Accessible content is available upon request.Implement gamification techniques as a learning tool...

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Activity: Intranet Adoption Pictionary

Individual Activity Get 3 sticky notes

List an intranet adoption issue in each sticky note

Group Activity Consolidate your list of issues, discuss and identify the top 3 issues

Draw these three issues in a single easel pad

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You Will Learn How To Align business needs to Intranet capabilities

Excite and inspire users with how your Intranet can support business activities

Identify training needs and delivery mechanisms

Implement gamification techniques as a learning tool

Groom champions from the business

Establish an effective learning support structure

Create a phased adoption program that facilitates change, empowers users and enables knowledge sharing within the organization

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Hi! I’m Dux

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The Enterprise Social Revolution is Here

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Will & Kate are having a baby!!!


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#Breaking The royal family is

going to have a new addition!

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The Royal Family welcomes their

new member!!

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This just in! Kate & Will are having

a baby boy! #RoyalBaby

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Congratulations to Will & Kate on

the birth of their baby!

#RoyalBabyReply Retweet Favorite …More

Kate Middleton is pregnant! OMG!


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84% of

organizations have

remote workers

Changes how

we work

65% of

companies are

deploying at

least one social

software tool

Always on --

Consumers usean average of 4devices every day

Rise of the social


44% of


complain via

social media

20% expect

a response

within one hour

via social media

Humans have an intrinsic drive to engage and connect

We organize into communities to get things done - at home, and at work

Modern social capabilities remove the barriers of geography and time

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Social Intranets Lets Us #WorkLikeANetwork

Social Intranet

An internal collaboration technology platform that incorporates social technology, powerful search, multimedia creation, sharing capabilities, and productivity tools that can be easily accessed to get work done.

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Why won’t

this one fit?

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Why Training Alone Doesn’t Work

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Lightning Talk: How Do You Do It?

What is the process of how people get trained with your Intranet?

How do you know if the training is effective?

For Intranet site managers, is there a formalized test/certification?

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Non-Technical Barriers

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Facilitate Sustainable Adoption

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Sustainable Adoption Objectives

• Minimize the impact of making technology changes

• Promote the adoption of new systems and solutions

• Provide users with the resources they need to be successful

• Encourage an organization culture which embraces on-going evolution.

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5 Steps to Drive Sustainable Adoption

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According to Gartner, By 2015


of social business efforts will not achieve the

intended benefits due to inadequate leadership

and an overemphasis on technology.

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Executive Ignorance is Not Bliss

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Business Matters, Social Intranet Doesn’t

Expedite Innovation Customer SuccessFinancial Gains


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Social is about empowering

bottom-up organization

Individuals | Communities | Groups

to make


business goals

successfulIncrease Revenue | Lower Costs | Reduce Turnover

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Transform Your Enterprise


Sales ServiceMarketing


Organizational silosIneffective employee engagement

Connected enterpriseFacilitates employee engagement

? ?

? ?

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Outline high-level goals and priorities


• Enables all employees to foresee the value of a social intranet will bring to the organization and to them personally

• Achieves a clarity of purpose which helps secure buy-in and support

• Guide to help identify measures of success

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Who’s Involved?

Executives / Departmental Owners: can ensure that the vision aligns with the overall company or departmental goals and objectives.

Project Managers: will be responsible for carrying out a plan that supports this overarching vision.

IT Lead: can set the vision in the context of other initiatives taking place in the IT landscape.

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Envisioning Questions

• Why is the organization deploying a social intranet at this time?

• How does your social intranet support the organization’s Mission / Values / Strategy?

• How will a social intranet change the organization?

• How will the organization know if it is successful?

• How will a social intranet benefit the overall organization?

• How will a social intranet benefit every employee personally?

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Example Vision Statement

Reinventing the Way We Work!

• Transparent Communication: A platform to deliver a consistent message and

facilitate two-way communication.

• Collaborative Projects: Drive productivity by facilitating cross geographic and

functional team project collaboration.

• Shared Knowledge: Increase access to information and the ability to share best

practices and learn from each other - peer to peer.

• Inspired Work: Accelerate innovation giving us the agility to meet the needs of our

changing business.

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Identify Opportunities

• Identify ways to maximize your social intranet to support the vision.

• Review the different initiatives you’d like to accomplish through social, and arrange your goals in order of importance and impact.

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Consider Typical Business Challenges

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What’s Your Game Plan?

