Abc’s of culture

B y A r I e l Z h o u, G r a n t H y u n, a n d S o o j I n O h ABC’s of CULTURE


Soojin, Ariel, and Grant

Transcript of Abc’s of culture

Page 1: Abc’s of culture

B y A r I e l Z h o u, G r a n t H y u n, a n d S o o j I n O h


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Art Modern South Korean art has an amazingly wide range of styles, genres, and compositions. Detailed paper statues of round-cheeked Koreans and traditional lifestyles, as seen in the first picture, are scattered generously throughout South Korea. Korean contemporary art, as in the second picture, often has a modern style, but include symbols or aspects of traditional Korea.

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Buildings South Korea has many beautiful buildings. One of these, shown in the top photo, is the Gyeongbok Palace. It used to be the kings’ official quarters and residence during the Joseon dynasty. The second picture shows a plaque hanging in the Bongwonsa temple. Bongwonsa is famous for it’s long tradition of Buddhist ceremonial rituals.

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   Most of Korea communi-cates through telephones, radios, Internet, and televi-sion. Korean people com-municate with each other through instant messaging and speaking on the phone while news about the coun-try is mainly found through television, radios, and on the Internet. (Korea, South).


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Most Koreans wear western style clothing today. Korea has a traditional clothing, called Hanbok. It is often worn in hol-idays or special occations. The Hanbok has a top with long sleeves called a jeogori, and under, women have a long skirt called chima. Men wear baggy pants called paji.(Traditional) (Fashion)


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Since the early 1960s, South Korea's economy has developed dramatically and has achieved a high-tech-nology, modern world econ-omy. Last year, its GDP was about 1,356,000,000,000 USD, and it is the thirteenth in the world. South Korea's main industries are electron-ics and cars. It also is known for it’s exorbitant amount of cafes and coffeeshops. It has a market economy.(South Korea Economy)


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 Family relationships in Korea are mainly based on Confucian sayings. The fa-ther/husband of the family mostly is out most of the day working as well as the kids that are at school most of the day too. However, the mother mostly stays home doing chores, cook-ing, etc . Nowadays, the women are becoming more independent, with jobs and businesses of their own. (Family Life).


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The government type of South Korea is a republic, and the main government workers such as the presi-dent and the prime minister work in this government building. South Korea's legal system combines  Europe's civil law system, Chinese classical thoughts, and An-glo-American law. Now, the president is Lee Myung-bak, and the prime minister is Han Seung-Soo.(South Ko-rea Government)


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   Korea’s history is based upon a lot of Confucian ideas. However, Buddhism was the official state reli-gion. Many Korean people made their living through hunting and picking plants (Hidden Korea).


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  The Tripitaka Koreana is a large collection of Buddhist scriptures, as shown in the first picture, made in the Goryeo dy-nasty. It is famous for be-ing the largest collection of Buddhist literature, re-flecting the long history of Buddhist ideas in Ko-rea. In the second pic-ture, Park Ji-Sung, a popu-lar Korean soccer player, is shown. A more modern icon of Korean culture, Park ‘s face can be seen all over Korea.


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The average Korean income is about 11,463 - 13,076 USD per year. One of their most common things to do to make a living is doing business. Only few Korean people are farmers because most people live in urban areas.(List)


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Shown in the first picture is a sports event at a Korean public school. Korean public schools mainly teach basic classes such as math, science, and humanities like in the U.S, greater stress is put upon education, resulting in one of the highest literacy rates in the world, with 98% among ages 15 and up. (Facts) The second photo shows an alternative school in Ko-rea. Alternative schools place less stress on the basic courses men-tioned above, and instead empha-size creative activities, such as na-ture comprehension, music, art, and environmental awareness..  


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The Korean alphabet, called han'gul, was in-vented by King Sejong about 560 years ago. Be-fore that, Koreans used Chinese characters for writing. It is easy to read and write Korean alphabet because each letter only has one sound and no let-ters are silent. Now, Kore-ans use han'gul usually, and sometimes use Chi-nese characters on spe-cial occasions.(The Best)


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Lots of people in Korea use the subway, public bus, and cars to get around. Korea has one of the worlds largest subway systems. However, driving can be difficult. There are many tough drivers and is very busy. (Korea Trans-port)


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An Jung-Geun is one the most famous independence fighters of Korea. In 1910, he was executed for assassinating the former Japa-nese ptime minister, Ito Hirobumi, in Manchuria. After he shot Ito, An pulled out a Korean national flag and yelled “Hooray for Korea’s in-dependence!” in Russian so ev-eryone could understand his mo-tive. His death caused a more-than-average stir, for he was a celebrated and well-know doctor. (Kim)

National pride

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  Korea has many fa-mous organizations. For example, Hyundai is one of the most famous Ko-rean organizations. Hyundai is a group of companies in South Ko-rea. Its main industries are cars and electronics. It has many divisions. One of the most well-known divisions is the Hyundai motor company. (Hyundai)


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South Korea, with a population of 48,754,657 people, mostly speaks “hangul.” Its most dominant religion is Christianity with roughly 26 percent fol-lowed by Buddhism with round 23 percent. Korea has mostly a homogeneous society meaning most people share the same cul-ture.(Korea, South).


