A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK ”GET …eprints.iain-surakarta.ac.id/638/1/4....

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Transcript of A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK ”GET …eprints.iain-surakarta.ac.id/638/1/4....






Submitted as a Partial Requirements

For The Undergraduate Degree State Islamic Institute of Surakarta

Arranged by:









Subject : Thesis of Ekowati



The Dean of Islamic Education and

Teacher Training Faculty

IAIN Surakarta

In Surakarta

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, here with, as the

advisor, I state that the thesis of

Name : Ekowati


Title : A Content Analysis of English Textbook “Get Along With

English” used in the Eleventh grade of SMk YP Colomadu

in Reading and its Relevant to Syllabus in Academic Year


Has already fulfilled the requirement to be presented before. The Board of

Examiners (Munaqosyah) to gain Undergraduate Degree in English Education

Study Program.

Thank you for the attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Surakarta, January 31th

, 2017


Rochmat Budi Santoso, M.Pd.

NIP. 19691111 200212 1 001




This thesis is primarily dedicated to:

1. My beloved Allah SWT who always gives full of Rohmah and blessing

2. My beloved parents who always give spirit and as my inspiration and pray

for me until getting success and support me at all until I can accomplish

this script (Father: Hernowo and Mother: Sunarni)

3. My beloved Brother and my Sister (Brother: Arizona Firdonsyah, S.Kom,

M.Kom. and Sister: Supri Untari) thanks for your love, support me and

pray, so I can be better.

4. My beloved uncle (Sunarto, M.Pd and Sunarso) thanks for your support and

pray for me, so I can finish my paper well. Thanks, you are always beside

me in certain condition.

5. My big family who always support me and pray for me until finished my


6. My beloved friend (Endang Yekti Utami, S.Pd) who always support and pray

for me.

7. All my friend’s C class. You are the best, thanks for giving me support, and

help me to finish my script and thank you for our relationship.



“Never give up on something you really want,

It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret”

(Mario Teguh)

“Everything will come to those who keep trying

With determination and patience.




Name : Ekowati


Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty

I hereby sincerely state that the thesis entitled “A Content Analysis of

English Textbook “Get along with English” used in the Eleventh grade of SMK

YP Colomadu in Reading and its Relevant to Syllabus in academic year

2015/2016”. The things out my masterpiece in this thesis are signed by citation

and referred in bibliography.

If later proven that my thesis had discrepancies, I am willing to take the

academic sanctions in the form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.

Surakarta, February 27th


Stated by,





Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the

Universe, master of the Day of Judgment, God almighty, for all blessings and

mercies so the researcher was able to finish the thesis entitled “A CONTENT




YEAR 2015/2016” Sholawat and Salam for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the

great inspiration of revolution, peace be upon him.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the

helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would

like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and

suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir, S.Ag,M.Pd as the Rector of The State Islamic Institute of


2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher

Training Faculty of The State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

3. Dr. Imroatus Sholikhah, M. Pd as the Head of English Education Department

of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic

Institute of Surakarta.

4. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S. Pd., M. Pd as the advisor for his permission,

guidance, precious advices, corrections and help to revise the mistake during

the entire process of writing the thesis.


5. All the lecturer of English Education and Letter Department of Islamic

Education and Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic Institute of


6. Gandi Agung Gunarso, BA. as the Teacher English of SMK YP Colomadu of


7. Her great Father, Hernowo for his support, motivation, advice, guidance, also

his prayer and blessing.

8. Her great and lovely Mother, Sunarni for her support, motivation, advice,

guidance, also his prayer and blessing.

9. Her lovely Brothers, Arizona firdonsyah,S.Kom, M.Kom., Sunarto,M.Pd and

Sunarso for their support and motivation.

10. Her lovely all the member of Thecis Class, for the helps and everything. The

researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The researcher

hopes that this thesis is useful for the other researcher in particular and the

readers in general.

Surakarta, January 31th


The researcher





Ekowati.123221086 "A Content Analysis of English Textbook “Get along with

English” used in the Eleventh grade of SMK YP Colomadu in Reading and its

Relevant to Syllabus in academic year 2015/2016". Thesis, Surakarta: English

Education, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty, The State Islamic

Institute of Surakarta. 2016.

Advisor : Rochmat Budi Santoso, M.Pd.

Key words : Reading Material, English Textbook, Content Analysis.

Reading is one of four important skills that should be mastered by student

beside Listening, Speaking, and Writing in teaching learning. Textbook is not

only beneficial for teachers in terms of helping them to prepare the materials,

and achieve the teaching aims and objectives but also textbook helps students to

achieve their learning needs. The researcher analyzed the reading materials in

“Get along with English” for vocational high school Grade X1. The objectives

of this research are(1) to know appropriateness of the reading materials in “Get

along with English” Grade X1 to syllabus KTSP curriculum; (2) to know

strengths and weaknesses “Get along with English” for vocational high school.

To conduct the research, the researcher uses content analysis. The

researcher conducted the research from Mei until October 2016. The researcher

collected the data from the observation and interview. The researcher did some

steps to analyze the data, they are reduction the data and display the data. To

prove the trustworthiness the data, the researcher used the triangulation. The

triangulation that is used is triangulation source data.

The research finding showed that reading materials in this textbook are

appropriate to the syllabus KTSP curriculum. The researcher found some is not

relevant with the syllabus KTSP in the textbook “Get along with English”, and the

researcher found some strengths and weaknesses in the textbook “Get along with

English” they are: 9 strength and 3 weaknesses. The strength are vocabulary

language daily, the structure of the book is together, there are some evaluation of

each unit, the book contained unit learning objective, there is a glossary of that

contain difficult vocabularies and their meaning, the combination of colors of

each unit on the book is slightly, there are images of each unit that make students

understand the material early, at the beginning of the book there is guide book, in

each unit there is an image. The weaknesses are some materials are not relevant

with the syllabus, not provided sheets liable in any existing text, the book does not

include the answer sheet .Teacher and students can use this textbook as media to

support teaching learning process.



TITLE ........................................................................................................ i

ADVISORS SHEET .................................................................................. ii

RATIFICATION ....................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................... iv

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... v

PRONOUNCEMENT ............................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................... xii

LIST OF CHARTS ................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................... xiv


A. Background of the Study ............................................................ 1

B. Identification of the Problem ..................................................... 7

C. Limitation of the Problem .......................................................... 7

D. Problem Statements .................................................................... 7

E. Objectives of the Research ........................................................ 8

F. Benefits of the Study .................................................................. 8

G. Key Terms .................................................................................. 9


A. English Textbook ........................................................................ 10

1. Definition of Textbook ......................................................... 10

2. The function of Textbook ..................................................... 12

3. The Benefit and the Limitations of Textbook ...................... 13

B. Textbook Analysis ...................................................................... 14

C. Textbook Evaluation .................................................................. 16

D. Curriculum .................................................................................. 17

E. School Based Curriculum ........................................................... 18

1. The Definition of School Based Curriculum ....................... 19

2. The objective of School Based Curriculum .......................... 20


3. School Level Based Curriculum (KTSP) ............................. 20

F. Syllabus ..................................................................................... 21

1. Definition of Syllabus ............................................................ 21

2. The advantages of Syllabus .................................................... 22

3. The Principle of Developing Syllabus .................................... 23

G. Reading ....................................................................................... 24

H. The Reading Skills .................................................................... 25

I. Types of Reading ........................................................................ 26

J. Reading Material ........................................................................ 27

K. Content Analysis ........................................................................ 28

L. Previous Related Study .............................................................. 31


A. The Research Design .................................................................. 34

B. The Data Resources .................................................................... 35

C. Type of Data ............................................................................... 36

D. Technique of Collecting Data ..................................................... 37

E. Instrument of the Research ......................................................... 37

F. Technique for Analyzing the Data.............................................. 41

G. Trustworthiness of the Data ........................................................ 43


A. Data Description ........................................................................ 44

B. Research Findings ...................................................................... 45

1. Appropriateness of Reading materials in Syllabus KTSP

Curriculum. .......................................................................... 45

2. Strengths and weaknesses of the textbook “Get along with

English” ............................................................................... 55

C. Discussion ................................................................................... 60


A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 71

B. Suggestion .................................................................................. 74

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................... 75

APPENDICES ........................................................................................... 77



Table 3.1 : Instrument of the research……………………………………..39

Table 4.1 : The appropriateness of Reading materials in Syllabus KTSP


Table 4.2 : Strengths of the Textbook……………………………………..55

Table 4.3 : Weakness of the Textbook…………………………………….58



APPENDIX 01 : SYLLABUS…………………………………………78

APPENDIX 02 : TEXTBOOK…………………………………………79

APPENDIX 03 : LIST INTERVIEWS ………………………………..80


APPENDIX 05 : PHOTOGRAPHS…………………………………….83

APPENDIX 06 : CODING……………………………………………...84



Ekowati.123221086 "A Content Analysis of English Textbook “Get along with English” used

in the Eleventh grade of SMK YP Colomadu in Reading and its Relevant to Syllabus in

academic year 2015/2016". Thesis, Surakarta: English Education, Islamic Education and

Teacher Training Faculty, The State Islamic Institute of Surakarta. 2016.

Advisor : Rochmat Budi Santoso, M.Pd.

Key words : Reading Material, English Textbook, Content Analysis.

Reading is one of four important skills that should be mastered by student beside

Listening, Speaking, and Writing in teaching learning. Textbook is not only beneficial for

teachers in terms of helping them to prepare the materials, and achieve the teaching aims and

objectives but also textbook helps students to achieve their learning needs. The researcher

analyzed the reading materials in “Get along with English” for vocational high school Grade

X1. The objectives of this research are(1) to know appropriateness of the reading materials in

“Get along with English” Grade X1 to syllabus KTSP curriculum; (2) to know strengths and

weaknesses “Get along with English” for vocational high school.

To conduct the research, the researcher uses content analysis. The researcher conducted

the research from Mei until October 2016. The researcher collected the data from the observation

and interview. The researcher did some steps to analyze the data, they are reduction the data and

display the data. To prove the trustworthiness the data, the researcher used the triangulation. The

triangulation that is used is triangulation source data.

The research finding showed that reading materials in this textbook are appropriate to the

syllabus KTSP curriculum. The researcher found some is not relevant with the syllabus KTSP in

the textbook “Get along with English”, and the researcher found some strengths and weaknesses

in the textbook “Get along with English” they are: 9 strength and 3 weaknesses. The strength are

vocabulary language daily, the structure of the book is together, there are some evaluation of

each unit, the book contained unit learning objective, there is a glossary of that contain difficult

vocabularies and their meaning, the combination of colors of each unit on the book is slightly,

there are images of each unit that make students understand the material early, at the beginning

of the book there is guide book, in each unit there is an image. The weaknesses are some

materials are not relevant with the syllabus, not provided sheets liable in any existing text, the

book does not include the answer sheet .Teacher and students can use this textbook as media to

support teaching learning process.


Ekowati.123221086 ""A Content Analysis of English Textbook “Get along with English” used

in the Eleventh grade of SMK YP Colomadu in Reading and its Relevant to Syllabus in

academic year 2015/2016".. Skripsi, Surakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Pendidikan Isla dan

Pelatihan Fakultas Guru, Negara Islam Institute of Surakarta. 2016.

Advisor: Rochmat Budi Santoso, M.Pd.

Kata kunci: Reading Material, Inggris Textbook, Analisis Isi.

Membaca adalah salah satu dari empat keterampilan penting yang harus dikuasai oleh

siswa samping Listening, Speaking, dan Writing dalam belajar mengajar. Buku tidak hanya

bermanfaat bagi guru dalam hal membantu mereka untuk mempersiapkan bahan-bahan, dan

mencapai tujuan pengajaran dan tujuan, tetapi juga buku membantu siswa untuk mencapai

kebutuhan belajar mereka. Peneliti menganalisis bahan bacaan di "Dapatkan bersama dengan

bahasa Inggris" untuk SMK kelas X1. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui

kesesuaian bahan bacaan di "Dapatkan bersama dengan bahasa Inggris" Grade X1 untuk silabus

kurikulum KTSP; (2) untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan "Dapatkan bersama dengan

bahasa Inggris" untuk sekolah menengah kejuruan.

Untuk melakukan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan analisis isi. Peneliti melakukan penelitian

dari Mei hingga Oktober 2016. Para peneliti mengumpulkan data dari observasi dan wawancara.