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“Get My Work Done” Platform

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Social Intranet = Connected EnterpriseSeamlessly woven into practices & tools you use everyday to get your work done


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Top Tasks & Needs Differ by FunctionsEngineering, Research & Development Operations, Manufacturing & Logistics Sales, Marketing, PR & Communications

HR & Legal Services Accounting, Finance & Procurement Administration

Share best practices across geographies

Gather & process forms from employees

Improve and monitor business processes

Pull data and build financial reports

Align Sales and Marketing teams

Organize teams and manage calendars

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Who’s Involved?

Project Manager: Responsible for helping Departmental Leaders understand the business value and ensuring that the prioritized areas of focus align with the overall vision.

Departmental Leaders: Responsible for identifying opportunities for leveraging social intranet and incorporating into their teams’ work processes.

Group Leads: Help make the solution actionable. Will continue to own and execute on these initiatives on a day-to-day basis with the Project Manager in the subsequent phases.

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Business Value Focus Areas


CollaborationImprove team

project alignment.

Break down team silos across


& functions.

Manage external team projects.


EngagementCommunicate company-

wide on a single platform.

Find experts and

information fast.

Share best practices and

drive innovation.

Business AgilityBreak down communication

barriers at all levels.

Boost productivity with

social collaboration.

Connect across cultures

and geographies.


OrganizationConnect your people

and information.

Make business

applications accessible.

Collaborate securely with

customers and partners.

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Collaborate Connect, collaborate, and deliver with

high performing teams

1. Collaborate with teams across

geographical location and job


2. Manage projects

3. Manage events

4. Launch marketing campaigns

5. Stay connected on any device

EngageAttract, engage, and retain your


1. Improve company


2. Improve onboarding, learning

and development

3. Recognize top talent

4. Identify expertise

5. Share best practices

6. Retain employees

InnovateAdapt, compete, and win through rapid


1. Launch new products

2. Brainstorm and crowd source

new ideas

3. Enter new markets

4. Adapt and respond to change

5. Build a unified culture

6. Get feedback from partners,

suppliers, and customers

Engage, Collaborate & Innovate

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Develop Use Cases

Focus on how the organization will put the prioritized initiatives for the social intranet into practice.

Prioritize 3-5 Use Cases to start, depending on your resources and goals.

A combination of top down, strategic use cases as well as the viral, bottom up use will further encourage participation and engagement across all levels of the business.

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Who’s Involved?

Use Case/Group Leaders: Responsible for prioritizing how their teams will enterprise social based on immediate business needs and the level of difficulty to implement each use case.

Project Manager: Will coordinate all the moving parts and pieces, and help contribute ideas and best practices to the solutions being outlined.

Power Users: Can provide insight into how they currently work, how these changes will affect them, and how they can be involved in the supporting the execution of the use case objectives.

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Identify Resources

For each prioritized way of using your social intranet, you’ll need to answer the following questions:

• What is the challenge/opportunity?

• What are the business benefits you want to achieve?

• What behaviors need to be change to realize the outcomes?

• Who is the Champion/Owner/Community Manager?

• What is the project timeline & review date?

• How do we measure success?

• What materials & resources are available to help?

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Employee Onboarding Use Case

Bring new employees into the conversation from day one and provide a real-time resource of information. Help new employees get up to speed asquickly as possible.


We currently have a formal onboarding process to inform new employees ofprocesses and resources, however there are limited opportunities to educatethem about our culture and create a sense of inclusiveness.


Bring employees onto the social intranet on their first day at theorganization. By creating early adoption, employees are more likely toparticipate in conversations – and do so more frequently - and will be moreinformed at an early stage in their tenure. Employees will also be able to seeconversations that happened prior to their start date, to speed up theirawareness. Onboarding materials would include documents, artifacts andother resources.


• Increase adoption

• Convey culture and benefits to employees early on

• Live FAQs for new employees

• Historically searchable

Success Metrics

• Use of tool by new employees

• Employee survey question

Owner & Timeline

• HR team and Departmental Managers

• Before Summer 2014 hiring season

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Use Case ExamplesKnowledge Sharing

Whether they’re out helping

members during a crisis or

fielding calls, Nationwide

associates use Yammer to

mine Nationwide’s

institutional knowledge.

Because the network breaks

down geographical and

functional silos, it forges

connections that never

existed before.

Product Innovation

Xerox uses Yammer to track

invaluable customer

feedback to relevant teams.

Yammer brings the people

who work with customers

much closer to the people

who are developing products

and business processes.

That customer insight

strengthens their products

and services.

Customer Feedback

Red Robin used Yammer to

solicit customer feedback

about a new burger directly

from the restaurant staff, this

customer feedback was used

to create a new recipe, refine

it in a test kitchen, and roll it

out to restaurants in a

month—which would have

taken more than a year

without Yammer.

