Advanced Band Training Workshop...

Post on 31-Mar-2018

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Transcript of Advanced Band Training Workshop...

Resistance Band Training Systems


Band Training




Fitness Professionals and Coaches

By: Dave Schmitz

©Copyright 2017 Revised –


Knowledge is our strongest resource as fitness professionals and coaches. However

knowledge becomes even more powerful when it can be shared with others. Over the

years I have help 1000’s of individuals from many walks of life get better with

continuously looped Quantum bands.

Helping others get better with bands is my passion but it is also one of my life missions.

I firmly believe that resistance band training creates a unique physical change to our

body that no other training tool can match. As a result, I feel it is a training program

must instead of alternative. Now to what extreme resistance band training is taken will

depend on how dramatic the impact is when you and your clients begin to train with


However the remarkable results that I have seen since 1996 when I first discovered

resistance bands, has not only changed how my body performs and feels but has also

provided 1000’s of individuals with a tool that truly gets the body looking, feeling and

moving great.

As a one man army, I can only impact a small fraction of the population with bands.

However, if I am able to get bands, the knowledge of how to train with bands, and the

belief that bands truly are unmatched in how they can impact the body, into the hands of

coaches and fitness professional, together WE can change, not only an individual’s

performance but potentially their lives.

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So with this as my goal, I decided to create an Advance Band Strength Training

Workshop that will provide coaches and fitness professionals the knowledge they need

to teach others how to implement bands into their strength and conditioning programs.

As you will see, resistance bands can impact all aspects of fitness and performance

therefore regardless of your clientele or their fitness goals, bands will make a unique

and unmatched difference when they begin to incorporate them on a consistent basis.

The Advance Band Strength workshop is not all you or your clients need to optimize

band training but it will definitely provide coaches and fitness professionals with a blue

print on getting others started.

Once as a coach you see the changes, I know you will go looking for even more

knowledge which I promise I will continue to provide.

Thank you for helping me Get others Better with Bands!

Dave “The Band Man” Schmitz

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The following Advanced Band Training Workshop Course is set up to provide

coaches and fitness professionals a step by step process they can follow as they move

towards running their own Advanced Attachment Free Band Training Workshop. This

training course will only utilize attachment free band exercises for several reasons:

1. Attachment free band exercises are the easiest to learn and will provide the

instructor and participant with the greatest opportunity for success.

2. It is the most convenient way to train with bands which is one of the most

appealing benefits of band training

3. It requires the smallest learning curve for the instructor and the participant

4. It requires the least amount of pre-workshop capital investment and space

5. It requires no special set-ups or facility construction. Only floor space is needed.

6. It is the safest way for a new user of bands to get started

7. It is a very affordable way to start band train athletes and clients

It is recommended that you complete the course by following the instructional training

sessions in order.

Depending on the starting knowledge of the coach or fitness professional, this course

may require about 3 to 4 weeks to prepare for. Even though I discuss ways that this

course can create additional revenue streams, please make that a secondary goal and

place the primary goal at preparing yourself to help others as goal number one.

Each video is designed to complement the written information so make sure you take

time to listen and read both.

Welcome and Introductory Video

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I strongly suggest that if you have not listened to the following

introductory band mini course session, that you first review this

before proceeding to Session 1 of the Advanced Band Workshop

Course. This Bonus session will provide you additional history and

understanding about resistance bands.

Know Your Bands

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Session 1: Top ways to set up bands for Attachment Free

strength training

In this session you will learn my 7 basic Attachment Free Band set ups I use to create

over 100’s of exercise options.

You will learn:

7 Ways to set up attachment free training

Bilateral Feet (double or single)

Unilateral Foot (Front or Behind)

Behind the back

Rack – Hands - Grasp

Free Grasp

Training Mistakes that lead to damaging bands

Grinding or shredding the band

Wrong band strength

Over stretching

Ways to make attachment free training more comfortable

Using gloves

Using towels

How to avoid twisting the band

Band positioning on the hand

Key Band Setup Video

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Session 2: Teaching yourself the Top 10 Attachment Free

Strength Training Exercises you will use in the workshop

In this session, you will learn my top 10 attachment free band exercises. You will not

only learn the basic level of each exercise but will also be provided a level 2 progression

for those participants that are ready for the challenge. It will be critical that you first

teach and master the basic drills yourself before attempting to teach them to a semi-

private and eventually a large group population.

