A ModifiedparallelIWANmodelforcyclichardeningbehaviorofsand

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  • 8/2/2019 A ModifiedparallelIWANmodelforcyclichardeningbehaviorofsand


    A modified parallel IWAN model for cyclic hardening behavior of sand

    Jin-Sun Leea,, Yun-Wook Choo b,1, Dong-Soo Kim b,2

    a Climate Change Response Division, National Emergency Management Agency, #1103 Leema Bldg., 146-1 Soosong-dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, Republic of Koreab Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon 305-701, South Korea

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 25 March 2008

    Received in revised form

    24 June 2008

    Accepted 29 June 2008


    Bauschingers effect

    Cyclic hardening

    Cyclic threshold

    Irrecoverable strain

    Masing rule

    IWAN model

    Accumulated shear strain

    Site response analysis

    a b s t r a c t

    A modified parallel IWAN model, which includes a cyclic hardening function, is proposed and verified.

    The proposed model consists of elasto-perfect plastic and isotropic hardening elements. The model is

    able to predict cyclic hardening behavior through the adjustment of the internal slip stresses of its

    elements beyond the cyclic threshold, and satisfies Bauschingers effect and the Masing rule with its

    own behavior characteristics. The cyclic hardening function is developed based on the irrecoverable

    plastic strain (accumulated shear strain) of dry sand during shearing, which is assumed to be a

    summation of shear strain beyond the cyclic threshold. Symmetric-limit cyclic loading and irregular

    loading tests were performed to determine model parameters and to verify the behavior of the

    proposed model. Finally, a one-dimensional site response analysis program (KODSAP) is developed

    by using the proposed model. The effects of cyclic hardening behavior on site response are evaluated

    using KODSAP.

    & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    In order to perform seismic site response and/or soil structure

    interaction analyses, the development of reliable constitutive

    models that can predict the cyclic stressstrain behavior of soil at

    small to intermediate strain ranges is necessary. The most

    important behavior characteristics of soil during cyclic loadings

    are: (i) a nonlinear stressstrain relationship, (ii) an apparent

    reduction in yield stress when loads are reversed, or Bauschingers

    effect [1], and (iii) changes in soil properties not only with

    shearing strain but also with the progression of cycles, called

    cyclic hardening or degradation [2].

    A number of approaches have been used to account for the

    above phenomena. Mathematical functions and plasticity modelshave been able to predict nonlinear stressstrain behavior,

    including Bauschingers effect, under cyclic loading conditions.

    Some of the most well-known mathematical function models

    are hyperbolic/exponential functions [3,4] and four-parameter

    models, which are known as RambergOsgood (RO) models.

    Purzin and Shiran [5] suggested a logarithmic function model to

    improve the accuracy of the hyperbolic and RO models. In

    general, the mathematical function models need a specific

    behavioral rule, such as the Masing rule, that defines the

    unloading and reloading curves because most mathematical

    function models have been developed using backbone curves as

    un/reloading curves.

    Many plasticity models, such as two surface, kinematic

    hardening, and nested yield surface models, have also been

    able to predict nonlinear stressstrain behavior, including

    Bauschingers effect under cyclic loading, without a specific

    behavioral rule. Among these plasticity models, the nested yield

    surface model offers great versatility and flexibility for describing

    any observed material behavior, although it suffers from inherent

    storage inconveniences.

    The original IWAN model is based on the assumption that ageneral hysteretic system can be constructed from a large number

    of ideal elasto-plastic elements having different yield levels [6].

    The IWAN model consists of a collection of perfectly elastic

    spring and rigid-plastic or slip elements arranged in either a

    seriesparallel or parallelseries combination. The IWAN model

    can be categorized as a nested yield surface model when it is

    expanded into three-dimensional space.

    The above cyclic models have been able to predict material

    behavior well, except for soils where the stressstrain relationship

    changes with a progressive number of loading cycles. In the case

    of soil, changes in volume or rearrangement of particles can occur

    during a load repetition beyond a cyclic threshold and can

    influence the stressstrain relationship. In order to predict these


    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/soildyn

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

    0267-7261/$- see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.06.008

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +822 2100 5494; fax: +82 2 2100 5499.