Peneliti melakukan beberapa langkah untuk menganalisis data, mereka reduksi data dan

menampilkan data. Untuk membuktikan kepercayaan yang data, peneliti menggunakan

triangulasi. Triangulasi yang digunakan adalah data triangulasi sumber.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan bacaan dalam buku ini sesuai dengan

kurikulum silabus KTSP. Peneliti menemukan beberapa tidak relevan dengan KTSP silabus

dalam buku "Dapatkan bersama dengan bahasa Inggris", dan peneliti menemukan beberapa

kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam buku "Dapatkan bersama dengan bahasa Inggris" mereka: 9

kekuatan dan 3 kelemahan. kekuatan yang bahasa kosakata sehari-hari, struktur buku ini

bersama-sama, ada beberapa evaluasi setiap unit, tujuan satuan pembelajaran buku yang

terkandung, ada sebuah daftar yang berisi kosa kata sulit dan maknanya, kombinasi warna

masing-masing unit pada buku sedikit, ada gambar dari setiap unit yang membuat siswa

memahami materi awal, di awal buku ini ada buku panduan, di setiap unit ada gambar.

Kelemahan adalah beberapa bahan yang tidak relevan dengan silabus, tidak disediakan lembar

jawab dalam setiap teks yang ada, buku ini tidak termasuk lembar jawaban .Teacher dan siswa

dapat menggunakan buku ini sebagai media untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar




In this chapter, the researcher explains about the background of the study,

the problem statement, objective of study, the limitations of study, the benefits of

the study, identification of problem, and the definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the study

In teaching and learning process of English language, numerous

aspects could affect the outcome so learning for students. These aspects could

emerge from the pre-teaching preparations, while the teaching and learning

are on progress, or after the teaching and learning takes place. Textbook are

the important media of learning and education. The existence of textbook

gives impact in supporting teaching learning process. Textbook is one of the

significant factors in the success of learning. It can develop learner’s ability.

Teacher and learner can use textbook as a source of learning. From the

Textbook, they find knowledge and exercises. (Cunningsworth, 1995: 7)

The textbook is printed material from the written sheets that are

bound and given the cover, so that the pages can be opened easily.

Textbook that contains learning material to be used in school lesson. The

book is used as a staple in learning referred to textbooks. Textbook

published as a textbook designed to help language learners develop

linguistic abilities and communication skills. So textbooks are books that

contain certain specific material science used to guide teaching and learning

at school or college.

The textbooks for English language learning material contains


the usual of skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing, grammar or contain one type

only, for example reading (Richards and Schimidt, 2002:550). Understanding that theory,

shows that textbooks are printed instructional materials in the form of books published and

designed as a basic teaching materials in the learning process in the classroom.

Byrd (2001) gives examples of functions textbooks in the field of English language.

English textbooks describe two functions of information: the content of the theme or topic

(family, school, etc.). Textbooks bridge the linguistic knowledge necessary to communicate

in a foreign language. English textbooks improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading

and writing to assess mastery of the language through the contents of the themes in the


According Muslich (2010: 15), textbooks have primary position and function as a

primary source of learning activities. Textbooks present the concepts, examples, and training

activities. Textbooks contain units of learning materials that must be followed by learners

through a series of activities and training such as reading text, analysis text; discuss the

content of the text, and reflection.

Teachers’ roles are obviously important in teaching and learning process. They plan the

syllabus, prepare the materials, and teach in the classroom and soon that’s a whole lot of

task to be done by a teacher. That is why media of a prepared teaching material is needed.

Those reasons make the selection of textbook used by teachers become relatively crucial.

The textbook has to fit with the current curriculum, schools syllabus along with student’s

needs and also the aims and goals of teaching. Therefore, teachers have to choose the

appropriate and ideal textbook as beneficial for both students and teacher as possible.

However on a particular occasion, learners’ needs sometimes become the pin point for the


teachers to determine textbook. (Cunningsworth, 1995:7)

Syllabus is not separated with the curriculum, because the instructions or the content in

the curriculum will be developed into syllabus based on the competency standard and basic

competence. Posner said that curriculum is the set of instructional strategies teacher plan to

use (Richard, 2001:2).

Syllabus is designed based on the school and levels. But when the teacher made syllabus,

it must suitable with the student’s ability and system or situation. Brown (1995:141) said

that syllabus is predominantly concerned with the choices necessary to organize the

language content of a course or program. It can be understood that when the teachers will

teach the materials in the classroom, they can choose a lot of courses and organize the

materials that needed. Whole must concerned to the syllabus so the materials on course not


Textbook is not only beneficial for teachers in terms of helping them to prepare the

materials, and achieve the teaching aims and objectives but also textbook helps students to

achieve their learning needs. It sounds to be logical answers to overcome the problems of

creating good and enhancing teaching atmosphere in the classroom. With well prepared

materials and test provided by the textbook, combined with teacher flexibility in

teaching using the textbook in the class, a good compromise can be reached .(

Cunningsworth, 1995:7)

In the learning process, sometimes the teacher can just ask the students to read the

suggested textbook. If there are some difficulties, the students can ask the teacher and the

teacher will be explain it. This can be a brain storming before starting the class. It means that

before the class, the student have read the book focused on the lesson will be learned, they


will have some knowledge about it, and then the teacher can start the class with the student

that are ready to catch the materials. It means that the readability of the students is very

important. According to Richard in Nababan (2004:5) readability refers to how easily written

material can be read and understood. Moreover, textbook provides the discourse with high

reading level. It will also increase the ability of students in the learning process.

Reading is one of four important skills that should be mastered by student beside

Listening, Speaking, and Writing in teaching learning. Murcia (2001:187) mentioned that

“purpose of reading for students is to search for information, for general comprehension, to

learn new information, and to evaluate information”. According to Aebersold and Field

(1997:15), reading is what happens when people look at a text and assign meaning to the

written symbols in that text. While Moleong (2007:10) states that reading is making meaning

from print and from visual information. In fact, people got many useful and new information,

inspirations so that it can added and enrich their knowledge. In Senior High School, the

development of reading skills on the English lesson especially in analysis kind of text. It can

be concluded that reading is an activity to get information and understand the content from

what we read from the written form around us.

There are many publishers that published English textbooks for the second year

students of Senior High School. The textbooks should hold a main instrument to do the

curriculum which has been arranged before. However, some of them appropriate with the

standard of curriculum yet. In reality, it is quite difficult to get English textbook has good

materials and suitable with the curriculum. Although plenty of English textbooks for

junior High School are claimed to be published and written based on the School Based

Curriculum, but not all of them are really in line with the School Based Curriculum



The school of SMK YP, choose the curriculum KTSP, because until now the

implementation of the k13 still trial to schools .The appointment of school test site the

implementation of the k13 by the government , SMK YP not including schools trial areas to

implement k13 , according to government plan , the implementation of the k13 will

simultaneously all school in the year 2019 , hence SMK YP not to apply KTSP, because

according to one informant from SMK YP , when implement curriculum K13, problems

arise in several aspects such as readiness teachers, device curriculum, textbook and etc.

The researchers choose SMK YP Colomadu, because the school use textbooks KTSP

and accredits A. In this school the teacher at eleventh grade uses textbook” Get along with

English”, before use it the teacher uses book “Global access” the book is first used by the

English teacher in SMK YP the teacher also uses book English focus, and this book has

same material with book ” Get along with English”. The difference of the books are, the

material of “Global access” not appropriate with syllabus, when the use “Global access” the

material is exercise not use dialog such as in discussion “Get along with English”. In this

school chooses textbook “Get along with English” because the quality and the content of the

textbook that designed with the picture so the student easy to understand the material. From

the Textbook the students can improve the English language become each chapter discuss a

new text which that means a new vocabulary that the students learn. Textbook in title “Get

along with English” for vocational school grade eleventh intermediate language level is

written based on standard in 2006. The book can also integrate for language skills, aspect,

content and uses; the teacher also uses the other book and LKS. It can be seen from the

interviewing with the English teacher.


The researcher wants to analyze the English textbook “Get along with English” First, the

textbook has been in line with the 2006 curriculum or School Based Curriculum and

Erlangga publishes the textbook. It provides various activities, which integrate the language

skill area of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The researcher wants to analyze the

appropriateness English textbook “Get along with English “with Syllabus in curriculum

KTSP. Second, the researcher wants to know the strength and weaknesses of the textbook

“Get along with English”. Then, from the background of this problem researchers determine

the title of the thesis, which is "A Content Analysis of English Textbook “Get along with

English” used in the Eleventh grade of SMK YP Colomadu in Reading and its Relevant to

Syllabus in academic year 2015/2016".

B. Identification of problem

Based on the background of study above there are many problem that can be identified

in this research such as:

1. Is “Get Along with English” textbooks Relevant with Syllabus?

2. What this book “Get along with English” easy to learnt by the teacher?

3. How is the design of this “Get along with English”?

4. Why this book “Get along with English textbook” is chosen by the student of SMK


C. The Limitation of Study

In this research, the researcher focus on the material of the English textbook “Get Along

with English” for Vocational School students Eleventh Grade published Erlangga it is

relevant to Syllabus. The researchers describe the relevance of English textbook material

with Syllabus and strengths and weaknesses of English textbook.


D. Problem Statement

1. Are reading material in “Get Along with English textbook” relevant to syllabus used in

the Eleventh Grade of SMK YP Colomadu, Academic Year 2015/2016?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of reading material in English textbook “ Get

Along with English” used in the Eleventh Grade of SMK YP Colomadu, Academic year


E. The Objective of study

In this, the researcher wants to analyze “Get Along with English “an English

textbook for Vocational School in the Eleventh Grade. The objectives of study are:

1. To know whether“ Get Along with English “ an English textbook for Senior High

School in the Eleventh grade of SMK YP Colomadu Academic Year 2015/2016

relevant with syllabus or not.

2. To know the strengths and weaknesses “ Get Along with English “ an English textbook

for Vocational School in the Eleventh grade of SMK YP Colomadu Academic year

2015/2016 .

F. The Benefit of Study

The researcher hopes that this study contributes two advantages:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The result of the research can give some information to other researcher who is

interested in analyzing English Textbook based on Syllabus. Based on the result of the

study, it also can give contribution to material designer and material developer in

teaching English.


2. Practical Benefit

a. The researcher hopes the result of this research can give contribution to material

design and material design and material development in teaching English.

b. The researcher and reader will get knowledge about good material of the English

teaching. It gives information to the teacher about the appropriate textbook that can

be used to support the teaching learning process, and also to know how fall the

English textbook follows the Syllabus.

G. Key Terms

To make better understanding about the content and the terms, in this thesis the researcher

wants to clarify the key terms as follow:

1. Textbook: Textbook is a book that is giving instruction in a branch of learning. The

statement means that beside teacher as facilitator, textbook is one of important media as

guidance in learning process (Hornby 1974:893).

2. Syllabus: According to Mulyasa (2008:133) syllabus is a plan and rule of curriculum

implementation that concludes learning activity, management of school based on

curriculum, curriculum and result of the Study and class based evaluation.

3. Reading: Reading is one of the basic communicative skills. Alderson (2000:3) as an

expert defined reading as an interaction between a reader and a text.



In this chapter, the research findings will be presented to answer the problem statements.

The data which are collected based on the observation of the Senior High School, the interview

with the teacher.

A. Data Description

1. Textbook “Get Along with English”

Longman (1978:1146) states that textbook is a standard book for the study of a

particular subject, especially used in schools. The book that is analyzed in this research

entitled “Get along with English “The researcher describes whether the textbook is

appropriate with syllabus or not, and strength and weaknesses of the textbook it. The

researcher of this textbook are Entin Sutinah, Lis Nurhayani, N. Euis Kartini, Heri

Mulyana, Nur Aisyah, Rachmat F. Kwsuma, Eka Mulya Astuti., This textbook is

published is addressed Jl. H. Bapping Raya No. 100, Jakarta 13740 .

The textbook serves as an important medium in helping teachers to teach in the

learning process. Not only useful for teachers, the textbook help them to prepare

materials and achieve teaching objectives. Not only that, the book also helps students to

achieve their learning needs.

The textbook "Get Along with English", has material teaching materials Grade


learners, including, Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. This is expected to

provide benefits for students in the form of, improvement, ability and understanding of

the English language, either orally, or in writing. To determine the increase in students,

students in the trial with the teacher to work on Evaluation, and through Glossary

students can learn to be more active.

The textbook consists of 142 pages, of which contains about the materials,

glossary and appendix, and the textbook has a CD completeness of the materials. That is

used for hearing the audio, when students are learning of the listening material.

B. Research Findings

The Researcher found, presented, and discussed the answer of the Research

problems. Here the data which had been obtained from the document analysis. The findings

were focused on the reading materials in English textbook “Get Along with English” for

vocational School Grade X1.

1. The appropriateness of Reading materials in Syllabus KTSP Curriculum.

Table 4.1 The appropriateness of Reading materials in Syllabus KTSP Curriculum

No Materials of syllabus Material of textbook pages

1 Talking about hobbies and


Do you like fishing?

What do you like doing in your

spare time?

Guest handling

- What can I do for you, Sir?

- Welcome to our hotel.

- I hope you enjoy the food.

Grammar Review

Yes – No questions

Are you a secretary?

