AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital

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Transcript of AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital

  • 7/23/2019 AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital


    AA Mud & Digital Lab 2012-2020Applying Digital Technologies to Earth Construction

    Chocolate and Other Powders

    AA Lyon Visiting School 2015Inner Paradise

    AA Riau Island Visiting Sc

  • 7/23/2019 AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital


    Inner Paradise

    AA Riau Island Visiting School2016

    AA Mud & Digital Lab 2012-2020Applying Digital Technologies to Earth Construction

    Chocolate and Other


    AA Lyon Visiting School 2015

    Necessary change

    The construction industry of the future will need to depend on sustainable materials and processes. Webelieve that earth could provide a viable range of cheaper and available local materials while associatedwith computer aided machines that would allow easier labour and innovative forms.

    The aim of the Mud & Digital Lab is to renew earth construction processes and opening up a diversity ofsustainable techniques applied to general construction.This includes creating a diversity of formwork's at a very high pace to revisit the wattle and daubtechniques, and challenge new earthen geometries such as thin shells by casting methods.

    In addition, were using CNC machines to pour earth layer per layer with the goal to 3d print earth at thescales of furniture and house.

    In Lyon well be fabricating real scale prototypes.In Indonesia well use local earth, local knowledge and transportable digital prototyping machines inremote areas. Well design and build high end furniture and small architectures that will becomepermanent features in the resort.

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  • 7/23/2019 AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital


    The AA Mud Digital Lab investigates since 2012 the potential of using Computer Aided Machines for the renewal of Earth


    Thepotential of thiswork is to open up a diversityof sustainabletechniques applied to general construction.

    Italsohas a social aim asthe costof material isreduced to a minimum.

    We invite any Architecture or engineering student or professional, Researcher or environmental specialist to join us in order to work

    togetherahead of our times in thisnecessary newinternational field.

    TheLab is structuredover 2 intensivereal scaleprototypes construction 2 weekslong workshopsin France andin Indonesia.

    In addition we organize a seriesof talksduringthe year around thisnew subject.

    TheAA VS Lyon, France: Testing Phase:Chocolateand Other Powders 2015

    http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/lyonThe Visiting School workshop in Lyon France happens at the Grands Ateliers de lIsledAbeau where all the materialsand machines are

    available for large constructions experimentation.

    Were exploringtwo main families of structures:3d printing andMoulding

    -3DPrinting Earth (No Formwork)

    Were using Kukarobots, CNC machines,and house made robots to 3d print earth.

    -Non Standard Earthenshells (Lost or RemovableFormwork)

    Were also using CNC mil ling machines to produce at a fast pace a large range of dif ferent and non-regular wooden formworks

    associated with stretched fabric to prefabricateearthen casted structures ranging from 20 cm tile to large 2 m high structures.

    TheAA VS Riau Island, Indonesia: Construction phase


    Construction phasein a remote area using local material and transportable digital prototyping machine.

    Construction of furniture andsmallarchitectures: permanentstructuresin the tropical resort.Opportunity for the students to be in directcontact with localIndonesian artists.

    Kuka Robotcarving some m

    Kuka Robot3D printing Clay

    Transportable DiPrototyping equip

    AA Mud & Digital Lab 2012-2020Applying Digital Technologies to Earth Construction


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    AA Mud & Digital Lab 2012-2020Applying Digital Technologies to Earth Construction


    Chocolate and Other Powders 2015

    AA Lyon Visiting School

    The Grands Ateliers Villefontaine, 10 km from Lyonhave been built in 2000 and welcome since thendi fferent archi tectural schools to test and build real scaleprototypes.

    Inner Paradise 2016

    AA Riau Visiting School

    Telunas Resort, Riau Island, IndonesiaTropical Resort, middle to high end resort, built on stilts.3 hours by boat from Singapore

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    Chocolate and Other Powders

    AA Lyon Visiting School 2015

    Mud & Digital Lab Ongoing ResearchThursday 25th June Saturday 4th July 2015

    There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore,there is society, where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love

    not man the less, but Nature more.

