Addiction to social networks.

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Addiction to social networks.



Social networks are online networks that provide forms of social interaction, it is an open and permanent construction.

They have a history that starts from 1995. From 1997 till today the most representative has been designed to meet a thousand people who have common interests.

The term addiction is used in a wide range of contexts to describe an inclination, an obsession, an obligation or excessive physical or psychological dependence.

When we speak of addiction to social networks?

Several studies have attempted to assess when to talk and when to use addiction intense but healthy.

According to some experts, it seems wise to consider using a weekly top-20 28hores (3-4 hours per day) can be considered excessive.

The most used social network in Spain.










Drastic changes in lifestyle in order to have more time spent on the network.

General decline in physical activity.

Neglect their own health and / or hygiene in favor of the Internet connection..

Avoidance of important activities (social and / or professional) to spend more time online.

Desire to spend more time at the computer.

Deprivation or changes in sleep patterns to devote more time to the network.

Decrease or loss of sociability as a result of the loss of friendships.

Refusal to devote extra time to activities outside the network.

Who is more addicted to the network?

People psychologically weak.

Children and adolescents as: maturity are more vulnerable to impulsive and are looking for instant gratification.

People with problems of social integration (disabled, sick ...).

People with low self-esteem.

Introvert and / or depressed.

Shy people who need new relationships.

People dissatisfied with their lives seeking a parallel reality (called "avatars").

How to treat addiction?

Study the biography of the adolescent assessment and self-esteem.

Assess family and social relationships.

Period without access to a computer, console, phone, etc…

Control of anxiety / depression.

Control of personal conflicts.

Creating a new lifestyle.

Prevention of relapse.

Interview Do you limit the access other people have to certain parts of your network?

alone friends 63,13%

Yes, but something parts27,37%

No, everyone can see11,58%

What sort of personal information do you people put on these sites?

where I live 58,51%

when I was born.70,21%

My likes and hobbies58,51%

my relationships28,72%