    E-mail addresses: blueguy@nema.go.kr (J.-S. Lee), ywchoo@kaist.ac.kr

    (Y.-W. Choo), dskim@kaist.ac.kr (D.-S. Kim).1 Tel.: +8242 8695659; fax: +8242 8693610.2 Tel.: +82 42869 3619; fax: +8242 8693610.

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009) 630640

  • 8/2/2019 A ModifiedparallelIWANmodelforcyclichardeningbehaviorofsand


    soil characteristics, many soil models have been developed since

    the 1970s. These may be divided into two types. One type uses

    cyclic parameters based on volume changes with shear deforma-

    tion, and was developed by Van Eekelen and Potts [7], Valanis

    and Read [8], Bazant et al. [9], Purzin et al. [10], Muravskii and

    Frydman [11], Hashiguchi and Chen [12], and Woodward and

    Molenkamp [13]. The other type uses cyclic parameters as a

    number of loading cycles, and was developed by Idriss et al. [14],Vucetic [15], and Rao and Panda [16].

    The first researchers to seriously consider the IWAN

    model were Purzin et al. [10]. They proposed the modified

    serial IWAN model for cyclic degradation of clays, with cyclic

    degradation a function of the observed pore water pressure.

    The second researchers were Rao and Panda [16], who pro-

    posed the modified serial IWAN model for cyclic degradation

    of clays with cyclic degradation as a function of the number of


    The models in which cyclic hardening/degradation varies as a

    function of the number of cycles show a problem of whether the

    cyclic hardening/degradation function can obey a superposition

    rule when the models are subjected to transient loadings (Miner

    rule [7]), and show consistent behavior only at one point in eachloading cycle. Therefore, they are unable to account for cyclic

    hardening and degradation within a single cycle [10]. For this

    reason, it is preferable to use a continuous relationship based on

    volume change or shearing deformation of soil as a cyclic

    hardening/degradation function. However, another problem with

    the models using volume changes or shearing deformation as

    their cyclic hardening/degradation function is the difficulty in

    determining the function parameters and the irrecoverable strain,

    which have generally been used as a concept not of the cyclic

    threshold but of the elastic threshold.

    For the reasons mentioned above, in this paper the parallel

    IWAN model is modified to represent the cyclic hardening

    behavior of dry sand by the inclusion of isotropic hardening

    elements connected in parallel. The advantages of the parallel

    IWAN model are that it is able to predict hysteretic behavior,

    including Bauschingers effect, with its own behavior character-

    istics without any additional behavior rules, and it obeys

    Druckers stability postulate even if a system comes into localized

    failure modes [17]. The behavior of the isotropic hardening

    elements is controlled by the cyclic hardening function, which

    uses accumulated shear strain as a control parameter. Material

    parameters of the proposed model can be determined from

    symmetric-limit cyclic loading tests (torsional shear tests). The

    cyclic hardening control parameter, the accumulated shear strain,

    was defined as a summation of shear strain beyond the cyclic

    threshold under continuous shearing. The proposed model was

    verified with experimental results. A nonlinear site response

    analysis program (KODSAP) was developed using the proposed

    model. Finally, the effect of cyclic hardening on site responseanalysis was evaluated.

    2. The original parallel IWAN model

    The original parallel IWAN model, which represents the elasto-

    plastic behavior of composite materials, was proposed by Iwan

    [6]. Thus, this section is mainly extracted and quoted from the

    paper of Iwan [6]. The IWAN model consists of a collection of

    perfect elastic and slip elements arranged in either a series

    parallel or a parallelseries combination. A four element

    parallelseries model is shown in Fig. 1.

    Each element consists of a linear spring with stiffness ki in

    series with a coulomb or slip damper that has maximumallowable force, tni . The initial loading behavior is described

    by Eq. (1):

    t Xni1

    kig X4


    ti (1)

    where the summation from 1 to n includes all of those elements

    that remain elastic after a loading of deflection g, and thesummation from n+1 to 4 includes all of those elements that

    have slipped or yielded. The cyclic behavior of the aforementioned

    model is presented in Fig. 2.

