AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 8 - March 2015

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American International School of Bucharest (AISB, AISBucharest) Monthly Newsletter - Volume 8 | March 2015

Transcript of AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 8 - March 2015

Volume 8 - March 2015

The American International School of Bucharest

In this volume:

Message from the Director

engage | prepare | inspire

School-Wide News

Message from the PTO

Bucharest Buzz

The Month Ahead

Volume 8 - March 2015

Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 1

Message from the Director

Dr. Robert Brindley, Director

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear Parents,

As you will have noticed from the re-enrolment

forms, the Board of Trustees has increased tuition

costs for next year. Whilst I have had only a few

emails asking details as to the motives, I thought it

would be informative to update you all as to the

reasons behind the Board’s increase in tuition. Fees

over the past seven years have averaged at

about 1.2%, whilst the operational costs of the

school have been increasing greater than that,

particularly with regards to the salaries and bene-

fits of overseas teachers. Recruiting highly experi-

enced and qualified teachers is becoming in-

creasingly competitive as the number of interna-

tional schools has increased almost exponentially

over past years and great teachers are in high de-

mand. To recruit and retain the better teachers we

must be competitive; we compete for these

teachers in the international arena and the one

percent tuition increase, which approximates to

about €150,000 in additional revenue, helps us in

this regard.

However, I have also impressed upon the Board

that the school’s infrastructure needs to be contin-

ually upgraded, particularly in terms of the techno-

logical, scientific, and design aspects of the curric-

ulum. Thus, plans are already in preparation to im-

prove the existing laboratories and classrooms.

Also, the school is about to embark on a major im-

provement of the campus, with the focus on a

new Early Learning Center, upgrade to our securi-

ty, particularly with regards to visitors’ entrance,

and a redesign of the parking and drop-off ar-


The rise in tuition levels, and the significant in-

crease in the admission fee for new parents, will

help the school move forward in our desire to

keep AISB at the leading edge of schools, both

within and outside Romania.

I am also conscious of the fact that as the school

undergoes a number of changes, how we com-

municate such changes to the parent body is in-

Friday, March 27, 2015

Dragi Parinti,

Ati observat desigur in contractele de reinscriere

faptul ca taxa de scolarizare pentru anul urmator

a crescut, aceasta decizie fiind aprobata de Con-

siliul Director. Avand in vedere faptul ca am primit

cateva mesaje in care am fost intrebat despre

motivele acestei cresteri, m-am gandit ca ar fi de

folos sa informez pe toata lumea in legatura cu

fundamentele deciziei Consiliului Director de a

mari taxele scolare.

In ultimii 7 ani, taxele de scolarizare au crescut cu

o medie de 1.2%, in timp ce costurile scolii noastre

au crescut cu mult mai mult, mai ales in ceea ce

priveste salariile si beneficiile oferite profesorilor

straini. De asemenea, procesul de recrutare al

profesorilor calificati si cu o vasta experienta a

devenit extrem de competitiv datorita faptului ca

numarul scolilor internationale a crescut exponen-

tial in ultimii ani iar profesorii foarte bine pregatiti

sunt extrem de cautati. Pentru a recruta si pentru

a reusi sa pastram in scoala noastra cei mai buni

profesori trebuie sa fim competitivi la nivel interna-

tional iar cresterea taxei de scolarizare cu 1%,

ceea ce inseamna un venit aditional de aproxi-

mativ 150.000 Euro, ne ajuta foarte mult in aceasta


Pe de alta parte, am adus la cunostinta Consiliului

Director faptul ca infrastructura scolii noastre

trebuie imbunatatita in permanenta. Am avut in

vedere in aceasta informare in special aspectele

tehnologice, stiintifice cat si cele legate de mod-

elul programei scolare. Astfel, am elaborat diferite

planuri pentru a imbunatati atat laboratoarele ex-

istente cat si clasele. Ne pregatim de asemenea

sa demaram amenajari majore in vederea mod-

ernizarii campusului nostrum: ne vom concentra

pe constructia unui nou sediu de Early Learning

(pentru copii cu varste de la 2 la 5 ani), vom

aduce imbunatatiri sistemului nostru de Securitate,

mai ales in ceea ce priveste intrarea vizitatorilor si

vom reproiecta zona de parcare si oprire pentru

ca elevii sa coboare pentru a merge la scoala.

Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2

engage | prepare | inspire

sufficient. I will continue to present these changes

to the parent community through the PTO meet-

ings, and from April 1st we will start a Director’s

Blog to keep you more informed. This will be a new

experience for me, but I realize that a blog is a

necessary addition to our existing communication

arrangements. The blog will allow me the neces-

sary time and space to describe in more detail

some of the changes happening, such as the tem-

porary re-design of the atrium that you will have

seen this week. The blog will also be allowing com-

ments and you are encouraged to offer feedback

through this channel of communication.

I look forward to seeing you at the AISB PTO Auc-

tion Gala on Saturday. Thank you in advance for

your participation, generosity and commitment in

supporting the young minds at AISB. If you have

not had a chance to see the exquisite Gala Cata-

log, take a look now in preparation for Saturday’s

event. We sent it home with your youngest child,

and you can also access it online here.


Robert Brindley

Cresterea taxei de scolarizare si marirea semnifica-

tiva a taxei de admitere pentru familiile noi ne va

ajuta ca AISB sa ramana in topul scolilor internatio-

nale si nationale.

De asemenea realizez faptul ca pe masura ce

scoala va trece printr-o multitudine de schimbari,

modul prin care comunicam aceste transformari

va deveni critic. Voi continua sa prezint toate

aceste schimbari in cadrul intalnirilor PTO iar din

data de 1 aprilie voi lansa Blogul Directorului

pentru a va tine la curent cu tot ceea ce se in-

tampla la AISB. Acest lucru va fi pentru mine o ex-

perienta noua dar sunt constient ca acest blog

este o completare binevenita la mijloacele de co-

municare deja existente. Prin intermediul acestui

blog voi putea beneficia de timpul si spatiul nece-

sar pentru a descrie in detaliu schimbarile care vor

surveni, cum ar fi de exemplu redecorarea atriu-

mului din aceasta saptamana. De asemenea prin

intermediul acestui blog veti putea si dumneav-

oastra sa adaugati comentarii si doresc chiar sa va

incurajez sa ne oferiti un feedback cu ajutorul

acestui mijloc de comunicare.

Astept cu nerabdare sa ne vedem cu totii in

aceasta sambata la PTO Auction Gala. Doresc sa

va multumesc anticipat pentru participare, gener-

ozitate cat si pentru sprijinul pe care il oferiti elevilor

AISB. Daca nu ati avut ocazia sa vedeti inca splen-

didul Catalog Gala, va rog sa va uitati acum peste

el in vederea evenimentului de sambata. L-am

trimis acasa prin cel mai mic copil din familia dvs si

il puteti accesa aici

Cu stima,

Robert Brindley

Join us at this year’s AISB PTO Annual Auction Gala. Find out

more on our NEW online space:

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 3

School-Wide News

We are the AISB Vampires! | Community Time at the Gazebo

engage | prepare | inspire


This Saturday, March 28th, walk down the red carpet at the Radisson

Blu Hotel for a night to remember. Proudly honoring our host city’s 555th

anniversary, prepare to be delighted by the beautiful atmosphere of

the Little Paris of the East with music, drinks, great food, distinguished

company, and wonderful conversation. Look out for event updates on

our online space, here:

NEW: The Gala Catalog is out! It has been sent home with the youngest

child in every family, and you can also access it online here: http://

i s suu .com/urbanbrand/docs/a i sb_galacat a log_2015_e/1?

e=3797710/11877654 or by clicking on the photo to the right.

Find out more information in the PTO section of this edition of the

Monthly Newsletter starting on page 7.

HR Corner with Roxana Lungu, HR Manager at AISB

Dear AISB reader,

Did you know that... Mrs. Nita Bhasin prepares the most delicious North Indian

dishes for vegetarians and meat eaters alike. Also, if you want a helping hand in

your kitchen for easy and painless slicing, she also distributes the most amazing

Tupperware boxes with integrated knifes. To contact Mrs. Bhasin, just email her

at or give her a call on 0727-011-555.

Don’t forget to send in your “Did you know that I…” section, with useful infor-

mation about you or others in our community. It works like this: send us an entry

about something that you do, for example, “Did you know that I bake beautiful

cakes for special occasions?” Fill in some contact details and email them to me

at The most interesting and useful answers will be published in

next month’s newsletter.

