Age of Exploration “God, Glory and Gold” Europe and the Far East.

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Transcript of Age of Exploration “God, Glory and Gold” Europe and the Far East.

Age of Exploration“God, Glory and Gold”

Europe and the Far East

Map Activity

• Use the map on page 121 to draw the routes for each of the following explores. You must create a map key and label and color all of continents and oceans.• Magellan (1519) • Columbus (1492)• Cabot (1497)• Mayflower (1620) • Vespucci (1499) • Ponce de Leon (1512-13) • Hudson (1609 and 1610) • Verrazano (1524) • Cartier ( 1534-35)

Timeline Activity• Using the information provided create a

timeline of the major events that took place during the Age of Exploration.

• Your timeline must include the following: • Title • Date of event • Explorer• Country • Area claimed • A minimum of five pictures • Color

Why Explore????????Why Explore????????

• Crusades and journeys of Marco Polo exposed Europeans to new technologies, products, and culture

Spices=nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, pepperSilkOpium=medicinal and “recreational” use

Why Explore????????

•The new products offered the opportunity to make money•Products expensive in Europe due to control of trade routes by Muslim “middle men”

Prices Under Muslim/Italian Trade Domination

Spices and other Luxury Goods

Muslims $

Italian Merchants $$

European Merchants $$$

European Consumers $$$$

Why Explore????????•Religion

•Power struggle in Europe between Catholics / Protestants•Both churches want to spread their influence and obtain converts•Jesuits – specially trained Catholic priests to combat spread of Protestantism

Why Explore????????Why Explore????????

•Science•Sailing technology and navigation made it possible

•Astrolabe – instrument to guide sailors with stars•Caravel – triangular sail•Magnetic Compass

•Curiosity and questioning of scientific theories

Sailing on a Boat Rations • four tons of salt beef • 2,800 pounds of salt pork• a few beef tongues• 600 pounds of salted codfish• 15,000 brown biscuits• 5000 white biscuits• 30 bushels of oatmeal• 40 bushels of dried peas• 1.5 bushels of mustard seed• one barrel of salt • 100 pounds suet (beef fat) • one barrel of flour• eleven small casks of butter • one large cask of vinegar• 10,000 gallons of beer• 3,500 gallons of water• two large casks of apple cider



• How are the rations and conditions on a military ship today different then life on a boat in the 17th century?


Leaders in Early Exploration





The Portuguese•Prince Henry

•Son of Portuguese King•Dazzled by dreams of ocean exploration and East Asia•Established a navigation school•Portuguese survival based on it’s ability to trade - OCEAN

The Portuguese•Vasco de Gama

•First to sail around Africa to India (27,000 mi)

The Spanish

•Spain jealous of Portugal’s achievements (rivals)•King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Christopher Columbus•Plan to sail west to get to the Far East•Lands on Caribbean island in 1492•Dies believing he landed in India

Tension Between Spain and Portugal

• The Spark • Columbus's voyage to “Asia”

• The Fuel • Portugal's claim to Asia

• The Extinguisher • Pope Alexander VI

•The Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 • The line of Demarcation

Treaty of Tordesillas

Trade in the Indian Ocean • Portugal

• In the early 1500’s they took control of spice trade from Muslims

• Fighting took place between Portugal and Muslims

• Took control of Moluccas (Spice Islands)

• Prices cut to 1/5th

East Indies Trading Companies • Companies could:

• Mint money • Make treaties • And raise their own


• Companies eroded Portugal's control of East Asia.

• Dutch East Indies Company • 1600’s • 20,000 vessels • Amsterdam becomes a

major commercial center

• Control the Cape of Good Hope (Africa)

• Controlled the spice islands

• English East Indies Company • India • Indian Cloth

Native American Cultures Activity Day 1 • Examine the

artifacts for your culture and answer the following questions:• What conclusions

can you draw about this culture?

• What impression do you think the European explores had of these cultures?

• Read the information given about your culture and fill out the chart based on your reading.

• Record your answers on a poster board to share with the class.

• Homework: Bring in an artifact that you think represents our culture today.