ t •• ,. ),[a1·irime ~cnic·cs Bo:.rcl throu,.-h the D,•partntl'llt i.\.n .. ttllll,\', rni\'CI'<"il.'" ol' F.~·,bc~·. The:>c ,kul.,; w:J, he .;,., . :I h'Ju.lCC l .. \11\; :lCclll'atd,\'

lvcn ·i~cd P;lJllHJ:•i :tn cr:.uia uuw ,li<>J•l:~,vcd iu the Hnvi Gronv. (' ;.,. .::.1 :.nd <ll·llt., :-,.,.,e;>,·,·:J tat\::·Ll wa,., ,.,,.,,,. av "l.1Ul' 1< 1) :· .. \ .• '\ .. \.hLic,

.\lllltOlllY Dl'l•· rtn.,nr. Unii'C'l'Sit,\' ,, S~··!:t('v, ani! n.-. ·1. \',' l . ol ••• ·.~. --~""" .i: •. \' . .... tX-:u .. :,;c ui. p:·im. 1..: ('1\llli•. witn J>r,•fc:,.svr K '\\'. \\'cg-nrr, Fr.mldnn. 0l'l'l11toll:V, w.H C•I.1plckd, :m.ll ~tn v :1.: ted • w s J:o\ icl.-,J I Jl' : • .-• ..:' . • r . ..::\-:.r.c.·, .\<,, :l;t•• · .\ scric:s of cr,mia w .. s _,:·uYiul!tl for the " ~tory o:i :ll::nt" Cl.:hiLit in il.<J .\.1.u~cnm.

,_:r~t$ (.J. T~. J\it.ghurn in c:Larg,•; \\'. Ro:n·uJ.l:lll, J~ssi:;wo~t tot' pa:·t of the ~·e:n·) .

0 .. ··'" ~ix ~· t:. ~;:, !l ~tY~ u~..:C •. Ul.:L\.!U tu the c,,11ectlV11, L:! lh . •• ,,~ ();la~·:-~, tnu;ultal)!\.! ... r mnkin;\' into ,]dn:-;, \\'t•rc i"~·w.ll'dl',1 frum various p:::·b ~ur id~:Jd:ic:.tion :.Ill! •.. :·t. 'lllc :\L!c.:,_il.h·.-.t,y l'u:h:c.ior.. vi :;cn• thuu:.:md cog~,;. presented wward, the c•nd of la~l yc:11', hns 1.ut ~·et L..:cn iucor;>c.r •. red i.. l.c llla:. cvl:ccnon t .. cre bC'it.;; .• ~ !Jrvpcr ,;tor.1gc .. t·col ... no(h\lil) 1. A small but intrresti 6 colluction of CA"g":>, m;ule \'Cal'~ ago by the \\'<;!.·k .own co::cctor, K . :r. Jjpnnett, W.IS l .'CSCJ,,e I J'j' )fro. G . ~[. :Jc~,nctr. ·

'!' .... r ~-~ · r<:J.t:.: c.J.:d ,:un : .. 1::. J,e:cn s~·::;t.'!:n .• tic .. l:,-.• .. ;: T dcc1 to, hut despite the utntO,:,t vit::ilnncc the , .. ::;c~ ,.u 1 ~.~(·~1. .. ()~'~ tihv\\ ~:;1 . ., o~ J •• ll.C .. i1.:c~t=tt"io... 'fLc . !vv:sicm o: l'lll.'t: ,uit.:t.l.\3 :.t.,r,,,.; j,_ t.r;,(·ntl;v requi~·cd.

. Iufon •. u io: .. :1s b.:~: .l :h., , .. :c1. o Y;.riuus O\'C!':ol::1:> u.-r.:t!. ,Jo..;i,..ts nn,1 spe:cimcns ".· •::.wk, ha\'(! bcl'n examllwd .md l'('portcu (hi fol' the u,n,Jing Pif,:'eOn Protection ~O<'My. Relmrts .... _.,. : (L .. 1>.·cu:::·,•.1 iv.· tliC Cnici :S<.!en•t, ry's J),•'tJT:cnt on ccrtnin ui.rd~ lll the scltct!ulcs of the !>inJ:.. and ~\J•im:tl:.l'rotcction .\c, t.nd fu: the l>ep .• rtm(;nt v~ ;kricultur.: <>1. ua Ct'01JO.nic· ,r •• ws of Y:ll'ious Lh-ds. ],[,·. Kin;dH>rn paid several VJSltti to 'l'arvng-a Park Zvu!ugic:,.l (;,,n!uns to i-.e. i:y rccdlt :'\(.<, frc·:n I..c!ia ~ · ~ ... !ay:,. :. smnil coikc .. iull of !,in1s wus cx:~mined Iol' D .·. Guutbcr, Mandated

cmtory of X C:\1' (. uincu.

F:·· . A~. Hon~r~.ry l::>e<"rctary _ _uf the Stall' ~ ,Jvi,;or~: Cmr i r ~c ?~' d1e I ••11ltWta' ·.on ;1:1.<~ .. ,.ort:l.ton c, • .! • .wna. ·'' r. h:u,.11oJ'n cx .. tllllll:d ;lltllll•CJ. t:. o1 m re.,, mH.l potennal nna

Nsts were prohil>itt-cl entry into the Commonwca!.;J. . .1.1 cxl,illit oi u~~.:iu! bll'Ud wns made at tlw En:>tt•r Show o: tl.c ltoyal.\gricu1tuml


') The: rcfercmr·c c,JJicc.:.i '·"' h.wc lll'C:: male :w .. it.. ,., .o ,.·or~dl ontit".•tl\),..:~t~. '!:D. L Se, \'C'r.t.r cx ... u:n"l Y .. riuUl> "J•t:cic.., oi sea uirds ~nd l.ft· .• \lh~·n .\ . Stcwnrt l'ISJtc•d the Dt·J•artm,·nt on Y~ .. ·i ,u,. oc<· .. <o.:,.; t<l di~ct;,~ <i."ll:t .. olo.;:c· .. ! p :oh!, :n" 1::

.r: .. ·r·t:on witll a report nn l>inl:> in enprivitv. }[.-. T:ruttPI', l'hil.Hlcltl.ti;l, 1:.-nitcd '"'~c, vf .\!1.c·ric·.t, ")L;: . ~ol .. •' , •.. 1 v .. 111C' rx.nniu •• tivn oi c~~·et . z, ,,]og't·al :JV-<l ~rt 'lw•lelJ' · 111 l 'd ' l t 1' ~ . d ·~ :l<c cons: eralJlt· uso of thu •in:l c:ollrC't ion" ; mnl.,Y "i''''t!1.t:lh wcrr ,·n "· stu '' Pl.:t',JO•(S, nnd i1 .i0nr.,\, ivll wa:. :::upplic,l to ('OI'l'<)5lJOlldt;nb, visitors :llld • .<; Jlrc..,,,

z 1

:.~r. 1\in;.;-lJ,,m attc·11d~d rht: C':lllbea.t lllC'ering- nf the .\·nlinn an<l ;..,.\\' .'·r~1 nnd .\s.-r,l' iatirll1 ~-ul' t~.1 .\eh .. ,. 1 , 1~.;,Jt vf :-><·it-.h'C', •• ncl too., p:.:·r i .. SCI'Cl'.1l ,ij,l!u._ •.

• ·h, l•a.-ticul..rly OJtO de • .liug· wiut 1"<,\ !•t·ohlcm~.

Reptiles (lti(Z Bal ,·arll'it~ (,J. R. lGnghm·n in ckngc ; W. Bonrdman, Assistant for part of the yc~w) .

