Act No. 26 of 1961

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Transcript of Act No. 26 of 1961



No. 26 of 1961

Date of Assen.t: 41h December, 1961

Date of Commencement: The day upon wh;ch the Agreement, which is set olll in the Schedule to this Ordinance, comes into force; see A rtide 2 thereof.


WHEREAS provision is made by the East Africa (High Commission) Orders in Council, 1947 to 1961 , for the control and administra tlon of certain matters and services of common interest to the inhabitants of Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda, and for that purpose an East Africa High Commission and an East Africa Central Legislative Assembly are thereby established;

AND WHEREAS at discussions held in London in June, 1961, attended by delegations representing Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. the East AJrica High Commission, and Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda it was agreed to recommend that the East Africa High Commission and the East Africa Central Legislative Assembly esta blished by the said Orders in Council should be abolished in order that they may be replaced by an Organization (to be known as the East African Common Services Organization) esta b­lished by means of an Agreement between the Governments of Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda;

AND WHEREAS the draft of an Agreement for establish­ing the East African Common Services Organiz3 tion (which is set out in the Schedule to this Ordi~ance) has been approved by the Governments of Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda, but the Agreement has not been entered into by those Govern­ments;

AND WHEREAS by the East Africa (High Commission) (Special Provisions) Order in Council, 1961, it is provided that provision may be made by the respective Legislatures of Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda for giving effect to any Agreement that may be entered into by the Governments of


511011 lille and c:Q,nn~"ccment.



E(j~1 A/ril"{1/1 Common Snl·irt:!\ Orgalli=:afiOlI 1%1

Tanganyika. Kenya and Uganda fo r t.he establishm ent o f the proposed East African Commo n Services Organizat io n a nd maltcrs connected thcrc\\Iith, nOlwil hsla nui ng a nYl hin g con­tained in the East Africa (High Commission) OrJers in Counc il , 1947 to 1961:

A~D WHrR FAS it is proposed Iha l pn.)v Islon should he illClue by Her MCl jesly in Council fo r the revOl:alion of the East Africa (High Commission) O rders in Cou ncll. 1947 to 1961. and th nt suc h provision should come into opcra tion when the .!>n id Agreemen t COIllC!!. into fon.x::

AND WHI:!\{kAS it is expedient to make provision for giv ing elf"ect to certnin provisions conta ined in the draft Agreeme nt which shall come into operat ion when the Al,'Tee­ment has bcen entered into by the Governments of T anga nyika, Kenya nne! Uganda and has come inlo force:

Now. n l.ERHORE, BE IT ENt\CTED by the Legislature of the Co lony and Protectorate of Kenya, as fOUow5:-

1. (I) T illS O n.linance may be dted as the East African Common Services Organization Ordinance, J961.

(2) This Ordinance shall come into opcr.t tion on the day upon which the Agreeme nt comes into force.

2. In this Ordinance, except ..... here the conte};t ot her­wise requires-

"Act of the Organization" means an Act of the cast African Common Services Organi7 .. ation enacted in accord­ance with tht:: pro"l-i!!.ium. or Part Tn of the Constitut io n of the Organization;

"the Agret::ment" means the Agret::ment cntered into by the Governments of Tang:.lOyika, Kenya and Uganda in the terms set out in the Schedule to this Ordit1:l11Ce;

"the Assembly" me~tns the Cent ral Legislative Assembly of the East African Common Services Organi7.ation established hy Article 1(, or the ('on~li t ution of 111C Organitation:

"the Authority" means the Fn.,t Africnll C.ommon Services Aut hori ty c")!ablishcd by Article 3 uf the Constit ution of the Org.aniLalion;

"the Constitution of the Organ ization" means the Constit ution annexed to the Agreement.

J 53

1961 cast African C()mIlUJII Si-'n ice.\ Urgafli::'(lIion No. 26

3. (1) T he Authori ty shall have the c<l pac il ), wi thin Aulhoricytotx body corpOTUt,.

Kenya of a body corporate with perpetua l succession. and shaU have power to acq uire. hold . Ill Anage and dispose of land and mher properly. ' lnd 10 sue lind be ~ lIcJ in the name uf the A uthority

(2) The Authorit y shall have pO\Ncr 10 perfurm nny of the fllnc lion~ conferred upon il by the Constitution of the Organimtion and to do all lhings that in the opinion of the Authority are necessary or desirable for the performance of those functions.

(3) T he provisions of subsection (2) of [his sectiun relate on ly to the cap .. 'lcity of the Aut hority as a body corporate and nothing in tha t subsect ion ~ h a l1 be cons trued ns authorizing the d isregard by the Au thority of any wril(en law, or as affecting any power of th e Authority conferred by ~iny written taw.

4. ( J) The provisions of an Act of the Organization with respect to any matter thaI is included in the Second Schedule to tbe Constitution of the Organizat ion sh:lll. from the date of the publica tion of the Act in the Gazette of the Organi 73' lion. have the force of law ill Kenya.

(2) An Act of Ihe Orga ni 7 .. .<Ltion shaH come into opera tion on the date of its publiClttioll in the Ga zette of the Organiza· ti on or, if it is provided either in tha i Act or some other Ac t or some law of the Higb Commission that some or alt of its provisious shall comc into operation on some other date (lAi hether before or a fter the t.Ia lc of publication), those provisions shall come inlo operat ion on that other date.

5. til Whcncve r an ACI of the Organization bas been disallo\',,·ed in ac<.'ordan ee with the provisions of Art icl e 33 of the Constitution of the Organization. that Act sha ll be an nulled wit h effect from the publication of notice of dis· all ow<ln cc uf Ihe Act in the G;l/Clic of Ihe Orga nizat ion.

(2) On th e annu lment of :tn Act of the Organi za tion under this section , any enactment repealed or amendet.l by or in pursuancc of that Act sha ll ha"·e effect as from the date of the annulment as if Ih:lI Act had not been enacted, and. sa\'C as prov ided in the foregoing provisions uf Ihi s section, the provision<; of subsection ()) of sec tion 23 of the Interpreta· tion and General P rovi~ i o n ~ Ord inance. 1956, shall apply to tha I annulment as they ap pl y lu the rcpeal of an Ordinance.

Act~ of Ihe Organizalinn to bll vc r Dree of law.

Du.Uo"'UI% of Acta of 1M Orpni".oo;m.

38 of 1956.


Provisions rc l'lml!a membenof Central Uiisbth"e AlismJbly.


11 of 19n.

E~i$lini laws of High Commli>lon \0 connn ue in farce.


6. 0; Subjet:t Iu the prov isions of Ihi .!. s':cliu lI , in any proceed ings relating to lhc elect ion of an elected member of Ihe Assembly the certificate of the Speaker that his election WIIS conducted in accordance witb the Standing Orders of the Legisla ti ve Council and ~ 1~l.I ing the name of the person thereby elected !.hall be conclusive c .... iLlcnce of those m.:l.t\ers.

(2) The provisions of P.1ft VII and Part VIII of the Legislative Council Elections Ordinance. 1960. and such of the provisions of sect ion 2 of the s,1id Ordinance as a re ncc~sary for the interpretat ion of the S<tjd Parts, ~hall appl y mil/mil IIl11twu/is tu and in res pect of elections of membcr..:; of the A ssemb ly as they a ppl y 10 :l lld in respect of elect ions of Con~tituency Members of the Lcgi~la li\le Council.

(3) The pro\l h.i o n ~ of Pa rt l. Pari II (other tha n !>ub· section ( l) of sectio n 5). P<lrL III ;lIld Pari I V o f the Deetion Offence~ Ordi nance. 1958. shall :lpply tn and in respect of We elL-clion o f members of the Assembly as Ihough references to "poll" ami " pollill£ station" were references to voting at the election and to the plncc [II whic h the elec tion is held respect i .... ely.

(4) The prOVISions of sel·t ion 308 of Ihe KellY:l (CO il , ~t itutiun) Onkr.<i in ('mlnell. 1958 to 196 1. shnll ~Ipply 10 and in respect of the J C\l: r lllina li on of any question wh\!thc r nil el ected member of the A~JI\bly h.l~ "'::"Gl tcd hi ~ ... ca t in the Asscmhl y a s they apply to and in re ... pel't of the delal11inat iOll of the lik e qUe!'.t ion in rel.H ion to Constituency fI,~embers of the Legisla tive Council.

7. ( I) The existing b \NS of tile Hi,2 h Commission shall cominue in force in KcnY:l <lnd 1'; 11 .:111 he rC3d and con<:lrllcd with suc h mod ifi cations. ad;\plat ium <Jnd qUdlifical io ns as may be Ilccessa ry to brinp. them in to confor mity \ ... ith the Agreeme nt .

I:! ) The Authori ty I\~a}'. by order published in t he: (i a7c1tt.:

of the Organiz:nion at :lIIy tillt.: bdoH! tIE l: A~sclllb!y li rs~ meets after the commencemen t of this Ordinance. make such amemimcnts to any of the exist ing laws :'IS may appear to the Authorit}' to b..: nccc".<ia ry or expedien t for bringing tha i la w into conformity with th O' pruv ision:) uf the Agreeme nt or olherwise for giving effect or enabling effect to be ~i\'e n 10 that provision.



(3) In tbjll se<:lion '\:usting Jaw'!'" means a ny Ac t of the High Commission in force or having any effect immediately be fore tbe commencement of this Ordinance and nny rules, regulations. orden. or other inst ruments in force o r having cITed as aforesaid and made in pursuance of any such Act.

S. The Minister for the Itme being responsible for legal affa ir;,; mOly. by order published in the Gazette at any time before (he expira tion of si'l( months. from the commencement of this Ordina nce. Illllkc su<.: h .tlllC lidmenls to any wrillen law 01" may app.:ar [0 the Mini'>ler to be necessary or expedient for bringing [h;.Lt written law into co nformity with the provisions of the Agreemcl1l or othcn\>ise for giving effect or ena bling effect 10 h~ gi ... cn to Ihnsc prov isions and, wit huu t prejudice to tJ1C generality uf the (oregoing. may declare that references in .tny written l a~\ to the High Commiss io n sha ll be conSlrued. in respect of any period after the commencemcnt of t hi ~ Ordinancc. ;IS rderences to the OrgarliL<ltion ur H~ references to the A ut hority

9. The [ntc rprclat iOl' ;lIICC. 1956. i~ :l lllended

and G.::ncr:r[ Pru\lision~ O rdin-

(1I) hy in!'.crling in ~lIb~eetiOIi (I) of ~"Clion 3 the reof. in their respective alphabetica l positions. the following new definitions -

"the Allthority" means the East African Com­mon Services Amhorilv established by Article :l of the Clll1s!il ul iclll of !he Orgallila tioll annexed to the Agreement ~e, t Ollt ill the Sc hedule to the East A frican Common Ser\'ices Or~anization Ord inance. 1iJ6 1:

" the Org.;miL:t1ion" llleans the East African Common Sen i..:e~ Org:rl1i7~'lti(lll es tabl ished by Artick r or th,- Arrl'cml~ nt s ... ~t out in the Sched ule [0 the East African Common Services Orga lli 7-<'lt ion Ordinance. 1961:

Ibl hI' ~uhstItUlillt! f,--,r t h~ dcl'i nil ion o f ""Ccntral Legis· hltl\ e A~~l'llIbly" ~l r "Central Assembly" ", whi ch appears in subseclion (I I of ,,~clion 3 thereof n new definitiol1 as fol lows-

1\0. 26

Allaptallon of wriu en 11"" .

Amendment of Ordinance 38 of 19~6 .



EU.'11 Africml Commott Serl'iccJ' Org(lIIi,,(/lioll 1961

"Cent ral Legislative Assembly" or "Centr.1l Assembly" mea ns the Central Legisla tive Assembly of the Organization;

(c) by substitut ing for the heading" A" to ParI [J I thereof a new heading as follows-

A - OrdiwlIlre,\, ACIS 0/ Parliament, Applied A cts alld Acts oj tile OrglmiZiltioll; a nd

(d) by inserting, irnmeJ iatc1y after section 7 tlu.:rcof, n ne w section as follows

Acts or OrpniLa­lion.

7A. (I) Where a n A ct of the Orga nization is incunsistent with an Ordina nce cnacted before the Act of the Organi7D.lion \\-as en;Kled. the Act of the Organizat ion ~ha ll be cotl:-.Crued so as to repeal. 10 the extent of the inco n .., i ~ t enc )' . the Ordi na nce unlc~~ tha t Ordinance makes pro .... ision in eltpress terms imJi t:.<tLin g the in1 enlion that the provisions o f the l:.a st Africa n Common Services Orga ni za tion Ord ina nce . 196 1. shall no t apply in relat ion thereto.

(2) Where :tn A ct o r the Orgunization is incon­s i ~ tent wilh an Ordinance enacted after the Ac t of Lhc Or~!an i lation was enacted, tbc Ordina nce shall not bt! construed so as 10 repeal any provi~ion of the Act unless the Ordinance expressly so pro­vides or makes o ther provision in cx prc~s terms indicali ll!,; the intent ion thJt the Ordinance sJwll have elTect notwit hstanding: the Act of th e Orga niza tion.

(3) Fo r the purrme~ of this sect io n, ,,',.·here an Act of the Oq;itlliLtt tion a nd an O rdinance are enacted on the same day, the Onlinam:c 1>hfl ll be deemed to have bo...,,\: 11 enacted after the Act.

(4) R eferences in subsect io n /2) of this secrion to Act s of the Organizat io n include rderences to Acts of the High Commission.