Now for the March Personality: I was excited to interview a lady full of life and

energy, someone curios and dynamic, who joined AISB in 2013 and has already made lots and lots of

friends. Here are the answers of Ms. Julie Hart, KG Lobsters Teacher.

1. As a little girl what did you want to become when you grew up? What do you do now at the school?

I have always wanted to become a teacher. I have lots of brothers and cousins and we would play being a

teacher all day around the house. Now I am the Kindergarten Teacher for the Lobsters and I am loving eve-

ry minute of it.

2. Tell us a few words about your family and your upbringing. I grew up in a very big family, with 3

brothers and 15 first cousins. I remember spending a lot of time together camping, or playing in our grand-

mother’s back yard swimming pool, always doing stuff together as a family. Those were days to remember.

3. Please continue the sentence: I love to… Travel. The most interesting place I’ve been in, before

coming to Romania, was Indonesia, where I lived. While there, I loved to travel to each island and discover

Friday, March 27, 2015

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 4

engage | prepare | inspire

how different one is from the other. The different cultures are beautiful and the

experience was absolutely amazing.

4. Because everyone lives for a bit of intrigue: are there any intriguing/funny

stories from the school since you joined ASIB that you can share with us? On

my first winter in Bucharest, I broke my ankle and had to come to school in a

wheelchair–and I had to overcome that (which I successfully did in the end!).

Teachers would help me move around but even my students would push the

chair at some point.

5. What is the craziest life experience you have lived so far? I do not

have a particular experience in mind, but I had a few events when traveling

around new places where I found myself completely lost and struggling to get

back home. One time, I end up in Colentina, back when I didn’t know Bucha-

rest at all, and I had to dump my car there and take a cab back home because

it was already dark.

6. Do you think penguins have knees? Off the top of my head, I think that penguins are birds and

birds do not have knees, so most probably penguins don’t have knees either.

The 2nd Annual Amnesty Film Festival!

On Thursday, April 9th, the Amnesty service group at AISB will host the 2nd Annu-

al Amnesty Film Festival, which showcases student-produced films dealing with

human rights and social issues. Last year’s festival was a great success, and this

year’s promises to be even better! Guest judges will screen the films and select

the winners, who will receive prizes which include: the promotion of their film on

Amnesty International’s global site, and the chance to work with Romanian

filmmakers on a joint project. The festival will include art displays, Q&A sessions

with filmmakers, food, drinks, and more. Mark the date in your calendar and

come out to support a great event at AISB! Advance tickets are now on sale in

the Atrium!

The European Student Film Festival

From March 11th-15th, a group of nine AISB high

school students attended the European Student Film

Festival in Annecy, France. Throughout the week, stu-

dents attended workshops lead by professionals in

the film industry and gained first-hand experience in

modern filmmaking techniques and practices. We

are very proud to announce that out of 30 qualifying

films across 9 schools, three films from AISB made it to

the final competition.

"I'm On My Way" by Alec Popescu was received by a

standing ovation and won two prestigious awards:

Best Original Screenplay and Best Director. Overall it

was a wonderful experience and we look forward to

attending ESFF 2016! Watch Alec’s film here or by

clicking on the photo to the right.

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 5

engage | prepare | inspire

AISB Charity Quiz Night

Thanks to everyone who attended the annual AISB Charity Quiz Night on Satur-

day, March 21. You helped raise over 1,600 lei for the Use Deschise Foundation,

a Romanian NGO and the only emergency shelter in Romania which serves

adult women who have been trafficked for sexual exploitation. Your support

and generosity will provide important transitional resources to the women that

Use Deschise serves.

Congratulations to the winning team—Peg Sewall, Kari Robertson, Kurt Amund-

son, Genoa Jones, and Saskia Alemar—and many thanks to the organizers,

hosts, and PTO for a fun-filled evening!


This year’s HS ISTA trip was a little different. We

spent 3 days in the former Jewish ghetto Terezin, in

the Czech Republic, learning about what had hap-

pened there during WWII. We toured the former

prison, ghetto and museums. We walked in the

footsteps of those who had gone before us. But

perhaps the highlight was talking to a survivor who

shared her inspiring view on life. It was a place

where so many terrible things had happened and yet art, theater, music, and poetry had prospered. And

so, we used theater to explore our responses to it. In ensemble groups, with students from all over the world,

we created original performances to share.