• \. hr~c number of spcrimcns was rcc·civcd during the ye lr, but not all ha\'O yet been xeg-istcrcd and incor!JI>l'~\tcd . ·

TllC rcfN'I'llCe Cl.'llcdions ht~vr hct';t attC'1Hlcc1 ro, the cutalogur.s cJhcdwll, and )llllllY spirit :;;pc6ml'!ll:l n•mu\·c~1 t'rom 1~ t~nl:vry .m<l acltlud t.o thr· l1uplh:alc$.

A list of • he n•ptilc.:o:; ot the l'..:1krul (npital Territory witS prcpnrcd for Th·. T. ~[. )[r.cken:t.;, skulls. fll\<l cmhryolog-ie:ll m:ltcrial wurc pro\'itlod for Dt·. TI. L l\cstovcn, r ... d a:>sist:mcc :1nd int'orm .. tion were :tftot·d~·d w Dr. C. II. Kd!a11'ay :mu Dr. II. 0 . J,ct:Jhrid.:;e. _\dl)iliollal notes on !lte Ginnt To:1.11 ( mm·in•us) introduced into the Quccn~hnd c:11~e-1'kl,1s, Wl'rc n::Hlc nm1 forw~utlc(1 to ).fr. R . \r . Llwcr, Entomo· 111p;ist to the D<'p:n tmcnt o£ 1\gri<,ultmeJ F iji, anc1 to the Antcric:tn Society of IIcrpctologists. Kotcs on various subjects of interest have been cxc:han~ed with scvcrnl .American l1crpetologist:::. ine:lnding Dr. llow!lrd K . T.lo.vd nnd }Jr. J . R. SleYin, and witl. )lr. TT. W . I'nrkcr, Hriti. h 1:[useum of Katu~·al Jii;:.tor;v. Hescnrch Wl]o condnc"ted on ;:.omc Q~1ecn::.l:n1d l·,•pti1,:s, tl c rc~ults, i11clnding a description of a MW spocirs flf snake, bl:'ing pu]Jlishe~ in the "Hecords.'1

}lr. J\inghon1 attended n ~1eetinr; oi :\ Fnunal Committee and a conference dcalin:;: with Fatmnl TIC(!Cr vrs. hoth conn•.H•d by the Ch;c-£ Secretary's Department, .:11111 aho several meetings oi1he Education al Ervadeu:;t Advisorv Committee of which ],o is a member. • '

Fi11hes (G . 1.,. Wh~tlcy m chnr~c) . ~Lu.y donatiotlS W(·l'e received during the yea-r. The rnrcst com1Jriscd scn1cs

of t1:e unique Crossoptcryginn fish (LaliJ/H~1·ia chalumnr1ll) recentiy discovered in Sout11 _\ frica, presented by :i\Ir. II. S. Cha11t, Chief 'l':1xiJermist, who received them i rom )fr. \Y. A . Sargcnt, of 'East London . A brg-c collection of ihhcs from the Ror!hcm 'forritor~· was presented by Mr. )Jrlbournc \ Vnrd, nnd a smn1lm· series b~, the HeY. \V. S . Cl!:tscling. A 11cw fish, allied to Tiay1s Tircam, from :Milton, ::>outh Cons •. , 'New Smtth Wak·s, w:1s received from 1-[r. T . C . Roughlcy, Tcclmological }.!\lSC\1111. JI.tril !pceics fnlln Q, r>~,;Jl,hntd we1·c ]m~:;cntcd by Cnptain .ll. . Ricolson, and )fessr:.. Il. :-.. )fort aml Jln:cc .Tamicson. While on annual lrnn·, )fr. T . lr~;(b1c, Sta!T, coll.wrc•rl GH spc>cimcn;; from ,he ::\oosa l1in·~·, Sm~th~rn Queenillaml, and a. scri<'S of frcsltwator 1i:.hcs fro. n Central Ql•ecn,hmd was 1·cceivcd from )ir. K . Oc:wy. \Y cste1·n _'\ustr:.llian •·:1ecic>s were ohtai1~cd irom the ~\fuscum an,l Fi~hcric:;, Department, Ptnh1 and tmmics, pcbA'ic ;:ml other :L,hes were presented Ly the .Fisht;ries Investigation Station, Cronu1!:l, Xcw S,1nth \Vales. From other sources sevornl ~·m·c and intercstipg species and also some slt:1ms' eggs were obtained.

V<lrious improvement;; have been caniod ont in the Exhibition Gallery, hlc1uqin;;· the ndditi.:n: of sorne l1CW cast!; of 1ar:.rc fis11cs. The scales of T,alim.el'ia. han~ been p-qt on l'lC\':, \dth illus:.radons and cxphn11tor.v details, tlnd other !:>pecimcns have been supplied with f resh labels.

J~nquiries on fishes :mJ relarcd r.nh.icrts 1uwa lnrp-ely incr<•:<sed. Information wati ~·ivcn to members o{ the Lcrner Bx.~edition; ~\mcrie:. n -:\h1seum of Xatnr:tl H istor,v, ::\cw Yor:<, .:onccrnin~;;· ~ame tlshc:: nnd an East Indhm R11y (Rhiur1) . Qthcrs 1:e Y hotil i.1fo~mntion on ris::cs and ic1nh~·ologi,·al litc<·atmc wns ~ivc·u )ucluded :Or. A . Herre, c[,]iiomia; Dr. Car: Hubhs, 'G'niYm·sit.v OT )ridlip:an ; Dr. A. F . Brll~!l, :md Dr. Yi1!1. l~ge . Conm1hagen ; ufllccrs oi the ;:,wtc FiBb·~:·ic::< Branch. Zvoh>gy Departmcat, 'C':til•crsity oi Syciney. \Yhi tl.1y m;:,!,• ~~vct·n1 Lrips to Crvnul1a to i<lcntif~· il.shcs in ,he (;ollcetious. vt the Fi::;hc•J•ies Tnwst ig.:ll wn St.!tion and to \\'ork on the biometrics'

nnJ nomC:lclaturc of tmmics. Owin.; to the incrcnsing amount of routine work rt'5C<ll'<:h was curtni1etl, but

lfr. \Vhi:::luy tlclerm1ncJ m •• ny specie., ;md pl'C!I<.rCd dc:;c,ri]1t1m\s of a munber of ucw species. 1Ic has in hand a rcY:sion of the elnf:\mohranc:hs, wi,h l\ vi0w t o the r):·ept.rution ot ;\ h:rr.ul.Jook on sl1urks. )Jm:h of "the '·Ent1cavour'

1 collection has been

over~tauled, .md tne sharks, ~katcs, u.aSl!lol>r:mch eggs and Holoccpha1i h!\YC been

sorted :md dc.crminecl.

(A. )fu,;gT:l ·~ in cl.unge; 1\:. 0. :U:c1\cown :md 1\fiss X . B . D:. G. i . \\'an:rhou.~e <~nu IT. J . Carter, 1Ionor:1ry Ento-

I nsecls. ail cl A r·acln1ida ., ..:'.d:.~m:;, J\:;sbt:l nb; uJOlogi:.ts.)

)!ucl. of rhe work dtn-ing the y«:1.· 1ut~ bc<>n co11ct:rncd with tll? ~a1·e ~nd management o! the collections, ,md the s t,,pl,ving of idcntificnt.ions and mtormanon t.o public; smtll! ut ;.he materi:1l suhmittml h:ts l:ccn of c{:om•mir in~ere;st . AlJ;.ll'l; from tlort:l• ion::. a '' ,es o£ Qucen<>lanrl ii1sect.; \\'US purch.tsed 1mm )fl'. :::. Gcal'y, nnu a l.ngc gcnCl'<tl collection from t!:e c:.rntc oi the late Lt:ke G:t1ltn-d.

