A Story From A Bewildered Father - ctypes.comctypes.com/media/2011/09/ctype-gen-book.pdf · David...

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Transcript of A Story From A Bewildered Father - ctypes.comctypes.com/media/2011/09/ctype-gen-book.pdf · David...

David Dibble| www.daviddibble.com






Copyright © 2010 by David Dibble www.daviddibble.com


TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE………………………………………………………………………….……….……………………………1




THE ATTRIBUTES AND DIRECTIONS OF CTYPES……………….……………..……………….…..…………12


FOUR PARTS OF THE MIND………………………………………………….…………….……………….14


CTYPES OF THE MASCULINE MIND………………………..………………..……………………………16



MEETING CTYPE 1: VIRGO………………………………………………………………….….………….18

MEETING CTYPE 7: PISCES………………………………………………….…………….….……………20

MEETING CTYPE 2: LIBRA……………………………………….………………………….………..……22

MEETING CTYPE 8: ARIES…………………………………………………….……………………………24

MEETING CTYPE 3: SCORPIO………………………………………………………………………………26

MEETING CTYPE 9: TAURUS………………………………………….……………………………………28

MEETING CTYPE 4: SAGITTARIUS…………………………………………………………………………30

MEETING CTYPE 10: GEMINI…………………………….………………………………….……………32

MEETING CTYPE 5: CAPRICORN……………………………………….……………….…………………34

MEETING CTYPE 11: CANCER…………………………………………………….……….………………36

MEETING CTYPE 6: AQUARIUS……………………………….…………………………….…………….38

MEETING CTYPE 12: LEO………………………………………..…………………………………………40



LEARNING MORE — THE NEXT STEPS…………………………..……………………….…….…………….46

1 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

PREFACE A Story from a Bewildered Husband and Father Before I understood the CharacterTypes of our minds, I thought my wife, Linda, and my children were, at times, from another planet. The way they viewed the world made no sense to me. Linda always seemed to be overwhelmed with all that she had to do, and I couldn't understand why she was so stressed out. It seemed to me that the things on her plate were manageable. Then, there were the kids. My oldest son had a terrible time making decisions and following through on things. My middle child, who lost himself in one or two relationships and work, seemed unwilling to change and could not handle important issues that reared up in his life. My daughter, my youngest, who had the world at her feet, didn't seem to get excited about anything. A wonderful athlete and student who had many friends and many opportunities, she had no idea what she wanted. I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. Why didn't she know what she wanted to do? Why couldn't my children just focus on the most important thing and go for it? That's how I ran my own life and what I recommended doing. It worked for me. How could they not see that following my sage wisdom was the best way to solve their problems? Heck, it seemed that they didn't really want my advice. Imagine that. It was frustrating for a husband and father who wanted the best for his family. Little did I know that my family's experiences seemed so strange to me and my advice so strange to them because of the different ways our CharacterTypes processed information and related with our respective worlds. Linda's mind has a CharacterType that generates sometimes overwhelming, multi-faceted scenarios of things to do that even Superwoman couldn't complete. A CharacterType that has a difficult time making decisions influences my oldest son’s mind. The younger son's mind loses itself in the work he is doing or a person on which he focuses. My daughter's mind has a CharacterType that has a difficult time creating passion and meaning in life. The brilliant part of understanding the CharacterTypes of the mind is that you begin to see a ready-made strategy for resolving almost any problem. By assisting each family member with a customized, CharacterType-specific, life-enhancing strategy, each was able to learn, grow, and experience greater success. More importantly, with the understanding of CharacterTypes, I was able to catch my mind projecting its own CharacterType on my loved ones and everyone else in my life. They don't think like I do? What a revelation! Not only that, I was able to understand my own challenges in a whole new way and with the perfect solution ready to implement.

2 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Understanding CharacterTypes changed everything. I became a better, more understanding husband and father with deeper, more meaningful relationships with the people I cared most about in the world. Taking a moment to learn the CharacterTypes of the mind can deepen all of our relationships at home, at work, and in life. This is true magic. With love and respect, David Dibble

3 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

INTRODUCTION Every now and then we discover something powerful, useful, and profound about ourselves that changes our entire world. You are about to make such a discovery and to explore a whole new way of looking at yourself and the people around you, in the workplace, at home, and in all aspects of life. The techniques I have developed and describe in this book, I refer to as CharacterTypes. The information documented here on CharacterTypes comes from Inner Wisdom that lives in every human being and is part of a larger body of work called DreamWork. It therefore contains no references to outside sources. I will, however, shed light on the process through which this information was made available to me. DreamWork consists of two amazing bodies of knowledge: DreamWork Dream Interpretation and DreamWork CharacterTypes. DreamWork Dream Interpretation, at its essence, asks questions of Inner Wisdom and receives answers in the form of messages embedded in a sleeping dream. As we continue, we will refer to DreamWork Dream Interpretation simply as DreamWork and DreamWork CharacterTypes as CharacterTypes (henceforth also referred to as CTypes). These bodies of knowledge are gifts from Inner Wisdom to all who are pulled to this remarkable work. DreamWork and CTypes are the result of over thirty years of scientific dream research. With all humility, the bodies of knowledge that have been gifted to us through DreamWork and CharacterTypes are not mine, nor do they belong to anyone. Spirit, God, Pure Consciousness, Higher Mind, Universal Knowing, the One, or whatever designation you give the Great Spirit that is omnipresent in every human being and every "thing," gave them to us. I call this omnipresent intelligence Inner Wisdom. Still, I must acknowledge the first channel for this knowledge: my friend, former teacher, and a brilliant researcher, Álvaro Lopez-Watermann. (More about this incredible human being is presented in the chapter entitled “The History of DreamWork and CharacterTypes.”) Over a period of Álvaro's now more than thirty-five years of dream research, Inner Wisdom explained what actually happens when we dream and how to interpret our dreams to receive important guidance on this journey we call life. Regardless of the events taking place in your life right now, your dreams contain all the information you need to be a happy, fulfilled, and fully-expressed human being. Inner Wisdom will not only tell you why life may be troublesome at times, but will also give you the perfect strategy to resolve life's most daunting challenges. In the process of asking Inner Wisdom life's most profound questions and receiving essential guidance, Álvaro noticed that dreams seemed to cluster into one of twelve categories.

4 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Inner Wisdom revealed to Álvaro that we each have within us CTypes that determine how we think and process information. Even more startling was the fact that people could use the principles of CTypes as a "can't miss" approach to solving life's most pressing problems. Imagine if you had a foolproof strategy for solving life's problems before even knowing the problem. Therein lies the power of CTypes. Although CTypes are determined by an individual's date, time, and place of birth and correspond to delineations of the signs of the Western Zodiac, CTypes are not associated with what would traditionally be known as astrology. While astrology foretells behavioral tendencies and events of the future based on the influences of stars and planets, CTypes address how humans think, process information, and relate with the rest of world. In similar situations, people with the same CType (thinking process) may take actions that are different from one another, because although the thinking process influences behavior, it is also influenced by many additional factors, such as social tradition and conditioning. Astrological predictions for people with the same Zodiac sign describe the unfolding of future events and behaviors for all those with that sign, based wholly on the position of celestial bodies. While I do not discount astrology, CType is a much different body of knowledge. THE CHARACTERS THAT LIVE WITHIN

The CTypes that live in each of us shape the way we process data and, in many instances, how we relate with the world around us. This is the story of those CTypes and how you can use them to become better leaders, coaches, teachers, friends, lovers, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons or daughters. Better people. Getting to know these CTypes will give you a deeper understanding of yourself and human nature and will act as a powerful tool for enhancing your interpersonal relations, both at work and with your family. Some of you will have difficulty believing that your mind processes information in accordance with your CType. A few of you may even be insulted and say that your thought processes are nothing like those of your CharacterType. That's fine. We are not sharing this information with you to convince you of anything. We recommend to everyone who has an interest in this remarkable knowledge to simply test it out in the world. Keep an open mind and just observe those closest to you for clues that they are processing information in a manner consistent with their CType. The descriptions in this book are of the twelve CTypes that influence our thinking. If you explore yourself and the people around you in these terms, you will begin to see that we really do interact with the world and process data in the ways described. It is important that this information not be used to label or "pigeonhole" people. If you are observant and aware of the CType of your mind and the minds of others, this wisdom is a wonderful tool for understanding and building rapport and meaningful relationships with yourself, your loved ones, your colleagues, and anyone else with whom you wish to develop closer ties. Of greatest value for most of us is the fact that CTypes provide an accessible strategy for

5 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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understanding life’s most daunting problems and, happily, an effective solution. Let's now take a brief look at the thirty-year journey into our dreams that resulted in the gift of CTypes for you and me. In the next chapter, we will look back at the history of DreamWork and the emergence of CTypes.

