Above & Beyond Victory

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Above & Beyond Victory

Anyone who seeks to have a vital relationship with God is a prime target for attacks

from the enemy.

The Bible makes it clear that the Devil is our enemy and is bent on

our destruction and will do whatever it takes to leave us discouraged, doubting and

defeated Christians.

In our “scientific” culture where nothing you cannot see, feel,

touch, taste or smell is considered real, some would even deny that we are in a battle we cannot see.

But our battle is real, our enemy is real and every Christian must look to God to win the victory.

FACT 1: We have

a real enemy

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil.

He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for

someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8 – Living Bible)

The enemy’s purpose is to steal,kill and destroy . . .

(John 10:10 – Living Bible)

FACT 2: We are in

a real battle

For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against powers that are spiritual. We are up against the unseen power that controls this

dark world, and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil. (Ephesians 6:12 – Phillips Translation)

FACT 3: We can have

real victory

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this

victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe

that Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:4-5 – New Living Translation)

God’s victory is given to

those who are His children

God’s victory is given

to every Christian,

not just a select few

God’s victory is based on

our faith in what He can do

not in what we can do

Dear children, you belong to God. So you have won the victory

because the one who is in youis greater than the one who

is in the world. (1 John 4:4 – God’s Word Translation)

Let’s Pray