ADDENDUM NO. 2 Date: October 13, 2020 Project Name: …...Oct 13, 2020  · Please provide an...

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Transcript of ADDENDUM NO. 2 Date: October 13, 2020 Project Name: …...Oct 13, 2020  · Please provide an...

ADDENDUM NO. 2 Date: October 13, 2020 Project Name: WCU Energy Production Facility Project No.: 103609SCO ID: 17-17729-02A The following clarifications, amendments, additions, deletions, revisions, and modifications are hereby made a part of the Contract Documents and change the original documents only in the manner and to the extent stated below.


1. Specification 03 05 15 CRYSTALLINE WATERPROOFING ADMIXTURE section 2.2.A.5: The following manufacturers are added as approved manufacturers:

a. Xypex Chemical2. Substitution Request. Johnson Controls is an acceptable manufacturer for Makeup Air Units.

As with any product, it must meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications.3. Specification section 48 52 05 Part 2.01 shall be modified as follows:

a. Steam generator shall be of new manufacture by one of the following:i. Babcock & Wilcox.ii. Foster Wheeler.iii. Hurst.iv. Cleaver Brooks.v. Rentech.vii. Superior.viii. Victory.ix. Evolv Industrial.x. Engineer-approved equal.

4. Specification section 23 21 23 Part 2.02 A shall be modified as follows:a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the

following:i. Armstrong Pumps, Inc.ii. Aurora Pump; Division of Pentair Pump Group.iii. Xylem, Inc.; Bell & Gossett.iv. Goulds.v. TACO Shipco.

5. Specification section 48 52 05 Part 2.08 D. a. sham be modified as follows:a. Gas supply pressure regulator sized for 20psig inlet gas pressure

6. Add section 26 05 51 - attached


1. Replace S-101 with attached revision.

BIDDING QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES1. Question from Harris Integrated Solutions: Can we use EMT in the office areas?

a. EMT can be used for power and control conduit in the office area of the building.2. Question from Harris Integrated Solutions: Who is providing the VFD’s for exhaust fans?

a. VFD’s are included in the Single Prime contract. It is up to the GC’s and subcontractors to allocate the scopes of work.

3. What is the pad elevation on the existing building to be demolished?a. Original drawings indicate the main operating floor top of concrete which is at 2149.07’.

4. The length of the site retaining wall on structural drawings (S-104) does not appear to match the civil drawings (CG001). Please clarify.

a. Use the dimensions and details on S-104.5. Please confirm if SA-178 A ERW tubes would be acceptable for the boiler and economizer.

These are more of an industry standard for an application such as this.a. Please provide seamless tubes as specified.

6. Please confirm if the boiler vendor is to offer a new flue gas stack as the specification calls for a stack, but we have also received feedback that the existing brick chimney may be reused.

a. The existing brick chimney will not be reused. Please adhere to the specification.7. What is PMS 01CBS06? Please provide.

a. This is a piping material specification included within the project specifications8. What is 01CBS01? Please provide.

a. This is a piping material specification included within the project specifications9. Please confirm if atomizing air is to be used for cold start only, or during full fire operation?

Note typically this would be used for cold start only.a. Atomizing air is intended for cold start only.

10. What is 01CBS01? Please provide.a. This is a piping material specification included within the project specifications

11. The FD Fan test block margins seem excessive as these are typically 10% on volume / 21% static pressure. 15% additional margin will spike up the fan’s HP. Please confirm if standard 10%/21% can be used.

a. Please adhere to specified margins.12. Who will purchase the equipment (air compressor ) ? the university or contractor?

a. All equipment will be purchased by the general contractor unless otherwise specified. The air compressor will be purchased by the contractor.

13. The generator appears to be owner furnished and contractor installed. Please provide submittal information so we know what is included, how its piped, fuel type, etc.

a. The generator is currently owned by WCU, no submittals are available.14. Does the stack come with the generator? It is owner furnished and contactor installed? Please

provide submittal information.a. Contractor to provide exhaust duct to be connected to main stack from plant.

15. Will MEP contractors be required to provide 3D modeling coordination drawings? OR can MEP sub use the engineer model to produce fabrication drawings for piping?

a. 3D coordination drawings are not required. Engineer model can not be used to produce fabrication drawings. Navisworks model or similar can be made available for reference.

16. Detail 2 on Sheet M-501 shows the temporary steam and condensate line going into the existing steam plant via a window penetration. Please indicate the window repair desired once the temporary lines are removed and the penetration is exposed. Specifically, will a patch to the window be acceptable or will the entire window need to be replaced.

a. Demolish entire window and infill opening with reinforced brick masonry to match and align with existing brick masonry. Dowel new masonry into existing masonry.

