Accelerate – Lesson 9 – Facebook...

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Accelerate – Lesson 9 – FACEBOOK ADVERTISING

On completion of this lesson you should: ● Be aware of the advantages that Facebook advertising can provide ● Be aware of different Ad types for each objective ● Be aware of how to create an Account for your campaign ● Understand the process and tools of creating a Facebook Ad ● Understand that there are limits and rules about Facebook Advertising ● Understand how to make your campaign successful

In this lesson, as with many lessons in the Accelerate program, we are going to assume a certain level of knowledge for this lesson, and presume that you:

• have already got a website or blog onto which you can drive Facebook ads to • have already got a Facebook business page (essential for running a

Facebook ads campaign) If you haven’t, we suggest you participate in the following modules: - Website Design & Development - Social media for Business Facebook Adverts offers the most targeted form of advertising in history and is very powerful. Given more than 1.4 billion people use Facebook to connect with what matters to them, and more than 900 million visit every day, there is an enormous potential market you can connect with through this channel. More than 700 million people visit Facebook every day on their phones and tablets – and when they do, they see Facebook Adverts along with stories from family and friends. Because Facebook Adverts are placed in the stream of information people view on Facebook, they're more likely to see your adverts and take action, than many other forms of advertising. Advertising on Facebook is easy to get started with and there are many potential

goals you can achieve. From a Facebook Advert, people can get directions to your shop, download your app, view your videos, add an item to a shopping basket or take another action on your website. As of February 2015, there were 2 million active Facebook advertisers. Of these 1 million are estimated to be small businesses, and over 52% are from outside of the US. The average Facebook click through rate is 1.5 and the percentage of advertising that is dedicated to mobile is 57%. When you run a Facebook Advert, you choose the audiences that see it by location, age, interests and more. With Facebook Adverts, you choose the type of people you want to reach and we deliver your adverts to them. This makes your adverts more relevant for the people who see them, and brings you real results. Mobile devices are now part of our lives – people use phones and tablets to discover, communicate and shop more than ever. Facebook offers powerful and unique ways to show your adverts to the people who are most likely to care about your business. With adverts, you can:

• Reach people based on location, age, gender, interests and much more. • Use tools to understand how they're performing and make them even better.

How much does Facebook advertising cost Facebook Adverts fit any budget but as a guide we would recommend a minimum of $3/day per ad set, ideally a budget of $10/day per ad set, so approximately $300/month. If you spend over $750/month you can sometimes gain assistance from Facebook themselves with your campaign. With adverts:

• You're always in control, as you choose the budget and audience. • Facebook will optimise them to reach people more likely to take action. • You can edit your budget or stop them at any time.

You can run a Facebook ad campaign for a set time i.e. in the lead up to a product launch, or ongoing i.e. to grow your online community. Watch this short video about costs for Facebook ads. With Facebook billing you're billed when the total cost of your adverts hits a specific threshold.

• If you don't hit the threshold, you're billed at the end of the month. • You can always view a daily estimate of what you're spending on adverts. • You can find your final, detailed bill in the Billing section of Adverts Manager

How fast your budget is spent depends on a few things – such as audience size, your bid to reach them and your advert schedule. In Adverts Manager, you can see an estimate of what you're spending on adverts per day. It may take up to 72 hours for your account to be updated with the final cost of your adverts. You're only charged for what you actually spend. When your bill is final, you can see it in the Billing section of Adverts Manager.