    In general, both the slip stress tni and the linear elastic stiffnesski in Eq. (1) could be distributed parameters, and the slip stresses

    tni are distributed while the elastic stiffness remains constant as k.Let the number of elements become very large so that tni can bedescribed in terms of a distribution function, jtn, wherejtn dtn is the fraction of the total slip elements having a slipstress between tn and tn dtn. Then, Eq. (1) becomes

    t kgZ1

    kgjtn dtn


    tnjtn dtn (2)

    If all of the elements have the same elastic stiffness k, and if thetotal number of elements is M, the model parameters can be

    evaluated as follows.

    Within the first loading step (g 0 to g1), all elements remainelastic. Thus, the elastic stiffness of each element, k, can be

    calculated by dividing the initial stiffness t1/g1 by the totalnumber of elements, M, because all elements are assumed to have

    the same elastic stiffness:

    k t1=g1


    The number of elements ctni , which remain elastic betweenloading steps i1 and i, can be calculated by dividing the slope Kiby the element stiffness k as follows:

    Ki ti ti1gi gi1

    ; ctni Ki


    The slip stress distribution function jtn can be determined bycalculating the difference of the number of elements that remain

    elastic at each step:

    jtni ctn

    i ctn

    i1 Kik



    ti ti1=gi gi1 ti1 ti=gi1 gi


    Then, the slip stress of each element can be calculated as follows:

    tni kgi (6)

    where i 1$N.

    If the system is initially loaded to some state of stress andstrain denoted by tm and gm, unloading to a state tm and gm


    k1 k2 k3 k4





    Fig. 1. Parallel IWAN model with four elements.

    J.-S. Lee et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009) 630640 631

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    and reloading to tm will result in a symmetrical hysteresis loop,as shown in Fig. 3.

    The stressstrain relation for the unloading loop can be

    explained by the combination of three groups of slip elements:

    (i) those elements that did not slip upon initial loading and

    therefore remain in an unyielded state, (ii) those elements that

    yielded in a positive direction upon initial loading but have

    stopped slipping, and (iii) those elements that yielded in apositive direction upon initial loading but have now yielded in a

    negative direction [6]. Thus, for the parallelseries model, the

    stressstrain relation for the lower unloading curve becomes



    tnjtn dtn


    kg kgm tnjtn dtn




    jtn dtn (7)

    The reloading loop curve will have the opposite sign to the

    above equation. The integration terms (gmg)/2 in the aboveequation satisfy the Massing rule. Eq. (7) becomes identical to the

    corresponding initial loading curve, Eq. (2), when transforming

    g0 (gmg)/2 to g0, because the integration term (gmg)/2 meansthat the elastic range of the elements increases by a factor of two

    when the element behaves in unloading or reloading. Also, one

    can easily notice that this type of model can represent

    Bauschingers effect without any behavioral rule because it

    satisfies the Masing rule.

    3. Development of the modified parallel IWAN model for

    cyclic hardening

    3.1. Cyclic threshold

    When most geological materials are loaded cyclically, the shear

    modulus will increase or degrade with increasing loading cycles;

    fully saturated sand and clay will show a decrease in shear

    modulus (cyclic degradation), while unsaturated sand will show

    an increase in shear modulus (cyclic hardening). Previous studies

    have shown that such a variation in shear modulus occurs with a

    change of volume or pore water pressure of a specimen [18,19].

    It is important to note that this variation occurs only if the

    amplitude of the cyclic shear strain exceeds a certain thresholdvalue, which is called the cyclic threshold. Generally, two methods


    k1k2 k3


    = 1* + 2* + 3* + 4* = 1* + 2* + 3* +(k4)3 = 1* + 2* +(k3+k4)2

    = 1* + (k2+k3+k4)1

    = -1*+ 2* - k2(5-4)+ 3* - k3(5-4) + 4* - k4(5-4)

    = -1





    *- k




    ) + 4

    *- k





    = -1* -2* -3* + 4* - k4(5-2) = -1* -2* -3* -4*

    1 2 3 4 5


    Fig. 2. Behavior of parallel IWAN model with four elements.