17. Specification 07 14 16 COLD FLUID-APPLIED WATERPROOFING section 2.02.A.1: Add Henry Company as an approved manufacturer

18. Specification 07 55 56 FLUID-APPLIED PROTECTED MEMBRANE ROOFING section 2.03.A.1: Add Henry Company as an approved manufacturer.

19. In the masonry spec and on the Mockup drawing (A-556), it calls out for two brick alternates. This note also exists on the mockup drawing showing the retaining wall, but neither is in the alternate spec. Please clarify.

a. There are no longer any alternate finishes required for the retaining wall and the stone cladding is not to match the STEM building but rather it should match the gateway entrance stone walls. Please refer to response and associated photos for reference that were included in Addendum #1.

20. On Sheet A-550, Detail 2, 4, 5 &7, in regards to the metal panel sub framing, is this cold-formed metal framing and is spec section 05 40 00 applicable? Or is this to be separate from the light gauge framing component and to be integral to the metal panel components. Please clarify.

a. Miscellaneous Metal Subframing and Furring is typically provided by the metal panel manufacturer as an integral component of the cladding system. Depending on the member size limitations of the metal panel manufacturer, some of the subframing and furring may need to be provided by CFMF manufacturer but this must be coordinated by the GC with the metal panel manufacturer and CFMF manufacturer and their respective shop drawings prior to submittal.

21. In reference to question/answer #29 from Addendum #1 – these generators and the transclosure are in the location of the new transformer. The transclosure will be replaced but if the generators are to stay in place until the new steam plant is functional, we will not be able to excavate far enough back to install the building walls. This will require temporary shoring. Is there anything in the ground of the embankment (power, utilities) that will prevent shoring?

a. Known utilities are shown on CD001, some will need to be relocated as part of the work. We do not believe there is anything that would prevent shoring.

22. Is the overhead power from the pole beside the transclosure the main feed for the existing building ( this could be an issue for shoring installation as well)

a. Power must be maintained to the existing building23. Also, it appears the grading plan, CG001, and storm sewer plan, CG003, are not coordinated at

the south side of the side. a. The south side driveway, grading and storm sewer were revised after original issue.

CG001 shows the correct design for these items so should be used for bidding. 24. Based off the response regarding SP6 in addenda one and section 2.13 A.1 below regarding

galvanizing. Should all steel be SP6 blast cleaned and then galvanized? Generally when galvanizing SP6 is not required. If both are required this will be a significant cost increase.

a. The first notes apply only to interior steel which is to be coated. All exterior steel is to be galvanized and does not require SP6 or other surface prep as that is covered by acid cleaning included in the galvanizing process.

25. The structural drawings show paving per civil drawings on S-104 at the retaining wall footing, however the depiction is asphalt over felt directly over concrete – no stone. The civil drawings indicate stone base and then pavement per detail on CG005. Please clarify which detail is correct at this condition.

a. Note in Section A on S-104 is provided to clarify what should be done at locations where pavement is placed directly over footing. If pavement is not placed directly over footing, then pavement shall follow what is shown in the detail on CG005.

26. It appears not all of the devices in Spec Section 40 94 00, Appendix A – IO List, made it to the P&ID Drawings. Please advise if they are required and will an addendum be issued to show them on the P&ID Drawings?

a. Devices on the IO list are required. If required, a bulletin may be issued after award.27. Part 1.04.B.7 of spec. section 01 91 13 General Commissioning Requirements it states,

“Provide Pre-Functional Checklists for the purposes of verifying proper installation. Checklists shall be based upon submitted documentation and updates to the Construction Documents.” Please provide an example pre-functional checklist & system turnover package to be produced by Commissioning Agent and completed by contractor/subcontractor team.

a. Sample PFC is attached.28. The structural drawings show paving per civil drawings on S-104 at the retaining wall footing,

however the depiction is asphalt over felt directly over concrete – no stone. The civil drawings indicate stone base and then pavement per detail on CG005. Please clarify which detail is correct at this condition.

a. Note in Section A on S-104 is provided to clarify what should be done at locations where pavement is placed directly over footing. If pavement is not placed directly over footing, then pavement shall follow what is shown in the detail on CG005.

29. Please clarify if there is an extended warranty required for this project? Article 42 of the General Conditions appear to identify a 12 month GC warranty period with manufacturer’s warranties taking over after 12 month.

a. Article 42 is correct.30. Regarding temporary utilities, Article 40 of the General conditions appears to require the GC to

provide and pay for utilities used during the construction of the project. Please confirm that this is a correct assumption.

a. Article 40 is correct.

