A Phing fairy tale - ConFoo13

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of A Phing fairy tale - ConFoo13

A Phing fairy taleStephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG

A Phing fairy tale

About me

Stephan Hochdörfer

Head of IT at bitExpert AG, Germany

enjoying PHP since 1999




A Phing fairy tale

Warning: You will see a hell lot of XML.

What is Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

What is Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

It is a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.

What is Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

Domain Specific Language for an project build system.

What is Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

Enables one button push automation.

Project build system?

A Phing fairy tale

Project build system?

A Phing fairy tale

Automation of non-development tasks

Project build system?

A Phing fairy tale

Automate absolutely everything.

Project build system?

A Phing fairy tale

If you use Phing, only use Phing.

Why Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

Why Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

Runs everywhere where PHP runs.

Why Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

No additional depencendies needed(e.g. Java, …).

Why Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

More than 120 predefinedtasks to choose from.

Why Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

Easy to extend by writing custom tasks in PHP.

How to install Phing?

A Phing fairy tale

$> pear channel­discover pear.phing.info$> pear install phing/phing

How to install Phing? The PEAR way...

A Phing fairy tale

Installing Phing

$> phing ­vPhing 2.4.14

$> pear channel­discover pear.phing.info$> pear install phing/phing

How to install Phing? The PEAR way...

A Phing fairy tale

Installing Phing

Running Phing:

{"require": {

"phing/phing": "2.4.14"}


How to install Phing? The Composer way...

A Phing fairy tale


$> php composer.phar installLoading composer repositories with package informationInstalling dependencies  ­ Installing phing/phing (2.4.14)    Downloading: 100%         

Writing lock fileGenerating autoload files

{"require": {

"phing/phing": "2.4.14"}


How to install Phing? The Composer way...

A Phing fairy tale


Running Composer:

How to install Phing? The Composer way...

A Phing fairy tale

/home/shochdoerfer/myproject   |­vendor   |­­­bin   |­­­­­@phing   |­­­composer   |­­­phing   |­­­­­phing   |­­­­­­­bin   |­­­­­­­­­phing   |­­­­­­­build   |­­­­­­­classes   |­­­­­­­docs   |­­­­­­­etc   |­­­­­­­test

How to install Phing? The Composer way...

A Phing fairy tale

/home/shochdoerfer/myproject   |­vendor   |­­­bin   |­­­­­@phing   |­­­composer   |­­­phing   |­­­­­phing   |­­­­­­­bin   |­­­­­­­­­phing   |­­­­­­­build   |­­­­­­­classes   |­­­­­­­docs   |­­­­­­­etc   |­­­­­­­test

$> ./vendor/bin/phing ­vPhing DEV

Running Phing:

Phing Basics

A Phing fairy tale

Phing Basics

A Phing fairy tale

Project, Target, Task, Properties

Phing Basics: Project

A Phing fairy tale

Root node of a build file containing one or more targets.

Phing Basics: Target

A Phing fairy tale

A group of tasks that run as an entity.

Phing Basics: Task

A Phing fairy tale

Custom piece of code to perform a specific function.

Phing Basics: Properties

A Phing fairy tale

Properties (Variables) help to customize execution.

Phing Basics: Built-In Properties

A Phing fairy tale

e.g. host.os, line.separator, phing.version, php.version, …

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="init">

<target name="init">

<!­­ insert logic here ­­></target>


Phing Basics: Sample Build File

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says Hello, world!">

 <echo msg="Hello, world!" /></target>


Build File – Hello World example

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says Hello, world!">

 <echo msg="Hello, world!" /></target>


Build File – Hello World example

A Phing fairy tale

$> phingBuildfile: /home/shochdoerfer/build.xml

myproject > hello:

     [echo] Hello, world!


