A message from our Past Grand Nightuknight.org/Councils/Council newsletter-February2018.pdfFather J....

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Transcript of A message from our Past Grand Nightuknight.org/Councils/Council newsletter-February2018.pdfFather J....

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

A message from our Past Grand Night

Building the Domestic Church

Supreme has instituted programs to help Counsels

hold practical activities to help build the Domestic

Church as urged by Pope Francis. Our Council, with

the support of Fr. Mathias, has held two activities that

can lead to the strengthening of Family Prayer. First,

we purchased and passed out copies of Fr. Matthew

Kelly’s book, “The Four Signs of a Dynamic

Catholic”. Then we held a one-day retreat.

What I propose is a follow up activity to promote

Family Prayer. The book and the retreat offer us

some exciting practical advice on how to pray. Read

the first sign by Kelly on prayer. Then take one of

the tips from the retreat; read a story or parable from

the Gospels and put yourself in the story as one of the

characters. The retreat also gave us some questions

to ask ourselves. Fr. Mathias recommends that we

form groups to discuss Kelly’s book. If you have

small children, the check out Magnificat.com for

children’s books.

Maybe we can try a family prayer session on Sundays

using the book or retreat notes and recording our

successes on our Facebook page. In this way, we can

spread our successes to other families and report it in

our newsletter. I suggest starting slowly to build the

habit. Maybe one thought from the book, one decade

of the rosary, and one Bible story.

If anyone has any ideas of how to start this, please let

me know. I took the liturgy of Sunday: the story of

Jonah and the calling of the four fishermen as my

starting point. The Holy Spirit suggested this idea to


Election of Officers

The new fiscal year for the Knights of Columbus

begins on July 1st. According to the by-laws, we

must elect new officers before the middle of June.

To prepare for the election, we must come up with a

slate of nominations no later than April 1st. The first

duty is to elect two delegates for the convention held

at the end of May and two alternative delegates.

Our Council can only be strong if we have volunteers

who will learn the duties of the office they seek and

faithfully fulfill those duties. When a position is left

empty or the tasks are not fulfilled, then the council is

weakened. We now suffer from three serious

problems: 1) we have many elderly members who

can no longer participate in many functions; 2) we

have many open management positions; and, 3) many

of our officers have multiple jobs or have been in the

same position for many years.

Many important positions are not on the election

ballot, but are just as important for the good of the

council. This is the time for each member to decide

what job he can afford to perform for the good of the


The following table list the various positions:

Position Elected Nominee Notes



Y Phil






Y Bill




Chancellor Y Membership



N Supreme Rep

Treasurer Y Bank

Grand Knight: SK Greg Kirchmeier Chaplain: Fr. Mathias Thelan Deputy Grand Knight: SK Philip Balmforth Financial Secretary: SK Doug Hayes Treasurer: SK Dan Zimmerman Recorder: Larry Bacon Chancellor: SK Bill Dunlop Lecturer: SK Doug Beilharz Advocate: SK Gary Delamielleure Warden: SK Kevin Roach Outside Guard: SK Mike Avery-SK Scott Jackson Inside Guard: SK Michael Carrigan One Year Trustee: Ben DeRocher Two Year Trustee: SK Robert Flynn Three Year Trustee: Jim Birney Editor: SK Tony Martin Mailer Editor: SK Ralph LeRoy

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

Recorder Y Keeper of


Warden Y In charge of




Y Help Warden



Y Help Warden

Lecture N Entertainment

Trustee 1st


Y 3 year term



N Help




N Help




N Help DGK




Youth Chair N

Family chair N










Tootsie Roll







College N





List of serious problems:

Doug Hayes has been FS for 6 years. His

second term is up.

Dan Zimmerman would like a new job, not


Chancellor is the 3rd

officer in line to

become GK. Bill will be DGK.

Steve Shafer has been Church Chair for 4


Family and Council Chairs are empty.

We need sub-chairs for our four biggest

events. Those jobs would be easier if we

could identify captains to help them like we

have for the Tootsie Roll campaign.

We need at least 70 active Knights to fulfill

all the duties. There are many activities

planned by members of the committees that

we have not listed. Newsletter, Publications,

Ultra Sound Initiative, Retreats, Free Throw

Contest, Poster Contest, and many other

activities supporting our Pastor.

Please contact any officer to explore how you can

help. You can contact me if you wish. Bob Flynn,

PGK, PFN, Trustee, District Warden, Retention

Director , member of the color guard, and a member

of the first degree team. (703) 626 – 9027 or email

me at pgkstpats@gmail.com. Or send me a letter at

P.O. Box 304 at Brighton Mi 48116.

January Knight of Month

Larry Bacon: for faithful service of being council's

recorder, co-chair of the MI Drive, and C0-chair of

Parish Raffle.

January Family of Month Tom and Helen Singer: For being active with

Friday morning and Monday evening Bible Study,

volunteer for scrap drive, and Catholic College night.

Also distributed Building Domestic Church booklets

during Christmas season and was a volunteer for

church raffle. Tom and his wife Helen were

instrumental with Ron Garrison in helping repair

parishioners home in danger of condemnation

proceedings by city. Tom is twice past President of

the Ferndale Rotary and is active with Livingston

County Catholic Charities and the Michigan Public

Senior Golf Association. Helen is involved with

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

Quilts of Valor and volunteers every Friday at the

Howell Nature Center Infirmary.