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Korea’s world ranking in terms of “quality of life” is currently at num-ber 12 among 169 coun-tries. Judging by this, Korea’s average happi-ness and quality of ev-eryday life must be quite good. (Korea Joongang Daily)

Quality of life

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  In the first picture, a Japanese Buddhist temple proudly stands, while in the second, a Christian church bears it's cross. In Korea, the two major religions are Buddhism and Christianity. 29.2 of the popu-lation practices Christianity, while 22.8 percent practice Buddhism. 46.5 have no reli-gion, while a small minority practice religions such as Is-lam, Chondogyo, or heavenly worship, Confucianism, and Shamanism. (South)


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Korea has lots of different social classes. Doctors and business people are wealthy and delivery mans are low. Most Koreans are business owners or market owners (CIA).


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  There are lots of taboos in Korea. Some are taking of your shoes when you’re in some-one’s home, never ad-dress someone by their first name, and to el-ders you are supposed to lower your eyes. If you don’t do them, you are considered a very rude person (Family).


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Most Koreans live in cities. In 2005, about 80% of Koreans live in urban areas. Only about 20% people live in rural areas. Because there are many people live in cities, the cities are often busy, noisy, and crowded, espe-cially the capital city of South Korea, Seoul. (South Korea: Urban)

Urban or rural

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  Koreans enjoy shop-ping during their vaca-tions. They also like doing sports. They have traditional sports such like Taekwondo. Taekwondo is a fa-mous sport that is in-vented during the fourth century. Soccer is the most popular sport in Korea, and baseball is also a very common sport. (Sport in South Korea)

Vacation and recreation

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One way of life worth remarking in Korean culture is the traditional way of washing clothes. The women and their children would go down to the river-side, wash their clothes, place the clothes on a flat rock, and beat the clothes with wooden mallets.

Ways of everyday life

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 The South Korean peninsula’s physical features have affected the people a lot. To the west is the yellow sea and on the east is the east sea. Most of Korea’s land is hilly so it causes the people to be crammed into a small space. It also has a very mountain-ous landscape (Salter).

X marks the spot

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  Korean food is very different from foods that are from other places in the world. Koreans combine dishes from both peasant diets and royal palace food. Royal palace food is a type of traditional cooking during Joseon dynasty, and it often combines 12 dishes, rice, and soup. The features of Korean food are spiciness, less oil, and sometimes sweet. One of the staple foods of Ko-reans is rice, and seafood is also a type of staple food in Korea. (Korean cooking)(Ko-rean Food)


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Kimchi, which is one of the most popular and healthiest foods in the world, is scientifically proven that it is rich in minerals and vitamins. A lot of Koreans that live in other countries such as China and Japan have kim-chi in their homes. Kimchi has become a major export for Korea in the past years. Korea exports kimchi to China, Russia, Hawaii, and Japan. (History)


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"Korea 'Quality of Life' rises sharply." Korea Joongang Daily (2010): n. pag. Web. 21 May 2011. < >. Kim, Heesung. "An Jung Geun: a patriot who lives forever." Gateway to Korea. N.p., 26,03,2010. Web. 21 May 2011. <>. Diem, Richard. "South Korean Education." Asia Society (2008): n. pag. Web. 16 May 2011. <

tion>. U.S.A. Background Note: South Korea. , Web. 16 May 2011. <>.


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WORKS CITED (Grant) "Family Life." South Korea- Family Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2011. "Hidden Korea." PBS Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2011.         "History Of Kimchi." Kimchi. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2011. "Korea, South." CIA- The World Factbook. CIA, n.d. Web. 14 May 2011. "Korea,South." Fact Monster. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. "Korea Transport." Public Transportation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2011. Salter, Christopher. South Korea. Philadelphia : Chelsea House Publishers, 2003. Print.

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WORKS CITED (Ariel) "The Best Alphabet in the World." Ebsco - MAS Ultra School Edition. Secondary Media Center. Web. 13 May 2011. 

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