When your account is charged, you can always see your final bill in the Billing section of Adverts Manager. You receive a detailed invoice that includes the specific adverts and the type of advert engagement you've paid for. Facebook targetting options Historically, in order to connect with our desired audience, we’ve had the option to select from publications that we *think* our target audience might read, and place and advert, but it’s very difficult to read a) who saw the ad and b) what action they took from the ad and c) if this resulted in a final transaction. Everyone thought Google Adwords was the best thing since sliced bread when it came along, whereby you could identify a set of keywords that you wanted people to see your ad when they searched, and from a set location, which is quite targetted. But Facebook took things much further with the ability to target people by not only location, but also demographics, interests, behaviour, and connections. In short, on Facebook, you're not just targetting by keywords and location. You're targeting people with real interests, hobbies, and jobs and are able to target down to quite a deep level. See this link for more information on your targeting options on Facebook: Also watch this 3:23 video about Facebook targetting. When you create a Facebook advert, you can choose the audience that should see it. When creating your audience:

• Choose an objective based on the kind of results you want – such as getting people to your website. The advertising objectives you can choose from are:

o Clicks to Website: Send people to your website. o Website Conversions: Increase conversions on your website. You'll

need a conversion pixel for your website before you can create this ad. o Page Post Engagement: Boost your posts. o Page Likes: Promote your Page and get Page likes to connect with

more of the people who matter to you. o App Installs: Get installs of your app. o App Engagement: Increase engagement in your app. o Offer Claims: Create offers for people to redeem in your store. o Local Awareness: Reach people near your business. o Event Responses: Raise attendance at your event. o Video Views: Create ads that get more people to view a video.

• Select traits that will help you reach the people who are more likely to care about your business.

1. Reach customers in key locations by country, state/province, city and post code

For example, if you're a North American e-commerce business, you can target your adverts at people who live in the United States and Canada 2. Target people based on demographics like age, gender, relationship status, education, workplace and more

For example, online fashion store Joseph Nogucci targets its adverts at women in the 18-54 age group 3. Interest targeting lets you define your ideal audience by their interests, hobbies and Pages they like on Facebook. These may be drawn from their listed interests, activities, education, job titles, Pages they like or groups to which they belong. For example, online retailer BarkBox targets dog owners and people who like different dog breeds by adding interests like "chow chow, golden retriever and pomeranian" 4. Reach people based on their purchasing behaviour, device usage and other activities For example, if you're an online jewellery retailer, you can select the partner category "Fine jewellery" under Behaviours Note: You can overlay additional targeting options, such as also targeting women aged between 18 and 34, who live in the United Kingdom EXERCISE: Consider what your objective will be for your Facebook ad. Consider what your target market or audience will be for your Facebook ad. Download this Facebook Planner and document this in planning for your Facebook ad campaign. Use Business Manager to manage your ads Facebook’s Business Manager lets businesses more securely share and control access to their ad accounts, Pages, and other assets on Facebook. This is a good idea if you might start to run ads yourself, but want to have the option to get help from someone else in your team or a professional or agency in the future. If you are running Facebook ads on behalf of clients, you should definitely use this too. Anyone in a business can see all of the Pages and ad accounts they work on in one place, without sharing login information or being connected to their coworkers on Facebook. . When you sign into Business Manager, you'll show you a quick overview of the ad accounts and Pages that you work on, helping you stay across multiple client’s campaigns. Read more about setting up on Facebook Business Manager here. Tracking Actions on Your Website Before you start your Facebook ads, it is a good idea to implement conversion Tracking, so you can find out when someone sees your Facebook advert and then goes to your website to make a purchase, register and more and therefore which ads are working best and providing you with a return on your investment. You can track actions with a Conversion Pixel – a snippet of code – that you install in the HTML of a page on your website that you want visitors to go to. When visitors arrive on that page, the Conversion Pixel tells Facebook about the action, and you receive reports on how many people took action on your website based on your Facebook advert.