1961 £a.~1 Ajric([11 COlIJmon Sen';n',\ Orgal!f:mioll



GOVI!RN~rEST or KENYA "1'0 T HE GOVt.k .... ~lI..J'1.' or Uo ... "n.\ H IR

Tim CSTMIUSIlMCNT or> THE 1'.0.)0" AIIUU,N Co:o.nlO~ SEltVICF_'i


Whereas IJ(O'.';,;oll is mlld~ by the East Alnca (High Commis~ion) Ofl.k~ in CUUl1l:i1, 1947 hJ 1961. {or the canlrol and administration uf certain matters and .s<.fviccs o f \:ommon intereo;! \0 Ihc inhabitants of TanganYika, Kenya and Ugunda and for til ;) 1 purpru;e an East ... frica High CommissIon and un Eu~t A{rica Central l.egil>Jl1li ... e .'\~~cmbh· are thefehy established:

And whereas at discu ~ions helt1 In London in June, 1961. attended by ddegations representing !-I er Maje.~I)"s Government in the United Kingdo m. the Ea~t Africa High Cnmmls.~ion , Tanganyika, Kenya and U,!illlia the IIrriingemeDts contained in rhe ~ald Onkrs in Council \\. • .'(c revit' \\cd in Iht' Iigbt of ('on~lIIulional chanKc~ Ih:..t are proposed in respect of T anganYi ka.:

And whcrea~ at the said discu'iSions the dere,l!a tlOn~ repre~cnLing TanganYi ka , Ktnya ami UgandJ. affirmed thelT ('e.~'re that common ~er\'ice~ ~hould continue to bo.: provided for those lern!()rle.~ hy a single organi1ation, notwithstanding the con~itutional changes proposed in respect or Tanganyika or other constitutional changes that may occur in thoc;e lerrl lorie~:

And whcrea~ it wa~ accordingl}' acreed to rl'Commcmi that, in place or the arrangements contained In the <;aId Ordcr~ in Council. there ~h ooIJ be an organiZation. to t>c known a~ the Easl African Commnn Services Organization. v"hich ~houl ct be established by an agreement enleftd inlo by the Government~ or tanganyika. Kenya and l'canda:

And whereas Her M.'Ijesly'~ Go\'ernment in the United Kingdom has cn l ru ~led the Go"ernmenl~ of Kenya anti Cgandl with authority to enter into the agreement hereinafter contained;

'low it IS ht' rcb)< agreed as follows: -

Arrirle /

The eontracung Gn~ern n1en t s agree upon UIC establish ment of the East Afrkan Common Sen'lces Organi1atinn. in accordanr.:e \\ith Ihe Con~tilulion llnnexed to this a&reement. !'Ind the East AfIkan Cummon &r"[,:e.\, Orpnizatiou is accOIdinzly he rehy e~labl i~hed \~ith effect from the coming inlO force of this agr('emen r,

Arril'lt; 2

When Ihls ::r.creemen t ha~ betn ~igm.'d on 1:oehalf of the GOvern­ment of Kenya or the Go\'ernment of Uganda, thai Government shall notify the Gove rnment of TanganYika aeCl'n.lin,!! ly, When this agree­ment has been sisned on beh:ttr of all the con ll actin!; Governmen ts

1'\'0. 26

No. 26


East Afncal/ COIIIIl/OII ~t'll'icc's Or,~(l fII=:.atiOIl 1961

Ihe Government o f I anganyika shall l,;~lN: notice to be run1i~hed

In the offi cial Ganltc of I ang:lnyika tbat Ihis agreemen t has been ~o executed and the agrct.'lIlenl ~hall come into force on lhe day following the day upon whir.-h that [Joliet is publi<hed.

Arti( Ie' ~

I. This agf('(,Ill,'nt ~h~ 1I baH,' IOddini!c ,Iuratlun.

2. Each of the contracting (io\,crnmcnu, lint! Iht.' GvYt:rnmcnl oi the United Kin£dom (,>(1 Inne U\ II remains rC.'ipon~iblc f\.lf till: govern ment of Kenya o r Uga nda) ~hall haye the rI).'ht to h.: rmiull tc li ds agreement at any time by giving nnt Ie<;~ than one yCdf'S noti l:c \0 the other Governments havlllS the ~me rtght under Ih lS artick.

3. If not i!.;c i ~ given terminating Ihl~ agrr-ement In acconJam:e Yoilh the pn:ccding pJr:l.graph . the contracting Governments and thc Government of the United Kinsdom (SCI long as iT remaln~ r~pon~ib l c (or the government of Kenya or Uganda) shall consull t o~ether with a view to agreein g upon the conlinuatio n of the O rgani1::lllt'ln. l'I~ re.~pecL~ the Governments not de~inllg tennlnll.\ion of this agreement. or upon the a rmngement5 for its v.indlns up

A ,·t;./~ .:

MudjliCll. liO Il~ of tlus agreement m:ly be ma de With the con~cnl ur each uf the contracting GovernmenH and the Government of the L:nilcd Ki ngdum (~u long as il remains responsible for the govern­ment o( Kcn~'a o r Vsanda).

Arli,h· 5 Ea~h u[ lhe cuutrar,;t;ng Governments undertakes (:]'. regard\ I t 'I

I crrilory) to takc 1111 ~ t cps Ihat are v. ilhi n its power to sec lire the enactmt:nl anu tile continuation of su=h legislation as IS necess.ary and With in the eompclcncc of thl,: kgi~41ture of the T erritOr) to give r.treel 10 thi~ alo'reemenl and til parlicu lar-

(a) to confer upon tht: East Afril,:ull Common Service'S Authorit y .'\lIch leg.ll ea p.1Ct ty a~ will enable it to perform its fu nctions under the {'on~tlt ll l i on of the Organi.l.ll tion :

(b) to confer II Tl(lO Acl~ of Ihe Organ ization ~'nac tl,:d in accord­ance with the C"n~t;tllllOn of the Or!!ullI/.ation the fOf\."i: of law;n the T erntory .

Arti"e 6 1. 'nle contrdeling Governments underta ke to m:lke ~ltch fi nancial

contnbut lons 10 the Orguni,Gation l'tS will enable it elfectively to di5-ch:u ge its fu nctions and to m~'\:l ib fllla nciaJ obligations.

2. In P:'lrticu!.u the wnt ractinll Oovcrnrnenb undertake Ih",

(u) if Ihe linancbl re~ource~ (If the Orglnization in lUI )' (mllnei,,1 ycar are l1l;;umci~1ll to tne.:1 the J;; .\pendi lun: uf Ihl: Organ­iZJtion 11l thai year, Ihi: t:vnlractiug GO\'t"TIIJ1l<!nls (i) will a lllhnrl7l'; the O rJ!:lIIi/alion tu ilKrc:I'c the amounts

payable h'l the J)i~lflhul;I"!C I'~'OI Fund ill ;m:vn.lU'l~e with the pf('~' ,S I \m\ of any agrccm':nI made in pur~ll:mt:e


1961 East A/rial!! ComlllOIl Services Orgllfli<.atiorl

of paragraph 3 oC Article 37 of the Consti tut ion of the Organization by slich amount as will ensure that the revenue! of the OrganizatIon are ~uf1ki~1I1 to enable the OrganizatIOn lu meet the Cl!penrhlurc approved by the As§embly for that fmancial year; or

(ii) will pay to the Organi ~...II.tion such amount, contributed in such shares us may be agreed bet ...... een the contracting GovernmenLs, :lS is suflkient to enable the Organization to med Ule expenditure approved by the Assembly for that financial year; and

(b) In '10 far a~ the assets of the Authority are insufficient 10 meet the liabilities of the Authortty in respect of the public debt of tbe Authority, the conlraClil1j Governments will pay to the Authority such amount liS "'ill be sufficient to di9-charge the ohHga t ion~ of the Authority in respect of tbat public debt, l'vhich shsll be contribllted by the tontraeling Governments in equal shares.

3. For the purpose!! of this Article the public debt of the Authority includes the amount outstanding on all loans raised by the High Conunisslon or any authority of the High Co mmission.

Article 7 TIle contracting GOllcrnmcot$ undertake that powers and duties

l'vill nut be conferred or imposed upon an officer or authori ty of the Organization, as such, by or under enactment~ of the legisla tures of tbe Territories except WITh the consent of the Authori ty.

Article 8

I. Refcn.:nces in thi~ agreement to the contr3cling Governments are references to the respective GU\t;rnmcllts of Tanganyika, K enya and Uganda

2. TIle provisions oC Article 48 of the Comtilution of the Organi. utioa shall apply for in terpret ing this agreement as they apply fo r interpreting that Con..rutulion.

IN WI1l«I: .. S whereof the undersigned. duly authoriu:d,'c signed Ihi~ Agreement.

D UI\"h at this day


For the Go~cntme'nt of 'r~nganyjka;

For the'vernmclll o f K t'nYll;

rur lhe GQ"ernment uf Uganda.

No. 26

No. 26


EasT African CommOIl S£'IT;CC.\ Orglllli-:.mioll J961



.-!lluk /- /'wlctiofl.\ of Ih" Orgtmil.t.iliull OlZ bdllJI! of III{ (jf1l'I'r1ll11rnlJ 0.' 'hr Tt'lrilurie:r

I. rhe Organiz3tion shlll perform the fo liowlIlg functions on behalf of !he (jovrrnment s of the TenitlJric~-

(a) administer the ~r ... ires set out in Ih.;: FiNlt Schedule 10 this Con!ttllUlion ~ nd. for thaI purpO!lc. ta ke o~'e r from the H igh Commission ~llch of those st'rviccg as arc in el( i _~lcnce

at the L1ale ' If the corning into force of lh i ~ Con~lit Ulio!l:

(b) provide machinery to hu:i li tatc the co-ordina tioll of Ihe uc li vili e~ nf the Govemmcllh <I f the Terrilorit'S 011 11II~ JIla ttcr or common in l e r~t to lhc Territories; and

(d (subj~~1 10 the provis ions o[ this CunslilUilOn) enact measures to whi ~h legi~l a t i\,e effec t may be given in Ihe T erritories wi th n:spcel to the matters set out in the Second Schedule to Ihis Cunstitution .

? An Act of the OrganiLlniun or, subj«ct to any su~h Act. the Authority may-

(il) tran~ r~r fu nct ions from om: serv ice administered by the O rganiL!l lion 10 any other su~h <;efl'ice:

(b) chango: the name or uesignation of any ~rrvice administered by !ht: Organ inl! inn ;

{c,\\inJ up ~ny ~enice ldminlsl.:rcd by the Org.lOiztltion; Of

(d ) establish advisory or consuJtIllI\e hodies in respect of ,my service or Imiller (whet her o r n",1 inc:luc1ed in the F ir~i or Second Seho:Julc 10 this ConSlilu tiuu).

A illdl' 2 FIIll r! rOliS of f ht! Org(llllZatioll Oil ''''hall oj mhn Go ~"'''UIICIII,f

L J he Authority lIIay cnler mto :urnIl8~llIenl.i-

(II) with Ihe (j o\erumcnl of Ihe C"nileJ Kingdom wi:h respeet to the a,,-~ump l ioll by Ih~ OrganizatIOn of .;;crlain ac1ministrative fUtll:l iom 10 Ttla lion 10 the ( n1lrl of :\pP~ <lJ for Easttrn Afrka: and

(h i with tho.; Go\'ernment l"lf ZnIlLihar fllr the I' ullbion by t he Organization on behalf of IhJt Gowrilllwnt of an y of the sl""[~ i ccs adminiSIl""rtd b~ Ih':! Organization (l it bchllr o f :he G()\lt:rnment~ 01" the T .:rr i ll'Tie~ IInder \ rti d.;; I or this ConSlitlllivn

2. Arranl:o:men ls mad ... ullder lhi~ Artide sh a.ll incl ude prov isivlI u1der .... h ieh the Or.!!aniz..'Itiol1 ii ful ly r~ imbur~r.J for any expend itu re incllrre-d.

3. The Organi7lllon may pro~ ide and admini§to:r scr\'"e~ for Ihe pvr oosc "'( givll1~ elfeCl 10 arrallgemcnts entered ialo unc1er this Arlid ,

16 1

1961 Eml A/dewl COII/IIIOII Sel'Via.f OrganiZaTifHl

4. 1 he Qrg;ln llallOn may, under II rrll.ngcmcnb made with the Glncmrncnl or Zan7ihar. provide lTl~chinery 10 (Ill:ililille the ~o·ordin<ll iO Ii of the aClivitie.<; of the Governments of the Territories Cl od the GOH~r n m':DI of Zanz.ibar In any malter of common interest In lhr Territories ami Z . .IflLllur.

P IIR I 11- l-'x .. rUTlVE ARA, \NCDo1ENTS

Article 3 t..TrCllfiv(' Alj//rorirks of ,11(' Orgull/zullu ll

The princiral c~ecul!w: alilhorili(:'s of the Organizatiun 1>h llll

ta) Ihe Ea~1 A{rican Common Services Autbority ; anJ (hI four Minis!erial Committees.

:md those authoritie~ are hereby eslablished.

~ . J'\nlhmg in th is Anicle shall preclud e Ihe ntablishmen t of 'ub~'rdmllle authOrll1(S of [be OrganiZJ.lion.

Arliek 4- Composit;o/l of lire AIj/hori/J'

"' he AUthority shall consi~1 of the principal elected Minister of the (,ovemment of ;:oaeb of thl: Territories.

AI/ide 5-F/IIu:liuIU of the AUllrnrity

I The AUThority shall ha\'( respOnsibility for, and lhe general uil e': Li on and control of. the ~rform:lDce of the c.'l:ecUlive functions (.f tlw Organ il!ll ion .

.. The Aut hority shall b..: as.sisted in the di~charge of its fu nctiuw Imder thi5 Article by the fI.'fi niSLcrial Commillee\.

Artidl' 6- PI(]t:t" /lIre uf fhe Alltliority

I. Subject 10 tbe provisions of this Constitution, the Authoriw , h:l.1l determine its own procedure. induuin.ll the procedure for Ihc J~sJ'lJ tc h o f busmess at I1lt'etings of the Authority and at limes when the Authorit y is nOI meeting, fo r the rOUltion o[ the office of chairman ..amung the members of the Authority and (or the appointment of th~ ti mc and place of meetings of the Authority.

