Abhishek manu singhvi

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Abhishek manu singhvi

Abhishek Manu SinghviThe entire politics is being filled with numerous heart-touching personalities and among them the name of Abhishek Manu Singhvi also takes the lead. He is a great personality who is blessed with the multi-tasking capabilities and works like a young man who puts all his efforts for the success of his state as well as party.

People like Abhishek Manu Singhvi are rare to find, he is a man of honor who strives hard in order to do his best no matter it be his personal life or his professional life. He is not only a successful politician but with this he is also a renowned lawyer in India. He is leading the world of politics from past many years and despite of being at the age of 55 he is still the same in the content of his efforts. He never misses the chance of showing his best to the world and something that is beneficial for the entire India.

He took numerous qualifications like M.B.A, Ph.D, B.A (Hons) and what not from several different universities like Trinity College, Delhi University and also at the Harvard University as he belonged to a very well educated family and was a studious person himself. His father has also been a great and successful man who has led being a commission to the UK by the end of India and with that was also a very well known lawyer. Abhishek Manu Singhvi seems to be inspired by his father following his footsteps in the world of being a lawyer as a profession and then serving the nation.

Abhishek has always been a man of eminent personality and the attractive attitude he maintains is itself a way that leaves people speechless. In India, several students count Abhishek Manu Singhvi as their favorite personality that shines like a diamond everywhere he goes.

He has been a very well known author, a columnist and also a media focused on personality for all his services he has done for the betterment of the state. For Abhishek his state is the most important part of his life and for the sake of the state he is ready to sacrifice everything.

The personality of Abhishek depicts a selfless attitude and his devotion for the state is rare to find anywhere else. Despite of his tough schedule he maintains a healthy personal life as well and other than simply working throughout the day he also gives sufficient time to his family and children. Abhishek Manu Singhvi is blessed with two sons and his wife Anita Singhvi is also a lady of skills who is a renowned ghazal singer.

Background of Abhishek is definitely a stronger one and with it he is also a successful person with his own expertise and skills as well.  He started his political career with the Bharatya Janta Party and right after sometime he switched to the Indian National Congress is still associated with it offering a massive service to the entire party in the best possible way for the better future.