Abot Alam_action Plan

Post on 09-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Abot Alam_action Plan

Sheet1ABOT-ALAM PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION R022015-2016ComponentsTARGET RESULTSSTRATEGIESRESOURCE REQUIREMENTSTIMELINECostFunding Source1. Advocacy & CommunicationGOs,NGOs and other localSeminar40,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUND800/day for 50 target paxinstitutions converged and commitment(Face-Face)from partners ensuredPrimer andHandouts* Partners/stakeholders oriented on use of tools for dataLocal Broadcast16,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUND2 days with 15 target paxgathering and community mappingMulti-MediaALS Functional Literacy Test (FLT) reproduced3,500,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUNDat 100/learnerAbot-Alam Primer Finalized50,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUND2,500 pages at 20/pageAbot-Alam on the air (Broadcast media)NO FUND REQUIREMENT2. Data Gathering and Management Data reports prepared, reviewed andOnline Registration21,250.00ABOT-ALAM FUND3 daysconsolidatedInitial/Final data submitted to CentralOnline submissionNO FUND REQUIREMENTOffice (CO) Regional OSY Data Base establishedPartnership with NYCNO FUND REQUIREMENT3. Deployment or Capacity Building* "Excess" Teacher redeployed/reassigned to AAPValidate Teacher Data on a per school basisto be determinedof Teachers* Teacher Facilitators hiredto be determinedWorkshop on the Preparation of Advocacy /Seminar35,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUNDCommunication Primer conducted(Face-Face)Primer andHandoutsLocal BroadcastMulti-MediaCapability building for Abot-AlamFace to Face6,625,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUND530 PAX @2,500/DAY FOR 5 DAYSimplementers (ALS, ADMs) for externalconferencestakeholders ( Phase 1 & 2 ) conducted4. Enrollment, Referral & ProvisionClear list of AAP registrants and referred to servicePartnership with CHAMPIONS/SDOs40,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUNDof Programs(Education, Entrepre-providersurship, & Employment)5. Monitoring & EvaluationMonitoring and Program Evaluation conductedVisit to DOs35,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUNDat 1/learnerTechnical Assistance (TA) to DO on35,000.00ABOT-ALAM FUNDat 1/learnerProgram Implementation/ Use ofDivision Support Fund providedGRANDTOTAL10,397,250.00