During tlu~ vc.n- much assi:;t:tn<:e h~b b('(m given to various Statu Dl"1Hrtmcnts :111el othc

1·,. The:;c' j 11uhHkd the J\cw Suuth "·ales DPp<wtmcnt ,,f Agricnlturc;, the

Divbiou vf Economit- E1ttomology. Canbcrm; thu Fi::;h01·ics Dcpann1ent, Nmv Zca­}a,1u J the !:)chool of J:>ublic IIe:tlth uud Tropica1 )f tdicine, Unh·cr:;ity ot' S~·dn.:Jy; The )(useuro:l oi .A.t

1cldnnd, Xcw ZcnlnnJ, :1 \U AdelHidc, Som.l: .\nst~alia;, -rhu Dey:~~·~mc11t

uf A!P;~cultmc~ Queons1(lncl; 1he Tc.wh.,:·:;' Colll'l\'0 .• Am>lctnlc, .;\cw So\1tl) "\\(..:;;,

u:. \\ • ._:,.u ·~"' 1' •• ,vr.~ . ... " t .. \: .ac::.t :. ;,ab:..: ~cl<.:tion~ .o .c cv •• ,.c.~ ••• c..: , tc;'.1i..s ,!uruJ:;" tlu.: ~·c.1: wuc !l r, .. h- of t h~· .- ' ·\J . ig]l r is ianlhi.,; W.:tcrl . rc.;d by ;u1·. J . ?. lacqlll'l'll t.t ~ .. ih::::ca.H., Q •. t:..:n,;l.nnl, :.nd ,t f.cric .. ol. Og:JI'is amM;~l 's fuv .. .:olkctcd by J,il,Jb,,Jt ;,L Cal'l'd .b.l , ·, nc•u· :-3,vclnl',V. Stn.t!t cvl..,vtion:; Wt:.·c !•.I • ..:ll .sea irom :.\~ •· · X . l<~.~•u·y, So!1thern Q,l\;._,n,Lulll, an.J )fr. F. L. WJ,it!wk, \Vc!i .... .-n·::lli .. n.

'l'hc fo.luwin;; n:gi:,.r.aiOlJ::. ut bu l tc ."f:ico \l\:4c m :.dc uuri.. tl:o yc .. ,·:-

1\' :.tcrhuUH.l con..:etio .. -:!:,l.iO:> · :Jft:,.eum <:vllu:flr,l, ,; i.~·c . t colJ..ctivn, ~ :; ; t obl, . .,,3-!. Tl.c po:>itior. .Is 1\:!.,:-:n·ds I'.;,i:..r::., iv.l oi t.w w •• vll.: evJection :s now ":, ic:;llows: W .. tcrhot.:-C collt:..:tio.l, :.v,b\17 ; :lluser.n, col!cction, ';'";:&; :::::.y,:Jl colJc...,t!vn, 207; total, 2. ,64\.i. T:::dc•· t,:,mty species now awuit .-cg:su .. tion, and it ~s c.o:p.;ctcd tl.::. will ,:.vrtly b.; .:om;l1ctcd .

• \ rcviscd li:.t oi the :1olvtypc:, oi speci~.: :> :md sub,pl!cil!, of :rr.,_,IJc:ilJuc in the ::Juscum ,,·::s prep:ncJ.

Sull1C time ago it was ic.unrl t h :Lt A nlh re nu~ \\':1::. dt;!c !~:ng- ;;p,-..::mcns iu .some vi tltc :,!ol'~ lalxt:;. The room. w:~.s cy. 11 itlo<l hut .1nihl'cnas has ng-.tin been fouud in ~ouw o1 tlw hoxc·:;. Jt is \lnfornm.ltt• .~c tlt1: s in.ntiuu of fL.: 1'<lunl run.Ioi·!l it liaJ,]cl w inic,t..t ion uf ;l. is }, i1 ~~ . Lu:; :.t lH'CS<'l 110 •>I h<'l' sui.ubic ilcco.mnoJa livn ia 11\'nilnhlc.

:,\1 i~:; .~d .tm: \'.liS c. .JL.,lv.' ..-a :r. $\!tt • •• • a11<l J..bcl l iug- sp -c: .. " • ud ti1e prcpurntion oi. J1·. ,:r.:,s -to -il!t.:ot."atc .'uuli>~-'" 1-. So. S .. .:: ..lso _.;.;i:..~d .JJ.'. Wntarhousu in tho ~eoi:;,~,.r:ltion of !Ju"'"' \.>•11!"'.; .

CtJ11chology. (1'. lrcc~ .. ~o in t-.. :"'c ; :\f.i ,, :r. ~\: ... n, }.s:.Lt .. n •. )

Two \'cl'Y lnr c eo. cct:v •. l) from ~-·· ~o.-J. r- r~.-ritory ' Cl'C rcc ivcd, 0110 :from t .. c \\'c:ltu.-n r -:· t cu11cctcd by ).[:. *\fclbon::.~ w u:,1 whuc • .m UOill'u H.1LA.S. liorcaby, t'1c owe:· irom the: E .. ;;~ C\.) .• .;t 0i A111.. " I ... nd, presented by the Re..,.. W. S. 'LlC :Xonh~; t·n '.1.'o:rltol'y wa., :' : -Jvim:,]y hut :"'"dy ;:,p:-c8 n cd in the Museum collcc~ tion, ::md tlto~c nccl'~ ;(>ns "il: aJJ ~nuch to our lmowleclge of · o tnolluscan :fauna of this reg-ion. ~fatcri<tl hns heen obtained th1·ough tl.e volun •. 1'y efforts of various collector:~ inducling· _\rc~,_r::; . H. B__.rnkml, IT. S. ).fort, 0. }'. Laseron a d others, which J.:m: re,u fc<l ia tl•c ncquisition of n 1mmlJcr of specimens from the dnoy dis rict, and :.!,·. -~- j,, C:ntl..:wn h .. " ieo~·w •. .-d ·d mnch impo:-tnnt material from beaches near the mom . o: tl.c Oln~·d,c..: J\:\'('l'. T .c cr..,.:l.ccr oi tl1e Hunter District Water Su1>ply and S ~u:/1 e Bot.:<. !'ubl..:ttcu s .-:11., obt-in J from borin.,:. at ~omn o, inl nd from ]\~;;\.c.,, }(', . ·•:> o: .,.o w 70 cct. n:c of great h .t..,res 1 t o u ler pn::t com .. inc<l est •• :h.c , .. e~l:., \\,.~;:.-,a:. t:1c lowc~t layer cor.UI.neci mnri:lc spec: • This :·~ .... :eh is king con.inucJ ,.~,,J the .-..,,:llts should l>t0\'6 of inturc~>o to geologists and P-Lcon to1ogists .

.A.~~:oi:;tallc\~ was ~ivcn tv Lite Fishcric, !nvc~tigatioll :Station, b1•onu1ln, the Commuliwcaltll Pulacomolu;)st, th\l'i(•;, Branch, and many Vlsitors who broug-ht shell:> £or id..:utification.

:.\riss .Allan has cvntiuucd the re nrrnnt;ClltlCnt o£ tl,c gnll<::l'Y collection and has l.'~;·or.;ani""d tuo fm·dg-•1 rdcreuce collt>..: ion and tl1e duplicate co.lcction, with a. :• ... alt .nt savin:r of litora,c :;pace. Coll~ctiot:;, of sl1c1ls were .upplicd to s<'l.oo1s nnd tn c.,.l:l,it wn~ t•roviucd for di.,pby- at tho Go!Jcn Gate :Expo~itiou, San Frt.ncisco.

Rc.;<:Jr.:h wa., ca.-.::icu m1 a::> op ortuJ.ity ofi'crcd. 'I he sccon 1 J.l .. ~·t of tl:\3 Ueport o .• the ~folln-c. oi Low h1cs j:; in c nf prcp"r!l:ion by - :-. Ircd ... e, w .. o h::ts :!lso "o! .. p.cti!d n l'uvicw of t'he , ... nd :llo1hl::>l':. of \\'c-:.h::tl .1\l~:otl·aL ..

