Alumni News Fall 2006

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Morgan State University Fall 2006 A l u m n i N e w s • F a l l 2 0 0 4 3 CONTENTS Homecoming 2006 . . .1 MSUNAA President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 News . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Alumni On the Move .................3 Chapter and Class News . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Life Members . . . . . . .6 Necrology . . . . . . . . . 6 Sports Calendar . . . . 6 Event Calendar . . . . . 7 MSU Alumni House Baltimore, Maryland

Transcript of Alumni News Fall 2006

A l u m n i N e w s • F a l l 2 0 0 4 3

A promising sophomore quarterback will leada young Bears team as Morgan State Universitytakes on Delaware State University Saturday,October 21st in what is being billed asHomecoming 2006 “The Evolution ofChampions.”

“Alumni can expect to see the Morgan Bearsplay a great football game at Hughes Stadium,and to participate in other campus activities,”said Floyd Kerr, MSU athletic director.

Byron Selby, a product of Baltimore’s DunbarHigh School, led the Mid-Eastern AthleticConference in passing last year. Anxious toimprove on last year’s disappointing 2-9record, the team will also look for big contri-butions from senior running back CraigNelson and wide receiver, Jai Wilson.

The Bears face a tough challenge in theDelaware State Hornets, who return 11starters, including seven on offense. They sur-prised many last year, posting a solid 6-2record in conference play.

Cold Spring Lane will serve as memory lane

for returning alumni, eager for tailgating, tosee the newly opened facilities on campus andto once again walk “The Bridge.” The weekendofficially kicks off with the Morgan StateUniversity Foundation’s 22nd AnnualHomecoming Gala, a black-tie affair to be heldat Martin’s West on Friday, October 20th.

Saturday will begin early with the judging ofthe best decorated dormitory, and theHomecoming parade.

This year’s grand marshals will be the 1979Football MEAC Championship Team.

Alumni are urged to come and enjoy all festiv-ities; the tailgate parties, the halftime show puton by the Magnificent Marching Machine, thefamiliar hug of a long-lost friend in the standsand the splendor of the old campus with itsnew buildings and renovations. Parking will beavailable in our new garage at a cost of only$10.00.

Come participate in a new era and watch “TheEvolution of Champions” at Morgan’s 2006Homecoming.

M o r g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y n

B a l t i m o r e , M a r y l a n d

A l u m n i • N e w s

MSU Alumni HouseBaltimore, Maryland

CONTENTSHomecoming 2006 . . .1

MSUNAA President’sLetter . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

News . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Alumni On the Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter and Class News . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Life Members . . . . . . .6

Necrology . . . . . . . . . 6

Sports Calendar . . . . 6

Event Calendar . . . . . 7

Fall 2006

Homecoming 2006 “The Evolution of Champions”

A l u m n i • N e w s

Ella Moultrie Harris, ’57President, MSU NationalAlumni Association

2 Alumni News • Fall 2006

Morgan Forever, Forever Morgan!


Ella Moultrie Harris, ’57, President, MSU National Alumni Association

P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e

M S U N a t i o n a l A l u m n i A s s o c i a t i o n

Dear fellow alumni:

The arrival of the Fall season brings back somany fond memories of our arrival atMorgan.

Do you remember your first semester atMorgan? The special events, new friends,teachers and being away from home madefor an exciting time then, and an even moreexciting one today. Under the leadership ofDr. Earl S. Richardson, a vision has become a

reality, and Morgan State has become theschool to attend! When was your last visit tothe campus?

New facilities, programs and renovations arestate-of-the-art. We need your support,alumni, to ensure that our beloved almamater continues to be a place that breeds asmany fond memories for future generationsas it has for us. Remember,“It is all about thejourney and the friends we made along theway.” See you at Homecoming!

Dues notices for annual membership were mailed out in July. Membership dues cover the fiscal year, July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007. Your dues will allow us to continue providingquality assistance to our alumni, our students and the university. We look forward to your continued support.


More than 500 alumni andsupporters attended theAnnual Alumni Awardsand Recognition Luncheonin May. The luncheon washeld in the new StudentCenter, the first event to beheld in that facility. Priorto the luncheon, the ball-room in the center wasnamed in honor of Calvinand Tina Tyler, who gave asecond gift of $500,000 toincrease their overall dona-tion for scholarships to$1,000,000. In addition, theClasses of 1954, 1956 and1976 presented gifts total-ing more than $50,000.