6 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

THE HISTORY OF DREAMWORK AND CHARACTERTYPES Even as a young man, Álvaro Lopez-Watermann accomplished much. From the humble beginnings as the oldest of eleven children and living in abject poverty in a house with a dirt floor, he became a top student. He attended the University of Texas where he displayed a gift for research but was forced to quit late in his senior year when his student aid was cut. Away from college, Álvaro yearned to become a photographer and determined that he would somehow attend the best photography school in the land. However, the tuition fees for attending the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles were very high. Most fortunately, a benefactor heard of Álvaro's dream and provided the funds for him to attend the prestigious photography school. Álvaro graduated school with high marks and landed a most exciting assignment: he would work with labor leader César Chávez to create a photo documentary of the variety and richness of Mexican-American culture in the southwest United States. In the days leading to his departure for this assignment, Álvaro realized that there must be a deeper meaning to life and that he would never find this higher purpose by imposing upon himself a mundane life of work and family attachments that were considered a "normal" life. With $1.50 in his pocket, Álvaro went "missing" to explore life with no attachments or expectations from anyone other than himself. While traveling in 1975, Álvaro met Bill L., an engineer who had been researching dreams extensively for over twenty-six years. Bill told Álvaro that in 1949 he had fallen asleep with a newspaper open to the sports page on his chest. Bill had dreamt a powerful dream in which he saw a horse named Red Greer, the fifth horse in the fifth race, win. When Bill awoke from this dream, he saw that Red Greer, an extreme long shot, was running the next day at a nearby racetrack and, sure enough, Red Greer was the number five horse in the fifth race. Bill bet $5 on Red Greer. The horse won and returned hundreds of dollars on Bill's five-dollar bet. Ecstatic, Bill set out to dream more winners. For the twenty-six years that followed, Bill had tried to predict the winning numbers of horses through his dreams. He found that if he attempted to pick a winning number in a race with more than twelve horses, his dreams were bizarre and disturbing. Little did Bill know, his one-through-twelve numbering of dreams was the beginning of a breakthrough into understanding the nature of human thinking, CharacterTypes. Trying to decode hundreds of his own dreams, Bill had, however, reached an impasse. He felt he was missing something and asked Álvaro if he would take a look at the dream data. Bill

7 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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believed Álvaro, being a researcher, might see what he could not. Bill also told Álvaro that in meditation a year prior to their meeting, he had seen Álvaro's face and a voice had told him that in approximately one year Álvaro would appear to help him. Álvaro thought that Bill's research was a complete crock, but Bill was offering him much-needed work. Álvaro decided to prove Bill wrong. Álvaro proceeded to throw himself into Bill's dream data with a newfound passion. Over the course of a year, Álvaro recorded his own dreams, producing hundreds of pages of data. He noticed patterns and soon discovered that he could access his Inner Wisdom during the sleeping dream state through a process he called Dream Assignments. A Dream Assignment was a simple letter written in a specific way that asked a question of Inner Wisdom. Álvaro asked questions about how to interpret dreams to extract the answers to his questions. The information that emerged from Inner Wisdom was so profound that it turned much of what he knew about dreams and the human psyche upside down. Prominent in his research was the discovery of the CharacterTypes that exist in every human mind which determine how an individual thinks and processes information. For the next twelve years, Álvaro continued his in-depth research into the nature of dreams, recording volumes of dreams and thousands of additional pages of data. ÁLVARO SHARES HIS DISCOVERIES WITH DAVID

In 1987, my family moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I had heard that Santa Fe was a place that either embraced you or spit you out. Luckily, we were one of the families that Santa Fe chose to embrace. I had no idea that my destiny and my work were to be forever changed by the move to Santa Fe and a "chance" meeting with the brilliant researcher named Dr. Álvaro Lopez-Watermann. Linda, my beautiful wife, first met Álvaro and his spouse, Gabriella, at the school our children attended. When Linda heard what Álvaro had discovered in his then almost twelve years of research into the meaning of dreams, she knew intuitively that Álvaro and I should meet. Arrangements were made for Álvaro and me to get together, share our work, and learn about each other. When I saw the data that Álvaro had painstakingly recorded on what he called DreamWork, I was stunned. The depth and potential ramifications of the work were mind-boggling. Álvaro had discovered a way to access our Inner Wisdom through the sleeping dream state. More importantly, he had been told by Inner Wisdom how to ask and receive answers for even the most profound and deeply meaningful questions. In addition, Inner Wisdom revealed to him how to extract the answers from dreams through a process of dream interpretation that was both revolutionary and remarkable. This methodology created an entirely new possibility in the realm of dream interpretation.

8 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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I asked Álvaro how I might learn more about DreamWork and CTypes. He laughed, saying that a number of others had previously expressed interest in learning DreamWork, but none had followed through. He was clear that mastering the work was not a trivial pursuit. I persisted, and he suggested that I read a little synopsis of the work he had written and then decide if I wanted to pursue the work. I agreed and he handed me 500 pages of research to slog my way through, which I did. Even more intrigued, I came back for more. LEARNING DREAMWORK

It has always been part of my passionate personality to dive into things that interest me, especially if those interests will somehow further my spiritual growth and evolution. So naturally I jumped enthusiastically into learning DreamWork. Over the six years that followed my "chance" meeting with Álvaro, I immersed myself in the work, spending as much time with him as possible. I read every note, every page, and listened to every tape. I did Dream Assignment after Dream Assignment. At one point, I spent fourteen straight days with Álvaro doing some of the most intense personal growth work in my life. The work was extraordinary. Little by little, I mastered the work and began using DreamWork as a primary tool in assisting students and clients to grow and change. I soon found that DreamWork had applications in all areas of life. I didn't make a major decision without asking Inner Wisdom for guidance in a dream. My students and clients were also pulled to DreamWork. They would ask powerful questions such as:

What is my purpose in this lifetime? What is the message you're trying to tell me through my health problems? What is it you want me to know about my relationship with...? What do I need to do next on my spiritual path? What is my life's work?

In complement with DreamWork, I used CTypes to enhance my relationships at home with my family, at work with colleagues, and with friends and acquaintances. More importantly, I used CTypes to better understand myself and solve problems that could be addressed in no other way. In working with students and clients in both business and personal situations, I found that once they experienced DreamWork, many wanted to do little else. A specific dream or series of dreams often became the centerpiece and catalyst for a complete life "makeover." CTypes meanwhile brought almost immediate positive results in enhancing relationships and understanding others. They also proved to be invaluable in understanding life’s problems and providing effective solutions. In short, they explained the inexplicable, particularly the many differences in the way people experience life and relate with their world based on how an individual thinks. Together CTypes and DreamWork act as infallible guides in the process of living a transforming life.

9 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

For thirty years, I have explored many spiritual traditions and teachings. DreamWork Dream Interpretation and DreamWork CharacterTypes are two of the most powerful bodies of knowledge and practices I have had the honor to experience and teach. While DreamWork Dream Interpretation is explained in my book, DreamWork Dream Interpretation — Revealing the Powerful Messages and Perfect Guidance in Our Dreams, the subject of this book is DreamWork CharacterTypes, or CTypes. DreamWork Dream Interpretation and CTypes work with everyone. They are so simple, and ultimately, divine. The applications of the work are limitless. For those who are pulled to DreamWork and CTypes, they are indeed a gift of the highest order. As you will see, the body of knowledge on CTypes is probably unlike anything you have read or been told about thinking and relating with self and others. CTypes introduce us to ourselves in ways that are profound and deeply meaningful. As we learn more about ourselves, our old world begins to expand. We gain deeper access to our innate strength, intuition, connection to the heart, and our life's purpose. Our humanity and human expression expands. This expansion is called transformation. Transformation of what? Transformation of the mind. In the next chapter we will meet the mind in a whole new way.

10 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

The Mind — Inner Wisdom Shares Its Secrets Before we can talk about CTypes, we have to spend a little time with what Inner Wisdom has told us about the human mind. As early as 1975, Inner Wisdom showed Álvaro that there were four parts of the mind, which corresponded to the four parts of the brain. Interestingly, Western science believed at the time that there were only three parts of the brain: the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain, and the cerebral cortex. Inner Wisdom revealed the fourth part of the brain, the pineal. Today, Western science has confirmed that there are indeed four parts of the brain. But with respect to CTypes, the mind, as opposed to the brain, is where the action is. The human mind can be said to have four components: the Masculine Mind, the Feminine Mind, the Authoritarian Mind, and the Spiritual Mind. These four parts of the mind determine how human beings process information, interact with our world, and, ultimately, create the reality that each individual experiences as "life." (See Figure 1 on page 14.) The Masculine Mind (he) is the logical part of the psyche, the part that speaks and "thinks." The Masculine Mind is the part of us that wakes up in the morning. He is also the youngest part of our psyche and the loudest, demanding that he be heard almost all of the time in our waking state. He's the little voice that is always chattering in our heads. You know, the voice that might be saying right now, "What little voice?" The Masculine Mind is the thinking part of us that expresses in words, reason, numbers, and logic. The Feminine Mind (she) is made up of memories and emotions. She's the part of us that controls emotion and the hormonal system. By applying various levels or quantities of emotion (also known as emotional content) to thoughts, beliefs, and memories, she gives them value. She is the part of us that creates relationships with others and has access to intuition. The Authoritarian Mind is the maker of rules, regulations, and boundaries. It tells us what is right and wrong. It is territorial, black and white, fight or flight, and sees the world in the cold-blooded, unemotional way that a reptile might. The Authoritarian Mind is established by authority figures, mostly in the early years, by our parents. We might say that the Authoritarian Mind is our domestication by the authority figures in our lives. The Spiritual Mind looks at the "big picture." It is our connection with nature, our planet, and the cosmos. It regulates our bio-clock and is sensitive to light. It is the part of the mind that is closest to Inner Wisdom. It is the part of us that connects us to our higher purpose. Most importantly, the Spiritual Mind is the part of us that connects us to Inner Wisdom.