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Develop Contextual Learning

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IT Can You Handle This?

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Engage Relevant Business Groups

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Leverage Existing Resources

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Make Governance Relevant

Share Conference | 62

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Governance is Not Just a Document

Share Conference | 63

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Personal/My Sites




Project/Team Sites

Community Sites



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Birth Life Inactivity End-of-Life


Change ofclassification

Change of businesscontact

Change ofPolicy

Archived fromSocial Intranet

Site inactivitytriggered

Deleted fromSocial Intranet

Lock beforedelete orarchive

Request fordeletion or


Lease expirytriggered

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Develop Gameplan

1. Create Timeline

2. Conceptualize Launch Event

3. Develop Communications

4. Prepare Trainings

5. Manage Your Community

6. Identify Technical Needs

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Implement Use Case(s)

Pick a specific date or period of time to launch in order to allow ample time to prepare, build anticipation, and celebrate as a group.

Develop proper communication and training before, during and after the launch.

Plan engagement events to increase initial participation in your network.

Keep in mind that the network will take time to gain momentum and become self-sustainable; make sure to account for this adjustment and transition period.

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Awareness & Communications

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Typical Adoption Scenario

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Deliver Contextual Training

Activity: Enterprise Social Jeopardy

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Who’s Involved?

IT Specialist: Handles any technical requirements, including network settings and integrations. These tasks should be completed prior to launch to all employees.

Executive Leaders: Endorse and communicate the vision, and legitimize and encourage use. Lead by example by directly participating.

Project Manager: Oversees the rollout and manage schedule.

Community Manager: Manages the day-to-day execution of the rollout, launch and awareness events, and helps create connections and inspiration.

Group Leaders: Evangelize within departments, assist with setup and lead by example throughout the prioritized use cases

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Establish Scalable Support

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Empower and Assist

Create a plan for long term success – to review achievements, maintain momentum, and adapt to new challenges.

• Evaluate what you’ve already accomplished;

• Showcase the successes throughout your organization to gather new interest and opportunities.

• Take best practices from previous achievements and apply them to next steps.

The ultimate goal is to figure out how to best enable individuals throughout the organization to continue expanding the usage and initiatives on their own.

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Ongoing Usage & Scalable Support

Use the Policies templates to provide your users with guidelines about how to use enterprise social responsibly.


Leverage this guide to help get your Help Desk ready to

troubleshoot enterprise social issues

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Who’s Involved?Project Manager: Identify successes and areas of opportunity, determine what strategies worked best in order to apply them to new ideas and use cases, and continue the push for growth of the network.

Leadership: Can help confirm or update the vision and sign off on new plans.

Department Owners: Previously inactive departments should be more comfortable integrating social intranet into their business. Active departments will have new ideas for teams and projects.

Community Managers: Continue to educate, share successes, inspire ideas, and recruit more champions & Power Users.

Gather Feedback

Use the Survey Template to measure satisfaction and progress against your benchmark.

Leverage Success Criteria Dashboard examples to track progress on roll-out & adoption.

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Measure Success

Business Value Opportunity

How did SharePoint help?

What was achieved?

How is it measured?

Team Collaboration

Streamlined collaboration

across regions and teams to

execute go-to-market


Increasing global spread

of business.

15% improvement in

increasing number of

successful innovations for

new products or services.


Find experts and information fast.

Time saved in searching

for assistance with Sales


30% improvement in

access to experts and


Achieve real business relevance by measuring your outcomes in terms of ROI. Use social intranet engagement data to support your findings.

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Lather, Rinse, Repeat





Social Intranet Journey










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How to Drive Sustainable Adoption

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Activity: Action Plan Worksheet

Action Steps Responsibilities Resources Timeline Potential Barriers

Investigate key

business pain

points of execs

• Contact exec


• Schedule

meeting w/

exec admins to

discuss pain


• Conference


By 4/22 • Admins not familiar

with exec pain


• Some execs don’t

have admins

Let’s Connect

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- Work Like a Network

- Red Robin Leverages Yammer

- Project Collaboration with SharePoint

- Nationwide Insurance’s SPOT

- Secure File Sync and Share with AvePoint Perimeter

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- Workshop Templates and Checklists

- Office 365 Success Center

- How to Prioritize Business Needs with SharePoint (Excel Sheet)

- Secured External Collaboration with AvePoint Perimeter

- Automate Governance with AvePoint Governance Automation

- Enforce Compliance with AvePoint Compliance Guardian

- Facilitate Adoption with AvePoint Office Connect

©AvePoint, Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary information of AvePoint, Inc. No part of this may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of AvePoint, Inc.