2. The arrangements of Ihe Authority nnder this Article for thc despatch of busillcss at times ..... hcn the Authority is not meeting may . if it so determines, induue arrangcmcnL~ under which the e."lCe rciSc of any fu nction of the Authority under thi~ Constitution is delegaterJ . ~ubiect 10 such conditi ons ali the Authority may speci fy, 10 a member uf Ihe Authority or to 0.11 ol1l"cr uf the Organi7ation.

Ar/ide 7- Dcc:iliuII5 oj/he All/hodtv

I. Any member of the Authority may record hi~ objection 10 .l

proposal submi ned for the decision "f the Authority and, if any such objection is n:corrJcu. the Authority shall not proceed with the proposili unless any objl.:eliun to the proposal is withdrawn.

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No. 26 East A/riclIfl CommOtl Services Organization 1961

2. Subjecl 10 the provisions oC any Ael of the Organization , thc iIIc ts and docisioos of the Authority may be signified under the hand of any m~mber of the Authomy or of any offic~r of th~ Organil:ulOn aulhorized by tbe Authority in that behalf.

3. Nothing in this Art icle shall preclude the making of provision by Act nf the Organization for the delegutlon by the Authority 10 aD}' olf~r of Ihe Organizalion nf any puy,crs c"nferr~-d upoJn Ih~ Authority by any law.

Artlde 8-.Wi"isll'riul Cummil/t't's

Of the four Minisl~rial Committec~ -

(til one Committee ..... il.ose principal purpose sha ll be Ihe ;,; un uuc! of business rela ti ng 10 communica ti on~. shall be ~lyleJ the Communk-::a lion ~ Committee;

(b) onc CommiH~c. who~ principal purpose shaH "". tI!l." conciuct of busincs~ relating to income tlill , cu~lt1ms an d eXCIi!K: d Ulle'S and Dth~ r fina ncia l ma tters, sha ll be styled the F j n~nce Co mmittee;

(c) one Comnlith!e ..... hosc pn ncipal purpo. e 5hull h~ the condud of business retating 10 the eo-ordinaliun of the eommer~'i~J and industria] ac tivities of the Governments of The Terri­tories. shall be styled the Commercial I1nu I n d ll ~Tria] (0-ord inaTion Commille~; and

(II) one Commi ttee, ..... hose principal purpos,: sh:tll be the c,muuc! (If business relating 10 the. rescurch "t'r\"ie~s and so~-ial su­vices o f Ih~ Organiz:ttion, shall bc sly l ~d The $<xi.!1 and Researcb Services ("ommille~.

Arlicl~ Y-Colllposiliull /)f M illiff l'l"h./ COlllmiU('("J

I. A .\1ini~!eri31 Com1llill~c shall consist of one m~mher from each Terrilory who shall be such M ini~T~r of th~ Government of Ihc Territory as may for the tulle being be designaled by that Governm~nl.

2. The GO\'erlllnen! of a Jerritory !TIa),. by nO:lce in writing addressed to tbe Sccrclary·Gen~ral. appoint a pCl30n who is a Mini~ter or I'arliantentary Secrelary 10 be the 31lern:J.te me mber r~prt!"sentint: that Gov~rnmenl on a Ministerial Committee. 1\[ any tim e when the membu of a ~Iinisteria ] Commlllu designat .... d b~' the Government of a Terntocy under paragr,\!"lh t of Ih;s :'\nicl~ is absent (rom Ii

m~~ting of tbal Commillee the alterna te member repres~ntillg Ih.t l Government may all~nd and take part in the pr(\C~edings of (he Commi lt~e. and any such allernat~ memb~r shall. in rdaliOll to proceeding~ in which he tak~~ (I:l.rt in aCcord:l.m;c v.ith this para~p dph. have the same right 11) vote and to object to propo.~a l~ submilt~d tu th~ Committee as a member clesignal~d under paragraph I of thi~


1961 £(lS( Africal/ COli/ilion Servin's Orgallization

Article. A per5Q1l a ppointed under th is .>lIragraph sha ll \'3<:al(' o fli c(­as an a lternate m\:!Hbcr of a Mini sterial Committee if-

(,,) he ce:lSCS to be II Min iSler or 11 Parl i~mcnlafY Secretary: o r

(h) his appointment is rc,"oked by the Gnvernmcn t of the Te rri· lor)' by which it was nlllde , by notice in Iowil ing addr~~>cd 10 the Secretary-General.

ArlIe/I- /(J--FmlcrioIiS Qj Millisfi'rin/ Committe,'S

I. Th:: Authori ty may assign rcspon~ihility to a M injsl~r i :d Committe ... for-

(u) the a d mim~lrat ion of !lny of the ~c rvice~ admin islt'rt'd b~' the O rga ni/.alio n:

(h) ~uch of the nrtuliloe f Ullctions of the O rganiuliun IllIh respect 10 the ma ilers rdcrrcd 10 in \ubparagraph (hi of parag raph I of Article 1 of thi~ Cnn~tilu 'ion as it rna)' uClcrminl' .

In assigning rl,:spnnsibiltly under thi! pa ragraph Ihe Authn rity ~ha ll

have regard to the purpose$ for which a Commi ttee is establi,hed ~n d ~hall ensure Ihal . so rar til> is practic-'lble. re~ponsibi l ity ror every sen-icc 3dmin i.,tercd by the Organ iz.ltion is assigned to a Commiflcc .

.2. Where rcsponsibili l}' j( a~signed 10 a M i ni ~ t erjal Committee under this An iele wi th respect to a ~rvice or lTlatter the Commilfee <;h311 for mulaIc and di rt:\:t the execution of policy wi th respect fO th:u service or mailer.

:>. The Authorit), rna}' give dl f«; tions to a Ministerial Com miuee a~ to the exercise anu pe rfurmance by the Committee or any fun ction con ferred upon the Co mm ittee and the Committee shall comply with an}" sllch direc tions.

-1 . 11,,,, II.HiKmm:n l of respon~ibl lity under this Article to a \1 lni$· teria l Commi tlee shal! not authncize the Com llline", to excrcl~e any power or JischltrKe any duly conferred by tbis Co nstitu tion or by law on any authority or pe rHIn o ther lh~n the Committee.

A rill I,. II-Ch(lirmall 0/ /lJi"is'aiu/ Commiru,.s

I. In a l\'hnl .. t('r j~J Committte tht re pres;:n tative of each Gove-rn­!IIL·n l de~ign ltled under p~ragr~ph I of Artid c: 9 ("If Ihis Consti tution shall. ~uhlec t to Ihe provisions of this Article. hold the office of ~hairman III rola tlon for a period of four mlJ nths. and the ttrlll o r om~e of the fin! cbalrman of a Commillee ~h :111 comme nce ~t the . .:oming into force of th iS Constitution.

2. ·1 he oreier . n whic h the office o[ ehll irm:m of a Minist('rial COmlll ll!ee shall be held by c~ch of the !l1cmhen of the Committee sh.J1I he :-.~ follow~-

(II) as respects the CO!l1mun ications Com mitl(e, tlr~1 the member r~pr~sr nt i ng the Govern ment o f TlInganYlka , second the member repre~nting the Gove rn ment of Kenra . third Ihe member re prrsenting tht Oo\·erom~nl of Uganda . and '>0 on in tha I o rder:

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C{I.\/ A/riclI" Common Sen'ice.l O"C(llIi:afim/ 1961

(hIls respects the Finance Commill et. first the i11en1 ber represent· ing the Go"'crnmerll of Kenya, st"Cond the member ferre­Stilli ng the Oovtrnn'ltl1 t of T tlnganyib. !lnd third Ihe me mber representmg the Gove rnment of Uganda, and so on in that order :

(d 35 respects the Commtrcial lnd I ndll~lfta[ ('o·ord.n:ilion Committee, first Ih e memhe r represen tmg the llo"'~rnrncnl

o f Uganda. second the mem her rc<prC'~enllnJ; Ihe Go"'~rnfllc nl

(I f Kenya, Ihr rd the: member represenllllg the Govcrnrn~1I1 o f Ta ng~n}i~a . and ~o nn In that order; ami

(dl as respec l ~ the Social and Resea rch Services COl1llll ill c~. firs: Ibe mtmber repre~nting the Government uf ·l lIl!gil.lI~ika.

s~ond Ihe me mher reprc~cntins thc Govern ment of Uga nuJ. Ihird Ih~ member re pr~'lientin l! the Governll)(!,111 of K enYiI. and so on in thai order.

3. Lf Ih e person h o lding Ihe office o f chli rml n o f a ~lini ~ l cri.1 1 COllllll iUec is absent [rom a me~! i ng of the Comm ;ltI.:e III<: ro: shl1ll preside at thai meeting such member of the Committee a3 t!lI: 111<:111-ben p resent may elect for Ih e purposl.'

4. If the \(.'rm of office of a ny member of Ihe Commill ee ~~ chairman is d ue 10 expire al anr t ime when :1 mee!1ng o f the Commi llee or of Ihe A ssembly i\ nemg held. that member s!J~!l contin ue m oUke IIntil the eondll' .. iol1 IIf t he ilIeeting of the Commillee or Ihe As~mhl)'. a ~ the case ma~' be. ur, if a meetio.!! of Ihe Committee i ~ he ld durmg thc period of the meeting of the Assembly, unti l the concl usion of both those meetings. For the pur­poses of th is parngraph a meetin g of a Committee shall be concluded when the Committee is adjourned si",· dit' or is adjourned for a period exceeding th ree days.

ArliC/t' 11-f'roccdllN' of Mim:>urillf COlll mitl('{'f

1. Subject to the pro\"sions of Ih ls Constitution, a Ministerial Committee shall dctermine ils own procedure, incl uding the p rocedu re for the despatch of b usiness lit mretings of Ihe Com mitt ee a nd al

lime, "",ben the Committrc is not meeling a nd for appoin tmg the time "nd pilice of IlH:e lings of the Comm ittet'"o

2. The arrange ments of II r-,'Iinisterial Commillec under Ihis Article for Ihe rJt:Spatch of b usineiS lit times wben Ihe Committee is not meeting may. if the Commitlee so delermin es, incl ude arrange­ments unrJo,,:r which the exercise of Jnv fu nc tion o f th e C ommillee unrJer I h i~ Constitution is delegated . subject 10 such cond lliom as the COllllllillee may specif~·. to a m ember of Ihe Ulmrnmee or to :'In Offi(;~T of the O rganiZltion.

3. The General Manager of Ihe RailwJYs and Harbours Admmis­IrOllion. lhe Postmaster General and the C hairm:J.o of the Ea ~t African Airv. ays Corporation shall eac h he en ti tled to 1I11end me~tings of the respective ~" ini$ter ial Committee; rtspon\ih le for the service! u nd er h i~ control. at limes when the r.nmmillec i ~ cond ucting business relating to that serv ice.


1961 East AfriclIll Cvmllloll Serl' ir't!,\ Organization

ArI;e'it· JJ-l>~dsimu of [Hillls/nial C(llllmilfi'{'~

Anr m~mbcr of .1 Min l~ l c r ial C Ufllll1it\l'C may record hs objectio n to ~ propo$.'\1 which is submil1cu for the decision C' f the C o mmiUet. Unless such obj~ctton i~ I'. :lh druwn. Ihe que~tion 31 ii~ue hc- tv.un thc m~mber\ of the Cummine!.: ~Iull lie referred to fhe -\ulhorilY for its deci\ion

:!. The General Manager of l.he RUll\\i\)'s :lnd lI arh"'lJ r~ Administration lIT Ihc Postmaster Gt:ner .. 1 or the Chairman of Ihc East African l\ ifl",I ~S Corporat ion U\ay [('cord his objec tion 10 a dcci.ion of the ;\'imhlcriui Committee lesponsib'e fo r [he .~crvi..:..:s

unda his conlr<.ll which rdatl:s to those servkes. Unkss stICh ~je<:. tion i~ withdrawn, Ihc q uestion at issue between th c: Committee :lnd the General M a nugl:( of the Railways and H arbours Administra tion or the Postmaster Ge neral or Ihe C ha irma n o f the E,a,,\ Afri"an Air .... ays Corporat ion, as th l: .;: a~c may be. shall b~ rdt.:rrt.:d tv the Authoritr·

3. No furth~r lI~tio n sh,JlI be ta Keo in relatIon to II prupo~al bt.:fon: a Min isteriul Commilll:c or the decision o f a M inis terial Cu lU mj Uee. as the case mJ~' be. In respect of which II 4 ut'1itioll h"s been refer red to Ihe A Ulhorit~' whibt that quc~lion is uuuer considera­tion by the AtHhom y. unlc~ the o bjection is \\it hdr,lwn anu Ihe A u tho rit), is ~o notifie d.

4. The r rovision'i o f the foregoin g parngrap hs of IhlS ·\ rtic1e ~hall nnt apply 10 a proposal n:!:lting to the p rocedure of a .\ 'I mi'ilaial Commillee, upon whi ... h a dcdsion may be ta ken by Ihe maJoTil y o f the Cnmm lttee.

5. SUbjl~t 10 the p rovisions of any law, [he a::15 and deci"ion~ of ill Minis terial Committee may be sign lfled by any member of [It,· Cumminee or by any officer of Ihe O rgan izatton authorized h, 111': Cummittce in th :)t behalf.

Arlid .· I~-Jnilll M ee';IIt:!.\· 01 ,'vlil/is'"ri" t CmlllllillN'S

I . I nr the pu rpose o f securing eQ-ordi nation u [ the activities o f thl'" Org3nin tion. rhrre ~hall be J.lin [ muung\ nr Ihe rnem b~ r ~ of the ~ l inls t l'" f1~1 Cnmmitten. wh ich ~h3lt ~ held ~t 'iu·~h time~ and in ~u:h places ;l ~ the Au thOrity may d lr~et.

~ Subjeel 10 an>- di rel:(iun by [hc /\ utlw rity, the proced ur~ o f :I

Jo int meel ing. includ ill l!" th:; .:ll'Ctilln o f II C h uirmall. shall br dC:lr r ­m ined by th..: mel, tinK.