11 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Although both men and women have all four aspects of the mind in them, it may be said that a man's identity tends to reside more within the Masculine and Authoritarian Minds, while a woman's identity tends naturally to gravitate more toward the Feminine and Spiritual Minds. These tendencies account for some of the general differences we see between men and women. EVERYTHING HAPPENS INSIDE-OUT

Many spiritual philosophies tell us that the mind of the individual creates that individual's reality. This seems to make sense when we see that no two people experience life in the same way. We also know that people tend to experience life in the outside world as a function of their belief systems.

An example: I believe my boss is cold and unfeeling. I feel hurt and angry when he ignores me. Then I find out that his wife, whom he adores, has a terminal illness, and my boss is beside himself with worry. Now my belief changes from him being cold and unfeeling to him being scared and distracted. I now feel compassion for him when he ignores me.

If I believe something to be true, it is—at least for me. If I want to change my reality, I must change the beliefs that exist in my mind. In effect, reality is created inside out. This phenomenon of the mind creating things on the inside that later manifest as our experience in the outside world is the basis for the power behind using CTypes to understand and relate with self and others. CTypes explain what is taking place on the inside, in the mind. This inside-out aspect to creating human reality applies also to the inter-relationships among the four parts of the mind: Masculine Mind, Feminine Mind, Authoritarian Mind, and Spiritual Mind. Each of the four parts of the mind has its own CType, which influences its relationships with the other parts of the mind. In other words, CTypes strongly affect our reality. For example, if a man or woman is having difficulty in the outside world relating with or dealing with a member of the opposite sex, the solution to the problem is to heal the parts of the Masculine Mind that are in discord with the Feminine Mind. This principle holds true for opposite sex relationships in the workplace, at home, and socially. We will examine how to proactively heal relationships between the sexes in a later publication. Before meeting the Characters that live in us, we will examine the attributes that make up each CType and determine how that Character interacts with its world. In the next chapter, we look at the Attributes of CTypes.

12 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

THE ATTRIBUTES AND DIRECTIONS OF CTYPES To review, Inner Wisdom has shown us that there are four parts of the mind: Masculine Mind, Feminine Mind, Authoritarian Mind, and Spiritual Mind. Each of these parts of the mind will have its own CType. The CType of each of the four parts of the mind very much affects the reality our minds create. Because the effects of CTypes on the thinking mind can be seen and experienced much more readily than their effects on the other parts of the mind, the discussion of CTypes herein will be limited to the CTypes of the Masculine Mind, which is the mind that thinks and reasons. Fear not. Working solely with the Masculine Mind is powerful—indeed. The Masculine Mind is the male part of each of us. Because we will be talking about the CTypes of the Masculine Mind, we will refer to a CharacterType as "he, his, himself, etc." Remember that even though we may write about each CType as "he, his, himself, etc.," we are describing ways of thinking that can be ascribed to both men and women. Let's look at the attributes of CTypes. CTypes of the Masculine Mind interact with the world in one of four ways: Will, Sensation, Discrimination, and Association. (See Figure 2, page 15.) A Will CType interacts with his world by creating action. A Sensation Character interacts with his world through the five senses. A Discrimination Character focuses on a particular thing, giving it greater importance than other things in his world. An Association Character selects two or more things and puts them together to create or assemble something new. CTypes of the Masculine Mind also interact in one of three directions: Inward, looking in at the Feminine Mind; Outward, looking out into the outside world; or Bi-directional (both ways), alternately looking in at the Feminine Mind and then looking out at the outside world. Thus, we have three directions multiplied by four ways of interacting with the world, totaling twelve CTypes. (See Figure 3, page 16.) Each CType also has an opposite alternative. (See Figure 4, page 17.) When a Character runs into trouble, and previous solutions no longer work, his only effective choice for a new strategy to solve the problem is to move toward his opposite alternative. A Character will only move toward his opposite, and thereby evolve or grow, when the emotional content of an experience (life) is high enough to act as a catalyst for movement. Thus, it is the emotions, emotional energy, and an event with high emotional content, which triggers the move toward the opposite and promotes personal growth. When a Character begins to embrace change, the move to the opposite alternative becomes easier. Once an individual understands his own CType and has practiced the move to his opposite, this practice

13 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

becomes a powerful tool for accelerating personal growth and addressing problems that can be solved in no other way. Moving to the opposite alternative becomes a success strategy that is very reliable. As you read about the twelve CTypes, remember that humans grow by going to their opposite CType, a shift that can happen only when there is enough emotion in life experience to impel the need to change. Once the Character has moved toward his opposite for a time, the attributes of the opposite are integrated into the attributes of his natural CType and, to grow again, he must move to his opposite once more. With each move toward the opposite, higher levels of understanding and personal growth are attained. In other words, there is no end to the growth process. The journey of conscious evolution is ongoing. We are here to learn our lessons and to grow as human beings into deeper relationship with Higher Self, self, and others. Also remember that each CType often projects his own way of interacting with the world onto other people. Thus, we often have a difficult time understanding why other people think or behave in such strange ways, the unconscious assumption being "everyone else thinks like I do." This tendency to project the way we see the world onto others can be a pitfall, acting as a major barrier to understanding and relating with other people. However, the reverse is also true. If we can understand and be aware of the tendencies of the various CTypes, we will have a powerful tool for creating deeper understanding of self and others, and a means to develop closer, more loving, and satisfying relationships at all levels, both in the workplace and at home. Before moving into CTypes, we must address an issue that is sure to arise in reading this book. The mind, your mind, may want to attach "good" or "bad" labels to the attributes of CTypes. There are no good or bad CTypes. There is only the fact that each CType processes information in the way described. The way a CType processes information creates tendencies in the part of the mind which has that specified CType. These tendencies in the mind result in inclinations that we can look for in thinking and, often, in behavior. While we can make a case that every human being has both good and bad in him, this "good" or "bad" has nothing to do with CTypes. So, be kind to yourself if you read about your CType and feel that it is somehow flawed or less favorable than other CTypes. Along the same lines, don't pump yourself up too much if you feel your CType makes you look good. It doesn't. Good or bad live only in the mind of the individual, not in CTypes. We are now ready to meet the Characters that live in each of us. The descriptions of CTypes are ordered in this book such that each CType is followed by his opposite alternative (or simply opposite). This sequencing will give the reader an easy way to reference the pairs that make up a natural CType and his opposite. In the next chapter we are introduced to our first CType, Virgo.

14 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Figure 1 | Four Parts of the Mind

Masculine Mind Logic and Thinking

Outer World

Feminine Mind Memories and Emotions

Authoritarian Mind

Rules and Boundaries

Spiritual Mind

Nature and the Cosmos

Inner Wisdom

15 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Figure 2 | Twelve CTypes: Directions and Attributes



Will = Action

Sensation = Sensing with Five Senses

Discrimination = Focus

Association = Creation

3 Directions x 4 Attributes = 12 CTypes

Masculine Mind

Masculine Mind

Masculine Mind

Looks inward at the Feminine Mind

Looks outward toward the Outer World

Bi-directional: Alternates between looking inward and outward.

16 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Figure 3 | CTypes of the Masculine Mind















in a

t th

e F





Virgo(Opposite = Pisces)

Aug 23–Sept 22 (approx.)

Looks in and exerts will

on the emotional mind to

"work, work, work" and

attempts to keep

everything equal and

balanced in the internal


Libra(Opposite = Aries)

Sept 23–Oct 23 (approx.)

Looks in to sense and

receive information from

the Feminine Mind. Then

identifies with the various

emotions that are wafting

through the Feminine


Scorpio(Opposite = Taurus)

Oct 24–Nov 21 (approx.)

Looks in at the Feminine

Mind and asks her,

"What's the most

important thing?" Focuses

on the most important

thing, becoming intense

inwardly, "single-minded,"

and potentially passionate

about his focus.

Sagittarius(Opposite = Gemini)

Nov 22–Dec 21 (approx.)

Looks in at the Feminine

Mind and actively

associates two or more

memories to create a new

possibility. Projects this

new possibility into the

future to create potential

futures. Past/future













t at


e o





Capricorn(Opposite = Cancer)

Dec 22–Jan 19 (approx.)

Exerts will that creates

action in the outside

world. A doer, bumping

into the world to learn

about it. Sometimes

mindless action for

action's sake.

Aquarius(Opposite = Leo)

Jan 20–Feb 18 (approx.)

Looks out into the outside

world and receives

information through

passively sensing the

environment and

identifying with those


Pisces(Opposite = Virgo)

Feb 19–Mar 20 (approx.)

Focuses on a stimulus in

the outside world that is

most attractive, adds

energy to it and is

receptive to it. Identifies

with that upon which he


Aries(Opposite = Libra)

Mar 21–Apr 19 (approx.)

Actively creates in the

outside world by

combining two or more

things or thoughts to

create something new.

Most divorced from the

Feminine Mind.









in a

t th

e F




d, a




t at


e o





Taurus(Opposite = Scorpio)

Apr 20–May20 (approx.)

Vacillates between

exerting will in the outside

world, testing that action,

and then going inside to

exert will over the

Feminine Mind, telling her

to organize and balance

emotions and memories.

Tests everything with

measured actions in order

to make them real.

Gemini(Opposite = Sagittarius)

May 21–Jun 21 (approx.)

Constantly vacillates

between receptively

sensing the outside

environment and

receptively sensing the

emotions and memories in

the Feminine Mind.

Becomes "in the moment,"

with thinking being

determined by whatever

he is sensing.

Cancer(Opposite = Capricorn)

Jun 22–Jul 22 (approx.)