Record Number Attended Alumni Day 2006Installation of New OfficersThe Morgan State University NationalAlumni Association has selected its newofficers for a two-year term, 2006-2008.They are as follows:

Ms. Ella Moultrie Harris, ’57 – PresidentMrs. Gloria Wayman, ’90 – Vice PresidentMs. Maureen B.E. Miles, ’58 – 2nd Vice

PresidentMrs. Shirley E. Relf, ’60 – SecretaryMr. Charles Pollard, ’57, - Financial

SecretaryMr. John Griswold, ’51 – TreasurerStephen O. Russell, Esq., ’72 – Immediate

Past PresidentMr. Seymour Chambers, ’01 -


N e w s

A l u m n i N e w s • F a l l 2 0 0 4 7

A l u m n i o n t h e M o v e

Madelyn C. Leeke (’86) completed a 200-hour certification program in March(approved by the Yoga Alliance) that pro-vided an introduction to the fundamentalsof teaching Hatha yoga. In June, Ms. Leekecompleted training in level one Reiki andwas certified as a Reiki practitioner. In June2006, she founded kg yoga (kind and gentleyoga) and began teaching clients one-on-one. Ms Leeke teaches a monthly officeyoga class on Saturday mornings at TradeSecrets, a local store in the U Street neigh-borhood of Washington, DC. She alsowrites a weekly yoga blog (

Glenn A. Butler (’76) has been namedDirector of Human Services for the city ofNewport News. Butler has a Bachelor ofArts degree in Political Science and Englishfrom Morgan State.

Turhan E. Robinson (’67) was recentlyreappointed by the Secretary of the Armyto serve as Civilian Aide to the Secretary ofthe Army for Maryland; a three-starGeneral protocol position. He is currentlySenior Assistant Attorney General in theMaryland Attorney General’s Office.

Richard Richardson (’77) has beenappointed Assistant State Archivist for theState of Maryland.

Issachah Savage (’03), hailed by many as"one of America's most promising youngtalents," sang the lead on AdolphusHailstork's, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes." D.C.alumni members, some members of theMorgan State Class of 2010 and their fami-lies joined the standing ovation for themagnificent and masterful performance.

Valerie Cooper (’83) President and CEO ofPicture That, LLC has been named Supplierof the Year by the Connecticut MinoritySupplier Development Council. Cooperfounded Picture That, LLC in 2002 to fulfillher mission to visually enhance and pro-mote cultural awareness and diversitythrough the arts.

William ‘Kip” Ward (’71) was promoted tothe rank of Deputy Commander and four-star general for the United States European

Command.General Ward waspreviously DeputyCommandingGeneral/Chief ofStaff, US ArmyEurope andSeventh. GeneralWard holds a

Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Sciencefrom Morgan State and a Masters of Artsdegree in Political Science fromPennsylvania State University. GeneralWard’s spouse, Mrs. Joyce Ward (’71)holds a Bachelor of Science degree inBusiness Management.

Brandon M. Davenport (’06) is anAccount Executive, WJZ-TV, Channel 13,Baltimore, Maryland.

Jason Max Ferdinand (MA ’06), whostudied under the late Dr. Nathan Carterand received his Masters in ChoralConducting in 2001 from Morgan StateUniversity was the conductor for the 2006Summer Chorus & Festival in an overflow-ing Dekelboum Concert Hall, Clarice SmithPerforming Arts Center at the University ofMaryland, College Park, Md. Ferdinand ispursuing a doctorate in Choral Conductingat the University of Maryland.

Joanne Veal Gabbin (’67) becameExecutive Director of the Furious FlowerPoetry Center at James Madison University,VA. The Center was dedicated toGwendolyn Brooks in 1999 and promotesAfrican-American poetry through educa-tion, research and publication.

James Brown (’58) was awarded MorganState University’s “Coach of the Year.”Brown coaches the bowling team atMorgan. Brown, the coach of theMagnificent Seven, earned a college schol-arship to Morgan and excelled in the 500 to1,000-yard runs.