Lower In vcrlebm los. (F. A. )[.,Xci.l in d u1r c, .\.. A. T.:\'in~~tonc, ..A sibt:11.t.) Anamg impur lant .wquisition:s \\'l'r c• t:vllc:~tions oi Dec:Jp,•d:~ from the Ohwcncc

Hi vet·, prcscnt<'<l h,v :Mr . • \.. _\ _ C, •. wro11; }).,,.: poth and )J:~d ,·c)o: .. l·i.t, Onp\) .ll"'h·itlu, Xorthcrn '1\·rritur~·, hy the l ~c·Y. \ \'. S . ChusclinJ ; Cl'Uiltnccnn and trcm:ttotlu J'l:~1'<1:>i tcd r,n tnc: Jllnc:k ).lnrlin :-iwordii..,lt :mcl the il lnlw Sh.n·k, b~· .\fr. Si1 Rohu ; :~ mcduh:t 1ww lo Lll: i:.u1a of :\c\1' i':lotnh \\'de:;, collcctccl in Pol't Jnck:;on Ly Mr . 1'. ]3. :?l.cillou. T!l\' ,}, scl'ihc.1 ,.,,J!cc:tions o~ Ant:u·c,ic Hyd;·o . ..,.! Py-:nogvnid:l, ot:tlling thousands of spccim1·ns wc,\J :·.,.: •. in:d i.:om t!.c l>ublic .. tio,l Cor~:u:.tcc vi ,he 1!}11-l!ll,! ..:l.u~­t.:J~Ln Ant.1rcti..:

'Two ':w;;"(' i•,.lhw;iow" ,,{ E<·h1n. i.ic.t w.-r :,: .. r ·., ~ ,,•n. \. ,,,l,•J.h.1 ·.tn, :111, · -.,. :111 l ::\l'lll:ll"""" . ·c·\'l' t'-•l'l\',1\'t. ·

1 on 1,,,\ t

.. \<.c-tl~,lc, :\1il."! .l <'\ •H\!t..',lin. (_d h~.·,· · h·.-. \\ lnv~.·:\t 1 ·r •h 1. ~\~· •,

, ' u' \•r. L ~~ .~ .. .. · ~., tl • •. ...; ~ ''"' td".V c·,.,~ncution ni inv~tt ',hl'~ h tl.c ~u'l'l ~tul'~·~l· t· . • hd.~·,;-. .;\!t'(, • l,v ;,) ... a.tlh.·d.

).fl· .• \t,•:\t•;l\ h.l-" vuntiuurd l<• •'<•· o1k1'<.k \\ itlt ~ll' . }~ . • \. Jo]tH::.Ot•, ).fm·:tiiTil' ~.·rYic~- Bo,1nl . in tho W••1·k <lf ,·.,mpi:in;:;· :-.11pplc:menttu·y Hq.ort :\o. :t on rr,;trinu t.. ,., 1· \11'<>h1..:n " · 1u th'.., worl, dose ,,,~.,,·\at io~ Jt,,, lw<·n m.1i11t:1iucd with tlw Quec•ns­lnu.l 1-\•rc;;t ~C'nie,•, "hi.:h ;,. L'llgagv<l in :;imil.l t' w.nk

)11'. )Lt"~l'ill h:l.:' m:.tlt• pl·og-r,•o',; witl. lti, l'I'JI<>l't olt tltc J),•<•:woda ('ul1N·n•u 1.:; 1hc 13ritish Hanicr Hc·cf Exp,•,litioll, antl .\u·. J.idu~stonc hn~ cmtl inut•cl wurk <lll the

'.,., u .. o.' ,h. l~r ·ti,;h, "\u,traliau, :11:" \cw z,"tl:\l•d .\!:wrctic Fxpc<lition. :-. ,,:l .• c:l:. • 1 1-.,, .... ,,c,Jw•1.\ W•::·e t•x . .r .. i wu f,.r Dr. \Vnlclo L. Scn:uitt, rnitc<~

...-. .. i,C' :\,,,j, .1.:1 ~ltt~··u.n , 1\' .,,;hin.;hu, .1 .. 1 il ;, •r .. :,.i H 11.1 the tm1 .n oi•· '"r.t<.

.lllll its c:.Hlit:ation w:\~ .;i\'< 'll to tL 11 '''-'"l'•':itm. \\.ate1·, ~CWI.'.':\1.£•· au,l D:·;tilul' '<' :Boar l. ~Lnil•C ~ll('t:imcll$ were ident:.:c·d .• ; ·).fi:;:; J~ . C. l'L)f'C, ".inne!lll ::'<l.lclcay 1·\•l!n\ in Zo~nlop;~·. nna l!.:'orm;\ti<io O.l t:.u tiw:-.. 1 ,.,. ot ;\n!llhipocla w~:s ;,;upp1iNl lO

:J:,·. 1\. :-.],c,m1, S!lu1h .\u:;trdi .. ll :.u:-;ctm .. jl .. t0rin1 wns itlt•Jaitiea _·or tho Forcsb Jlid:.· ... 1 .. .td Fblt..:rh·s !:'cc.i.m uf ,!..;. f,n· ~,·i~ntilic ~nd I tl\h • .,trial Rt·se:l!'CJI .

. <~tllr rO,dJ!V!IY· l C. .\. Jcll·l'S•)ll ;n !.'i.n:· · M:-~ E. TII'<\llle;l :md P. D . :•JcCartl.Y, .. '.~~:;;:\ tl'!~'l;:, .)

1.:~ .... 1nu1•,1 : .. n H)r~~l.L . .l&.~-.·~-1~ioa:;, \\~\•l.\.~ : .. t. '-''tHc<·tiun of c1uhs snea~·:.\. ct-Y(·n:oninl l o~:n·d~ . -.•·:t\'"'•JIO"L~ .n.d •. tttC'r •• ~·dc.;l, . ., t 1111 rl11• i\orrh.:rn '1\·rrito;·y ·l·~'''""llt•·d b:.· 1 he J Jl'p:n·!l,~cllt nt' th.: 1ar~:ri<•l' : ;n,· · ~~,l • ·t~:L'dtt· 1 >1Jcr ... \\'Hi Cl' 1h'um~. :md body ornn· lh<'Ht:-. 1mm H••rth ,,f tht ::;,.,,jk 1!h•cl', ,.\ .. 'l'i1nr.v of '\C'w Oninc:t, by t llC l.tte H . ].J. }:Vt'; ~ton<.! axC's t'mw lw ~t·pik H.iwr, l·.v l>r . 1~. l\. (1. ~lillcried ; '"1:nlt•-tot•th pcnuau tll , 1 t,\' l)r. ( i . _\ . \\r:\1 l'l'h(l\lSe, 'l\·u:;tce; llh>lJv],; ut ciub-hon:;e;;, i rorn 111<' l'url'lr i n<•lt .\ ;,:hl l'!irt :.\:.m·c ,,~ •. hy lil<' (\.overHnll'nt oi P :ltllln : _\\~::,tr:~li:m nLuri,g:inal :;t<ntC i m pl<.!· mt·tHs hy iiiCSl!:'.,. ~. A. 1->penccr, H . B\1l':ell, und .\ . J. B:wrctt.

Purchnst•s indudctl the UJl :ll i:Jstnlment vf the Srpik R1Ycr Collection, ohtainl·U hy ~[:- . J~ .. T. \r:nwhopc ; ax'"s and m\tb<oHcs, Lower )[acqthll'ic l{in•r, f rom .:\l.r. 1~ . ;:,,\W.Y('r ; p,,J.vncsitm ;ntd ::\cw Guinc:1 :HI ides frmn Mrs. P m·c>.'ll Uohen; :1 tine · s\.<.nw mm·tar, J)ululn di:;trict, 'f__.rritor,y of X t"l' (htin(!n, {rum ~r. G. ?\. Hich.:mls; :wticl<:s :-,1:a1c h;v abori;!:ines of th0 1lac1c.1;.' tUJtl .li .mniu;g Hive•· ,lis trh:t,;, obtained by the

assistance of :llr. \Y. J. E nl'ight. J3y e--xch::mgc wiLh L'Ecolc F raucui,;c d'l-:xrreme 01·icn t we ubtaincd a series of

stone implements :irom Tonkm, C.mbvcia, and ~m1nm, n11tlu numh~:r of \Vest ...\rric::m lT.~:::.ic • .l iHsu·nmcm:>, by cxchang~: with .\chimot'' College .