All the exercises below have links to videos that will provide tutorials on each of the

exercises. As you watch the video pay close attention to cues, foot position, hand

position and most importantly posture. As with any exercise, the better the posture the

better the exercise results, so spend the time watching, training and feeling the

movement. This by far will be the most time consuming session in the course but it will

definitely be what makes or breaks your workshop.

Below are the Attachment Free Exercises you will need to learn for the workshop.

Click on exercises to be taken to tutorials.

1. Muscle Press >>>> Squat Press

2. High Pull >>>> High Pull Step

3. Front Squat >>>> Drop Squat

4. Hammer Curl >>>> Step and Curl

5. Overhead Triceps Press >>>> Overhead Triceps Step and Press

6. Split Squat >>>> Reverse Lunge

7. Prone Pillar >>>> Mountain Climber

8. Pull a Part >>>> Split Squat Pull a Part

9. Seated Rowing >>>> Lawnmower Rows

10. Horizontal Chest Press >>>> Split Squat Chest Press

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All of these exercises are specifically demonstrated and can be viewed by clicking on

the exercise hyperlink. Make sure you have mastered both level 1 and level 2 before

attempting to teach these single band attachment free exercises in a large group


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Session 3: Setting up a successful Band Workshop Workout

for Your Clients

Once you have mastered the Top 10 Attachment Free Band Training Exercises, it is

time to learn how to sequence them into a workout that will run smoothly. I have found

that the best way to train with bands is by using time based sets versus rep based sets.

It allows participants to concentrate on the exercise without having to worry about

counting reps. It also eliminates anyone being last to finish which can be stressful for a

first time user.

The following are interval sequences that I have found work well in previous band

training workouts. I would strongly suggest using these sequences, especially if the

group is new to band training. Please keep in mind my suggestions as it relates to

increasing or decreasing the interval time.

30 -30 warm – up and teaching interval

All workouts need a warm-up of some type. Using a 30 second on - 30 second off

interval as the first round or warm-up round, allows the instructor to teach each exercise

during the recovery while also providing adequate recovery for the participants. Also

avoiding excessive fatigue during the first round allows participants to think more clearly

and learn better.

40-20 Interval as a possible next progression

A 40-20 interval is a great next progression if your group appears to be learning the

exercises quickly. I will increase my next sequence to a 40-20 interval or have them

increase to a higher level band if movements look good. If some individuals are

struggling, I remain with the 30-30 sequence but possibly increase band size to those

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that are doing better. Until transitions are smooth and exercises are being performed

with good quality I suggest staying with the 30-30 interval.

50-10 Interval sequence for an advanced workout

I will utilize a 50-10 sequence for my final set if the following scenario exist:

1. Everyone is demonstrating good form with all exercises

2. Fatigue level is mild to moderate meaning few participants are demonstrating a

breakdown in form. Remember you can always increase rep tempo versus

resistance as a way to increase workload intensity and volume

3. I have too many participants training in small bands and as a result am not

challenging the group enough

4. I sense a level of energy in the group that signifies they are looking for a greater


Setting Up a Workshop Workout

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Session 4: Programming a successful workout sequence

I have found the following exercise sequences require the easiest transitions which in

turn allow for a greater level of learning success. Each of these sequences also

provides a total body workout experience at various workout time frames which in turn

will provide the instructor with multiple training options for the workshop. Make sure

that prior to hosting the workshop you have performed each of these sequences so you

can smoothly demonstrate the transitions as well as verbally cue others effectively.

The circuits I suggested are 4, 5, or 6 exercise circuits. Based on the time you have for

your workshop, these will allow you different circuit options.

4 Exercise Sequence

High Pull Push Press Front Squat Pull a part

Exercise Video

5 Exercise Sequence

Chest Press Lawn Mower Split Squat Right Split Squat Left Push Press Exercise Video

6 Exercise Sequence

Prone Pillar Front Squat High Pull Push Press Hammer Curl Triceps Press Exercise V

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Session 5: Keys to creating a Successful Attachment Free

Band Workshop Workout

Once you have learned and designed the workout using the Top 10 Attachment Free

exercises, you want to begin to formulate a workshop workout that will guarantee

training success for all of those that take part.

The first key to doing this will be to choose the best exercises that are the easiest to

teach and learn quickly. Workshop training success is not based on exercise

complexity or on how fatigued your participants become but rather on simplicity and

successful completion of the workout. Complexity will come as mastery of the basic

exercises occurs which will require more than one attempt. If clients can have success

and dominate an exercise they will feel the muscles working and enjoy reaching an

energizing level of fatigue. If they struggle with the exercise or are unable to complete

the exercise, it will create discouragement and result in a poor learning experience.