Question tags

- The board meeting starts at

seven, doesn‟t it?

Questions with question words

- Where does the boss live?

- Why do you come late?

Gerund as subjects and objects

- Smoking is dangerous.

- I don‟t like fishing.

Gerund as complement:

- Her job is sorting the mail.

Gerund after preposition:


1. ( U1/GAE/pa8-9)

Activity 7

Bunaken : Breathaking Underwater Life

2. (U1/GAE/pa10-17)

Grammar in Focus

1. Yes-No Question

Yes-No Question are the simplest type of

question. They can simply by answer by “yes” or


2. Informative question.

Informative questions are used to ask about

qualities, people, time, etc. they consist of who,

where, what, when, which, and how, that are

usually called WH-question. Most WH-question

begins with a question word+ auxiliary + subject

+ verb.

Let‟s study them carefully.

a. Who

Who is used in questions as the subject of

the verb, usually the people?

b. What

What is used in questions to ask about tings

or activities?


Are you interested in collecting


Construction with too and


The soup is too salty for me. –

Thehotel room is comfortable


1. What time

What time is used to ask for a specific time?


What time is?

What time does the movie begin?

2. What…like.

What…. Like‟ is used to ask about characteristics

of something or somebody.

c. Where

Where‟ is used to ask about places.


d. When

When is used for asking about a general or

specific time.


When did you come?

When does the train leave?

e. Why

Why is used for asking about reasons.


Why are you late?

Why are they leaving?

f. Which

This‟ is used to ask about things, especially

choices with a small number of possible answers.


How‟ is used to ask in what way.


How will she get here?

How is combined with many words to ask

questions about specific characteristics, qualities,

quantities, etc.

Question tags


You like tea, don‟t you?

It isn‟t raining, is it?

Hadi should try harder, shouldn‟t he?

Those men won‟t help us, will they?

The meaning of a question tag depends on the


a. If the intonation of your voice drops on the

tag, then you aren‟t making a question,

but you are asking someone to agree with


1. „He‟s very smart. He‟s got a lot of

knowledge, hasn‟t he?‟

b. If the intonation of your voice goes up on

the tag, it means you are making

questions. Examples:

1. „You haven‟t see Randy today, have you?‟

“No, I‟m afraid I haven‟t.


a. After „Lets‟…‟, the question tag should be

„shall . Examples:

Let‟s go for lunch, shall we?

Let‟s start studying, shall we?

b. After Don‟t…‟, the question tag is „will


c. After „I‟m….,‟the negative question tag is

„aren‟t 1‟?

2. Gerunds

A gerund is a word derived from a verb which is

used as a noun. Gerunds end in-ing (singing,

dancing, talking, etc). Gerunds may be used as the

subject of a sentence, complement ( predicate

nun), direct object , of a preposition, etc:

3. Too and enough

Too is an adverb of excess.

2 Expressions dealing with

telephone conversations

Grammar Review.

Personal pronouns

- I – me – my – mine - myself

Reported speech

- He said that you had to pay for

the tickets

- He asked you to pay for the


- He wanted to know if you

would be available inthe


- He wanted to know where you

put his umbrella.

Adjective Clause

- Do you know the staff who

will be promoted our new

division manager?


1. ( U2/GAE/pa28) Read the following text and answer the question.

2. ( U2/GAE/pa29)

Read the following text and answer the


Tips on Making Calls.

3. ( U2/GAE/pa30-34) Grammar in focus.

1. Pronouns

Personal pronouns.

Personal pronouns refer to specific people or

things. Personal pronouns can be used as the

subject and object of a sentence.

Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns are used to refer to a specific

person/people or thing/things.


Don‟t take the book on the desk. The book

is mine.

Reflexive pronouns

We use reflexive pronouns when we want to refer

bact to the subject of the sentence or clause.

Reflexive pronouns end in “self” (singular) or

“selves” (plural).

2. Reported speech

Reported speech is used to report what someone

says or said. There are three kinds or reported


a. Reported statement


Susan : I work in an office

Susan says that she works in an office.


Lia said “I want to bring my camera tomorrow.

Lia said that she wanted to bring her camera the

next day.

b. Reported commands


Father : do you homework!

Father told me to do my homework.

Teacher : don‟t talk to my friends when she‟s


c. Reported questions.


Peter : do you smoke?

Peter asked me whether/if I smoked?

Relative/Adjective clause.

a. Whose We use whose in relative clauses

instead of possessive pronouns (

his/her/their) :

We saw some people. Their car had broken down.

We saw some people whose car had broken down.

b. Whom is possible instead of whom (for

people) when it is the object of the verb in

the relative clause.

c. You can use where in a relative clause to

talk about a place.

The hotel wasn‟t very clean. We stayed there.

The hotel where we stayed wasn‟t very clean.

d. We use that when we say the day/the

year/the time that something happened.

The concert that we all went to was held last


e. You can say the reason why something

happens or the reason that something

happens. You can also leave out why and


The reason (why/what) I‟m phoning you are to

invite you to party.

3 Telling about people‟s job using

the Simple present tense:

- A cook prepares food.

- Pilots fly aeroplanes.

Telling about people‟s

educational background using

the Simple past tense.

- She graduated from SMKN 8


- The new secretary learned

shorthand at the college.

Samples of curriculum vitae

Expressing facts and figures :

- The graph shows that

Unit 3 Looking for a job

1. ( U3/GAE/pa49)

Activity 8.

Take a look at this advertisement, and then answer

the following question.

Consumer products sales manager

1. ( U3/GAE/pa51)

Activity 9

Study the application letter below carefully.

2. ( U3/GAE/pa52)

Activity 10

Read the reading text below, and then answer the

following questions.

3. ( U3/GAE/pa52)


population growth has been high

this last decade.

- The latest data show that

about three billion rupiahs have

been spent for the construction

of the factory.

Grammar in Focus

Simple present Tense.

Simple present tense is used when:

The action general

The action happens all the time, or


4 Telling about past events

- I saw the crowds were helping

the accident victim.

- We had locked the room when

she came.

Telling about future plans

- The meeting will be over at

two PM.

- When you arrive at the office, I

will be conducting a meeting.

Sample of a personal letter

(telling about past and future


Grammar review:

Relevant tenses


1. ( U4/GAE/pa67)

Activity 10

Read the letter below

2. ( U4/GAE/pa69)

Activity 12

Read the following text.


3. ( U4/GAE/pa70-72)

Grammar in focus.

1. Simple Future Tense.

Pattern 1

Subject + shall/will + verb + (object) + adverb of

future time.

Pattern 2

Subject + to be + going to + (object) adverb of

future time.

2. Simple Past Tense.

We use the simple past to talk about past events.

The pattern

( + ) Subject + Verb + Object + Modifier

( - ) Subject + auxiliary verb (did) + not + Verb +

Object + Modifier

( ? ) Auxiliary verb (did) + Subject + Verb +

Object + Modifier?


I want to the cinema last night.

She did not go to school yesterday.

Did your homework?


5 Giving invitations

- Would you like to come to my

place for dinner tonight, please?

- With pleasure.

- I‟m afraid I can‟t, I‟ve already

got an appointment.


- Is there any discount for this


- How about fifty thousand


Expressing certainty

- I‟m sure that it‟s going to rain

this afternoon.

- It must be him who called.

UNIT 5 which do you prefer?

Activity 6

1. ( U5/GAE/pa91)

Read the text and answer the questions.

( U5/GAE/pa93)

Grammar in Focus.

1. Concessive conjunctions

Concessive conjunctions are conjunctions which

introduce concessive clauses to create a

relationship between two or more pieces of


The most common concessive conjunctions are

although, even though, while, whereas, in spite of

(the fact that), despite (the fact that).

2. Used to.


Giving and responding to


- Fantastic!

- You look beautiful tonight.

- Thank you.

Expressing opinions

- I think that‟s not true.

- What I have in my mind is that




-You‟re right.

-I‟m afraid you‟ve got wrong

information, Sir.

Expressing argument

-Yes, but don‟t forget ...

-That may be so but ...

Grammar review

There are two constructions of “used to” which

have different meaning. Study the explanation


a. Used to + V

This construction is used to talk about something

that happened regularly in the past, but no longer


To form a negative sentence, we use “didn‟t” use

to “used to not”


Did you use to eat a lot of candies when

you were a child?

Did you use to be a guitar player in a


b. Bee/get used to + V-ing

This construction is used to talk about something

that is not new or strange for somebody.

3. Expressing preferences

6 Expressions used in describing


- First, ...

- Next, ...

- Then...

- Finally ...

Expressions used in asking for

and giving suggestions and


- What do you recommend for a


- You‟d better see a doctor.

Expressions used in asking

necessity and obligation:

- We must be there before the

boss comes.

- It is necessary for us to be

there on time.

Expressions used in persuading

and convincing:

- Why don‟t you try our special

drink bandrek to warm up your


- If I were you, I would …

- I‟m sure you are on the right


- I bet you could do it.

Grammar review:

− Degrees of comparison

− Imperatives

- Don‟t smoke at the petrol


UNIT 6 what is the next step?

1. ( U6/GAE/pa108)

Activity 6

Read the text and answer the following questions.

How to Make a Cake.

1. ( U6/GAE/pa109)

Read the following text carefully and answer the

following questions.

2. (U6/GAE/pa109)

Activity 7

How to Make Chocolate.

3. ( U6/GAE/pa9110-114)

Grammar in focus.

1. Degrees of comparison.

Study these sentences carefully.

Ani is tall. ( positive)

Dery is trailer.(comparative)

There are some rules we should pay attention to in

comparison of adjectives.

a. Comparative and superlative forms.

The comparative form of adjective is used to

compare two things. However, the superlative

form of adjectives is used when one thing is

compared to a group of three are more things.

1. One or two syllables adjectives are used

with er- in the comparative and-est. in the


2. When adjective have three or more

syllables, the comparative is formed with

more and superlative if formed with most.

2. Expressions of Requests.


- Keep silent; the baby is

Sleeping Requests are commonly used to ask someone to

do something.

Would you mind if + S + V2

I wonder if you could….

3. Expression of Obligations.

a. Positive obligations

4. Expressions of Giving Advice and


From the table above, it can be seen that there are 6 unit reading materials in this

textbook. Then the researcher analyzed the appropriateness of reading materials in the

textbook and reading material in the syllabus of KTSP curriculum. Some of the materials

are not relevant to syllabus KTSP.

In the unit 1 of the book "Get along with English" has a theme entitled "Daily

activities". In this chapter of the book "Get along with English" discusses the four skills

they are Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The Reading section of the book

discusses "Bunaken: breaking underwater life, besides in this book also discusses the"

Grammar in focus ". In this material there are several kinds of materials on grammar in

focus, including" Yes-No Question "," informative Question, Question tags. There are 4

skills in the syllabus, namely Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening. In the Reading

section discusses "Talking about hobbies and interests", "Guest handling", "Yes-no

question", constructions with questions word "," gerund as subject and objects ","

Gerunds as complement "," gerund after the preposition " "Construction with too


In unit 2 of the book "Get along with English" has a theme entitled "Talking on

the phone". In this chapter of the book "Get along with English" discusses the four skills

of which there Reading, Listening, Speaking, And Writing. The Reading section of the

book discusses the "understanding expressions used in telephone conversations". In

addition, the book also discusses the material on "Tips on making calls". This material

provides troubleshooting tips while making correct telephone calls were correct, but it is

also the material is about "Grammar in focus" in this material there are several kinds of

materials on " Grammar in focus "among others that of" pronouns "pronouns here divided

into several types, namely, personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronoun,

and no materials are also discussing the" Reported speech "here is also divided into

several types, namely, Reported statement, Reported commands, Reported questions, is

also the material in this book that discusses the relative / adjective clause. In the syllabus

there are 3 skills, namely Listening, Speaking, and Writing. There is no reading material

in syllabus, but some material is about "Expression dealing with telephone

conversations", "personal pronouns", "Reported speech", "adjective clause".

In unit 3 of the book "Get along with English" has a theme entitled "Looking for a

job" in this chapter of the book "Get along with English" "discusses the four skills of

which there Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The Reading section of the book

discusses the "consumer products sales manager". In the material is about how sales

works better. Besides the material in the book "Get along with English" discusses about

"Grammar in focus", in this matter there are several kinds of material on "the simple

present tense" and some also examples of "simple present tense”. There are 4 skills in the

syllabus, namely Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Listening. The Reading section

discusses "Telling people about the job", "Telling about educational background using

simple present tense”, and giving a sample of curriculum vitae,"

In unit 4 of the book "Get along with English" has a theme entitled "What is your

plane?" In this chapter of the book "Get along with English" discusses the four skills of

which there Reading, Listening, Speaking, And Writing. At the Reading of the book "Get

along with English" discuss "Read the letter". In of the material discussed about the

holiday of a friend and they are going on holiday together and intend to make planning

from now. This addition also discuss about "competition" which contains their

competencies while they are on vacation with their friends. In addition "Get along with

English" also discusses about the "Grammar in focuses" section of this material there are

several kinds of materials on "Simple present tense". This section gives an example in

several kinds also. There are 4 skills in the syllabus, namely Speaking, Reading, Writing,

and Listening. In the Reading section discusses "Telling about past events", "Telling

about future plants", "Sample of a personal", "and Grammar review".