Looks in at the Feminine

Mind, focusing on the

most important thing. He

makes everything in front

of him "important." Makes

everyone family and

begins to nurture/control

his "family."

Leo(Opposite = Aquarius)

Jul 23–Aug 22 (approx.)

Vacillates between

creating ideas and

fantasies from

associations in the

Feminine Mind, and then

takes his creations out

into the outside world to

create something new and

so on. Owns what he

creates. Discounts

anything he doesn't.

17 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Figure 4 | CTypes with Their Opposite Alternatives

1. Virgo 7. Pisces

2. Libra 8. Aries

3. Scorpio 9. Taurus

4. Sagittarius 10. Gemini

5. Capricorn 11. Cancer

6. Aquarius 12. Leo

18 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 1: Virgo The Balanced One — Inwardly Directed Will August 23–September 22 (opposite Pisces) Virgo is Inwardly Directed Will. Virgo Masculine Mind thus looks into the Feminine Mind and exerts will or action over her. Virgo constantly tells the Feminine Mind to organize, to keep everything in order. However, his organizational approach is more like a librarian, who shelves books precisely in catalog number order, than a bookstore owner, who arranges books with an eye toward the aesthetics of their presentation. Virgo wants complete power over his life and, above all, balance, with no one element or aspect being significantly more important than anything else. Virgo is like a cement egg: Everything fits perfectly. And it is difficult to get inside a cement egg. So change is not easy for a Virgo mind, which tends to be resistant to new things. Virgo's biggest fear is that something new will come into his life that will require rearranging everything within the egg to accommodate the change. For Virgo, accommodation means a perfect egg with all parts being equal again. Virgo doesn't like things that stand out: He loves integrity, balance, self-containment, and control over what he knows and feels. Virgo will painstakingly protect his inner world from outside influences. Virgo Masculine Mind has a tendency to experience himself as separate from the world. By virtue of this separateness, the world becomes what Virgo is thinking inside. Virgo has organized everything so he knows where every piece resides in a neatly arranged whole, Virgo's own little universe, and the result is a very opinionated idea of what the world is. Virgo feels his isolation when a new piece of information from the outside is presented to him. Virgo Masculine Mind dislikes new ideas that challenge his view of the world. Virgo will tend to resist, fearing that the new concept may require a complete rearrangement of the carefully constructed, functional whole. It's often difficult to really know people with Virgo Masculine Mind because they are so thoroughly encapsulated in their private world. I wonder how many people really knew/know Michael Jackson, Werner Erhard, or Kobe Bryant. Having experienced Werner Erhard's EST training (now called the Landmark Forum), I can say with personal knowledge that the structure of the program was Virgo at its finest. Every piece fit with every other piece and had to be done exactly as Werner directed, with no exceptions. It was incredibly

19 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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structured. He described the human mind as "stacks" of memories (note the similarity to a library). He described human beings in a typically Virgo functional way: as machines. To grow personally and professionally, Virgo must move toward his opposite, Pisces. Pisces focuses on something in the outside world, making that thing more important than other things and feeling excited about it. The move toward his opposite is difficult for Virgo, as it is for all CTypes. Virgo grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Pisces. Pisces focuses on something in the outside world and gets excited about it. Notice that to move toward Pisces, Virgo must break away from his inner encapsulation and control of the Feminine Mind, allowing her to express emotionally about something in the outside world. This is difficult for Virgo, but necessary for Virgo to grow and solve his problems.

Virgo Masculine Mind traits include:

Being opinionated Being a good problem solver because he sees how things fit together Being self-contained and separate from the outside world Maintaining balance, attempting to make everything equal Resisting change, because any change looks like complete change Requiring complete power over his life, including his feelings Possibly feeling a need for excitement in his life Men may feel a need to control women Women may feel controlled by men Women may feel a need for privacy

In the next chapter, we will be introduced to Virgo's opposite alternative, Pisces, The Focused One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

20 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 7: Pisces The Focused One — Outwardly Directed Discrimination February 19–March 20 (opposite Virgo) Pisces Masculine Mine looks out into the outside world and makes one thing, usually a person or his work, more important than anything else. He tends to identify with other people, sometimes mistaking the feelings of others for his own. If the Pisces mind is focused on another person, he may lose his own emotional reference and "become one" with the feelings of the other person. Such behavior makes Pisces appear very interested and complementary to the one on whom he is focused. However, when something or someone brighter appears in front of him, Pisces will focus on that and forget about whatever (or whomever) previously attracted his attention. If a Pisces CType has nothing to focus on, he may feel that he does not exist. Pisces may also feel non-existent if he is not the center of attention. If he can't focus on one thing, he has no reference, and he projects that view of the world onto other people, thinking that if they aren't focused on him, he doesn't exist. Generally, to focus on somebody else's needs at the expense of one's own is more of a feminine quality. Because this intensity of focus is a natural tendency of the Pisces CType, Pisces men may occasionally feel they are too feminine, even if there is nothing unmasculine about them. A Pisces woman, on the other hand, is more likely to have her femininity exalted because of this tendency to focus on other people's needs. The danger is that she may become a martyr, so focused on another person that she completely forgets about her own needs and who she really is. This intense identification with the needs of another person, while perhaps exemplifying a quality perceived and valued by the other as feminine, does not necessarily acknowledge a Pisces woman or support her in addressing her own emotional needs. Elizabeth Taylor is an example of a Pisces woman who focused on the brightest thing in her outside world, generally her men. It appears that she may have lost herself in some of the relationships she had with her husbands, focusing so completely on their well-being that she forgot to take care of her own needs. She may have identified so strongly with their needs that she began to believe that those needs were her own, a trap for Pisces women. Interestingly, Ms. Taylor described her friend Michael Jackson as "the brightest star in the

21 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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universe." Certainly, from her Pisces Masculine Mind viewpoint, it is so. For men with Pisces CType, things tend to be a little different. They tend to focus on people or things having to do with their work. While focusing on a single aspect of work or a single person, other important parts of Pisces’ life may be neglected and ultimately cause problems in life and at work. Pisces Masculine Mind grows and solves life and work problems by going toward Virgo, his Inward Will opposite. This move requires Pisces to look inward at his Feminine Mind and to balance the various parts of his life, rather than focusing all of his attention on one thing in the outside world. For example, Elizabeth Taylor would have to take her focus off her husband and concentrate on balancing all the elements in her world, including taking care of her own emotional needs. An example of a Pisces in almost constant growth was Albert Einstein. He focused the better part of his working life on the attempt to prove a universal Theory of Relativity, that all the parts of the universe are interconnected and related to everything else. He was proving the balance and fit of all of the various parts of the Virgo "egg" we call the universe. Einstein, with his Pisces Masculine Mind, demonstrated his own personal evolution by focusing on a Virgo concept of the universe. In the process, he became a very consciously evolved human being.

Pisces Masculine Mind traits include:

Focusing on the "brightest" outside object, oftentimes a person Looking for what stands out and identifying with it Involving himself emotionally with the focus object at the expense of his own emotional

needs Exhibiting martyr tendencies, a trait especially prevalent in women Striving for problem-solver image

In our next chapter, we will be introduced to Libra, The Feeling One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

22 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 2: Libra The Feeling One — Inwardly Directed Sensation September 23– October 23 (opposite Aries)

Libra Masculine Mind (he) looks in at the Feminine Mind (her) and asks, "What have you got for me?" Libra operates primarily out of memories and their associated feelings, which slowly emerge and waft through from the Feminine Mind. Libra is the on-the-other-hand CType and works typically by thinking, "Well, I feel this way. [Another feeling comes.] But, on the other hand, I feel this way too," and so on. From the outside, Libra appears very balanced, weighing all the options. He considers this, and then he considers that. But the inside view suggests he can't make up his mind. For all his apparent indecisiveness, Libra is normally very structured, and he is a traditionalist. Libra is very strongly attached to his upbringing and has difficulty pulling away from relationships with parents, religion, and family. In a structured environment, however, where decisions and specific action are required, a Libra may feel unbalanced and possibly inadequate because he is not able to say, "Here is the challenge, and here is what I'm going to do about it." The Libra concept of making up his mind is to reach beyond his feelings momentarily and create something in the outside world. Libra men tend to get along well with women because the Libra Character is the closest of all the Masculine Mind CTypes to the Feminine Mind, where the identity of women resides. Because Libra men are in touch with their feelings, women may find it easier to relate with Libra men than those with other CTypes. Libra women tend to feel exalted by men because the Libra Masculine Mind (the masculine) is constantly looking to her, the Feminine Mind (the feminine). As with all CTypes, Libra grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Aries. Aries is constantly creating in the outside world. Notice that to move toward Aries, Libra must break away from his ongoing feelings and take creative action in the outside world. This is difficult for Libra, but it is how Libra grows and solves his problems both at work and at home. A good example is Jimmy Carter, who appears to be a very feeling man, typical of the Libra

23 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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CType. During his presidency, his critics accused him of being indecisive and overly sensitive. He was just being Libra. He would feel one way, and then he would feel something else. Probably one of his most famous comments, made on national television, was that he had "lusted in his heart for women." His critics and the media went crazy over the remark, and it was likely an embarrassing moment for him. However, he was only doing what Libra Masculine Mind does naturally, telling us what he was feeling. Look at what Jimmy Carter has been doing with his life since being president: building low-cost housing for the poor. In that, he is moving toward his opposite, Aries, on a regular basis, creating much value in the outside world and producing feelings of worth in himself and others. I have a deep admiration for Jimmy Carter and the work that he is doing. He is growing as a person, and he is making the world a better place through his contribution.