. All the Au~nalian ond the s : no~H m~·•erial f,·om Xew Guinea nnt1 the Solomon Islands lu1s been tnm:;£errcd t o ~luel stm·:u\'e c:1hinets an d j, UIJW l'N\tlily anrilablc for l'cferencc. The collc:ction of stone: imJ,k.ncr.ts lu1s grcatl~· increa:,ed in recent year§. :md addi t ion.1l cabinets ,u·o neccs:;ary for convenient stori\ge of this matcrinl.

E xtensiYc 1'C·:urangements and imp1·oyemems in the gal1e1·y exhibits haYe beet\ mr.Je dUl·ing •he year and the work is still pro<.:~eding. A thorough r evision of the c·ontcuts of the :Xcw G\tinca. hall ll!li> been canied out to make l'OOlll for an exhibit

~>f 1 he Sepik Hiver cultw·c. A disptty of nuti \'e\s an,1 h<l;.!':; was mudo at the exhibition l1e1d by the

:Xew f;,m th W'alc::. Society of .Arts and Cr.1£ts. In tl.e Easter holidays, with ~b·. F. M. D:l\'idsou, SinglPton, :Mr. :llcCarthy

made a rcconnai:;saucc oi :1bo.·ig-inal sites in tl1c \Vl.llombi di:su·ict. They were later j<>ined by Prvfessor J . L . Shellsheur and :Jlis,; l31·amell, unll un uX11mination wns mnde of p1·omising sitel:> a1on;.;' W attagan Creek, in the ueigbbottrhood of W ollombi, and .. long the Cessnock l'Oat.l. Seventeen gl'O\tps ot rock paintings, some of which have not been dcse1·ibcd, were vi .. itcd. I1~ ,J un~. P1·oicssor Shellshe.w and :Mr. l1cCarthy mad~.: an inspection of cave paintings and deposits at Wolgnn Gn1), nenr Lithgow.

With Mr. 0. C. Towlc, :Mr. McCarthy made a co1lccting trip to western New South \\ralcs, vi~iting ~ount Foster, Brcwardn:1, Lake ~a run, auu othe1· placE's. An aboriginal stone arrangement 'vas jnspected, and a large scri('s of stone implements made on the trip was added to the :Museum collection.

Dr. Carl Schustc1·, TravclEn.; Fellow of the Guggcnheim l!"oundation, New Y' urk, who is making a world smvc•Y of certain motifs in primith·e urt, spent about two weeks in ,the department, l'cCol'<ling Jcei;l.'lls illu:;tr:ned hy :;pccimcns in the Museum collection; addition:.! Jatu und photogrnpl,s are hcin~t sent tv him ns nc\V material ro111CS to lu.nd. )lr. Douglas Ann.,nd, ww· designed p•n·t of the Australian SC('tions for the 'Xew York \Vcn·hl',; }'uir, and the x~·w hCl\blld Centl)llUl'Y Exhibition, maaa m;e ot tho cullcc·t in•• and songht ndv1,·(! <lll ~uitnhlc ,\1hjects nml artic·k•s fot· uio.~pl ny. f'>J><'eimcn.>- wen· m:ld t• nntilnb lc> for the tnuking- of plllll<11£l':l)l11;; ,,f -.':l>'ls.

of tho co~t im't,;l\" ·, it w .• o 1 •• bnrir;i .1. 1 ~t

po ihio ~-·o p ; it js

• ' '1y cd 1..,.

( 0 . Anuor:.on in ch:n,•c ; · }.ti.,, E. I:lr<ltiodl :md F. D. :.1cOurth~·. ,j, .i~t:'lnts.)

._J J,\ \~\Jl\,l.t: I • • -

• " . . • . ... ,.D .. <.. . ·' · ,. : .. c::tivt.d!, \\'<.: l'cc• iv"d 1:vm .he Se., ,1\l-cc:lten:u·.Y OuU!,<:ll ,, b<.:t vi mud..L'l> :n;.,ru<.:J '" ·'" 'En.pir.: (hrnc- h<l. il • .'yt.IWY. ~n 1!)., , t.>.,ctl.d· v :.: t .u c'.;!s !. n wuic.1 they , , . .: r.J.:d~· .• \f:·. ;;, \\'. \Voodhe:1tl !)TC •• (·nwd a <!ollcctioa oi eobs vf Great l~rltain, Eu:o;h:, an,! .\.m,l'i<.·a ... m! :;mall mix~·" scrit:; oi cv::." wcl'o,; :ecc:n.,~ :!::ov:n .:..r. J . R. B. ;,tcv: .. rt, X. P . 1J:ticluw, und li. ~rei vcr.

J'o,,£,. . , G .,on ~n d ... rge; H . 0 . ~l.:.cbc1·, A~<> t.t.)

.c,; .. ,~-;.tioll:; tl ::-iu,; t1"' :-'<',.r tn:T:lbacc U7;}, r.t.J it.cl1.2cd ~C\'Cl'o1i (~ollccd04.; oi spN·ial itncn·,..~ <llhl \',1h11.:. )fr. B:. Coley l••·,•,enlctl •lll addition,1l ;,.;~ies oi ~i ... :"rorc .. .- \ •• t.d.l.-~>~: .-tagc (Pl!,l."li.l.:) , \rc.,tcrn .>t"'n·alin. and ::'rvn• 1>.-of<:Slior \ ' . H . .:--) idcl;)r, )t itm.i 'Unh·ct·,it.\', O~tio, l~nit~:d :::>tat;;,; ui Amct•ica, wo :,;c<)ivc.:d oy ..:xchangc .. .::J.u~ifull;: ; :~scr\·cJ ~..,t ~·i ::n:.!?.!(; Pa:.wuzoi,· .,J .:::.:.L:: • . • '\. s:. l;I::r c(>lh·c·tion was F•~cntcd ~·." ..\.i~s Dol'utl.,\• l't•;u,·l, . ?Ill'. <.; , F. L.1;;1 rlln pr<)::;rntcd :1 ::umbC't' ot' Jll:mt" ...... ! u;:-1.(";:, :l·om t! . .., ,ft.r.U;.,ic •• : •.• c T. '.n·a I;' 1 •. ,·~~· • • \cw ~ot.t!l \V .. Je,, .nd }.f~·. A. II. y,)i:Ol"Y !n .• dl' at.vthl.'l' <.hHlc:.ti~nt ui C,. IOl!i:crono 1<!s ;;on. t~lC nuritllH ,}c ... 1s of t!U.!