Total time: 0.0595 seconds

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says Hello, world!">

 <property name="Hello"                 value="Hello, world!" />

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Introducing Properties

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /> <target name="hello" 

description="Says Hello, world!">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Introducing Properties

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says whatever you want to say"

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Externalizing Properties

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says whatever you want to say"

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Externalizing Properties (CLI)

A Phing fairy tale

$> phing ­DHello="Hello from CLI"Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml

myproject > hello:

     [echo] Hello from CLI


Total time: 0.0599 seconds

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says whatever you want to say">

<propertyfile="./build.properties" />

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Externalizing Properties (File)

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" description="Says whatever you want to say">

<propertyfile="./build.properties" />

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Externalizing Properties (File)

A Phing fairy tale

Hello=Hello, world!build.properties:

$> phingBuildfile: /home/shochdoerfer/build.xml

myproject > hello:

 [property] Loading /home/shochdoerfer/build.properties     [echo] Hello, world!


Total time: 0.0601 seconds

Build File – Externalizing Properties (File)

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /> <target name="hello" 

description="Says Hello, world!">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>

<target name="goodbye" description="Says goodbye!">

 <echo msg="Goodbye!" /></target>


Build File – Defining multiple targets

A Phing fairy tale

$> phing helloBuildfile: /tmp/build.xml

myproject > hello:

     [echo] Hello, world!


Total time: 0.0612 seconds

Build File – Defining multiple targets

A Phing fairy tale

$> phing helloBuildfile: /tmp/build.xml

myproject > hello:

     [echo] Hello, world!


Total time: 0.0612 seconds

$> phing goodbyeBuildfile: /tmp/build.xml

myproject > goodbye:

     [echo] Goodbye!


Total time: 0.0619 seconds

Build File – Defining multiple targets

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="init" description="Property initialization">

 <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /></target>

<target name="hello" depends="init">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Target dependencies

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="init" description="Property initialization">

<property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /></target>

<target name="customcode" description="Some custom logic">


<target name="hello" depends="init, customcode">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Target dependencies

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="pre­init"><property name="World" value="world" />


<target name="init" depends="pre­init"><property name="Hello" 

               value="Hello, ${World}!" /></target>

<target name="hello" depends="init">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Build File – Target dependencies

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="print"><echo msg="Processing: ${filename}" />


<target name="run"><!­­ 

           loop through files and call print target ­­><foreach param="filename" 

             absparam="filename" target="print">

<fileset dir="."><include name="*.php"/>



Build File – Calling targets programmatically I

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="print"><echo msg="Processing: ${filename}" />


<target name="run">

<!­­ calling target with given property ­­><phingcall target="print">

<property name="filename"                   value="test.php" />



Build File – Calling targets programmatically II

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">

<!­­ calling target in print.xml with               given property ­­>

<phing phingfile="print.xml" target="print"><property name="filename" 

                 value="test.php" /></phing>


Build File – Calling targets programmatically III

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">

      <!­­ Copy files matching the expression ­­>      <copy todir="/tmp/deploy">

<fileset dir="." includes="**/*.php"><and>

<size value="1024" when="more" /><date 

                          datetime="01/01/2013 10:00 AM"                           when="after" />




Build File – Fileset

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ Copy files and replace tokens ­­>      <copy todir="/tmp/deploy">

<filterchain><replacetokens begintoken="##"

                       endtoken="##"><token key="VERSION" 



<fileset dir=".">      <include name="**/*.php"/></fileset>



Build File – Filters

A Phing fairy tale

Phing – What can it do for me?

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ correct file permissions ­­>            <chmod file="${project.basedir}/cache" 

                  mode="0777" />            <chmod file="${project.basedir}/uploads" 

                  mode="0777" /></target>


Phing – What can it do for me?

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ create API documentation ­­>            <docblox title="My project"

              destdir="apidocs"           template="new_black">

      <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/src">          <include name="**/*.php" />      </fileset>



Phing – What can it do for me?

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ minify javascript ­­>

      <jsMin targetDir="${project.basedir}/web/"><fileset dir="${project.basedir}/web/js/">

<include name="**/*.js"/></fileset>



Phing – What can it do for me?

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ exec database migrations ­­>

     <liquibase­update    jar="/opt/liquibase/liquibase.jar"    classpathref="/opt/liquibase/lib/mysql.jar"    changelogFile="${project.basedir}/diff.xml"    username="liquibase"    password="liquibase"    url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/myproject"/>


Phing – What can it do for me?