The next key to workshop success is creating seamless transitions between exercises.

This will be created by using a warm up that teaches the exercises and the transitions

while not be under the pressure of time or a heavy over challenging resistance.

The last key to a successful band training workshop workout will be to make sure

everyone leaves with as much excitement success as possible. This will be

accomplished by:

1. Making sure each person is exercising with a band that matches their skill and

strength level

2. Being able as the instructor to provide individual cueing throughout the workout


Making sure you have mastered the exercises and level 2 progressions

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Having done the workout with a partner at least once prior to workshop

3. Making sure tension is applied through a full range of motion with all band

exercises to take advantage of the unique ascending resistance of bands.

To ensure this happens:

Utilizing end range holding for 2 to 3 seconds can assist with this

Emphasizing this frequently throughout the workout will ensure it is


4. Making sure you have enough bands to supply your entire training group.

To ensure this:

Put a limit on your group size if you have a small number of bands

Provide multiple resistance options if possible

Keys to Successful Workshop Workout

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Session 6: Things that need to be completed prior to your

advanced band workshop date

Here are the following tasks you will need completed prior to doing your advanced band


o Make sure to have enough bands for the workshop

o Anticipated total number of participants

o Become very comfort with your training area and exercise sequence

o Know the training interval design thoroughly

o Have a strategy in place to capture names, emails, addresses and phone

numbers for future leads

o Signed up for the Resistance Band Training Affiliate program

o Have an RBT banner placed on your website with your affiliate hyperlink

connected to it. This is found in you affiliate back store office.

o A Band order form with credit card information (provided below)

o A Special 6 week band only boot camp offer (optional)

o A Special offer to join your present boot camp (optional)

Pre-event Planning Video

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On YOUR Workshop Day

Session 7: Prepping your area prior to the workshop

Make sure the following tasks are completed on the day of the workshop.

o Bands are laid out for easy access by participants – I typically create small piles

of bands for each person

o You have all forms and marketing material placed on a table for access

o Have a few bands available for participants to look at prior to the workshop

o Your introduction area set up with a band, accessories and water bottle

o Workout music (if being used) is set and ready to go

o Extra bands are easily available for you or your assistant to access for


o Video camera, camera or video person is ready

Workshop Day Prep Video

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Session 8: Getting Started: What Your Clients need to know

about bands

In this session, I share with you what you need to tell you clients about why resistance

band training works and why flat continuously looped bands are the best long term

option when it comes to training with elastic resistance.

You will learn:

Why elastic resistance is important to developing maximizing strength and

muscle performance

Unmatched “Ascending Resistance”

Peripheral stability importance

Enhanced Core Stabilization

Decrease injuries

Teaching loading and creating momentum

Improving deceleration control

Why flat bands

More Comfortable

Far more versatile

Can train all aspects of fitness and performance

Layered band more durable and allows for greater safety

How to choose the best strength level band for you and your clients

See Charts

Multiple training resistances needed

Very Cost effective

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Key Accessories

Show Handles

Demonstrate Band Utility strap

Key Points to Cover about Resistance Bands Video

Band Recommendations chart

See More Expanded Chart HERE

Adult Female









25-40 Bk Bk - P Bk - P R-Bk R P -G N/A

40-55 R-Bk R-Bk - FEW P

Bk - Few P R-Bk O-R P-G N/A

55-65 O-R R-Bk Bk R O P N/A

65 + O-R R-Bk R O-R O P N/A

Adult Male









25-40 Bk – P P P R-Bk R P -G G-Bu

40-55 R-Bk Bk - P P R-Bk R P-G G

55-65 R R-Bk B - P R R P N/A

65 + R R-Bk Bk R O-R P N/A

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Session 9 - Monetizing the Workshop

Additional revenue streams are always a good thing especially if they do not entail

having to do something you are not comfortable with.

As a coach or fitness professional you can determine your comfort zone when it comes

to attempting some of the ways I suggest trying to monetize the Advance Band Training


There are several ways to monetize the workshop if you choose to do so.