J. If :It the time appointed for rh e holdtllg of , I Illint m..:c: tm.2 [he num~r of Mini sters 01 the Government ()f a rerr tory ',\, ho are m~mben o f the "Itll i,rerill ('om m lllceJI, hy virt ue of plra­graj'lh I o f I\r[iel(' ') ()f lh i~ Conslitution, is k)~ than fu u r. tlte Uo\'er nm ~nt of Ihe ' ] cmtory ma~' appoint su.:h l1U'IIbi:r u f pcr-.u n~

. ., be ref'l r e~~nlallvc, of Ih ~t G,,"'ern menl at that Jo inl meeting .. ~ .

togel her Wllh II'i member.> of thc \'I tn i~tc rial Comttl tlee~. will I'ri ll g thc nnmbe r of pH~on~ represent ing that G UH"rn ll1cnl up to fou r Nu pcr~on shall he .1ppO nled or hold om~e ;h a rep rt:, .. ntati\e o f a (;memmen t u nder Ihi~ Arl icle u nk s) Itt: is a \ 'I;( l;st.: r or a Parl i..tmcn­I:Hy Secret.lry of [hal (",,)\·crnm:nl.

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Easl A/rirall Com/llo,t Services Orgalli:.atioll 1% 1

-I . An ahernate member of It Min isterial Comm ittee appoi nted under Article 9 of this COllsti tution shall have the sa me r ight to a ttend and take put in ;Oint meetings u nder th is A rticle as he has to a ttend a nd take part in the proceed ings of the Minister ia l Comm ittee to which he LS appomtn l.

Arricle l5-f:4uuril'i' M ea.m r("s of the OrgUrJlwriQlr AOecfillg 1114,

D~fl'.tlri' (lr I I1l("nw / Sf"("ur ity (If K enya or Ugallda

I. The G overn nr of Kenya or the Goyernor of Uganda shall have tbe r ight. exe rcLuble on be half of the Go\'.:rnrncnt of the United Ki ngdom, to give not ice to the Authorit}, thlit c.\\.'"1,:u tiYe act ion that IS being taken, or is proposed 10 be ta ken. by the Authority. a \1 i ni ~te r i a l Co mmittee, o r any olIk er, scr \ ant or ~ubordinatc authority of the Organ i7.ll.tion Illay 3.d \·cr~ ly affeet th~ dd~ncc or internOlt s<'"curity of Ihe Territory under hi~ ad min is tration.

2. If notice is given in :"Iccordance with thi~ Artid c-

(II) the Authority sh:"lll give such diree tion ~ a~ Will ensure- Ih at the e/l:~cutive actio n in respect of wh ich notice i, g iven i) deferr~d or diseo nt inut:d for the pre~ri hed pcrioJ:

(b) Ihe A uthori ty shall co nsult wi th the Go v~ rnme n l or Ihe United Kingdom wi th :\ view 10 re~nl vlng a ny confl lci between th~ :"Ic l ion. or proposed aclinn. of the Orga nl7.alion :,"d Ih~ interests o f the G overnment of the United Kingdom in the m:"llOtenance of the defence or internal SI."'euflly of Kenya or Uga nda:

1.-) on the t~ plra lion of Ihe prc~cr ihrd period Ihc c\ccmi\c Meli,m in respect of which notice was given may. save to Ihe ell tent th:"lt it i5 o:herwise agreed between the G m'crn men l of Ihe United Kingdom and the Au thorily. he ta ken or resumed.

3. Fo r the purposes of tbis Arllc1e Iht' T"re.~eri hert ("K'"r iod mean~ a pt'ri od commencing on the da te on ..... h lCh the not ice unde r para­graph I of this Article is received and ending !IX mo nths thereafter U f when the Govern ment of the United Kingdom nOlifies the AuthoTH y that the notice is with dra '>l-n . whichever is the ea rlier .

..t The provisions of this Art icle shall C"e:"l~e tel have effect in rciallon to Kenya or in relation to Uganda. a~ the ca~ rna)' be, when Ihe G overnment of Ihe Uni ted Kingdom ceases to be responsi ble for lhe govcrnmen l of that T erritory.


Art,~h' 16--CompoJifioll of C("'llra( Lt'giJlm!l'/! A SH'mbl.l

I . TIler ... sha ll be 0. Central Legislative As~embly for Ihe Organi -t.:lliull. \, hieh is hereby established.

::. Th~ As~~m bly shall consist Qf­withe Spealo.c r:

(h) twel\'c "' Iinistcrial Mcrnbcr~;

jr) two 1'.' officio mem bers. Ihal is to say. the Scr.: reta rr -Gcncr .. 1 and Ihe Legal Secretary:


1961 Ea,\'! African Common Scrl'ice.f Organization

(if) twenty-seven elected members; ami

(c) such temporary Ministerial members :u are appointed under paragraph 3 ur Article 17 of this Constitution.

Ar/ide 17- M;n;slcrial Mt-mhers of lite Assembl)

I. The Minisl1:rilil members shall be tbe Minis\t:cs of the Guvcrnmcnh of thc Tcrritorin who arc for the time being members of the Min is terial Commillces by virtue uf puugraph 1 of Artic:le 9 of thi, Consti tu tion .

2. U al any time the number of .\'linisters of tbe Government of ,I Territor)' who are members o[ the Ministerial Commi ll ees h)' vIrtue of pa ragraph I of Article 9 of this Constitution is for any reason less than fnur. tbe Govern~nt of the Territory may, by n('fIlCC in \\o r iling addressed to the Speaker, appoint as Ministeria l members of the Assembly such number of M in isters of tbe Government of the Territory itS will bri na the number of ~in i s teria[ members from that Territory up to four. The notice a ppointing a ~ I in is terial member under this paragraph shall speci fy the cireum­Sl a n ~e~ whi ch g;lVe rise to his appoin lmenl

3. If the Governmcnt of a Territory informs the Speaker, by nOlice In writ mg, that a person \~ ho is a Minister ial member fr om thaI Territory by vi rtue of paragraph 1 or 2 of Ihis Article is. by reason of absence o r illness. temporari ly unable to d ischarge his funclions as a MiniSlerial member o f the Assembly tha t membe'r shall nOI. un iiI the notice is revoked. take part in the proceedings of tbe Assembly; and that Government may, by notice in writing addressed to the Speaker. appoint a person who is a ""I iaister or I~arhamentar}' Secretary o( the G overnment 10 be :I temporary M ini~leri a l member of the Assemb l ~·.

Article 18- £/ecfC'd Mcm /xors 0/ f /l f' Ass.'IIIb/v

L Of the elected lllember~, ni ne shall be deeled to represe-nt each Terri tory.

2. A pcr!iOO shall be qualified TO be ell.':e l ~d a~ an elected member " f Ihe Assembly to rl.': presenl a T errit ory if he is qualified in lIt:eord· t!.n~ e with the laws for the ti me tieing in force in the Territory for e!«lion as ao elect l.':d ml.':mbtr of the legislative house of Ihe Territory and If he is 1101 .un officer or servant of the Organizat1on .

1 If rrovi~ion i ... made by the Constituti on of a Te rritory for more th,," one cl a ~s of member to be deeted 10 the legislative house of the Terri lory, II shall be sufficient for Ihe purposes of The preceding I'I:H~graph if a person possesses the qualificat ions required for (lne such dau.

4. An c1c~·tcd membl.':r of the Assembly to represent It Territory shall be dected by the elected membl.':ts of the lcxislative bouse of the rcrri tory in such man nl.':r as thaI legislat iVe houSe.: may pre.scribe by ils rule! of procedure.

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No. U


East African Common Sen'ices Orga//; ;;'(I(ioll 1961

Artjd(' 19- Tellllr(' 0/ OfficI! 0/ M emberl' uf fire AS5t'lIIbly

1. An declcd mcmher of Ihe Assembly shall lI11catc his sea.l IT1 The Assembly wbeD tbe legislative hOll5t of the Terr it or ~ he fi."pn:scnh fir<;1 mo;.-ets after it has heen dissoh·oo.

2. An elected member o f the Assembly shall a lso va.:a le hi~ <;e;I! in the Assembly If-

(a) in the case of an dected member who is II mcm her of Ihc kgislat ivc houlle of [be Territory he n:"n:l>Cn l~. he vacale~

his S\:at in tha t house for a reason otht'f than his res ignatIOn of his seat in that hou.~c or the dissolu tion of the hou~c ;

(h) In Ihe i:'asc of all ch:ctcd m~mbcr who is nOl 1\ member of Ihe Il"gisloli \c huu~1: of Ihe Territory he repre5ellls. "'ir~' um~umcc~ arise thaI \"ould d isqua lifr him . in accordance with thc llil>.'~ fo r the time bi: inj in furce In tha I T err itory. for ek;.: tioJ n :,'" an elected member u( thaI legIslative ho use;

(r}!lc IS appointed to be 1111 uffil' cr or servant ., ( Il'1e Organil3tloJ].

{II, by wril ing under his hand addressed 10 thc Speu ker he re~'!:n, 0'

(1'1 he is absent from Ihe sill il'lg~ or the Assel1!bl~ fur sud. period and in such cin;umsllince~ a~ are prtscr ibcd br thl: rul<::. IIf proced ure of the Assembly.

3. H provl~lOn i~ made b~' the Constilu tiun of a T errito r \> for llIun: than one ela ..s o f member to be elec ted to Ihe Icgl~ latiH huusc of lllc Terr itury. a member representing that Territur :- shall not be d isqual ifie.J for Ih~ purposes of subparagraph (b) of paragraph 2 of this Art icle unle$S be is tJ i~q uali fi<:d fnr ckr rion as a member of e~ery such class .

... If the circum!ltances such as a re Iderred tn In su bparagraph (b) of pUfil¥ra ph 2 of this Article arise becuusc an c1e.:ted member o..1 ! the Assembl y is under senleoce of death o r i l1lpri~unment . ad judged to be of unsound mind, declared bank rupt or eOIl\i cted of an offene~ rdating 10 electio lls ant.! if it is optn to tbe n1cm her to uppcal again~t the decision (either wilh the 1I:1I \'e of the cour t or ulh~r aUlhor ity o r ,-"ithout s urh lea\'e), hc sha ll fnrth\dth eeast 10 perfoJ rlll his fun.:tl llM <I .. ~ a member but, subject 10..1 the provi ~lon'l of this panl&raph. h~ sha ll not vacate his <;eat un li l the cxpimtlOn of Ihiny da~s then:after or such furt l'1cr period l\S the Speak~r. a t Ihe request of the member. may di rect in nrder 10 enable th ... lIlember to appeal aga inst the derision . If. on the determinali ou of Ihe uppeal, ~ueh drcums(am. es ~'ontinue to exis t and no fun her appeal is opt:n to thc member' (ol he r than an a ppeal by special leavt of Her Majesty to Her Majes ty in (ounc!I). or, if by reasun of the eXplnHion of any p.: riot.1 for enteflng an appeal o r notice t hereo..1f o..1r the re fusal of l ea~e lu appea l or fo r any o ther reason. il sball cca~e ttl be open 10 the member 10 appea l tu an ~ coun or au thor ity (other than by ~pecialleave of Her M;!jcSh l. he sball forthwith vacate his seat. [( a t any lime bdore the member "n~-ules his .~c at the circumstances thai Have rise 10 his dlsqualifiul.wn ,'ease to e;t iSt he shall no t vacale h is st al un the e>; p!ralion of Iht: period referrl.-xl to in th l~ paragra ph a nd he may rcmme Tbe perfo rm ante of his f un~'lion~ as a member.


1961 £asl A/ric(1Il Common Services Orgalli:'ll/ion

5. A, Mmisterial m..,mber u f The Assembly appointed b) the liovt:coment of a T~ rritory In I\l"Coroam.'l: with paragra ph '2 of Articl~ 17 of thl~ ConstiTUtion sha ll ~a(ale his selll in the Assell1bly if -

III) the cin:umstant::cs w hich gave r i5c 10 his appomtlll('n t tUl\';: ceased 10 ex i ~t: or

(IJ) his appointment is by the Go\'ernmcnt of the Territllf~ by nOlice in writi ng :tddressed 10 the Spcllktr; Of

(c) he ceHCS 10 be a Minister of the Government uf the T.:rnlOT)

6. A tempora ry Ministerial member of the AssembJy appointed !II accordance with paragraph) of Article 11 of this Con'ililut ion ~ htlll \'acalc his ~al in Ihe l\ ssembly if-

((lIIhe Ministerial rnt" lllber of the Assembly on accou nt of who)C a b~l:nce ('If illlless he was appointed again becomes ~ntltlc:d \0 take part in the procil!echngs of the Assembly. or va.;ales hi~ ~a[ a.s a Mmi~tC'rial ml.'mber;

fbi he ccast:5 \n Ix' a Mm b ter OT a Parlialllentarv Secret:lr~: or

k) his 3ppuin tmenl is revoked by the Go\ernmellt or Ihc T errito!} be rcp~sen t s by nOllce in \H ltma addrCliscd to the S~:lkl.' r

A,.,ide YO-Velamina/iQII of Qrll'uions as to M ... mher~llip

J. Any question tha t may arise whet her any person has been vdl loJh dcclcoJ a" an electct.l membt:, of the A~"cmblv. or the <;cat of a n' elcctet.l member ha.~ become ,"Ilean t shall be <.lete~m i ned by the ~me authurit." and in the ~me manorr as if Ihe question rd ... led I,) rw:mbership ~" an elre t ~'d memlwr of the Ic:ghl atj\'j~: house of the Territory he rr presenl ~,

~. Any que«lion Ihat may arl~c whether an)' Pl!rson is " M mi:.­terial member or a tempol1lr}, MiniSlrria l mrmbcr o f th\; As.<;embly ()r the scal of a Min isterial member ur a tcm por:lry Ministerial member u( the .. 'o ssemhly has bl.~OlDe vacant shall be de tcrmmnl b~ Ihe Gn~~rnmenl of the Territor y he repre'IC nls.