Alexander Allen, (’00) has formed a newcompany, Transformers, Inc., a celebrityfashion styling enterprise that specializes intransforming a client’s image into a moremarketable and appealing persona. Hisclients list includes Eve, Toni Braxton,Amerle, Shakira, Sanaa Lathan, Monica,Fantasia, Trina, Brandy and Destiny’s Child.He spends lots of hours at fashion shows,selecting styles that fit his cadre of cus-tomers.

Dr. Stephen Jones (’70, ’85, & ’90)assumed the Norfolk Public Schools super-intendent’s post last July. A Baltimorenative, Jones began his career as a socialstudies teacher in his hometown in 1970and worked his way up through the admin-istrative ranks.

Dr. Felicia (Jackson) Bridgewater (’94)was recently awarded a Doctorate ofEducation in Organizational Leadership,specializing in human resources develop-ment from Nova Southeastern University.

Earl G. Graves Sr. (’57) Black EnterpriseMagazine Founder and Publisher hasbecome the latest African-American to beinducted into The National Great Blacks inWax Museum in Baltimore.

Staci Shands (’88) has beencrowned Ms. New York 2006by Virtue InternationalPageants. Ms. Shands willcompete later this year for thenational title of Ms. AmericaInternational. A communica-tions major while attendingMorgan, Ms. Shands is a bookpublicist. After working in the public rela-tions industry for several years, she startedher own firm, Icats Publicity.

Alumni News • Fall 2006 3


Issachah Savage ‘03


4 Alumni News • Fall 2006

C h a p t e r & C l a s s N e w s

The New Jersey Alumni Chapter hosted an“All Classes Meet and Greet Reception” onThursday, April 20, 2006 at the historicUnion League Club in New York City. Morethan 125 MSU Alumni, Friends and Familyrepresenting New York, Connecticut andNew Jersey gathered for an evening ofcamaraderie, fun and fellowship. To every-one’s delight, Verner Henry from the classof 1935 joined the evening’s festivities. Alive jazz band played throughout theevening and an art exhibit by LeroyCampbell, the world renowned artist.

Marsha Diane Worrell, President, NewJersey Chapter, welcomed the specialguests for the evening which included Dr.

Earl S. Richardson, the University’sPresident, The Honorable Peter C. Harvey,former Attorney General of the state ofNew Jersey and Mr. Earl G. Graves Sr.,Chairman and Publisher Black EnterpriseMagazine. It is through Mr. Graves’ mem-bership at The Union League Club thechapter was able to host the reception atthis facility. On behalf of everyone, wethank him for his support in making thisevent a success.

Each year, financially distressed studentsreach out to the chapter seeking financialsupport for the fall semester. One of theunderlying principles and commitment ofthe chapter is to help deserving students

financially. As such, the “All Classes Meetand Greet Reception” served as a scholar-ship fundraiser for students attending theUniversity in the Fall 2006 Semester.

The chapter’s motto is “Morgan’sstrength is found in us, the alumniwho protect, support and advanceits mission.” We need your continuedsupport.

The New Jersey Alumni Chapter Hosts“All Classes Meet and Greet Reception”

Graduation weekend was most memorablefor the 40-plus members of the distin-guished Class of 1956 that returned to thecampus for their 50th AnniversaryReunion celebration. From California tothe Caribbean, from New York to Floridaold friendships were rekindled. The Class

reunion hotel was the Holiday Inn wherethey enjoyed several social functions toinclude a banquet. The class was well rep-resented at the annual Alumni Luncheonand many of the members also took partin the graduation exercise and marched inthe academic procession. The class made

a contribution of $27,500.00 to theMorgan State University Foundation as apart of their larger pledge. Class mem-bers look forward to celebrating again in2011. To contact the Class Agent for theClass of 1956, please call the AlumniRelations Office.


Those classes ending in “2” and “7” will celebrate their reunion atour Alumni Awards and Recognition Luncheon scheduled forSaturday, May 19, 2006, in our new Student Center. There are a

number of classes who have already begun planning for theirreunion. If you are interested in working with your class, pleasecontact the Office of Alumni Relations at 443-885-3015.




Reunion Classes Ending In “2” And “7”


Alumni News • Fall 2006 5

C h a p t e r & C l a s s N e w s

New Jersey Alumni ChapterThis is an exciting time for the organization. There are a lot ofwonderful things happening at your alma mater that you canbecome a part of by joining the chapter.