(.J,.n.ccstc:· l>i:;t,·il't, \.:\1 :-,o ... h \r. lr.>. T \'o .in..: ~:1..,cit~cns oi r: c to:;S:l fi,h Cl, illn-o-1 ;•i$<lio. ubt .. illl'C. ill ('X{·;W;.ting .lt \Voronora n,ml, WCI'<It.>~C •• l:.ttcd !J,I' :Mr. s. T . ::~trH~\\·or-:1.. Ehr:-L,cct .. L, .. C •. i\!l o.: thD -1ctru.:.~u~:ta':l 'r~~l:, ::>t'~'.'l• ... ·.to·c, h11d D.-.4inngc :3 .. n .. In11 ort .. ;\t Sl ~<: · ~:zl:s oi v..,r:•His :spcc-it•s wrrc rccci.~:d h· '• 1 tnc Gcolog-ic:tl :;,u.-n~y oi ~-C\1' ;:,out!: ''~' ..... .i:o .•. t.le Ge:vlogic ... SJ:w.:y of r:.<l: WC obtained b.,. rxt· p~a,.te~· C•·~ ::; c .. · ,y <: ::-pcd .Will\ li"l~ J!arf~, .. : f:om t 1e :Stl1t Raqr.;, Tndi.t, .• nt: by exd.nn,;; w:t .. ,,,v l,.,,, .. .,..,v D~r-.:r,mt'-::t of .. 11: Br . • ,, -h:!cur, we reh ·cd .• ;.·;;r.bc:· o~ pb:.ter t· .. s 1> u: Au~t•·•-:'i .. n ;o~sil.; tigtll·ed nl.d t•C6cribetl by ~rorris in :":ltrzdcc.d's "Phy:;~cal Dc,..c.<:nivr: of Xew Sonth \Yale-."

:'he w0:-k of ..:1.! ... ::~·:ng :md sc.rti~~- t:.\! br.;c im·crt<.'l:a-;c co1!.,c.ion has 1.ccu conti .. ui:d, ;n.u tlH.: ln·ac .. iu4)od , .::cuinodcn.1v, :me r>1,mt;, .• ,·c "'"\' :c.,,.y :o: .; .. t •• ~o.;

The cx!-.:bit.:<! (•o], etio:. ! .. s be .. :. 1. .. ,.;-ovcd hy tic u .. oitio:. o: l>C\'C\'a] special .. ::lli:>:ts :mch a:> ·'Tl.c E\'vlutiot oi .Pl •. ub," " .. :"v si:s u: t.1r .;),vJn..:v l>i ... n·ic"•" "fl.tcrcht· i.1, 1\ . .-mi ,~n }'o,;.,ik" Hnnd· .·i .. tt:<. .... ··' h_ .,...., b~L: .. "l.· ................. c :1cw :,;yl.l"ru of Hahtiug- bb grciltly imptv\'"u ~ .• ., c. hiUt.

Dr. Dorothy Hill, Q .~e.1sh n .. G .• iv..,.·stt:-•, i~ "'' •• • rev ,t.-.:a work on l.c ;li:Lcozoi~.: CO!'t1~S in t .. c eo!~~ ion, find P:-ofc:>oOt r:. c. cle C<l :c~· Olal·ko and Dl·. Curt Tllichert, Cniv<'r.>ity of \\' ..: ... c~u ~ti.,tra!:ia, vi:.lto.Ju t .. o ....... usct:m and examined the cu:lcction oi fv.:;sil.: .

• \:; i11 the prc\'iouc ;veJl'.,, :r~·. FlotcLut· :~c~cd IllS llvnur:ny Pula..:outologist to 'the Geological SuH..:y .1 .. -i l.c '~ ""' .-!.,o up,;oi~o.,li Lecturer in Palaeo~~ '"' the Univer:sity.

A study collection of fossils was prepared and fomarded o the School, Ko~arah, ior the u,e o: Leaving Cert.ilica.te pupils, And aDOth« qt;:'llllm:~:""!I~~;O~ tuc N C\V England U ui ver~ity College. :7

. ,)

C.tlo.:,1oni.l, hy 1-r :. :.\!. 1~;·~.:.~"1";: bnh i 1'. 1 . Cowl(•:>; , ....• v.:·r.\..; :.n•l p •.. ,•, !•" :-.",, \ Oth,•r ,Jm,.,r,. ut ~pc·<·h:.l•n,; 11" 'I ~ •• • •

I '\ J!:v.:l' TI'aiJwny TJrirJ~c,''l,~· )fr. .") "; . .. \1t ·~•·••:,., b .. ,.L·. P .

" \• , ••.. itc i.1 lh.'~Jn.ldtc, .A1lil' rll..l, . . ~- ... ~,,ovitf· in P<'ril11'1titc, TnJiJ.) . Cct:tr.t~ .\.<1~.~·;.\'~.); "-·•J.;.'n .J . J~i' :t,:\ .. , ..

J1y <'l'l'h ,,:;c with I':•<,);<'•~• I ' .11.1 11\'r,·Fity, 0' .io, :mt1 v;u·i,lUI' \ 11n•.1\"Ul\ 1ui .~\..1'&,1 d,. 't• (, ,\J. Jt\_ • ;. 11 , 1 ,:' , •• 1. .c,• ~ita.: :.;.r,,,,.iJall



iu~1,ttii.:~ 1hhJl'l':;\,;clll \·a1V:11~l, Ll') ••.-. Ult.\ ,t t•Uf .1 H. lHioi.IH\(., .~lll~: •• ,\!,~ e,,f ku . zi~''• '' l''lbh,•d ~ ·ctiur~ oi p~cuuu·W:l\'l'ilitc . wult'.::t\t.:, and udlt'l' ~. ;\number uf rare mim·ral» fl'<ll.l .{u~"\:m J,,.,;,,]i;il•;; we l'i'CCiVC<I l>y ~·Xdl.m,{<: with the Ka1·pin;;ki Gci,logi,.~t1 ),_n:;~nm, l' .:->.~.It: tL<'H' indudcll. khillinitc, l••!l:.l·itc, l\>1'<'1 101'•'\~•l, cinlwlite, stt'Og'!\110· YllC, t~·tumn~Hlt<' , :me: •1tl"•rs 11•1. pre1·iou~l.v represented in the ).fm;cum. F.xchnng<>s \\'l'l'O ul:>o ••ncctc<l wnh the ~tusct11n o~ Tndi ;m Gco1oA'icn1 Sm·,•cv, D r. E . S . Simll5011, \V estC\'ll Austral in, a .. d ::01r. ,J. ,J. ,J ohn,;ton, :-.ydm:~·- '

Tnr<'< ·•~rs i:n<:ludcd gol~.l. irom Ch:ntt•r, To\l'<'i's, Qu..;en,la!ld, ;J very lart-:c·d­Jnen ot auumt•c nom ,\l,. :Paln<.•l', Sot•th A.l,ti'<<~ia, a cot!t•ction of "\ust:<.Lan uvul::., ;11Hl a 111t1nhcr ui cassit<'r itc et·~·:;,:lls t'xom !·:J..,_vre. Xcw South \V;tl~?s.

s_,vrn .l:cw \lprig-ht C:l$CS h::tYC bccm installed in the min(ll':ll ~allc:·~·, le:w i u~ only tw.> athHth.mal cases .. o complete the l'cpl:wemo::nt oi table b,v 11pdg:h~ ca::.c,..

c.)ll\.'ctions nf mim•r:tl;; h:\\'C bc·cn ~('!le tO tl.c.> H:vducy Clir1s' Hig-h School, and ti1c ~t. L~<:>or~c Gi:l:..' Ili;.:-11 ~cbool, ;llld <ite ~.>•Lt<'Y Tcdmical College.

J'l'irolc•rill· (T. Iiodgc-Smith in ch:1:'A'"; R 0 . Chalmcrs, .\.s;;istant.) .\..wc::;::;io,:s numlC'rnl :i!!;) spcclm<'IH ,,n,1 •":) mic·ru-:-lidcs. The most 'impor:nnt

wa;; a .a:·;,c :>C'rios .,; ,., 1·],,., C'll<'Cl<'d ],y th{; .\.us<ra:i:.J: ...\11trrcti<' Exp,~~.lition , l.Jll·l~l·~. ~\ ;,:rth.-;· ;;.::io::. o: rocks i':·om t'ive J:;l .. ;~. Sout~. Cuasc, :\cw ::,o\:th \V~t.C», w,1;:;

]lT('~Cnted ,)~' )!1'. R. 0 . c .... :.1.(::•::;, :n.,J ~L·. ·=·l. (J . ~'ietc!.er collcc· ··~ll a .n~lllber i•1 tile )bidr, •• cl .:i,tr' ,. v .u·r :H:ccssiohs in<.:l .. d, rvc:-::; c·~~ll~..tcd by }.fr. F . D . ::\kCr.rtiW iH t!.c \\'~lhn,;to:, m.,t:·ict anJ rue:-::; i-:-om ;. .. c J,mol.m Cui'\!» area, pro;;entcu l>y )fr.