    -- George Gordon, Lord Byron

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    During Chocolate and Other Powders 2015, participants will embark on a journey to design and builtsome real scale Earthen Parametric structures for a remote island and its resort in Indonesia using thepast years specific processes developed during the AA Mud and Digital Lab.

    For the 3rd edition of our Mud & Digital AA Visiting School, We will keep on cutting our way through thepathless woods and work together as an experimental lab, to define new structures that never werebefore.Well continue our quest for the Holy Grail to lead on using the CNC machine as a giant 3D printer forearth.Using fabric as a formwork to establish thin earthen shells of different geometries and morphologieshas reached new paradigms for us.Well maintain the intensity and develop this field.Finally, using earth to fabricate prefabs is a domain that has been rarely investigated.Were proud of continuing the 1m earthen tiles weve started last year to reach manufacturingperfection and patents potential.

    We will build up on last years Workshop ---Synchronized Movements 2013+ Mud Body and Scripts2014---knowledge and processes renewing Wattle and Daub and putting in place new methods.

    Thin Earth shell,

    Double curvature Earthen Tiles,

    3D printing Earth

    Here are the themes we will focus on this year and building up on the knowledge gained during ourprevious Workshops:FormWorksThin Earthen ShellsExploring different morphologiesProducing the formwork's at faster pace and with more diversity using new computer aided machines such asKuka RobotsNo FormWorkGiant 3D printingWe will keep on exploring the use of the CNC to be used as a 3D giant Printer for Earth

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    Collage byBody and automatedAteliers Cestructures

    For the 3rd edition of our Mud & Digital AA Visiting School, We will keep on cutting our way through the pathless woods and worktogether as an experimental lab, to define new structures that never were before.We will embark on Experiments using our body,letting our inner child go free and get dirty,and our natural tendency

    to enjoy touching the material when it is paste, when it is powder, when it is sprayed, when it is stretched.Well define new verbs together.Well continue our quest for the Holy Grail to lead on using the CNC machine as a giant 3 D printer for earth.We will use Elvis the small robot to pour and spray mixes of earth, fibres, sand, olive oil, washing liquid.Well define new ingredients to improve the taste of our recipe together.Using fabric as a formwork to establish thin earthen shells of different geometries andmorphologies has reached new paradigms for us.Well maintain the intensity and develop this field.Finally, using earth to fabricate prefabs is a domain that has been rarely investigated.Were proud of continuing the 1m earthen tiles weve started last year to reach manufacturing perfection and patents potential.

    Our energy will be deployed to re-invent new social realities, and to explore new alternatives in Emergen(t)cy sustainable housing.


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    Faculty Biography

    Stphanie Chaltiel studied in France Spain and Uk.She worked in Madrid, Mexico, French Guiana, Paris, New York,London, Singapore. She was recently teaching at SUTD (Singapore

    University of Technologies & Design) in Singapore. After working forBernard Tschumi, OMA and Zaha Hadid, she completed herEmergent Technologies & Design Master at the AA in 2010. Shecurrently teaches in various universities in the UK and has her ownpractice: CaliSSon DeSign

    Marie-Perrine Placais holds Masters from cole dArchitecture Paris-Malaquais (2000) and Sciences Po-Paris (Urban Planning, 2001). Shejoined Zaha Hadid Architects in 2008 after working in Paris, Rouen andShanghai. Her experience has ranged in scale from large urbandesign projects to hand-made prototypes and includes competitions,workshops and design juries in France (Europan 6, Grand Projet deVille de Rouen), China (Shanghai Tongji University) and Brazil

    (Architecture sans Frontires).

    Zubin Khabazi is the founding director of the Laboratory Architecture [Morphogenesism]. He holds a Master of ETechnologies & Design from AA and graduated from IAUArchitecture School in Iran. He has taught in UK and Iranworkshops like Tehran AA Visiting school. His work inclusystem and algorithmic solution development and publicbooks like Generative Algorithms on Grasshopper webs

    Suryansh Chandra is an architect working with the Code

    Group in Zaha Hadid Architects since 2009. He completgraduation from the AA in 2009 and graduated from Nein 2004. He has tutored the AA Emergent Technologies program in the past and been a part of Visiting Schools China, India and the US. His work involves exploring comdesign on a variety of aspects such as embedding fabriintelligence into the digital design process, form finding, parametric optimization and locally intelligent systems ogrowth.