31. Regarding utilities strictly associated with start-up activities for the boiler equipment, based on the language in article 40, is the GC going to be responsible for water, gas, electricity associated with the start-up and commissioning activities related to the boiler systems?

a. The cost of utilities for commissioning will be paid by the owner.32. Per sheet A712 Finish Plan Restroom 204 is shown to receive TLP-3 wall tile and TLP-1 floor

tile. Sheet A701 Finish Schedule aligns with A712 but Elevations on A422 Shows Restroom 204 to receive TLP-2 as wall tile. Please clarify what is to be used.

a. The wall tile in this restroom should be TLP-3 as per what is indicated on the finish schedule

33. Per sheet A712 Finish Plan Breakroom 209 is shown to receive TLC-1 Backsplash wall tile. Sheet A701 Finish Schedule aligns with A712 but Elevation 2 on A401 shows both TLC-1 and TLP-3 as the backsplash wall tile. Please clarify what is to be used.

a. The backsplash tile in the break room should be TLC-1 as per what is indicated on the finish schedule

34. Per sheet A712 Finish Plan J.C 207 is show to receive FRP-1 around the mop sink. Sheet A701 Finish Schedule calls for wall tile TLP-3 but detail 1 on A591 shows FRP-1. Sheet A401 elevations 5,6 and 7 note to use either FRP-1 or TLP-3. Please clarify as to what is to be used around the mop sink.

a. As per finish schedule, TLP-3 is to be used around the mop sink.35. Per sheet A712 Finish Plan the water fountain on the second floor is shown to receive TLP-1

wall tile and not TLP-3 that is called to be used in these areas per Sheets A711 and A712 Finish note #7. Please clarify what is to be used in these areas.

a. Per note #7 please use TLP-3 at water fountains36. Per sheet A711 Finish Plan Men’s 107 and Women’s 109 Restrooms are shown to receive TLP-

3 wall tile. Sheet A701 Finish Schedule aligns with this and also calls for EB-1 as base but all elevations of these restrooms shown on Sheet A421 shows TLP-2 as wall tile and TLB-1 tile base being used. Please clarify what is to be used.

a. Please use TLP-3 as wall tile and EB-1 as wall base37. Sheets A711 and A712 Finish Note #6 call for bullnose to be used as wall tile trim but details 6

and 7 on Sheet A591 show a metal trim to be used. Please clarify what is to be used as wall tile trim.

a. Please use metal trim per details 6 & 7 38. Sheet A712 and A711 Finish Note #4 calls for two different setting methods for floor tile. F121

where a depressed slab is indicated and F125 where non-depressed slabs. These areas are not clearly identified on the plans. Also 093013 Tile spec section 3.08 A list three different setting methods for the floor tiles TLP-1 and TLP-2. TCNA methods F113, F122 and F125A. Please clarify what setting method is to be used with the floor tiles. If more than one setting method is to be used please clearly identify the areas where the different setting methods are to be used.

a. If required, a bulletin may be issued after award. 39. 093013 Tile spec section 2.07 A list only epoxy grout to be used as grouting material on this

project but this directly conflicts with all of the TCNA setting methods shown in section 3.08 which calls for Standard cement High Performance gouts. Please clarify what type of grouts are to be used with the floor and wall tiles. (It is our suggestion that if epoxy grout is desired that it only be used for the floor tile. We feel that epoxy grout for the wall tile would be overkill for this application and it would be a great cost savings to use high performance grout.)

a. Epoxy grout is desired for GR-1 and GR-2 walls and floors. Please use the appropriate TCNA thin-set method with crack isolation accordingly.

40. What’s the name of the fire alarm contractor who maintenances the campus fire alarm? a. The fire alarm contractor that serves the campus and installs the Owner Preferred

system (Edwards System Technology) in Alternate 4 is Haynes Technologies, Jim Hannah,, 828-225-5353 .

41. There appears to be no answer provided for question 13 of addendum #1.a. Refer to addenda 1, page 4, item 7a.

42. Question #19 of addendum #1 appears to be an answer to a question yet is listed as a question with no answer? Please clarify.

a. Item 19 is a work statement with no associated question.43. Do you have more information on the type of fuel oil? The spec mentions no. 2 diesel but there

is no analysis provided. Will it be ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) which would have less than 0.02% nitrogen content?

a. The No. 2 diesel will be ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD).44. We need a detail and dimensions for the Aluminum handrail/ guardrail. We need

elevations/specs. Also, how will it be attached (Cored? Clipped down?), Weld or non-welded? • A-101 Aluminum Tube Handrail • A-201 Aluminum guard rail referenced • 2/A-214 Aluminum

a. The railings at the lower level entrance ramp are to be a fully welded stainless steel tube handrails (not aluminum). 36” tall with a bottom rail, 5 ft post spacings, and 1 ft extensions per detail 11/A-581 and it is bolted to concrete slab per detail 10/A-581. Each railing is approximately 100 ft long.