In unit 5 of the book "Get along with English" has a theme entitled "Which do

you prefer?, this chapter of the book "Get along with English" discusses the four skills of

which there Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The Reading of the book "Get

along with English" discusses the expression of invitations. In addition the book "Get

along with English" discussed the "Grammar in focus”. There are several kinds of

materials on "concessive conjunctions" as well as examples and discussion, "used to"

accompanied by discuss complete and example as well, "expressing preferences "as well

as by example and discuss. There are 4 skills in the syllabus, namely Speaking, Reading,

Writing, and Listening. The Reading section discusses "Giving invitations",

"Bargaining", "expressing certainly", Giving and responding "," expressing opinions ","

Expressing agreement / disagreements, "expressing argument" and "Grammar”.

In unit 6 of the book, "Get along with English" has a theme entitled "What is the

next step?" In this chapter of the book discusses the four skills. They are Reading,

Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The Reading of the book "Get along with English"

discuss, "how to make" this material discusses how to make a cake by making no move

pace as well, and also discussed "how to make chocolate" also talks about how to stride

true and correct, the book also discusses the "Grammar in focus" on the matter is there

are several kinds of materials on "degrees of comparison", "Comparative and superlative

forms", "Expressions of Requests", Expressions of Obligations ", and" Expressions of

Giving advice and suggestions. There are 4 skills in the syllabus, namely Speaking,

Reading, Writing, and Listening. The Reading section discusses "Expressions used in

describing processes", "Expressions used in asking for and giving suggestions and

advice", "Expressions used asking necessity and obligation", "Grammar review"

2. Strengths and weaknesses of the textbook “Get along with English”

Based on interview with the teacher, the textbook has some strengths and

weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses are described in the following table:

a. Strengths

Table 4.2 Strengths of the textbook No Strengths Teacher Student

1. Vocabulary, language


Make it easier for

teachers in delivering

the material to the


Students can

understand the

vocabulary in the

textbook easier. 2. The structure of the book


To facilitate teachers

in teaching

To facilitate students

in learning. 3. There is a supplementary

material in the form of

CD books, so that

students can learn the

vocabulary that is in the

book or pronunciation.

Make it easier for

teachers in presenting

material to students

and facilitate teachers

to teach students in

the form

Students can


pronunciation by

listening to the audio

and can understand

the vocabulary in

pronunciation. English. 4. each unit is no evaluation

of its

Teachers can monitor

the extent to which

the student's ability to

understand the book.

Student can be

measure to capable in

myself with the

evaluation 5. The book contained unit

Learning objectives so

that teachers can know

what will be discussed

and what will be


Teachers can find out

what will be covered

and what will be


Students can

determine the extent

of which will be

discussed in the book.

6. In each of his books there

is a glossary or

vocabulary is difficult

To facilitate teachers

to teach difficult

vocabulary in the


Students can easily

learn vocabulary.

7. The combination of

colors of each unit on the

book unsightly.

Eyes are not tired

when teachers teach

students with a lot of


Students learn at

home because of the

color of the book is


8. In each unit there is an

image so that students

easily understand the


To facilitate teachers

to discuss the material

that will be taught.

Make it easier for

students to understand

the material

9. 10. At the beginning of

the book there are

guide books usage

Teachers will be more

understanding in

presenting the


Can understand the

use of the book.

From the table above, it can be seen that there are some strengths of the textbook

by interviewing with the teacher and student about the textbook in SMK YP Colomadu.

Based on the interview the teacher answering about if you ask me, because I‟ve

learned all this in textbook, this excess is used in everyday vocabulary student can

understand clearly the students with their vocabulary, this example eating, drinking etc. in

addition the structure of the textbook with earnest, because this book to benchmark their

learning and affect learning.

Based on the interview the teacher and student discuss about the structure of the

textbook the teacher said that the structure in the sense that students will easily understand

if there is a stroke in the book, including 4 of this skill, like reading, writing, speaking,


Based on the interview, the teacher and student discuss about the supplementary

material in the form of CD books, so that students can learn the vocabulary or pronunciation

that is the book. It makes easier for teachers to teach students in the form pronunciation.

Student can understand about pronunciation and vocabulary by listening to the audio. Here

the teacher has a responsibility where their students need to learn well with their CD as a

supplement of their learning vocabulary though.

Based on the interview the teacher and student can discuss about evaluation of the

textbook "Get along with English". The teachers can monitor the extent of the student's

ability in understanding the book. The students can measure their ability with the evaluation

that is certainly in this book especially in each unit evaluation. The student can measure

their own abilities, in this case the teacher monitor the extent.

The textbooks some unit learning objectives, so that the teachers can know what

will be discuss and be expected. Teachers can find out what will be covered and what will

be expected. Students can determine the extent of the material that discuss in the book.

There is a glossary in this book, so the teacher can teach the explanation.

Based on the interview with teacher and student, each of the books there is glossary or

the explanation of difficult vocabulary. The teacher discusses the difficult vocabulary in the

book. Student can easily learn vocabulary. The teacher said that he is very happy to use this

this book because will more a easy to the understand in deep the material of the textbook,

expect advantage for student can understand to use textbook.

The textbook” Get along with English” that has unsightly combination of colors

in each unit on the book. The color combination such as this very good, the colors are so

bright and beautiful. Student learns at home because of the interactive color. The student

and teachers have spirit to study. The cover of this book is very suitable for them in learning

activities take place.

Based on the interview the student and teacher discuss the part of beginning

textbook. There is guide book usage for the teacher. Teachers will be more understanding in

presenting the material. The student can understand in using the textbook” Get along with


Based on the interview the teacher discuss that there is an image each unit. It

makes students easily understand the material. It also facilitates teachers to discuss the

material that will be taught.

Based on the table there are nine strengths of this textbook. The strengths of the

textbook are concluded from the teacher and students point of view. The researcher did the

interview to a teacher and 3 students.

b. Weaknesses

Table 4.3 Weaknesses of the textbook

No Weaknesses Teachers Students

1. Some materials are

not relevance with

the syllabus.

The teacher

should seek

material from textbooks

The students

confused with

material that is

not in accordance

with the syllabus

he students can

2. Not provided

sheets liable in any

The teacher

Should provide

The students will

be confused to

Based on the table there are three weaknesses of this textbook. The weaknesses of the

textbook are concluded from the teacher and students point of view. The researcher did the

interview to the teacher and 3 students.

Based on the interview, some materials are not relevant with the Syllabus; the teacher

should seek material from textbooks. The teacher is also confused with material that is not accord

with the syllabus. The material in this book is not in accord with the material in the syllabus, so this

also confuses. The teacher must seek material from book or other sources. Student will also be

confused with material that is not in accord with the syllabus.

Based on the interview with the teacher and student there should provide sheets in any

existing text. The teacher should provide the answer sheets. The student will be confused to use a

separate answer sheet, the reading text and answer will be separated. In the interview with the

teacher and student, the textbook does not include the answer will be separated.

C. Discussion

After analyzing the English textbook “Get along with English” for vocational high

school Grade X1, the researcher divided the explanation into two parts of, they were: the

relevance of reading materials to the reading in syllabus KTSP, strengths and weaknesses.

Here is the more explanation from the research finding:

1. The appropriateness of Reading materials in Syllabus KTSP Curriculum.

existing text. the answer sheets use a separate

answer sheet, for

reading and

answers will be


3. The book does not

include the answer


The teacher is

difficult if there is

no answer key,


sometimes the

ability and


The students Will

be difficult to

know whether it

is right or wrong

when answering.

After analyzing the textbook, the researcher discusses the content of the “Get

along with English” textbook and the syllabus.

U1/GAE/pa8 “Bunaken: Breathtaking Underwater Life”

In the Material, the students should read the text. After the students read the text,

they are asked to answer questions based on the text. The material is appropriate with the

Syllabus. Because the materials are supported in syllabus and the materials in the

textbook are simple to understanding.

(U1/GAE/pa10”Grammar in Focus”

In the Material, the students should read the text about Grammar in Focus. After

the students read the text about the Grammar Focus, the material will be continued about

the example of the “Yes –No Question” Yes-No Question are the simplest type of question.

They can simply be answered “yes” or” no”. “Informative question” Informative

questions are used to ask about qualities, people, time, etc. They consist of who, where,

what, when, which, and how, that are usually called WH-question. Most WH-question

begins with a question word+ auxiliary + subject + verb. They are asked to answer the

questions based on the material about the Grammar Focus. The material is appropriate

with the Syllabus. Grammar focus in the textbook explanation is good and the words are

also simple understanding.



In the Material the students should read the text about “Talking on the Phone”.

After the students read the text about the Talking on the phone, the material will be

continued about answering the question. They are asked to answer the questions based on

the material about the Talking on the phone. The material is appropriate with the

Syllabus, because the materials discuss about “talking on the phone” and materials

textbook there is syllabus and the materials to be understood.


In the Material the students should read the Material about the Grammar in focus.

After the students read the Material about the Grammar in focus, and the material will be

continued about the Example for Grammar in focus, and the next material discusses about

pronouns. Possessive pronouns refer to a specific person/people or thing/things.

Reflexive pronouns are end in “self” (singular) or “selves” (plural and reported speech is

used to report what someone says or said. There are three kinds or reported speech. This

material are about it and the material give example about this material. They are asked to

following the questions based on the material about the Grammar in focus. The material

is appropriate with the Syllabus. Because the materials about “grammar in focus” also to

understand and give an example every activity in the materials.


(U3/GAE/pa49) “Consumer products sales manager”

In the Material, the students should read the Material about the advertisement.

After the students read the Material about the advertisement the student will answer the

following question about the text. The material is appropriate with the Syllabus. Because

this materials discuss about “looking for a job”, there are syllabus, and also to



In the Material, the students should read the Material about the making a letter.

After the students read the Material, student will answer the following question about the

text. The material is not appropriate with the Syllabus. Because the materials in the

textbook discuss about study the letter, while in the syllabus is not discuss about study in

the letter.

(U3/GAE/pa52) Grammar in Focus

In the Material, the students should read the text. After the students read the text,

student will answer the following question about the text. The material is not appropriate

with of the Syllabus of KTSP curriculum. Because in the textbook discuss about

Grammar in focus, while in the syllabus did not discuss about Grammar in focus. In the

Material the students should read the text. After the students read the text, student will

answer the following question about the text. The material is not appropriate with of the

Syllabus KTSP curriculum. Because in the textbook discuss about Grammar in focus,

while in the syllabus is not discus about Grammar in focus.



In the Material the students should read the text about Letter, the Material, discuss

about the planning going in the visited. After the students read the text, student will

answer the following question about the text. The material is appropriate with the

Syllabus. Because in the textbook materials discuss about letter that relevant with the

syllabus KTSP curriculum.

(U4/GAE/pa69) “Competition”

In the Material the students should read the text about the planning who will there

is planning to visit. The Material discuss about this will going to place to consolation.

After the students read the text, student will answer the following question about the text.

The material is appropriate with the Syllabus. The textbook discuss based on the syllabus

KTSP curriculum and the story also that about “completion” form very pull to the reading

and each vocabulary is simple to be understood.

(U4/GAE/pa70-72) “Grammar in focus”

In the Material the students should read the Grammar in focus. The Material

discuss about some kinds the example about Simple future tense, and between various for

example about the using of “will” and be sides discuss about “simple present tense are

Pattern 1,Subject + shall/will + verb + (object) + adverb of future time” and the example

of question. After the student discuss the question “Grammar in focus about it, the

student will answer the following question about the text. The material is appropriate

with the Syllabus. The syllabus KTSP curriculum also discuss about “Grammar” so that

textbook to the distant with very clear until in step give in example, until the textbook is

very to understanding and learning.



In the Material, the students should read the text about communication. After the

students read the text, student will answer the following question about the text. The

material is appropriate with the Syllabus. The materials from textbook also discuss in

form of text to understand the expression of asking and giving opinions, the one in the

syllabus KTSP curriculum that very supported with them.

(U5/GAE/pa93) “Grammar in Focus”

In the Material, the students should read the Grammar in focus. The Material

discusses about some kinds of example about Simple future tense, and between various

example about the using “will” and “simple present tense” and the example the question.

The material of this book also discus about “Concessive conjunctions”. Concessive

conjunctions are conjunctions which introduce concessive clauses to create a relationship

between two or more pieces of information.

