ACT Study Sheet

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Transcript of ACT Study Sheet

  • 7/21/2019 ACT Study Sheet




    Parentheses first, then Exponents, then Multiplication and Division (leftto right), and lastly Addition and Subtraction (left to right).

    Median and Mode

    The median is thevalue that falls in the middle of the set.

    The mode is thevalue that appears most often.

    Counting the Possibilities

    If there aremways one event can happen andnways a second eventcan happen, then there arem nways for the 2 events to happen.


    Average Rate Formula Average Formula

    Average A per B = Average =

    Average Speed = Probability Formula

    Probability =

    Percent Formula

    Part = Percent Whole

    Multiplying and Dividing Powers

    To multiply powers with the same base, add the exponents and keep thesame base.

    To divide powers with the same base, subtract the exponents and keepthe same base.

    Raising Powers to Powers

    To raise a power to a power, multiply the exponents.

    Negative Exponent and Rational Exponent

    xn = x = nx

    Direct and Inverse Variation

    In direct variation,y=kx, wherek is a nonzero constant. Ininverse variation,xy=k, wherek is a constant.

    Domain and Range of a Function

    The domain of a function is the set of values for which thefunction is defined.

    Determining Absolute Value

    The absolute value of a number is the distance of the number from zeroon the number line.

    Multiplying BinomialsFOIL

    To multiply binomials, use FOIL. First multiply the First terms. Next theOuter terms. Then the Inner terms. And finally the Last terms. Then addand combine like terms.

    Factoring the Difference of Squares

    a2 b2 = (a b)(a +b)

    Factoring the Square of a Binomial

    a2 + 2ab +b2 = (a +b)2 a2 2ab +b2 = (a b)2

    Quadratic Equation

    ax2 +bx+ c= 0

    Solving an Inequality

    When you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, youmust reverse the sign.

    Finding the Distance Between Two Points

    d= (x1

    x2)2 +



    Using Two Points to Find the Slope

    Slope = =

    Using an Equation to Find the Slope (slope-intercept)

    y = mx + b

    Finding the Midpoint

    If the endpoints are (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), the midpoint is.


    Intersecting LinesWhen two lines intersect, adjacent angles are supplementary andvertical angles are equal.

    (y1 +y2)


    (x1 +x2)




    Sum of the terms

    Number of terms

    Change iny

    Change inxRise


    Favorable Outcomes

    Total Possible Outcomes


    Total B



    Total distance

    Total time


    Interior and Exterior Angles ofa Triangle

    The 3 angles of any triangle addup to 180 degrees.The 3 exterior angles of a triangleadd up to 360 degrees.

    Area of a Triangle

    Area of Triangle = (base)(height)

    Pythagorean Theorem

    For all right triangles: (leg1)2 +

    (leg2)2 = (hypotenuse)2

    Special Right Triangles

    The 3-4-5 TriangleThe 30-60-90 TriangleThe 5-12-13 TriangleThe 45-45-90 Triangle

    Area of a Rectangle

    Area of Rectangle = length width

    Area of a Parallelogram

    Area of Parallelogram =base height

    Area of a Square

    Area of Square = (Side)2

    Interior Angles of a Polygon

    The sum of the measures of the

    interior angles of a polygon =(n 2) 180, wheren is thenumber of sides.

    Circumference of a Circle

    Circumference = 2r

    Length of an Arc

    Ifn is the degree measure ofthe arcs central angle, then theformula is:

    Length of an Arc = 1 (2r)

    Area of a Circle

    Area of a Circle = r2

    Area of a Sector

    Ifn is the degree measure of thesectors central angle, then theformula is:

    Area of a Sector = 1 (r)2

    Surface Area of a Rectangular

    SolidSurface Area = 2lw+ 2wh + 2lh

    Volume of a Rectangular Solid

    Volume of a Rectangular Solid =lwhVolume of a Cube = 3

    Volume of a Cylinder

    Volume of a Cylinder = r2h







  • 7/21/2019 ACT Study Sheet


    Kaplans 3-Step Method for ACT EnglishStep 1: Does It Belong Here?

    Step 2: Does It Make Sense?

    Step 3: Does It Sound Like English?

    Kaplans 3-Step Method for ACT MathStep 1: Understand

    Step 2: Analyze

    Step 3: Select

    Kaplans Special Math StrategiesBacksolve

    Pick Numbers



    Kaplans 5-Step Method for ACT ReadingStep 1: Preread the Passage

    Step 2: Consider the Question StemStep 3: Refer to the Passage

    Step 4: Answer the Question in Your OwnWords

    Step 5: Match Your Answer With One of theChoices

    Kaplans Special Reading Strategies forProse Fiction

    Who Are the Characters?

    What Is Their State of Mind?

    Whats Happening on the Surface? Whats

    Happening Under the Surface?

    Kaplans 5-Step Method for ACT ScienceStep 1: Preread the Passage

    Step 2: Consider the Question Stem

    Step 3: Refer to the Passage

    Step 4: Answer the Question in Your OwnWords

    Step 5: Match Your Answer With One of theChoices

    Kaplans Special Strategies for Reading

    Tables and GraphsDetermine Whats Being Represented

    Determine What the Axes (or Columns andRows) Represent

    Take Note of Units of Measurement

    Look for Trends in the Data

    Kaplans 3-Step Method for ExperimentQuestions

    Step 1: Find Whats Being Varied

    Step 2: Identify the Control Group

    Step 3: Analyze the Results


    19 Most-Tested Grammar Errors

    1. Singular nouns must match with singular verbs and pronouns, and pluralnouns must go with plural verbs and pronouns.

    2. Know the rules for compound subjectsie, when to use I versus when touse me.

    3. Parenthetical phrases must begin and end with the same punctuation mark.

    4. Dont combine two sentences into one with a comma; instead, use a semi-colon or a conjunction.

    5. Avoid sentence fragments.

    6. Know your punctuation marks as well as their basic usage and meaning.

    7. Nouns and pronouns must be modified by adjectives while verbs andadjectives themselves must be modified by adverbs.

    8. Dont confuse the wordsgoodand well. Goodis an adjective; wellis anadverb.

    9. Understand how to use the wordslayandlie, as well as their past tenses(which includelaid,lay, andlain).

    10. Whenever you see a preposition, make sure it makes sense and that itmatches the other words in the sentence.

    11. Know when to use the word who and when to use whom.

    12. Never use apostrophes to make a pronoun possessive. Also, know when touseits andits.

    13. Be aware of the differences between the words there, their, and theyre.

    14. Know how and when to properly use irregular forms of common verbs.Some, likesing andbring, have unusual forms that are commonly testedon the ACT.

    15. Know the proper verb forms, especially for the verb to be.

    16. Dont useing endings when they arent needed; rather, use them primari-ly to indicate repeated or continuous action.

    17. Whenever you see the endingserorest, or the wordsmore ormost,make sure theyre used logically. Words witheror withmore should beused to compare only two things. If more than two things are involved, use


    18. Use the wordbetween only when there are two things involved. Whenthere are more than two things, or an unknown number of things, useamong.

    19. Use the wordless only for uncountable things. When things can be count-ed, they are fewer. People are always countable, so use fewerwhen writingabout them.

    Kaplans Special Strategies forConflicting Viewpoints Passages

    Determine Each Scientists BasicTheory

    Identify the Evidence Each ScientistGives

    Kaplans 4-Step Method for ACTWriting

    Step 1: Pause to Know the Prompt

    Step 2: Plan

    Step 3: Produce

    Step 4: Proofread