Libra Masculine Mind traits include:

Being governed by emotions Usually well organized Possibly having difficulty designing things that are purely mechanical Sometimes slow to act and more oriented to feelings Great at doing things that involve aesthetics Enjoying a love for food

In the next chapter, we meet Aries, The Creative One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

24 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 8: Aries The Creative One — Outwardly Directed Associations March 21–April 19 (opposite Libra)

Aries Masculine Mind looks out into the world and puts what is before him together in different ways to create something new. Aries is the most outward CType, most divorced from the Feminine Mind and, hence, of all the CTypes, least in touch with his feelings. Aries has a tendency to see things cleanly, with little or no emotion. He is very interested in how things come together. Star Trek's Mr. Spock has an Aries perspective of the universe. Spock exhibits a conspicuous absence of emotion in conjunction with an uncanny ability to see how things work together. Is it a coincidence that Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock, has an Aries Masculine Mind? Aries may have a difficult time feeling. Separation from the Feminine Mind is so complete that feelings may go unnoticed, as if they did not exist. Rather than seeing people as people, he tends to see people more as things to be transformed into a new creation. He always wants to change things, so he is not inclined to conform to standards. Accordingly, Aries Masculine Mind would much prefer to experiment. And because of his difficulty dealing with feelings, an Aries CType will not respond well to emotional appeals. Simple logic, with consequences for unauthorized experimentation specifically outlined, will work the best. What would devastate a Libra makes perfect sense to an Aries. Aries is the most creative CType, and he identifies with his creations, often becoming quite attached to them. A person with Aries Masculine Mind can get so wrapped up in creating that he forgets to eat or sleep. He is often only interested in something he has created or at least on which he has put his creative mark. He takes great pleasure when his creations move people emotionally. Producing a creation that moves others emotionally is a way for the Aries CType to access his own Feminine Mind. He wants to feel as if his creation has touched another person. Once an Aries has completed his creation, he may well abandon it without a second thought and move on to the next creation. For instance, my mother, an Aries, was a highly creative person. She was a concert pianist, interior designer, painter, landscape designer, and more. She received tremendous pleasure in knowing that someone really loved her creations. My son, who is a Libra, once told my mother how much he loved her paintings, and my mother's smile lit up the room. She even

25 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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wrote him a card saying how wonderful she felt when he expressed his feelings about the beauty of her work. Years ago, my mother was complaining bitterly about the fact that she had to replace the roof on her house. Since my mother's house is a creative masterpiece both inside and out, I wondered why she was so resistant to putting on the new roof. She said to me, "What good will it do? No one will see it." I might add that my mother doesn't like anything unless she has put her creative mark on it.

Because he is so distant from his own emotions, Aries Masculine Mind does not easily understand what other people want, know, or feel. For the same reason, Aries men may have a difficult time relating with women. Compared with other female CTypes, Aries women may also appear somewhat less emotional in regards to bonding with others. Aries grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Libra. Libra is constantly in touch with his Feminine Mind, his feelings, and emotions. Notice that to move toward Libra, Aries must break away from his ongoing creation in the outside world and pay attention to his emotional needs and the emotional needs of others. This is difficult for Aries, but it is how Aries grows and solves his problems both at work and at home. Aries, in moving toward his opposite, Libra, seeks to create in a way that allows him and others to feel something. For example, seeing others appreciate and benefit from his creations makes Aries’ heart sing. He is especially thrilled when others are moved or feel something good about his creation or work.

Aries Masculine Mind traits include:

Being creative Having an affinity for logic and progressive thinking Difficulty feeling, bonding, or relating emotionally with others Being bored with purely mechanical work because it is so easy for him Disliking repetition and/or standardization Only assigning value to things on which he has made his creative mark Lacking a natural aptitude for taking care of people or things Requiring details and documentation in business relationships

In the next chapter, we meet Scorpio, The Intense One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

26 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 3: Scorpio The Intense One — Inwardly Directed Discrimination October 24–November 21 (opposite Taurus) As someone with a Scorpio CType Masculine Mind, and having observed my own behavior in depth, I am intimately familiar with how Inwardly Directed Discrimination works in the world. Scorpio Masculine Mind looks in at the Feminine Mind and focuses on what she says is the most important memory or emotion. In the Feminine Mind, importance and value is created by the height of the layers of memories and the emotional content of the experiences that make up those memories. Scorpio will grab the one "most important" thing, latch on to it, and make it the lone focus in his world. Such inward focus tends to make Scorpio rigid, black and white on issues, and very passionate about his beliefs and worldview. He wants instant gratification, and he can have a difficult time with process. If you tell a Scorpio CType something with a little passion behind it, he will tend to believe you, making him quite gullible. He prides himself on being skeptical, simply because he finds skepticism so difficult. Scorpio will attempt to cover up any perceived shortcomings by being very logical. Scorpio is usually moralistic and believes that others are as well. Projecting a sense of morality on to others accounts for his gullibility and his surprise and indignation when others don't act as they said they would. Scorpio sees the world in black-and-white terms. Things are one way or the other, all or nothing. Moderation is not a strong point for Scorpio CType. He is generally not very adept at expressing himself in multifaceted problem solving because his inner focus on one thing is counter to seeing the whole problem. He tends to make everything he does a goal that must be achieved as soon as possible. He knows what he wants, and he wants it now! However, he does not necessarily know how to achieve his goals. The problem for Scorpio is that while he is focused on "the most important" thing, the world may be crashing down around him. It may be that the object of his undivided attention is not actually the most important thing; he just thinks it is. In my businesses, I sometimes focused all my attention on one aspect of work while more important things were falling apart around me. People pointed out what was happening, but it made no difference; by the time I changed my focus, much of the damage would be done.

27 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Scorpio CType is sometimes described as "sex crazed" — a result of the internal focus on the "most important thing." Sexual experiences usually have significant emotional content, and the accumulated memories of those experiences are generally numerous relative to other emotional experiences. When presented with a sexual situation, Scorpio looks in at the Feminine Mind and asks, "What's the most important thing?" Quite possibly the answer will be the memories and emotions associated with sex. Once focused on those memories and emotions, Scorpio's passion and desire for gratification grows more intense and becomes "the most important thing." It's good to remember, though, that Scorpio is a little crazy about anything on which he is focused. Scorpio grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Taurus. Taurus creates little actions in the world and, through trial and error, learns about the world. Notice that to move toward Taurus, Scorpio must break away from his ongoing inner focus and begin to take small actions in the outside world. This is difficult for Scorpio. When Scorpio is stuck or experiences pain, he is too focused on something. He gets out of this pitfall by creating action in the outside world, particularly physical action that includes moving the body.

Scorpio Masculine Mind traits include:

Focusing on one thing and making it the most important thing Seeing things as black and white Exhibiting emotional intensity and passion, many times inwardly When "stuck," often becoming immobile Knowing what he wants, but not necessarily how to get it Using logic to compensate for perceived shortcomings Being moralistic Being gullible, yet preferring to think of himself as skeptical Having a one-track mind Having difficulty in problem solving or expressing himself mechanically in the

outside world

In the next chapter we meet Taurus, The Methodical One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

28 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 9: Taurus The Methodical One — Bi-directional Will April 20–May 20 (opposite Scorpio) Taurus is Bi-directional Will, meaning that Taurus Masculine Mind looks out into the world and then in at the Feminine Mind, continuously alternating direction. Will means action, so the Taurus Masculine Mind is always exerting action in the direction he is looking. In the case of Taurus, the actions are little ones so that the results of each can be reviewed without a great deal of risk. Taurus is thus methodical, skeptical, and a gatherer of facts and experiences supported by his own trial-and-error actions. Taurus can become a wonderful craftsman or master in his field of expertise, doing what he does better than anyone else. Mechanically, he becomes an expert. He tends to believe only what is supported by his own experience. Taurus Masculine Mind wants to feel passionately about things but is not sure how to go about it. So he sometimes has a surrealistic expression of emotion, acting out the emotion instead of feeling it. I have seen this behavior in my daughter when she mechanically and physically "acts out" an emotion she wants to feel. This conduct is a Taurus attempt to "action" his way into feelings, almost an exaggeration of how a person might act if he were feeling that particular emotion. Focus and passion are naturally missing in Taurus. He tends not to know what he wants, but if he did, he would know how to get it. The Taurus approach to life tends to be mechanical and dispassionate, at times even repressive and manipulative of people and events. Because he constantly observes what happens, he tends to know a lot about people and their reactions. And since he knows how others will behave and respond to certain actions, people with Taurus CType often make good leaders and teachers. However, because action is more important than feeling, results will be more important than people. This trait also tends to make Taurus materialistic, but in a slow, stick-to-it way. Taurus tends to resist change because he allows himself to integrate only the facts that come from actual physical experience. He does not understand when it is no longer valuable to continue doing the things that were done before. He also tends to suppress the Feminine Mind, particularly the emotions and feelings with which he is not comfortable. A sense of

29 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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aesthetics is not his forte; as a result, he tries to develop it. Leaders with Taurus Masculine Mind tend to be somewhat dry, looking at the mechanics of production without a great deal of feeling. Taurus desires passion, feeling, aesthetics, and focus in life. He wants to know exactly what he wants like Scorpio does. Thus, Taurus often wants to do something that creates passion or feeling in his life. By going to Scorpio, Taurus grows. Instead of checking everything out and having all the facts, Taurus says, "I'm tired of slow and methodical. I'm tired of trial-and-error actions, constantly testing everything. I want passion and feeling in my life. I'm going to throw caution to the wind and just GO FOR IT!" Taurus grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Scorpio. Scorpio looks in at the Feminine Mind and focuses on a memory or feeling, making it the most important thing. Scorpio many times develops passion around its focus. Notice that to move toward Scorpio, Taurus must break away from his ongoing trial-and-error actions in the outside world and begin to focus inward on something he can feel passionate about. This is difficult for Taurus. When Taurus is stuck or experiences pain, it usually is caused by a lack of meaning or passion in his life.