Coats for Kids

The program “coats for kids” was very successful

this year. We helped 75 families by providing winter

coats and some other winter wear. We first ordered

48 coats from Supreme and then presented a check

for $500 to the Livingston County Education Service

Association (LESA). The Director of LESA, Kristen,

told me that she took some parents and purchased 23

more coats, some gloves, scarves, and sweatshirts

with the money. The coats were a smaller size than

we get from Supreme. The money was sufficient

thanks to Target for the sale prices they gave to


It would help to make this activity more successful

next year, if we start in September to contact local

churches and special services to identify families in

need. I contacted Arc of Livingston, LESA, and

local churches in Howell this year.

SK Bob Flynn PGK

Keep Christ in Christmas

Poster Contest

SK Jim Birney and St. Pat's Art Teacher Rose

Bloomer awarding the winners of the contest.

Kara Downey

11-14 age group First Place

Collin Moore

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

11-14 age group Second Place

Makayla Choate

8-10 age group First place

Sarah Hatty

8-10 age group 2nd Place

Christmas baskets for the priests and St. Patrick's


Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

45th Annual March for Life

January 19,2018

Knights of Columbus councils along with

Supreme council has funded 752 Ultrasound

machines costing $36 million for placement

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

in pro-life pregnancy centers. Our council

along with other local councils have donated

several ultrasound machines to the

Pregnancy Helpline facility in Brighton as

part of our ultrasound initiative. This

initiative enables expectant mothers to see

and hear their babies in utero thus in most

cases preventing abortions because after

seeing images have decided to carry the

baby full term. There have been over 58

million babies aborted since Roe vs. Wade

went to effect in 1973. Following statistics is


Got Insurance?

Need Insurance?


Nicholas M. Lugo

New Field Agent


Council News & Events

Be sure to visit and our Council's

Facebook page at

Knights of Columbus Council 7304 and tweet

at our new twitter account @kofc7304.

Remember to attend rosary before the next

meeting at 7PM in the chapel on Wednesday

February 7th.

Catholic Schools Week pancake Breakfast

Sunday January 28 planned following 9:30

Mass. Volunteers needed. Call SK Phil

Balmforth at 248-910-0634 or SK Ray

Bonomo at 586-914-0471 if you can help.

American Red Cross St. Patrick Blood Drive

Saturday, February 3 at 10 AM to 3:45PM at

the Parish Life Center. Volunteers are needed

to help set-up and take down.

Corporate Communion February 4th after

8:30 Mass and catered breakfast in McCann

hall afterwards .

Free Throw tournament on Saturday

February 10 from Noon to 3PM at Parish Life

Center. Volunteers needed.

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

Regional Free Throw tournament on

Saturday February 24 from 1PM to 4PM at

St. Patrick School Gymnasium. Volunteers


Dave Cooney Memorial Chili Cook-off

Saturday February 24 from 6PM to 9 PM at

the Parish Life Center. Be a chef or just come

and taste. Along with chili tasting, Hot dogs,

and Beverages will be provided. Fee for

entering as a chef $20 or for tasting and

dinner $10. NOTE: Important info and

registrations form attached.

Try and surprise some of the following February Birthday Knights by saying "Happy Birthday" when you see:

2/2 James Helwig

2/3 Michael Bryja

2/4 SK Bill Nagle

2/6 Rick Ruder

2/7 William Goodwin

2/8 John Murphy

2/10 Robert Adams

2/10 John Janosik

2/10 Carlo Martina

2/11 Pail Benedict

2/12 Ed Bedner

2/12 Richard Mason

2/12 SK Chester Pesmark

2/16 Paul Bachelor

2/16 SKSteven Schafer

2/22 Michael Panczyk

2/23 SK Ronald Garrison

2/25 Joseph Lapham

2/26 Richard Spore

2/27 Pat O'Donnell

2/28 Ralph V Yackley

A Valentine's Day Message May the Valentine's Day spirit fill your heart

With love and joy on this special day.

A time to exchange messages - a spirit of love,

Sentimental verses sent in a poetic way.

Valentine's Day has long been a day of romance,

A sparkle of love glowing in the heart,

A tribute to your love one so precious and dear,

Where the tradition of Saint Valentine plays a part.

May Valentine's Day be extra special to you

With the beauty of red roses to proudly show,

And the symbol of a heart and cupid with arrow

and bow

That will enlighten your heart with a festive glow.

May you have joy and satisfaction unending

Bestowing to love one jewelry, candy or flowers

To prove your sincere affection on Valentine's Day

With memorable, happy and unforgettable hours.

May those you love surround you

To share and cherish this Valentine's Day,

May the spirit of Saint Valentine, the patron saint,

Come into your life and forever stay.

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

Retreat January 13, 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net

Father J. Leo McCann Council 7304

February 2018

Father J. Leo McCann Council #7304

P.O. Box 304 Brighton, Michigan 48116

Meetings: McCann Hall- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month-7:30 PM Visit our website http://www.kofc7304.net