Kcii.h <:r .. J.t . The m.1i11 m:.:;~ (2;~1/ . <l ~nnn.l:t•s) oi. ,, ... ..,;·~·c>rtun acrolite. a slic·e uf the .\rltun:r:t

si<l(:l'itc (137.:: 1; .mL,.:>f>) :md .1 1 ... n:rl.1· c• '·'~''eH "'">nu ea the Hulbrolll< m~:tcorirc fall , w(·rc obL1ined h~· •<·· .\ ;;,i.;o 01' t w I!u1bury 'iron W;l» }Jresemcd by 11r. J . l~:1yncr. Twch·c .. tsn.cli te:s we-re p::csct .. ..!d b,v ).f:. Gcorgc ::;mith and one l>y }.[r. J .

11c1Jrum. ).£1-. CL.,1mcrs h:1s :1lmost co:n).1ctNl work (indudin,;- ann1:vses) on tho l'Ocks o£

tb:: '!C:vc bbn<.,; . .t\.1 ,H .. d.v.-:, uf ,he fl(·,lll~~~·~· h-on meteorite w::H> made for the Common· we.~:tl: G.,,,-nl.y~:c:ll Su:ve~· , :1.12 ~.:.,o oi ;HI iron meteorite f rom the B n::edow lbnzc,

Ccll~l4;.1~ ... ~~'~t~ .. ~~L, . ~. :. c::.Jn· . .:·:·;:, W:!f r.p,loin l to cnnrl•:,•t t,.,, Se<·:>;' d y,,;n· Oeo11'1.',V Com·;;e at

tl.c ~yv.h',V ':;\..: .. mco.l ~(,..\:6<:, dm·:, • .; t."" .• .,~entoe :.htu;~d o" ..):·. G. D . Osbor ue.


1. 'l'ax: lrrmi.,f'.:J t1J'rlll<'h . (;I. S. Ch·nnt. i.\ c1.a;·p;e ; J . H . Wright ami \\'. 13:1-rncs, .'l.ssi::;t ant~ .)

)."ew spe-:i,11en:; sld nncd •l l' 11:·escn·cd nnmhcr.:d H2 mamm:1l~. 75, 2~~ n~prii:-• :;,75 :fi" .. ~"' ,1n .. ~J" cn:, t.H'.,,1ns. Xew :opccimcns p1·cpurc.l totalled 137

m~n.,.i .. l:> .. r • .:. 13 :! bi:·ds. 'Jl., . \o.11:1 G:·u·.:p wa:-o completed l.y .,.,) ad ~:tivn oi a1·tiiicial b1·:m<'hes r.nd 1,000

p~·e!]w1'o?d cnvrs " ' ro.-n1 the ioli~.,c ni t~1c J.u:a ~;.·,c. Two new birds were added to the Bi•·J o~ P <H·•<!i&i: vl'1n1p, ~·,· pLchlg o:d,·r ;:;pecimeu::;. The Ly1·c Bird Group was recon­di :one,! : ,d f.ttl'd with light buXc«, wnich cousidc>l';1bly im1>rovcd the appear11nce of th.:: c:sh1bit. Phll.:s were prc11r,red for tldl in:.Lallntiun of new fronts, light boxes and backgrounds to u.e Flyin~ Fox andl.orJ ilowe Island hnbitat grOUJ'S.

!Iawl>5 were received ;~nd iC:entifil'il in connection with the bounty offer<Kl by. tl.c Ilomil·~ Piseon Society, and ::;ome of the rarer species wero made into study skina.

Two Gm·,;etted Birds of Paradise und a platypus were mounted iol' the TsLran:ln l>ark Trust, and at the l'C<tUCt!t of the D~partmcnt of l~ducntion 25 birds mounted for the Te11chers' Training College, ,Armidale. Tho collection of mC1,1l11•Wl~~~ birds a11d mammals at Fort-street Primnry School was renovated and other speoi-IJ. were added. .\. Wedge-tailed Eagle was mounted for the Goulbnrn, and an magpie for the Bathurst :Museum.

For the Commonwealth Govcn1mcnt n number of cbal·acteristic mnmmal.s and binh wore mounted for displa.Y in t.he Australum section of t-h, • ., ,.,.,..,..,.m Gate Exposition, San Francisco, and the New York World's Fair.

By arrangement with the Taronga Pa\·k Trust and Sydney l!~erriea Ltd. exhibits wm·c arl·&.ngt!d in the display windows of the Company a.t Exhil>ib were prepared and nrrangc..'<l in tho windows of various busineaa .. , . __

A·~istn11C~c was givc.>n to ],fcssrs. H. C. Ra,·cn ancl L. Ferraglio,· .meJil~tl:::o :~xpc<:i tion, .\mcrican ~(u:~cum of Natural History who m:1do U88 dc!·mi~t»' worl>ruoul to m,:;~mblc their collections.


"- 1.orin; J.tt1Innttl: •o.1 <' • the ;n.,uma1i;, .

)lr. :~ ru<·s a~,-i.-tcd )fr. 1'n>U1,;:1tna :.1 t},c ~:~.! :(1.; •

1.· . nd \\'<1:. rl•:;punsiblc fo.· tl . .,! rc-<.t~·,\nc;c •• lcllt .:J,( ._;,,

,,,!11" . I . t•r:uliol..,gicnl colectiOll.

)fr . (.r:\1\t wos a member d the spcci:tl cumm:rtcc .. ppointcd by tLe Premicl''<> lkt>lll't:ncnt to t•onsillt·r the t.1lda,:: ~vc:r of Koa1:~ P;n:k by the Covemmont :md was )t;ter npp

11intod )~n~cum l'<'lll'C'SCllttHlV<.: 01; the ~omrmttec of ~i.anagcmcm. He abo

continu~··l "~ A~tmg .:-.''cl'~~.l.''~' nml w;\>1 i< ,. <• Sccl'l:tary of the State Advisol'Y C••mmittco clonhng- ~\'lll: tho :mpo1·t ~ml c:spol't of :~auna nnd in this capn<'ity he donlt with )1\lll!Cl"Oll<i appiWiltlOllS hll' penlllt;:. to iJXJlvn Lr:·ds <HIO cxntnil.\:'d nany ~~. ol.UClltS

.. 11d con:<ignmonts oi birds hy 11lanc or 1':\il. At the rl'll' est oi r." ~ oli<·f Sl·,·rct.l'•'S'S

J)wurtmcnt he fll·cpr.rcu ~' ~·l·po•·t and m.tdc rc•·c·mr:•\:lJ<1n.i; .•. , o:. t: . .., ll0<1 \n; ,11' ~>-<

c>n boat::. tr:welhng- to .,te l~.lbt . • • .., : .so .. <'u01•1P~m:cn ;>t>~H~c o ..,,,~;, .n · -~I·l, i .. , ~\'i:n·i('s nud binl <ilW!.)S •• no ~nvc cv:,:.-nce in tWv case., v~ .• rvs~u,\,:vn .'o: u: ... ~l' ... 5 o:.

~i1c .Bird::. ;llld .\nun::!::- .?1·otcction .\.c.~ . During the nbsence of J,£essrf;. '.!.'rou~i to., ::: t. \Yh:.l,y, ..,._;. Cr::nt attended to

the rourinc duties u{ tl.ci1· dcp.rrtmcm,. l'or the ;:),ock .3rul~dl, Department ()t Ap;ricnlturc, sc:\·crnl skim; of dingoes o£

v.dous t~·p". we~·c l'C]..Iotted on in connection with the paymcm. o~ sc.:lp bounties.

