A Year of Blessing

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Year end book

Transcript of A Year of Blessing

A Year of Blessings2012 Annual Report & Gift Catalog

Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but thelaborers are few.

Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers

into His harvest.” - Matthew 9:37-38

Beloved Friends,

As you know, Parental Care Ministries exists to

Provide for the orphan and needy child,Comfort the broken hearted and most of all weMust Proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ great love!

We are pleased to share with you in this 2012 report how the LORD is doing above and beyond what we could have ever hoped or imagined.

As we have moved through this year, God has continued to show his faithfulness as He meets one need after another. However, sometimes we tend to quickly forget the ways He has worked, and we move our focus towards the next need at hand. We hope that through this book, you will have the opportunity to SFnFDU�XJUI�VT�PO�BMM�UIBU�(PE�IBT�EPOF�through you and our brothers and sisters in Uganda.

We rejoice in our Mighty God and we thank Him for the gift you are to this ministry. God is bringing together an army that will share the Good News of His love, and we are so honored to see your faith and love for Him move out in great power!

Let’s continue to let the world know Jesus is the WINNER!

With much love,

Mark (Epa) Barret and Monica (Kiconco) Barret

Schools In UgandaSchools In Uganda

We provided 529,035 meals to over 1,400 students! Mukama Asiimwe!

2012 started off with a bang� BT� XF� MBVODIFE� PVS� mSTU�secondary school, built from the ground up on 68 beautiful acres. Our ,BUZB[P�TDIPPM� JT�OPX�UIF�nBHTIJQ�PG�1$.�XJUI�TQBDJPVT�DMBTT�BOE�EPSN�SPPNT �nVTIJOH�UPJMFUT �BOE�FWFO�B�TDJFODF�DFOUFS���5IJT�TDIPPM�welcomed 85 S1 and S2 students (freshmen and sophomores) and in a few short years will educate and disciple our PCM students until they reach the university level.

Our other schools have gone through many changes as well. 2012 NBSLT�UIF�mSTU�ZFBS�XIFSF�FWFSZ�TUVEFOU�BUUFOEJOH�POF�PG�PVS�TDIPPMT�receives a hot breakfast and lunch. Boarding students and orphans receive three hot meals a day, year round! The meals you have helped provide are staggering.

Here are some other ways we have provided for our schools:

92 Ugandan teachers/ staff members employed 1,453 children being educated and discipled2,400 pairs of shoes 1,200 school uniforms, 330 sport uniforms

Katyazo t� School Openingt� Dorms, Classrooms,

and bunk beds for 85 students

t� 4 bathroomst� Science center

Mbarara t� P7 classroomt� Kitchen upgradet� Multi-purpose building

for church and conferences

Rwemikoma t� P6 classroom (built by

school parents)t� 10,000 liter water tank

Ibandat� Bunk beds for boarder

students and orphanst� Full food program

Kyasenyat� School approval by the

State t� Deskst� Bathroomst� Concrete and plaster in

classroomst� Food program

Sangat� New Bathroomst� Food program

We provided 529,035 meals to over 1,400 students! Mukama Asiimwe!

Our long-term goal is to help PCM Uganda to become self-sustaining. A major way that we have begun to help is by growing our own food. This year, we have begun to see the fruit of our labor. We have been able to harvest corn, beans, cabbage, sweet potatoes, watermelon, and of course bananas to help supplement what we have to pay for food. These harvests have been a tremendous blessing, and we hope to expand our farms to several of our other schools in the future!

First harvest of corn………5600 kilogramsFirst harvest of beans …….3600 kilograms 'JSTU�IBSWFTU�PG�PVS�UJMBQJB�yFOPVHI�mTI�GPS�BMM�our high school students

Farm LandFarm Land

Story of the new clinic: Often, the question asked of Epa (Dr. Barret) is “What kind of medicine are you practicing in Uganda?” For those of you that have been or seen the pictures, you know well why we have waited nearly 4 years. Clean water and food for the children took priority. However, XF�BSF�IBQQZ� UP� SFQPSU� UIBU� JO������XF�XJMM�PQFO�PVS�mSTU�medical clinic. The clinic will be named, PCM Kate Clinic and Hospital after a local midwife, and Pastor Emmy’s aunt, who has been delivering children in her mud home for 50+ years. The entire village is excited. Recently, a Muslim man gave his thanks to Pastor Emmy for what he is doing in the community. There is not another clinic for twenty miles. Behind this structure will be our third PCM farm, with acres of corn and mangos to help supply food to our staff, patients, and children of the PCM Kyasenya school just down the street.