Ar/itl .. ~/ TIll' Spt'ak,r of rlrl' A.,,(·mhll-

I .• , h<! of lhe A~~~'l1lbly shall be nppuinlnJ b\ tI ... : Authorllj. by lO~trumcnl in wTl li ng.

L A person sh:lU not be I.j ualifkd to hold the Offil·C of Speaker ur the As~embJ}" if he is a member of the Al>Sembl}'. a member of a ItcSI~la t i ... e house of a Territury. :11' officer or servant of the Organi7a. 11M o r Ihe hulder of an (lffi~·e in Ihe public service o( n lcrri tof}'

1_ The offi..:e of Speahr ~h all bnomtc Yaeanl-

(u) al the l"Xpiralion of the p;:riOl.I ~pc,ified in Ihe i n~lrumrn t by \\ hich h~' is appointed: or

(h) II an)' ('ir.:::umsla n~ ari<;e that. if he ..... ere nut Ihe Speaker (,f the Assembl y ...... nuld C;l\hC him 10 be di~ualified for 31"1"10\111-menl as loueh

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East African Common Services O,.ganizatioll 1961

4. The Speaker may be removed [rom oflice by the Authorit~'

Cor inability 10 discharge the functions of his office (whether arising from infirmity of mind or body or any o ther cause) or for misbe­haviour, and shall 110t be olhe:rwise removed from offil."C.

Arfide '21- Swllmmlillg oj Persolls to A ssist rlr l' AV.fl'mbly

I. The Authority may summon nny person 10 the Assembly nOI · wiTh~tanding that he is not a member of the Assembly when, in the "pin inn of Ihe Aut hority, the business before the Assembly renders his presence desi rabl e.

:" A person so summoned shall be entitle<! 10 take part in the pr'lCeedings o f the Assembly reiating to the matters in respect of which he was lIuffimoned as if he were a member of the Assembly. but he shall not have a right to vote in the Assembl y.

Arrkle 21-Voling in Ihr. ASJembly

I. Ali questions proposed for decision in the Assembly shall he determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting.

-. The Speaker shall have ne ither an origina l nor a casti ng votc.

J. In the absclJI.:e of the: Spc:aker, the presiding member shall retai ll his original vote but shall not have a casting votc,

4. If upon an y que~ti nn before the A~sembly the votes of the members arc equ!llly di"ided the molion shall be lost.

A,.,ide 14-Prl'siding ill ,lie AJ'sembfy

There shall preside at any silti ng of the Asscmbly­

(a) the Speaker;

rb) in till: absen~·c of the Speaker, such other me:mbc:r uf th..: Assembly ns the Authority may appoint; or

I,) m the absence of the Speaker or a member JOiO appointed , such elected member of the Asscmhly as the A~~emhly may clee:t for the sitting.

Article 25-Q""'1I1II am! Vacancies

J. If at any sitting of the Assembly a member of the Assembly \\ ho is pre~cnt draws the allenlion of the: person presiding to tbe fact tlut there arc present at the: silting less than fifteen members or tbe .'\ssembly and if. after such interval as may be prescribed by tbe rules of procedu re of the Assembly. the person presiding ascertains that the re are present at the Silting less than fiftee n members of the Assembly, he sball adjonrn the Assembly.

2. Tn reckoning the number of ll1~mb~rs who are pr~sent at II.

~ illini: for the purposes of paragraph I of th is Article the person presiding sblll not be included.


1961 /;: 0 .\'/ A/ric(1Il Common Services Organization

3. The Assembly mil)' transact business notwithstandi ng that tbere " any vacancy among the memben, and Ihc presence or participa­tion of any persn n not enti tled 10 he I"rc ~c n l or partici pate in the pr(lcl'edjng~ of Ihe A.o;sembly shall not invll lidllU: these proceeding~ .

Article 16- Bilfs (Inti MUlwlU

Subject 10 the ruh,:s of procedure of the A~scmbly . any m':-f"~r of Ihe Assem bly !lu,) propose an y motion or LOtruduce any bill in Ihe A~:scm bly :

Provided tha t a molion which does not relale 10 thc functions n: the Org3",7..3.(lOn shall Dot be proposed in the Assem bl y and a hil i which docs nu l cclatl: to a mailer with respect to whil:h Acts of the O r&anizaliull may be enacted ~ hall not he int roduced inlo the A~scmbly.

2. Except wi lh Ihc consent of th~ Authority, si¥uiHed by n Min ls­tcrial member of the A<;scmbly. the Asscmbly shall not~

(a) proceed on an y bin (including lI.O amendment to any bill) that_ in th~ opinion of the ptrson presid ing, makt~ provision for any of thc following purpo<;c~

(i) for the imposition of a ny charge upon :'II1 y fund o( the Organilalion o r the alteration of any charge otherwi~

than by r~d uclion ;

(ii) for the payment , issue or wilhdlll ..... al from any fund of the Organ i1.ation o f iiIlY monies not cbarged thereon or :tny i n cr~ase in thc amount of such paym~nt, i s~ue or Withdrawa l:

( iii) for the rl'm l ~~lo n of a o~ debt due to the Org:lni7:t tion: or

(b) proceed upon IIOY motion (incl ud ing any amendment to a moti nn) tlw dTt"d of which . in the opin ion of thc person presidi ng. would be to make priwl~ion for an )' of thost" pUTl)O)~'S ·

A r/ldc ] 7 .'I." (,('li llgS of 1(1i' Anl'mhly

I. '1 he meetings o( th \.: Assem bly shall be held at suc h 11In\,'~ a nd pb"e~ as the A uthority may appoint.

2. Tbere sho ll be a meeting of Ihe A ~senlbl y at least on~'e every }~·ar. so that a period of twelve mnnlh~ shall not inltryene bet .... een the last meeti ng of the Assembly 111 any year and the first m..:cling in the suC'ttedms ye:l r.

A r rit!r '!If- f(lIlu (If Procedll re uf I"r Ancmbly

Subj(Ct ( 0 the provisions of lhiH Constitu tion and of an)' Act or the Orl an ization , [he Assembl y n1lly milke, amend o r revoke rules governing its own pro~edure.

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Em/ A frica /l Commoli Services Orf(cI!/i:.:alioll 1961

Article:!9 Ao.f 0/ the O'8UIII;;(.II IOIl

I, The cnaciment of measures of the Organization sha ll he dT<;!;kd b~ mcam of bills passed by the A s:.cmbiy and assented to on behalf of the Organization b} tilt: GovenlOr·Geneflll of Tanganyika, Ihe Go~crnor of Kenya a nd Ihe Governor 01 Uga nda ; and c~cry

meltsure that has been duly pas5ed Ilnd assent,-" tll !.hall be ~t)'kd an Act.

:? When a bill has been duly p..1Ssed by the Assembly, thc Authority ~ha ll eomider Ihe bill and , having eon ~Idered II, may suhmi! the bill to the Governor·Genera l "r Tanga n\il ka, Ihe Uo~ernnr ol KCIl)'u ami the: Govcrnor of L'ganda wit h a recommcndalwn Ihll tht'Y $hould lIsscnt. iJr rl{USc their a~M:nt, to thc bill,

3 Any bi ll that is suhmi ll c:d 10 the G o ... eruor-Gcneral o f T .!ng.l­nYl b , the (joVl'rn or of Ken ~'a and Ihe Govc:rnor of Ugand!l fl'f

:\.<;S(!nl ~h :lll contain the follo .... ing words of enactment:

,oEmu,:lcd by the Governor-General of rangan~ lk a, Ihe Governor of Ken)'!!. and the Governor of Uganda on behatf of the East Afr i':lI.lI COlllmon St:rvj~"'"lI Orgllniation, ..... lIh Ihe iiclvicc and consent of the East Afr i!;.! 11 Central Le-gislative I\ l>scmbly".

At/nh· 30 A BCIII tu Hi//)

I. ' I hc Go~crnor of Kenya Uf Ihc Govcrnor uf Uganda ,hall have the r igh !. e.~c rl· iSllblc on be half o r the Govel"llnl<:n l of the Uni lccl Kingdom. lu withhold his ;!.SS!; lI t to a bi ll sul.: ll ll lled by the Authurity Ii he is of thc opi nion Ih~1 it is inconsis l~n t \I itb ;IIlY obli&ation in respe.:: t o f Kenya o r Uga nda, as the case may be. Imposed on the G o\'ernment of the Un ited Kingdom by an}' IIl ternatlOnal lTealV, convenlinn or agree ment.

:!, Su bJe~ 1 10 the pru ~ i s ions uf paragraph J llf this ."rtick and II~ Arlide J J of Ih is Consli tu ti on . th t: G o \<ernor-Gentral of l anga lI~ikn. the Governor of Kenya and the Governor of UganJa ... hall ~sS('nt. or .... ithhold assen !. to a bill in accordance ",jlh thc r~ ..... orl' mendallon or the Awhll Tily

1 If the (;overn<1r of Kenya or the C,ovcrnM of Uganda e~cn;1W' the po ... cr to "'llhhold a~~cn t to a bi ll d the AS~l11b l y in accordan.;..: ", jlh pa ral!:rilph I uf th is Ankh.:, tile Authority ~ha ll cuI1:.u1t ... ith Ihe Government of the Uni ted Killgdul1l ... ith a vic\~ 1(1 r~'M)I\ :n g a ll ~

conflict bet .... een tho: p roposed ACI o f tht' Orsal1ilJti \~1l auJ the ()bt ig.l­tj\ lO ~ \I f the GO\ern lllo:n t of the Ulli lcd Kl ilgJ olII"

"' A bill th:lt h:l ~ not r.a"ei \"ed the ilss~nt of Ihc G overnor·Qeneral flf Tang.'1nY1J..a, tht Governor of KenYil and the Governor of UganJ'I ,\.1hln nint mon lh , .I f It-e da le li P'"'" which II ra.~<;e(1 Ihe A~~emb" ~hflll lap<;e

5. Th..: pru~ i~luns o [ paragm ph s I and :- ll f this .... rtidt' sh;d .:ease to hll' c effec t in rdlltion to K(:nya o r ill rda t"on to Ugamb. as the else mlr be, wilen the G overnment of lbe t;niled KingUom ::eas("S to be Te(punsible for the gnvernmenl of lh~1 T erritory"


1961 £(lSI Ajno lll CommOTl Services Orglllliz.mion

4~" dt' _il Bdll Afl('dI'IC ,II., D,'JI'IIC" {/lui f nrorl/(I! ,\,.' lIri,',' IIf KI'III'(/ (/I/d U~'(/} Ioln

I Th~ Go\ crnor of K en ~' a nr [he t,nvernor of Ugaoda shall h,n .. [he right , exercisable on behalf of the G overnment of the United Kmgdom. 10 give notice [0 [he Author ity lhat Ii bill that is berore. l lr hil i> bren passed by. Ihe As~mhl ~ may adversd~ aITect lhe defeni,;''': "r interna l «C(;urlly of tbe Termory under his aUmi nil> trlit ioll

~ Jr !lutin' i~ given in accordance WiTh th iS Arllcle-

1;/1 no furlhr r proceedings shall be taken d uring the pres.:ri bcd pe riod for the passage of the bill through the AS~lI1bly or, If il has alrcady been passed, for ils l>ubmi)sion to the Governur-Gentro.l of Tanganyik.a, the Governor o( Kenya, and the Governor of Uganda:

(b) if Ihe bill I, su hmilled for a~sen [ , assent shall be with held d llTing the prescribed period ;

I. lthc Authority shall consult with the Govern ment of the United Ki llgd clnl with a view 10 resolving any conflict belween the proposed Act of the O rga ni731ion and Ihe lO[erest~ of the Government of the Um led Kingdom in the maintenan ce of the ddenee (' r Inlemal security of Kenya or Uganda, as the cas~ ma ~ Ix;

111 1 at th ...... ~pi rD.tion of the prescribed period, further proceedings ma~' , sa" ... 11.1 11M.' c'( tcn t that it is otherwise agreed between the G .. J\ ... rnment of tht' Unih:d Kingdom and the Autho rity. be 10.1..<:11 fllr the passing. submission and approval of the bill,

3 r or the )'lllfro~~ nf thi~ Anic:Je the pre~cribed period means ~ )'lCriOO commencing lin the dll[e upon which the !lut i~c under para­graph I of th iS Arllt'le b rCl' ei~ed and ending si.\ Inont h,; thereafter liT "hen Ihe Govern ment of the Ullited Kingdom notify the Authorit ), that Ihc n olJ ~ ... is ... ithJrawn, whichever is eariiC'(.

-t, The pro" isions of this Article sha1\ cease to hwe eacc! in r( ~ <ltioD to KC'D ya or in rC'latio n 10 Ugilnda, as the ca~e m!!.y be, when the Government of the Un itcd K ingdnm ccasc~ 10 he rc~pon~ible for tbe go"e rnment o f [ha l Territory,

A. rrit !.' .1::-/'lIhl['(j/ imu of A '-'I .~ oj '''~ O,~(mi~(l/i(Jn

T he Ali tbori lY shaH call~ evcry Act of the Organ l7.ation to be rubllshed In the UneUe of the Organization.

Amdi' 33 Di~'Il!uWlJIICe of A ct~ of the Orgulfizafioll Rei<lfiflg W Stuck h Jlwd b,Y Ih" H igh Comm;n;oll o r III .. A (uhorit,\

I. The Government of the Un ited KiDgdom shall have the righl \(I disallow any Act of the Organization that appears to it to ailer, to the injury of the stockholders, any provision relating to any stock to which this Art icle applies or to involve a departure from the original eontrnct in res~ct of any such stock..

[\0. 26

No. 26


E{/1)1 AfricOIt Common ~en'i('('.f OI'ROni:.aliofl 1961

, The right of the Government of the United Kingdom under thi~ Article to disall ow an A<:t of the Orlanization shall be excn;i~d by giving notice 10 the Authori l)' that the Act is annulleJ.