The 2006 – 2007 chapter meetings take place at Faith Temple NewHope Church at 57 Prospect Street in East Orange, New Jersey asfollows:

Saturday, December 9, 2006: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM Saturday, March 10, 2007: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PMSaturday, June 9, 2007: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

For information on joining (formerly the Tri-State Chapter), pleasecontact Roseanna Stewart-Robinson, Membership Chairperson, at908-769-8818 or via email at

Washington, D.C. ChapterHolds Reception for D.C. Class of 2010The Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area Chapter held its firstannual reception for incoming D.C. area Morgan State freshmen onSaturday, July 22, 2006. The event was attended by more than 225future Morganites, their families and alumni. A distinguished listof Morgan alumni gave the new students a charge to dedicatethemselves to scholarship, study and Morgan. They also encour-aged students to have fun while attending college.

The three major Speakers were:

Gladys W. Mack, ’55, chairman of the board of the WashingtonMetropolitan Area Transit Authority.

The Honorable Kwame Brown, ’94, member of the District ofColumbia City Council.

Dr. Ron Watson, ’91, business consultant, candidate, Board ofEducation, at-large, Prince George’s County.

Howard L. Cornish ChapterAnnouncementsThe Howard L. Cornish (HLC) Metropolitan Baltimore AlumniChapter has awarded scholarships to nine students for the fallsemester.

Wilbert Walker, ’50, is a recent member of the MSU FoundationBoard. His term runs through June 2008.

HLC meets the first Saturday of each month, from 10 a.m. to 12noon at the Heritage Church of Christ, 3108 Liberty Road,Baltimore, MD 21215.

New officers installed in September are: Julia Davidson-Randall’64, President; William Fuller ’73, Anthony McPhail ’76, 1st VicePresident; 2nd Vice President; Cherlyn Mitchell ’74, RecordingSecretary; Edna Rich ’77, Corresponding Secretary; Delores Cooke’64, Treasurer; and Clarice Lee ’50, Financial Secretary. Non-electedofficers are: Beverly Reid ’60, Chaplain; Clarice Lee, Historian andMr. John Thompson ’49, Parliamentarian.

HLC is gearing up for the 22nd Annual Martin Luther King, Jr.Scholarship Breakfast to be held on Saturday, January 6, 2007 at 9a.m. at Martin’s West. The cost of a ticket is $50, and tickets arenow available. For more information, please contact AnthonyMcPhail ’77, at 410-461-3931 or

For more information, about the chapter, please contact JuliaDavidson-Randall at 443-384-8282 or

2006 ROTC Hall of FamersLTC (Ret.) Michael Bell ’76LTC (Ret.) Samuel Rodney Hull ’58Cpt. (Ret.) Arthur Rogers, 3rd ’64

Class Agents Meeting—Pictured from left to right,back row:William Jackson, ’67; Delores Mabins-Adenekan, ’80; Delores C.Cooke, ’64; Alice Downs, ’61; Maureen B.E. Miles, ’58; Karen A.Robertson, ’66; Michael L. Bell, ’76; John W. Patterson, ’61; Frontrow: Joyce A. Brown, Director of Alumni Relations; Nicole Love, ’92;Nellie Maskal, ’69; Not pictured: Linda S. Davis, ’72; CorvelliMcDaniel, ’85; Sara Bragg-Gray, ’55.

Class Agents MeetingA meeting of the Class Agents was held on April 28, 2006 in theAlumni House. Class agents serve as liaisons between their class-mates and the University. They are responsible for informingclassmates about University-related events, personal news itemsand networking opportunities; plan and promote class reunions,and work to encourage their classmates to make annual financialcontributions to the University. Want to be a Class Agent? Formore information, call Alumni Relations at 443-885-3015.