Taurus Masculine Mind traits include:

Exhibiting a natural skepticism Being craftsmen, masters of the mechanical, able to do anything Learning through trial and error Being unable to identify what he wants Thinking methodically Sometimes repressing his emotions Desiring passion and feeling in his life Resisting change, especially anything based on faith

In the next chapter, we meet Sagittarius, The Visionary One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

30 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 4: Sagittarius The Visionary One — Inwardly Directed Association November 22–December 21 (opposite Gemini) Sagittarius (Sag) Masculine Mind looks in at the Feminine Mind, takes memories from the past, and puts them together in a new way to create potential futures or "new" memories. Thus, Sagittarius Masculine Mind is always making elaborate plans, taking the past, and creating new futures, all without the benefit of coming out of the mind and looking around to see what is going on in the world. You could call Sagittarius the "Don't Bother Me with the Facts" Character. He takes whatever information is in the Feminine Mind and churns it around every which way, oblivious to the possibility of bringing in new information from the outside world. He is very much like a spreadsheet program: plug in any data and the newly calculated results will ripple throughout the whole file. However, while Sagittarius is arranging and rearranging the same set of data in many different ways and playing with all the different possibilities, he is unaware that he may need to be in a whole different program known as "the real world." This CType not only creates new thoughts from old ones, but he also constantly dissects the old memories to analyze their contents. Thus, Sagittarius tends to be philosophical, pondering the ultimate origin of things he has experienced. Sagittarius doesn't tend to listen very well to others because he conducts an ongoing dialog with himself. He creates bigger, better, and more elaborate plans in his head. The resulting scenario becomes so real that it often becomes the perceived outer reality. In the absence of reality checks, these complex plans often fall short of the perceived reality when implementation is attempted in the outside world. Very often, tremendous guilt results from the shortfall, and Sagittarius feels he has let himself and everyone else down. Sagittarius also believes that he knows what other people are thinking. Sometimes he does, but often Sag is surprised when he finds out that others are not thinking along the same lines, nor following the game plan he has created internally and projected on to them.

31 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

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In taking memories from the past and combining them into forms of potential futures, Sagittarius skips the present, living life primarily in the past and future. A visionary and planner, Sag may have a difficult time achieving closure because he constantly adds to his plans. He tends to plan forever. I call this the "spin cycle." Literally, the Sag Masculine Mind spins out idea after idea, creating a Taj Mahal where a single-story tilt-up might be more appropriate. With little input from the outside world, these plans tend to be grandiose, complex, and difficult to implement. Sagittarius always seems to have too much to do because his mind can create additions and complexities to the "to do" list faster than even the most productive person can complete the tasks. Because others seem to get things done more readily and completely, Sagittarius tends to compare his own abilities unfavorably against theirs. In business, Sagittarius can be a visionary, creating something in his mind that is a real breakthrough. We must always listen to what Sagittarius has created and not discount these creations as "unrealistic." We just might be hearing a revolutionary idea. Sagittarius grows by leaving his internal dialog behind and going to his opposite, Gemini, who lives in the moment. Sag grows by getting out of the past and the future and into the now — stopping the thinking process and sensing things in the outside world.

Sagittarius Masculine Mind traits include:

Being visionary and excelling in creative thinking Living in the past and the future Having difficulty listening; resisting outside information Being idealistic and philosophical Feeling guilty because he cannot do enough Believing he knows what others are thinking and feeling Comparing himself unfavorably with those who appear to complete tasks or do

more In the next chapter, we will meet Gemini, The In-the-Moment One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

32 CTypes: Models for Relating the Unique Characteristics

That Determine How We Relate with Self and Others © 2010 David Dibble

Meeting CType 10: Gemini The In-the-Moment One — Bi-directional Sensation May 21–June 21 (opposite Sagittarius) Gemini Masculine Mind looks out into the world and brings in any information that can be captured by the five senses. Then, he looks in at the Feminine Mind at the memories and emotions that are associated with what he has sensed in the world, and then looks back out again, and so on. He tends to see only what is in front of him, only what he is sensing in that moment, and has difficulty conceiving of the past or the future with clarity. Because Gemini is in the moment, he does not easily perceive continuity, the flow of events from one to another. For this reason, he may be a bit on the fickle side, engrossed in whatever is in front of him right now. To the person in front of a Gemini, he will be attentive, interested, and possibly flattering. However, once someone else is in front of Gemini, the first person may be forgotten. Although Gemini can appear to be unreliable and unpredictable, he is not. With his complete attention on the here and now, Gemini may have forgotten what just happened, what he said, or what he was going to do. Gemini is sometimes described as "the twins," two people. However, he is not really two different personalities, but rather a person who behaves according to the moment while forgetting past and future. Gemini can be great with children because, like a child, he is in the moment, enjoys playing and doesn't have a heavy seriousness about him. Gemini may have a difficult time creating a vision. Vision comes from the past and is a projection into the future. Living in the moment, Gemini is not effective at using the past or envisioning the future. George Bush Sr. is a great example of someone with a Gemini Masculine Mind who couldn't create vision, and knew it. "I don't understand this vision thing," he said. He didn't know what his critics were talking about. Vision didn't even register with him.

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In his unsuccessful run for the 1992 presidency, the people in front of President Bush, his campaign audiences, were telling him with every cheer how great he was. Their overt support may have been one of the reasons he was so slow to realize that the economy was the focal concern of the American people in selecting their president in 1992. By the time he "got it," it was too late. Fixing the economy requires connecting the present to the past and the future, certainly not one of Gemini's strong points. President Bush was not aware of the need for the comprehensive plans that are necessary to lead a country out of its economic problems. Hence, a lost election. At the same time, Gemini absorbs whatever is in front of him. President Bush did display a typical Gemini strength: the ability to assess facts quickly and, thus, respond to international situations. Gemini grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Sagittarius. Sagittarius looks in at the Feminine Mind, at memories, and creates potential futures. Sagittarius can be visionary and is usually a strong planner. Notice that to move toward Sagittarius, Gemini must break away from his sensing everything in the moment and move into past and future. This is difficult for Gemini. When Gemini is stuck or experiences problems, they are usually caused by being too much in the moment. To solve life’s problems and grow, Gemini must move toward Sagittarius.

Gemini Masculine Mind traits include:

Living in the moment Possibly being unaware of past or future Being very aware of the present environment Being aware of inner emotions in the moment Having difficulty creating vision or planning Appearing fickle and unreliable

In the next chapter we meet Capricorn, The Action One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

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Meeting CType 5: Capricorn The Action One — Outwardly Directed Will December 22–January 19 (opposite Cancer) Capricorn Masculine Mind looks out into the world and creates action or exerts his will over what he sees. A Capricorn is like a blind man who learns about objects in the world by bumping into them. He is similar to Taurus with the exception that he is just flailing away in a whirlwind of action. Capricorn sees the world in a very pragmatic and concrete way. Everything is measurable, predictable, and follows the laws of cause and effect. It is common to hear in Capricorn’s speech terms having to do with action and doing. His motto is, “Don’t just stand there. Do something!” He may become very uncomfortable in situations where he is forced to be still. Isaac Newton had a Capricorn CType. Newton’s law, "For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction," is a very Capricorn way of viewing the world. Capricorn has a very difficult time understanding the concept of attraction, which has little in common with action-reaction. This is perhaps why Newton was so interested in gravity, because he wanted to better understand this natural force of attraction, a paradigm very different from the action-reaction world that he knew. Because Capricorn (he) is looking away from the Feminine Mind (her), he has a tendency to disregard his own feelings and the feelings of others. Capricorn sees people as obstacles to be moved aside or overcome so that they don't interfere with the actions he desires to initiate. Capricorn can have charisma or magnetism and not even know it. He doesn't understand attraction because he is not in touch with his Feminine Mind, which feels attraction. He is the ultimate pragmatist. People with Capricorn Masculine Mind are doers and see themselves as the source of all action. In creating this action, Capricorn may well be ambitious, pushy, or not particularly considerate of other people's feelings. All this action, however, doesn't deliver what Capricorn really desires. He is yearning to feel, whether from the attraction of something outside or something inside himself. Capricorn wants to feel connected to his environment rather than just banging into it all the time. Unfortunately, Capricorn doesn't know how to connect. To begin to grow and to feel something for himself, other people, or his environment, Capricorn must move toward his opposite, Cancer, the nurturer of everything in his environment.

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Capricorn grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Cancer. Cancer makes everyone and everything into extended family and nurtures his family. Notice that to move toward Cancer, Capricorn must break away from constant action in the outside world and begin to nurture self and others. This is difficult for Capricorn. When Capricorn is stuck or experiences problems, those life challenges are usually caused doing too much in life. To solve life’s problems and grow, Capricorn must move toward Cancer. Well-known people with Capricorn CType include Martin Luther King Jr., Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung. I have always admired Martin Luther King Jr., a man who clearly made the shift to his opposite, Cancer, on many occasions. Dr. King leveraged his inclination for action by nurturing his environment and helping oppressed people everywhere. Stalin, in contrast, seems to have had a very difficult time moving to his opposite. He definitely saw people as obstacles to overcome and didn't have much feeling for himself or others. Like Stalin, Mao Tse-tung appears to have faced similar barriers in moving toward his opposite.