3. When noti-.'e o f disallowo.nce bas ~n !:iyen to the Authvrity 1I shall be published in the G31ette of the Organiza tion and the- Ao:t $: hall be a nnulled wilh ell'eel fr om Ihe date of publication of that nOllce .

.. f. On the annulment of an Act of the Organ ization under thj~

Article an)" enactment repealed or amended by or in pursuance of that :\<..· t shall have effeet a~ if Ihal Act had nol hccn enaclcd

:\. The sloe!: to which thi~ Article appl ies is-

[II) the ~toc:1: $:e l OUI In the ·1 hlrd Schedule to Ih is Cun~\I1ullon .

"d (b ) such stock issued by Ihe Allihoril ;' by Ihe condi tion, of

i~sul."" uf 'oIoh i .... h il is proyid<..""d that this Artide shall ILppl~' 10 il.


Article J4-FlIlld.r nf 'hl' Orgfllli:tlfio,1

I. I here shall be a sepa rate fun d of the Organ i7..alion for each sc:lf·cunlailled service in to which the revenues of that service Sh311 be paid and from which ex pendi ture in rc~pect {"If that ~ervice shall be 1I1l""1.

::! .. There shall also be a General Fund of the Organilatinn m tn 'oIo hio:h n:~enucs of the Orgunil.alion frorn all ~ourccs (other Ihan I e~enues payable under this Consti tut ion in to some othe r fund of the Organizat ion) shall ~ paid and from .... h;o:Il till expend iture o f the Orga nizal ion (other Ihan expend iture in rMpecl of a scl f"coll tll i l1 ~d <:e rvice) ~ha ll be me t.

1. No moneys ~haJ\ he wJlhdrawn from a fu nd of the Orga niza l inn maintained in accor(lanee with this ArllcJe unless the issue of tho~e moneys has been a uthorized by an Appropriation Act pas~ed

in pu r5U(l.n~e of Article 35 of this Constitu tion. or to lIIet:" t e!( tu rc that is chafl~cd upon thc fund by an Act of the O rl:an tion ..

. 1.. No mone)' shull be \~ ilhdruwll from a fund of Ihe Org.tOl.l..;,m c)(cept in Ihe manner pre~c ribed by Acl of the Or!!al1i£aliun.

A r lld,· j5-A",horJ~{/{i()n of t:x{lf'nlilllll"i'

I.. Th~' a pprupriate Mm isl::r1al Committee ~h~1 1 c all ~e 10 be pre .. pared \1.111.1 laid bdore Ihe Assem bly m each fi nanC ial year estimates of Ihe rC"I."IlUC 1101..1 c:\pcmJi ture o f the Orp;anlla tinn, on accollnt of ~"r:h self,conlaill t'd st'f\'ice fund and o f the (""icneral !""lind of the Orga uizu !i0Jl, for 111L: n~x t ru\lo .... ing fi nand .. 1 year.

2. The heads of ell.penditure con la llled in the esti mates prepa red in rco;pcet of a fund (oth~r tha n expenditure charged upon thl."" fund by Ac! of Ih~ Organizaliun) shall be Inclllded in a bill to be kno\~n


1961 Ew;r Africon CQmmoll Sen'ice,\ Orgall/'za/ jOlI

as an appropr iation bill proll iding fur Ihc i.uuc from Ihc fund of tbe ~um<: necessary to m~l that expenditure and appropnation uf those sum.<: for Ihc purposes ~p~ified therei n.

3. If in any fi nancia l ycar it i~ found-

(Il) that the amount appropriated hy the A p ["I rOprl3tUln A ct in respect of II fund is i nsufficient o r Ihal a ne~d has arisen for ex~ndil ure from Iha \ fund for which no amount hac: been appropriated by HUl.l Act; or

(b) tha t noy money has Ix:en expended from thc fund for purposes in uceSll o( Ihc amount appror rialed for those purpose .. by the Appropriatiun Acl or for which no amount lias been aplHoprialed by Ihe Act,

a supplementary e.<:lI mate showing the sums r,"~uircd or spen t <:hall be laid before th e As~mbly a nd the heads of any 5uch ex[)Cm.lil ure shall be included in a supplementary appropriation bill.

4. For Ihc purpo~e~ of thrs An icle

(II) the appropria le "'I in i ~terja l Committee sha ll . in rd" lion 10 II self-contained service, be Ihe Ministerial Committee rC!opon­... iblc fo r that ~e rvice. and . in relation to all other service .... ~haU be the Fmance ( 'ommlttee;

(h> Ihe fi n.tnciaJ year for a self-COntained se rvice shall be Ihe period from the fi rst day of hnunry 10 Ihe Ih ir l y-fir~t IJa y of Decemt-l!r In any year.

Arlit/I! 16 The Contin~t'flci't J.wul

I . There shall be II Contingcncic.~ Fund of the Organization for the purpose of providing fo r urgml and I1 n fore~n expenditure. on accou nt of scrvic~ which are not se lf ·conta ined. for which no other ('Irovision ex ists.

2. An Act of the Organization may prmlt(te fo r the proced ure to "e fo llower! for authorizing advanccs OUI of the Contingencies Fund .

3. Where an adyance j~ mlldc OUI of rhe Contingencies Fund. a supplemen tary estimate shall he prcsen ttd and a supplementary appro priat ion bill shall be inlrodu::ed :\~ soon as possible fo r the f'lurpo~e of replacing the amount aJvan~ed.

A,.ticl .. V-Til., Di.miblllllblr Puol f -lIltd

I. Subject to the proyi~ ions o f this Arlicle. Ihe pr(lCeed~ of income lax and customs and excise dutic~ cullccted by the OrganiZation in accordance with the Acts of the OrKaniLatiron or th e law of any Termor)' shall not be paid into a fund of the Organl7a1l0n but shall t-I! distributed among the Terrilorie~ in such propor ti ons and in such manner a~ may be agreed among the GU\iCmmcn L~ of the Territor ies.

2. llicre shall be a D blribulablc Pool I·und of the Organiza tion.

3. Out u f thl." procecd~ of inmme tax and customs and excise duties collected by the Organ ization in accord~nce with the Acls of

No. 16

No. 26


£a.ft A/ricall Common .... ;erl'i,t'.1 Orgalliyltiofl 1961

thl' Orgo.niLlltiu n or the law of any Territury. th ere shall Ix: pdjd into Ihe D Istributable Pool Fund such amounts, culculated in such manner. as may be agreed bety,een the Go .... ernments of the I erri tori l's.

4. At such j n[erv~ls as ma~ be agreed between tbe GOYernments of tbe Tt'rri tories the amount standi nil tu the credit uf tbe Di~tribut­•• ble Pool Fund shall be d istri buted by tbe O rganization in the folloy,ing manner-

«(I) the amount standing to the cn.:d it of the Fund 0 11 ae;;uunt of the C05t5 of collection of income lax and customs and C'xdse dll ties shOlll be paid 10 the Organization:

(hi the balance shall be paid as to one-half to the Orglln i.tation. as to one-sixth \0 the Goyernment of T ang a. nyikll, a~ to one­sixth to the Government of KeD)"a and as to one-sixth to the Government of Uga ndl.

5. The ~muunt~ di~ tribulcd to the OrganIzatIon undu paragr~ ph 4 uf this Arliele ~ hall be pdid to the General Fund of the Org~n iz.'l\ion

6. Paymen ts out of the Distributable Pool Fund ~hull not rC4u i r~' th r authority of an Appropriation Act u f the Orllaniutian.

Article 38-Audit n f Arr(lIi/lIS

I . TI.e public Ilc~' ounts of the Organi7A'\lion an d of all officer_ and authorities of the Organization .~hal! he :luciited and reported on by the- Auditor-Generlll of the Organ i1.3tio n. :lnd for tbat purpose the AudIt or General or any person lIJlpu in tcd hy hIm In that behalf shall have acceH to ill1 boub. r~urd ... rClU rn~ and other docum ents reiating 10 those accounts.

2. -] he Aud itnr·(jeneral shall submit hi!, reports to the appropria te Mln i~ l crtal CommIttee whIch shall cau~ them to be laid bcCore the ASlicmbly.

1 In the t'Xerc.ise of hi~ funo.: tiuns under th is Article th~ Auditor General shall not be .!!ubjcet In the d Irection or control of any othel per<;tm or authorit y.

4. In th l<: Arhcle "'a ppropria te Minbterial Comm ittee" hH thl' meaning assigned to it in ."- Tl icle 35 of this Constilution .

Arlk/,' ~9-R"""nJ .. r(ll io" 0/ Ilu.' Speak"r, tm:mbcr.f vi Commissions alld Ihe AlIdi({)r-Gcncrai

1 There shall be paid to the holden. of the uffil;cs to which this Art icle appl ies such snlnry as may bt p(( .. ~eribcd by Act of the Org.'\ruz~tlon .

2. The !;alar), and allowances payable to the holden of the offi\.:C':i 10 whkh this Article npplies sb..'\U br a charge on Ihe General Fund IIf tht: O rganization .


1961 F.U.\'/ A/ricOI! CnlllillOfl SCfI'iCl'.\ Orguni;:'lIlioll

3. " he Q.lary p."lya blc (0 the hotJcr of an office to which this :\nidc IIppHe.~ and his lerm5 of office ollll:r than aUowance~ ~ha lJ not hI: a ltered to his d isadvanlage afler his appoin tment

4. Tbi~ Article applies to the office of the Speaker, of member of a Public Service Commission of the Organi73tion and of the /\uditor-General _

PAMI v - ~r"'FF or nil: ORG ........ rz.nloN

Art,rtf' 40-Public S('ni<-e CQmmissiOln

I. There ~ha[! b .. a PubJil: Service tommission for each of the ~cl r-culllained services uf the Organ i7.ation and a sin&k Public ServI(.1: C ummission for all services u f the Organi7<lIion other than the sclf­{'oolatoed serVICC'I.

2. A Commiu ion e~ lablishcu by this Article ~ hall cnn'i ist of such nll mber of members as mlY be ut.:l(.'nnim:o by Ihe AlI thori lY \~ho ~hall be appointed by the Authorit~' by i n~trumcn t in writing.

]. The Allthodty sh;!. 11 not appuint Ie> a memher of a Public SerY1Ce Commission a persOIl who i~ a Mini~ rer nf tbe Government nf a Territory, a member of tbe ASSClIlbl} or a memher nf a legislative hous~ of a '1 ermory.

4. Subject to the provisions of this Article. II mcmhcr nf a Public Service Commission shall vacate !i il> offi,:c-

(a) at the e:tpiration of four years (rum the dale of his appoint. ment or such e.lrlicr tillle a~ ma y he ~pcci ficd m his inst rument of appointment: ur

(b) if he becomes. a Minister of Ihe Go~ernment of a Terr1l0TY, a memher of tbe J\ssrmbly or a membe r uf a Jcwislative hou~e of a ' I er(l t or~'.

5. A m~mhcr of rio J'ublic Service Commission ma~ bI.: removed fr Oll l offi..:c by the Authority for lY 10 discharge Ihe fu m.:tions of his office {\\hcthcr ari\il1!:: h om infirmity of mind or bod}' o r for any other cause! or f()i' mi~behavi{1ur. but shall not olhcrwi:-.c be removl,J from officc.

Arllr/(' '/f-offi,,' ~ i/I tilt Orgtllliwtiol!

I. · t here ~h:lIl hc Ih~ follo wing olliccs in tb~ SCr\·il.:;: ur tb..: Organ ization-

(a) a Secretary-Urneral. who shall be th.; pr indp.rl C)(ccultl;e ,1/1icer or the Organinti(ln:

{iI):I (jen eral Manager 01 Ihe Railways unJ H~rbours t\dmin l.~lratinn :

(r) a l'o~lma~ter·Ueneral:

(d) a legal Secrclary:

( ... ) a Financial !)ecrelarYi anJ

If) an -\1Idi lor Genl'ral.

No. 26

No. 26


East African CommOll Servh.;e.J Orgallii:.mi01I 1%1

::. I here shall be such other olfice~ in the ~cr ... ko: of tbe Org~nJ' 7..ation as, !>uhJccl to allY Act 01 thl.' Or~ani.llliion, Iho: Authority ml~ determme.

Artide 41-Appmn/lllclli und Di.fC'ipfill(, 0/ St!crdi1J'j·Gen~,."1 1. (I) Subjeci to Ihc provi:.iollS DC this paragraph. Ihe holder uf

the office of Secretary-Gcller ... l of the Org;tnil1lion shall be lIppuilltcd b~' Ihe AUlhorily.

~:!I Whenever the offi::c of SecretarY-liencral is "'tlellnl, the Authority shill! inform Ihe Government of Ihc Coiled Kingdom and the Guvcrnrncnl of Tanganyika and Ibo~e (;Ilvcrnments !i.hall have Ihe right. ac ti ng joinliy. to notiry the Authomy of the nlim~:; or the persons .... hv ille elisible for a~ ~rclary-Gcncra l on lhal m:l:!ls:on. No person shlll be a.,pnint~d to buld the offict' of S<..~relary-General u DIe<:$ he i~ eligible [or liu..:h appointment in accordance with :1 notification mllde umh:r this subparagraph_

2. Whenever the holder of the office o f &:~:rclary-General appointed under paragraph 1 of This Article i~. b)' n:aso[l of illness ur absence, unable to perform the fum:tiom of that office he m:lY nppoint " person who i~ an officer of the Organiz:ltion to do so:

Prov;dt'<1 that before making an appointmellt under this para­graph the ~cretar~.Gcm:ral shall t;OllSult the Au thority and. if the AUlhorit~ gi\'C~ an> dire~tjOllS with respect 10 the se~ection of the officer of thl! Organization 10 be :'Ippointed. tbe Secreta ry-General ~hall comply with tbose direr_tions.