    Angie Cos firm, Studio Co, is an architectural initiativpossible worlds through critical inquiry into our natural aones. Her research includes a collaborat ion with A

    Weather-Making Balloon media installation and nomwhich has been exhibited at the Eyebeam Art and Tecin New York City. Co has also worked on theoretical anwith Bernard Tschumi Architects and Asymptote Architec

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    Chocolate and Other Powders

    Mud Digital Lab Ongoing Research

    Thursday 25th June Saturday 4th July 2015

    25th June

    9 am - Welcoming breakfast.9.30 am - Mud and digital introduction lecture10.30 am - Detailed presentation of the brief: Design and build a smallarchitecture or some innovative furniture for Telunas12.00pm - groups of 4/5 people and roles attribution12.30pm - Welcome lunch2pm - 6pm - Immersion into the earth architecture world, Physical experimentwith CRATerre specialist Wilfredo Carazas

    26th feb

    9.30am - 12pm - Grasshopper beginners and intermediate level runningsimultaneously2pm-3pm - Quick brainstorming on first ideas for project. Prize for the mostpromising3-6pm - Earth construction training

    27th June

    Choice of Lyon+ Local Earth Architecture sight seeing orearth/digital experiments at the GA ( the teaching team will splits in 2)

    28th June

    9.30-12 pm - Grasshopper and ecotect beginners and intermediate levelrunning simultaneously2pm-6pm - Applying earth and grasshopper techniques to proposals fortelunas

    29th June

    9.30-12pm - Evolving scripting definitions to suit very precise aims for thetelunas structures.Towards patented digital definitions applied to natural material manufacturing.

    2-6pm - earth/digital prototyping structures6-8pm - evening talk

    30th June

    8.00-12pm - Finishing the current 1/1 scale structures1pm-6pm - Intermediary Crits - CRATerre personalities as

    1st July

    9.30-12pm - Evolving scripting definitions to suit very precstructures. Towards patented digital definitions applied to manufacturing.1pm-6pm - Construction6-8 pm - Evening talk

    2nd July

    9.30-12pm - Evolving scripting definitions to suit very precstructures. Towards patented digital definitions applied to manufacturing.1pm-6pm - construction2pm-7pm - mini workshop with contemporary dancer Systructures can suit her choreography and the weight of thethe grands ateliers using the built structures Saturday the

    3rd July

    Real scale construction continues




    Final CritsTalk and Contemporary Dance Performance

  • 7/23/2019 AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital


    During Chocolate and Other Powders 2015, participants will embark on a journey to design and built some real scale Earthen

    Parametric structures for a remote island and its resort in Indonesia using the past years specific processes developed during theAA Mud and Digital Lab.

    Here are the themes we will focus on this year and building up on the knowledge gained during our previous Workshops:

    FormWorksThin Earthen Shells:Exploring different morphologiesProducing the formworks at faster pace and with more diversity using new computer aided machines such as Kuka Robots

    No FormWorkGiant 3D printingWe will keep on exploring the use of the CNC to be used as a 3D giant Printer for Earth


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    Thin E

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    Earthern T

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    -Testing the different conspaste, proportion of water-Testing the friction (type othe paste is channelled toTesting the Sausage makconstant mechanical actio

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    Mud & Digital Lab Ongoing ResearchJanuary 2016

    Inner Paradise

    AA Riau Island Visiting School 2016

    A feeling of being at the other end of the world, on a paradise island.Almost nothing, almost no one around.Nevertheless a comfortable familiarity is provided.The resort creator of this island will be our client for a short while.

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    During Inner Paradise 2016, participants will embark on a journey to design and built some real scaleEarthen Parametric structures for a remote island and its resort in Indonesia using the past yearsspecific processes developed during the AA Mud and Digital Lab.

    This new location of our Mud and Digital Lab about Applying digital technologies to earth constructionwill challenge the use of local natural materials found on site for the fabrication of permanent structuresin the Telunas resort in collaboration with local artists.