~ - Jrli , lacor~' Branch. (0. C. Cluttou iu ckwgc; J . Kin~sky, ..lssistant.) , .e numL 'r oi skuiJ<i prcp:wed dtll'ing the ycat· to,;:. lee'. 1.,2, puotographic nega·

ti\'~S mn '!c to Lustrntt! the ··Re-::onls/' " Austrnh n. !ln;;cum )Ingn~ inc," and for ;·cparatio:: Cif .,,.n..-r:. !>lidc:> n11mbcred 230. Over :Jllu pho~oo, . "'hie 1wints were m:~dc, ~nd 17ti Lmer1\ s1 ides '· e1·c .. .Idc~.o. to tnc collection. "X Le muUJcts and fvt.l'tcen cn.;,s

were prepared dt!1·ing tl.e year. )Sl'. Clutton was lar~:el:v en;;ar;~d in the work ot u .. \!n:; "r.::tme 1il:ns fm· use in

school;; ;md otlJ.erwise. _\. ':'JO foot 16 mm. nlm cmiueJ · ·Life on :1 Tidal Fl.~t'' was cou:pl.:::tcd :mu titled. This e .lbilc<. scvm·al vi:;iL:; to Gmm ... m::,t:l Bay, the most suii.­:.Jle loet~lit:v near S~·ct .. ey for the making of such a fik1 . Another film, "Crcatmc:; oi ;he Ro('ky Se:1shorc" was tnl,.:l . at She11h:n·botll', South Co:l:;t, nnd at Bottle :md Ghss :I>oiut, Pon J:tckson, unJ a third cmitled "13~ach Liio" is itt couJ.·se ot preparation.

In the ron!d11g o! these fih1. ).fr. Ch~tton was a::.sistcd by oincers of the scient ific st:d' who l.ave special J,nowJCdge ..>f tLc animals who:;e h-.ilits were beiug ponraycd. n;unely, )fiss Joycc All:m and i,~essrs. F . A. )fcXeil1, G. P . Whitley, and A. A. Living:.tone, who also supp1ic>d titles t:m: t1.c films. In addition to these longer films n

1wml>el· of "shorts" wct·o also taken and will be assembl~cl to fol"m convenient lengtl1s.

'Ih<'SC inch1dod cil,t:l••· to::;,·nph record:> o:i Vln·io\IS :mujcets taken :1t Taronga Park Zoologic:ll G,.~·clens, oi a ~ .... .-,u11i:ll ~~on,;c, a:.,1 a ::\.:tivc Po~·cu!1ine. Xew ti tles were .. ;~o supplied :ior two .... s oi }hl'l'icr J.t~<.:t :mbjec~s made l>y ~ .... r. Xoel )Ionl,man

;J.C<lt•i~·cc by lue Tn.::.ti.!C::>. )Il'. Eir • .;;v ~n.HiJ,,lcd wo.-k on the ptep:warion of insect h.1bit.1t gl'O\\llS,

iududinb the n.nidn~ of en1.w;.-,:d, ot ii;~.;cts :.nd lJl<iUl:.. IIc also 11\::\du :1

miniature moc-:;, oi L .a :1borigimJ b'l'Ollp. The Co:~~mon :-.e' l o:· , . e ?.Inseum was hct·ctmto a.:h <ld ".Jy Order of the Boar<1

this twenty-sixth <H .. y of 0ctouci', 1J3:i.

. . ,. ~--------------

APPEr-:D:X /:..

F . S. },f.,::..;cx-;, President.

\\'. T. \\'~uLS, ::illCl'etary .

':'l.\'O~'rB::3 O;r Tire A.USTZALIAN ~[us,; ;;m .!>.'£ 30 .... Jm;.:, 1!>39 •

0.-own Trust~o ............................. fr. J amcs :\'1cKcr.1. Statutory ................................. liis E:onour th" (.:Uc: Jn~ice.

The Hon. tb Colonial The Hon. ilho Attorney Gonor.;l. The :don. the Colonial Tro:o-st:rer. Thtl Anditor Gcner:~-1 (:l!r. John Spence, O.M.Q.). Tho President of the !lfedlc::.l BJ&rJ.

Appointed ................................. Tho Ron. tho President oi tho I.~gisla.tivo Council. Tho Crown Solicitor. The Surveyor General and Ohid Surveyor ( A. Ma.x Allen). 'l'he Hon. th~ },finistol' for 'Vorlts and Local Govorntnent. The Hon. the }.Iiniator for EducMion.

Electivo Trustees ........................ Dr. Q. H .• \bbott-, :zrr.B., :lf:1bt. Surg. ~!:r. E. C. Andrews, B.A., F.Q.S. Dr. C. GOTdon ?.Ic.oLcod, 1\L:B., Dr. G •. A. W;l.tcrhouse, B.E. , F.'R.E.S. :<.rr. F. S. }.£!\noo, A.I.O.A. Tho lion. F. E. w~u. M.D .• ?>[.L.C. :Profcesor A. N. Burkitt, )r.B., :B.Sc. Pro:esaor W. J. Da.kin, D.Sc. :Mr. F. W. !lfn.rks, C.B.E., F.C.A. (Auat.). :Mr. II. n. ){:?.thews. Dr. A. B. Walkotn.


])r. , I - • • cl.

l ., .... ,._ ;.;.o .1 - -'ft) u t1n~c : t .ru:~:· ,~ •01$ h •• • •• • • ••

"''' oqi(C~t. .. • \'C 1 u. 1)-~?P:<\r::at or.(F • . . . . . .o ..... o !1 ... o

tr~:. urc-ry Ot~.:m (' .. t: V eo ..... ot l .. \:·•"'--' oh n:. c \\\ . ..;· I

c O!!p:;ntm lit'l ... JhL-r •• n., ... '!'r~ .,urcr's At!v.11.•:'" .. ·~.ccou.1t :,.. 1tutory Enth)t.\•m.:-;\t Jnttill't'-"'t on ln\'~:;.tmcnt.; S,.lc~ or rubi!C.lliO!U

~r:c~H~~!ou; nc~o! .:ia

To C~rlleR!G C<I:]ICT,\tlun or ';cw Yr::c, Gr • .nt tlon:,lS~.>r'llcee. J3cl: .1'1) :o ht i'orw:u-d ... It-.~!und or Dut.y on ?to Cl .... ~o: .. . Interc.t ..• ... ... .. .

:i 1-! 'l ooo :~I 1•, ~ ... l,O u 0 u

~~~ 7 6

~·1 .. 71 l1 }() 1 e 1s H

£~45 () !):

l~ ~ " ;, 11 (1

L<"4• : ncruntl to Yotc for Work Performctl

<rotlll ~nl"r!,• ... \'• rt.J:.o .•. . ..

T~m}lllr~ry Msb~n~c

Y.lluc ot' }.~tciLtluu !.crwo to O!liccr ltot!r~a

Sub>!di:uy SM.l Ch:•~(:C:-l::mp:oyor,: »upornanuutlon Contribution

EX1'0 "in Conn~'~2\ln with l,\ulldin'13-..:r.lnt~:l<lno~ o. L.wlll3 und GroundJ

'f. ' nort l~:p<:!~l!!ttl~\l-'J.i:..:.Vclltl::! EA!' ~

'cc ... r l L::pt!. tur~-t "' , '!'et .... :'l;h14 scrvlcc.s .. . ~, l'l.!:hJcl.c.,k, und J'·apora. .. .

4 1•, :•u1 t. .. Antt!:.)ll fl<)O;{U!w:lng .. • .. . 1 •· 'l • ·"· nnd Sl!des .. .

£ s. 4. ....... 1 \l 1

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