    Fig. 3. Stressstrain relationship of symmetric-limit cyclic loading.

    J.-S. Lee et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009) 630640632

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    have been reported to determine the cyclic threshold of geological

    materials. One is by measuring the changes of volume or pore

    water pressure in a specimen, and the other is by measuring the

    changes of shear modulus according to the loading cycles. At small

    strains, the change of shear modulus with the number of loading

    cycles can be detected more precisely than the changes of volume

    or pore water pressure increment, due to the lack of precision of

    measurement devices. Consequently, the cyclic threshold ofvarious soils determined based on the changes of volumetric

    strain or pore water pressure increment is slightly larger than that

    based on the changes of shear modulus [2022].

    Matasovic and Vucetic [23] further developed this idea and

    suggested a pore water pressure model for clay, which exhibits

    cyclic degradation as a function of cyclic threshold. In this study,

    the cyclic threshold gct was determined at a strain wheredeviation from the backbone curve occurs, and was used as a

    judgment for controlling the cyclic hardening behavior when a

    dry sand undergoes cyclic loadings.

    3.2. Accumulated shear strain

    In the past several decades, many researchers have developedspecific relationships between the amount of cyclic hardening/

    degradation and pore water pressure, volume change, or devia-

    toric plastic shear strain [10,24,25]. In classical plasticity theory,

    most cyclic soil models have used deviatoric plastic shear strain as

    the hardening/degradation control parameter by extraction of the

    elastic strain from the total strain. However, in most soils, the

    elastic threshold is different than the cyclic threshold, and this

    difference has required the measurement of the cyclic threshold

    through experiments.

    In this study, an irrecoverable shear strain generated under

    cyclic loading (accumulated shear strain) is calculated using the

    concept of the cyclic threshold. The accumulated shear strain, gacc,is defined as the summation of shear strain beyond the cyclic

    threshold, and is used as a cyclic hardening control parameter.Following the Massing rule, strain beyond the cyclic threshold on

    the unloading and reloading curve will be 1/2 that of a backbone

    curve. The procedure for calculating the accumulated shear strain

    is shown schematically in Fig. 4.

    The accumulated shear strain during N loading cycles can be

    calculated by a summation of the accumulated shear strain

    generated in each cycle:

    gacc XN


    giacc (8)

    3.3. Modified IWAN model with isotropic hardening elements

    In this paper, a parallel IWAN model with isotropic hardening

    elements is proposed to represent the behavior of dry sand under

    cyclic loading. The proposed model has two types of elements as

    shown in Fig. 5. One type is elasto-perfect plastic elements, which

    have smaller slip stress than the threshold slip stress, and the

    other is isotropic hardening elements, which have larger initial

    slip stress than the threshold slip stress.

    Typical behaviors of the two types of elements are shown in

    Fig. 6. The threshold slip stress is defined as a slip stress that

    corresponds to the cyclic threshold, as indicated in Eq. (9):

    tnt ktgct (9)

    where kt is the element stiffness of the threshold element and gct isthe cyclic threshold. In order to represent cyclic hardening

    behavior, a slip stress distribution function jtn in the originalparallel IWAN model can be modified into a function of the cyclic

    hardening parameters such as strain, pore water pressure, and

    number of loading cycles. In this study, the accumulated shear

    strain is used as a cyclic hardening control parameter; the slip

    stress distribution function jfn becomes Eq. (10):

    jtngacc jtn0 Hgacc (10)

    where tn0 is the slip stress when the soil does not experience

    any accumulated shear strain and H(gacc) is a cyclic hardeningfunction, which increases slip stresses of isotropic hardeningelements, corresponding to the accumulated shear strain. Then,

    the stressstrain relation of backbone curve becomes Eq. (11):

    t kg


    jtngacc dtn


    tnjtngacc dtn (11)

    The above backbone curve shows a unique stressstrain

    behavior independent of the number of loading cycles below the

    cyclic threshold, whereas above the cyclic threshold, it shows

    stiffer behavior (Fig. 7).