45. Please confirm the dimensions. It’s difficult to tell if we are seeing the entire detail. It appears to be a simple, straight run of glass. • A-115 Glass & Railing (Referenced on A-201)- detailed on A-581• A302 – A-303 Ramp Railing• A-414 1.5” dia stainless handrail- detail on 7&4/A-581

a. Yes it is 2 straight runs of glass that meet at a 90 deg. Corner. Refer to sheet A-106. One leg is approx. 18’-0” long and the other leg is 9’-0” long.

46. Also, do you want a top rail? a. Yes this is identified on detail 8/A-581

47. Stainless hand rail? a. Handrail is not required, just 42” high guard

48. How do you want the shoe to be finished, stainless base?a. 20 Gauge stainless steel cladding per detail 7/A-581

49. How thick is the glass? a. 1/2" thick per detail 7/A-581

50. What type? Stainless Steel? Wall or post mount?

• A-411 – A-412 Stair Railing (1.50” Galvanized Steel Tubing)- measurements on S210 and S211, S212, S213, S214

• S-033 Steel Handrail• S-210 – S-214 Stairs• A-100 shows ramp with handrail on both sides.

a. These are the two stainless steel handrails described above and they are both post mounted.

51. What size post and cable is needed • Interior cable railing 5/A-581 (also shown on A-301)

a. 1-1/2” posts and 3/16” cables , 52. Round or Square post?

a. Square 53. Overall dims are needed.

a. Railing is approx. 11’-0” long and 42” high


26 05 51 - 1


1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS:A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary

Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.

1.02 SUMMARY:A. This Section includes alternating current electric motors required to drive the equipment

furnished under this Contract.

1.03 RELATED REQUIREMENTS:A. Special application motors, including motors for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning

equipment, and motors for valves are specified in the driven equipment Divisions.B. Except as otherwise specified in the driven equipment Divisions, all alternating current motors

other than valve and gate motor operators and special application motors shall be as specified in this Section.

1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS:A. Design, fabricate, assemble, and test equipment and materials to conform to the following

codes and standards:1. ASTM International (ASTM):

a. ASTM A345 - Flat-Rolled Electrical Steels for Magnetic Applications.2. American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA):

a. ABMA 9 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings.b. ABMA 11 - Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings.

3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):a. IEEE 43 - Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating

Machinery.b. IEEE 112 - Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and

Generators.4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):

a. ANSI/NEMA C50.41 - Polyphase Induction Motors for Power Generating Stations.b. NEMA MG 1 - Motors and Generators.c. NEMA MG 2 - Safety Standard for Construction, and Guide for Selection,

Installation, and Use of Electric Motors and Generators.5. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):

a. UL 674 - Standard for Electric Motors and Generators for Use in Division I (Classified) Hazardous Locations.

b. UL 1004 - Standard for Electric Motors.

1.05 SUBMITTALS:A. Submit as specified in Division 01.B. Submittals required include, but are not limited to, the following items:

1. Outline drawing for each group of identical motors.2. Nameplate data for each group of identical motors rated 460V and below, including the

following data:a. Manufacturer's name and serial number.b. Manufacturer's type and frame designation.


26 05 51 - 2

c. Horsepower output.d. Time rating.e. Maximum ambient temperature for which motor is designed.f. Insulation system designation.g. Temperature rise and method of measurement.h. RPM at rated load.i. Frequency.j. Number of phases.k. Rated-load amperes.l. Voltage.m. Code letter for locked rotor kVA.n. Design letter for polyphase integral-horsepower motors.o. Nominal efficiency.p. Service factor.q. For motors equipped with thermal protectors, the words "thermally protected."

3. Additional data for each group of identical motors rated above 100 horsepower:a. Allowable locked rotor time.b. Torque and speed curves.c. Locked rotor current.d. Hot safe stall time.e. Cold safe stall time.

4. For each 460 volt motor rated 200 horsepower and larger, certificate of completion of factory tests.

C. Perform the following factory tests on each motor rated 460V and below in conformance with NEMA MG 1 and IEEE 112:1. No-load current and speed at normal voltage and frequency.2. High potential test.3. Other standard factory tests.


