Agency and Authority Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Agency and Authority Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015.

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Muslim Minorities and the State

Agency and Authority

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

An ACLARS Presentation

Religious Freedom, Religious Pluralism

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Religion vis-à-vis State

Contemporary Context

Religious Pluralism

Interfaith Religion Dialogue & Cooperation

Religious Freedom


Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Two Key Concepts

Agency Authority

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

A Definition


self-determination, volition, or free will;

it is the power of individuals/communities/ organizations to act independently of the determining constraints of social structure.


Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Religion: Key Stakeholder

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Religious Authorities: Varieties

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Religious Authority: Question of Appropriation and Interpretation

Brannon Wheeler, Applying the Canon in Islam: The Authorization and Maintenance of Interpretive Reasoning in Hanafi Scholarship (Albany: SUNY, 1996): Religious authority “derives not from closing the canon, or even from ‘fixing’ its contents, but from certain ways of interpreting them.”

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Africa’s Muslim-Christian Demographics

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Southern Africa’s Muslim minorities

Is there a role for them - as religious minorities – to act as agents of social change in which they partner with others to achieve social justice?

To what extent do they engage with state authorities or civil society groups to work towards ‘common good’ goals for all?

And more specifically what position do Muslim authorities hold to influence socio-legal outcomes in Southern Africa’s secular states and to what degree do they make use of their primary sacred text (i.e. The Quran and Hadith) to harmonize their faith and practices with state policies?

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Southern Africa

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

The Focus: South Africa and Botswana

Whilst the presentation outlines the Muslim minorities’ role as agents of social change, it also brings to the fore the special position that Muslim authorities (i.e. theologians: imams, shaykhs, mawlanas, ayatollahs) hold in relation to state authority;

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Authorities and Sources

Muslim authorities draw upon their sacred text(s) to deal with Social, Political, Economic, and Legal issues




Sunnah Other

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

From Sources to Legal Opinion


The Doctrines according

to Ash-Shafi


Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

MJC Agent of Religious Change and their Logo

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

MJC: ‘Cape’ Religious Authority

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

Stamping Authority, Making Change




Personal Law

Islamic Finance: Shariah

Compliant Products

Halal Indust


Other Sectors: Fashion, Music,



Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

RA: ‘Agents of Change’?


Demonstrate to what extent Muslim minorities are ‘agents of social change’

And nature of ‘Muslims and State’ relations via the role and actions of Religious Authorities


Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

A Tripartite Alliance

Secular State

Muslim Society


s Authority

Muslim Judicial Council

South African Government

Cape Muslim Community

Muhammed Haron (University of Botswana) 17-19 May 2015

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