There are two constructions of “used to” which have different meaning. After the

student discuss the question “Grammar in focus about it, the student will answer the

following question about the text. The material is appropriate to the Syllabus. Because in

the syllabus KTSP curriculum is also discuss about “grammar” in the materials from

textbook. The syllabus KTSP curriculum is much supported.


(U6/GAE/pa108) “How to Make a Cake”

In the Material, the students should read the text about the procedure text. There

are the Material discuss about “how to make a cake”. After the students read the text,

student will answer the following question about the procedure text. The material is not

appropriate with the Syllabus. The textbook discuss about the step how to make cake, but

in the syllabus KTSP curriculum do not discuss about it.

(U6/GAE/pa109) “How to Make Chocolate”

In the Material, the students should read the text about the procedure text. There

are the Material discuss about “how to make a chocolate”. After the students read the

text, student will answer the following question about the procedure text. The material is

not appropriate with the indicators of the Syllabus. The textbook discuses about the step

how to make cake, but in the syllabus KTSP curriculum do not discuss about it.

(U6/GAE/pa9110-114) “Grammar in focus”

In the Material, the students should read the Grammar in focus. There are the

Material that discuss about the various kinds about Degrees of Comparison, and various

example of questions about this material with the explanation about some rules that we

should pay attention to in comparison of adjective “comparative and superlative forms”.

The next material discuss about “expression of result and then expression of requests”.

There are many other kinds of question. After the student understand about “Grammar in

focus, the student will answer the following question about the text. The material is

appropriate with the Syllabus. The textbook materials and syllabus are same to support

the discuses about grammar in focus. It also gives an example about it.

1. The not appropriateness of the reading material to the syllabus.

Page 51 unit 3. In the Material, the students should read the Material about

making a letter. After the students read the Material, student will answer the following

question about the text. The material is not appropriate with the indicators of the

Syllabus. The materials in the textbook discuss about study the letter, while in the

syllabus do not discuss about study in the letter.

Page 52 unit 3 “Grammar in Focus” In the Material the students should read the

text. After the students read the text, student will answer the following question about

the text. The material is not appropriate with of the Syllabus KTSP curriculum. The

textbook discuses about Grammar in focus, while in the syllabus do not discus about

Grammar in focus.

Page 29 unit 2 “Tips on Making Calls”. In the Material, the students should read

the text about “Talking on the Phone”. After the students read the text about the

Talking on the phone, the material will be continued by answering the question. They

are asked to following questions based on the material about the Talking on the phone.

The material is not appropriate with the Syllabus KTSP curriculum because the

materials are not supported in syllabus KTSP.

Page 108 units 6” How to Make Cake” In the Material the students should read

the text about the procedure text, there are the Material discuses about “how to make a

cake”. After the students read the text, student will answer the following question

about the procedure text. The material is not appropriate with of the Syllabus KTSP

curriculum. The textbook discuss about a process how to make cake and in the

materials is not a graft processing how to make cake, and the materials in syllabus

describe about processes how to make cake.

Page 109 units 6 “How to Make Chocolate”. In the Material the students should

read the text about the procedure text. There are the Material discuses about “how to

make a chocolate”. After the students read the text, student will answer the following

question about the procedure text. The material is not appropriate with the Syllabus

KTSP curriculum. The materials textbook discuses about how to make chocolate, and

the materials in syllabus do not discuss about how to make chocolate.

2. Strengths and weaknesses of the Textbook “ Get Along with English”

a. Strengths of the Textbook “ Get Along with English”

After analyzing the textbook, the researcher found some advantages book

“Get along with English". For example “vocabulary" included facilitating teachers

in presenting the material to the students and student can understand the

vocabulary in the book with easier. The teacher should teach the vocabulary


In the part of Vocabulary, and language daily, this textbook Make easier

for the teachers in delivering the material to the students. The student can

understand the vocabulary in the textbook easier. In the structure of the textbook to

the teacher can facilitate in teaching learning process and for the students can

facilitate learning.

There is a supplementary material in the form of CD books, so that

students can learn the vocabulary that is not in the book or pronunciation. It make

easier for teachers in presenting material to students and facilitate teachers to teach

students in the pronunciation. For the student, Students can understand

pronunciation by listening to the audio and understand the vocabulary in English.

In the part of each unit there is no evaluation until there is the teachers can

monitor the extent to which the student's ability to understand the book. For the

students can be measure to capable by their self with the evaluation.

The book contained Learning objectives so that teachers know what will

be discussed and what will be expected. The teachers can, find out what will be

covered and what will be expected. Students can determine the extent of which

will be discussed in the textbook.

The textbook “Get along with English” there is a glossary or difficulty

vocabulary. The teachers facilitate the student to teach difficult vocabulary in the

textbook. The student can learn vocabulary easily.

The textbook “Get along with English” has the unsightly color

combination of each unit on the book. So the textbook “Get along with English

“the teachers Eyes are not tired when teachers teach students with a lot of class.

For the students learn at home because of the color of the interactive.

In the part of the beginning of the book there guide book usage, for the

teacher Teachers will be more understanding in presenting the material. The

student can understand use the textbook “Get along with English”.

b. Weakness of the Textbook “ Get Along with English”

After analyzing the textbook, the researcher found some shortcomings of

the book "Get along with English" is, for example: The Textbook declares no

answer key, so publishing next the answer key included in the textbook.

In the part of materials is not relevance with the syllabus, the teacher the

teacher should seek material from textbooks. And the teacher also confused with

material that is not in accordance with the syllabus.

Not provided sheets liable in any existing text. The teacher should provide

the answer sheets. The students Pupils will be confused to use a separate answer

sheet, for reading and answers will be separate.

The textbook does not include the answer sheet. The teacher be difficult if

there is no answer key, because sometimes the ability and perception. The students

will be difficult to know whether it is right or wrong the answering.



This chapter elaborates any related literature with this study on analyzing English

textbook in senior high school. This chapter is explained and elaborated into several parts; those

are Textbook, Syllabus, English language skills and previous study.

A. English Textbook.

In this sub chapter, the researcher will discuss about definition of textbook, the function of

textbook, the benefit and the limitation of textbook and textbook evaluation.

1. Definition of textbook.

Textbooks are more economical compared with the other learning media. Therefore,

textbooks in learning process are still used although there are many learning media Longman

(1978; 1146) states that textbook is a standard book for the study of a particular subject

especially used is schools. Langenbach (1997; 563) says that in the strict case of term, a textbook

is a book that presents a body of knowledge in an organized and usually simplified manner for

purpose of learning. Moreover states that textbook is a book that is giving instruction in a branch

of learning. Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that textbook is an

economical book, that still for learning process which contains simple manner and learning

instruction in the schools.

Richards (2001:251) states that textbooks are key component in most language programs.

In some situations they serve as the basis for much of the language input learners receive and the

basis for the content of the students take part in.

Sharon (2005:75) writes that textbooks have long been foundation of classroom

instruction. It will influence the success of teaching learning process. Some important aspects

must be considered in making textbook. They are content of the instructional aspect, student‟s

cognitive development, linguistic development, and deductive demand. It means that the author

is required to master the subject matters and linguistic aspects. The textbook should be written in

proper language in order to help students and teacher understand it. Therefore, writing a textbook

is not easy because not everyone can do that.

Moore (1994:403) states that textbook historically has been the most commonly material

used in the classroom, and in some classroom it is the only source of information used by

teacher. He also states that a good textbook serves an important function in the classroom. In

addition, many textbooks tend to be general and rarely address the abilities, needs, and interests

of all students. Finally, in many cases, textbook contains much more information that can be

covered adequately in one-year course. It can be concluded that it is better for the teacher to

choose textbook better than other instructional materials.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the definition textbook is a standard book

for the study of a particular subject especially used is schools. In this thesis the researcher focus

on content analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

2. The function of Textbook

A textbook has many function for teachers in order to run the teaching learning program

well some functions of textbook are explained by Petty (1993;20-21) as follows:

a. The textbook must be interested and attractive toward the learners, so they will be

interested in using textbooks.

b. The textbook must be able to motivate the learners.

c. The certain of textbook must be illustrative.

d. The textbook should consider the linguistics aspect so; it will be suitable with the

learners‟ ability.

e. The certain of textbook must be related to the other branch of science.

f. The textbook must stimulate the personal activity of the learners.

g. The certain of textbook must be clear in written to avoid the children to be confused

in using textbook.

h. The textbook must have the clear point of view because it will be the learners‟ point

of view.

i. The textbook must be able to give the balance and emphasized on the value of the


j. The textbook must be able to respect to the difference of the individual.

From the definition above, the researcher concludes that the role of textbook is

important for teaching learning process.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the function of textbooks. And the

function textbook have to understanding about it In this thesis the researcher focus on content

analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

3. The Benefit and the Limitations of Textbook.

In this theory, the researcher will discuss about the benefits of the textbook and the

limitation of the textbook.

1. The Benefits of the textbooks

In teaching learning process have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on how they are

used and the contexts for their use. Richards (2001:254) explains the principal advantages of

using textbook:

1. They provide structure and syllabus for a program.

2. They help standardize instruction.

3. They maintain quality.

4. They provide a variety of learning resources.

5. They are efficient

6. They can provide effective language models and input.

7. They can train teachers

8. They are visually appealing.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the benefit of textbooks. And the

benefit textbook have to understanding about it. In this thesis the researcher focus on content

analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

2. The Limitations of the Textbook

However, there are also potential negative effects. Richards (2001:255) gives some

examples of the potential negative effects of using textbook:

1. They may contain inauthentic language.

2. They may distort content.

3. They may not reflect students‟ needs.

4. They can deskill teachers.

5. They are expensive.

Both the benefits and limitations of the use of textbooks are needed to be considered, and if the

textbooks that are being used in a program are judge to have some negative consequences,

remedial action appropriate guidance and support for teachers in how use them appropriately.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the limitation of textbooks. And the limitation

textbook have to understanding about it. In this thesis the researcher focus on content analysis of

textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

B. Textbook Analysis.

Cunningsworth (1995: 10) lists four main guidelines to help evaluate the course book: They are

as follows:

a. Course books should correspond to the learners‟ needs. They should match the aim and

objectives of the language learning program. Cunningsworth suggests that the goal of the

course should be laid our first and that a course book which matches the goal of your

course should come second. Another important point is that you should look to see if the

content matches the students‟ needs as well.

b. Course book should reflect the uses (present of future) which learners will make of the

language. Select course books which will help to equip students to use language

effectively for their own purposes. Things to look for here include authentic materials,

realistic situations, and activities that will help develop communicative skill and


c. Course books should take account of student‟ needs as learner and should facilitate their

learning process, without dogmatically imposing a rigid “method” cunningsworth

believes that student can benefit from being allowed to use their own style to learn. For

example, some students are visual learners‟, while others are aural learners. Students also

need to be challenged as it will help to motivate the students, things to look for in the

book include: quizzes, variety of topic and activity, lively and interesting presentation of

the book and self-check list.

d. Course books should have a clear role as a support for learning. Like teachers, they

mediate between the target language and the learner. The activities should promote

fluency and accuracy at a level that is appropriate for your learners. The course book

should also support the teacher by providing a teaching methodology or an approach to

learning, as well suggestion on how to use the material.

Waters (1994: 96) state that evaluation is a matter of judging the fitness of something

for a particular purpose. It is basically a matching process between two things to available

solution. If this matching is to be done as objectively as possible, it is best look at the needs and

solution separately. A book may be idea in one situation because it matches the needs of that

situation perfectly. To analyze the content of the English Textbook, the researcher will to analyze

is relevance textbook with the Syllabus “Get Along with English”

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the textbook analysis. The textbook

analysis has to four main guidelines to help evaluate the course book. In this thesis the researcher

focus on content analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

C. Textbook Evaluation.

Cunningsworth (in Richards 2001:254-255) proposes four criteria‟s for evaluating

textbooks, particularly course books, the criteria namely:

a. They should correspond to learner‟s need. They should match the aims and objectives of

the language learning program.

b. They should reflect the use (present of future) that learners will make of the language.

Textbooks should be chosen that will help to equip students to use language effectively

for their own purposes.

c. They should take account of students‟ need as learners and should facilitate their learning

processes, without dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”.

d. They should have clear role as a support for learning. Like teachers, they mediate

between the target language and the learner.