6 Alumni News • Fall 2006

A l u m n i • N e w s

N e c r o l o g y

MSU Deceased Alumni, Faculty, Staff & Students

L i f e M e m b e r s2006 Life Members ListEileen L. Akbar, ’97Lillian Locklear Alston, ’62 & ’71Mark G. Anderson, ’81Walter L. Banks, ’75Alfonso M., ’61* & Sarah E. Bell,

’56* **Lolita G. Beathea, ’86Dr. Felicia A. Bridgewater, ’94James W. Brown, ’62Mattie Martin Brownley, ’67Geraldine B. Coleman, ’49Carolyn W. Colvin, ’71Sydney L. Cousin, ’67Erica R. Crosby, ’94Alice Gettys Downs, ’61Allison M. Dunn, ’98Collen Dupree, Jr., ’56*

Tiffany D. Dupree, ’97Ella B. Edemy, ’40Dr. Charles D. Fletcher, Jr., ’70Barbara F. Flythe, ’55Henry D. Fowlkes, ’73Fycena Reneé Gaters, ’80Rodney A. Green, ’95Winona A. Green, ’71Grace C. Greene, ’80Marcell L. Hamlin, ’02Warrick S. Hill, ’50Michael A. Holley, ’01Evelyn Lee Holloway, ’55Emanual Humphrey, Jr., ’96Elnora W. Jackson, ’47Eliza Y. Johnson, ’55Joan F. Johnson ‘65

Ricky D. Johnson, ’75Hope G. Lee, ’60Dr. Ronald “Rabbit” Lewis, ’54Taryn D. Butler Lewis, ’93Regina M. Lynn, ’93Leewood Macer, Jr., ’57Dr. Ranette Marshall, ’86Eleanor Peters Matthews, ’65Marcella Lynn McCoy, ’91James E. McCray, Jr., ’73Vera M. Walton Merritt, ’66 &

’72Kevin W. Moore, ’84Omar S. Muhammad, ’93Elmer R.“ Ted” Murray, ’65Bernadine M. Pindell, ’66Dr. Ayanna F. Poindexter, ’96

Carolyn Z. Powers, Esquire, ’84C. Sylvia Proctor, ’67Troy E. Quinn, ’95Col. Timothy A. Rainey, ’80Bryan Rock, ’94Eleanor Lee Sadler, ’55Clive E. ,’82 & Donna Armstrong

Saunders, ’80**Oswin Aldis Sewer, Sr., ’70Edward Smith, Jr., ’72Velva R. Taylor Spriggs, ’64Wilhelmina Douglas Stevenson,

Esq., ’71Edward L. Strawther, ’65LTC Richard E. Sutton, ’75Marjorie Vinson-Crawford, ’75

Mark H., ’70 & Linda JacobsWashington, ’70**

Rebecca A. West, ’79Charles W. Wiggins, Jr., ’56Sybil McIver Williams, ’67Tameka M. Williams, ’97Carroll L., Sr., ’78 & Ruth

Williamson, ’74* **Dr. Robert J. Wilson, ’56Willa M. Witherspoon, ’54Lois J. Wysinger, ’65William B. Young, Jr., ’59Key:


**Family Life Membership

RBC Center • Raleigh/Wake County, NCTickets are now available for the 2007 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference BasketballTournament at the RBC Center in Raleigh, NC. Tickets should be purchased for sec-tion 118 in the arena, as this section has been reserved for alumni and fans ofMorgan State University.

Member Institution Information:Section 102 N.C. A&T State UniversitySection 103 Hampton UniversitySection 104 S. Carolina State UniversitySection 105 Florida A&M UniversitySection 106 Norfolk State UniversitySection 107 Bethune-Cookman College

Section 117 Howard UniversitySection 118 Morgan State UniversitySection 119 U of Md Eastern ShoreSection 120 Delaware State University Section 121 Coppin State University

MEAC Basketball Tournament — March 5-10, 2007Basketball

Herbert Adams, Sr. – 06/29/06(attended)

Gladys Waters Allen, ’40 – 06/15/06Louise V. Allen – 03/18/06 (attended)Marcus Allen – 02/18/06 (faculty)Andrew W. Bates 06/28/06 C. Thomas Beck, ’68 – 10/21/05Kenneth Bevins, ’71Madelyn L. Bishop – 04/10/06

(attended)Rhonda Bowman, ’03 – 08/03 Annie L. Hill Broadnax – 08/09/06

(attended)Andrea Wells Brown – 05/23/06

(attended)Ernest H. Brown, ’31 – 06/18/06Dr. Herman H. Brown, ’47 – 03/31/06Raymond F. Burrell – 06/20/06


Anita Rhoades Cammon, ’69 –05/22/06

David Capers – 04/26/06 (attended)Julia F. Carter – 03/29/06 (attended)Murl E. Coplin, Jr., ’60 – 06/21/06Duvoria M. Ford Covington – 03/05/06