When your advert runs, you can view info on how many people took action – or converted – in Adverts Manager. You'll see columns that tell you how many people converted and the cost of each conversion based on your chosen audience and budget. This simple way of showing how many people took action on your advert and its cost is an easy way to view your advert's impact. And you can always see even more insights about your adverts in Adverts Manager. Watch a video about conversion tracking here. Remarketing to Website Visitors Another very powerful form of Facebook advertising is remarketing to people who have already visited your website. Just install a snippet of code on your website and you can reach visitors with an advert when they use Facebook. This helps you to reach customers who've already shown interest in your business (by visiting your website) and re-engaging them to make your adverts even more impactful. You can install a Custom Audiences pixel on your site that captures all your website traffic, or just certain pages. Then you can run adverts to reach those website visitors on Facebook and continue their experience of your business. Watch a video about remarketing here. EXERCISE: Generate conversion tracking pixels and get them implemented on the website you want to run Facebook ads to. You may require the assistance of a developer to do this. Before you create a Facebook ad it's important to understand the hierachy of ad campaigns. Campaigns correspond to each of your advertising objectives, like building brand awareness or driving web traffic. They’re designed to help you optimize and measure your results for each objective across multiple ad sets and ads. Each campaign can feature multiple ad sets, each of which has its own budget and schedule. You can also organize each ad set to represent audience segments, like people who live near your store. This will help you control the amount you spend on each audience, decide when they will see your ads, and measure their response. The ad delivery system will optimize delivery for the best-performing ad in an ad set. Within each ad set, you can have multiple ads, each of which can feature different images, links, video or text. You’ll still control the creative, targeting and bidding at the ad level.

In terms of creating the ad, once logged into Facebook, click the arrow in the top-right corner and choose 'Create Adverts'.

1. Choose your goal Build your advert based on what you want to accomplish. With Facebook Adverts, you can get more people to:

• talk about your Page and posts • connect with your business on Facebook • go to your website • shop or take action on your website • install or use your app • visit your shop • invite others to your events • redeem offers

2. Choose images and where your advert appears on Facebook Before your choose your audience, you can add photos to your advert and choose to run it in News Feed on desktop and mobile, or in the right-hand column on desktop. 3. Choose who will see the ad With the advert creation tool, you can choose the type of people who should see your advert. Just add traits and interests to make your audience broad or narrow – it all depends on who you want to reach. Select demographics such as location, age, gender and language. And choose other traits such as level of education, if they have children, are recently married or even if they own a home. When your advert runs, Facebook will serve it in the places you've selected.

If you have any kind of existing database of customers or prospects, we would always recommend advertising to people you know first, as these will cost less, and tend to be easier to gain a result from. With Custom Audiences, you can reach customers that you already know with adverts on Facebook.

Just upload a list of contact info such as email addresses or phone numbers. You can also use info from your website or app. Facebook will deliver your advert to those people if they're on Facebook. And your contacts are always used in a secure, anonymous and privacy-safe way. You need at least 100 people on your list to create a Custom Audience. You can upload a file with customer contact info, log in to your MailChimp account or use info from your app or website.* Once your file has uploaded, it takes about 30 minutes before your Custom Audience is ready. When you upload your contact list, Facebook hashes the information. That means the data is made unreadable, so no one (including Facebook) can recognise it or see anyone's individual information. It's safe, anonymous and done in a privacy-safe way that lets you reach your audience while keeping their data private and secure When your Custom Audience is ready, it appears as an audience option when you build your advert. Choose just your Custom Audience to reach them with a Facebook advert or add other traits to expand your reach. Using Custom Audiences is great for following up after you've done business with your customers, reminding them to come back or sending rewards and offers through Facebook to thank them for their loyalty. Once you have a custom audience of people you know, the next logical step is to expand to people who ‘look like’ this audience, as they will have similar traits and interests like your current customers.