Cunningsworth (in Richards 2001:258) presents a checklist for textbook evaluation and

selection organized under the following categories:

a. Aims and approach

b. Design and organization

c. Language and content

d. Skills

e. Topic

f. Methodology

g. Teacher‟s book

h. Practical considerations

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the textbooks. Textbook evaluation is

useful in teacher development and help teachers to gain good and useful insight into the nature of

the material. In this thesis the researcher focus on content analysis of textbook used in SMK YP


D. Curriculum

Curriculum is the subjects that are taught by a school, college, etc. or the things that are

studied in a particular subject: languages are an essential part of the school curriculum

(Longman, 2004:384). Nunan (1998:14) states that curriculum is usually used to refer a

particular program of study. On the other hand, Richards (2001:2) states that curriculum

development focuses on determining what knowledge, skills, and values students learn in

schools, what experiences should be provided to bring about intended learning outcomes, and

how teaching and learning in schools or educational systems can be planned, measured, and

evaluated. Based on the definitions above, the researcher concludes that curriculum is a

particular program of the study which the goal is to achieve general skills and knowledge in the


The history of curriculum development in language teaching was started with the notion

of syllabus design. Syllabus design is one aspect of curriculum development but is not identical

with it. A syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instruction and lists what will

be taught and tested. Curriculum development is more comprehensive process than syllabus

design. It includes the processes that are used to determine the needs of a group of learners, to

develop aims or objectives for a program to address those needs, to determine an appropriate

syllabus, course structure, teaching methods, and materials, and to carry out an evaluation of the

language program that result from these processes. Curriculum development in language

teaching as we know it today really began in the 1960s, though issues of syllabus design

emerged as a major factor in language teaching much earlier.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the textbooks. Curriculum is the subjects

that are taught by a school, college, etc. or the things that are studied in a particular subject:

languages are an essential part of the school curriculum, states that curriculum is usually used to

refer a particular program of study In this thesis the researcher focus on content analysis of

textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

E. School-Based Curriculum.

In this sub chapter, the researcher will discuss about the definition of school-Based

Curriculum, content standard and graduates competency standard, standard of English

competency as a subject matter.

1. The Definition of school-Based Curriculum.

Mulyasa (2007;11) says that School-Based Curriculum as a curriculum in a school

developed suites the school level, the characteristics of the school and the region, the school

characteristics of the surrounding, and the characteristics of its pupils. In other aspects, Mulyasa

proposes School-Based Curriculum is the operational curriculum that can be arranged,

developed, and carried on by every educational institution that is ready and able to develop it

with the respect to the government regulation number 20, 2003 it‟s about National Education

System (SIDIKNAS) chapter 36, consisting of the following:

a. Curriculum development done with reference to the national standards of education to

achieve national education goals.

b. Curriculum is every level of school is arranged by considering diversification

principle with appropriate with local needs and conditions.

c. Curriculum unit developed by elementary and secondary schools and school

communities based on the competency standard (standard kompetensi/SK) and

content standards (standard Isi /SI) and curriculum guides created by the National

Education Standard.

It can be concluded that the foundation of School-Based Curriculum comes the Law

number 20, 2003, which is about national education standard.

2. The objective of School-Based Curriculum.

Mulyasa (2007:13) states that there are some the objective of School-Based Curriculum

which is the following general purposes:

a. Basic education goals are laying the foundation of intelligence, knowledge,

personality, noble morality, as well as independent living skills and follows further


b. Purpose of secondary education is to improve the intelligence, knowledge, noble

morality, as well as independent living skills and follows further education.

c. Secondary vocational education goal is to improve the intelligence, knowledge noble

morality, as well as independent living skills and follows further education.

3. School Level Based Curriculum (KTSP)

According to Nunan in Richard (1987), A curriculum definition can be seen from some

views namely, as a product, as a planning, and as a process. The first views curriculum as

product or sets items to be taught. At the second views, curriculum is seen as the sequence of

planning materials for teaching students. The last side views that curriculum as a process for

deriving materials.

According to Darodjat, (1994:83) curriculum is an activity that gives students the

experience (the student) under the guidance and responsibility of the school, both outside and

within the school environment. In other hand, Arifin (20011:182) assumes that curriculum is a

device of planning and managing about the goal, content, and materials and also a way which is

used as guidance in holding teaching learning activity to teach the specific educational goal. The

specific goal includes the national education goal, condition and potential of an area, educational

unit and students.

In 2006, Indonesia implements KTSP or Level based curriculum was a result of the

creation of teachers in school based on content standards of competency. Competency standards

are marked by giving the authority to the teacher to develop a new curriculum. Curriculum 2006

in more empowering teachers to make the concept of teaching learning that appropriate with the

needs and appropriate with the conditions of the school. The content standards has been covered

the structure, loads and hours of lessons (JokoSusilo, 2006-94).

F. Syllabus.

1) Definition of Syllabus

Syllabus is planning of teaching to manage teaching learning process and assessment the

result of study. Salim (1987:98) stated that syllabus is a set of planning and the arrangement of

teaching activity, management of class and the assessment the result of study. In curriculum

2004 (Kurikulum Kompetensi/KBK) defined that syllabus is a set of planning and arrangement

about the result of study. While in KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), syllabus is a

teaching plan in a specific subject or theme which covered standard of competence, basic

competence, teaching materials, teaching activity, indicator of competence attainment,

evaluation, and allocation of time and source of study. Meanwhile in 2013 curriculum, syllabus

is specifications of the content of language teaching which have been submitted some degree of

structuring of ordering with the aim of making the students to be successful in dealing with

various problems and challenges in his day, entering a better future.

It can be concluded that syllabus is one of important tools to guide the teaching learning process

more effective and syllabus is also a powerful tool to help students understand what‟s expected

of them and how they will be graded.

2) The advantages of Syllabus

Syllabus has advantages as an orientation in developing of teaching learning, such as making

lesson plan, management of learning activity and developing of measurement system. The

syllabus has many advantages to both student and teachers. The advantages of a well-organized,

specific and detailed syllabus are so prominent that many schools have even made the syllabus a

required form of communication between teachers and students.

It means that syllabus is resource of composing lesson plan for one competence standard or one

basic competence. Syllabus also has advantages as orientation to plan learning activity in

classical, small group or individual. Learning activity chosen to focus in source/media, materials

which is established in syllabus. Evaluation system in learning is always focusing on competence

standard, basic competence and also indicator which contained in syllabus.

3) The Principle of Developing Syllabus.

Syllabus is one of curriculum explanation and developing of curriculum which related to

learning activity that contains main learning materials. Most syllabus organize their content on

the basis of our main principle (Breen, 1987:83), they are: focus, select, subdivide, sequence.

There are many principles that underline of developing syllabus by Hamalik (2007):

a. Scientific

All materials and learning activities to be containing of syllabus must be correct and can be

responsibility in scientific.

b. Relevant

Level of difficulty and presentation of the materials must be appropriate with the level of

physical development, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual of students.

c. Systematic

Components of syllabus must relate to the functional in achieving the competence, standard, of

competence and basic competence that to be main reference in developing of syllabus.

d. Consistent

It means that there are consistent relation between basic competence, indicator, learning material,

learning process, source of study, technique and instrument of measurement.

e. Equal

Indicator, learning material, learning process, source of study and the syllabus of measurement is

enough to achieve the basic competence.

f. Actual and Contextual

Indicator, learning material, experience in study, source of study and system of measurement

must be attention to development of science, technology, and phenomenon that happen in reality.

g. Flexible

It must suitable with condition and requirement of society.

h. Attention to developing a students‟ need.

i. Comprehensive (contain of cognitive, affective and psychomotor).

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the Syllabus. The Syllabus is the syllabus is a

lesson plan or a group of subject or themes covering certain standard of competence, basic

competence, subject matter or learning, learning activities, indication of achievement, and

competency for assessment, time allocation, and learning resources. In this thesis the researcher

focus on content analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

G. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading in language learning plays an important role. It is one of four language skill that

students have to learn. It is assumed to be the central means for learning new information and

gaining access to alternative explanations and interpretations. Reading as one of language skill,

has given an important contribution to human life.

Through reading, people can get many useful and new information, ideas and inspirations

which can enrich their knowledge, and they can know about things happen in the world recently.

Reading can help or train people to wider their mind and point of views in facing and solving

matters happen in their life.

Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, the reader

has to perform a number of simultaneous task, decode the message by reigniting the written

signs, interpret the message by assigning meaning to the string of words and finally, understand

what the authors, intention was. In this process, they are three participants: the writer of text, the

text and reader (Celce and Olshtain, 2000:119). So reading is one of the linguistics skills that

people should have in order to communicate in English fluently and it is important to understand

information from the text and to interpret its meaning.

2. The Reading Skills

Most children can be materially aid by specific instruction in reading skills. They can make more

rapid improvement if they can be shown how to recognize letters and phonic elements, how to

discover familiar elements in the longer unfamiliar words, how to use context clues, how to note

details, how to find the main idea of longer passage, how to compare, evaluate, and visualize the

author‟s meaning, how to locate and utilize needed information, how to follow printed direction

and how to adapt approach and speed of reading both to the nature of the material reading and to

their purposes.

3. Types of Reading

a. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is reading longer texts, usually for one‟s own pleasure. This is a fluency

activity; mainly involving global understanding. The text is always to be read for comprehension

of meaning ideas, not for every detail word. For example, reading business books. There have

been conflicting definitions of the terms “extensive reading” (Hedge in Alyousef, 2006:66).

Some use it to refer to describe “skimming and scanning activities” other associate it to quantity

of material.

Hedge believes that extensive reading varies according to students‟ motivation and school

resources. A well- motivated and trained teacher will be able to choose suitable handouts or

activities books for the students. No one can deny the fact that extensive reading helps greatly in

“exposing” Source Language learners to English and especially when the class tome is limited.

Hedge briefs the advantages of extensive use in the following lines.

Learners can build their language competence. Progress in their reading ability, become

more independent in their studies, acquire cultural knowledge, and develop confidence and

motivation to curry on learning (Hudge in Alyousef, 2006:66).

b. Intensive Reading

In intensive (or creative) reading, Students usually read a page to explore the meaning

and to be acquainted with writing mechanisms. Hedge in alyousef (2006:66) argues that it is only

through more extensive reading that learners can gain substantial practice in operating these

strategies more independently on a range of materials. These strategies can be either text-related

or learner- related. The former includes an awareness of text organization, while the latter

includes strategies like linguistic, schematic, and metacognitive strategies.

4. Reading Material

As a skill, reading is clearly one of the most important, because the student often thought to be

easier to obtain information from written text by reading. According to Harmer, (1998) reading is

a model of language, reading texts provide opportunities to study language such as: vocabulary,

grammar, punctuation and the way to construct sentence, paragraph and text.

From the explanation above, it means that reading is one of important language that to be

mastered by students in the Vocational High School. To enable the students to master reading

activity, teacher of English should provide materials. The teaching materials which are suggested

by curriculum are reading materials which are not only suitable with the topic which is

discussed, but also good for students from the point of the setting of its message, the plot of the

thought, structure of the text, lexical characteristic and correctness of the language.

Reading material refers to any text or passages that bring certain message or ideas to be shared to

the reader through the process of reading activity preparing the material there are some aspects to

be considered.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the Reading. Reading is an interactive process

that goes on between the reader and the text, the reader has to perform a number of simultaneous

task, decode the message by reigniting the written signs, interpret the message by assigning

meaning to the string of words and finally, understand what the authors, intention was. In this

thesis the researcher focus on content analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

H. Content Analysis

Cole (in Elo and Kyngs 2007: 107) states that content analysis is a method of analyzing written,

verbal or visual communication messages. It is known as a method of analyzing documents.

Kippendorff (2004:13) defines concept of content analysis as follows:

Content analysis is potentially one of the most important research techniques in the social

sciences. The content analysis views data as representations not of physical events but of texts,

images, and expressions that are created to be seen, read, interpreted, and acted on for their

meanings, and must therefore be analyzed with such uses in mind. Analyzing texts in the

contexts of their uses distinguishes content analysis from other methods of inquiry.

Cavanagh (in Elo and Kyngas) 2007:108) states that content analysis allows the researcher to test

theoretical issues to enhance understanding of the data. Through content analysis, it is possible to

distill words into fewer content related categories. It is assumed that when classified into the

same categories, words, phrases and the like share the same meaning.

Based on the definition above, the researchers conclude that content analysis is a method that can

be used to analyze the documents which is appropriate with phenomenon. Borg and Gall

(2003:279-280) say that there are five steps in planning a content analysis study:

1. Specifying objectives

Content analysis is usually aimed at achieving one of the following kinds of objectives:

a. Producing descriptive information.

Most content analysis in education is aimed at producing descriptive information.

b. Cross-validate research finding.

Content analysis is useful tool to check research finding obtained from studies using other

methods, such as the interview.

2. Test hypothesis

Content analysis can be used to explore relationship and to test theories.

a. Locating relevant data

Anything connected with the phenomenon that interests the researcher can be qualified as

data for content analysis. Most content analysis studies in education, the relationship between the

content to be studied and the researcher‟s objective is clear and direct. However, the researcher

should prepare this or to provide information relevant to his or her hypotheses.

b. Gathering contextual evidence

The next step in content analysis study is gathering contextual evidence. The researcher

should establish an empirical link between data selected and the inferences that she plans to

make from these data. In the other words, the researcher should create a rationale that the content

analysis data are really related to her objectives.

c. Developing a data sampling plan.