(employee)Clyde R. Dillard – 07/06/06 (faculty)Dr. Jane E. Enty – 07/07/06 (faculty)Dorothy B. George, ’51 – 03/04/06Peggy C. Golden, ’62 – 04/08/06Beth C. Butler Harlel, ’82 – 07/17/89Thomas L. Hasty, Jr., ’52 – 02/06/06George E. Henry – 08/10/06 (attended)Linda J. Herring, ’76 – 04/28/06Hilburn L. Hill – 05/06/06 (attended)Nancy Virginia Hinton, ’46 – 06/30/06Vashti A. Holt – 06/14/06 (employee)Roxie A. Johnston, ’72 – 02/04/06

Cal Lampley – 07/06/06 (faculty)John C. Lee – 03/07/06 (attended)Walter L. Lovett, Jr. – 01/26/06 (football

player) StudentDr. Louis E. Lowman, ’47 – 05/10/06Etta R. Lyles, ’76 – 02/23/06Rose M. McCarther – 05/13/06

(attended)Elmer Eugene McDonald, ’50 –

04/14/06Ronald McKee, ’72 – 03/07/06Karim Mehrazar, ’96 – 03/05/06

(faculty)Harolyn Moody-Lynch, ’68 06/24/06Charles R. Owens, Jr., ’50 – 06/11/06Myrtle Gale Owens, ’41 – 06/23/06Joyce M. Palmer – 07/31/06 (attended)Allen Patterson – 03/14/06 (staff)Howard D. Pindell, ’31 – 04/09/06

Nancy Pressley, ’04 – 08/25/04Lloyd E. Prettyman – 06/19/06

(attended)Bonnie Cornish Sanders – 03/28/06Bernice A. X. Smith, ’49 – 08/07/06Paul L. Taylor, Sr., ’61 – 03/25/06Gloria W. Thomas – 04/04/06William Tucker, ’56 – 06/06/06Reginald S. Turner, ’65 – 04/17/06Grace L. Venture, ’41 – 04/27/06Betty C. Wallace – 03/16/06 (attended)Gloria Faye Wise Wallace Washington,

’68 – 07/04/06Frank L. Waterhouse, Sr., ’73 –

06/23/06Willie L. Whitt – 08/02/06 (attended)Elizabeth S. Williams, ’39 – 08/14/06Rose B. Williams, ’73 – 11/17/05

The host hotel for the MEAC Tournament is the Marriott Crabtree,4500 Marriott Dr., Raleigh, NC 27612, 919-571-5301, Rate: $99/per night.

Date Game Opponent Location Time11/11/2006 East Carolina Greenville, NC 6:00 p.m.11/14/2006 American Washington, DC 7:00 p.m.11/19/2006 Univ. of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 3:00 p.m.11/25/2006 Seton Hall Hill Field House 1:00 p.m.11/27/2006 UMBC Hill Field House 7:00 p.m.12/2/2006 Penn State University Park, PA 4:00 p.m.12/6/2006 MEAC Coppin State Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.12/18/2006 East Carolina Hill Field House 7:00 p.m.12/20/2006 LaSalle Philadelphia, PA 7:00 p.m.12/22/2006 Marquette Milwaukee, WI TBA 1/3/2007 MEAC Florida A&M Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.1/5/2007 Winston-Salem State Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.1/8/2007 MEAC Delaware State Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.1/13/2007 MEAC Hampton Hampton, VA 6:00 p.m.1/15/2007 MEAC Norfolk State Norfolk, VA 8:00 p.m.1/20/2007 MEAC South Carolina State Hill Field House 4:00 p.m.1/22/2007 MEAC North Carolina A&T Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.1/27/2007 MEAC UMES Hill Field House 4:00 p.m.1/29/2007 MEAC Howard Washington, DC 8:00 p.m.2/3/2007 Longwood Farmville, VA 3:00 p.m.2/5/2007 MEAC Delaware State Dover, DE 7:30 p.m.2/10/2007 MEAC Hampton Hill Field House 4:00 p.m.2/12/2007 MEAC Norfolk State Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.2/17/2007 MEAC South Carolina State Orangeburg, SC 4:00 p.m.2/19/2007 MEAC North Carolina A&T Greensboro, NC 8:00 p.m.2/24/2007 MEAC at UMES Princess Anne, Md. 4:00 p.m.2/26/2007 MEAC Howard Hill Field House 7:30 p.m.2/28/2007 MEAC Bethune-Cookman Daytona Beach, FL 7:30 p.m.3/3/2007 MEAC Coppin State Baltimore, MD 4:00 p.m.3/6/2007 MEAC MEAC Tournament Raleigh, NC TBA