1. Assuming participants ask how to purchase bands, provide them an order form

that they complete and you process through your affiliate link which you signed

up for at the beginning

2. Have new bands available on site to purchase or a specific band package in a

sport training bag that you can offer

3. Offer the group a free 6 Week Introductory Band Training Camp at a special time

weekly or bi-weekly

4. Offer them a special to sign up for your boot camp

5. Charge a small fee for the actual workshop

Monetizing Your Band Workshop Video

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Don’t Stop Learning about

Resistance Band Training

RBT360 is easily the best way to learn how to

implement all 6 Elements of the RBT System that


1. Attachment FREE

2. Attached Vector Training

3. Partner Attached

4. Dynamic Flexibility

5. Locomotion Training

6. Contrast Training

Click HERE to LEARN More

Start implementing RBT into your training programs following the RBT360 Step

by Step program and have your clients working out with bands in 2 weeks or less.

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Learn How Dave “The Band Man®”

Teaches and Trains his off-line and on-line

client. Hang out with him every week and have

direct access to Dave and your questions ASAP.

Join THE BAND GYM for $1

Dave will provide everything you need to create your own Band Training Center

within your present training facility including:

How to set it up a training area

Done-for-YOU Follow Along Workouts

8 Session Introductory Course on getting to know your bands

A growing library of articles you can use for mini-workshops

100’s of Exercises Video for easy reference

Finisher Workouts

Express Follow Along Workouts

Dave’s Office Hours

Members Lounge to interact with other Band Gym Members

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Journey to becoming “The Band Man®”

Dave’s resistance band journey is truly one that began and continues to

be driven by his commitment and passion to “finding a way” to help

others functionally get better.

Getting Back in the Game

Dave began his journey with band training as a Physical Therapist

where he was presented with an opportunity each day to assist

patients who struggled to move effectively due to injury, surgery

or pain. Based on his knowledge of functional movement, Dave discovered how

bands, used as an assistive tool, could quickly retain movement skills by improving joint

mobility, core stability and muscle integration. Once complete range of motion, full

weight bearing and the elimination of pain was achieved, the band now became a

functional strength training tool that empowered patients to rehabilitate themselves and

“get back in game”.

Taking Your Game to a New Level

Being an athlete at heart and having a passion for performance it became a natural fit

for Dave to begin training athletes using resistance bands. All that was required was to

take the drills and exercises that worked well in the clinic and supersize them up to

challenge a far more gifted moving population of athletes. As athletes began to

experience what it felt to get faster, quicker, and more flexible training in bands, it

became obvious that enhancing game day performance was no longer just a training


Recapturing Your Game

The last piece of the puzzle came into play in the early 2000’s when Dave discovered

how effective resistance band training was at improving functional strength and

metabolic conditioning for fitness enthusiasts that wanted to lose fat, get stronger and

look great. Dave started his first Fitness Band Bootcamp in 2001 and continues this

unique group fitness approach today as the owner of G’Town Boot Camps. Bands have

allowed hundreds of fitness enthusiasts and athletes at heart to recapture the

movement skills they once had in their game.

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Rehab to Performance to Fitness is how Resistance Band Training evolved for Dave

and became the foundation behind .

During this journey Dave has accumulated many other notable accomplishments


Creating and developer of

Co-owner of Resistance Band Training System, LLC

Co-Author of the Book…. Total Body Breakthroughs

Creator of the First Ever…. Resistance Band Training Certification

National Speaker on the “The Essence of Reactive Resistance Band


Creator of over a dozen DVDs and Manuals on resistance band training

Owner and primary instructor of G’Town Boot Camps

Owner of G’Town Fast-n-Fit

Volunteer High School Strength and Conditioning Coach

Father of 3 Awesome children (Kelsey, Carter, Kenzie)

Married to Karen Schmitz, his Partner and best friend in Business and in Life

Get YOU Better with Bands

Dave Schmitz The Band Man®

©Copyright 2017 Revised –


Choosing the Correct Bands for Training

Like with any training tool, “one size does not fit all”. However the good news with resistance bands, as compared to other strength training tools, is that one band will accommodate a large population due to a much larger window of resistance levels.

The following are age and gender based guidelines I have created to assist you with choosing the correct level of band. This information comes from providing 1000’s of recommendations to customers, coaches and clients over the past several years.