    The variation of slip stress at the ith element, Dti , can beexpressed as an exponential function with its argument of the

    accumulated shear strain (Eq. 12):

    tni gacc a bekgacc (12)



    Shear Strain (%)






    2 1

    acc2 = ((2-1)- 2tc)/2


    acc1 = 1-tc

    Fig. 4. Calculation of accumulated shear strain.

    k2 kM-1 kMkt

    Elasto-perfect plasticelements Isotropic hardening elements


    1* 3*2* 4*t*

    +H(acc) +H(acc)

    Fig. 5. Parallel IWAN model with isotropic hardening elements.

    J.-S. Lee et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009) 630640 633

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    where a, b, and k are material parameters, and gacc is theaccumulated shear strain. As indicated in Eq. (12), the material

    parameter k must be positive in order to represent an increase ofslip stress with increasing accumulated shear strain, gacc. Thesummation of a and b becomes the slip stress of an isotropichardening element when a soil does not experience any

    accumulated shear strain. Then, the cyclic hardening function

    can be derived by calculating the difference between the slip

    stress at a given accumulated shear strain and the slip stress at

    unhardened state as follows:

    Hgacc tngacc t

    n0 bekgacc 1 (13)

    By substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (2), the stressstrain relation of

    the backbone curve becomes Eq. (14). The same procedure holds

    for an unloading and a reloading curve:

    t kgZ1

    kgjtngacc dt



    tnjtngacc dtn


    kgjtn0 Hgacc dt



    tnjtn0 Hgacc dtn


    kgjtn0 bekgacc 1 dtn


    0tnjtn0 bekgacc 1 dtn (14)

    3.4. Effects of model parameters on cyclic hardening behavior

    In order to find the physical meaning of the model parameters

    b and k, the proposed model was simulated for the twoparameters. First the parameter b was varied from 0.01 to

    0.02 while the parameter k was kept at a constant value of0.3. Next, the material parameter k was varied from 0.1 to 0.6while the parameter b was kept at a constant value of 0.01. The

    cyclic stressstrain behaviors of the proposed model under

    successive cyclic loadings up to a shear strain of 0.3%, with the

    variation of the parameters b and k, are plotted in Fig. 8.As shown in Fig. 8, the final amount of cyclic hardening increased

    as the absolute value of b increased; however, the convergence

    speed to an asymptotic loop was unchanged. The hysteresis loop

    converged rapidly to an asymptotic loop as the parameter kincreased; however, the asymptotic loop was identical independent

    of the parameter k. It should be noted that the material parameter bcontrols the final amount of cyclic hardening and the material

    parameter k controls the convergence speed to the asymptotichysteresis loop with accumulated shear strain.

    4. Application of the modified parallel IWAN model

    The model parameters b and k can be derived from asymmetric-limit cyclic loading test. The successive un/reloading

    curves obtained from the test can be decomposed into backbone

    curves by adopting the Massing rule as shown in Fig. 9(a). In order

    to obtain a slip stress variation of the isotropic hardening

    elements according to the accumulated shear strain, strainreversal points were used as datum points.

    For example, if the strain reversal point of the ith un/reloading

    curve is gri ; tri as shown in Fig. 9(b), the corresponding shear

    stress at the strain reversal point of the backbone curve can be

    calculated by Eq. (15):

    t kgri



    jtn dtn Zkgr



    knjtn dtn (15)

    So, the decomposed ith un/reloading curve in Fig. 9(b) can be

    derived from the stressstrain relationship of the backbone curves

    with increasing slip stresses of the isotropic hardening elements

    by the amount ofDtn as follows:

    tri kgriZ1


    jtn Dtn dtn Zkgri


    jtn Dtn dtn (16)


    Shear Strain


    tress f *

    - f *


    Elements under Threshold Element

    Shear Strain


    tress f *


    f *+ H(acc)

    Elements over Threshold Element

    Fig. 6. Cyclic behavior of two types of elements.