The fourth step is developing a plan to obtain representative sample of the universe of

possible data that have been identified. Content analysis can be misleading if the researcher does

not use satisfactory methods for selecting the sample of content to be studied. In many content

analysis, all content especially pertinent to the research problem that are studied.

d. Developing coding procedure.

The content has been selected using appropriate techniques, a coding or classification

system needs to be developed for analyzing the content.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded the content Analysis. Content analysis is a

method of analyzing written, verbal or visual communication messages. In this thesis the

researcher focus on content analysis of textbook used in SMK YP Colomadu.

I. Previous Related Study.

To make sure the originality of the idea in this study, the writer will present several previous

studies that have relevance with this kind of study the researcher conducted. The first

relevance study comes from Muarifah in 2011 with the title of her study “The Relevance of

Speaking Materials in English Textbook Look Ahead for Grade XI to the English Curriculum”.

This article analyzes an English textbook entitled „English for Kids Grade 3’. The purpose of

this research is to know how much „English for Kids Grade 3’ a textbook used in Elementary

schools in Malang meets the criteria of good EFL textbook. The research design is a

descriptive-evaluative. The procedure of analyzing the data starts by analyzing the data based

on EFL evaluation criteria, then finding out how much each item of the checklist meets the

criteria of good EFL textbook and concluding the result of the analysis in the form of

percentage. The results show 60.86% of the textbook met the criteria of a good EFL textbook

that is categorized as adequately relevant to good EFL textbook criteria.

Second, this thesis is entitled “The Analysis of English Textbook” English on Sky 2 “Used at the

Second year of SMP Dharma Karya, Pamulang ” It was made by Imam Setiabudi (2010) from

the English Department of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta. Based on

the specific reading outcomes under the Reading Section in the General Guidelines and

General and Specific Outcomes for English Language in Jordan of 2006, the present paper

aims at analyzing the reading texts of the student's book in Action Pack Eleven to determine to

what extent the reading texts are authentic. Frequencies and Percentages are used to present

the results of the question of the study. The findings of the analysis revealed that the reading

texts of the student's book in Action Pack 11 have a high degree of authenticity. There is a

strong match between reading specific outcomes and the reading text's authenticity in Action

Pack Eleven. Such focus on authentic reading texts highlights the significance of the reading

skill in building the communicative competence of the Jordanian students at the secondary stage.

In two journals international and the thesis have many similarity, the first chapter 2 is underlying

theory. Their thesis is some discussion. It discussion the definition of textbook, definition of

textbook evaluation thesis and journal international describe of definition of textbook by

Cunningsworth (1995) and many other some classification about the theory. In two journals and

the thesis have similarity described of content analysis of the textbook. In journal international

and the thesis chapter 2 have similarity described of textbook evaluation, according to

Cunningsworth (1995). In international journal and thesis, there are some aspects about the

analyzed about the analysis English Reading.

In two journal international have many differently, the definition content analysis is not

some, and the describe of definition of content analysis is according to Babbie (1989) and one

journal is according to Berelson (1952). In two journal and thesis in step collecting data

and has differently method, and many other differently about the collecting data. In two journals

international has differently in designed as descriptive content analysis textbook. In two journals

international and the thesis have many differently about the analysis the data. In two journals

international and the thesis have many differently about the step of according to theory



In this chapter, the researcher presents the points of research method, namely the research

design, the setting of place and time of the research, the subject and informant of the research,

the technique collecting data, the technique analyzing the data and the trustworthiness of data.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher focuses on the analysis of the textbook content

entitled “A content analysis of English textbook “Get Along with English” for eleventh

grade of SMK YP Colomadu in Reading Material relevance to“Syllabus” in Academic

year 2015/2016. Textbook it’s relevant to Syllabus and then its textbook’s is strengths and

weaknesses. The researcher uses qualitative research. Qualitative research is the collection,

analysis, and interpretation of comprehensive narrative and visual data in order to gain

insights into a particular phenomenon of interest (Geoffrey 2006:399).

The design used in this research is textbook analysis of document analysis to gather the

textual and written documents that are provided within the textbook that was researched.

The researcher used this design because in qualitative research the document analysis is a

method that is widely applied for written or visual data with the purpose of identifying

specific characteristic of materials that are going to be analyzed in general form of

textbook, newspaper or any other host of documents. In this qualitative research, the writer

intended to examine the condition of materials that are provided in English textbook “Get

Along with English for Senior High School Students 11th

Textbooks”. With the help of

document analysis in collecting the data from the textbook, the researcher used descriptive

qualitative method in analyzing, interpreting and reporting the data that is described in the

English textbook. This kind of analysis was done with the help of words to describe any

detailed conclusion or interpretation in a less biased and subjective manner. This method

was found out to be suitable with the purpose of the research in examine the materials in a

written and visual data provided in “Get Along with English for Senior High School

Students 11th


In addition, the researcher intends to find the relevance between syllabus with textbook

“Get Along with English for Senior High School Students 11th

Textbooks” written by Entin

Sutinah, , Lis Nurhayani, N. Euis Kartini, Heri Mulyana, Nur Asyiah, Rachma F. kesuma,

Eka Mulya Astuti

B. The Data Resources

Sutopo ( 2002: 50-54 ) states that the content analysis research can be humans,

events or activities, place or location, things, various pictures and records, document and

archives. The resource of data in this research is Document the textbook entitled “Get Along

with English for vocational High School students 11th

year textbook written by

EntinSutinah, LisNurhayani, N. EuisKartini, HeriMulyana, NurAsyiah, Rachma F. kesuma,

EkaMulyaAstuti published by Erlangga and Syllabus. This document is studied, whether the

book is already relevant to syllabus vocational high school YP Colomadu, and what the

strengths are and weaknesses of English textbook “Get Along with English” used in the 11th

Grade of SMK YP Colomadu.

C. Types of Data

Qualitative content analysis can be used to analyze various types of data, but

generally the data need to be transformed into written text before analysis can start. If the

data come from existing texts, the choice of the content must be justified by what you want

to know (Patton, 2002). In ILS studies, qualitative content analysis is most often used to

analyze interview transcripts in order to reveal or model people’s information related

behaviors and thoughts. The types of data in this research are:

a. Reading text

Browne (2001:27) reading is an active and complex process which draws on the

application of a number of skills and knowledge about language and print.

b. Reading exercise

According to Harmer, (1998) reading exercise is a model of language, reading

texts provide opportunities to study language such as: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation

and the way to construct sentence, paragraph and text.

c. Grammar

According to Ur (1988: 4), grammar is defined as the way a language manipulates

and combines words (or bits words) in order to form longer units of meaning.

D. Technique of Collecting Data.

Technique of collecting data is a way that uses by the researcher to get the data

(Arikunto, 2002:136). In this research, the researcher uses document and interview to

collect the data. Document is something either written or film which researcher does

not prepare before or researcher does not take a role (Moleong, 2004:216). The

researcher collect the data from interview, syllabus and English textbook in Eleventh

grade students of SMK YP Colomadu in academic year 2015/2016.

The researcher collects the data from an English teacher and some of students of

SMK YP Colomadu. Then, the researcher asks for the syllabus and make the

interview English subject on the Eleventh grade students of SMK YP Colomadu in

academic year 2015/2016.

E. Instrument of the Research

The researcher used a qualitative research method. The researcher used the Syllabus to

know the contents of the textbook, and analyze the content of the textbook with Syllabus.

The researcher made a table about the indicator reading material of Syllabus KTSP for

Vocational High School in SMK YP Colomadu.

Table 3.1 Instrument of the Research

No Indicator Materi pembelajaran Kegiatanpembelajaran

1. Pertanyaan dengan pola

yes-no questions dalam

konteks kegiatan sehari-

hari diperagakan dan

dijawab dengan benar.

Pertanyaan dengan pola

question tags dalam

konteks kegiatan sehari-

hari diperagakan dengan


Pertanyaan dengan pola

question words dalam

konteks kegiatan sehari-

hari diperagakan dan

dijawab dengan benar.

Berbagai bentuk dan

ungkapan digunakan

dengan tepat untuk

membicarakan kegemaran

/hobi dan minat.


menangani tamu hotel,

restoran, travel agency,

dll. diperagakan dengan


Talking about hobbies and interests

Do you like fishing?

What do you like doing in your spare time?

Guest handling

- What can I do for you, Sir?

- Welcome to our hotel.

- I hope you enjoy the food.

Grammar Review

Yes – No questions

Are you a secretary?

Question tags

- The board meeting starts at seven,

doesn’t it?

Questions with question words

- Where does the boss live?

- Why do you come late?

Gerund as subjects and objects

- Smoking is dangerous.

- I don’t like fishing.

Gerund as complement:

- Her job is sorting the mail.

Gerund after preposition:

Are you interested in collecting stamps?

Construction with too and enough.

The soup is too salty for me.

- The hotel room is comfortable enough.


Answering questions

about hobbies and


2. Pesan (message) yang

diterima lewat telepon

dicatat dengan benar.

Pesan (message) yang

diterima secara langsung

dicatat dengan benar.

Expressions dealing with telephone


Grammar Review.

Personal pronouns

- I – me – my – mine - myself

Reported speech

- He said that you had to pay for the


- He asked you to pay for the tickets.

- He wanted to know if you would be

available in the afternoon.

- He wanted to know where you put his


Adjective Clause

- Do you know the staff who will be

promoted our new division manager?


3. Bentuk kata kerja

digunakan dalam Simple

Present dengan tepat

untuk menerangkan tugas

dan pekerjaan berbagai

macam profesi.

Bentuk kata kerja

digunakan dalam Simple

Past dengan tepat untuk

menerangkan latar

belakang pendidikan

berbagai macam profesi.

Curriculum Vitae yang

sederhana ditulis dengan



digunakan dengan tepat

untuk menjelas-kan fakta

dan angka (facts and

figures) pada suatu sajian


Telling about people’s job using the Simple

present tense:

- A cook prepares food.

- Pilots fly aeroplanes.

Telling about people’s educational

background using the Simple past tense.

- She graduated from SMKN 8 Bandung.

- The new secretary learned shorthand at the


Samples of curriculum vitae

Expressing facts and figures :

- The graph shows that population growth

has been high this last decade.

- The latest data show that about three

billion rupiahs have been spent for the

construction of the factory.


Understanding and

discussing diagrams

containing facts and


4. Ungkapan tentang

kegiatan masa lampau

dikemukakan dengan


Ungkapan untuk

mengemuka-kan kegiatan

di masa datang digunakan

dalam Tense yang benar.

Surat pribadi yang

menceritakan tentang

kehidupan masa lalu dan

rencana di masa depan

ditulis dengan benar.

Telling about past events

- I saw the crowds were helping the

accident victim.

- We had locked the room when she came.

Telling about future plans

- The meeting will be over at two PM.

- When you arrive at the office, I will be

conducting a meeting.

Sample of a personal letter (telling about past

and future events)

Grammar review:


− Reading for


dialogues, passages

5. Ungkapan-ungkapan

untuk menyampaikan

undangan digunakan

dengan tepat.


untuk melakukan tawar-

menawar (bargaining)

digunakan dengan tepat.


untuk menyatakan

kepastian (certainty)

digunakan dengan tepat.


untuk memberi dan

merespon pujian

digunakan dengan tepat.


untuk menyatakan

pendapat/opini digunakan

dengan tepat.


untuk menyatakan

persetujuan (agreeiing-

disagreeing) digunakan

dengan tepat.


untuk menyatakan

argumentasi digunakan

dengan benar.

Giving invitations

- Would you like to come to my place for

dinner tonight, please?

- With pleasure.

- I’m afraid I can’t, I’ve already got an



- Is there any discount for this shirt?

- How about fifty thousand rupiahs?

Expressing certainty

- I’m sure that it’s going to rain this


- It must be him who called.

Giving and responding to compliments

- Fantastic!

- You look beautiful tonight.

- Thank you.

Expressing opinions

- I think that’s not true.

- What I have in my mind is that ....

Expressing agreement/ disagreement:

-You’re right.

-I’m afraid you’ve got wrong information,


Expressing argument

-Yes, but don’t forget ...

-That may be so but ...

Grammar review

− Conjunctions / concessive relationship.

Constructions with “used to”:

a) be/get used to + V-ing

b) used to + Verb 1

− Noun clause as object:

- I never believe that

there will be another



− Answering questions

based on written


6. Ungkapan-ungkapan

untuk menggambarkan

proses kerja dan atau

berfungsinya suatu alat

dikemukakan dengan



untuk meminta dan

memberi saran dan

nasihat (suggestion and

advice) digunakan secara



untuk menyatakan

keharusan dan kewajiban

(necessityand obligation)

digunakan dengan tepat.


untuk meyakinkan dan

membujuk orang lain

(convincing and

persuading) agar

menerima pendapat atau

usulan yang diajukan

digunakan dengan tepat.