AISB’s Got Talent

It’s true. We have so much talent at our school. AISB’s Got Talent this year was

another fantastic night of wonderful music and dance. Thanks to all those who

participated and shared their gifts with us. The winner of the audience’s vote

was Lisa L.. All proceeds from the evening went to Fundatia Inocenti and we

raised an amazing 7,900 lei to support them with their program for abandoned


The students who will go on to represent us at Bucharest’s Got Talent are: Ab-

bie H., Zoe P. and Oliver S., Steven H., Bjorn K., and Mary T.. Please put it in your

calendar and come out to support our students as they go head to head with

the best talent in the international schools in Bucharest! Join us at 6.30 pm on

April 30 for Bucharest’s Got Talent. Tickets are 20 lei with proceeds going to

charity. Prizes awarded at the event will be: Best and Runner Up Solo, Best and

Runner Up Group, and Audience’s Choice

(loudest applause), with prizes sponsored by Se-

nia Music.

It’s official…

Our new mascot is named “Vampy.” Next time you see him, make sure you

say hello!

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 6

engage | prepare | inspire

The Outhouse Boys are organizing a

Fundraising Music Concert

Join us on Tuesday, March 31st from 6pm to 8pm.

There will be performances from Elementary and

Secondary students as well as teachers and parents.

It costs about 1,400 Ron to build one outhouse and

we hope to raise enough money to build a lot of out-


We will be selling food and having donation boxes

at the door. If you cannot attend and would still like

to donate to this wonderful cause, then please give

your donation to the business office. Please come

and show your support. Thank you.

Emil, Terry, Petru, Paul, Luka and Kerem from 3rd


Daylight Saving—The Clocks are Changing!

Don’t forget that the clocks are changing this weekend! Daylight Saving time

begins on Sunday, March 29th 2015 at 3:00am. Clocks go forward 1 hour at this

time. Make sure you change your clocks so that you’re not late to school (and

work!) on Monday!

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 7

Message from the PTO

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, President

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear AISB Community,

Have you tried on your dress? Your tux? Prepared

the shoes? The big AISB party is almost here! We are

preparing the last elements for the most anticipated

and fun event of the year—our annual AISB PTO

Auction Gala! We have received the most wonder-

ful donations from a very honorable pool of spon-

sors, who very generously are supporting us with

their services and goods to auction off or raffle

away at the Gala.

The Raffle system this year will be different: we start-

ed selling raffle tickets two weeks before the gala

night to everybody, giving the opportunity to every-

one, even if not going to the Gala, to win wonderful

items. We organized two draws. Winners will be an-

nounced soon, so please check your tickets and if

you see your number, or for those lucky enough—

numbers, please come and collect your gift(s)!

Check the PTO Facebook page: https://, the Auction Gala Fa-

cebook event:

events/579244332220335/, or the Auction Gala web-

site: for the announce-

ment of the winning tickets.

For more information, contact Chompoo Srikosai at We are almost sold out -

just few more tickets until we close the sale. Hurry!

You do not want to miss out on this wonderful op-

portunity to get some fabulous gifts while at the same time, supporting a very worthy cause.

We had a very useful and constructive High School coffee morning last week. The schedule of our students

is made of study times, socializing times, computer times, and so on. They need our help as parents and

teachers to plan better, use their time better, be healthy, sleep enough, and also have enough fun. We

were part of some great talks, and we will come back to this again. Thank you Mr. Bird and Mr. Battersby.

We were lucky to take part in some wonderful events last week during the Romanian Week. Beautiful

presentations, fun with pottery making, singing and plays, and we concluded with the show of the re-

nowned mime, Dan Puric, with a fabulous performance co-funded by the Romanian community and the


Last Saturday, March 21, we had our annual AISB Quiz Night! Thank you so much to our wonderful hosts, to

our Question Writing team and to Ms. Zlaket for all the help with organizing this. Also, a big thank you to Mo-

jo Music Club for their support.

Friday, March 27, 2015

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 8

engage | prepare | inspire

We had such a fun night, the teams were wonderful, and we are so proud to announce that we collected

1,640 RON for the foundation Use Deschise. The mission of this foundation is to offer assistance and protect-

ed shelter in emergency and crisis situations to victims of human trafficking, by providing assisted residence

in protected shelters, medical care, psychological, emotional and spiritual counseling, and judicial and

legal assistance, among other things.