    Increase of

    Loading Cycles


    Backbone Curve

    (Initial Loading Curve)


    c(Cyclic Threshold Strain)

    Fig. 7. Deformable backbone curve behavior of the modified parallel IWAN model.

    J.-S. Lee et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009) 630640634

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    The accumulated shear strain at a datum point can be

    calculated as a summation of the accumulated shear strain, gacc,by using Eq. (8). Then, a variation of slip stress can be acquired

    from a calculation of Dtn and gacc on each decomposedun/reloading curve.

    The parallel IWAN model has a feature that all elements

    experience the same value of strain regardless of their slip

    stresses. Thus, the accumulated shear strain of the whole system

    can be calculated easily by using that of the threshold element. Ifthe threshold element yields plastic strain, a summation of plastic


    -0.4 0.4

    Shear Strain (%)











    = -0.01= 0.3








    = -0.02= 0.3







    = -0.01= 0.1






    = -0.01

    = 0.6

    -0.2 0 0.2

    -0.4 0.4

    Shear Strain (%)

    -0.2 0 0.2-0.4 0.4

    Shear Strain (%)

    -0.2 0 0.2

    -0.4 0.4

    Shear Strain (%)

    -0.2 0 0.2

    Fig. 8. Cyclic hardening behavior of the proposed model with varying b and k.

    Fig. 9. Determination ofDtn from backbone and decomposed un/reloading curve.

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    strain of the threshold element can be considered the accumu-

    lated shear strain of the whole system. Typical variations of slip

    stress with accumulated shear strain are shown in Fig. 10.

    The proposed exponentially increasing function (Eq. (13)) fits

    the experimental data well.

    5. Model verification

    In this paper, a Stokoe type fixed-free torsional shear device

    [20,26] was used to perform the cyclic loading tests. In order toverify the proposed cyclic hardening model, two types of tests

    were performed. One was a symmetric-limit cyclic loading test

    and the other was an irregular loading test. The symmetric cyclic

    loading tests were performed to obtain the model parameters,

    and to investigate the model behavior. The irregular loading tests

    were also performed to verify the applicability of the proposed

    model under transient loading conditions. Two types of dry sands

    (Kum-Kang and Toyoura sands) were tested. The specimens were

    formed by air pluviation and confining pressures were applied by

    a vacuum device. A brief description of the engineering properties

    of the tested sands is listed in Table 1.

    5.1. Verification with symmetric-limit cyclic loading tests

    The applicability of the proposed model under symmetric-

    limit cyclic loading conditions was investigated. Hardening

    parameters of the proposed model, b and k, were determinedfrom symmetric-limit cyclic loading tests. The tests were

    performed by applying three successive loadings of 30 cycles

    using a sinusoidal waveform with a loading frequency of 0.06 Hz.

    The number of elements for the proposed model was identical to

    the number of data samples acquired from the initial experi-

    mental loading curve, and ranged from about 40 to 45 for each

    test. Representative experimental results are compared with

    behaviors of the proposed model in Fig. 11.

    The experiments show that the proposed model estimates

    the cyclic hardening behavior of the tested sands very well. At the

    first cycle, all comparisons show excellent agreements. Thesecomparisons show clearly that the proposed model is able to

    represent cyclic hardening behavior very well within a loop

    (initial loading and subsequent un/reloading) as well as with the

    number of loading cycles.

    5.2. Verification with irregular loading test

    Irregular loading tests were performed to verify the appli-

    cability of the proposed model under transient loading conditions

    such as an earthquake. The shape of the irregular loading was as

    shown in Fig. 12, which was suggested by Pyke [27]. The

    maximum amplitude of the driving forces on the soil specimenwas fixed at 14 kN, and the tests were performed with five

    successive irregular loading shapes.

    The cyclic hardening parameters (b and k) and an initialloading curve were derived from symmetric-limit cyclic

    loading tests that had similar testing conditions (relative density

    and confining pressure) as the irregular loading test. A compa-

    rison of the test conditions between the symmetric-limit

    cyclic loading and the irregular loading tests is listed in

    Table 2.