J. Whene\er Ihe oiJice of s..'Cretary-General is vacant or Ihe '-;ecretary.General is ullable to :lppoint a person 'lnder paragrarh 2 of this :\rli;;:le, the appropriate Public Service <..omm iSli ion ma)' appoint a person Yobo is an officer of the Drgani:r..alinn 1t1 perform the (uo1.'tions of the Secretary-General

I 'ru~jded that before making an tIoppointmcnt unde r th.i~ pa.ra­~ra pb the Puhlic Service Commission ~ha.ll consult tbe Authority.

4. The 3ppointmenl of II. pcrS(JO under paragraph :2 of Ihis Artide may al any time be rc\uked hy thc hulu~r III th~ offiCI:: of S~retary­

Gencr.d ilppoinh:t.i under pilr;jllruph 1 of tItis Article. or, if the office of Se~n:lury·GI::[)erll.l becomes vac.:mt duri ng the period of the appointment, by the o.ppropri:m Public Service Comm15sion.

5. rh e appointmcnt or a pcr~on under 3 of thi5 Article may at lUll' time be revok~d by the appropriate Public Service Commission ur by tbe holder of th.: office of Secretary-General appointed under paragraph I uf this Article.

G. For tbe purpose~ of the e_~crcisc of tht: paYoer of disciplinary 1:0l1LI"01 and dismis'lal the S..:..:retfl.r>-G1.'oeral shall be ~ubject 10 tbe jurisdiction of the appropriate Public &rvice Commis~ion.

7. Rl'reren,c'" in Ihi, .\rtid. I th1.' .. pp lIjlliak Public Sen·iee Commission -Hl' ·eta.:rK~S to lh~· Public S",nje~ C"nlrnj~,jon fClr (he \-ices tbdt :Ire not :i.l:J(~untaiul:d.


196J l!a:ll African COlli/lin/! Sel'wC('s Orgalll::.m;oJl

8. 1 he pro .. i,iuos of subparagraph C) of pa ragraph 1 of tbis Article shall eCail' to hllvc effect when thc (joVt!rnmenl of the Loiled Kingd,lm ceases to be re~ponsiblc {oJr the go\'ernmcnt of !xllh Kenya and Uganda,

A~/id{' 4.1 -Appoil1/lIWIIl IIml Dlsciplim: vI SlcJff

Su bject to the pru~i~iu[]s of this Constjlulion. thc PlIblic ')crvice Commission ha\ing jurisdiction ovu a service ~hall, on bebaJf of thc Organization. nuke appointment.ll to offices in Ihat S(!Tvice, and c'(erci~ pO\"eT$ of disciplinary control and dismissal over persons hold ing Dr acting In offices ill Ih"l ~crYicc.

:, Appointments lu an office ~pccified in ~lIbparagrapb (b), (c), {II} or (('I o( p;.lragr<lpb [ of Ankk ·H of thi:> Con~lilllrion shall be marle hy Ihc Authority afttr ~l)llsu1t:..tiun .... ith tn!; appropriate Public S~rvicc Commis,>'on and \\-ith the Secret::If)'-G~n~'raI.

.3. A Public Service Commi..sioo may. with Ih!; <lpprvval of the Authority, dod wblee! /(l C:lJcn conditions as it may think fit, ddcl!a!~ any o[ ill. functions under rh i~ Artick ((>Iher th1n fu nctions rdill iu& to the offkc:i ~p-.;ciJlcd in paragraph 1 or Arudell of this Constitu­tion) to an~ of its mcmbeh or 10 any ntlker of tbe Organization.

-I. For the purpo~es (If Ihi~ Artiel<!, re(erences to appointments ~hall be construed a'i induding referencr~ to ilppoiotmenls all pnlmotion i\Dd on tra tlsfer, und ilppointmcnt~ of person~ to perform th~ functions of an onice fo! any period d uring which it is vacant oJ r the holtier i~ unable to po;'rfocm the functiuns of the office .

.-Irtirlf ·U~/>en~i()1! RiChB

1. lhl~ Anrde applie,> 10 any benetits payable undcr any law pnl\ iding for the granr tlf rension~ compe nsation, gratuities or likt: a!loW:I1I1.;CS to pcr~ons who are or have !:Ieen officers or servants of the Organiza tion or of the High Commi'i.~iCln in re~pe:ct of thrir sen'ke as such officers or s~rvant~ ur 10 the wldow~. children or personal represrn tati\"es of such persons in rcsp~\:1 of such servIce.

:!. Thl: ];1\" applicable to any bcnellt~ II) which this Article applies ~hall. ill relativll to "ny person who haJl been gr,loted. or is eligible for sllch ben..-fir5. be that in force on the relevant dar e or any Inter Jaw that is nor less fl .. ourable to tha t person

J. In this Article

"rhe relevan t date" means

In) in relat ion 10 an~ benefits granted hefore the coming IDte force 01 thIS Constitution, the dale on WhiCh tho~ benefits \H:re granted.

(I" in relation 10 any bene-flh 81;.:111..:1.1 arter the date upon which lh i~ Cnn~t\llJrion comes ioto force to. or in re:;;pect of, any p~r~on who was ao nJliccc or ser\"J.nt of the High rommi~ ·

,it 'll " .. fu)"t: th,]1 dar". ,)]" :"loy U:;'II~lit., felf "hit"h an\- ~ueh

1';1'1'11 IIH tv.- ':IIAlhk. rhe' dJ.t~ in1l1i~di.It.:Jy pn'~'~dillg th..: d.ltc 011 Ilhi ... h .hi" (0n,,1IIIri.lll ~um ... s jil io fOlce, allu

"'0. 26

No. 26


East African Common SerVIce" Orglmi;:afiofl 1961

(0:) in rellliioll 10 tiDy benefits gnnled to or in rcspc~t of all}, person who firSt becomes an officcr or servlInl of Ihe Organization after Ihe date upon which this Constitution comes inlO force, the date on which he !irsl becomes such an officer or sen'ant.

4. "''here a person is en titled to exercise an option as to which of two or more laws shall apply In hl~ calle, the law ~per:i!ied by hi m in exercising the option ~all , for the purpoSf'..'i of thi$ Arliclc, be uecm.:.-J to he more favourahl e 10 him than any other law,

5. Any benefils 10 whith this !\rliele applie~ (nnl being benefits cha rged upon some olher fund of Ihe Oraan I7.:J.Il0n) shlill. in thl.! C;\SC

or ht:n eti L~ [hal are payable, or may bc p:.lyab1c, in resp~ct of the service of any pe rson whn, at thc time when he ceases 10 be an officer or ~eT\'an [ Clf the H igh CommiSSion or Ihe Organizatio/I. was in a ~elf·eon lained service, be a ebarge upon the fund of the Organil.ation for Ihal self'contain(:") service. a nd. in the cao;e of "n~' other benefits, shall be a ch:uge upon the General Fund of thc Organiz.1tion.

6. Wbere under any lal'o any pcrson or authoritv ha s a discret ion-

(a) 10 decide whether or nm an)' bl:m:fi ts 10 which this Article applies sball be granted; or

(h) to wilhhold, reduce in amount or suspend any ~uch nendih that havc been granted,

those benefi,~ shall be grlmtcJ <lnd llIay 1101 bz withheld, red uced 'n amount or susl'I'Cnr.led unk~ th.: appropl iale Commission cancun In the refusal to gnnt thc benefiu O f , as the C:lse may be, in the cteci <i('" to withhold them. rer.luce them in amount or suspend Ihem.

i. \\-'here the amount of any benefl[!; ttl which this Article appites thai rna}' be granted to any person is not fixed b), law. \h(: amount of the bcnefi t ~ 10 be granted to him shal l be the IIfl:lIteS( alllount for \\ hich he is eligible unl e.~~ the appropriate Commission concurs in his being granted henefits of a smalle r amount.

8. In tbe case of a decision of tbe appropriate C:omm issioD 10 give such concurrence as is required tinder paragraph 6 or 7 of Ihis Article in respect of any beneliL~ Ihat may be grllntcd or that bave hun gran ted to or in re&pcel of an officer whu is an en litl ed officer for the purpo,~~ of any la\.\' providing for thc p~}'IIII:nt of compen· ~1Iion , an appeal shall lie at the i n~tan..:(: of Ih:ll offic~r (or his pcrwna! rcpr~"cntati\'cs) in such ~ir~'umstull';:(:s 10 Jon Appea!s !loud eonstitut~d ill ~uch manner unr.l wilh such pnwen ;'IS ma.. h~ preSl.:tibetl by that law. .

9. For tIle purpose of this Article "tbe appropriate Commission" mcans -

(a) in the case or bencfit~ thar have becn gTlllltcd lIr may be granled in respect of the H' r\,ic(' f'f any J"lCrson who at thc



East Ifjric(1II Commoll St>I'vit'u, O'I1{uI'-:;(I(ivlI

time when he cca1>Cd to he an officer or servan t o f the Orga nization \~as :;ubjci;1 to the jurj~d iclion of a Public: Service Commission I:st abli~hcd nr Ihie; COn!llituli nn, that Pu blic Service Commission;

(b) in an)' N her ca se. the Public Service Commission baYing j uri~ icllon over the services of the Organi,~tion. other than Ihe ~Ir.·ronlained serviC't's.


A r /H,1i.: .J.5-AdmiIlLnrmiOll ol lhe COllff 0/ Ap/X'lIl/af Easll.' /"II A/rica

I. Where arransemen l5 are made between the Authority and the Government of the United Kingdom with respe.:l to the administra· tion or the Court of !\ ppeo.l for Ells lem Africa in conncxio n with the Or!!aniL:tlion, Ihc foll owing pro\'isiolls of th is Arlidc ~hall apply.

2. The jud&e~ of the COUrt of !\ppe.'\ \ and the officers and se rvants of the court ~h~ll (unless il is olherwj\e agreed bc:tw~~n the Authority and the Government of the United Kingdom) he in the ~er\'ice of the Organiza tion for th~ purposes of pension and other like benefits, and the provisions of Article .44 of this Consti tu tion $hadl applyaecord ingl,.

3. The expend iture of the Court o[ Appeal (including, without prejudi ce 10 the gener3 1ny of Ihe fo regci na:. thc sala ries, allowances, pcnsilJn~ and ot her hke benefits paY3ble 10 Ih.: judges, officers and s~rvunts of the cour!) ~hall he a cha rge upon tbe General Fund of thi.· Organization.

4. T he provhio ll ~ of Articles 41 and 4) of this Constitution shall n0t apply in rdatiun \0 thc judge, IIf the CO lirt of Appeal und those provision~ ~hull upply in relation In offieer~ an(! servants of Ihe ~' ourt on ly in so fn r as it may be agn.:ed bc twCl!n the Authority and tbe Government of Ihe United Kingdom Ihat th~y ~hall ap ply in rclul ion there to.

Arlir/e 46--Of}i ("('s of IJrt! Urgal!iztlliol/

The Organl io n sha ll maintalO a place of bus in(-~~ ill the cll pita l of each rerritory

Arlide 47-Tru' ~\lIfuIlUI Provilj.m.1

I. Unt il ~uch time a~ other arrangements ~rc maue bctwlX:n the Authority and the GOlle m menf of Z"nnbar und"r Artich: 2 of this Con5t ilotlun thc arr3nge~llents made betw~n the H igh Commi~ion

a nd that (/ollernment for the administration of ~ervi~'e5 5hall continue.

2. Lnti! such ti me as other nrr<lngemcnts \~ilh r~~pect to the ~dmilli~lr"tl"n of the Courl of :\ppe;;[ for Ea~tcrn Africa are lI u de the ('ourt ~hlll he :ldmin lsu-red III ~'onne:;,ion wilh the Organiz:ltiu n in accordance Wi th the provis:ons of the Easte rn Airiea Court of Appeal Order in CounCil, 1~61. and of Article 45 of lhi~

No. 26

No. 26


/:.0.\1 A /rican Commoll SC'Til"('\ Or,~/II/'':'lllinfl 1961

lOll)(ilutioD, and, SUOJl'l-t therdo. :15 hilb~rto ~,we [hal aUllliui:.tratj\e matters fo rmerly vcsted in the G<)v~rnment of Kenya shall be trans­ferred to and vest~d in the Organ i7.alio n

1. Lntil the A)..cmh]y make~ rules of rroceJure m .a:~:urdance

wi th Article 28 nf this Constitution, the Standing Orders n[ rhe former Centn l Legislative Assembly shall apply for fegu]"ting lhe plocedure or thl' ,\~C'm b~y, with such m.:'!d iticalinM :l." the Autbo~i ty ilia!' p:es~Tibe by order pl.btlshed in lhc loUCIlc o f Ihe Org"n :18tion.