Capricorn Masculine Mind traits include:

Being the ultimate "doer" Being active physically without a goal Being like a blind man bumping into the world in order to understand it Seeing the world in a mechanical, cause-and-effect way Being unaware of his own or other people's feelings Being the ultimate pragmatist Seeing people as obstacles to overcome

In the next chapter, we meet Cancer, The Family One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

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Meeting CType 11: Cancer The Family One — Bi-directional Discrimination June 22–July 22 (opposite Capricorn)

Bi-directional Discrimination means that the Character looks out and focuses on something in the world. Then, he looks in at the Feminine Mind (her) to see if what he sees in the outside world is important. In the beginning, the Feminine Mind tends to reject the outside object as not important. However, if Cancer Masculine Mind stays in one place long enough and sees the same person or object over and over, he will begin to identify with that person or object and give it value. As the repetitions continue, Cancer begins to bond with the person or object and to nurture it. Since there are many people or objects in his view, Cancer begins to nurture his whole environment. He makes everything family. He becomes attached to the people and things in his environment. He mothers them and works very hard at keeping things the same. He is very resistant to change in his environment. While people in his environment may enjoy being nurtured and protected for a while, it is not uncommon for Cancer's nurturing or protective behavior to begin to feel like controlling behavior to the ones he is nurturing. Because Cancer doesn't see his desire to nurture as a need to control, he feels rejected when people pull away from his control. He sees his efforts as attempts to help, guide, or protect. He knows what is best for people. Because Cancer identifies with the people in his environment, he will tend to blame those people if he is feeling down. When rejected, Cancer says, "After all I've done for you, this is how I'm treated!" If people in Cancer's environment are growing, he may not see the changes. Instead, he will maintain a picture of the people in his life that is based on a concept from the past. He will continue to see "his people" as having the same needs they have always had. By being unable to see changes or personal growth in others, he is protecting his old concept. Unless they are growing, men and women with Cancer CType tend to become, respectively, "little old men" and "little old ladies" — conservative, attached to the past, trying to nurture, protect and control everyone and everything in their environment. Cancer will feel very stuck when he thinks that his nurturing, protecting, and controlling behavior is being rejected. Cancer feels like the weight of the entire world is falling squarely on his shoulders — a very heavy load indeed.

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Cancer grows and solves his problems by going to his opposite, Capricorn. Cancer CType has to move from nurturing (feeling) to "doing" something different in his environment. He must create action that includes changes of direction. Every time Cancer feels something, instead of languishing in those feelings, he benefits from creating constructive, multidirectional action. Cancer will be very proud of action or changes that he has created because action and change are difficult for Cancer. Cancer grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Capricorn. Capricorn takes action in the outside world. Notice that to move toward Capricorn, Cancer must break away from constant nurturing and being responsible for his extended family to doing something in the outside world. This is difficult for Cancer. When Cancer is stuck or experiences problems, those life challenges are usually caused by too much nurturing and trying to control others (for their own good, of course). To solve life’s problems and grow, Cancer must move toward his opposite, Capricorn. Former President George W. Bush is a Cancer CType. In a speech about his War on Terrorism, he made a strong point that the countries of the world were "either with us or with the terrorists." This way of looking at the world is very typical of the Cancer Masculine Mind. It has been noted that Bush is much the same with the people around him. He controls everyone and everything, for their own good. During his presidency, he strongly supported people who supported him, even if there was some question as to the job they were doing. However, if someone went against him, Bush reacted harshly, as he has done with his critics. This reaction reflects the Cancer view of the "betrayal" of "family members" after "all he's done for them." To his credit, President Bush appeared to be able to move to his opposite, Capricorn, and get things going. However, he appeared to have difficulty staying in his opposite long enough to complete things he had started.

Cancer Masculine Mind traits include:

Making what he sees into "family" Being the Universal Mother Wanting control over the people in his "family" Being less physical, more feeling, and having difficulty creating action Being invested in no change Getting hurt when his nurturing is perceived as control and rejected by others Being powerful when he finally decides to create action in his environment

In the next chapter we meet Aquarius, The Observant One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

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Meeting CType 6: Aquarius The Observant One — Outwardly Directed Sensation January 20–February 18 (opposite Leo) Aquarius Masculine Mind looks out into the external world and brings in any information that can be sensed by the five senses. Aquarius observes the world and collects information about the world he observes around him. He doesn't necessarily do anything with the information he brings in, but it is all there if needed. He usually knows a lot about his world, but because he doesn't go deeply into his observations, he may feel that he doesn't have as much substance or as much to contribute as other people. Aquarius may feel that he has little power over his world and is at the mercy of his environment. As such, he tends to be very interested in leadership, especially social leadership, where he will be in a position to have some control over his environment. Aquarius loves to bring new experiences to the senses and therefore likes to travel, see new things, and gather new information. He also tends to be light and airy, even irreverent, as opposed to heavy, intense, or somber. Aquarius is very interested in surfaces and textures, but does not often delve beneath the surface. He may, therefore, long for meaning in his life. Ronald Reagan was considered by some to be a bit shallow. During his presidency, he appeared to lack depth in his understanding of the many issues of the day. He didn't see connections between events and lived on the superficial belief that America was and is the greatest nation on earth, not noticing what was happening to the core of the nation. They called him the "Teflon president" because things didn't affect him, or, in other words, they didn't have meaning for him. Ronald Reagan wanted to be remembered as a great leader, a man who made a difference, a man who meant something. Whether or not Ronald Reagan was a great president is a matter of opinion. Like all presidents, he is much admired by many and disparaged by others. The point is that he viewed the world from an Aquarius perspective. Aquarius grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Leo. While the universe runs Aquarius, Leo runs his universe. Notice that to move toward Leo, Aquarius must break away from being controlled by external forces and begin to take charge of his life. This is difficult for Aquarius. When Aquarius is stuck or experiences problems, those life challenges are usually caused by a lack of meaning in his life. To solve life’s problems and grow, Aquarius must move toward his opposite, Leo.

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Oprah Winfrey, for example, appears to be growing and evolving quite rapidly by going to her CType's opposite, Leo. For Leo, everything has meaning because Leo creates everything. Oprah moves toward Leo often and, in so doing, takes a strong social leadership role that she shares via her television show and other meaningful activities. She is creating meaning for herself and her audience and making a real difference in the world. Certainly Abraham Lincoln was also able to access his Leo opposite and take a powerful leadership role. Interestingly, like Ronald Reagan, Lincoln did not appear affected much by the criticism he received during his presidency.

Aquarius Masculine Mind traits include:

Quick, superficial thinking Identifying with outer sensations Being light, airy, and somewhat fickle Being very aware of surfaces Desiring deeper meaning in his life Desiring a leadership role, especially a social leadership role

In the next chapter we meet Leo, The Centered One.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

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Meeting CType 12: Leo The Centered One — Bi-directional Association July 23–August 22 (opposite Aquarius) Leo Masculine Mind looks in at the Feminine Mind, creates a fantasy of what is possible, then takes the fantasy out and tests it in the world. Then, he brings it back in and repeats the process. As a result, Leo creates his own world, with everything connected to everything else. In essence, Leo becomes god in his universe. Unlike Aquarius, which is run by the universe, Leo creates and runs his universe. Common characteristics of Leo’s Bi-directional Association are his thoroughness and being very self-assure. Thus, Leo is often regarded as a leader, even though he may not view himself in that light. Because Leo creates everything he knows, he is not aware of things that he did not create. While Aquarius is very aware of the world, Leo is not. Leo may have difficulty understanding people, especially why others do not think as he does. And if he doesn't understand people, he will feel that people don't understand him. Because Leo is god in his universe, you can forget about winning an argument with him. For Leo, if something is not part of the universe he has created, it is nonexistent or just plain baloney. Leo only believes in the things he has created. Also, because Leo is in a constant state of creation, he may find it difficult to complete a task. He will want to add to the creation, to be more thorough. After all, god is never finished creating the universe. Leo grows and solves problems at work and at home by moving toward his opposite, Aquarius. Leo, being god in his universe, has huge needs for control of what he knows. Controlling this self-made universe, for which Leo is solely responsible, can become a heavy load. Notice that to move toward Aquarius, Leo must break away from controlling his universe to allowing in new information and life experiences for which he is not responsible. This is difficult for Leo. When Leo is stuck or experiences problems, Leo doing too much Leo usually causes those life challenges. To solve life’s problems and grow, Leo must move toward his opposite, Aquarius. Some well-known people with Leo Masculine Mind are Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Osama Bin Laden. My educated guess is that these people hold very strong beliefs about their world. I would venture, too, that getting these people to change their minds could be a

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challenge. During his presidency, Bill Clinton saw himself and our government as the central source of solutions for the huge problems that faced America. Barack Obama appears much like Clinton in his views of the role of government in society. For both, the solutions to America’s problems lay not in true change, but in the addition of more complexity, more layers, to the already vast universe of existing programs. But there is more to it. Clinton's formula for success was a very Leo approach to problem solving, namely, "You do your homework, you chart clear goals, you make sure all the parts mesh, then, even though you may have to bend some in the process, you stick with the key pieces of your plan until you accomplish your goals." This strategy is much like Barack Obama’s. Leo is always adding on, reforming, and recreating what has been created in the past. Osama bin Laden definitely lives in his own insulated world and appears to have difficulty moving to his opposite.