    Thousand different gradients of gold and sand, luxurious tropics along some tidal sea and a verystrong local Indonesian community.Thousand different gradients of gold and sand; Thousands hermits finding all kind of shells to build uptheir mini architectures.Taking advantage on the very local richness.The culture before anything else.

    We'll work with local craftsmen to reach new strategies in marrying mud techniques and digitaltechnologies.Stressing the very traditional with the very contemporary, defining new realities.

    Well bring our transportable digital fabrication equipment on this remote island -although only 3 hoursfrom Singapore for those who know how to navigate its waters on the long wooden boats- Wellfabricate screens, walls, roofs, pergolas and other types of furniture for the Telunas resort. This unusualclient will choose from our built work, pieces and fragments of architecture that will remain in the hotelpermanently.

    With key parametric specialists from SUTD and FCL and the constant influence from CRATerre forearth architecture knowledge we will start writing a new chapter in the history of using transportablemachines synchronized with local materials to create new matters and new structures.

    The focus will be mostly on sustainable and innovative furniture and small earth and fibres architectureswith the aim of becoming permanent in the resort.

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    Indonesia has a very strong earth architecture culture.We will take advantage on the traditional methods to reinterpret them through the use oftransportable digital prototyping manufacturing.Theres also a very interesting culture on bamboos structures in Indonesia.

    We will revisit some of these techniques to apply earth on them and challenge theirgeometry.The aim of Inner Paradise will be to test on site the techniques explored during AA VS Lyon,earthen think shells, 3d printed earth technologies.During AA Riau Island 2016 Inner Paradise, we will work closely with Mike Shubert: theowner of the tropical resort to fabricate furniture and small architectures that will remain inthe hotel. We will also work with Paul, local Indonesian artist in residence in Telunas toenhance the dialogue between Indonesian identity and the processes were developing.

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    Inner Paradise

    AA Riau Island Visiting School2016

    Chocolate and Other


    AA Lyon Visiting School 2015


  • 7/23/2019 AA Riau Island 2016 - Mud and Digital



    Les Grands Ateliers de LIsle dAbeauImpasse du Pont, 38090 Villefontaine, FranceApplications

    1) You can make an application by completing the online application found under Links and Downloads on the AA Visiting Schoolpage. If you are not able to make an online application, email visitingschool@aaschool.ac.uk for instructions to pay by banktransfer.2) Once you complete the online application and make a full payment, you are registered to the programme. A CV or a portfolio isnot required.The deadline for applications is 11th June 2015.All participants travelling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required, and are advised to contact their homeembassy early. After payment of fees, the AA School can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop.Fees

    The AA Visiting School requires a fee of 695 per participant. The fee includes a 60 Visiting membership fee. If you wish toenhance your membership, a Subscribing Membership is available at an additional 70 (130 in total), full details of which can befound at: https://www.aaschool.ac.uk/MEMBERSHIP/JOIN/becomeamember.phpFees do not include flights or accommodation, but accommodation options can be advised.Here is a list of hotels who work often with the Grands Ateliers and where you can ask a significant discount as we have specialrates for our workshop participants.Village HotelUniversity sharing accommodation. Please contact us for this oneMercure Isle DAbeauLa Bicyclette FleurieHotel Ibis Isle DAbeauStudents need to bring their own laptops, digital equipment and model making tools. Please ensure this equipment is covered byyour own insurance as the AA takes no responsibility for items lost or stolen at the workshop.Workshop/ Skills developed

    Our past talks include Martin Rauch, Marta Male Alemany, Philippe Block, Christopher Pierce, Rowland Keable Keng Hua chua.Talks 2015 to be announced soon.Regular local collaborator: Patrice Doat Director of CRATerre Unesco, Wilfredo Carazas and Philippe Liveneau.



    The workshop is open to current architecture and design students, phd candidates and young professionals. SoftwareRequirements: Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino (SR7 or later)

    Chocolate and Othe


    AA Lyon Visiting Sch

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    Riau Island Visiting School works in connection with Lyon Visiting School.

