A4 Fact Sheet - single column (DOCX) · Web viewA4 Fact Sheet - single column (DOCX) Last modified...

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Transcript of A4 Fact Sheet - single column (DOCX) · Web viewA4 Fact Sheet - single column (DOCX) Last modified...

Online Lodgements – Planning

Frequently Asked Questions and Instructions

Frequently Asked QuestionsQuestion Answer

Who do I contact if I experience difficulties?

Please contact Building & Planning admin team on 9217 2259 or email buildplan@whittlesea.vic.gov.au

How can I make payment? Visa or Mastercard

Do I need to complete and attach an application form?

No, the online portal will become your application

What is my external reference number?

You do not need to enter an external reference number (leave this section blank)

Is there a file size limit? Yes, 100 MB per attachment. If you have a larger document please reduce the size or contact us if you are having difficulties

Will I receive an acknowledgement email?

Yes, you will receive an email with your application number

Once my application is submitted can I go back and fix/change anything?

Unfortunately, no, however please contact Building & Planning admin if you need to make updates

Do I need to select a title type in the property field within the application?

No, please keep this section as ‘all title types’

Are you applying on behalf of the owner?

If Yes, then you need to ensure you have the owner’s consent. There will be a section asking you this question within the application

How do I go back within the application form if I have made an error or would like to check information?

Do not hit the back button in the browser screen as you will lose your application and will have to start again. To review or update your lodgement select the relevant field at the top of the page e.g.

How do I print my lodgement? At the end of the lodgement you will be asked if you would like to print.

How do I save my lodgement? Unfortunately, you are not asked if you would like to save a copy of your lodgement, therefore, if you select print, choose create PDF which will allow you to save the application.

1. To access the online portal:

Click the link to the portal shown on our website

2. If you are a registered user click the ‘sign in’ button – signing in will have your contact details populate in the form so you don’t have to complete those fields

3. If you are not a registered user click the ‘Proceed’ button

4. Enter your user ID and password (provided by the City of Whittlesea)5. This step will not be asked of you if you are not a registered user

6. Then select Applications

7. Click Lodge Applications

8. Click the ‘Proceed’ button to lodge a Planning Application

9. It is important that you read the instructions at the top of each page, as these will guide you throughout your lodgement. At this screen click continue

10. Complete the general information field. As per instructions within this screen, you do not need to enter an external reference number

11. Select if you are the Applicant or Contact for this ApplicationApplicant is the person wanting a permitContact is someone lodging the application on the applicant’s behalf and

wishes to be the preferred contact person for the application

12. Your details will automatically populate (if you are a registered user) in either the Applicant section or the contact details section (depending which you select). Please let us know if you would prefer your email address to be changed

13. In this section you only need to complete the below highlighted fields and select search. Noting that the street name field only requires the name (do not include St, Ave, Dve, etc.)

Please leave this field as is ‘All title types’ (do not change)

14. Tick the property and click ‘add selected’ once your property is showing in the selected properties box, (you can also add multiple properties if required) click continue

15. Click continue once your property has been selected

16. This section will ask you to verify the owner details if the City of Whittlesea records show that the Applicant isn’t the owner. Please complete this section accordingly

17. Select your application type from the dropdown list and enter number of lots and estimated cost of development Noting that the estimated cost must be in whole dollars (no commas etc.)

18. The proposal description is populated from the ‘type’ you select, please provide further details regarding your proposal in the ‘proposal description’ field answer each of the listed questions. Click continue.

19. Noting if you select YES for the Metropolitan Planning levy you will be required to attach the certificate when prompted.

20. The below is the required mandatory attachments for every Application. Noting that there are also non-mandatory options if you wish to submit any other accompanying documentation/plans. Once you have attached the relevant attachments, press continue

- Please also note that there is a 100MB size limit per attachment and you are unable to attach the same attachment twice


21. This area will indicate the required fee associated with your lodgement and click continue

22. Review your lodgment on this page and if you need to update any information select the relevant field at the top of the page. E.g. if you need to change your proposal click ‘proposal’ Once you have reviewed and the information is correct, tick the declaration and click continue

23. Select your payment method and click submit

24. Enter your payment details and click submit

25. Once payment has been processed a receipt will populate Noting that this will not be emailed to you, therefore if required please print or save a copy of this page

26. You will receive an acknowledgement email with an application number. This email will be sent to the nominated email address listed in the Applicant detail section (If you are a registered user and would like this email address changed please let Building & Planning admin know on 9217 2259 or email buildplan@whittlesea.vic.gov.au)