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ deploy via rsync to dev server ­­>

     <exec     command="rsync ­vraCz ./ ${deploy.dev.url}"     dir="${project.basedir}"     checkreturn="true" />


Phing – Task missing? Use exec...

A Phing fairy tale

Build File – Advanced usage

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="hello" depends="init"> <echo msg="${Hello}" />


<target name="init" depends="prop, local­prop"<!­­ some more init logic ­­>


<target name="prop"><echo message="Load default build.properties"<property

file="./build.properties" /></target>

Properties File - Improved version

A Phing fairy tale

<target name="local­prop"if="local­prop.exists"depends="local­prop­check">

<echo message="Loading custom properties!"<property



<target name="local­prop­check"><available

file="${project.basedir}/local.properties"property="local­prop.exists" />


Properties File - Improved version

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="init" description="Property initialization">

 <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /></target>

<target name="hello" depends="init">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Enforce Internal Targets

A Phing fairy tale

User can call both targets from command line. We do not want that.

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="­init" description="Property initialization">

 <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /></target>

<target name="hello" depends="­init">

 <echo msg="${Hello}" /></target>


Enforce Internal Targets

A Phing fairy tale

Prefixing a targets with a „-“ prevents the target from being called from the command line.

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="init"> <adhoc­task name="mytask"><![CDATA[class MyTask extends Task {

/** * (non­PHPdoc) * @see \Task::main() */public function main() {

// Custom code here...}



<target name="hello" depends="init">

 <mytask /></target>


Custom Task (Adhoc definition)

A Phing fairy tale

<?phprequire_once 'phing/Task.php';

class MyTask extends Task {/** * (non­PHPdoc) * @see \Task::main() */public function main() {

// Custom code here...}


Custom Task (External file)

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="init"> <taskdef

name="mytask"classpath="${project.basedir}"classname="MyApp.Common.Phing.MyTask" />


<target name="hello" depends="init">

 <mytask /></target>


Custom Task (External file)

A Phing fairy tale

<?phprequire_once 'phing/Task.php';

class MyTask extends Task {protected $file;

/** * @param string $file */public function setFile($file) {

$this­>file = $file;}

/** * @see \Task::main() */public function main() {

// Custom code here...}


Custom Task with Parameters

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="hello">

<target name="init"> <taskdef

name="mytask"classpath="${project.basedir}"classname="MyApp.Common.Phing.MyTask" />


<target name="hello" depends="init">

 <mytask file="myfile.txt" /></target>


Custom Task with Parameters

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="app:run">

<!­­The following target namespaces exist:db:*  ­ Database specific targetsapp:* ­ Application specific tasksci:*  ­ CI server specific tasks­­><import file="build/build.db.xml" /><import file="build/build.app.xml" /><import file="build/build.ci.xml" />


Imports for Targets can help structuring

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="ci:run­tests">

<target name="app:clean­cache"></target>

<target name="app:create­cache"></target>

<target name="db:migrate"></target>

<target name="js:minifiy"></target>

<target name="ci:lint"></target>

<target name="ci:run­tests"></target>


Distinct Target Naming

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">      <!­­ tag the database →

      <input    propertyname="tag"    defaultValue="mytag">Tag to create?</input>

      <liquibase­tag    tag="${tag}"    jar="/opt/liquibase/liquibase.jar"    classpathref="/opt/liquibase/lib/mysql.jar"    changelogFile="${project.basedir}/diff.xml"    username="liquibase"    password="liquibase"    url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/myproject"/>


Prompt user for input

A Phing fairy tale

<?xml version="1.0"?><project name="myproject" default="run">

<target name="run">

      <!­­                 Returns canonicalized absolute pathname            ­­>

      <php function="realpath"                 returnProperty="app.dir">

       <param value="${app.dir}"/>      </php></target>


Calling PHP functions from Phing

A Phing fairy tale

Follow conventions

A Phing fairy tale

Phing expects your build file to be called build.xml and the build’s properties file


Follow conventions

A Phing fairy tale

Pick meaningful, human-readable names for targets and properties.

Follow conventions

A Phing fairy tale

Make build files self-contained.

Thank you!