Color Codes: View Bands Here

Orange – O Yellow - SM Red – R Black – Bk Purple – P Green – G Blue – Bu Gray - Gr

Youth Female Recommendations











10-13 O - R R -Bk R - Bk R (12-13) O Bk N/A

14-16 R - Bk Bk - Few P Bk - Few P R - Bk O Bk - P N/A

16-18 R-Bk-Few P Bk - P Bk – Mostly P

R -Bk R P -G G (17-18)

18-22 Few R – Bk –Few P

P P Bk R P-G G

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Youth Male Recommendations











10-13 Few O - R R -Bk R - Bk R (12-13) O Bk N/A

14-16 R - Bk Bk – Few P Few Bk - P R - Bk O – Few R Bk - P N/A

16-18 Bk - P P P Bk R P -G G – Bu


18-22 FEW R – Bk –FEW P

G P - G P R P-G Gr

Adult Female









25-40 Bk Bk - P Bk - P R-Bk R P -G N/A

40-55 R-Bk R-Bk - FEW P

Bk - Few P R-Bk O-R P-G N/A

55-65 O-R R-Bk Bk R O P N/A

65 + O-R R-Bk R O-R O P N/A

Adult Male









25-40 Bk – P P P R-Bk R P -G G-Bu

40-55 R-Bk Bk - P P R-Bk R P-G G

55-65 R R-Bk B - P R R P N/A

65 + R R-Bk Bk R O-R P N/A

©Copyright 2017 Revised –

Questions to ask when preparing to order bands for your clients, athletic camps, fitness boot camps or training facility

1. What is the age level of your training population??

2. What is the percentage of male versus female in your training population??

3. What surfaces do you anticipate training on??

4. What is the general strength level of your training population using push-ups,

pull up, squats, or lunges as bench marks??

5. What 4 key areas of training do you intend to use bands for??

6. If new to bands, identify 10 exercises you are going to do with bands??

7. How familiar are you and your training population with resistance band training??

8. How are you intending to set up your training area??

Attached Independent Stations

Attachment Free Training stations only

Partner training only

A mixture of the above

9. Will the bands be used for athletes or general population??

10. Are you intending to implement flexibility training??

11. Will you be using the bands outdoors??

12. Will this be for a home gym, high school, club, or training facility??

Answering these questions will provide you the demographics of your population, training plan, and facility that will provide answers to what bands you will need.

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Band Training Questionnaire

To help Dave assist you in choosing the best bands for your training facility

please complete the following questionnaire and email it to Dave at:

1. Have you trained with flat resistance bands Yes or No

2. Do you presently workout with bands weekly? Yes or No

If yes what specific exercises do you like to perform with them??


If yes, what size bands do you use? Red – Black – Purple - Green

3. Please prioritize 1-5 what will be the key aspects of training you plan on using bands for

in your training. (1 being most important initially and 5 being least important initially)

Flexibility training _____ Upper and lower Body Strength station training ____

Cardio/running drills ______ Hip and Trunk Training _____ Creating band only

metabolic circuits _____

4. What is the average size group you presently train??

2-10 ___ 11-20 ___ 20+ __

5. What are you demographics Age: _____ Gender: Men ____ Women ____

Fitness level: Poor ___ Fair ____ Good (athletic) ____ High (very athletic) __

Middle School Athletes ____ High school Athletes ____

College level athletes___

Athletic refers to the ability of your clients to comfortably run, squat, do light hopping, perform

simple push, pull, pressing, squatting movements as well as general body weight training

6. How will you be training in bands (Rank 1-3 with 3 being least possible)

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Partner Band Training where partner is holding ___

Attachment free where band will not be attached to anything ___

Attachment based Station independent training ____

If you are doing attachment based training what are you going to be attaching the bands



Please mark N/A if not training with bands ______

7. Looking at #5, provide me your top 6 exercises you want to get better at by training with


________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

8. Where do you train at and what type of floor do you workout on??

Grass ____ Concrete ____ Wood ____ Carpeting ____ Asphalt _____

View Quantum Bands

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Order Form

41 Inch Bands Single Band Price

Band Pair Price


Orange Micro 7.49 12.99 Yellow Super Micro 9.49 16.99 Red Small 11.99 21.99 Black Medium 16.99 31.99 Purple Large 22.49 42.99 Green XL 27.49 52.99 Blue XXL 35.99 69.99

13 Inch Dynamic Stabilizers

Green 6.99 Black 7.99 Purple 8.99

Accessories Link Straps 3.99 Band Utility Strap 15.99 Training Handles 24.99 Total Charge

Shipping Information Name _______________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip __________ Email ___________________________________________ Phone # ________________

Billing Information Name _______________________________________________________

Address on CC __________________________________________________ (If different than

shipping address)

City _______________ Zip __________ Credit Card# ____________________________________ Expiration Date _______ 3 Digit

SS# _____

Tax Exempt # ___________________________________