Our next big event will be our annual International Day on Saturday, May 23rd.

PTO Grants: We are so proud to announce that the above mentioned Dan Puric show and many other ele-

ments of the students’ and teachers’ lives at AISB have been funded with Grant funds of the PTO. As most

of you already know, the funds we collect at the Annual Auction Gala feed the Scholarship Endowment

Fund and the rest is used for AISB community events and Grant requests. Students Initiatives, Books, Author

Visits, Blade String Ensemble, the Vampire Mascot, Robotics Projects, and so much more!

What's coming up? Please see the chart below

Dates to remember

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, PTO President | American International School of Bucharest

Date Event

March 31, 2015 Grade 5 Parent Meeting: Grade 5 to 6 transition.

| 13:45 | Room 10

April 2, 2015 PTO General Meeting | 13:00

April 3, 2015 EC Principal/Parent Meeting | 8:10—9:30

April 7, 2015 MS Parent Meeting: LOOKING TO COLLEGE

| 13:45-14:45 | CR 10

April 7, 2015 Progress Reports available online

April 7, 2015 ES Parent/Principal coffee morning | 08:00

April 9, 2015 Grade 8 Inter Disciplinary Unit (IDU) Presentations

April 14, 2015 Grade 6—12 Parents: Literacy (Part 3): Strategies on how to

help your child improve their writing skills, how to recognize

the mistakes he/she does and how to guide him/her

Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 9

Bucharest Buzz

Herăstrău Park Cultural Festival | Bucharest Jazz Festival

The Bucharest Buzz section of the Monthly Newsletter is a place to share information about-events and

places with those in our community. Are there events coming up that you want others to know about? Did

you go somewhere worth a visit? Send your Bucharest Buzz items of maximum 150 words and 1 photo to our

Manager of Admissions and External Relations, Ms. Catalina Gardescu, at and if

appropriate, your news items will be featured in the next Monthly Newsletter.

engage | prepare | inspire

An album release from the talented staff of AISB!

On Saturday April 4th starting at 9pm, Mojo in Lipscani will be hosting

the launch of Little Shift, the debut album of The Sorted Session. AISB

will be represented by no less than six staff members. The Blue Stones

will be opening the night of entertainment before The Sorted Session

takes stage, highlighting many of their 13 original songs from their

new album along with some favorite covers. Make the night com-

plete by sticking around for the Mojo house band who will rock until

the wee hours of the morning. The Blue Stones are made up of four

AISB staff members including our Head of IT, JJ on the guitar, IT guru

Ionel on drums, MS Math Man Dan on bass, and ES music aficionado,

Leon on the upright cello and voice. The Sorted Session will showcase

original songwriter Erik, from the AISB PE department, as well as some

feature songs with HS Film director Bryan on the harmonica. The rest

of the band will be made up of local talent including Doina and Ga-

bi, on the violin and bodhrain respectively. Come on down for what

promises to be an original night of live music like you've never seen


Cambridge Immerse 2015: An unparalleled educational experience in August 2015

Cambridge Immerse is a two-week residential educational experi-

ence designed for 15-18 year olds that allows participants to gain an

unrivalled insight into a chosen discipline, ranging from the arts, to

the sciences. Subjects offered include: Medicine, Law, Economics

and Engineering. Tutorials and seminars are taught by highly regarded tutors from Cambridge University in

an optimal learning environment that stimulates academic enquiry; yet the carefully planned schedule en-

sures that the program not only meets the academic needs of the participants, but also provides a unique

insight into the university city through an abundance of activities.

Enrollment in the program is ongoing, and students aged 15 and above are welcome to apply. We've add-

ed lots more subjects this year, so please take the time to explore A PDF ver-

sion of our prospectus is also available to view at


If you are interested in applying, please apply online through our website, or alternatively, if you require fur-

ther information please don't hesitate to email

Friday, March 27, 2015

Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 10

engage | prepare | inspire

Look no further for the most perfectly cooked steak in Bucharest

30A Emil Pangratti St. is now the home of the new fine

dining seafood and steak restaurant, The Beef Club.

Located next to the Romanian Television’s headquar-

ters, The Beef Club is dedicated to those who appre-

ciate the refinement of beautiful plating, combina-

tions of textures and flavors, and the tenderness of a

premium beef steak.