Alumni 2006 Events – For more information: 443-885-3015Oct. 15 Homecoming Worship Service, Christian Interfaith Center, 11 a.m.Oct. 16 Coronation, Murphy Fine Arts, Gilliam Concert Hall, 7 p.m.Oct. 17 Homecoming Lecture, Calvin & Tina Tyler Ballroom, New Student Center, 7 p.m.Oct. 17 Fashion Show, Calvin & Tina Tyler Ballroom, New Student Center, 7 p.m.Oct. 19 Concert, Hill Field House, 8 p.m. / Doors open @ 7p.m.

Oct. 20 Pep Rally/Party, Hill Field House, 7 p.m. – 11 p.m.Oct. 20 MSU National Alumni Assn. Annual Meeting, Recital Hall, Murphy Fine Arts

Center, 12:00 Noon.Oct. 20 Gala XXII, Martin’s West, 6817 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, MD (Pre-Gala

Reception 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) 8:30 p.m. – 12:30 a.m., Gala Tickets: $175 perperson (includes Pre-Gala Reception) or $125 per person, Contact: Mary Clay -443-885-3080.

Oct. 21 Homecoming Day8:00 a.m. Judging of Decorated Buildings9:00 a.m. Homecoming Parade (Begins at The Alameda &Chinquapin Parkway)9:00 a.m. Class of 1966 Homecoming Brunch1:00 p.m. Morgan State University vs. Delaware State University @ HughesStadium, 1:00 p.m.4:00 p.m. All Classes Reunion10:00 p.m. Morgan Memories, Calvin &Tina Tyler Ballroom

Oct. 22 Memorial Service for Deceased Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Students - MorganChristian Interfaith Center – 11:00 a.m.Repast - Alumni House following the Service.

Nov. 5 Howard County Alumni Chapter Annual Scholarship Dinner Show, featuring“Kiss Me Kate.” – Toby’s Dinner Theatre, Columbia, MD – 5:00 p.m. - $45.00.Contact: Walter Carr 410-997-0831; Alma McMillan 410-730-9442 or Clarence Jeffers410-465-7253.

Nov. 18 MSU National Alumni Association Board Meeting, Alumni House – 12:00 Noon.Nov. 19 D.C. Metropolitan Area Chapter will host MSU University Choir in Concert,

Metropolitan Baptist Church, 1225 R St., N.W., Wash., D.C., 5:00 p.m., $25.00.

Alumni 2007 EventsJan. 6 22nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast sponsored by the

Howard L. Cornish Metropolitan Baltimore Chapter of MSUNAA, 9:00 a.m. atMartin’s West. Tickets are $50. Tickets are available from any member of the HLCChapter member. Contact Anthony Mc Phail (410)461-3931 for more information.

Mar. 25 Class of 1950 hosts the MSU Choir in Concert, Celebration Church, 4080 ForelandGarth, Columbia, MD 21045, $25.00. For tickets, please call 410-945-5506 or 410-382-9501. Concert to benefit the Class of 1950’s Endowed Scholarship Fund, 4:00p.m.

MSU Choir 2006 Events - For more Information, visit

Oct. 8 Concert at Colonial Baptist Church, 9411 Liberty Rd., Randallstown, MD 21133, 4:00 p.m.Oct. 13 Concert for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 150 E. 2nd St.,

Burlington, NJ 08016, 7:30 p.m.Oct. 29 Concert, with Baltimore Choral Arts Society performing "Let My people Go!" A Spiritual

Journey Along the Underground Railroad, Murphy Fine Arts Center , 4:00 p.m.Nov. 3 Concert at St. Matthew United Methodist Church, Dundalk/Turner Station, MD, 7:30 p.m.Nov. 8 Concert celebrating the Bicentennial Re-opening of the Basilica of the Assumption,

Baltimore, MD, 6:00 p.m.Nov. 10 Concert for Bethel AME Church, at Moorestown High School, 350 Bridgeboro Road,

Moorestown, NJ 08057, 7:00 p.m.Nov. 12 New Shiloh Baptist Church, 2100 North Monroe Street, Baltimore, MD 21217, 6:00 p.m.Nov. 19 Metropolitan Baptist Church, 1225 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, 5:00 p.m.Dec. 10 Annual Christmas Concert, Murphy Fine Arts Center - Open to public - tickets: $25, $20,

$10 through ticketmaster! 4:00 p.m.Dec. 13 Christmas Concert at Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center, 50 North George Street, York

PA 17401, 8:00 p.m.