Leo Masculine Mind traits include:

Creating his own universe and seeing himself as god in that universe Being regarded as a leader Being confident about what he knows Being very thorough, but having trouble completing things Seeing reality as additions or reformation of what is already created Making things complex Being autocratic Having difficulty understanding people, possibly feeling that people don't

understand him

We have now met all of the CTypes that live within us. We have seen how the body of knowledge known as DreamWork CharacterTypes might enhance life in a meaningful way. Now we understand the source of our problems and have a viable strategy to solve those problems. In the next chapter, we will examine practical applications of CTypes, both at work and at home.

CType Principle: All CTypes get in trouble, both at work and at home, when they do too much of their natural. The solution to life problems for any CType is to move toward his opposite.

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The Practical Application of CTypes at Work and at Home

Linda, my wife of forty years, and I have been using CTypes both at work and at home with excellent results for more than twenty years. Linda says that CTypes is the most powerful tool she uses in her teaching and coaching based upon our New Agreements, The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz, and DreamWork. Let's look at the many applications of CTypes in all aspects of life. AT HOME

Within my family, CTypes has facilitated an understanding of each other in ways we never thought possible. Any family relationship can be enhanced through the use of CTypes. For instance, my wife has a Sagittarius CType. My knowledge of Sag helps me to understand her at deeper, more meaningful levels. Understanding the CTypes of those with whom we are most actively involved creates opportunities for closer, more intimate relationships. CTypes has also been invaluable in understanding our children and being better parents. When our children had significant problems in their lives, it was always a result of them doing too much of their natural CType. The solution was, of course, to assist them in moving to their opposite. We also found that when we were having problems as parents in dealing with our children, we too were almost always doing too much of our natural. Scorpio dad, doing too much Scorpio, invariably creates drama on the parenting front. More importantly, I understand my own Scorpio CType. Knowing my CType helps me understand myself in a more profound way and catch myself when I project my CType onto others. For those of you who work with families as counselors, therapists, coaches, social workers, or even close friends, CTypes will forever change the way you work and deal with clients. When your clients have problems, you will know it is most likely because they are thinking and behaving too much from their natural CType. The solution? Assist them in moving to their opposite alternative. We will soon be publishing a series of comprehensive guidelines for using CharacterTypes in solving problems and deepening relationships among couples at all stages of a relationship, parents and children, friends and family, and dealing with older parents in their twilight years. AT WORK

CTypes explain so many of the issues that we face in the workplace. Many times, people are doing jobs that they are not really suited to do. As leaders and managers, the use of CTypes will help us become better at working with our people. We can set others and ourselves up to

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experience higher levels of success in our jobs. If problems occur with people, moving them to their opposite is always a good strategy. Most importantly, when leaders and managers begin to see their own CTypes in their leadership and management styles, they too can make a move to their opposites when things aren't working. Finally, leaders or managers who catch themselves projecting their CTypes onto other people in the organization have a huge advantage over leaders and managers who do this unconsciously. A person who leads with awareness has choices. For professionals who serve the workplace as directors, advisors, teachers, consultants, trainers, coaches, therapists, or counselors, CTypes is a powerful tool. If a leader, executive, or manager is stuck, you will know that he is stuck in his CType and the solution to the problem is to assist him in moving to his opposite in a bridge-building process. For therapists and coaches working with clients, there is no more powerful problem-solving tool than CTypes. It is so simple, yet so effective. The problem was created by doing too much of his natural. The solution? Assist him in moving to his opposite. It is the same for teachers and students. Teachers can be much more effective when they understand how their students process information as a CType model for thinking. Building relationships, teamwork, and rapport amongst co-workers can be dramatically enhanced through the use of CTypes. It is not unusual for work groups that are introduced to CTypes to become "lighter" at work, have more energy, and have more fun by noticing tendencies of each other's CTypes. Blame and finger pointing tend to diminish. We will soon be publishing a series of comprehensive guidelines for using CTypes in the workplace for solving problems and growing people. The first set will be for manager/leaders in dealing effectively with problems with subordinates and helping them to grow. Of course, in doing CType work with his or her people, the manager/leader will grow, too. Follow-on series will include guides for specific professionals, such as therapists, coaches, consultants, and counselors. We will also be creating a few occupation-specific series for important areas such as education (teachers and students) and healthcare (care providers and patients). COMBINING CHARACTERTYPES AND DREAMWORK

As discussed previously, DreamWork Dream Interpretation is the process of asking Inner Wisdom powerful questions and receiving perfect guidance in a dream. I believe one of the most important questions that can be asked of Inner Wisdom is, "What is my life purpose? What am I here to do in this lifetime?" I encourage anyone who is pulled to this work to do a Dream Assignment and ask these questions, because I believe that each of us is here in this lifetime for a purpose. If we can identify our life purpose and have the courage to pursue that life path, universal energy aligns with us to assist us along our chosen path. All sorts of things occur that would otherwise never have occurred. For example, serendipitous events and chance meetings

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accelerate us through this adventure we call life. Of course, there are no straight lines in the universe and no life paths without challenges. When we are stuck in our journey or unable to manifest our life purpose, it is probably because we are stuck in our natural CType. It's time to go to our opposite. Dream Interpretation and CTypes make a power combination for solving life's most intractable problems. Although I have been using DreamWork CharacterTypes and Dream Interpretation for the last twenty-two years, I had, until recently, not felt a need to take the work into the world. My dreams and meditations now tell me that the time has come for DreamWork CharacterTypes and Dream Interpretation to be taken into the world in a broad and meaningful way. Dream Interpretation and CTypes have the power to change the world. While I am the ultimate optimist, I also know that the world will change at its own pace, guided by Spirit and Inner Wisdom. Still, the birth of DreamWork Dream Interpretation and CTypes into the world may produce profound changes, uniting the people of the world in deeper understanding. That is my hope, desire, and intent.

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Epilogue It has been said that the purpose of life is to remember who we are. When one remembers, one becomes whole again, one with God. Being that we are made of materials from both Earth and stars, is it too great a stretch to believe that we have inherent in each of us a Divine Intelligence or Inner Knowing that connects us to both? These are gifts of profound understanding, deep connection, and unconditional love. For those of you who accept these gifts, life will change. For those of you who accept, practice, and master these gifts, your relationship with self and others will be changed forever. Your life will be transformed as never before. I do not know why I was chosen to take this work into the world at this time. I know it is part of my dharma (duty) and destiny. I think this work is part of the accelerating change that many of us feel coming to humanity. While some will see the coming changes with fear and trepidation, there is nothing to fear. We, as a connected humanity, are creating a new type of dream, a new reality based upon universal intelligence and unconditional love. CTypes and DreamWork are accelerants. I am honored to work with all the beautiful kindred spirits who will in some way resonate with this profound body of knowledge. I am honored to laugh, cry, play, and learn with all the "crazy" CTypes who will be pulled to venture deeper into this work. Please accept my humble gratitude for all you are and all you do. We are the spiritual warriors who will take this work into the world in the ways that make our hearts sing in perfect harmony with the cosmic choir that lives in each of us. Until we meet again.... With great admiration and respect, David Dibble

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The Next Steps/Work with Us C-Types Modules for Couples in All Stages of Relationship: For important insights into what each C-Type should know about self and other in moving a relationship to deeper levels of communication and intimacy, a comprehensive set of C-Type-specific modules is available at www.CTypes.com. C-Types Modules for Managers/Leaders: For important insights into what each manager/leader C-Type should know about working and interacting with the individual C-Types of their employees and subordinates, a comprehensive set of C-Type-specific modules is available at www.DavidDibble.com or www.CTypes.com. Training and Support Materials: We offer a number of online and onsite trainings and a variety of support materials for those of you who wish to learn more about C-Types, DreamWork, New Agreements for Conscious Leaders, or Four Agreements at Work. Please go to our websites, www.DavidDibble.com or www.CTypes.com, for more information. Train-the-Trainer: Learn to apply and teach the universal principles of DreamWork or C-Types. Please go to our websites, www.DavidDibble.com or www.CTypes.com, for more information. Keynote Presentations: For presentations on Conscious Leadership, New Agreements, Four Agreements, C-Types, or DreamWork, contact me via email at David@DavidDibble.com. Work with Linda: As people who know her will attest, Linda is a remarkable human being. She has been called an angel by many who have worked with her. If you wish to work with Linda on relationships, C-Types, DreamWork, or the Four Agreements, contact her via email at Linda@DavidDibble.com. Consulting: I have done a lot of consulting, sometimes bringing in associates for larger assignments. The work we have done has always proved quite fruitful for our clients. However, done consciously, consulting is hard work, both physically and emotionally. I am getting a little old to go it alone on consulting assignments. However, I will consider playing a role in a consulting assignment where we would be working with a kindred spirit Conscious Leader who wants to build a conscious, sustainable business. Please contact me via email at David@DavidDibble.com. Conscious Leadership Retreats: In 2011, we will start a yearly retreat for Conscious Leaders and people in the process of becoming Conscious Leaders. Although the context of these retreats is Conscious Leadership at work, these events should be seen as a spiritual journey. If anything you have read here resonates with you, we look forward to hearing from you.