2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS:A. Motors rated 460V and below shall be as manufactured by one or more of the following:

1. General Electric Company.2. WEG Electric.3. Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc.4. ABB (including Baldor Electric Company).5. Engineer-approved equal.

2.02 GENERAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS:A. Motors shall be continuous-duty powerhouse type suitable for a powerhouse environment

where moderately abrasive conductive dusts and high humidity are present.B. Motors shall be self-ventilated.C. Motors shall be designed for full voltage starting.D. Motors shall be suitable for operation at an altitude of 2100 feet above mean sea level.E. Indoor motors shall be suitable for continuous operation at an ambient temperature of 40ºC.F. Outdoor motors shall be suitable for continuous operation at any ambient temperature from

minus 29ºC to +40ºC.


26 05 51 - 3

G. Motors shall be suitable for operation in high humidity environments and shall have, as a minimum, an epoxy based painting system on all internal and external components subject to oxidation.

H. All motors shall have squirrel-cage rotors.I. The nameplate horsepower rating of each motor at 1.0 service factor shall equal or exceed the

horsepower required to drive the connected equipment under the design conditions specified and within normal operating ranges. For each motor furnished, the nameplate horsepower rating multiplied by the service factor shall equal or exceed the horsepower required to drive the connected equipment under any operating condition.

J. Stator winding lead terminals of the copper alloy seamless compression type shall be supplied.

2.03 MOTORS RATED 1/2 HORSEPOWER AND SMALLER:A. Rated 115V, single phase, 60 hertz.B. Service factor of 1.0.C. The torque characteristics of each motor at all voltages from 90 to 110% rated voltage shall be

as required to accelerate the motor and driven equipment to full speed without damage to the motor or the driven equipment.

D. All windings shall be copper. Aluminum windings will not be accepted.E. Insulation shall be Class B or Class F, with Class B temperature rise in accordance with

NEMA MG 1.F. Enclosures shall be fabricated of steel.G. Horizontal motors shall be mounted on a common baseplate with the driven equipment.H. Manual reset thermal overload protection shall be furnished integral to each motor.I. Enclosures shall be totally enclosed nonventilated.

2.04 MOTORS RATED 3/4 THROUGH 300 HORSEPOWER:A. Rated 460V, 3 phase, 60 hertz.B. Service factor of 1.15 for all enclosures except for explosionproof or dust ignition proof

enclosures which shall have a service factor of 1.0.C. Enclosures shall be fabricated of cast iron or steel.D. Enclosures shall be totally enclosed nonventilated or totally enclosed fan cooled.E. cooled.F. Bearings shall be antifriction type and shall have an ABMA L-10 rating life of not less than

100,000 hours at rated speed, and under the radial and/or thrust loadings encountered within normal operating ranges. The thrust loading corresponding to an ABMA L-10 rating life of 5,000 hours at rated speed shall not be exceeded under any operating condition of the motor or the driven equipment.

G. Bearings shall be insulated when required to prevent bearing or shaft damage due to stray shaft currents.

H. Each horizontal motor shall be mounted on a common baseplate with the driven equipment or shall be furnished with separate sole plates and sub-sole plates to permit removal of the motor without disturbing the alignment of the driven equipment.

I. Furnish space heaters for all outdoor motors rated 25 horsepower and above. Space heaters shall be low watt density type rated 120V, single phase, 60 hertz.

J. The torque characteristics of each motor at all voltages from 90 to 110% rated voltage shall be as required to accelerate the motor and driven equipment to full speed without damage to the motor or the driven equipment.

K. Insulation shall be Class F, with Class B temperature rise at rated horsepower in accordance with NEMA MG 1.


26 05 51 - 4

L. The efficiency of each motor shall meet or exceed all NEMA Premium Requirements for energy efficiency, or as otherwise required by Federal statue. Efficiency values shall be determined in the manner described by NEMA MG1.12.58.

M. Information submitted with the proposal for each motor shall include minimum guaranteed efficiency based on tests performed in accordance with IEEE 112, Method B, with accuracy improvement by segregated loss determination including stray load loss measurement. Information submitted with the proposal shall include percent efficiency and percent power factor at full load, 3/4-load, and 1/2-load.

N. Motors operated in conjunction with a variable frequency drive shall have an inverter grade insulation system consisting of, at a minimum, Class F or better insulation materials with additional phase insulating material, extra end-turn bracing and Class H spike resistant wire. The resulting insulation system shall withstand 2,000V transients without premature motor failure and have no cable limitations in motor application.



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