4. IIntli uthlT pw\'i~ioll I' nllde b~· Act of the Org.ln ·'3.1I0n fo r thl'; purl'lO ~C~ of rar~graph :! of A!"I iclo: )(. of th :s ConSUlllllon. the procedure tu bc !ullu,~~d for aUlhorizine e~J'lCm1lt ll re OUt of th~

Contingencies FunJ ~hall be the procedure pre~ribe" hy the S tandmg Orders of the forme r Central Legis lat ive AS!>/:lIIbly ,

5. TIle follO\~ i Dg provi~ions ~ hal1 appl y With respect to the D istributa.ble Pool Fund

(II) the amount !>tanding 10 the credi! o f the Distributable Pool Fund nf the H igh ComJUi~)ion a t the date or tlte comlnl; into fo rce of th iS Constitu tion !>ha l1 be t r:'lnsferred 10 the Distributahle 1'001 Fund of Ih\: Orgullization ;

(h) lh.: Jgrc..:m~tH dal~u lhe ~~nd d3 y of Novemhcr, I%\. m:1de bl,' \"'l·cu the Governments of the I e rri h") r ics in pur· suance o[ si,'ction 42.~ of the l 'a~t Africa (High Commission) Order in Counci l, 19--l7. Wi th re.~pcc t to paYlIlcnts into nnd out of the D;~lnhLJlable Pool Fund of the High Commission shall cont inue In fo r;:\! JIlU shall havc dle.::I, from Ihe date on ''' hieh this CODSlilu liun comes inla force. :'IS if it ha d be::n made in pur.:;U3nce of Article ) 7 of th iS Con~tllu tio n and rcia t<:u to pa~ments in lO li nd ou t of the Olstri buta blc Pun! Fund of tht' Organi7a ti nn:

(c) the Commmioncr of l neome Ttlx and the Comnllssioner of Custom s ~nd Exci~c may mll kc uny au justments in the amou nh pay"l,h; 10 the D istri butable Pool fund ot the Oreani13tlOn anu lu Ihe Go~ernments of the Tcrrjtor i e~, under Ihe pru ll i~ions of (Ilis Constitu tion or other ,.rra nge· ment ~ !-etween the Guvl.:tnmcnh of the Territor ies. Otl t of the rr"c~ed~ of I nconl~ (b.~ Jnd I.:U\(OIl1S and exci<;e duties Ih;!! :lr..: n.., .... o:~sal ~ 10 giH' efTc.'t III :hl' rr<wi<; .-)n~ of the ilgr~crncnt 3nl! of ,\r:;c!e ~, of lh i~ C"n~tit ur:on

h. A Public SI'I"\':t:c CUl1l1l1i~~ion t"'> t abri~h('d by Article 40 of lh j~ Constitution shall a ... <;umc ib fund ions umkr thi~ C<)n ~t it llllOn on such date a.~ m.J ~ be appo inted by Ihl: Authority by no ti,e published in tbe (incite of the O rga nilalioll and unl il that o .. le Iho5e' fu nclron< ~h:l.1J he performed

(a) 111 Ih~ C:l.~e n f th e I'uhl ic Scrvice Conmm.,ion for the sefll jc:es, o lhl.:f than the ;;elf-conl:llncl.l :-cr\'ie~" by (h~ SeL'ret:try· (jeneral ;


1961 Emf A/rim /! Cnnlmoll SCfI'iaJ OrRoni;arioll

(b) in the ca ~e oJ the self·contamecl :>cnl"C mcluded in the East Afric~n Ratl~l~'s lnd HnrboJurs AtiruinislIatioll, by the Gcn(;rat Manlger of that Admi nistrulivll ; and

(C) in the C3'>e or the self ·contained s.:r\o;I::: induded in the East African Posts and Telecommunications Administration, by the Postmaster General.

7. U ntil n person is appointed fO hold the office of "iccretary­General the person Bohling the office of Administrator of the H igh Commission immediately before the coming ;nlo fOTI:C or Ihis ConSlil 11tion sh.lll per[orm th.: fun..:!ions of that office as if he had heen apl'W'linltd .I nder p:u Jgraph I of Article 42 of thi~ Constitution and thai penon ~hal!, in respect of the period that he is discharging th.: functions of the office of ">ecrcllry-Generai and (if he is not Ilppoillteu 10 Illl olhcr ome: in the ~ervice of the Org~ni7~1tion) the periou uf :my kavc wh ch he may thereafter be gra nled. be dremed , for Ih.;- purpo.,es of Ihc pclhio!ls law lipplica ble to him in accnrdance with Article 44 of this COIl~li1Utiul1, \0 be Ih..: holJer of II pcnsinnable office in the s~rvice of the Organization 10 which is IIllltcheJ the same ~n;ioDablc crr.oll!ment~ 1S attach to th~ offi~i! of Administrator of the I-li )!h Comml .. ~ i nn immedi1,dv brfo re the coming iota [orce of th i~ ('on~lJtution

f:. Un til r rovi<ion I .. made by Act of the OrganiL'Ition for the sllary or allo',\ anee~ 01 an olliee to which Article 39 of this Consti­tu tion arrlic\. there shall be paid to the holder of IhJI office the salary and allowancc~ thaT were plyable in respect thereof immediately bdure the commencemcnt of thi .. ConStitu tion.

9. If at the dJte of commencement o f this Constitution the Royal Ea~t A{ri~-un Na\<~ has nl'l bct!n t:iken o\'er hy the Go\ernment of any T.:rri\ory. tltt.: Or![:Ini/Jtion shall take ewer the admini~t ration or that sero;b!, uno l',;m1 it up in ac~ordance with ~lIeh arrangements as m3Y be agreed h",:w(:cn Ihe Government of the lJoi lM Kiogdom and the Authorit o;

Arfid,> -I8-fmrr{lr('/(If i(m

I . In thi~ Coosl!lulion. lI nle-;, .t i~ otherwise cxpres~i~' providt.:d or requ ired by the contell-

"Act of the O rganization" melns a n Act of the Organi":lI.tion enacted in :lccord ~ n ::e w Ih Ih l~ ('on~titUl:on and includ",~ un Act of tbe lIigh C(1mmi~~ion:

" Ih~ ,"lIthor\Ty" n1C'~n\ Ihr I ,1~T Afric;:.n CornIJ:on Scn'ice~

Authori'y ~~la" li ~hei t I" .. ,"r!it'll' ~ of th s Co:mitution:

.he ;\'\\Clllhl','- 111~:'n~ Ih.: LI~t ,\frio.: ;lJ1 C~n!r~l J egl~'all\'e A~~em h y r ,clh'i~hed hv Arll(](' 1(, of this ConStitulion;

'rhe 1J 1~lrij-,utahle 1'0(1: I'und" mearu the fun d e.tnbli~llcd by Arlide:n ni ths ('on~t'tulln:'l

"the H :gh Commi<~'on" me.1M the L3S! Africa Hip.h Commission;

" tht! former ( en!r,~1 I e!:i~b'hie Assembly" mC~ II ~ the Central Legislative A .. ~cmhly c'itahli~"cd hy the u<t Afrka (High Cornminion) Order in r Ollnril 19·11

No. 26



Ell.\ / Africal! Common Serl"kt's Orgulli;:'Ufioll 1961

"legislative hOIl~e" in relat ion to a Territory means the I; (by wha tever name ca lled) of the IegisiJ ture of Ihe T erritory e~ lab lishcd by the Constitut ion nf Ihal Territory;

"financial year" means any per iod of twelve months beginning on thc first day of July in any year;

"meeting", in relation to the As~mhl )', mCl!.nli any siuing Of

~I tllngs o[ till.: /u)cm bly commenclDg \ ... hen the ASl:.cmbly fust m eets after he ing ~ulll moned at any lime and lerrrunaung when thc Assembly i ~ adjourned Jille die IJr ad journed until the dale appoi nted by the Authorily for thc next meetillg of the Assem bly;

"the Organ ilall rm" mean~ Ihe East African Com mon Ser\,lce~

O rga nization: " the principal elected Mi nis ter" me~ ns Ihe Pri me Min i~ter or

Chief Mi nistr r or, if IhN~ is no otllee of I)rime Minister or Cbid Mini ster established fo r a ' 1 ~ rri l ory, Ihe member of the Council of M inisters of the T erri tory, designated by the (l ovcrn ment a~ the principal dected Minister:

·'sclf-conta ined sen'ice" me:m $ a service mai ntained by Ille Organization that operates re"'r:nl1e-ea rning ~er\'Jce~ and which maintains its 0\"'0 capital account;

"~itling" means aoy period during wh ich the Assembly is si tt ing continuously ..... ithuul adjo urnment IUl ti includes any period d UfJOI:'

wh ich the A'i\Cmbly I~ in comm ittee; ' 'Territory'' me,ms T anganyika, Kenya or Uganda.

2. Refe r~nces in th i~ Con ~li tuti on to the date on \\-hieh th is Cons ti tution comes rnln force arc rdereIlC\'S tu tbe dale relerred to in Article 2 of the Agreem ent lu wh idl th is Constitu tion is anne"(erl

3. R eferencl.'S in th is Con .. u lulion tn Ihe holder u f any offi ce in d ude a reference to any person ..... ho IS for the tIme being perform ­ing the [unctiom. of that ofllce. and, in the case of the Ci n ... ernnr of a Tcrritory. any person appomted as a deputy to that olficer tn the c"(tenl Ihat he is authorizcd to discharge Ihe fnnctlOns of the otlker atiminbtcring the Governm ent.

4. Save as otherwise provided In Artide 19 of Ihis Consutution. any perso n who i5 appoJO!ed to or to act in any ~Imcc established by Ih lS Cun~l i tu t i on may re~ign from thal office by writing under ha nd ad c\ re~~ed to ti ll.: person by whom he ..... as appointed ; and Ihe resigna· t ion of any pnsun f W Ill any such office (including any ~ea t in the A ~ell1 hlYl by \~ri t i ng under his hand addre..'5Cd in acr.: orduncl: \~it h I hl ~ ("on"titulioll to any other person ~h3 11 tak e erreet \~ hcn the writing ~ Ignl fy ing thr.: 1I.:~ ignation is received hy thai olher person.

Art icle I (I) (.1) FrR ST SCJJ H )U t I


I. The East A fric .... m R ailwJ.~ S IInJ Harbour) Adm inistrat ion . 2. The I:a~t Afric.1n Posts and T c1t,;.;onIlHunicti tions Admi nistration 3. The [ ast African D ire:: tunltc uf Civil Iwiation . 4. The East Afri::an Meteorolugical D epartmen t.

1 ~5

1961 East African Commo/l Sen'ice,\' OrK(IIli;;;arioll

FIR.ST Sclll:ouu:--{Contd.}

5. Thl.! D":M: rt Locust Survl:Y.

6. The L3~t Africa n Customs :md Excise Depa rtment. 7. The ElSI African Income Tax Dcpartmcnr. 8 The Ea.1 A(ril.:dn Research Servict\, 9. The Ea~t Africa Otlice in London.

10. The East African Indust rial COlJncil II. The usl African "'it:l li sticai Depa rtment. 12. 1 he 1'..1~' Ar rican literature Bun:au . 13. The East Afncan AccountaOl Gen('tars Department. 14. T he Last African Auditor-General'. Dcpdrtmcnl. 15_ Intertcrritorial ~crvjc~ arising from the operatlOn~ of the " ,;1\\

Africlin C urrency Roald. 1(i . T he Thlka Road H ouse. 17. T he Ea,t African Hides llnd Leather !lur elLU.

18. :Xr~ i "cs arising 01lt of Ihe funct ions of Ihe Authority as Afri .. :.n /m Authority.

19. Interterrnnrtal sen'lces financed in part or whole by mcan~ o f ~ran l'l ma de to the Organization from Ule East African Regional Allocation under the Colonial Development and Welfare Acts,

20 Services for the :I.dministl1ltion of !luch grants nlade by the Oo~·era­

ment of nny ~ountry, any inleTDalional orlaniz.ation or Ilny authority, for the purposc~ of inlertcrnto nal projects as are agreed och~ een th~ :\ulhurttj' and the Goveraments of the T erritories.

21, Servic~ fOI lh~ purpO.'ie~ of co-oTdinating the economk activities of the Gov~rnmenl~ of the I erritories.

22. '\ervice.o: for the purpose~ vI tiny budy o r authority established in pUT'IUan:e of subplnlgr~ph (h) of pa ra gr<1ph 1 or subparagraph Cd) of p.'lT:>.grapb 2 of Anidl.: ! of th iS ( onsti tu ti on.

2:1. rhe Secreuriat of the Org:t.OIZll11on.

2 ... . Serv ices for tbe purpose, of th e performance of the fu nctions nf the Assembly, the Puhll c S('Tvice COl11lllissioDS o r an)' officer of the Organization und..:r Part III , IV or V of this Constitutio n.

25. Such o.her ~ervices as nny, with the C(Jn~ent of the Government of the I lnl led Kingdom illld (lie Governments o f the Territories. bl.: lksij!naled hy the Auth.Jrity b:r orde r J'luhllshed in the Gazette of lIiI.! Organi71tlOn.

Artick 1 (I) k) SECO'lD SCHEDULE

~IATr8t~ W ITH RCSpr..l.l ru \\HHH A( , .... OF THE OnCANIZATION

MAY Bil ENU l l:.u

I. ACCOllnt~ or the Org~ni7ation lnd the offi.:-elS Jill! dUlboritil'S thereof. includi ng audit of accounts: management and !;ontrol of Ihe funds of the Organization.

No. 26

No. 26


3. 4.



7. 8.

9. 10.


12. 13. 14. 15. l6.

17. 18.



East African Common Services Organization 1961


Appropriations out of the funds of the Organization (other tbao the Dist.ributable Pool Fund).

Civil Aviation. Customs and Excise-administrative and general provisions (but not iocl uding tari ff ra.tes) . Income Tax-administrative and general provisions (but not including rales of tax and alJowances). Powers, privileges and immunities of the Central Legislative Assembly and the members thereof .

Interterritorial Research . Makerere College; the University College of Dar es Salaam; -the Royal College, Nairobi, and other institutjons of a university character. Meteorology. Pensions, gratuities and other like benefits payable out of the funds of the Organization. Staff of the Organization, including Public Service Commissions of tbe Organization.

Posts and telegraphs, telephones and radio communications. Railways, harbours and inland water transport. Borrowing for Lhe purposes of the Organization. Merchant shipping. Legal proceedings by or against the Organization, the Authority, the Mioisterial Committees, or any offices or authority of the Organization.

Statistics. including census. The matters with respect to which the Organization is empowered 10 make provision by paragraph 2 of Article 1 and by Articles 34 and 36 of this Constitution. Any maller, not mentioned elsewhere in tbis Scbedule, that is incidental to the execution, performance or enforcement of any function conferred by this Constitution, or by an Act of the Organization enacted in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, upon the Organization or any authority, officer or servant of the Organization.


The following stock of the East Africa High Commission jssued and registered in London in accordance w;th tbe provisions of the Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 to 1948:-

3+% Stock 1966-68. 3t % Stock 1968-70. 4 % Stock] 968-71. 4% Stock 1972-74. 4% Stock 1973-76. 4t% Stock 1964-69. 5f % Stock 1980-84. (Railways and Harbours) 5t% Stock 1977-83. (Posts and Telecommunications) 5±% Stock 1977-83.