    The number of elasto-plastic and isotropic hardening elements

    for the proposed model was 40. The cyclic behavior of the

    proposed model was compared with the irregular loading test

    results. In order to determine the effect of the cyclic hardening

    function, the model behaviors both with and without the cyclichardening function are included in Fig. 13.



    Accumulated Strain (%)








    Slip Stress Variation Function

    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 54.3%, P0 = 50kPa

    f*(acc) = 0.139-0.086e-1.363acc

    1 2 3 4 5

    Fig. 10. Typical variation of slip stress with accumulated shear strain.

    Table 1

    Summary of engineering properties of tested sand

    Properties Kum-Kang sand Toyoura sand

    Classification (USCS) SP SP

    Maximum void ratio 0.973* 0.982

    Minimum void ratio 0.698* 0.617

    Gs 2.65

    Cc (coefficient of gradation ) 0.96 1.00

    Cu (uniformity coefficient) 2.46 1.29

    PI NP NP

    D50 (mm) 0.424 0.199

    J.-S. Lee et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009) 630640636

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    The cyclic behavior of the model without the cyclic hardening

    function can be regarded as that of existing soil models, such as

    the original IWAN, hyperbolic, RambergOsgood, and plasticity

    models. These comparisons show that the model behaviors

    predicted by the proposed model show reasonably good agree-

    ment with the experimental results, particularly in the 1st loading

    stages. There were some discrepancies between the model

    behaviors and the experimental results, and they became largerwith an increase in the loading stage. The possible reasons for the

    discrepancies can be explained as follows: (i) the relative densities

    of the symmetric-limit cyclic loading test, which were used to

    determine the hardening parameters, were slightly different than

    those of the irregular loading test, or (ii) the coupling problems

    between a top cap plate and a specimen may have generated

    biased shifts in the hysteresis loop, which are shown in the lower

    part of hysteresis loops in Fig. 13.

    6. Application to one-dimensional site response analysis

    6.1. Development of one-dimensional site response program

    In this study, a one-dimensional nonlinear site response

    analysis program KODSAP (Kaist One-Dimensional Site Amplifica-

    tion Program) was developed using the proposed model as its

    constitutive equation. The developed program uses the direct

    numerical integration method and numerical integration is

    conducted using Newmarks b method. The bedrock half space

    of the soil deposit is treated as a linear elastic or rigid body. The

    soil deposit is assumed to be shaken by horizontal shear waves

    propagating vertically. The layered soil deposit is converted to a

    lumped mass system by lumping one-half of the mass of each

    layer at the layer boundaries. The masses are connected by

    nonlinear springs with stressstrain properties given by theproposed model for initial loading, subsequent unloading,



    Shear Strain (%)












    Kum-Kang Sand, Dr = 54.7%, P0 = 50kPa

    Shear Strain (%)








    Kum-Kang Sand, Dr = 54.7%, P0 = 50kPa


    Shear Strain (%)









    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 54.3%, P0 = 50kPa




    Shear Strain (%)









    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 54.3%, P0 = 50 kPa

    -0.1 0 0.1 0.2-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2

    -0.04 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 -0.04 0 0.04 0.08 0.12

    Fig. 11. Comparisons between model behavior and experimental results.


    Time (sec)







    20 40 60 80 100

    Fig. 12. Irregular loading shape (suggested by Pyke [27])

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    and reloading. The proposed model reflects the nonlinear, strain-

    dependent, hysteretic, and cyclic hardening and degra-

    dation behavior of soil. In addition to the inherent hysteretic

    damping, viscous damping can be added independently ifdesired, and they are included here for completeness of the


    6.2. Effects of cyclic hardening on site response

    Parametric studies on site response analysis by employing the

    proposed cyclic hardening model (KODSAP analysis) were per-

    formed and the results were compared with those obtained from

    the nonlinear analysis, and equivalent linear analysis using

    program SHAKE91. In the parametric study, the waveform in the

    base layer obtained by deconvolution from the recorded wave-

    form at the ground surface observed at Hachinohe Port, Japan,

    during the 1968 Tokachi-Oki earthquake (Fig. 14), was used as thecontrol motion.