With the Lookalike Audiences feature in Facebook, you can easily build a new audience similar to the people in your Custom Audience, and effectively expand into other people who are likely to connect with your brand. You can build a Lookalike Audience based on:

• People who like your Page

• Custom Audiences that you've created with emails, phone numbers, or website or app data

Watch a video about Lookalike audiences here. How to create a lookalike audience Step 1 Create a Lookalike Audience

• Go to Adverts Manager, then click Audiences. Step 2

• Click the Create Audience button, then choose Lookalike Audience. Step 3 Click the Source field, and choose one of the following:

• A Page you manage • A Custom Audience you've created • A conversion-tracking pixel you've created

Facebook will use the source you choose as the base of people to create your Lookalike Audience. When you choose a country from the Country field, Facebook will find people similar to your selected audience in that specific country. With the "Optimise for" slider, you can choose just how similar you want your Lookalike Audience to be. The more similar you get, the narrower your audience will be. If you choose to make your Lookalike Audience less similar, you may potentially reach more people. Finally, when you build your advert, you can include other targeting options to narrow your audience by location, gender, interests and more.

Words in your advert are limited, so use words that are simple and let customers know what to do. For example, your advert may say: "New products just arrived! Click to go to our site and get yours now!"

The first sentence tells people why they should care about what you're offering. The second sentence tells them what to do after seeing your advert. When you write the message for your advert, you'll be limited as to how much you can write. If your message doesn't fit, just make it shorter. If this is not a skill you have, engage a professional to help you. For more information on copy requirements in your advert, click here. With some adverts – such as ones that get people to visit your website or install an app – you can add a button that helps customers take action, such as Shop Now or Download. Adding a Call to Action button is simple and makes it easy for customers to see what to do next. When you place your advert order, it goes through a review process to make sure that it's OK with Facebook policies. Advert reviews may take up to 24 hours, but are faster in a lot of cases. When it's ready to go, you'll get a notification that your advert has been approved. Choosing Photos for Your Advert Photos are a powerful way of communicating on Facebook – and you don't need an expensive camera or a professional photographer. Just snap photos of products to make them look interesting and appealing. Big, beautiful photos get more attention from customers and make it easier to remember your business. To view the image specs for all types of adverts, have a look at the Facebook Adverts Guide. You can use multiple photos for your advert. When your advert runs, different versions of it will run for different people. This way, you can see which photos help your advert perform best. When you create your advert, you can:

• Upload images from your computer • Browse a library of images that you've used for adverts before • Find free professional-looking photos and images to use in your advert • Reposition your photo so it looks great in your advert

When you create your advert, you'll see recommended photo and image sizes. Your photo is automatically resized to fit the advert. Sometimes, you'll need to resize an image for your advert to make it look its best. To keep adverts high quality and engaging, guidelines have been set for the amount of text you can include in an image. Text may not take up more than 20% of the space in your image. If your image is of a product that has text on it, or a photo of the product in a real situation or with a background, it will probably work within the text policy. If your image is zoomed in on a logo, has text placed over it or is edited to include text on a product, it probably won't work under our policies. See if the text in your image meets Facebook guidelines. Learn more about their text policy. When you place your advert order, it goes through a review process to make sure that it's OK with Facebook policies. Advert reviews may take up to 24 hours, but are faster in a lot of cases. When it's ready to go, you'll get a notification that your advert has been approved. Words in your advert are limited, so use words that are simple and let customers know what to do. For example, your advert may say:

"New products just arrived! Click to go to our site and get yours now!" The first sentence tells people why they should care about what you're offering. The second sentence tells them what to do after seeing your advert. When you write the message for your advert, you'll be limited as to how much you can write. If your message doesn't fit, just make it shorter. If this is not a skill you have, engage a professional to help you. For more information on copy requirements in your advert, click here. With some adverts – such as ones that get people to visit your website or install an app – you can add a button that helps customers take action, such as Shop Now or Download. Adding a Call to Action button is simple and makes it easy for customers to see what to do next. When you place your advert order, it goes through a review process to make sure that it's OK with Facebook policies. Advert reviews may take up to 24 hours, but are faster in a lot of cases. When it's ready to go, you'll get a notification that your advert has been approved. Choosing Photos for Your Advert Photos are a powerful way of communicating on Facebook – and you don't need an expensive camera or a professional photographer. Just snap photos of products to make them look interesting and appealing. Big, beautiful photos get more attention from customers and make it easier to remember your business. To view the image specs for all types of adverts, have a look at the Facebook Adverts Guide. You can use multiple photos for your advert. When your advert runs, different versions of it will run for different people. This way, you can see which photos help your advert perform best. When you create your advert, you can:

