ABTECH 5+Reasons.v.3

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of ABTECH 5+Reasons.v.3

  • 8/3/2019 ABTECH 5+Reasons.v.3


    5 Reasons to Vote Against

    the County Sales Tax Referendum

    on Tuesday, November 8_________________________________________________________

    1) The Money Does Not Go To A-B Tech

    Thats right! In spite of Buncombe County Commissioners resolution, the

    money will go into Buncombe Countys general revenue fund, not to A-B Tech.

    The county commissioners have misled the public. According to North Carolina

    law, there is no way the commissioners can make this promise, because, by

    law, the revenue can be spent on any lawful purpose. The money cannot be

    legally designated to any specific purpose. (NCGS 153A-149)See the actual ballot text below:

    See -- nothing about A-B Tech on the ballot. While the County Commissioners

    have promised to send the money to A-B Tech, this is a non-binding,

    unenforceable, $130,000,000 promise. This is a promise you cannot count on.

    2) It Is Not A Temporary Tax Increase

    Again, the commissioners have deceived the voters of Buncombe County, and

    claimed this is a temporary tax increase. This is also contrary to the law of

    our state, which does not allow for an expiration date on the ballot unless the

    General Assembly passes legislation to that effect. Dont believe the

    commissioners. Their use of the word temporary is for political purposes


  • 8/3/2019 ABTECH 5+Reasons.v.3


    3) Creation of Unfunded Liabilities

    Any resolution passed by the county commissioners on a construction contract

    (whether for AB-Tech or anyone else) is a binding contract. However, and as

    stated in point #1, the commissioners resolution promising money to AB-Tech

    is not binding! The current or future commissioners could redirect our tax

    money to another purpose at any time, and we, the taxpayers, would be left

    with an unfunded liability.

    4) Not All County Voters Have Been Informed

    2011 is a city/town election year for mayors, councils and aldermen. No

    county commissioner or other representative elections are held. In a year

    when non-municipal voters do not normally vote, the tax referendum is an

    underhanded attempt to push through legislation on an unlawfully represented

    issue. Secret meetings and back door dealings have resulted in an attempt to

    slide the tax increase under the radar of ALL the voters of Buncombe County.

    5) Jobs Will Be Lost

    Contrary to what the county commissioners have stated regarding how the tax

    will create jobs, the proposed tax increase will take approximately $7 million

    every year out of our local economy. This will actually cost us local jobs. That

    the tax increase will create jobs is incomprehensible and a political ploy. Dont

    be fooled.___________________________________________________________________________

    Learn the Facts!

    Vote Against the TaxTuesday, November 8

    Early Voting starts Oct. 20 and goes through Nov. 5.

    Paid for by Sales Tax Opposition Partnership