    The analysis model layer consisted of a half space with about

    40 m of dry sand above bedrock. The shear wave velocity of the

    soil profile was assumed to increase linearly from 150 to 340 m/s

    with depth in the dry sand layer, considering the effect ofconfining pressure. The shear wave velocity of rock was assumed

    to be 760 m/s. The backbone curve suggested by Seed and Idriss

    [28] was used to define the backbone curve of dry sand. The

    hardening parameter, b, was 0.02 and k was 0.3. A total of 100elasto-perfect plastic and isotropic hardening elements were used

    in this parametric study. Rock outcrop accelerations of two types

    of waveforms were scaled to a value of 0.06 g (operation level

    earthquake) and 0.15 g (collapse level earthquake) based on the

    Korean Seismic Design Standard [29].

    Pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra of the ground

    surface obtained by equivalent linear analysis, nonlinear analysis,

    and nonlinear analysis using the hardening model are shown in

    Fig. 15.

    In the case of nonlinear analysis using the hardening model,the response spectra tend to increase in the short period range,


    Table 2

    Comparison of the test conditions

    Type of sand Type of test Relative density (%) Confini ng pressure (kPa) Maximum driving stress (kPa) Sampling rate (s)

    Toyoura sand Symmetric-limit loading 54.3 50 14 0.1

    Irregular 53.3 50 14 0.01


    Shear Strain (%)











    ExperimentalHardening Model



    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 55.7, P0 = 50kPa






    ExperimentalWithout Hardening



    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 55.7, P0 = 50kPa







    Hardening Model

    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 55.7, P0 = 50kPa







    Without Hardening

    Toyoura Sand, Dr = 55.7, P0 = 50kPa

    -0.04 0 0.04 0.08


    Shear Strain (%)

    -0.04 0 0.04 0.08 -0.08

    Shear Strain (%)

    -0.04 0 0.04 0.08


    Shear Strain (%)

    -0.04 0 0.04 0.08




    Fig. 13. Comparisons between model behavior and experimental results of irregular loading tests.

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    but the changes at long periods were negligible when they are

    compared with the nonlinear analysis results. The increase of the

    response spectra in the short period range is larger in the collapse

    level earthquake than in operation level earthquake. The increase

    of response spectra in the short period range is mainly due to the

    movement of the natural period of the model layer toward short

    periods during the earthquake. The cyclic hardening phenomena

    in dry sand cause the natural period of model layer to be shorter.

    Thus, it can be concluded that the cyclic hardening behavior of dry

    sands can cause an increase of the response spectra in the short

    period range, and the increase becomes larger with increasing

    peak accelerations.

    7. Conclusions

    A key aspect of this paper is the development of a cyclicsoil behavior model that can represent three important

    dynamic behavior characteristics of dry sand. These are: (i)

    nonlinear stressstain relationship, (ii) Bauschingers effect,

    and (iii) cyclic hardening. Among the many types of nonlinear

    cyclic soil behavior models, the parallel IWAN model is one

    that represents both the nonlinear stressstrain relationship

    and Bauschingers effect well without any additional behavior


    For these reasons, the modified version of the original parallel

    IWAN model is proposed in this paper to represent the cyclic

    behavior of dry sand. The original parallel IWAN model was

    modified to be able to represent cyclic hardening behavior with

    the help of isotropic hardening elements.

    The concept of a cyclic threshold strain and an accumulatedshear strain was employed as a cyclic hardening control

    parameter. The proposed model showed good agreement with

    experimental results, including both symmetric-limit cyclic

    loading and irregular loading test results. The effects of cyclic

    hardening on earthquake site response was evaluated by a one-

    dimensional nonlinear sites response analysis program (KODSAP)

    using the proposed model as its constitutive equation. The

    analysis results show that the cyclic hardening behavior of dry

    sands can cause an increase of the response spectra in the short

    period range.


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    Rock Outcrop

    Equivalent Linear


    Nonlinear Hardening

    = -0.02, = 0.3

    Hachinohe EarthquakeOLE Level

    = 5%










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    Equivalent Linear


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