If you fancy a new, charming venue, where you may

enjoy a pleasant business lunch or a beautiful dinner,

make your reservation now at The Beef Club:

The Beef Club

30A Emil Pangratti St.

0788 904 244

Celebrate Easter at Kiddo Play Academy!

Kiddo Play Academy has a host of Easter Activities for your children! Don’t miss out!


30 March—11 April

The most extraordinary eggs will be

decorated @ Kiddo Play Acade-

my, while listening to fun stories and

legends about Easter. What’s

more, these beauties will be invinci-

ble in their egg knocking game!


US!: 4 & 5 April | 7pm onwards

We told the Easter bunny about our

happy kiddos and guess what: he

cannot wait to meet you! Come

see him and get some clues about

how to win the Easter egg hunt!

Shhh… he has a lot of secret tricks!


14 April—30 April

Kiddos are invited to the most col-

orful and cheerful workshop, where

they will learn how flowers grow,

how to plant seeds and, more im-

portantly, how to protect nature.

EGGCITING HUNT: 5 April | 7pm onwards

The little ones need to find as many of the hidden eggs as they can, taking up challenges in exchange for

clues and tricks! The 3 best will receive a free pass and the big winner will take home a giant egg filled with


Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 11

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Francesca’s Easter Gifts: Indulgence you must share with your loved ones!

In April, complete your Easter table with unmistaka-

ble Italian flavors, which you’ll find in each of the

genuine Italian products from Degusteria Francesca

(17th Pipera Tunari street).

Enjoy our specialties with your family and friends,

from the finest assortment of cheeses, prosciutto or

Italian salami, to delicious traditional sweets, and en-

joy a true gastronomic journey around Italy.

The experience of remembering these gourmet gifts

will endure long after they were enjoyed!

For our friends in business, the spring holidays are also

a great time to send a message of gratitude to your

customers, partners and collaborators. Choose from the wide range of gourmet products that I Regali di

Francesca stocks: the finest assortment of fresh cheeses, prosciutto and Italian salami combined with

unique traditional Italian sweets will make the perfect gesture. Create authentic relationships with our Ital-

ian recipes, as well as with your friends and partners by offering personal and corporate gifts!

We will take care of customization, packaging and delivery of your gifts.

You can follow us on:

Also enjoy our Easter catalog, here:

Spend your Easter Holiday at Equus Silvania, in Sinca Noua

Join us at our guesthouse for the upcoming Easter Holidays. We have

many fun activities going on, such as egg painting, an Easter Egg Hunt

and a huge delicious Easter Brunch. We can also host a fine dining

night if you request. Find out more on and

get in touch at +40 753 014 458.

New Spring Titles at Usborne Books

Usborne Books has a new selection of titles available for spring. Please see the

attached and use the Home and School Spring 2015 Order Form to complete

your order. When you are ready to order, contact the Usborne representative

directly. Please download the catalogs and order forms here: Usborne Catalogs

and Order Forms or by clicking on the image to the right.

Usborne Books Representative: Elena Iordache

Tel: (0040) 723 317 717



Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 12

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Bucharest Half-Marathon on Sunday, May 17th

Sign up for the Bucharest Half-marathon, taking place on

Sunday, May 17. There are several options – the half-

marathon, a 4x 5.27km relay, a 10.548km course, and a

2.9km course.

Find out more and register for your choice of course on:

DreamHack Bucharest Electronic Gaming Competition

Tickets on sale for April event

Tickets for the largest digital festival in Romania are now on sale at ear-

ly bird prices until February 8. The festival itself runs from April 24-26 at

Sala Polivalenta in Bucharest. This year, DreamHack will bring popular

games to the table for all to experience. Tickets can be purchased

from,, Romanian Post offices,

Inmedio shops, and Germanos stores.

Disney Live! Mickey’s Music Festival comes to Bucharest in April

April 22-26 brings Mickey Mouse and his friends to Bucharest for a new

music show that will take place at Sala Palatului. Together with Minnie

Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy, Mickey will perform songs from Dis-

ney’s best soundtracks. There are five shows scheduled, three evening

shows beginning at 7pm on April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, and two mat-

inee shows beginning at 11am on April 25th and 26th. Get your tickets

at, at Diverta shops, in the Muzica store, and the

Mihai Eminescu book shop.

