A Modern Marketing Fairytale: Prince Marketing & The Seven Agencies

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of A Modern Marketing Fairytale: Prince Marketing & The Seven Agencies

Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

nce upon a dream in Brandland, the handsome Prince Marketing flourished !with the!assistance!of his faithful!Fairy AdAgency.


Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

he maleficent goblin Technology!was hard at work, providing the !common folk !of Brandland !with the Internet.


Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

rince Marketing turned to his faithful Fairy AdAgency!for advice. !And Fairy AdAgency gave him the advice she always did… !“lets do some more advertising” !she exclaimed!


Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

ne sunny day, Prince Marketing!was walking through the forest, when he

heard a group of happy little agencies busy at work.


Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

ut while the Prince thought he had found the answer to his problems, it was just the beginning.

Back at the Palace, the Prince organised all his new agencies around him.


Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

he Prince found his days filled with briefing one agency and giving feedback to another and so on, so that !he had no time to run the Brandom.


Evalu8ing. Collaboration. Relationships. Performance.

randland has become!more and more complex.

Marketing is no longer managing !one agency relationship!

but many relationships at once.

Improving performance is about all!working more e"ectively together.