Clinic & Hospital Clinic & Hospital

Pastor’s Homes: We are in awe of the way God has worked this year to provide for four of His most humble servants. Through ZPVS�QSBZFST�BOE�TBDSJmDF�XF�XFSF�BCMF�UP�provide a home for:

A man who is so much more than a driver and has captured the hearts of all the team members who ride in his miracle van, Driver Emmy

Our pastor trainer, whose mud hut home for 8 collapsed without warning, Pastor Reuben

Our beloved leader who sold his home DBSJOH� GPS� ��� DIJMESFO� ZFBST� BHP� UP� GVMmMM�the vision God had given him to start a ministry that now ministers to thousands, Pastor Emmy "OE�mOBMMZ�XF�BSF�TUJMM�CVJMEJOH�B�IPNF�GPS�our hardest working pastor who manages all of our PCM construction, Pastor Charles.

(Pictured below)

Pastors, Churches & EvangelismPastors, Churches & Evangelism

6 pastor's conferences in four different countries,1 youth conference with over 300 young adults,

��DSVTBEFT�XJUI�����DPOmSNFE�TBMWBUJPOT�GPMMPXJOH�VQ�XJUI�church membership, 10 churches built or roofed

We can’t all go to Uganda, but we can walk a mile in their shoes. The 1st Annual Carry a Jerry runs in both Tyler and Orange helped individuals, teams, and families experience the weight of carrying a jerry can full of water. Over 400 participants from the two races showed their love for the children of PCM by giving of their time and energy to Carry a Jerry for PCM!

Tyler’s Got Talent 2012How can two teenage girls make a huge difference in the lives of children in Uganda? They could start by hosting their own talent show! Over the past two years, Abriel Pugh and Monica Lim have raised over $20,000 for uniforms and shoes for our children. What a wonderful way to lift up the name of Jesus by showing the talents He has given and raising money for His children!

VBS FundraisersThis summer we were invited to be the missions emphasis for several church’s Vacation Bible School weeks. The children collected school supplies, raised money for shoes, and gave to the areas of most need. Over 1,000 children from Green Acres Baptist Church took on the challenge to raise the money needed UP�HFU�PVS�mSTU�NFEJDBM�DMJOJD�TUBSUFE� JO�,ZBTFOZB�� �5ISPVHI� UIF�help of two matching donors, the children were able to raise almost $15,000! Gull Lake – Minibus MB1PCM has had the privilege of sharing about our ministry at Gull Lake Ministries for a second year. GLM provides a week long family camp that gives opportunities to re-connect with family and friends while experiencing Christ’s amazing love. During the week God helped build several new relationships that culminated JO�SBJTJOH���� ����GPS�PVS�mSTU�FWFS�1$.�NJOJ�CVTà

Annual FundraisersAnnual Fundraisers

Mission Trips to UgandaMission Trips to Uganda

In 2012 Uganda will have welcomed 9 teams from the USA as well as 2 teams from our partners at PCM UK. Through these teams we have been able to accomplish many tasks, but most importantly we have been able to witness God’s great love for His people.

t� 10 teams from USA with 89 memberst� 2 teams from UK with 14 memberst� � ��� �����NJMFT�nPXOt� 95,000 miles driven in Uganda in Miracle Van 1,

Miracle Van 2, our Land Cruiser and Miracle Bus 1

Deliveries:� ���TDJFOUJmD�DBMDVMBUPST� 192 Purpose Driven Life Books 250+ Bibles 1,300 toothbrushes 2,400 sponsorship packets 6,500 pounds of supplies

Parental Care Ministries is offering a unique opportunity for you to give a gift that will not only be appreciated but will help end the cycle of poverty for a family in Uganda. You and your family can provide some much needed items for an orphan, a needy child, a school or a church.


If you would like to give a gift in honor of a loved one, family member or coworker, PCM has honor cards available for you. You can donate in any amount for either card. We can either send the honor cards to you to distribute or mail them directly to your loved one or employee. For more information please contact Lauren Hankla at (903) 526-0499, lauren@pcmonline.org.

PCM Round Up Plan

Many of you sponsor our children for $35. We haven’t increased our monthly amount for the past 4 years. As always, this is the very best way to engage with our ministry. Today, we are offering a plan to help PCM USA. We need people to do this job He has called us to do. You can increase your monthly sponsorship gift to PCM by $5, $10, $15 or more with the extra funds helping us with our operational expenses. Just let us know by emailing us at lauren@pcmonline.org and start sending that via paypal or with your monthly check.

He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever.

Psalm 111:5

PCM Gift CatalogPCM Gift Catalog

He provides food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever.

Psalm 111:5

PCM Ministry Gifts :

Uniform $10 For a child, a uniform is a great source of pride. Children in Uganda consider the opportunity to go to school a wonderful privilege.

Buy some chicks $15 We are building our very own chicken house at Katyazo farm. $15 will buy a group of chicks for us to put in their new home. Your gift will help increase protein in the diet of our orphans and boarder students at Katyazo and Mbarara.

Christmas dress for an orphan $25While children in America may have a lengthy Christmas list full of the latest fads, children in Uganda long for a single new dress to wear as they worship on Christmas day. A dress for an orphan can show her how special she is to our Father.