East European Comic Con in Bucharest between

May 8—May 10

The East European Comic Con event will take place at Romexpo be-

tween May 8—10 this year. It is an annual convention dedicated to

fans of comics, animations, video games, and TV series and movies in

Eastern Europe, that is expected to draw 35,000 visitors. Rumors have it

that American actor Kevin Sorbo, known for playing Hercules in the

1990s series, will attend this event. Get your early bird tickets soon from

Famous British Artist comes to Bucharest this Summer

British pop-rock artist, Colin Vearncombe, or Black, as he prefers, will

perform in Bucharest for the first time in May. Songs included will be

1987 hits like “Wonderful Life,” and also pieces from Black’s new al-

bum, which will be launched this year. Tickets for the Sala Palatului gig

are now available from at a discounted price until February

4th and from February 5th onwards, they will be available from a num-

ber of other suppliers, including,,, sala-, Diverta stores, Romanian Post offices, Inmedio, and Sala Palatului.

The Month Ahead | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 13

The Month Ahead

AISB Terry Fox Run 2013 | AISB International Festival 2013

engage | prepare | inspire

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Free and Optional Professional Development

opportunity for all AISB constituents: “How to Deal

with Bad Emotions and Bad Pattern Events,” based

on FasterEFT methodology. Delivered by AISB

mother, Ms. Ela Lair. | 15:00—17:00 | Board Room

Wednesday, April 1—Sunday 5, 2015

CEESA HS Band & Choir Festival | AISB Bucharest

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Grade 8 IDU Culminating Activity: “Mock Trials”

| 11:00—13:00 | Middle School

Thursday, April 2, 2015

PTO General Meeting | 13:30—14:30 | CR10

Friday, April 3, 2015

Early Childhood Principal Parent Meeting

Friday, April 3, 2015

Secondary School End of Quarter 3

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Early Childhood Progress Reports Online for Parents

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time

| 13:00—13:40 | CR10

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Grade 8 Parent Meeting: Transitioning into High

School & Service Learning | 13:45—14:45 | CR10

April 2015

The Month Ahead | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 14

engage | prepare | inspire

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

IB Diploma Art and Film Exhibition

| 15:15—17:00 | Atrium and Theater

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Library—Family Night | 18:00 | Library

Wednesday, April 8—Thursday 9, 2015

Early Childhood Parent Teacher Conferences

| Noon Dismissal for EC Students

Thursday, April 9, 2015

2nd Annual Amnesty International Film Festival

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Early Childhood Gathering | 12:30—13:00 | CR13

Monday, April 13, 2015

Orthodox Easter—No School

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Elementary School Parent Coffee

| 08:00—09:00 | CR10

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

PTO Parent Meeting for Grade 6-12 Parents:

Literacy (Part 3): Strategies on how to help your child

improve writing skills, how to recognize the mistakes

he/she does, and how to guide him/her

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

ECIS UK University Tour | 19:30—21:00

All families considering UK universities after AISB

should attend this presentation about applying to

and studying at British universities, followed by a

university fair. Expect a quick update on what is

new in the UK higher education scene - immigration

trends, funding, clarification of the student loans

process and how students can satisfy current English

language proficiency requirements. Attending are:

City University, Plymouth University, Royal Holloway

UoL, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol,

University of Essex, University of Exeter, University of

Leicester, University of Reading, University of Sussex,

University of Lancaster.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Day

| 09:00—14:00 | CR10

Wednesday, April 15—Sunday 19, 2015

Middle School AMIS Honor Band Festival

| Doha, Qatar

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Alumni career talk to Grade 10 students

| 12:20—13:00 | CR13

Thursday, April 16, 2015

PTO Executive Meeting

| 13:00—14:30 | Board Room

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Senior BBQ

Friday, April 17, 2015

Elementary School Assembly | 14:00—15:00

Monday, April 20—Friday, 24, 2015

April Break

Thursday, April 23—Sunday, 26, 2015

CEESA Middle School Knowledge Bowl | TIS Tirana

Thursday, April 23—Sunday, 26, 2015

CEESA Middle School MUN Conference

| QSI Bratislava

Monday, April 27, 2015

School Resumes after April Break

Monday, April 27, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time

| 13:00—13:40 | CR10

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Secondary School Parent Teacher Conferences

| 08:15—16:15 | Secondary School Gym

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Alumni career talk to Grade 12 students: Packing

your Bags

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

NYU School Visit