Abc’s project

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Transcript of Abc’s project

ABC’s ProjectSignificance of events economic, cultural, political and social. . .

That may be things Progressive, Imperialistic, and Industrial!

Matthew Van Zant

AP United States History

April 16th, 2010.

A! A is for “assembly line”!

A standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of assembly tasks.

This is economic.It allows mass production to create many goods for the masses of American people because we are such consumers.

B! B is for Boxer Rebellion.

The uprising took place in response to imperialist expansion, growth of cosmopolitan influences and missionary evangelism.

This is social, and cultural!It is social because people rose to protest foreign influences.

It is cultural because the people who participated in this feared their culture would be over taken.

C! C is for Commodore Matthew Perry! I’m not prejudiced because I’m named Matthew as well.

Commodore Matthew Perry is the first one to open up trade with Japan! He allows the U.S. to beat the rest of world to trade with Japan in 1854 with the Convention of Kanagawa.

It is economic!Why? Because we’re finally trading with Japan.

D! D is for “Dollar Diplomacy”!

Dollar diplomacy is diplomacy influenced by economic considerations.

This is political and economic.

The U.S. used money as an incentive for South and Central American countries to help stabilize their governments.

E! E is for Emilio Aguinaldo

Filipino general, politician, and independence leader. Played a critical role in Philippine independence during the Philippine Revolution against Spain and the Philippine-American War that resisted American occupation.

This is political and social.He led the resistance of his fellow Filipinos to create their own government.

F! F is for Federal Bankruptcy Act!

The first United States Act of Congress involving Bankruptcy that gave companies an option of being protected from creditors. Previous attempts at federal bankruptcy laws had lasted at most a few years.

This is political and economic.The government protected businesses from creditors when they declare bankruptcy.

G! G is for Gentleman’s Agreement!

Was an informal agreement between the United States and the Empire of Japan whereby the U.S. would not impose restriction on Japanese immigration or students, and Japan would not allow further emigration to the U.S. The goal was to reduce tensions between the two powerful Pacific nations.

This was political and deals with immigration.

This was political because the government wouldn’t stop immigrants from Japan.This dealt with immigration obviously from Japan.

H! H is for Hepburn Act!

Strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission.

This is economic and political.This is most economic because it made prices more equal.

This is political because of the government involvement.

I! I is for Industrial Workers of the World!

A former international labor union and radical labor movement in the United States; founded in Chicago in 1905 and dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism; its membership declined after World War I.

It is economic and social!It deals with getting better working conditions, making it deal with production…thusly economic.

It is social because it was for the workers, people!

J! J is for John D. Rockefeller!

United States industrialist who made a fortune in the oil business and gave half of it away (1839-1937).

This is economic!He was an oil tycoon- had a monopoly in it.

K! K is for Kern-McGillicuddy Act!

This establishes workman’s compensation!

This is economic and social.

If a worker is injured on the job, then the company is held responsible for the injury, making this economic.

This is social because it deals with the workers, once again, people.

L! L is for League of Nations!

Nations join in an alliance to maintain peace. Proposed by Wilson’s 14 Points.

This is political.Governments maintaining peace!

M! M is for Meat Inspection Act.

It requires USDA to inspect all cattle, sheep, goats, and horses when slaughtered and processed into products for human

consumption. This is economic, social, and political.

It is economic and social because the standards for meat for the people that consume it.It is political because the government once again stepped in.

N! N is for National Association for the Advancement of Colored

People. Is the oldest and most influential civil rights organizations in the United States. Its mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination".

It is social and cultural.It is social because they want to get equal rights for African Americans.

It is cultural because they want to change the cultural views of African Americans as no longer inferior.

O! O is for Open Door Policy!We need a breeze in these warmer temperatures, apparently!

The Open Door Policy is a policy that the U.S. came up with China, stating that everybody trades with China.

This is clearly economic!

It is economic because the U.S. was trading with China at that time.

P! P is for prohibition party!I find myself agreeing with this political party name.

The Prohibition Party is a political party in the United States; formed in 1869 to oppose the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

This is political, social and cultural.

It is political because it is obviously affiliated with the government.

It is social because it deals with people involved with the prohibition movement.

It is cultural because drinking is part of lifestyles.

Q! Q is for Queen Liliuokalani!

Last queen of Hawaii who led the natives against the U.S.

This is political and economic!

We wanted to expand and capture Hawaii and use her resources to grow!

R! R is for Roosevelt Corollary!

It strengthened the Monroe Doctrine, stating that there is no more colonization in the Americas.

It is political.We wanted to stabilize countries in South America, and didn’t want Europe to imperialize our neighbors. The government issues this statement.

S! S is for square deal.We obviously need more geometric shaped deals.

The Square Deal promises a fair treatment of all; a fair deal.

It is political and economic.

Clearly, it is political because Roosevelt is promising have the government to deal with everybody fairly.

It is economic because Roosevelt is going to bust some trusts in order to enforce the square deals!

T! T is for “trust-busting”!

“Trust-busting” is government activities seeking to dissolve corporate trusts and monopolies.

This is political and economic.

It is economic because it dealt with how prices were controlled.

It is political because the government was involved.

U! U is for Underwood-Simmons Act!

It re-imposed the federal income tax following the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment and lowered basic tariff rates from 40% to 25%, well below the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909. It was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on October 3, 1913, and was sponsored by Alabama Representative Oscar Underwood.

This is economic and political!

This is economic because it involved tax.

It is political because it was for government revenue.

V! V is for Venustiano Carranza!

One of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. He ultimately became President of Mexico following the overthrow of the dictatorial Huerta regime in the summer of 1914 and during his administration the current constitution of Mexico was drafted.

This is political.One of our neighbors had a revolution and new government!

W! W is for War Labor Board!

Federal agency created in April 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson. It was composed of representatives from business and labor, and chaired by Former President William Howard Taft. Its purpose was to arbitrate disputes between workers and employers in order to ensure labor reliability and productivity during the war. It was disbanded after the war in

May, 1919. This is political and economic.

This is political because the government put an end to all strikes

going on in times of war in industries.

X! X is for X-Ray Tubes!

A vacuum tube containing a metal target onto which a beam of electrons is directed at high energy for the generation of X rays.

This is social.It’s technology led to doctors helping people better!

Y! Y is for yellow journalism

Yellow journalism is exaggerated and sensational journalism.

It is political and social. It is political because it changes the opinion of the public, making their representatives change their course of action with the government.

It is social, like I said already, because it changes the opinion of the public!

Z! Z is for Zimmerman Telegram!

Was intercepted in 1917 - asked Mexico to join in alliance in return for the territory they lost to the US.

This was political in a sense that it dealt with property belonging to the United States, and it’s government is to protect it’s territory.It’s also economic in a sense for Mexico, because they wanted their land and resources back!