Expressions used in describing processes:

- First, ...

- Next, ...

- Then...

- Finally ...

Expressions used in asking for and giving

suggestions and advice:

- What do you recommend for a


- You’d better see a doctor.

Expressions used in asking necessity and


- We must be there before the boss comes.

- It is necessary for us to be there on time.

Expressions used in persuading and


- Why don’t you try our special drink

bandrek to warm up your body?

- If I were you, I would …

- I’m sure you are on the right track.

- I bet you could do it.

Grammar review:

− Degrees of comparison

− Imperatives

- Don’t smoke at the petrol


- Keep silent; the baby is



− Reading for

information: dialogue


F. Technique of Analyzing Data

Sutopo in Methodology Penelitian Qualitative defines analyzing data as a process of

organizing and arranging the data into patterns, category, and a set of basic classification so

the theme can be found and the research hypothesis can be formulated as what the data

advised (2002:96).

The researcher used an interactive model of analysis that includes main component,

namely the reducing the data, presentation data, and conclusion and verification. In the data

analyzing the data, the researcher applies descriptive qualitative research. Below, this is the

picture of the component in analyzing the data (interactive data)

1. Reduction the data

According to Miles and Huberman (1992:16), data reducing can be interpreted as

the process of selection, simplification, and transformation of the data to the field note.

This activity involves synthezing the information abstained from source of data into a

coherent description. In this step, the researcher analyzed content of this textbook that has

done to be read. Next step, the researcher wrote a coherent description from the

observation data. In the observation collecting data, the researcher analyzed the reading

materials of this book. In reducing the data, the researcher had been guided by her

purposeful because the result of data that is got by the researcher has been more in the


2. Display of the Data.

After the researcher present the data, the researcher analysis the data. The

researcher analysis the data based on her understanding. Indeed, the researcher writer

coherent description of the data. In this research, the researcher describes the answer of

the problem statement:

1. The researcher , gather all existing data, the research describes all the data Obtained

from documentation, it is the way how to collect the research of data and it helps the

researcher to do this research.

2. The researchers match with Syllabus Textbook, if the textbook is suitable / relevant

and what are strengths and weaknesses of the textbooks. The researcher uses

abbreviation like this:



U : Unit

GAE: Get Along English

Pa: Page

3. The researcher result of all the data already there is a match, then, matched with the

results of interviews with the teacher.

4. The researcher making conclusions about the outcome of a match book with


G. Trustworthiness of Data

Data validation in the descriptive qualitative research in conducted by named

trustworthiness. The common way used to conduct it is by using triangulation (Sutopo,

2002:78) that there are four kinds of triangulation: There are triangulation of source,

triangulation of method, and triangulation of researcher and Triangulation of theory.

This research use triangulation of the source data it is a triangulation which uses

many sources such as syllabus, and Textbook to validate it. The data taken from the

textbook was compared to the data that found in Syllabus.



A. Conclusion

In this chapter, after the researcher analyzed and discussed the data the researcher

will draw some concluding remarks based on statements of problem of this research, they


a. The researcher found that the reading materials in English textbook “Get along with

English for vocational High School Grade X1” published by Erlangga are appropriate

with KTSP Syllabus. There are not appropriate with syllabus KTSP curriculum, they

are: page 29 “Tips on Making Calls” , page 52 “Grammar in Focus”, page 108 ”

How to Make Cake”, Page 109 “How to Make Chocolate”

b. The researcher found that English textbook “Get along with English for vocational

High School Grade X1” has strengths and weaknesses as the textbook, The

Weaknesses are:

1. Materials are not appropriate with the syllabus.

In this book there are also shortcomings of this book, the book is not in

accordance with the syllabus, among which, page 29 "Tips on Making Calls",

page 52 of the "Grammar in focus", page 108 "How to Make cake", page 109

"How to make chocolate". The materials in the textbook are supposed able to

adjust the syllabus so that students can learn properly.

2. The textbook do not provide sheets liable in any existing text.

The textbook “Get along with English” textbook do not provide sheets

liable in any existing text. The teacher should provide the answer sheets. The

students will be confused to use a separate answer sheet, for reading and answers

will be separated.

3. The book does not include the answer sheet

The textbook "Get along with English" does not provide the answer sheets; it

should be in every book there such answer sheets so the students are not

confuse at the time of repeat.


1. Vocabulary, language daily.

The textbook explains the vocabulary used in daily activities, it helps the

students it easier to learn English.

2. The structure of the book is together

The textbook "Get along with English" describes the structure is the same

book, so students will be understand the structure intent here is four skills namely,

Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing.

There is a supplementary material in the form of CD books, so that students can

learn the vocabulary that is in the book or pronunciation.

There is a supplementary material in the form of CD or cassette books as

Listening, so that students can learn the vocabulary that is in the book or

pronunciation. It can also make the students to understand the material easier.

3. There are some evaluations of each unit.

The “Get along with English" textbook, so students can measured their own

abilities in terms the evaluation in this book is very good for all students

because it is very easy in their learning.

4. The book contained unit Learning objectives so that teachers can know what will

be discussed and what will be expected.

Teachers can find out what will be covered and what will be expected. Students

can determine the extent of what will be discussed in the book. So in this book is

a glossary Reviews their teachers so the teacher can teach well.

5. There is a glossary of that contain difficult vocabularies and their meaning.

The textbook "Get along with English" glossary included in it will also help the

student to learn vocabulary, and facilitate their vocabulary while learning about

the difficult vocabulary.

6. The combination of colors of each unit on the book is slightly.

The textbook "Get along with English" has a good combination color in its cover,

so that students and teachers are very nice when they are studying.

7. There are images of each unit that make students understand the material early.

There are some pictures in this textbook so that students easily understand the

material easily as it is being learned listening, so easy when learning some


8. At the beginning of the book, there is a guide book.

At the beginning of the book there are guide book to facilitate delivering the


B. Suggestion

After drawer the conclusion, the researcher has presents some suggestion as below:

the research, the researcher has some suggestion to share, they are:

1. There are some mismatch between the Syllabuses and the textbook; it's good, for making

the next to conform to its Syllabus.

2. There are some weaknesses of the textbook, including photo provided, answer sheets, it’s

good that the book should include the answer key in the textbook.

3. There is strength of the textbook, for example, its vocabulary; it helps in the increase

again her vocabulary for students to study harder.


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Transcript of interview

Responden : Gandi Agung Gunarso, BA

Location : SMK YP Colomadu

Date and time: 30 Mei 2016

Researcher : Assalamualikum bapak selamat siang ?

Teacher : Walaikumsalam wr wb, selamat siang juga? Ada yang bisa saya bantu.

Researcher : Iya bapak, sebelumnya saya minta maaf saya telah mengganggu waktu bapak,

begini pak saya mahasiswa dari IAIN Surakarta, ingin wawancara bapak

mengenai buku pegangan kelas 2 yang sekarang sedang bapak ampu.

Teacher : Iya tidak apa- apa mbak, buku yang saya gunakan saat ini “get along with

English”, yang mau anda tanyakan mengenai apa?

Researcher : Iya bapak, saya mau menanyakan mengenai buku ini, apa kelebihan dan

kekurangan buku ini menurut bapak?

Teacher : Iya baik saya akan jawab, buku ini memang mempunyai kelebihan dan


Researcher : Iya bapak baik saya akan mulai menanyakannya sekarang kepada bapak. Bapak

apa kelebihan dari buku ini, menurut bapak sebagai guru kelas 2 ini yang

menggunakan buku ini?

Teacher : Kalau menurut saya ya, ya karena saya memang sudah mempelajari keseluruhan

di buku ini saya, menurut saya kelebihan ini yaitu kosakatanya menggunakan

sehari hari , jadi siswa siswa dapat memahami dengan jelas dengan adanya

kosakata yang mudah.seperti contoh nya makan, minum dll. Selain itu struktur

bukunya sama .

Researcher : Oh begitu ya pak, klau mengenai struktur bukunya yang dimaksud itu

bagaimana ya pak, struktur yang bagaimana?

Teacher : Ya, struktur dalam artian siswa siswa akan mudah memahami jika ada struk di

dalam bukunya, diantaranya ya ada 4 skill ini, seperti reading, writing, speaking,

listening yang saya maksut struktur ya ini.

Researcher : Oh iya pak, baik. Selain itu kelebihan dari bukunya apa lagi pak, yang bapak


Teacher : Selain itu, buku ini juga terdapat bahan pelengkap yaitu berupa kaset cd

sehingga siswa dapat belajar listening dan bisa juga di sini siswa belajar

kosakata yang ada di dalm buku ini.

Researcher : Oh iya pak, di dalam setiap buku pasti aka nada yang namnya evaluation ya

pak, apakah di buku ini juga ada pak?

Teacher : Iya, iya tentu di dalam buku ini juga ada evaluationnya di setiap unit nya, jadi

siswa juga bisa mengukur kemampuannya sendiri, dan dengan adanya evaluation

ini saya sebagai guru, bisa memantau kemampuan sejauh mana siswa tersebut

bisa memahami materinya.

Researcher : Baik pak. Selain itu apakah ada kelebihan yang lain?

Teache r : Ya, di buku ini juga ada glossary nya.

Researcher : Kalau glossary di buku ini apakah di setiap baba tau unitnya ini ada semua atau

hanya beberapa unit ?

Teacher : Tidak, semua baba tau unitnya , semua ada glossary nya dan glossary nya ada di

belakan sendiri setelah materi materi .

Researcher : Keuntungan bagi bapak sendiri apa pak, jika ada panduan penggunaan buku di

awal buku ini?

Teacher : Ya, saya sangat senang menggunakan buku ini, karena saya akan lebih mudah

memahami dalam menyampaikan materi nya . selain itu keuntungan siswa sendiri

dapat mengerti penggunaan buku tersebut.

Researcher : Selain itu, apa buku ini menurut bapak apakah perpaduan warna sampulnya ini

enak di pandang pak?

Teache r : Ya tentu, karena dengan perpaduan warna seperti ini, sangat enak di pandang,

warna yang begitu cerah dan indah.

Researcher : Selain itu apa kah di buku ini disediakan lembar jawab pak?

Teacher : Nah ini yang tidak ada, ini akan menjadi kekurangan dari buku ini, apa kamu

juga ingin menanyakan mengenai kekurangan bukunya?

Researcher : Iya pak, saya juga akan menanyakan apa keurangan dari buku ini

Teacher : Baik. Di dalam buku ini tidak disediakan lembar jawab di setiap test yang ada.

Researcher : Apakah itu juga akan mempengaruhi sebagai ulangan ya pak?

Teacher : Tentu, ya guru harus menyediakannya sendiri dari sekolah . kalau mengenai

soal kunci jawabanya juga tidak ada jadi di buku ini.

Researcher : Selain itu apa lagi kekurannya buku ini ya pak?

Teacher : Ba materi di buku ini ada yang tidak sesuai dengan syllabus.

Researcher : Baik pak, kalu begitu saya akan Tanya sekalian, apa kekurangan dari buku kelas

2 ini ya pak?

Teacher : Ya ini di buku “Get along with English “ ini tidak disediakannya Lembar jawab

di setiap test yang ada, jadi ya para guru harus menyediakannya sendiri.

Researcher : Lalu apakah siswanya juga akan kesulitan ya pak, dengan tidak adanya lembar

jawab ini?

Teacher : Ya , mereka akan bingung menggunakan lembar jawab yang terpisah, karena

bacaan dan jawaban akan terpisah.

Researcher :Selain itu apakah ada kekurangan yang lain ya pak?

Teacher : Ada, termasuk materi di buku ini tidak sesuai dengan materi yang ada di

syllabus, jadi ini juga membingungkan saya, guru harus mencari materi dari buku

atau sumber lain .dan siswa kami pun juga akan dibingungkan

dengan materi yang tidak sesuai dengan syllabus.

Researcher : Kalu begitu berarti muridnya juga akan mencari belajar tidak hanya dari buku ini

ya pak,

Teacher : Ya benar, salah satunya tadi, guru harus mencari dari sumber atau buku lain.

Seain ini kekuranganya masih ada dalam buku ini.

Researcher : Baik pak apa lagi kekurannganya ya pak?

Teacher : Ya, buku ini tidak ada kunci jawabannya. Jadi ya guru akan kesulitan jika tidak

ada kunci jawabannya, karena kadang kadang kemampuan dan presepsi akan


Researcher : Oh begitu ya pak, kalau menurut dari murid sendiri bagaimana ya pak, apakah

ada dampak nya?

Teacher : Ada, murid nya kan kesulitan untuk mengetahui apakah jawaban yang mereka

jawab ini sudah benar atau salah. Jadi ya buku pegangan itu ada lembar jawanya ,

jadi kami guru tidak akan kesulitan untuk membahas suatu materi.


U : Unit

GAE : Get along English

Pa : Page