• Upload images from your computer • Browse a library of images that you've used for adverts before • Find free professional-looking photos and images to use in your advert • Reposition your photo so it looks great in your advert

When you create your advert, you'll see recommended photo and image sizes. Your photo is automatically resized to fit the advert. Sometimes, you'll need to resize an image for your advert to make it look its best. To keep adverts high quality and engaging, guidelines have been set for the amount of text you can include in an image. Text may not take up more than 20% of the space in your image. If your image is of a product that has text on it, or a photo of the product in a real situation or with a background, it will probably work within the text policy. If your image is zoomed in on a logo, has text placed over it or is edited to include text on a product, it probably won't work under our policies.

See if the text in your image meets Facebook guidelines. Learn more about their text policy. When you place your advert order, it goes through a review process to make sure that it's OK with Facebook policies. Advert reviews may take up to 24 hours, but are faster in a lot of cases. When it's ready to go, you'll get a notification that your advert has been approved.

Advertising campaigns requires time and attention. You should always check what’s going on with your campaigns, how they’re performing, and if something relevant happened. Though they lack many advanced features, Facebook Notifications are a good way to stay in touch with your campaigns. However, they can also flood your inbox very quickly, so you may want to change the frequency of email notifications you receive from Facebook. You can do it in the Account Settings page. This is all pretty simple. Below your account information, you’ll find two more blocks to manage your notifications: One for email and one for Facebook. Simply check or uncheck the boxes to be notified of each event. We’d suggest disabling the “Ad Approved” notification as it could really flood your inbox (you only need to be alerted when an ad gets rejected by Facebook). Set it up so most important events to be notified via email and either remove the others or enable them as Facebook notifications. To see aggregate data on all Facebook ad campaigns you're running and how they're performing:

1. Go to Ads Manager

2. Click the All Campaigns dropdown and choose All Campaigns, All Ad Sets or All Ads.

3. To see data on a specific campaign, ad set or ad, click its name in the list.

You should now see Performance, Audience or Placement charts that are specific to the campaign, ad set or ad you've selected.

4. Click Performance, Audience or Placement to get specific info on those topics 5. Look at the columns in the table for more data (ex: Results or Reach). You can also customize the way you see data for that campaign, ad set or ad.

Columns in Ads Manager.

To customize the columns in Ads Manager for your campaign, ad set or ad data: 1. Click All Campaigns, All Ad Sets or All Ads depending on what you want to


2. Click the Columns dropdown and then select Customize Columns.

3. Select the columns you want to see. If you want to save this customization to

use again later, check the box that says Save as preset.

4. Click Apply.

To use a saved preset later, click Columns and then select it from the Column Presets section. Definition of metrics in Ads Manager Choose from the Columns: Performance dropdown above your campaign table and click the column set to see specific metrics your report.

• Performance: Can be customized further to include metrics like results, reach, frequency and impressions

• Engagement: Can be customized further to include metrics like Page likes, Page engagement and post engagement

• Videos: Can be customized further to include metrics like video views and avg. % of video viewed

• Website: Can be customized further to include metrics like website actions (all), checkouts, payment details, purchases and adds to cart

• Apps: Can be further customized to include metrics like app installs, app engagement, credit spends, mobile app actions and cost per app engagement

• Events: Can be further customized to include metrics like event responses and cost per event response

• Clicks: Can be further customized to include metrics like clicks, unique clicks, CTR (click-through rate) and CPC (cost per click)

• Settings: Can be further customized to include metrics like start date, end date, ad set name, ad ID, delivery, bid and objective