T h e A l u m n i C a l e n d a r

MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITYA l u m n i • N e w s SavetheDate

Murphy Fine Arts Events 2006 - For more information:443-885-4440 • Tickets 443-885-4443

Oct. 8 49th Annual Ebony Fashion Fair, 4:00 p.m., present-ed by the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter of Delta SigmaTheta Sorority, Inc.

Oct. 14 Nu Era presented by “Kiddie C.A.T.S.” Performing ArtsSeries for Children, 6:00 p.m., Opening night red car-pet, (ages 3-12) and their families.

Oct. 19 1966 World Champion Orioles Reunion, 6:00 p.m.,featuring living legends of the 1966 WorldChampionship team.

Oct. 27 Sneakin’ Out…At the Royal, 8:00 p.m., Written anddirected by Cherri Cunningham Cragway. This benefitperformance supports the Dr. Mildred S. McKinneyScholarship Fund.

Oct 29 Let My People Go! A Spiritual Journey Along theUnderground Railroad, 4:00 p.m. Presented byBaltimore Choral Arts Full Chorus, the MSU Choir, andthe City College High School Choir.

Nov 4, 8:00 p.m.—Nov. 5, 3:00 p.m., Step Afrika, by “KiddieC.A.T.S.” Performing Arts Series for Children & LewisMuseum of Art in partnership with Balt. Free Fall,

Nov. 11 An Evening with Bill Cosby, 8:00 p.m., for support ofthe Joe Black Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teachers.

Nov. 14 The 30th Annual Dorothy P. Stanley Dance Festival,Times vary. The annual dance festival, hosted by Dr.Iantha Tucker and the MSU Modern Dance Ensemble.

Nov. 30—Dec. 1, 2, 3, 8, & 9. Black Nativity – 2006 TheatreMorgan presents its 4th year of this Gospel celebrationof Christmas Joy!

Dec. 2 “The Magnificent Marching Machine” - The MSUMarching Band Show, 4:00 p.m., MSU Marching Band,led by Melvin Miles.

Dec. 10 MSU Choir Annual Christmas Concert,4:00 p.m., Dr. Eric Conway, Director conducts theworld-renowned choral ensemble in their annualChristmas concert. tickets: $25, $20, $10 through tick-etmaster, more choir dates and information

Dec. 14 The Miss BIO 2006 Pageant, 6:00 p.m., The 2006presentation of the Miss Beautiful Inside and OutRights of Passage Pageantry organization.

Alumni News • Fall 2006 7






Morgan Bears 2006 Men's Football Schedule

Sept. 30 MEAC, Bethune-Cookman,Baltimore, MD, 6 p.m.

Oct. 7 MEAC, North Carolina A&T, Greensboro,NC, 1:30 p.m.

Oct. 14 MEAC, Howard ,Washington, DC, 1 p.m.

Oct. 21 MEAC, Delaware State (Homecoming) ,Baltimore, MD, 1 p.m.

Oct. 28 MEAC, Florida A&M,Tallahassee, FL, 3 p.m.

Nov. 4 MEAC, Norfolk State ,Norfolk, VA, 1 p.m.

Nov. 11 MEAC, South Carolina State ,Baltimore, MD, 6 p.m.


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PAIDPermit #4995Baltimore, MD

Alumni House1700 East Cold Spring LaneBaltimore, Maryland 21251


Friday, October 20, 2006Gala XXII - Martin's West, 6817 Dogwood Rd., Baltimore, MD8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.

Tickets:• VIP (includes reception from7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) $175• Standard $125

M O R G A N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y F O U N D A T I O N , I N C . presents


Morgan Forever,

Black Tie Affair

Contact: Mary Clay at 443-885-3080

Forever Morgan