    Please refer to LYON VISITING SCHOOL for updated information:http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/lyonhttp://lyon.aaschool.ac.uk/https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lyon-AA-Visiting-School-MudDigital/317637008392880

    Participants can choose to enrol for both Lyon and Telunas visiting school. The first one is the prototyping phase and the latter isthe On site. People registering for both workshop pay a total fee of 1000 instead of 1390.Both visiting school can also be booked separately.Accommodation will be directly in the Telunas resort for both participants and faculty for a price of about 18/night.The deadline for applications is 1st January 2016.Once you complete the online application and make a full payment, you are registered to the programme. A CV or a portfol io isnot required. All participants travelling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required, and are advised to contact theirhome embassy early. After payment of fees, the AA School can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop.


    The AA Visit ing School requires a fee of 695 per partic ipant, which includes a 60 visi ting membership fee. If you wish toenhance your membership, a Subscribing Membership is available at an additional 70 (130 in total), full details of which can befound at: https://www.aaschool.ac.uk/MEMBERSHIP/JOIN/becomeamember.phpThe fees are discounted to 550 per person for groups of 2 or more. Fees do not include transports.

    Students need to bring their own laptops, digital equipment and model making tools. Please ensure this equipment is covered byyour own insurance as the AA takes no responsibility for items lost or stolen at the workshop.Part scholarships for the workshop will be available - please follow the Mud and Digital visiting school website.


    Telunas, Batam Kep, Riau Island, Indonesia


    Well use Rhino, Rhino Script, Grasshopper, Ecotect, in addition to Earth construction techniques. Participants will be divided in theprofessional or student category according to their level on the subject.


    Inner Paradise

    AA Riau Island Visitin2016

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    Tutors Biography

    Stphanie Chaltiel graduated as an architect from France and Spain. She worked inMadrid, Mexico, French Guiana, Paris, New York, London. She was recently teaching atSUTD (Singapore University of Technologies & Design) in Singapore. After working forBernard Tschumi, OMA and Zaha Hadid, she completed her Emergent Technologies &Design Master at the AA in 2010. She currently teaches in various universities in the UKand has her own practice: CaliSSon DeSign

    Marie-Perrine Placais holds Masters from cole dArchitecture Paris-Malaquais (2000) andSciences Po-Paris (Urban Planning, 2001). She joined Zaha Hadid Architects in 2008 afterworking in Paris, Rouen and Shanghai. Her experience has ranged in scale from largeurban design projects to hand-made prototypes and includes competitions, workshopsand design juries in France (Europan 6, Grand Projet de Ville de Rouen), China (ShanghaiTongji University) and Brazil (Architecture sans Frontires).

    Zubin Khabazi is the founding director of the Laboratory of Algorithmic Archi tecture[Morphogenesism]. He holds a Master of Emergent Technologies & Design from AA and

    graduated from IAUM Architecture School in Iran. He has taught in UK and Iran includingworkshops like Tehran AA Visiting school. His work includes material system andalgorithmic solution development and publication of e-books like Generative Algorithmson Grasshopper website.

    Jessica Leong and Ker How Wong.

    Inner Paradise

    Mud & Digital Lab Ongoing Research8




    January 2016

    Toni Kotnik

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    AA Visiting School Programme.Architectural Association, London UKStephanie Chaltiel and Marie-Perrine PlacaisDirector AA Visiting School Programme: Christopher Pierce




    Tel Mud&Digital Lab:

    +44 7 590481301+44 7530396162links:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38wm9vfRMPchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GuXsAixM4Yhttp://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/riauislandhttp://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/lyon

    Teaching Team:

    Rowland Keable- EbukZubin Khabazi- MorphogenismAngie co- Syracuse UniversitySuryansh Chandra- Zaha HadidChiara Pozzi- Poytechnica de MilanoPriji Balakrishnan- Singapore University of Technology and DesignClover Chen Yutong- Singapore University of Technology and DesignSarah Hussein- Jordan University of Science and Technology

    PartnersArchitectural Association: Brett SteeleParis Malaquais: Nasrine SerajiCRATerre Unesco: Patrice DoatLes Grands Ateliers: Michel-Andre Durand

    AA Mud & Digital Lab 2012-2020Applying Digital Technologies to Earth Construction

    Team and Partners