School supplies $50 Our Ugandan children know the virtue of sharing. They share their meals. They share desks. They share textbooks. We would love for them to have something to call their own. School supplies can help a student make the most of his learning experience.

Bag of rice $75 to feed 300 children For a child in the village, rice is a treat that they may only have the opportunity to eat once a week. A bag of rice can feed up to 300 children at one of our schools and will also put a smile on 300 faces!

Supermom’s Garden $150Many of you that have visited our PCM farm have been impressed with Supermom’s Garden. This year she has planted cabbage, watermelon, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Most of the harvest has come from the hard work of her very own two hands. A gift here would help us expand her garden and help us increase the variety of foods our children are consuming daily.

Cows $500 Imagine only eating beef three times a year. That is the reality for most of our children in Uganda. When many children BSF�TUSVHHMJOH�UP�mOE�BOZ�GPPE�GPS�UIF�EBZ �something like beef is just a dream. We love providing cows for pastors and ourschools to provide daily milk and beef. All of the cows we purchase are also pregnant, so your gift will reproduce itself within months!

Equip the Kate Clinic $750/ exam table $50/ waiting chairs $25 $MJOJD�GVSOJTIJOHT �NFEJDJOFT �TUBGmOH���8F� BSF� OFBSMZ� mOJTIFE� DPOTUSVDUJOH�the Kate clinic. Now we need to equip the site with exam tables and chairs, tongue blades and gloves, medicines and vaccines, and a Christian nurse and doctor. The clinic will be a pay for service clinic ensuring sustainability, but we want every patient to be bathed in prayer and have a chance to hear the Gospel. Your donation will make this vision a reality.

Roof a PCM church $1000/ individual iron sheet $25Many of our 50+ PCM churches are mud hut structures. The church members come together and pool their resources but often cannot afford the materials needed. Providing iron sheets for the roof helps church members understand that if they can start the building, we will come alongside with the Lord and help UIFN�mOJTI�

Hold a PCM Crusade in the village $1500 Pastor Emmy was once asked what he is most passionate about and he said evangelism. Above all else our goal at PCM is to make disciples. Pastor Emmy and his team of pastors are living out that goal by hosting and being the featured speaker at several crusades a year in Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and now Kenya. Our crusades they have wonderful follow up strategies to make sure those who get saved are plugged into a local church and discipled. The only thing holding these teams back from sharing the Gospel is funding. Your gift can lead directly to souls for the Kingdom.

Purchase a Generator $2000/ Fuel a Generator for a year $500 We rely on generators to provide power for illumination at night for our main campus and our high school. These generators are used on Sundays for worship service and deep in the village for crusades. They are tired and need replacements. We will be relying on generators and their fuel until we can get our PCM solar powerhouse designed and built.

New land for farmland and cow grazing $5000-20,000+ / one acre $1000 As our current PCM cows reproduce and others are given, we are growing a herd providing fresh milk for the children and adding beef to their diet. Yet, today we do not have enough grazing space. We need funds for more land for our cows and our farm to grow more of our own food and become even more self-sustainable. Currently we eat every bean, banana and piece of corn that comes from our land.

New Classroom for PCM Sanga School $10,000/ individual bag of cement $25 We have an urgent need for a classroom building at our Sanga school on the hill. The ministers of education want to close down our school in 2013 unless we have more classroom space. Help us keep open this rural village school educating and sharing with over 200 children every day about their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As our schools grow, help with other classrooms like this one is becoming a priority.

PCM Dump Trucks $20,000 each / large truck tire $200 8F�OFFE�UXP�EVNQ�USVDLT �POF�UP�SFQMBDF�PVS�BHJOH�mSTU�USVDL�UIBU�IBT�TFSWFE�PVS�CVJMEJOH�NJOJTUSZ�OFFET�TP�XFMM���5IJT�USVDL�DBO�DBSSZ�TBOE �DFNFOU �mSFXPPE �GPPE �DSVTBEF�FRVJQNFOU�BOE�FWFO����pastors. They really never stop. A second truck is going to be given to our pastors to use as a small business to provide self sustainment to fund the pastor’s transport needs to our conferences and some of their family’s urgent medical needs as well.

Building a strong foundation

Summary of FinancialsSummary of Financials2011 Revenues 2011 Expenses

Income from 2008 to 2012 1,000,000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

750,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

500,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

250,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

50,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2008 2009 2010 2011 Projected 2012












Program Services Pastor and church $53,736 School and orphanage $615,999 Supporting Activities Management and General $26,554 Fund-raising expenses $18,355 Total Expenses $714,644

General Support $135,498 Pastor and Church Support $43,518 School and Orphanage Support $585,506 Other Income $18,231 Total Revenues $782,753

$1,000,000 +

P.O. Box 131166, Tyler, TX 75713903.526.0499
